Y&R Transcript Thursday 5/5/16
Episode # 10915 ~ Adam & Chelsea question Sage's loyalty; the Newman family receive a surprise visitor; Marisa confides in Noah.
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: You're not alone, nick. You have -- you have a...
Nick: Sharon, wh--
Sharon: I can't stand to watch you suffer like this, wonder why your baby boy and your wife were torn away from you, when I can... you can move on, nick. And I can help you.
Victor: Well, now. So many visitors.
Marisa: Hello, victor.
Victor: What are you doing here?
Marisa: I'm here about Luca.
Victor: Oh. Your husband.
Marisa: Ex-husband. I followed him here. I know you met with him.
Victor: Yeah. So?
Marisa: What did he say?
Victor: He talked a lot -- a lot of drivel. That stuff doesn't interest me.
Marisa: Listen, you cannot trust him, victor. He's a much bigger threat than you realize.
Victor: Really?
Luca: You have the information?
Rodney: Cash first.
Luca: Good news or bad?
Rodney: I don't think you're gonna like what I found out.
Lily: Did you have anything to do with this?
[Fire alarm blaring]
Lily: Charlie, this is serious. Answer me. Did you pull the alarm like you did at the coffeehouse? Did you?!
Stitch: Hey! Should we be evacuating?
Lily: No. The kids pulled another prank with the alarm.
Devon: Hey, guys, guys! This is not a joke! There's a real fire downstairs. Let's go. Everybody out.
Stitch: Let's go.
Nick: Sharon, what are you saying? My wife and son are both dead. What could you possibly do to make that any better?
Sharon: By telling you the truth.
Dylan: Sharon. You okay?
Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine. I just need nick to know that he can't talk like he's lost everything, because the truth is.. the truth is... everyone here is here to comfort you. You're not alone, nick. Your family, your friends, your children -- they're all here for you, everyone in this park. You may feel like you're alone, but you're never going to be alone.
Victoria: She's right about that.
Noah: She absolutely is.
Summer: We're all here for you, dad. We love you.
Devon: Thank you for getting here so quickly. We appreciate it.
Max: Is the fire really out?
Stitch: It is. That's why the firemen let you back in.
Lily: Did it start in the kitchen?
Devon: No, it was in the server room.
Stitch: Devon and I worked with the guard and managed to put it out with fire extinguishers.
We'll make sure everything's secure, Mr. Hamilton. We'll figure out how the fire started.
Devon: I really appreciate that. Thank you. And, William, make sure that these guys get anything they need.
Lily: Were you scared? Everything's gonna be fine now, okay?
Max: I think you should say sorry to me and Charlie.
Stitch: Max, mind your manners, boy.
Max: We didn't do anything.
Stitch: Not this time, but after what you pulled at the coffeehouse, lily had good reason to question you and Charlie.
Max: She hates me, just like Abby.
Stitch: All right. Come on. Let's go talk this out.
Devon: Charlie, you seem awfully quiet. Are you okay?
Charlie: Yeah.
Lily: Are you sure? Because you seem upset, and I have a feeling that there's something you're not telling me.
We leave sage safely in your arms, lord. Please send your healing comfort to those she loved. God bless you all.
Victoria: Thank you for the beautiful service, reverend.
I will keep your family in my prayers.
Victoria: Thank you.
Summer: Hey, dad. Is there anything you need for me to do?
Nick: I just want to get out of here.
Summer: Okay. I'm gonna let aunt Victoria know.
Noah: I love you, dad.
Nick: I love you, buddy.
Summer: Is there anything you want me to do to help you wrap this up?
Victoria: No. Everything's been handled, but thank you for offering. I appreciate it.
Summer: Yeah.
Michael: So, I'll see you later, unless you've changed your mind about doing it so soon.
Summer: Wait, wh-what's happening?
Victoria: The reading of sage's will.
Summer: You're gonna do that today?
Victoria: I checked with your dad. He just wants to get it over and done.
Michael: Your office?
Victoria: Yeah. Um, unless nick wants to call it off. I'm just following his lead.
Michael: Hey. I think Sharon was right. He's got an incredible family standing behind him.
Victoria: Thank you.
Summer: Bye.
Adam: What are you doing here?
Meredith: It's nice to see you, too, Mr. Newman. Your father couldn't be here today, so he asked me to come in his place.
Adam: My father sent you?
Victoria: And just who the hell are you? [Slams table]
Luca: You found no dirt at all on Victoria Newman. Look, I'm not paying you to discover that she spends most of her time at the office or at her house or with her kids, all right? I could have told you that, Rodney.
Rodney: There's that dive bar she goes to sometimes.
Luca: Yeah, Hank's. That looked promising, but instead you sat outside and waited instead of following her in to the bar. Now we got no idea what she was doing in there. Yeah, she could have been slumming it and grabbing a drink, but what if she was meeting with someone?
Rodney: My instructions were to just --
Luca: No, no, no. I'm revising your instructions, all right? Listen carefully. Next time, go inside, see if she talks to anyone, and then get close enough to hear what gets said, all right? Easy enough. Do the job right or I'll find someone who can.
Rodney: Maybe if I knew what you were looking for.
Luca: Everyone has a weak spot, Rodney, okay? I make it my business to find out what it is and how best to use it to my advantage.
Victor: There's no need to tell me about Luca Santori. I know everything about him.
Marisa: Okay. Did you know that Luca is sleeping with summer?
Victor: That'll be over with soon.
Marisa: Maybe. But it's not just some fling. Luca is manipulating your granddaughter the same way he manipulated me.
Victor: Why did you come to tell me that?
Marisa: Because you can stop him. Luca's only using summer to get his hooks into the Newman family. I think you underestimate his ambition. He wants to sit in your chair, victor.
Victor: I got news for you. A lot of people want to sit in my chair. Let them try. Good luck to them.
Adam: Ladies, this is, uh, dr. Meredith gates. She's the staff doctor at Walworth.
Summer: You work at the prison? I-is grandpa sick again?
Meredith: Oh, no, no, no. No. Victor's doing really well.
Victoria: Well enough to send you to do his bidding.
Meredith: Well, that's a really interesting way of putting it.
Victoria: Well, what do you have for us, doctor?
Meredith: I-I don't know how --
Victoria: You must have some personal insight that you'd like to share about my father. You wouldn't have just come here to observe and walk away, would you?
Meredith: Victor asked me to talk to his family, to all of you, on his behalf. Um, but I can see that maybe right now is probably not the best time to do that.
Summer: No, no. We -- we have time.
Adam: Yeah, no. We have plenty of time. What did he want you to, uh, say to us?
Meredith: Well, he talks about you all so much I feel like I know you. He loves all of you, and he is really hoping that he can repair his relationships with you.
Chelsea: This is victor Newman you're talking about?
Meredith: Yeah, I know. He acts strong, but he...
Victoria: Please, don't stop now. Dad is strong, but...?
Meredith: You broke his heart.
Victoria: He broke ours. And he continues to do so with all the stunts that he's pulled. He probably didn't fill you in on any of those gory details, did he?
Adam: No. 'Cause the story he told was just his side of the story.
Meredith: Granted. Everything I know is only because of what victor told me. But I do know this. He really is looking for your forgiveness, and if you can do that, then maybe this family can start to heal.
Lily: Charlie, you know you can always be honest with me.
Devon: Well, you know, I hate to break it to you, lily, but there are some things that guys will never tell their moms, right, Charlie?
Charlie: Yeah.
Devon: But those also happen to be things that you can tell your uncle, 'cause I don't know anybody cooler than me.
Lily: All right. I'll leave you two alone for a little man chat.
Charlie: No. It's okay. It was just scary and everything -- the fire alarm, the firemen.
Lily: And that's it?
Charlie: Yeah. I'm thirsty.
Stitch: Lily doesn't hate you.
Max: She does.
Stitch: Max.
Max: She acted nice but she's still mad about Charlie pulling the fire alarm before. She blames me.
Stitch: Look, that's not true. Everyone knows you're a good kid.
Max: Not everyone.
Abby: Hey. I saw the fire trucks outside. Is everyone okay?
Stitch: It was a small fire, okay? No big deal.
Devon: So, did you guys find out how the fire was started?
We're still working on that.
Lily: And the server room?
It's been severely damaged. Any information on those servers was destroyed.
Devon: That's great. Our insurance carrier's gonna love that.
Abby: [Sighs] Dylan, hey. It's Abby. I'm so sorry to call you today, but, um, give me a call when you get this. Um, actually, better yet, meet me at the athletic club. I'll explain when you get here. And please, hurry.
Stitch: Hey. You're all worked up.
Abby: Um, a little. Yeah.
Stitch: Well, I -- [Chuckles] Don't worry. Max and I weren't in any real danger.
Abby: That's good.
Stitch: But that's not what's bothering you, is it? Hey. Talk to me.
Abby: You're not gonna like hearing this. I think max set that fire.
Marisa: You're obviously not taking me seriously. Do you not care that Luca is actively plotting against you and using someone you love to do it?
Victor: I find it ironic that this concern is coming from you.
Marisa: Me? This isn't about me.
Victor: Of course it is about you. You don't give a damn about the Newman family. You bounce from man to man until you find the right deal, the right circumstance. That is why you're with my grandson Noah, isn't it?
Marisa: I love your grandson. I love him.
Victor: Really?
Marisa: And I would do anything for him, really. Especially now.
Victor: What do you mean by saying "especially now?"
Marisa: This thing with sage is tearing him up. You being in here. He misses you, victor.
Victor: If that is so, then you give him a message for me.
Marisa: All right.
Victor: You tell my grandson that eventually I'll get out of here. And if he and the others would apologize for the egregious mistakes they made by testifying against me so that I end up in this prison -- if they say they're sorry, I'll forgive them.
Marisa: And if they don't?
Victor: You don't want to find out.
Victoria: My father claims that he wants our forgiveness, but he refuses to forgive us.
Meredith: Can you just give him some time?
Victoria: Do you know what my dad has been doing with his time behind bars, doctor? Every day, we learn a new lesson, courtesy of victor Newman.
Meredith: Yes, I know. He has been lashing out.
Victoria: He's been sabotaging his business, manipulating our lives.
Meredith: I know, but can you understand that sometimes anger is just a mask for somebody's pain?
Summer: Look, I-I think that dr. Gates is right. I mean, maybe if we showed grandpa some more compassion --
Victoria: We have. But he's determined to blame everyone else. Don't be naive, dr. Gates. My father doesn't want our forgiveness.
Summer: How do you know that?
Victoria: Because I know him. What he wants is for us to bow down and kiss his ring, and that's never gonna happen.
Meredith: So, I take it by your silence that you agree with your sister.
Adam: I think my father's gonna have to eventually realize that there are certain things in life that some people just can't get past. You can tell him I said that.
Dylan: The service was rough on you.
Sharon: On all of us.
Dylan: You got pretty emotional with nick.
Sharon: You know, he was in such a terrible spot. I-I had to give him some hope. He was in so much pain. I mean, I said what we all would have wanted to say, right?
Dylan: Yeah, you did. I'm proud of you.
Sharon: Don't say that.
Dylan: What? What do -- what do you mean? I mean, what you did for nick is just another example of the incredible, loving person you are.
Sharon: I'm just glad you were there with me.
Dylan: Me, too. I'm glad I made it. But I did have my phone off, so I got to check in with work, okay? Just give me one second.
Sharon: Okay
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Hi, nick.
Nick: Hey. I, uh, wanted to see faith and check on her. I'm -- I'm sure I scared her.
Sharon: Oh, you know what? Nikki smoothed that over. When they got home, they had a little talk.
Nick: Can I see her?
Sharon: She's so exhausted from everything. She's taking a nap, but if you want --
Dylan: Um, I was supposed to handle some business at the club later, but it looks like I'm needed right now.
Sharon: Oh. Okay. Be careful.
Dylan: Always. All right. I'll be in touch. If there's anything that you need from us...
Nick: I appreciate it. Thanks, man. I, uh -- I wanted to come by and thank you for what you said.
Sharon: You don't have to thank me.
Nick: No, I do. You're right. I'm not alone. And I'm sure sage is grateful that you reminded me of that.
Sharon: What are you doing the rest of the day?
Nick: I-I, uh, keep forgetting to tell you. I got to go over and, uh, hear the reading of sage's will.
Sharon: Oh. Why do I need to know about that?
Nick: Well, Michael said you need to be there.
Sharon: Uh, me? Why?
Nick: I don't know. Maybe she left you something. I don't know.
Sharon: Well, I-I can't go. I mean, the kids...
Nick: I'm sure my mom would watch sully and faith.
Sharon: Mm, I don't know.
Nick: Look, I'm sure it was awful finding sage, watching her slip away, unable to say anything. It might give you some closure if you heard sage's final thoughts and words.
Stitch: So, let me get this straight. You actually think my son could have started that fire? What the hell, Abby?
Abby: Ben, please don't be mad. Look, I have to do this. What if I'm right?
Stitch: You're not.
Abby: But it all adds up. That's -- that's why I called Dylan.
Stitch: Dylan?
Abby: To do some investigating.
Stitch: You got the cops involved? How could you do this?!
Abby: Dylan is our friend. I asked him to check the tapes, and then, suddenly, a mysterious fire breaks out in the server room?
Stitch: I know you're desperate to blame someone for what happened to our baby. Okay? But putting this all on max -- it's crazy.
Abby: No, no, no, no. I am not crazy. I'm not crazy. Just because you don't see what I see doesn't mean that I'm wrong.
Stitch: Okay --
Lily: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Is something wrong here?
Abby: Lily, let me ask you a question. Did max overhear that Dylan was gonna come here and check the surveillance video?
Stitch: Abby, seriously?
Lily: I talked to Devon about it, but not max.
Abby: Is there any way that he could have overheard?
Lily: I mean --
Stitch: And now you're gonna grill lily?
Dylan: Abby. What was so urgent?
Luca: So, how was it? How did it go?
Summer: Um, it was just really sad. My dad kind of lost it. But then, actually, Sharon kind of saved the day.
Luca: Well, what did she do?
Summer: She just talked. [Chuckles] And then, somehow, she turned this horrible moment into something really beautiful, actually.
Luca: I suppose nick's gonna have to take a leave of absence from Newman.
Summer: Yeah. Probably. Yeah, there's no way he's gonna be ready to go back to work right now.
Luca: Good. I mean, how could your father focus on business now, right?
Summer: Yeah.
Luca: It looks like, uh, Victoria will have to get by without him.
Summer: Yeah, actually, I don't know how that's gonna go. She -- she seemed so intense after the service.
Luca: Well, any particular reason?
Summer: Um, yeah. This -- this lady who works at the prison -- she showed up to the ceremony on my grandfather's behalf. And she stayed after to talk to us, but my aunt Victoria had zero interest in what she had to say.
Luca: Well, who exactly was this woman? And wha-- and what kind of message did victor have her deliver?
Summer: Why do you seem so interested?
[Door closes]
Victor: You wanted to see me?
Meredith: I changed my mind. I went to the memorial service, just like you asked.
Victor: I appreciate that.
Meredith: Well, don't appreciate it too much. I wish I hadn't gone. It was a terrible mistake.
Michael: Oh, shall we begin? I thought I'd keep this short and bypass the legalese.
Nick: I'd appreciate that. Thank you.
Michael: Uh, Victoria, sage wanted you to have a photo that she took of you and nick, and she had it framed. Um, "being an only child, I was deeply moved by the bond nick shared with his sister. The photo is a symbol of how fortunate they are to have such an extraordinary relationship, one that should never be taken for granted. Since I can't be there to comfort my husband, I'm counting on you, Victoria." For faith, sage has left the necklace nick gave her on their wedding day. "I'm leaving one of my most treasured possessions to the daughter I'd always hoped to have."
Nick: Faith will love that.
Michael: Sharon, sage also left something for sully. The vintage toy car victor gave Christian. "My little boy would have loved that car. I want sully to have it as a token of my gratitude and affection, because he was such a solace to me after losing Christian." Now, nick, sage left the remainder of her estate to you. She also left this letter.
Nick: [Sighs] [Clears throat] "Dear nick, I hope you won't have to read this for many, many years, but no matter when it happens, I don't have many personal belongings or money to leave you. Not that you need it. But there are -- there are three things I want to give you -- one more "I love you," one more reminder of our beautiful memories, and one more "thank you," not only to you, but to your family and to the friends who embraced me. They gave me the life and the home I'd always dreamed of having, and I will be eternally grateful for that. Finally, my love, never lose that amazing optimism which helped us both through the worst of times. You never stopped telling me we could find happiness again. So, here's my final request. Keep telling yourself that now. Because you deserve happiness, nick. Go find it. Yours then, now, and always, sage."
Victoria: Nick, do you need a minute?
Nick: No. Let's just finish this.
Michael: The only thing remaining is another letter. It's addressed to Adam.
Adam: Uh, thank you. It says "for your -- your eyes only."
Victoria: Well, that's strange, isn't it?
Chelsea: Well, I-I think that we should honor sage's wishes.
Adam: Yeah, I-I, um -- I tend to agree. Nick, I hope you understand.
Nick: Yeah. Of course.
Adam: Well, if there's nothing more, uh...
Michael: Our business is concluded.
Adam: Okay.
Chelsea: I'm -- I'm so sorry, nick. She was a wonderful person.
Nick: Thank you.
Adam: I won't say sorry for your loss.
Nick: Please don't'.
Adam: What I will say is that I'm angry. I'm angry that she never got a chance to grow old or raise that family that she wanted. Let's go.
Marisa: Hey. What are you still doing here?
Noah: Hey. I walked my dad -- hi -- to his car, and...I've just been lingering, said my own private goodbye to sage.
Marisa: Listen, if you need more time, I can --
Noah: No, no, no, no, no. I need you here. Where have you been? Sit down.
Marisa: Okay, well, maybe we should save this, um -- this conversation for later.
Noah: Maybe not. What's going on, Marisa?
Marisa: I went to see victor.
Noah: Why did you do that? You need to stay away from my grandfather, okay? He is toxic.
Marisa: I had to warn him about Luca and summer.
Noah: Let me guess. He wasn't the least bit appreciative.
Marisa: He had a warning for me.
Noah: Oh, another warning, huh? Stay away from me or else?
Marisa: Noah, I think he's getting out.
Noah: Yeah. Right.
Marisa: No, I think he meant it -- that he has some plan in the works.
Luca: I went to see victor earlier. What? What are you thinking?
Summer: That your reason for going there had nothing to do with me.
Luca: No, look, hey. It had everything to do with you, summer. Okay, look, I was -- I was trying to calm this volatile situation with your family. That's all.
Summer: Yeah, by going to see a man who doesn't like you? Okay, if he agreed to see you, it would only be to tell you to --
Luca: To -- to what? To stay away from you?
Summer: Yes.
Luca: Look, that's not gonna happen, summer. Okay, I'm not gonna do that. And you're right. He didn't listen to me. And he certainly never mentioned this woman.
Summer: Dr. Gates. Yeah. Why would he?
Luca: Because he sent her to the service to talk to your family. That means she's important.
Summer: She was just his messenger.
Luca: Oh, no. She must be far more than that. Can't -- can't you see that?
Summer: Okay, you know, this has nothing to do with us.
Luca: Look, your aunt, your father, everyone has been waiting for the other shoe to drop with victor. This woman is it.
Summer: Okay, so you think that my family should be scared of some random doctor.
Luca: No, I think your family should be leery of someone showing up as victor's ambassador our of nowhere.
Summer: You know, actually, that brings us to the real question as to why you went to see my grandfather. You wanted to be the one that he reached out to.
Meredith: So, summer -- she was a little bit more open-minded, but the rest of them really weren't interested in anything that I had to say. So, I-I tried, but I'm sorry, victor. I just -- I don't think I was any help at all.
Victor: But I'm very appreciative of the fact that you tried. Thank you.
Meredith: Well, I just wish it were a little more successful.
Victor: Well, maybe next time, who knows? Did this -- what happened today -- kind of affect you, or...?
Meredith: Well, I mean, being there, I couldn't help but think about my relationship with my own father. I saw that you can't just turn your back on your family and walk away.
Victor: No, you can't. I'm glad you realize that.
Dylan: Well, I'll see what I can find out about the fire. And, uh, stitch, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to talk to max.
Stitch: You're actually going along with this insanity? Come on, Mac! This is my son we're talking about here.
Dylan: Hey, hey, hey. I realize that. Let's just gather the facts so we can try to disprove Abby's theory.
Stitch: You could have come to me first.
Devon: Sorry, guys. I tried to keep max from this whole --
Max: What's going on here?
Stitch: I'm done here. That's what's going on. Come on, son.
Victoria: Sage's letter was...
Nick: It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. But I'm glad she left it for me.
Victoria: What do you think was in the letter she wrote to Adam?
Nick: I don't know. They played huge roles in each other's lives. They helped each other start over in Genoa City. They've been through a lot together. I can understand why she'd want to say goodbye to him.
Adam: Oh, my god.
Chelsea: [Gasps]
Adam: Sage knew I was Christian's father. She figured it out after he died. "The way you reacted when Christian died, your grief, it was like looking in a mirror, Adam. I realized you must have changed the paternity test results. I should have been furious, but I was -- I was grateful." She knew this whole time. She never said a word.
Chelsea: "I'm writing now to thank you for keeping this secret and not ruining my marriage and to ask you to never come forward with what you know. Adam, please, for my sake, don't hurt nick."
Abby: After that outburst, you guys probably agree with Ben that I'm crazy.
Lily: No, we don't think that, Abby.
Abby: Devon?
Devon: No, Abby, but max is stitch's son, so it's understandable why he wouldn't want to believe what you're saying.
Abby: Yeah, I-I understand it, too.
Dylan: I checked in with the firemen. They confirm that the fire was deliberately set.
Abby: [Sighs] No. I didn't want to be right.
Lily: So, what happens next?
Dylan: Fingerprints, we'll gather some DNA evidence. Whoever did this can't hide for long.
Luca: As much as I hate to admit this, I do want to be someone victor feels he can rely on.
Summer: Because you want to run Newman.
Luca: Look, I want your grandfather's trust professionally because -- because I want to protect your interests, summer, okay? And personally because -- because I care about you. I've seen how much this unrest in your family torments you. Nothing would make me happier than engineering a peace within the Newman family. You know, if I -- if I do that, maybe your heart will find peace and maybe your family will finally see how valuable I could be.
Summer: Luca, I want that, too, okay? I want that to happen, too. I do. But for now, just know that I value you. Very much, okay?
Max: Abby accused me of setting the fire, didn't she? But I wouldn't. I would never. Just like I would never do anything to Abby or the baby. I lost my mom. I-I know how much it hurts losing someone you love. I would never, dad. Dad, I would never.
Stitch: I believe you, max. I believe you. Come here.
Meredith: I never thought that there would be a prisoner who would help me get on the path to reconciliation in my own life. So, thank you for that, victor.
Victor: Well, I'm glad I was able to do some good.
Meredith: [Chuckles]
Victor: It's nice to know that you're trying to bridge the gap between you and your father. I tried that with my own father, you know? And when I did, it failed miserably. Anyway...
Nick: Vick, it would have been hell getting through this day without you. You saved me. Sharon, too.
Victoria: You know, what she said at the service was, um...
Nick: What about it?
Victoria: Well, Sharon was just so intense when she started speaking. It was like she wanted to say something but then she changed her mind. I don't know. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.
Nick: No, I think you're right. I think Sharon was just gonna remind me what it was like when we buried Cassie. I think her words were perfect, and there's nothing better she could have said at that moment.
Chelsea: I don't get it. Sage didn't want to acknowledge she knew you were Christian's father until after her death. She wanted that kept secret. But she -- she called you from the car right before her accident, saying she needed to talk about Christian, so what about him?
Adam: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe she discovered something new about the baby. What could it be?
Adam: Whatever it was that sage wanted to tell me, it died with her. And now, so will this.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: That was all you, so whatever fresh hell is about to unfold, don't you dare blame it on me.
Abby: Max is dangerous.
Dylan: The arson crew found evidence that the fire was deliberately set. I need max's fingerprints and a sample of his DNA.
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