Y&R Transcript Tuesday 5/3/16


Episode # 10913 ~ Victor spars with Jack; Billy challenges Phyllis; Victoria seeks solace from the drama in her life.

Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: It's like a message from the grave.

Adam: Now you know why I didn't tell Dylan what sage really said.

Chelsea: What did she mean that -- that she needed to talk to you about Christian?

Adam: I don't know. Maybe she figured it out.

Chelsea: How?

Adam: I don't -- I don't know. I mean, it's possible that she put the pieces together, right? And she found out I switched the DNA results. Maybe she was on her way over here to -- to talk to me. Maybe she just wanted to hear me say the words that I was Christian's father.

Nick: [Screaming] [Crying]

Paul: Sharon was the last person to see sage alive. I want to nail down her state of mind prior to the crash. So, are you sure she wasn't upset? You didn't argue with sage?

Sharon: No, we had a business meeting. That's all. I told you. Why don't you believe me?

Dylan: Okay, hold on. He does believe you. It's just routine.

Sharon: Being treated like a suspect?

Paul: Oh, come on, Sharon. I'm just... you know, I'm not trying to upset you. But it is important I know every piece of information so we can find out exactly what happened.

Dylan: Well, we know what happened. Sage was on the phone, she got distracted, and she lost control of the car.

Sharon: Sage was on her phone?

[Jukebox playing]

Travis: Dave. Hey, you can go home. I got you covered. When did this become the only song on the jukebox?

Victoria: Uh, you can blame me.

Travis: You.

Victoria: You remember me?

Travis: Hard to forget. And there was that $20 tip.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Yeah. Well, you did point out e7 and gave me the money for my song, so...

Travis: And it's still playing. Am I gonna regret that 25 cents?

Victoria: Just brings back a lot of memories.

Travis: Hmm. All sunshine and good times?

Victoria: Why would you say that?

Travis: Well, you left that big tip and then you took off before I could get you a tissue.

Victoria: It was just a lousy day at work.

Travis: And today?

Victoria: Another lousy day at work.

Travis: Work, huh? What's his name?

Phyllis: Have you spoken to Victoria?

Billy: You really think she wants to talk to the new owner of brash & sassy!?

Phyllis: Her brother just lost his wife. Business is not important at this time.

Billy: Come on, Phyllis. It's the Newmans. Business is always important. That's why the story always ends the same. Life goes on for victor and his family, leaving somebody else to suffer.

Jack: Thank you.

Victor: Well, well, well... to whom do I owe this unexpected pleasure?

Jack: I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but since you've shut your family out, discouraged contact, I thought you should be aware of something.

Victor: I may be behind prison walls, but I've heard about sage's demise. You wasted a trip.

Jack: I came here with the hopes that we could turn this tragedy into something positive for both our families, that we could set aside this cycle of revenge once and for all.

Victor: You know, sometimes a tragedy is just a tragedy. It shouldn't be used for any other purpose.

Jack: Your son just lost his wife. He's shattered. Nikki, Victoria, Abby, faith, Noah -- your family is grieving. So is mine. You didn't say anything about Adam. How did he take it?

Jack: Adam?

Victor: Are you forgetting that sage and Adam had a very special bond?

Victoria: Well, you're very generous with your quarters, but I think you should work on your intuition. There is no man in my life.

Travis: I'm sorry. It's none of my business why you're here or why that song gets you. How about that drink I owe you?

Victoria: Sure. Why not?

Travis: That's the spirit.

Victoria: Look, I'm sorry I overreacted. It's not really about work. There was a death in the family, and I'm -- I'm just trying to make sense of it.

Travis: Oh. This is where a bartender's supposed to say something insightful. Afraid all I can do is lend an ear. If you want to talk...

Victoria: [Sighs] I wouldn't want to bore you.

Travis: I don't think that's possible.

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Travis: Well, I'm guessing a job that sends you to a bar where nobody knows your name must be pretty important.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. It's really important. I work at a very big, important company, where all day long, I answer phones for Mr. Jones and ms. Smith and say they're not available when they really are.

Travis: [Chuckles] No wonder you need that drink.

Victoria: Yeah.

Travis: Well, I couldn't be chained to a desk all day. At least here I get to listen to good music, meet new people. I'm Travis.

Victoria: Uh, Tori.

Jack: I am aware that Adam and sage have history. I didn't realize they had a special bond.

Victor: Sage found Adam and nursed him back to health after your brother, Billy boy, tried to kill him. Her nursing him back to life allowed him to come back to Genoa City to his wife, Chelsea, and his little boy, Connor. They are his destiny.

Jack: If you and I have learned anything, it is that a man controls his own destiny. That is why I'm here. You and I have the power to stop the pain for both of our families rather than using that pain to create more power, to perpetuate more revenge. It is no secret that you want your family to suffer for turning against you. Well, rest assured, they are suffering now.

Victor: I am sorry for sage's death.

Jack: But you're not sorry for setting in motion the sale of brash & sassy! To Billy, of all people, and throwing it in Victoria's face. That could be the death blow for their relationship.

Victor: Really? Well, that nearly breaks my heart.

Jack: So, we just go on like this, both families poisoned against each other? We can stop this. We should. Now.

Victor: Your brother, Billy boy, and your sweet, innocent wife went after my company, tried to destroy it. And they will pay for it, and so will you.

Jack: I didn't come here to fight with you.

Victor: You're on a carousel, jack. And sometimes, it's too late to get off the damn merry-go-round.

Phyllis: Victoria is unlike victor in one very crucial way.

Billy: Mustache.

Phyllis: She has a heart. Nick is going through hell. She's feeling every inch of his pain. Go to her. Don't make this about business. Don't wait to punish somebody, whoever did whatever to you, whatever excuse you're piling up now. She needs someone to care.

Billy: I'm good here.

Phyllis: [Sighs] You are miserable. You want to be with Victoria.

Billy: So, you're a mind-reader now. So, you know what I want.

Phyllis: Victoria needs someone who has the right words or someone who knows to be quiet and just hold her. She needs someone, and that someone is you.

Billy: Phyllis, last time I saw Victoria, she and nick kicked me out of her office, okay? I'm not going back into the lion's den.

Phyllis: Would you stop with the exaggeration?

Billy: It's not an exaggeration. She's not gonna forgive me for buying brash & sassy! That was her baby, her brainchild, okay? She doesn't want to be anywhere near me. She does not want me to hold her.

Phyllis: How do you know what she wants unless you ask her?

Billy: What is with you? Why are you trying so hard to play matchmaker?

Chelsea: Why are you so sure that sage figured out that you were the baby's father?

Adam: I'm not sure. I just don't understand why she'd -- she'd be so desperate to talk to me about Christian.

Chelsea: I don't know. I mean, after she lost her baby, she spent a lot of time here with us. She found a lot of comfort with you. Maybe -- maybe she found something else out about Christian and wanted to share it with you.

Adam: There's nothing else to find out except that I'm the father. She knew. She figured it out, and then she, um -- she felt lied to, betrayed.

Chelsea: Adam, please, don't do this to yourself.

Adam: And then she was so desperate to leave that message for me, to talk to me, to tell me that she lost focus on what she was doing, she wasn't paying attention to her driving, and she -- she -- she drove her car off the road. She's dead because of me.

Chelsea: Stop. Listen to me. Don't do this to yourself, okay?

[Voice breaking] This was a horrible accident. It was a horrible, horrible accident. Sage took her eyes off the road. This was not your fault. This was not your responsibility.

Adam: No, it was me playing god is what it was. It cost her her life.

Sharon: Why was sage on her phone when she was driving? I-I mean, she knows how reckless that is.

Paul: I agree. Which means the message she was leaving had to be extremely important.

Sharon: Message?

Dylan: Yeah. Sage left a voicemail prior to the accident.

Paul: Sharon.

Sharon: Uh, it -- it just doesn't make any sense why nick didn't mention that sage was trying to get ahold of him.

Paul: The message was for Adam.

Sharon: Adam?

Dylan: Apparently sage was trying to leave a message for Chelsea, couldn't get through, so she left a voicemail on Adam's phone.

Sharon: Well, why was it so important that sage reach Chelsea?

Dylan: Adam said it was about work.

Sharon: You didn't hear the message?

Dylan: Adam deleted it.

Paul: So, why do you think that sage was trying to call nick?

Sharon: Oh, I-I was just assuming because he is -- well, was her husband.

Phyllis: Did sage mention anything about nick when she was here?

Sharon: No. No. I-I have to check on sully.

Dylan: Why are you being so tough on her?

Paul: It's not my intention to upset Sharon. I'm just trying to follow the timeline.

Dylan: Well, sage left here she made a call. She got distracted. She crashed. Sharon found the wreckage. She called the police. The timeline's pretty clear

Paul: I guess what's nagging me is when I questioned Sharon at the scene, she didn't mention anything about sage being here at the house.

Dylan: I know that. She told me la night, and then I told you.

Paul: Hours later.

Dylan: You're reacting as if it's some kind of cover-up.

Paul: I am just looking for every piece of the puzzle I can find.

Dylan: Okay, well, here is a piece to consider. Sharon found sage in the last moments of her life. She's devastated. E's in shock. So, what? She skipped a few details. It's amazing in her state of mind she remembered anything.

Paul: I just need to know what was going through sage's mind when she lost control of the car.

Dylan: There's a good chance we may never know.

Paul: You know, Dylan, these are all questions that nick asked me at the hospital, questions that are gonna haunt him forever unless I can give him some answers.

Dylan: And I appreciate that. But there's nothing Sharon can say that's gonna ease nick's grief.

You all right? I'm here to tow the car. You should have a doctor check that out, buddy. Wait! I'll give you a lift.

Chelsea: Even if Safe found out the truth, you're assuming she was angry. She was probably grateful.

Adam: Grateful?

Chelsea: Yes. For you keeping quiet and not destroying what she had with nick.

Adam: No, I lied to that woman after she saved my life. I lied to her. But it didn't matter, right? Because in her dying breaths, she found out the truth about who I really am, which is a liar. And despite all my best efforts to come back here and -- and be a better man and break the mold, when it counted and when it mattered, I did exactly what my father would have done.

Victor: You didn't come here to break the news about sage's death. You know why you came here? Because your life is beginning to slip off the rails, jack. You need someone to blame, so you come to your old nemesis, victor Newman. Wrong place. You go back home. You look for the problem there.

Jack: The problem is with the man who brought Marco Annicelli to Genoa City to wreak havoc, and you sit back and make your smug pronouncements of doom and gloom without any responsibility for having set a match to our lives.

Victor: I defended my family and my business, for which your lovely, innocent wife and your useless brother, Billy boy, felt justified to try to destroy me. You look at your own family if you're trying to find the reason for your problems. Don't look at me.

Jack: You're obviously going stir crazy.

Victor: No, jack. I've seen things very clearly around here. Watch your back, because that is where those who pretend to love you, those you thought you loved will stick the knife -- in your back.

Phyllis: Sage is dead. Nicks devastated. She's gonna be there for her brother. She's gonna be there for the company. Tell me -- who is going to be there for Victoria?

Billy: Victoria is made of steel. She'll get through this like she gets through everything.

Phyllis: Or maybe she just needs someone to tell her it's okay not to be superwoman. Maybe she needs someone to wrap his arms around her and just let her cry.

Billy: Your compassion is really -- it's -- it's heartwarming. But this pretty little picture you have of Victoria and me falling back into each other's arms? It's all about you. 'Cause if you think there's hope for Vick and me, then, well, that gives you a chance at roses and rainbows 'cause, of course, if there isn't, then...

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no. Go on. Don't stop.

Billy: Well, if there's no hope for Vick and me, then there's no hope for you and jack.

Phyllis: My happiness with jack hardly depends whether you get back together with your ex.

Billy: You sure? If Victoria forgives me and my sins, jack forgives yours. Redemption for all. Then you get to be the good wife you think you should be instead of the bad wife you think you are.

Phyllis: You're a cynical son of a gun, aren't you? Sage and nick don't have any more chances. You do. It's completely your call.

Billy: You really think there's hope?

Phyllis: Yeah, I do. And I'm not saying it's gonna be easy. But she is still crazy in love with you.

Billy: Okay. Back into the lion's den I go.

Phyllis: Good man.

Billy: You should take your own advice. Fix your relationship before it's too late.

Victoria: So, you ever get tired of hearing people's sob stories?

Travis: Well, that's the thing. Nobody ever brings anything unimportant to a bar. It's one big country-music song. It's all heartache, jail time, and car wrecks.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Oh, believe me, you've just described my life. My family is a country song. My dad would love that.

Travis: You and your dad don't get along?

Victoria: Oh, you know, it's love/hate.

Travis: That's a song I can sing by heart. Now, whatever you're going through right now, you're gonna be okay.

Victoria: You have a crystal ball or something?

Travis: Your eyes. There's a lot of strength there. That guy, on the other hand -- you can feel the emptiness. Probably has more stacks than he can spend, but he comes here to see how the other 99% live. Nothing like slumming to make you feel like a bigger man.

Victoria: [Sighs] Yeah, I know the type.

Travis: Yeah, because you answer their phones all day long. Bow and scrape just to keep your job.

Victoria: It's not so easy for the 1%, either.

Travis: If you say so. I wouldn't trade places. Would you?

Nick: You happy, dad? You wanted us to suffer? Well, mission accomplished. You win. Mom's drinking again. Billy and Victoria have lost whatever chance at happiness they had. Abby lost her baby. I lost everything.

[Knock on door]

Nick: What do you want?

Billy: What did you do to your hand?

Nick: Will you leave me alone, Billy?

Billy: Hey, man. I just wanted to come by and say that I'm sorry. I know the feeling -- standing on the side of the road, completely helpless.

Jack: Phyllis? Wow. Where were you? You seemed a million miles away.

Phyllis: Well, I'm right here, enjoying the peanuts and the scotch. What about you? Where have you been?

Jack: I was with victor Newman, trying to offer him an olive branch in sage's name.

Phyllis: Well, let me guess. That turned out to be a great success and the two of you are best friends?

Jack: Hardly. He warned me that, whatever comes to pass, trouble will come from closer to home and not from him. Well, I-I tried, for all the good it did.

Phyllis: Well, I tried to do some good myself, believe it or not. Billy was just here.

Jack: The two of you celebrating his coup with brash & sassy!?

Phyllis: No. Nope. I was trying to convince him that sage's death has been a wake-up call and that he needs to put the pride aside with Victoria and the anger and he needs to admit that, you know, they both love each other and they should live the life that they were meant to live.

Jack: Well, he outdid himself with his latest maneuver.

Phyllis: Well, he can undo that. And I'm hoping he's doing that right now. And I need to undo some damage on my own. With sage's death, I really thought about a lot of things -- who I am, what I want.

Jack: What do you want?

[Knock on door]

Victor: Guard? I'd like to go back to my cell. I'm tired of all these visitors.

Adam: I feel like you got time for one more. Have a seat.

Victor: I'm sorry about sage.

Adam: Yeah?

Victor: Yeah.

Adam: Of course you knew about that, right?

Victor: Yeah.

Adam: Sort of wrecks your plans, though, doesn't it, to, uh, anoint nick your -- your next successor? At least anytime in the immediate future, right? I mean, he's in no condition to run Newman right now. He's just suffered a tremendous loss.

Victor: Well, so have you.

Adam: You know, you should really save your sympathy for nick. I lost a friend. He lost a child and now his wife.

Victor: Oh. These are terrible tragedies. But you and I both know that it wasn't nick who lost a child.

Adam: Oh, now, listen to me. Nick believed that Christian was his son. That's the only thing that matters here.

Victor: You allowed him to believe that to save your marriage and his.

Adam: Mostly to save my ass, though. Let's be honest.

Victor: You did it to save your marriage, meaning you thought about family. And I understand that sentiment.

Adam: Oh, great. Let me ask you a question. Is that what you were doing when you told sage that I was the father of her child and not nick? You were looking out for family, putting family first?

Victor: What are you talking about? I did no such thing.

Adam: What am I talking about? You know, she called me. She called me right before the -- the car crash. She wasn't able to get ahold of me, but she left a message. She sounded...very distraught, distracted, said it was about Christian. She was so distracted that she ran the car off the road, dad.

Victor: Wait a minute. What are you suggesting? I never talked to sage about the child not being Nick's.

Adam: Well...

Victor: Never said a word about that.

Adam: Only thing that makes sense to me is that she found out that I switched the DNA results. And the only person who could have told her that is you, because the only person on this entire planet that knows that besides me and my wife, dad, is you.

Phyllis: I want you. I love you. I spun out of control, and I hurt so many people, especially you. But that's over now, jack. I want things to be the way they were.

Jack: I don't even know what that is anymore.

Phyllis: That's because you're letting victor get to you. Don't let him. While he is in prison for 10 years, we will prove him wrong.

Jack: You saw what he did with Victoria. He can still spread his poison from behind bars.

Phyllis: Well, let him. We have the remedy.

Jack: Do we?

Phyllis: Yeah. Us. Our love.

Jack: In this very room, you defended Billy buying brash & sassy! I was the monster, remember? I was the bad guy, the guy who fired him, the guy who left him with nothing, the guy who he should have gotten revenge on.

Phyllis: My mouth runs ahead of me. You know that. And I am sorry for every word of that. I know that we can fix our marriage. We can be stronger than ever before.

Jack: Victor looked me in the eye and read my perfectly. I do have this feeling of dread, this sense that sage's death portends even re pain.

Phyllis: Okay. Don't listen to him. He's not clairvoyant. You look into my eyes. He may proclaim the end of the world, but it could be a mark of a new ginning for us. If sage's death can bring Billy and Victoria to their senses, anything is possible. Anything.

Billy: I just wanted to come by and say that I'm sorry to you and to Victoria. But I'll leave you in peace.

Nick: When you said, uh... you were standing on the side of the road and were helpless... we never really t over it, do we?

Billy: No.

Nick: All sage did was love me.

Billy: Nick, this wasn't your fault.

Nick: She loved a Newman. It's our curse. Sins of your father, right? And when your father's victor, you have a hell of a lot to pay for, because everyone we love suffers.

Victoria: What are you doing here? Oh, my god. What happened to you?

Nick: I went to the crash site, took it out on the car.

Victoria: Oh. Let me take you to the hospital.

Nick: I'll be fine.

Victoria: You're not fine. If you're here to do another victory lap, you can just go.

Nick: You know the curse applies to you and Victoria, too, right?

Victoria: L me take you home.

Nick: You two have this crazy, big love between you. You have kids. You have every reason in the world to be together, but you're not. There's something keeping you apart.

Victoria: [Scoffs] Don't be ridiculous.

Nick: You know I'm right. So do something about it

Billy: I just wanted to come and say that I'm sorry. If there's anything that I can do --

Victoria: There's nothing that you can do to help. In fact, you being here is making it harder.

Billy: Well, that's the last thing that I want. Take care of yourself.

Victoria: [Sighs] Well, if you won't let me take you to the hospital, than at least let me look at your hand.

Nick: You know, I was wrong. There's no curse keeping you two apart. You two are doing that yourselves.

Dylan: Hey. How's sully?

Sharon: Sleeping like an angel. And fortunately, he missed out on your father giving his mommy the third degree.

Dylan: I don't blame you for being upset, but try to see it from Paul's point of view. He's just trying to get some closure for nick.

Sharon: How does anyone get closure after something like this? I really wish I could have been more help.

Dylan: You were a huge help to sage. You and sully. Don't forget that, okay?

[Knock at door]

Sharon: Oh. I hope that's not Paul again. Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hi. I just wanted to check on you, see how you were holding up.

Sharon: I just can't believe she's gone.

Chelsea: I know how surreal it is to hear that knock at the door and be told that someone you love is dead. I remember.

Dylan: Yeah. There's just one huge difference. Adam isn't dead. He just pretended to be.

Sharon: Sage helped him do that. Sage and Adam were close, weren't they?

Victor: I had nothing to do with sage's accident. What are you suggesting?

Adam: I mean, it wouldn't be the first time you used this secret as a weapon, would it?

Victor: What good would it do for me to tell sage that Christian was your son and not nick's?

Adam: Yeah, I don't -- I don't know. You know, maybe you're in here...just wanting to prove that you can bring us all to our knees, blow up our lives. Which, by the way, is exactly what's gonna happen to nick if he finds this information out. You know that?

Victor: Look, I have said that nick will be my successor. He will take over the business. What use would it be for me to break his heart, break everyone's heart by telling them that you are Christian's father? It doesn't make any sense.

Adam: If you didn't tell her, who did?

Victor: And what difference does that make now? Sage is gone. Bless her soul, may she rest in peace. But the secret went to the grave with her.

Nick: Billy almost died not too long ago. You can make things right.

Victoria: He lied to me, nick. Repeatedly.

Nick: He still loves you, Vick. You two can barely stand to be in the same room together, but it's obvious how much you care about each other. You got a shot here at happiness. I'd give almost anything for that, and you're just throwing it away.

Victoria: It's not that simple.

Nick: It is that simple. You know what your problem is? You've been staring at this damn picture for too long. Just get rid of it. Burn it. Do whatever. But stop living his life and live yours.

Victoria: Sit down. Let me bandage your hand.

Nick: The way this family's going... what is it with the Newman --

Victoria: Don't say curse.

Nick: It's in the -- the DNA. It's power, ambition, the winning. It's amazing love survives at all.

Victoria: What are you talking about? What you and sage have -- had -- it was amazing... even with the crummy Newman DNA.

Nick: I should have been there for her.

Victoria: Hey. Listen to me. No regrets. You loved her. She knew that.

Nick: I came back to Newman and I threw myself into the work. I spent more time here than at home. Why? 'Cause I'm the loyal Newman soldier. Now she's gone.

Victoria: Nick, it's because she took her eyes off the road. That's what it was. It was an accident, not a curse.

Nick: Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't take for granted what you have with Billy or what you could have. Not even for a second.

Phyllis: I thought maybe you wanted to celebrate or... whatever.

Billy: Let's go with "whatever."

Phyllis: So, things with Victoria?

Billy: Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, she conquered.

Phyllis: Well, she's just -- she needs more time, you know? She's in shock. She'll -- she'll --

Billy: She'll what? She'll come around? Profess her undying love for me? It's got nothing to do with time, Phyllis. It doesn't matter if it's today, tomorrow, next week, next month. It's not gonna change. What Victoria and I had is in a zillion pieces, and you got to stop trying to put it back together, okay? 'Cause it's not gonna happen -- not now, not ever.

Chelsea: It's no secret. Adam and sage were friends.

Sharon: But they were more than friends. She saved his life. She kept his secret when he was walking around as Gabriel Bingham. That sounds like a pretty close bond. She moved in next door to you.

Chelsea: Right. Is there a question in here Sharon, or...?

Dylan: Uh, Sharon knows about the voicemail that sage left right before the accident.

Chelsea: Right. Which, as we told Dylan, was actually sage trying to reach me about business.

Sharon: You heard the message? What did she say? How did she sound?

Chelsea: Uh, well, no. Adam deleted it before I could listen to it. I just keep thinking, you know, if I hadn't turned my off, if sage could have reached me, maybe none of this would have happened.

Dylan: It's -- it's nobody's fault. You know, hopefully, someday, nick will find comfort knowing that sage is at peace with their son.

Victor: "No man is an island entire of itself... every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind... and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

Phyllis: You can't give up hope. Ever. You and Victoria have children. You have too much that binds you together, too much love between the two of you to let anything drive you apart.

Billy: Yes! Okay, Phyllis. I have a golden collection of -- of good times and beautiful memories. And I'm sure Victoria does, too, but I'm not gonna do it, okay? I'm not gonna live in the past. If sage's death taught me anything, it's about right here, right now... what's right in front of me, what I can see, what I can -- what I can touch, what I can feel.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: You pretend like you don't know what's going on, but you know what's going on! Why did you give up that vote?

Lily: Max is a kid. What you're accusing him of -- that's the kind of thing that can wreck a marriage. Are you willing to risk that?

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