Y&R Transcript Monday 5/2/16
Episode # 10912 ~ Adam receives a cryptic message; Luca plots his next move; Sharon struggles with the truth about Christian.
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: Chelsea, hi.
Chelsea: Hey, Sharon. I'm so glad I caught you. Is it okay if we push the meeting back an hour? I'll call sage and let her know.
Sharon: Oh. Um... you haven't heard.
Chelsea: Heard what? What's wrong?
Sharon: Sage was in a horrible car accident last night.
Chelsea: Is she okay?
Sharon: No. Sage is dead.
Chelsea: What? W-- wait. Uh, n-- uh, no. No. What -- what are you talking about? What happened?
Sharon: No one really knows. She was by herself. There was no other car involved. She just ran off the road.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. Uh...d-- uh, well, n-- well, nick. Have you talked to nick?
Sharon: No, not yet.
Chelsea: Oh, my god. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you for letting me know, Sharon.
Sharon: Okay. Talk later.
Adam: Okay. Well, you know, remind me to give the ladies a lecture on punctuality. Where the hell is everyone? Honey, what happened? You all right?
Chelsea: Um, there was -- there was a -- there was a car accident. Sage is dead.
Sharon: Please understand why I'm doing this and remember your mother's final words. You will have a beautiful life, sully. And you will be protected.
Dylan: That's a promise. Listen to your mom, sully. She speaks the truth. How are you holding up?
Sharon: I'm okay.
Dylan: Were you able to get any sleep?
Sharon: I was...pretty close to waking up Sullivan. I just wanted to feel his head next to my chest.
Dylan: A reminder that there's still some good in this world? That's hard to remember right now.
Sharon: Life can play some very cruel tricks. [Sniffles]
Faith: Mommy? Why are you crying?
[Knock on door]
Victoria: I'm so sorry.
Nick: She can't be gone. She can't be gone.
Summer: Okay. So just let me do the talking at first, 'cause I know my aunt better than you do.
Luca: Agreed.
Summer: Sorry. Am I being bossy?
Luca: You're being bold, a quality I deeply admire in a woman.
Noah: Uh, yeah. She -- she just walked in. I'll let her know. I need to talk to you.
Summer: Why -- so you can attack Luca for the hundredth time? We have a meeting with aunt Victoria.
Noah: She's not here.
Summer: Okay. So, we'll wait.
Noah: She's with dad, summer.
Summer: Why? What's -- what's going on?
Noah: It's...sage.
Summer: Did something happen?
Noah: She was in a car accident. [Voice breaking] She didn't make it.
Summer: Oh, my god. We need to go right now. We need to go be with dad right now. Um... did you drive here?
Noah: Marisa dropped me off. She has the car.
Luca: Hey. Take mine.
Summer: Are you sure?
Luca: Yeah, absolutely. I'll call a car service. Come on. Go, please. Be with your father.
Summer: Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Okay.
Luca: Well... victor. It seems tragedy has cursed your family once again. Look how things are falling apart around here without you. But that's just what you wanted, isn't it?
[Knock on door]
Paul: Yeah? Come in. Ah. Yeah. Thanks, Gary.
Sharon: This is gonna be hard to understand...because... well, it's hard for us to understand. There was an accident last night.
Faith: What kind of accident?
Dylan: Sage... was, uh, driving her car. She lost control. And she, uh -- she passed away. That's why your mom's sad... and that's why we're all sad.
Faith: No. Sage is gone? I'll never see her again?
Dylan: Hey, you know what's really special? Even though sage won't be here with us... the love that you guys shared will never disappear. It's a warmth inside of you that's gonna live on forever. Can you feel that?
Faith: I think so. I just have to think of sage and I'll be able to feel it?
Dylan: Exactly. I mean, we were so blessed to know sage. And she was really blessed to know you. You know why? Because you gave her a chance to do something she always wanted to. And that was to be a mom. I know this is tough for you to understand. So, if you have any questions, whatever you need, we're here for you, okay?
Sharon: If you, uh -- if you want to talk or you just want to sit, or we could play a game, take our mind off it --
Faith: I want to see daddy.
Dylan: Well, um, I just -- I just called in to work, but maybe you can take her over there.
Sharon: You know, I would in a heartbeat, but the sitter just called and canceled last-minute.
Dylan: Yeah, but, I mean, I'm sure it's okay. You can -- you can take sully.
Sharon: Yeah. It's just...nick has so much to deal with.
Dylan: I mean, but one smile from faith or, you know, from our little boy might be exactly what he needs right now.
Adam: She saved me, you know. She literally brought me back to life.
Chelsea: Yeah. She brought you back to me. She brought you back to Connor.
Adam: You know, all those months I was laying in that bed, and I was... I couldn't take care of myself, you know? She fed me. She nursed me back to health. She, uh -- she didn't have to do that. She's a good person, you know? She just -- she lost so much. She lost her parents. She lost Constance, Gabriel... her child.
Chelsea: Yeah, and she -- she managed to rise above so much, and... you know, you should remember that you were a really, really, good friend to her.
Adam: Was I? Honey, was I? I lied to her about Christian, about being the father. I kept that from her. I lied to her, and now she's --
Chelsea: Would it have been better for her to know the truth? Sage wanted that baby to be nick's, and you know it. So from where I'm standing, Adam, you gave her a gift. You let her believe that he really was Nick's. I don't know. Maybe -- you know, maybe -- maybe she died not knowing the whole truth, but at least -- at least she was at peace.
Adam: I can't believe she's gone.
Connor: [Crying]
Chelsea: Let me get him. I'll go get him.
Dylan: How's it going?
Paul: I've been better. How 'bout you?
Dylan: Oh, you know, just trying to focus on work. It's the only thing that seems to help. Any leads on what caused the accident?
Paul: Uh, none -- until this landed on my desk.
Dylan: No. Don't tell me sage was texting or talking when she crashed.
Paul: I'm afraid so. She was initiating an outgoing call minutes before Sharon called 911, so it looks like she was trying to make a phone call, got distracted, and took her eyes off the road.
Dylan: Was it to nick? 'Cause I don't know if he'd be able to handle that.
Paul: Actually, uh, no, it wasn't. The last call that sage made was to Adam.
Summer: Do you want me to make you something to eat? Or we can go out.
Nick: I'm not hungry.
Noah: We could go to the park -- you know, just get out of this place for a little while.
Nick: I just want to be alone.
Summer: But, dad, that's crazy.
Noah: Yeah. Are you sure that's a good idea?
Victoria: I think you need your family around you.
Nick: What I'd like is for you all to just respect my wishes, please.
Faith: Daddy! [Crying]
Nick: Are you okay?
Faith: Are you?
Nick: Yeah, I'm better. I'm just really sad, you know? I'm gonna miss sage a lot.
Faith: But she won't be completely gone, right? Her love for us will still be here?
Nick: Yes. Yes. You save that place in your heart that you reserved for sage, okay?
Faith: I'll put her right next to Christian.
Nick: Yeah. You know he's the lucky one, right? 'Cause right now your little brother's in heaven with sage. He is tucked inside her arms. She's gonna keep him safe forever and ever.
Dylan: Sharon broke the news to Chelsea this morning.
Paul: Did Chelsea happen to mention the phone call to Adam?
Dylan: No.
Paul: So it stands to reason that she didn't know about it or at least she didn't know that it directly preceded sage's accident. How's Sharon doing? She was pretty shaken up last night.
Dylan: Yeah. She still is. She calmed down about 2:00 in the morning and gave me some more answers. Apparently, sage was coming from a business meeting at the house.
Paul: Your house?
Dylan: Yeah.
Paul: Something bothering you about that?
Dylan: No. I'm just hung up on the phone call with Adam. I want to talk to him about it. I know it's not gonna change anything, but maybe -- maybe knowing all the facts will give nick some peace.
Faith: I'm glad sage and Christian are together up in heaven, but...
Nick: But what? What's -- what's on your mind?
Faith: What if Christian wants his daddy with him, too?
Nick: That's not gonna happen, okay? You're stuck with me and your mommy for a really long time, okay? Right, Sharon?
Sharon: That's right, sweetie.
Nick: No one's gonna keep us from us our kids.
Faith: Promise? I pinky-promise.
Nick: [Crying] I love you.
Faith: I love you, too, daddy. Is it okay if I go upstairs and read "Anne of green gables"?
Sharon: That's a really good idea, sweetie.
Nick: [Sniffles] Yeah. I think sage will hear every word.
Sharon: I hope it's okay that I brought her. Faith really needed to see you.
Nick: No. No. I -- [Sighs] I needed to see her. Thank you.
Sharon: Nick, don't thank me.
Nick: You did all the heavy lifting. You, uh -- you had to tell -- tell faith about sage.
Sharon: Let's just not talk about that right now, okay?
Nick: I-I have to. What happened, you know, when you found sage? Did she say anything?
Sage: Will you promise me you'll tell nick that it's his baby?
Nick: What were my wife's last words?
Noah: Felt so wrong, just leaving dad like that.
Summer: I know.
Victoria: It was the right thing to do. He needs some time and space to process everything. And don't forget, faith's with him.
Victoria: What are you doing here?
Summer: I asked him to meet us here.
Luca: How's your father?
Victoria: You asked him to wait in my office?
Summer: Yeah. We had a meeting this morning. Remember? Luca would like to offer his services to Newman.
Victoria: Your services? Of the lying, backstabbing variety?
Luca: No. I'm gonna help make this company stronger than ever before, Victoria.
Noah: We don't want or need your help, Luca. My aunt has everything under control.
Luca: I'm not sure either one of you believes that.
Noah: Going with the insults now?
Luca: That wasn't meant to be an insult. Can't you just -- can't you see that I want to help?
Noah: Goodbye, Luca.
Summer: Seriously, Noah? You're not even giving him a chance.
Noah: Dad just lost his wife, summer. Do you think now is the best time to be pitching Luca?
Victoria: My nephew said goodbye.
Summer: I'm sorry.
Luca: No, it's okay. Don't be. I understand completely. Please give my condolences to your father.
Summer: Yeah. Here.
Luca: Thanks.
Noah: Can you believe that guy?
Summer: Seriously, Noah? Really? You know, I am with Luca now -- Kyle and I broke up -- so you're gonna start treating Luca with respect.
Chelsea: Connor was already back to sleep by the time I got up there. I see what you're doing, Adam. You're thinking of the ways you could have helped sage, the ways you could have stopped her from getting in that car. Adam... you couldn't have been there. You couldn't have helped her.
[Knock on door]
Adam: [Sighs]
Chelsea: Dylan.
Dylan: Hey. Hi. I was actually here to see, uh, Adam.
Chelsea: Come in.
Adam: You, um -- you're here in a professional capacity, Dylan?
Dylan: Unfortunately, yes. I'm here investigating sage's accident.
Chelsea: Okay. Well, I don't -- I don't think we have... any answers for you.
Dylan: Well... then you could start by telling me why she called you right before she crashed her car.
Summer: Look, I get that you have issues with Luca, but don't you need someone like that?
Victoria: Like what?
Summer: Someone who can anticipate shady dealings before we get slammed with them. Look, maybe Luca was right. Maybe Newman wouldn't have lost brash & sassy! If he had been on board.
Noah: 'Cause Luca would have seen it coming.
Summer: Yes.
Victoria: Or maybe he would have walked off with the division himself. We can't trust him, summer.
Summer: I disagree.
Victoria: Well, ask him about Adam getting fired from his new job in Chicago.
Noah: We know he was following grandpa's instructions.
Summer: No. We do not know that at all.
Noah: I thought you were smarter than that, summer.
Summer: And I thought you were more compassionate.
Noah: When it comes to that guy, absolutely not.
Summer: Look, Noah, I get that Luca might not have always been the most loyal or honest guy. But that's not on him. It was the way that he was raised, okay? Look, he didn't grow up with a family like ours. The Santoris are not loving or forgiving or even protective.
Victoria: Exactly, which is why he's gonna stab us all in the back -- again.
Summer: I do not understand how you can think that you are so above my boyfriend when you tried to bribe him out of my life. You insulted Luca, and you insulted me, so, in my book, you owe us both.
Sharon: I wish I could tell you what you want to hear, but...sage was barely conscious when I got there. I don't think she knew I was there.
Nick: Yeah. Um... you know, I'm just trying to find something to hold on to, you know? I still don't even understand how this could happen. It doesn't make any sense.
Sharon: I hate to say it, but...sometimes things just don't make sense. Can I get you something? You want some tea -- maybe something stronger?
Nick: Why didn't you call me?
Sharon: What?
Nick: After you called 911, why didn't you try and call me?
Sharon: Well, I-I mean, I was a wreck. I-I-I just wasn't thinking straight, clearly. I-I'd just seen... the only thing I could think of was protecting sully.
Nick: He just keeps getting cuter and cuter, huh?
Sharon: I think I better get him home.
Nick: Yeah. Uh, do you mind if... faith stays? I... I think I need her, and I think it'd be good for her to be here and make her feel closer to sage.
Sharon: Yeah. Okay.
Nick: Keep him safe.
Sharon: Always.
Victoria: I should call to arrange the memorial service. Do you know what kind of flowers sage liked?
Noah: Ohh. I'm not sure. You could ask dad.
Victoria: No. He shouldn't be bothered with the details.
Noah: Hey, aunt Vick... did you really bribe Luca?
Victoria: [Sighs] It wasn't my finest moment, but that's how badly I want to keep Luca away from summer and this company. Speaking of which, I'm really gonna need you to step up around here. Your father's gonna be needing some time.
Noah: Yeah. I'll do whatever I can to help. I'm worried. Should we go back? Should we check on him?
Victoria: He says he wants to be alone. I think we should respect his wishes, at least for now.
Noah: Like, family should be together.
Victoria: I understand. I'm worried about him, too. But I feel like the best thing that I can do for your dad right now is stick around here and man the ship. Look, if you feel differently, go see him. Be with him if you want.
Noah: You sure?
Victoria: Yeah. I have everything under control. At least that's what you told me.
Noah: I meant it.
Victoria: Thank you.
Adam: Yeah, I actually never spoke to sage. The -- the call you're talking about went straight to my voicemail.
Dylan: But she left one?
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Dylan: What did she say?
Adam: In the voicemail?
Dylan: Yeah.
Adam: Um... I don't re-- it was nothing urgent. She was looking for you, actually -- something about work.
Dylan: Did she sound upset?
Adam: No. No. She -- she -- she didn't. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that. It sort of slipped my mind. I just figured you guys would --
Dylan: Well, do you mind -- do you mind if I, uh, listen to it?
Adam: To the voicemail?
Dylan: Yeah.
Adam: Yeah. It's, um -- it's -- I don't ha-- I mean, I deleted it. So, I don't -- I don't have it. Otherwise... I would...
Chelsea: [Clears throat] I'm really -- I'm really sorry that we don't have the answers you're looking for.
Dylan: [Sighs] Well, I appreciate your time.
Adam: Yeah.
Dylan: God knows this isn't easy for anybody.
Chelsea: Will you, um, tell Sharon that I'll be in touch with her?
Dylan: Sure. Thanks.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Chelsea: It's unlike you to... forget to give me a message.
Adam: I didn't forget. The voicemail was for me, and she sounded terrible. She sounded... desperate to talk to me.
Summer: [Sighs] Well, that was fun with my aunt and brother.
Luca: I think they like me.
Summer: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I ripped into them once you left.
Luca: A force to be reckoned with. The corporate world better watch out.
Summer: Or not. I don't think I'll be sticking around.
Luca: Please. Your family would never get rid of you. The Newmans are far too loyal. Not to mention they'd be foolish not to recognize your talent.
Summer: Thanks, but, no, if I leave, it'd be my choice.
Luca: Summer, you have to stay at Newman.
Summer: Why? You want me to work at a place where the people can't stand you and tear you down every chance that they get?
Luca: No. I want you to take your rightful place in the family business -- like, if you -- if you want that, of course.
Summer: No. I mean, yeah, I liked the idea of working at Newman. I don't know. I thought I'd be good at it.
Luca: I know you would be. You can't quit because of me. I won't be the reason you give up on your dream.
Summer: There are other companies.
Luca: Yeah, but you want to be a part of this one, and you should be. Look, just think of what you'll prove to your family by staying and rising through the ranks.
Summer: Yeah, or plummeting to the basement.
Luca: No, look. With my tutelage, there's nothing you can't accomplish.
Summer: Really?
Luca: When victor gets out -- and he will get out -- it's gonna be you who's calling the shots.
Noah: I know you said you wanted to be alone. Um... far be it from me to listen. Is faith still here?
Nick: Yeah. She's upstairs.
Noah: I was just with aunt Vicki, and, um, you know, she's gonna take care of everything -- the funeral and the memorial -- so you don't even have to worry about a thing. Dad, are you -- are you sure you don't want family around? Huh?
Nick: No. I just can't deal with the noise, you know? I just want to be alone.
Noah: Okay. Well, why don't you just close your eyes and lie down for a little while? I'll stick around in case anything comes up.
Nick: Look, I know what you're trying to do, and I love you for it. But I can't close my eyes, 'cause then I just -- I just replay the last conversation I had with sage over and over again.
Noah: What did you guys talk about?
Nick: It was just, you know, family... and our future. It was good. I just -- I loved her so much. [Crying]
Noah: Where you going, dad?
Nick: Just watch your sister till I get back.
Noah: Hey. I was just about to come find you. I thought we, uh -- we could play some cards or whatever you want.
Faith: Did daddy leave?
Noah: Yeah. He just went out for a walk -- get a little air.
Faith: Do you think he's gonna be okay?
Noah: Are you kidding me? [Sighs] Dad is a Newman. You know how strong our family is, all right? And when things go wrong... we come together. Makes us stronger.
Faith: Then why didn't we all come together for grandpa?
Noah: Come here.
Victoria: [Sighs] "With their caving on the lawsuit over pass key and the recent loss of brash & sassy! To the C.E.O.'S own ex-husband, confidence is crumbling. Everywhere in the business world, people are asking... 'does Victoria Newman have what it takes?'" [Sighs] [Grunts]
[Knock on door]
Sharon: Paul.
Paul: Hey, Sharon.
Sharon: Hi. If you're looking for Dylan --
Paul: Oh. Actually, I'm looking for you. I have a few follow-up questions about the crash. You mind if I come in?
Sharon: Oh.
Paul: Thanks.
Sharon: Uh, you know, I already told everything to -- to Dylan.
Paul: I know. I just have to pin down a timeline. And, actually, Dylan told me that sage was, uh, here just prior to the accident.
Sharon: She was.
Paul: Uh, is there a reason you, uh, neglected to tell me about that last night?
Victoria: Tequila, straight up, no salt.
Love can be a scandal the best of love is hard to handle next to you, I find the mystery opens up to brilliant simplicity
Chelsea: You lied to Dylan?
Adam: I did.
Chelsea: Why?
Adam: Because I had just heard the voicemail seconds before he got here.
Chelsea: And you didn't delete it, did you?
Adam: Of course not.
Chelsea: Play it for me?
Sage: [Crying] Damn it. Where are you? I need to see you. It's about Christian.
Sharon: Well, I didn't think that was particularly important to mention that she had left from here. You know, sage and I often meet at each other's homes for work. It's just easier for Chelsea and me because we have kids.
Paul: Yeah. And I understand you left here almost immediately after sage. Right?
Sharon: Well, yes. I-I just had to quickly run out and get some snacks because Dylan and I had planned on taking sully and faith on a trip, and anyone who knows -- you know, has kids -- you know, you have to have a lot of snacks.
Paul: Right. No, I get that.
Sharon: Of course, all that's canceled now. Um... not that I'm complaining. I mean, I don't mean to sound --
Paul: No, no. I understand what you meant. Uh, but it would help me immensely if I knew the state of mind that sage was in when she left here. You were talking about business? Did she seem at all upset about anything?
Sharon: Um, no. It was pretty much standard shop talk.
Paul: Right. You know, Sharon... I understand how difficult this must be for you. Was there anything -- and I mean anything at all -- out of the ordinary in sage's mood or her behavior? Now, think. I want you to think about it.
Sharon: Paul, I am! I'm thinking!
[Door opens, closes]
Dylan: What's going on?
Nick: [Crying]
Nick: I don't see the problem with us working together.
Sage: Ohh. I just don't want to ruin what we have, you know, whatever the heck this is.
Nick: This is two people getting to know each other better -- someone I want to get to know a lot better.
Sage: Me, too.
Nick: Okay?
Sage: Okay.
Nick: So?
Sage: So, I have, uh, one condition -- that when we are here in business that it's strictly business. Okay?
Nick: Mmm... mnh-mnh.
Sage: I don't know what to say. I think I wasn't... expecting this. We just started living together.
Nick: Sage, I want to be with you. I want to build a life together. You said the two of us have been looking for a place where we belong. Well, what if -- what if where we belong is right here... with each other?
Sage: Yes.
Nick: Yes? Yes, we belong with each other, or, yes, you'll marry me?
Sage: [Crying] Both.
Nick: Bride and groom's first dance.
[Mid-tempo funk music plays]
Sage: [Laughs] Yes. I like it.
Nick: Okay. Just -- let's actually...slow this down a little bit.
[Slow jazz music plays]
Nick: [Crying] [Grunts] [Screaming]
Paul: Distracted driving kills and injures thousands of people every year. The fight against distracted driving starts with you. For more information, go to distraction.gov. CBS cares.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: Maybe she was on her way over here to talk to me. Maybe she just wanted to hear me say I was Christian's father.
Jack: Setting in motion the sale of brash & sassy! Could be the death blow for their relationship.
Travis: I'm Travis.
Victoria: Tori.
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