Y&R Transcript Friday 4/29/16
Episode # 10911 ~ Paul & Dylan make a shocking discovery; Victoria meets a mysterious stranger.
Provided By Suzanne
[Baby crying]
Sharon: I'm sorry, sweetie. Mommy normally wouldn't drive this fast. But we've got to stop Sage. I don't know what I'm gonna say to her, but Daddy can't be crushed like this. He can't be. Oh, okay. I think that might be Sage just up ahead of us. All right. If I just flash my lights at her, maybe...
Sage: [Crying] Damn it. Where are you? I need to see you. It's about Christian. Ugh. [Gasps]
[Tires screech]
Sage: Aaaaaaaaah!
Sharon: [Gasping]
Dylan: Did you have fun on your play date?
Faith: Tons, but not as much as we're gonna have on our vacation.
Dylan: That's right.
Faith: Can we leave tonight, please?
Dylan: Tomorrow morning first thing. Let's check on the packing. Sharon! Sharon?!
Faith: Sully's not in his pack 'n play.
Dylan: Uh, looks like your mom was getting ready to leave.
Faith: But she and Sully aren't here. I wonder where they went.
Hilary: Protocol testing, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Enlighten me. What? What is the big emergency? Why are you so panicked that we had to meet here, 9:00 at night?
Dr. Neville: You just read it. One of the patients in our drug trial has nearly died.
Ashley: You took a gamble, and you lost. You rushed this through testing before it was ready, and now there will be consequences.
Jack: Brash & sassy!?
Phyllis: It was on the block, and Billy pounced.
Jack: What, now he wants to stick it to Victoria?
Phyllis: I don't know.
Jack: Or is this more about competing with Jabot? Well, I guess now that he's done this, he can do both in one fell swoop.
Phyllis: You'll have to ask him.
Jack: I am asking you.
Phyllis: I don't know what your brother's intentions are. You asked what he did with the money he invested in. So, I'm telling you.
Jack: I cannot believe he did this again -- stole something out from under the Newmans.
Phyllis: Jack, in all fairness --
Jack: I don't care how much he paid. This isn't right. There are principles at stake here more than business. I would never have released those funds if -- you didn't just find out. You knew all along, didn't you?
Victoria: You're the one who did this? I can't believe it.
Billy: You should believe it, Vick. You're looking at the proud new owner of Newman Cosmetics' most famous brand -- brash & sassy!
Victoria: How could you do this? You know how much that company means to me.
Billy: Couldn't mean that much if you spun it off for sale.
Victoria: I didn't do that. Somebody went behind my back and convinced the board. I would never put it up for sale, and you damn well know that.
Billy: I'm not interested in the down-and-dirty politics of Newman Enterprises -- who did what to who. Wire transfer went through. You have your money, and I have my bill of sale. That's all I care about.
Victoria: I was on the original team that created brash & sassy! My father put me in charge. It's my baby. How could you steal something that I poured my heart and soul into?
Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Steal? Like you did to me when you had me fired from my last project so I wouldn't be a part of pass key?
Nick: Victor Newman and Billy Abbott on the same side.
Billy: What's your dad have to do with this?
Nick: Dad's the one who put your favorite division up for sale. He's trying to get under your skin, Vick, and you played right into his hands.
Dylan: Well, no sign of your mom upstairs. She must have run to the store to pick up some last-minute things for our trip.
Faith: I've been looking at the resort online. There's so much to do. They have canoeing, biking, badminton, swimming. I checked. They rent bikes with baby carriers, so we can take Sully wherever we go.
Dylan: That is a great idea. You know that you're an awesome big sister?
Faith: And you're a really cool stepdad.
Dylan: Boom.
Faith: Boom. [Laughs]
Dylan: Why don't you go upstairs, finish packing, because we're taking off at sunup? No lallygagging. Don't get left behind.
Faith: Got it.
Dylan: Okay. [Sighs]
Sharon: Hi. It's Sharon. I can't take your call right now, so please leave a message after the beep. Thanks.
Sharon: My name is Sharon Newman. I'm on Highway 11. The car in front of me crashed. The driver's hurt. I'm not sure if she's breathing. She's not conscious. You have to send an ambulance. Please hurry. Sage. Sage, can you hear me? It's Sharon. Can you hear me?
Sage: [Coughing]
Sharon: [Gasps] Oh.
Sage: [Coughing continues]
Sharon: All right. Don't try to talk. I've called an ambulance. They're on their way.
Sage: Ugh. Ugh. [Whimpers] I want to see my baby.
Nick: Dad sold the company for one reason, and that's to lash out at Victoria. The fact that you took the bait is just a bonus, because it's driving an even bigger wedge between the two of you.
Billy: Look, I couldn't care less about Victor and his games, why he did what he did, what he thinks, or how cold his jail cell is, okay? I left the drama behind when you broke off the engagement. And I'm better because of it.
Nick: So, you don't care that you're my dad's pawn? I don't buy that, Billy.
Billy: I don't care what you think, Nick.
Victoria: Please. You don't have to do this.
Billy: No, actually, I do, because I didn't have a project because you forced me out of my last one.
Victoria: So I was right. This is about you getting back at me for pass key.
Billy: No, no. This is a great deal.
Victoria: It was a terrible deal. I doubled the board's asking price, and you paid it just so you could rub my face in it.
Billy: And it was worth every penny. Newman cosmetics is doing very well right now, and I plan to kick it into high gear. I have ideas for expansion, and I'm meeting with prospective new management as we speak.
Nick: Now would be a good time for you to get out.
Billy: Just business, Vick.
Phyllis: I had no idea what Billy had planned.
Jack: You sure about that?
Phyllis: When I spoke to him, the deal was already under way.
Jack: And I'm just supposed to accept that for a fact?
Phyllis: What exactly are you accusing me of, Jack?
Jack: Well, after everything you and Billy have done behind my back over the last few months --
Phyllis: That is over and done with.
Jack: And I'm just supposed to accept that on faith?
Phyllis: Oh, Jack.
Jack: You laid this whole guilt trip on me, told me I should back Billy's investment, sight unseen, even if I had qualms about his judgment. Well, turns out I was right. He just spent millions of dollars trying to stick it to Victoria when the only crime she's guilty of, as far as I can see, is giving a damn about Billy.
Phyllis: You know why I persuaded you to give him the money? Because I honestly thought he was ready for a new start, and he is. He wants to be a success. He wants to make his mark. This has nothing to do with an ulterior motive.
Jack: Who are you kidding? This is all about revenge -- everything you did, everything he did, the whole pass key deal, all of it.
Phyllis: You were the one who fired him. Victoria wanted to punish him. You were the reason he was left with nothing and needed to do this. If there's anyone Billy wants revenge on, it's you.
Ashley: This is not something that we can just shrug off. We have to suspend testing immediately, and we have to make an announcement.
Dr. Neville: No, we have to do more than that. We have to go through every single shred of data -- figure out what went wrong and when before we resume any further human experimentation.
Ashley: It's true. We have to revamp the protocol. To do that, we need Devon to sign off on it. Why isn't he here?
Hilary: I'm here.
Ashley: Did you even tell him about this meeting, Hilary?
Hilary: Devon is the investor. He signs the checks. That is the extent of my husband's involvement. He doesn't want or need to be involved in this kind of decision-making.
Dr. Neville: Perhaps you didn't understand me. A man almost died.
Hilary: But he didn't.
Ashley: Ohh.
Hilary: He had a reaction. That's what the file says.
Dr. Neville: No, no, no, no. It says he had a severe reaction, a nearly fatal reaction. I mean, thank God he's all right, relatively. What are we gonna do when our next patient isn't as lucky?
Hilary: This is a trial, Simon. By definition, there are risks. That is the reason why we enlist patients who are out of options.
Dr. Neville: I don't be-- I don't believe it. You're gonna explain to me how this works?
Hilary: Stop it, okay? We are not gonna scream like Chicken Little. The sky is not falling.
Ashley: If you continue with this and pretend that nothing happened, knowing what we know, you are asking for the worst kind of trouble.
Hilary: Unless the protocol succeeds.
Ashley: It...already... failed.
Dr. Neville: She's right. Please. You got to understand, we are back to square one. The treatment has to be safe and effective. It's not an either/or proposition.
Hilary: I still think that --
Ashley: All right, stop. I'm gonna try to use words that, hopefully, you will understand. You, Hilary, as the face of this project, as the person that pushed this testing through before it was ready, will find that your reputation will be tarnished beyond repair if you don't pull the plug now -- you!
Victoria: I just don't understand how he could be so cruel. I mean, clearly, Billy could see how upset I was, but that didn't matter to him?
Nick: Don't let it get to you. That's what he wants.
Victoria: Who? Billy?
Nick: No. Dad. He found a way to hurt you without hurting the company, especially when you doubled the asking price.
Victoria: I did that to make it seem less attractive and hopefully prevent anyone from buying it.
Nick: All you did was pad the bottom line, and it cost you the division you love the most.
Victoria: Did dad really do this to punish me? He admitted that to you?
Nick: It took every ounce of willpower I had in me to sit there and listen to his twisted logic. I mean, it's just pure vindictiveness, and all against this family he claims to love so much. You think I'd be shocked and horrified by his behavior, but I've seen it before. I will see it again.
Victoria: So, him being in prison didn't send him the message that we hoped it would.
Nick: If anything, it made him even more Machiavellian. Look, there's more moves coming, Vick. This is just his first shot.
Victoria: What do you mean?
Nick: In the world according to dad, he thinks you're weak and that you're gonna fold under the pressure of being C.E.O.
Victoria: He knows that's not true.
Nick: Well, he thinks you proved that weakness by agreeing to the pass key deal with Jack.
Victoria: Right, because I was standing on the serpent's head instead of cutting it off. I went soft and I accepted a deal. And, like an idiot, I went to tell Dad how I handled things and that he would approve, but instead, he gave me a lecture of how ineffectual I am. [Sighs]
Nick: He thinks that's going to lead to your eventual downfall, especially if he's behind the scenes, stacking the deck against you. And since he knows I'm not gonna leave you hanging...
Victoria: You're in the perfect position to take my place. That's what he wants. He wants me out and you in.
Dylan: Hey, Paul. What's going on? We're just packing for our big weekend.
Paul: Yeah, there was an accident on Highway 11, west of 120. Sharon called to report it.
Dylan: Is she okay? And Sully -- he's got to be with her.
Paul: Well, I assume so, because she called it in.
Dylan: Well, what about the accident? How big was it?
Paul: I don't have any details yet. I'll meet you at the scene.
Faith: Mommy was in an accident?
Dylan: Come here. No, your mom -- your mom called for an accident, okay? I'm gonna call over to your grandma's house, and I'm gonna have someone come stay with you.
Faith: Where are you going?
Dylan: I'm just gonna see if I can help. Is that okay? Good. Everything's gonna be fine.
Faith: You promise?
Dylan: I promise.
Sage: Will you promise me you'll tell Nick that it's his baby?
Sharon: Crazy. Shh.
Sage: But you promise me to tell him?
Sharon: No talking, okay? Just save your energy. Save it.
Sage: I want to hold him. Hey. Will you help me hold him? [Coughs]
Sharon: Yeah.
Sage: Just put him right here on my chest.
Sharon: Okay.
Sage: Oh, yes. Oh. Oh, baby. You are so beautiful. You're gonna grow up so strong, like your dad. [Chuckles, coughs] I love you. I'm always gonna be with you, Christian. Okay? I'm always gonna... always, I'll be there. I love you. Ohh.
Ashley: If we don't get in front of this, you can just kiss your credibility goodbye, especially considering the lengths you went to to make yourself the face of this new wonder drug, Hilary. You will not be getting invitations to chair galas or sit on boards or preside over exclusive social events, which I know you're dying to have happen for you.
Dr. Neville: Hilary's personal reputation, as well as the reputation of our drug trial, are inextricably linked.
Ashley: Come on. It's just a snag, Hilary. Don't turn it into a fatal error.
Hilary: Fine. We will suspend the drug trial, effective immediately. I will put together a statement.
Ashley: We have to do the right thing.
Dr. Neville: If you would like, I can be there when you address the press as the architect of the trial, as the drug's creator.
Hilary: Thank you, Doctor, but that's not necessary. I am well versed in the science, and, as you two both pointed out, as the company's spokesperson, this falls on me. I will handle this -- on my own.
Dylan: Hey. What happened? How is she?
Paul: She's dead.
Dylan: [Sighs] How are we gonna tell Nick?
Victoria: Why would Dad want you in charge? You testified against him, too. You don't even want to be here. Where is he coming from?
Nick: Don't forget, we're talking about dad here. He doesn't like it when things are too peaceful. He needs things in a state of chaos, swirling around. Otherwise, he's not happy. And I'm not kidding. I think that's who he is now.
Victoria: He's gone off the deep end, and it's kind of scary.
Nick: I came back for one reason and one reason only, and that's to protect you -- to protect you from maneuvers like this. Now, I thought they'd be coming from Adam, but...
Victoria: I hate this, Nick. I hate it.
Nick: Well, this is the reaction he wants. He wants you feeling like you're under siege and anxious and nervous. You got to just chill out, brush it off, and know I'm on your side. You're too smart to let small people with petty motives get to you. You're better than that. If we stick together, everything's gonna be fi--
Victoria: That's so easy for you to say. You're not the one with a target on your back. You're not the one with the board breathing down your neck. I'm the one in dad's cross hairs. He's positioning you to take my place.
Nick: You don't think --
Victoria: I don't know what to think anymore! I don't know who to trust.
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: Hey, Paul. What's up?
Jack: I know you think I left Billy with nothing. That is not why I cut him out of Pass Key. I wanted to help him get back to what was important -- his family, the love of his life -- and that's what Victoria wanted, too!
Phyllis: Okay. And how is that strategy working for you?
Jack: This doesn't make sense. Victoria created the company. Why would she put it on the block? Why would she want to sell it?
Phyllis: That is a moot point right now, isn't it? Who knows why they make the decisions they do, especially now with Victor on a 10-year vacation.
Jack: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Oh, why didn't I think of that? This is Victor's doing.
Phyllis: It is?
Jack: Victoria told me Victor is furious about pass key. He wanted to punish his daughter. The best way to do that is to find a way to unload her favorite division. He did all this from a cell to teach her a lesson.
Phyllis: Okay. How?
Jack: By rounding up the board, by twisting arms, by making threats, by collecting favors. Suddenly, the company's on the market. And the fact that Billy can afford to scoop it up is just a cherry on top. No, he wanted to teach his daughter a lesson. And this was just the last little twist of the knife, not to mention the chaos this is gonna cause at Jabot now that Billy is the competition.
Phyllis: Okay. So, Victor turns on her like that? Using his only child who has stood by him, put up with all the garbage for all those years? I mean, that is just --
Jack: That is just classic Victor.
Phyllis: Okay. So, what can we do?
Jack: Well, it's a little late to be asking that, don't you think, after you've goaded him for months, egged him on, fed in to his worst instincts?
Phyllis: Okay. Save it, Jack.
Jack: Wait. Where are you going -- to congratulate Billy? [Exhales sharply]
Dylan: Hey, buddy. There we go. Oh, yeah.
Paul: Hey, Sharon, uh, I need to ask you a few things.
Sharon: I just want to go home.
Paul: I understand. This is not gonna take long. I told Nick to meet me at the hospital. Just a few short questions. Tell me, did you see what happened?
Sharon: No. I-I came upon the wreck, and I stopped. I saw it was Sage, so I called an ambulance.
Paul: Right. Did you see any other cars?
Dylan: It's okay, buddy. Daddy's here.
Paul: Anyone driving erratically or speeding?
[Baby cooing]
Paul: Anything that might have, uh -- Sharon?
Dylan: What?
Paul: Anything that might have, uh, caused the accident or forced her off the road?
Sharon: No.
Paul: What about trucks? Like a semi or something like that? You didn't see --
Sharon: No.
Paul: I mean, it's strange, because the pavement's dry, and there's no wind or snow or ice or anything like that. I mean, something had to make her lose control of the car.
Sharon: I-I don't know.
Paul: Are you sure? You can't remember anything?
Sharon: Paul, I said I don't know!
Dylan: Paul, can we do this later? She's in shock.
[Baby fussing]
Dylan: Oh, it's okay.
[Fussing continues]
Dylan: It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Phyllis: So, Victor has been pulling the strings from inside the penitentiary. That's why Newman cosmetics is up for sale. He thought maybe he would sell something that she cares about just to be spiteful?
Billy: Yeah, and I was just about to have a celebratory drink. Would you like one?
Phyllis: You're not listening. Victor set this up. He set you up.
Billy: Victor could have never known that I would have the cash to pay double the asking price, and I didn't know that he was behind the curtain, nor do I care.
Phyllis: So, you know about all this?
Billy: Nick walked in while I was sharing the good news with Victoria. He had just come from the prison. A few minutes with Victor, and he figured it all out.
Phyllis: So, you're going to keep Newman cosmetics, knowing that Victor's motivation was to tear her heart out and cause trouble between the two of you?
Billy: Why do you sound so surprised?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Travis: Hey. What are you having?
Victoria: Uh, wine... unless that's asking too much.
Travis: We got red, and we got white. What's your preference?
Victoria: White. Whatever you have open.
Travis: One open white wine coming up. Now, what did that jukebox ever do to you?
Victoria: This is not the song that I paid for.
Travis: It's not a bad song.
Victoria: Well, it's not the song that I wanted.
Travis: What did you want to hear?
Victoria: "All the shiny things."
Travis: Oh. That's E-7.
Victoria: Well, not on here, it isn't.
Travis: My regulars know the number. Just been too lazy to change the label. Here.
Nick: Paul.
Paul: Hey, Nick. Thanks for coming down. I, uh --
Nick: What happened?
Paul: Well, uh, we're not exactly sure. I got to the scene about the same time as the paramedics. And, um... there's -- there's really never any way to say this. Uh... they did everything they could. But -- but she didn't make it. I am so sorry.
Nick: [Crying] Where is she?
Ashley: Here you go.
Dr. Neville: You do realize you were brilliant, right?
Ashley: What do you mean? Just right now with Hilary? [Chuckles]
Dr. Neville: Surgical. Zeroed right in on her weak spot.
Ashley: Oh, that huge, massive, social-climbing ego of hers. Wasn't it fascinating? She heard nothing we said until we made it about her.
Dr. Neville: No. I mean, it was a very vivid picture you painted of what exactly was going to happen if she refused to see reason and call off the trial.
Ashley: Well, I think it's pretty difficult to be taken seriously as a super power player if you're not trusted to make an intelligent decision, don't you?
Dr. Neville: Did we, though?
Ashley: What do you mean?
Dr. Neville: I mean by pushing her to make the announcement solo. Something tells me I should have insisted on being there.
Nick: [Crying] I never should have let you go this morning. I should have talked to you, told you how much I love you. I never should have let you go. I'm sorry. I should have protected you and been a better husband, and I'm sorry. I know you're finally at peace now. Be with our son. Be with Christian.
[Door opens]
Faith: Mommy, you're okay!
Sharon: Hi, honey. I'm fine.
Faith: Dylan said there was an accident.
Sharon: Yes, there was, but I called 911, and they came right away.
Dylan: Carly, can you take Faith upstairs and help her get ready for bed? Can you show her where everything is?
Sharon: Thanks. I just couldn't...
Dylan: I know.
Sharon: She adores Sage. She's gonna be devastated. How are we ever gonna --
Dylan: We'll find a way. We'll find a way.
Sharon: Dylan... I was with her, and I was -- I was looking in her eyes... and watching her take her last breath. [Crying] I can still see her. I can hear her.
Hilary: As a survivor of traumatic brain injury and the fiercest advocate for this treatment protocol, my own personal reputation as well as the reputation of this program are inextricably linked. That is why I called this press conference as soon as I found out that this initial trial, which was clearly rushed in an effort to bring the drug to market, has failed. Two of my associates, Dr. Simon Neville and Ashley Abbott, were forced to call me in for an emergency meeting tonight to break the news that they are aborting the study and will have to start over at a future date. With so much at stake, I saw the wisdom in cutting our losses, so that we can all learn from this unfortunate mistake. I vow that, moving forward, I will take the necessary steps to ensure --
Ashley: Can you believe her?! She's actually making it look like we are the ones that rushed the testing, and she was the victim here.
Dr. Neville: That's a brilliant lie, but we can't let her get away with it.
Ashley: There's nothing we can do. Anything we say is gonna make us look guiltier. That's just the way she wants it.
Dr. Neville: It's incredibly deceitful.
Ashley: You know what? You were right. We were stupid to think she would handle it any other way.
Hilary: So... what is up with you... sitting here all alone, looking like you lost your only friend?
Jack: Let's just say I'm not exactly surrounded by support.
Hilary: Wow, do I know the feeling. Nothing you can say or do is right. I mean, I can say that the sky is blue, and someone will step right up and tell me that I'm wrong. "It's overcast. Therefore, it's gray." And then if I say that it's cloudy out, someone will lecture me for being a pessimist and not focusing on the brilliant blue bits peeking out. You can't win.
Jack: You've been there, all right.
Hilary: Been there? [Chuckles] It's the story of my life. People who are supposed to have your back, who swear that they do -- they don't. And no matter how hard you work or how much good you do, nobody notices. All they see is the tiny mistakes magnified all out of proportion.
Jack: You don't have a monopoly on big mistakes, believe me.
Hilary: Thank you for saying that. But the fact remains that the people who get all of the attention are the screw-ups like Billy or the bad guys like Victor -- men who have no loyalty, no honor, no sacrifice. It is not easy being the head of a family, and I have watched you do every single thing that you can to keep it together. I just want you to know that you have a friend who understands and admires you for it.
Phyllis: You haven't thought this through.
Billy: Yeah, I have.
Phyllis: No. There are other companies. If you really want to start over, reinvent yourself.
Billy: Phyllis, you know why I'm doing this. You encouraged me every step of the way. You reminded me that life isn't always fair... that if we want something, we got to grab it ourselves, right? Nobody's gonna be hanging around, waiting to make it right for us. Forget what everybody else says. Grab what we want... starting now.
Love can be a scandal the best of love is hard to handle next to you...
Travis: I thought you liked this song.
Victoria: [Crying]
Travis: Why are you crying?
Opens up to brilliant simplicity all the shiny things can't hold a candle to the shimmering
Paul: Hey, Nick. Are you okay? Do you need a ride home, or...?
Nick: I just don't understand how this can happen. I mean, we were -- we were having coffee this afternoon, you know? We were talking.
Paul: Is there anything I can do?
Nick: You were there... a-at the end? Do you know if she suffered? Did she say anything?
Paul: I arrived after she passed. But she looked very peaceful. I, uh -- you can ask Sharon.
Nick: Sharon?
Paul: Yeah. Sharon was there when I arrived.
Sharon: Dylan... I have to tell you. I have to explain.
Dylan: Hey, hey, hey, hey. I know that it's traumatic. Just try not to think about those last moments. I'm just grateful that you're okay and the baby's okay. It could have been you. You know, when I think about what Nick's going through... I don't know what I would do if I-I lost you or Sully.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: You found Sage. Did she say anything? What were my wife's last words?
Paul: She was initiating an outgoing call.
Dylan: Was it to Nick?
Paul: No, it wasn't.
Chelsea: There was a car accident. Sage is dead.
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