Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/28/16


Episode # 10910 ~ Billy makes a power move; Nick confronts Victor; Sage learns the truth about Christian.

Provided By Suzanne

Dylan: All right, so we're going on this last-minute trip. I got to know -- how scared should I be for a two-hour car ride with a teething 5-month-old?

Nick: Ooh. Two hours.

Dylan: Yeah.

Nick: 5 months. Very scared. Very scared. I'm sort of kidding.

Dylan: You're sort of kidding.

Nick: Sort of. Listen, the good news for you is you're gonna have faith back there, and she can entertain him, so...

Dylan: That is true. Sully does have the best big sister in the whole world.

Nick: Ah, siblings are the best, huh? In fact, there's the second-best big sister in the world. What's wrong?

Victoria: Someone's trying to steal my baby.

Sharon: Sage, what are you doing here?

Sage: I know.

Sharon: You know...what? What's wrong?

Sage: Why don't you look at me holding this beautiful baby boy in my arms and tell me, what is wrong with this picture?

Sharon: Okay. Well, it's just...your tone and the way you're looking at me.

Sage: That you're a coldhearted, backstabbing liar.

Sharon: Where is this coming from?

Sage: This is not your son, Sharon. He's mine.

Victor: Good. That's an excellent choice. Okay.

Meredith: Excuse me. This is a follow-up appointment, not social hour. Who authorized you to use my phone?

Victor: You know, sometimes one just needs to make oneself heard.

Billy: Sorry to interrupt.

Phyllis: Pull up a chair, why don't you. Have you eaten?

Jack: Feel free to join us.

Billy: I'm fine, thank you.

Jack: So, what's up?

Billy: Well, you owe me, big brother, and I'm here to collect.

Stitch: You can talk about what you're working on in school or your soccer game. Just nothing about the baby, okay?

Max: Okay.

Stitch: Hey, there she is. How was your walk?

Abby: Good, good. The weather's perfect.

Stitch: Yeah, so nice that spring's finally here, isn't it, max?

Max: Uh...yeah! M-maybe we could do something outside this weekend.

Stitch: Yeah, maybe a picnic in the park. The three of us, a blanket, a basket of fried food.

Max: How awesome does that sound?

Abby: Not awesome at all, actually. No, I don't want to go to the park, I don't want to have a picnic, I don't want to eat fried anything.

Stitch: Okay. Hey, we're just trying to show you there are things to look forward to.

Abby: No, you're trying to move on like nothing ever happened. Well, I can't. Not after what we lost.

Sharon: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sage: Oh, yeah? You don't know what I'm talking about?

Sharon: He's yours? That's crazy.

Sage: It is so crazy, isn't it? So sick and twisted that nobody would ever believe it, huh? Is that what you were counting on? Is that how you thought you'd get away with it?

Sharon: I don't --

Sage: I want to see it.

Sharon: See...what?

Sage: See the DNA results right now. I want to see in black and white what you were keeping from me, you cold, selfish, vicious monster.

Phyllis: All right, let's just settle down, okay?

Billy: I'm perfectly calm.

Jack: And perfectly hostile. I owe you now?

Billy: Well, technically, since my firing from Jabot, yes.

Phyllis: What is going on, Billy?

Jack: I thought we buried the hatchet when we came together to support Abby at the hospital.

Billy: Jack, that was family. This is business.

Jack: Kind of hard to separate the two.

Billy: You didn't seem to find it hard to separate me from the family business. Now I want my severance package.

Jack: Oh, you deserve a severance package. I'm working with H.R. We're working out the details.

Billy: Yeah, I don't think those details are gonna cut it anymore due to my abrupt and highly irregular firing. I think I deserve something bigger.

Jack: How much bigger?

Billy: $10 million.

Phyllis: Okay. That's a lot of money.

Jack: And what do you intend to do with that money?

Billy: You mean besides blowing it at the track or joining some high-stakes poker game?

Jack: It wouldn't be the first time.

Phyllis: Jack...

Jack: Am I wrong?

Phyllis: Okay. Why don't we hear him out? Maybe it's some game-changing idea he wants to invest in. Is this another pass key kind of thing?

Billy: Potentially.

Jack: Awfully vague.

Billy: Well, I'd like to keep it mine. The last thing I want to happen is what we just went through. I have a chance to prove myself, and I'd like to take it, and all I need is the capital. So, you can either give it to me or I'll sell my stake in Jabot.

Max: S-sorry. I wasn't trying to upset you.

Stitch: Hey, uh, Abby knows that. Everyone's just on edge, that's all. Why don't you go play one of those games you downloaded earlier, all right? Hey. Please don't blame max. I'm the one who asked him to ask up positive things. I thought that's what you wanted after...

Abby: Oh, after I freaked out on him for constantly bringing up the baby?

Stitch: Okay. I guess I was wrong, okay? So if you're gonna be mad, be mad at me. Max was just trying to help.

Abby: I'm not mad. I just, um... it's just hard.

Stitch: I know. I know.

Abby: You know, on one hand, I don't want everyone to keep obsessing over this, but... on the other hand, I do. 'Cause, Ben, it is literally the

only thing that I think about is our perfect little girl and how she's gone and how nothing will ever be the same again. And for everyone else, it's just business as usual.

Stitch: I-it'll be us someday, too.

Abby: Don't you get it? Don't you get it? I don't want that. I don't want this. I want to be at home, in sweatpants, with dark circles under my eyes because I haven't slept in days. I want my baby.

Stitch: Hey. So do I. Do you think I don't want that? You -- you're not alone in this.

Abby: I just don't know if I can do this.

Stitch: We can, all right? We'll get through this together. Okay?

Abby: I miss her so much, and I never even met her.

Victoria: My baby, brash & sassy, gone, or at least it will be -- stolen right out from underneath me.

Nick: How? Who put it up for sale?

Victoria: No idea, but when I find out, they better run.

Dylan: I'll leave you two to talk shop.

Nick: See you, bud.

Dylan: Hey, I'm sorry about all this.

Victoria: Thanks, Dylan.

Nick: I don't get it. How can somebody put up the entire division on the block without your knowledge? Is paragon back?

Victoria: I don't know. I almost wish it was. But this is definitely the handiwork of someone from within the company.

Nick: Who?

Victoria: Do you think that Adam could've somehow maneuvered this sale?

Nick: He'd need approval from the board. That's not really Adam's thing.

Victoria: Maybe, but I wouldn't put anything past our brother at this point.

Nick: Who are you calling?

Victoria: Every board member, personally, until I get to the truth.

Sage: Where are the DNA papers, Sharon, huh? Are they in your purse? Are they in the car? Did you destroy them?

Sharon: Sage, stop.

Sage: You might as well tell me, because I'm gonna find them.

Sharon: Here, just give me the baby before --

Sage: Stop lying to me, Sharon! You know what? I look into his eyes, and I think, that is just crazy, you know? I mean, it's been so obvious. How did I not know... that you were mine? But I guess I did know, on some level, huh? The very first time I held you, didn't I? I mean, my God. I had to run out of his christening, the pull was so strong. Do you know... that I've been telling myself that something's been broken inside of me? Because I had this bond with someone else's child? And I fought it. I didn't listen to it, baby, huh? Oh. I didn't listen to this nagging feeling that I had in my heart that this boy... this is my son -- Christian Andrew Newman. You're my baby, huh?

Sharon: Okay, Sage, can we please just sit down, and we'll talk about this? All right?

Sage: No. Not until you say it. Fine. I'll go run the test myself.

Sharon: Wait. Sage... okay. Okay. He's yours.

Sage: He's mine.

Sharon: You can attack me all you want... but just give me the baby. I don't want him to get upset. He needs his mother.

Sage: I am his mother.

Sharon: He needs his binky.

Sage: He's fine. Don't touch him. Get away. I can't even stand to look at you right now.

Sharon: I have done nothing wrong.

Sage: Is that a joke, Sharon? You lost a child, right? You're the one that told me it's a wound that never heals.

Sharon: It doesn't.

Sage: Then why did you put me through all that torture?

Sharon: It wasn't me. It was Dr. Anderson. She wanted to get back at Nick for that diving accident in high school, and she did the most despicable thing -- she stole his child.

Sage: Our child. And you helped her.

Sharon: I had no idea. Why do you think I would go to the trouble of running a DNA test, which I did just today?

Sage: So you suspected nothing? Nothing at all?

Sharon: Sage, I have been investigating Anderson and Stephens with you all this time. Why would I do that if I really knew the truth?

Sage: Yeah, and then you told me to drop the investigation. You said, "stop asking questions and let it go." Did you not think that that was gonna set off alarm bells for me?

Sharon: That's true. You saw me here in tears that day. That -- that was when it first hit me.

Sage: Then why didn't you say anything?

Sharon: I couldn't.

Sage: Why?

Sharon: Because... I was terrified, and I -- I didn't want to set all of this in motion unless I knew for sure.

Sage: But, Sharon, you were sure. Even if you didn't want to admit it to yourself, you knew right then that Sully was Christian.

Sharon: No. That's --

Sage: Come on, Sharon. You're a mother. You have instincts. If the thought entered your mind for one second, your entire body would have known, and you said nothing.

Sharon: You are not the only person whose life has completely changed right now. Only, for you, it's good news. Miracle of all miracles. But for me and Dylan? Our child is gone.

Stitch: Mac, hey, what's up?

Dylan: Not much. How you guys doing?

Stitch: We're hanging in.

[Cell phone rings]

Abby: Yeah, there's good days and bad days. Um, excuse me. Victoria, hey.

Victoria: Hey. I won't keep you. I just have a quick question.

Abby: Okay.

Victoria: You had no idea that brash & sassy was being put up for sale, did you?

Abby: No. No clue.

Victoria: I figured. How did this happen without board approval?

Abby: Wait. Did you just say "board approval"?

Victoria: Well, yeah. You can't put an entire division on the market without a majority of votes.

Abby: Right.

Victoria: Abby, is there something you want to tell me?

Abby: [Sighs] Yeah, I wanted to talk to you earlier, but then things got kind of crazy.

Victoria: Just say it.

Abby: I sold my voting rights to dad.

Victoria: What? How could you do that?

Abby: Uh, I don't know. Maybe because I felt guilty that we sent him to prison.

Victoria: So you signed over your voting rights? Unbelievable. Do you have any idea what you've unleashed?

Abby: I don't give a damn. In case you've forgotten, I've been going through hell lately. And things may have just gone from bad to worse, but thanks for asking.

Victoria: All right, Abby, I'm so sorry. I know. Look, I'm a terrible sister. I'm sorry.

Abby: No. No, you're not.

Victoria: I shouldn't have mentioned business.

Abby: It's fine, really. Uh... but I do, I have to go, so, um... good luck with brash & sassy.

Victoria: [Sighs] How selfish am I?

Nick: It's not a crime to get caught up in your own life. She'll understand.

Victoria: I hope so.

Nick: Do I even want to know who will be voting in Abby's place?

Victor: Sorry I overstepped, but I had to make this phone call. It was regarding my daughter. Oh.

Meredith: Is she okay?

Victor: [Breathes deeply] [Groaning]

Meredith: Okay?

Victor: Oh, she's not okay, I'm sure, not after this bombshell I dropped. [Groans]

Meredith: So that wasn't her on the phone.

Victor: Mnh-mnh.

Meredith: What exactly did you do now, Victor?

Victor: You really want to know?

Meredith: Kind of.

Victor: My daughter, Victoria, betrayed me. Anyone does that, there are consequences.

Meredith: What if someone gets seriously hurt in the process?

Victor: So be it.

Abby: Nice out here, huh?

Max: Mm-hmm.

Abby: Hey, um... I'm sorry about earlier. I wasn't upset with you.

Max: Seemed like it.

Abby: I know. And I know how difficult it can be dealing with step-parents, wanting them to get you so badly and then they don't.

Max: You had step-parents?

Abby: Oh, yeah. I still do. And there was a time where I couldn't stand them. Kind of how you felt about me? Hey, I don't blame you for feeling that way... or for acting out. God knows I did.

Max: Really?

Abby: Oh, yeah. You should talk to my mom sometime. I was a hellion. The stunts that I pulled...

Max: What kind of stunts?

Abby: Oh, gosh. Anything and everything to get back at my parents. Hey, I'm sure you've pulled some stunts of your own, huh? You would do anything to get me out of your dad's life.

Max: Not anything.

Abby: To make things even worse, there was a baby on the way, which meant that I was sticking around. Unless... you did something. I mean, to get rid of me or the baby. Or both of us. Is that why you put something on the stairs?

Jack: You're selling your shares in the family business?

Billy: It's not my first choice, Jack. I got nothing else to negotiate with.

Phyllis: You cut all of your ties at Jabot. That's it. You're on your own.

Billy: I'm prepared for the outcome. I'd like your decision by tomorrow morning. Enjoy your dinner.

Jack: You think I should give him the money.

Phyllis: It's your choice to make.

Jack: I'm asking your opinion.

Phyllis: Honestly, in my opinion, Billy lost his job through no fault of his own. He was killing it at Jabot. Only reason he's not there is because of Victoria.

Jack: And me.

Phyllis: How do you feel if he walked away entirely?

Jack: Walked away from a company my father built from the ground up for all of us? Absolutely rotten. This would be a divide that we could never bridge again.

Phyllis: So maybe that's your answer.

Victor: I know precisely how this lesson will cost my daughter.

Meredith: And you're all right with that?

Victor: Why does this strike a nerve with you?

Meredith: Let's just move on with your checkup, shall we?

Victor: Get on with the job.

Meredith: Exactly.

Victor: [Inhales sharply] Let me ask you something. Part of your job here is to help reform prisoners. Ohh. Something about the story with my daughter seems to strike a nerve with you. Why don't you tell me about your story? Maybe it can help me.

Meredith: You think you're being clever?

Victor: No. I just want to find out, you know, what makes you tick. Maybe I can learn from it.

Meredith: Okay. My brother -- he had a serious drug problem. Tried to quit so many times, but unfortunately, nothing ever stuck.

Victor: Well, addiction is a terrible disease.

Meredith: Over time, he fell in with a really, really rough crowd. And one night, they decided to, you know, score big. It all went terribly wrong.

Victor: Oh.

Meredith: My brother -- he wasn't even there. He was innocent.

Victor: And your dad? How did he react to the whole thing?

Meredith: Oh. My father. He could have gotten him out of jail, no problem. But he thought, "no, I'll keep him behind bars. It'll clean him up. You know, it'll set him straight. It'll teach him a lesson." It killed him.

Victor: I'm very sorry to hear that.

Meredith: Thank you. So, you understand.

Victor: Yeah, I certainly understand your side of the story.

Meredith: But you also see my father's.

Victor: [Sighs] Well... [Chuckles] Raising kids is very, very difficult, you know? I mean, what if your father had done what you wanted him to do, namely help your brother stay out of jail? Do you think it would have guaranteed your brother a better life?

Meredith: At least he would have had a chance.

Victor: Well, maybe.

Meredith: [Voice breaking] He was so good to the core, you know? He was so kind-hearted and generous. [Sniffles] And, oh, his smile. God, it lit up every room that he walked into. Yeah.

Victor: Did, uh -- did he have a smile like yours?

Meredith: [Laughs] Oh, boy. You charmer, you.

Victor: No.

Sharon: Dr. Anderson lied to both of us. And I couldn't believe it was true. I have been raising this precious boy for months -- loving him, feeding him, rocking him to sleep at night.

Sage: Am I supposed to feel sorry for you, Sharon? While you were playing mommy, I was mourning my son.

Sharon: I didn't know.

Sage: You were doing all of the things that I wanted to do, that I was robbed of.

Sharon: Not by me. Dr. Anderson robbed you. She robbed all of us.

Sage: But she wouldn't have done that if you hadn't turned a blind eye to reality.

Sharon: How? By drugging me within an inch of my life? I didn't know what day it was, much less that I was pregnant or not. She isolated me from my husband, from my children.

Sage: You didn't ask any questions, did you?

Sharon: [Sighs] She was always there with an explanation. She told me she ran a pregnancy test and did an ultrasound. She showed it to me, and there it was, in real time -- my baby moving inside of me.

Sage: I don't care. A mother would know.

Sharon: And I did. In my subconscious. There were these hazy moments when reality would creep through.

Sage: And then what?

Sharon: And then I would push it down. I didn't want to see it or have it be real. Every time it came close, Dr. Anderson was there with another explanation and another needle, and then... [Voice breaking] They put this beautiful baby boy in my arms, and they told me that he was mine.

Sage: But he wasn't yours, Sharon.

Sharon: But, Sage, how could I have ever guessed that? And why would I think that he was yours? Sage, we all thought that Christian was gone.

Sage: You know what? I'd almost have sympathy for you if I didn't know for a fact that you're not as innocent as you claim.

Sharon: What?

Sage: I heard you yesterday. You had a miscarriage, and you didn't tell anyone but Mariah. Don't you see, though? If you just would have told Dylan that you lost the baby, Dr. Anderson would not have had this opportunity and none of this would have happened.

Victoria: [Chuckles] Thanks a lot, Mom. No, no. No, you've done enough.

Nick: Dad got to Mom.

Victoria: He guilted her into handing over her proxy to Curtis fielding.

Nick: Fielding voted to oust dad as CEO, too.

Victoria: I guess dad found something to use against him, so he convinced him to call a vote without us. The thing I don't understand is that out of all the divisions, why brash & sassy!? Why? I mean, it doesn't hurt our bottom line.

Nick: No, but it'll hurt you.

Victoria: It was my first real job, my first real success, and he just auctions it off to the highest bidder.

Nick: It's not a done deal yet.

Victoria: Where are you going?

Nick: I'm gonna go put a stop to this.

Victoria: Nick, he's not gonna listen to you.

Nick: I'm gonna try.

Victoria: Yes, this is Victoria Newman. I'm calling in regards to the sale of brass & sassy! Oh, no. I'm well aware that I can't call it off. But as C.E.O., I don't need board approval to change the asking price. So double it.

Meredith: Oh. [Chuckles] Well, that was entirely unprofessional.

Victor: That's all right. I certainly understand loss.

Meredith: I know you do. And, uh, I'm still gonna have to write you up for that phone violation.

Victor: Sure. Hey, doc, um, thank you for telling me a little story and thank you for checking up on me, okay?

Max: What are you talking about? What would I put on the stairs?

Abby: It's okay, max. Really. I know you put something on the stairs to make me fall. What was it? Lying only makes things worse.

Max: I'm not lying.

Stitch: Buddy, what's going on?

Max: I told you she hated me!

Stitch: Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Tell me what happened.

Max: Abby doesn't just blame me for the party. She says I made her fall on purpose!

Sharon: It's true. I lied about my miscarriage.

Sage: Why?

Sharon: Because Dylan was so desperate to have a baby. And he had already had fatherhood ripped away from him too many times. I was trying to spare him.

Sage: And that's why you kept the secret about Christian? To spare Dylan more pain?

Sharon: No.

Sage: Because you've only made it worse, Sharon.

Sharon: Stop acting like this was calculated on my part. I just found out, Sage. I barely had any time to have it sink in that Sully --

Sage: Christian.

Sharon: That Christian isn't mine. And I love that little boy so much. You have to know. I mean, you've seen it. And Dylan -- I mean, I --

Sage: I'm sorry, Sharon, but I don't really see a way around this.

Sharon: Sage, wife to wife, mother to mother, can we please just sit down and think this through before my husband's heart is ripped out his chest?

Sage: The way my heart was ripped out when my son died?!

Sharon: Yes! Exactly. Do you want to do to Dylan what Dr. Anderson did to you? That is wrong!

Sage: What in the hell are you talking about? You just want to keep things as they are? You and Dylan raise my son and Nick and I have visitation? Because I'll tell you what. There's only one thing that's gonna happen today, and that's me taking that kid home to his real father. Sharon, what are you doing? Give me my son. Now.

Sharon: No.

Billy: Ah, yes. Let me guess. Jack said no and you're here to let me down easy.

Phyllis: For someone who hates being underestimated, you're sure quick to do it to your own brother.

Billy: Okay. What does that mean?

Phyllis: Jack came through. The money's being wired to your account as we speak.

Billy: Whoo! Let me buy you a drink. Please, let's celebrate.

Phyllis: No. But I would like something out of this deal.

Billy: Anything for you.

Phyllis: An answer.

Billy: To what?

Phyllis: Why do you so urgently need all this cash?

Stitch: Something must have been misinterpreted. There's no way Abby would blame you for her fall. That's just... right? Back me up here.

Max: Can we go, dad? Please?

Stitch: Not until we figure this out.

Max: I don't want to be with her. She thinks I killed my baby sister.

Stitch: Okay, no one thinks you killed anyone, max.

Max: I don't want to be with her.

Stitch: Okay, well, uh, I'll take you home.

Max: No! No way. Not to her house.

Stitch: Look, we'll discuss this in the car. And we'll talk later.

Abby: [Sighs]

Dylan: Uh, look, I know you're grieving. Losing a baby, no matter when or how, can push anybody over the edge.

Sage: What are you doing, Sharon? You think you're gonna keep my son?

Sharon: No. No, it's just -- this is all really moving very fast, so can we please just slow down and be rational?

Sage: This is rational, Sharon?

Sharon: Okay, I-I just want to talk before my husband comes home and -- and Sully is gone.

Sage: There's nothing to talk about, Sharon. He's my baby. And he's coming with me.

Sharon: No, I know that.

Sage: You do? I don't think you do, Sharon. I think you want to keep this secret buried somehow.

Sharon: That's ridiculous.

Sage: Oh, yeah? Well, this wouldn't be the first time you tried to steal a kid away from Nick.

Sharon: That was different. When I lied about summer's paternity, I was off my meds. And I am fine now. I'm very healthy, and I-I'm very, very clear-thinking.

Sage: Yeah?

Sharon: I just --

Sage: You just what?

Sharon: I just don't want to break my husband's heart. God, why is that so hard to understand?

Sage: Because I have not been with this child for five months, Sharon. I have cried every single day, and there is a hole in my life that I've tried to fill but is only getting bigger. But, yeah, let's just talk about Dylan's pain here, shall we?

Sharon: That's not what I'm asking.

Sage: I'm not doing this. Give me my kid.

Sharon: No. I can't. No.

Sage: You're gonna make me rip him out of your arms, Sharon?

Sharon: I know you won't do that because you would scare him.

Sage: I'm out of here.

Sharon: What are you doing? Where are you going?

Sage: Where do you think I'm going? I'm gonna go tell Nick that his son is alive.

Sharon: Sage --

Sage: Baby Christian, mommy's coming back, okay? Don't you worry.

Sharon: Sage, please, don't. Sage! No!

Victor: Wondered how long this would take.

Nick: You know, you really threw me for a loop on this one, dad, just knifing your daughter right in the back. It's nice. Well, she learned her lesson. She suffered. Call the sale off.

Victor: Not happening.

Nick: This is your family.

Victor: Suddenly this is my family? After my family turned its back on me and testified against me so that I'd end up in this hellhole?

Nick: Abby just lost a baby. Mom's drinking again.

Victor: I don't give a damn.

Nick: You should. Your wife and daughter are in trouble, and instead of you wanting to help them, you're using their grief against them.

Victor: I forced no one's hand.

Nick: How do you live with yourself?

Victor: You know what I'm doing? I'm trying to make sure that Newman Enterprises ends up in your hands.

Abby: I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but I stand by what I said.

Dylan: Hold on. Hold on. You really think max, an eight year old, engineered a way for you to fall down those stairs?

Abby: I do.

Dylan: I don't know, Abby. I just -- I just can't see it.

Abby: That's because you're thinking like a friend. And Ben is very lucky to have you. But, Dylan, I need you to think like a cop and find out if I'm right.

Stitch: Okay, look. We'll -- we'll stay here one night, okay? Give both you and Abby a chance to cool down. Then we'll all sit down and talk. Deal? Hmm? Okay. Wait here while I go book us a room.

Jack: Hey. That was fast.

Phyllis: That's what they say with good news -- it travels fast.

Jack: I take it Billy's happy.

Phyllis: Very.

Jack: Give you any idea what he's spending the money on?

Phyllis: Yeah, he did. And you are not gonna like it.

Victoria: No. I just can't believe someone actually paid the full doubled amount. Who would do that?

Billy: Everything okay?

Victoria: I'll call you back. Is there any reason for that ridiculous grin on your face?

Billy: [Chuckles] What? No. This? No, nothing. No. Nothing. It's just -- well, I-I bought a company, and I'm feeling brash and sassy about it.

Nick: You think I'm gonna steal Newman from Victoria? "A," that will never happen. I will never betray my sister. And, "b," I don't even want it.

Victor: Yet here you are, fighting alongside your sister, trying to save the company. And you should do that because she has been making some very dumb mistakes, like making a deal with Jabot. And a few more missteps like that, and they will call for her resignation. You know that, don't you?

Nick: Even if you can get her out, which you won't without a fight, you can't force me to step in.

Victor: Oh, I see. I don't have to force you to stay in. You will never leave your sister's side, and you will not leave Newman enterprises.

[Christian cries]

Sharon: I'm sorry, sweetie. Mommy normally wouldn't drive this fast, but I have got to stop Sage. I don't know what I'm gonna say to her, but...daddy can't be crushed like this. He can't be. Oh, okay. I think that may be Sage just up ahead of us. All right. If I just flash my lights at her, maybe...

Sage: Damn it, where are you? I need to see you. It's about Christian. [Sniffles] Oh. [Gasps]

[Tires squealing]

Sage: [Screams]

Sharon: [Gasps]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: If there's anyone Billy wants revenge on, it's you.

Sharon: I'm on Highway 11. The car in front of me crashed. The driver's hurt.

Nick: Hey, Paul. What's up?

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