Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/27/16


Episode # 10909 ~ The walls close in on Sharon; Hilary pushes Neil's buttons; Abby points the finger at Max.

Provided By Suzanne

Nick: Sage?

Sage: Huh? I'm sorry. What were you saying?

Nick: It's okay. I'm sure you're preoccupied. Probably thinking about Sharon and --

Sage: Why would you say that?

Nick: [Chuckles] Well, you didn't let me finish. I was gonna say you probably were thinking about Sharon and Chelsea and fashion and marketing. Look, you got to just relax. I'm sure they are gonna love whatever ideas you're cooking up. How is work going?

Sage: Good. I actually have some stuff I need to do. I got to go.

Nick: Uh, okay. Yeah. Knock 'em dead.

Sage: Hey. I want to tell you something. I love you. You know that?

Nick: Yeah.

Sage: I believe in us and our future. And I'm still hoping that one day we're gonna have the family we were meant to have.

Nick: That makes two of us. Knock 'em dead, hmm?

Sharon: You are Sullivan McAvoy. You are my son. You are Dylan's son. And I -- you have to be. Yeah.

Dylan: Oh, hey. Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Sharon: Oh, I guess I've just been a little anxious.

Dylan: Oh, there he is. Well, I guess, partly, that is my fault. You've been on edge ever since Nikki moved in.

Sharon: Um, Dylan...

Dylan: Hi. Hi. Yes? Do you want her to leave?

Sharon: Well, I know you need to look after your mom, but having her here and looking over my shoulder, judging me all the time -- it's just too much. And she's feeling fine now. Isn't it time she go back home?

Nikki: Gladly.

Dylan: Um...okay. I know it hasn't been the easiest, all of us living under the same roof.

Nikki: It's been impossible.

Dylan: But we shouldn't make a hasty decision.

Sharon: Hasty?

Nikki: If I was looking for peace and relaxation, the last place I would find it is with her.

Dylan: Can we try to discuss this like adults?

Nikki: It's actually Sharon's attitude that starts everything.

Dylan: Hey, can you guys remember that Sully's right here and Faith is in her room upstairs?

[Baby fusses]

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: What? Hi, baby.

Sharon: Hello?

Mrs. McAvoy, your DNA test results are in.

Sharon: Thank you. I'll be right there.

Nikki: Problem, Sharon?

Stitch: Let's go, Max. You have to go to soccer, and it'll look bad if the new kid's late for practice, all right?

Max: I don't want to go anywhere else or see anyone else.

Stitch: Why not, buddy?

Max: Because of what happened to Abby.

Ashley: I don't think I'm ever gonna over the sight of seeing Abby fall down the stairs.

Dr. Neville: It was devastating.

Jack: Did you see her this morning?

Ashley: No. I thought I'd give her some time to rest. But I saw her yesterday after she got home from the hospital.

Jack: And? How was she?

Ashley: She's trying to be strong. It's gonna be a while before she comes to terms with this miscarriage.

Jack: If there's anything the family can do to help, let us know.

Ashley: By the way, it was so sweet of Kyle to fly in for the day.

Jack: Yeah. Kyle misses a lot, being in new York, but he wasn't gonna miss seeing Abby. By the way, he is still concerned about her.

Ashley: So am I.

Dr. Neville: She is strong.

Ashley: I know. I know. But I know from firsthand experience that losing a child can mess with your mind. I'm very concerned about her.

Abby: Don't be. I'm here and ready to work.

Hilary: Neil. What are you doing here?

Neil: I'm meeting with Jack. Foundation business.

Hilary: So, he isn't just here to see Ashley. He's gonna kick me off the board, and he wants you present to do it.

Neil: Where is he?

Hilary: He's in the office with Ashley and Neville. Consider this carefully, Neil, because unless you want to be exposed as the man who kidnapped me, you're gonna help me convince Jack to keep me on that board.

Neil: I would rather break all the glass in this lab and eat every single shard.

Hilary: Your choice. But the clock is ticking, so you need to decide -- would you rather save me... or yourself?

Sharon: No problem. But I have to do something for Chelsea, so I have to go. I'll see you later.

Dylan: Okay.

Nikki: Bye, Sharon.

Dylan: Sorry about that.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Dylan: There's got to be a way to make things less...

Nikki: Adversarial?

Dylan: Yeah. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Nikki: Well, I apologize for my part. The truth is, even before I overheard Sharon badgering you to get me out of here --

Dylan: She wasn't really badgering.

Nikki: Well, I had already decided it was time for me to go.

Dylan: Are you sure you're ready for that?

Nikki: You're such a good son. Yes. I am definitely ready for it.

Dylan: Nikki...

Nikki: Look, I won't be far. My house is on the same property. If I need you, I call you.

Dylan: Well, you didn't call me the last time.

Nikki: And I learned my lesson. So I'm gonna go back.

Dylan: Okay. Well, just tell me why you really want to leave.

Nikki: Honey, don't worry. I'm not trying to run away from your eagle eye. I'm not hiding anything, really. I just -- I'm trying to accept where I am now.

Dylan: But you told you were lonely.

Nikki: Yes, I am. That's why I went to see Victor yesterday, hoping he would forgive me. Because all this time, I thought that I needed his forgiveness in order to stay sober, but then when I realized the only reason he agreed to see me is because he wanted something from me, I not only was lonely but very disappointed.

Dylan: Maybe just give it a few days.

Nikki: No. He's not ready to forgive me.

Dylan: What if he never comes around?

Nikki: [Sighs] As painful as that possibility is... I can't allow it to let me ruin my life. I have to find the strength to stay sober on my own.

Dylan: Well, but you don't have to be on your own. You got me. You got Victor-- right.

Nikki: And Victoria and Nicholas and all of my grandchildren. I know. You've all made that abundantly clear. And I so appreciate your love and your support. It gives me strength. I hope you believe me. I hope you believe I can do this.

Dylan: I believe... that you can do whatever you put your mind to.

Hilary: Stop looking at me like I'm the devil incarnate. I'm simply trying to protect my interests.

Neil: This is my dream, my foundation -- mine and Jack's.

Hilary: And if you were honest with yourself, you would admit that your foundation would benefit from me being on the board. I bring energy, experience, and money to the table. It's a win-win.

Neil: Nobody wins by associating with a blackmailing, backstabbing narcissist like yourself.

Hilary: You better check yourself, Neil, because there is only one way that this ends well for you.

Neil: Oh, really? Yeah?

Hilary: Hi, honey.

Devon: Hey. Hey, baby.

Hilary: How are you?

Devon: I'm good. I'm a bit surprised to see you here. The last time you guys were together, things got ugly.

Neil: Um, yeah. I'm sorry you were caught in the middle of this.

Devon: Well, I still wish that you hadn't been the one to tell Jack about Hilary and Ashley's situation.

Neil: Look at you, putting a squeaky-clean shine on blackmail. Is that what you're doing?

Devon: We don't know what happened, right?

Neil: Yeah. Yeah, we do. Hilary used Ashley's illness to get her to step down from running her own research department.

Devon: I understand why you did it. We both do, okay?

Hilary: I went too far, okay? I see that now. I'm just so thankful that Ashley accepted my very sincere apology.

Devon: And I hope the three of us can move past it.

Hilary: I was just telling Neil the same thing. No good comes from dredging up the past.

Ashley: Sweetheart, you're pushing yourself too hard, too fast.

Jack: Your mom's right. You need time to recover.

Abby: I already spoke to my doctor. There's no medical reason why I shouldn't be here. Is this the feedback on my marketing report?

Ashley: Yes. Why?

Abby: Great. I was hoping to take a look at that today.

Dr. Neville: Uh, yes. Well, uh [Clears throat] Jack, maybe you'd like to take a look at the documentation of the brain and addiction.

Jack: Sounds fascinating.

Dr. Neville: Yes. Well, I might have oversold it.

Ashley: What are you doing?

Abby: My job.

Ashley: Honey?

Abby: [Sighs]

Ashley: You just lost your baby. Nobody expects you to pretend like nothing happened.

Jack: Since the gang's all here, I won't waste any time. Hilary, your services on the foundation board will no longer be required, effective immediately.

Hilary: I was hoping that you and Neil might reconsider.

Jack: Why would we want to work with you when you treated my sister that way?

Neil: Because, Jack... I'm still willing to work with her.

Jack: Wait. You were the one that --

Neil: Hilary and I have had a long discussion about this, and I really think that you should hear her out.

Jack: You were as furious with Hilary as I was. Why would you be defending her now?

Sharon: Thank you for getting me the results so quickly.

The DNA results are on the, uh, cover page. If you have any questions, now's the time.

Sharon: I won't need any help. I've seen one of these before.


Jack: Why are you defending Hilary? Her behavior toward my sister was abhorrent.

Neil: Jack, I'm not defending Hilary, but Hilary has shown some sincere remorse for her actions.

Jack: And that's enough for you that she feels bad?

Neil: Jack, it's up to you if you determine that you can live with what she did to your sister. I-I'm stepping out of this one.

Jack: No, I just want to understand here. You witnessed that behavior. Why would you want her anywhere near what we're trying to build?

Neil: Um...hmm. For peace -- for the sake of peace in my own family. And then there's the business standpoint. I think Hilary can make a significant contribution to the foundation's efforts.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Neil: Ooh. I wish I could stay, but I have a meeting for the foundation. Jack, I-I got to go.

Jack: You go ahead. I've heard what you have to say. I want to hear Hilary's take on this.

Hilary: Thank you, Neil, for speaking on my behalf. Jack, I already apologized for what I did to Ashley, and, uh...

Devon: Just tell Jack what you told me and Neil.

Hilary: I crossed the line, Jack. I don't even know why I did.

Jack: I'll tell you why -- for your own advancement.

Hilary: I truly believed that it was in Ashley's best interest to step back for her health. She was falling asleep at her desk.

Jack: So, you did this for Ashley's good, then?

Hilary: No, no. I didn't say that. I did it for the sake of the project that I poured my heart and my soul into. This is -- it's very important to me. It's personal, just like it is to Ashley, and, Neville, you know this to be true.

Dr. Neville: Oh, I've heard you use the excuse before.

Jack: Well, if you don't believe her, then why did you allow her to stick around?

Dr. Neville: Well, because it's, uh -- it's what Ashley wanted.

Hilary: Exactly. Ashley understands because we share this experience. Dr. Neville's miraculous treatment -- it gave us our lives back. And I just wanted to do everything that I could to save someone else, too. Unfortunately, my passion -- it made me less compassionate to Ashley, and I deeply regret that.

Devon: Which plays right in to why Hilary wants a seat on the board of directors, Jack.

Hilary: Yes. Yes, it is. Your foundation is going to save lives. You and Neil started it to give people hope, to give them a second chance, and that's all I'm asking for, Jack -- another chance.

Abby: I would rather be here than at home with baby gifts everywhere, my stepson constantly apologizing.

Ashley: For what?

Abby: I guess for planning the shower that ended up costing me my baby.

Ashley: Oh, no. He feels guilty about that? He shouldn't. It was just a horrible, horrible accident.

Abby: What if it wasn't?

Ashley: What are you saying?

Abby: At first, I thought that it was all my fault, stumbling like that, but, Mom, I keep replaying that moment over and over again in my mind. I have been down those stairs a million times. It's almost like something caused me to trip.

Ashley: Something like what?

Abby: Something like... Max.

Stitch: You're feeling overwhelmed by all this. We all are. It's impossible to understand why this happened, why Abby lost the baby.

Max: I can't stop thinking about it.

Stitch: Remember what we talked about this morning -- that we need to stay strong and keeping moving forward? That's why you have to go to school and to soccer and do your homework. That's why Abby went back to work today.

Max: She probably wanted to get away from me.

Stitch: Hey, hey. That's not true.

Max: Does Abby blame me for her baby being gone?

Sage: You told me you were sorry for everything I went through, for the pain I still feel for losing my son.

Nurse Stephens: I am, Mrs. Newman, but I-I --

Sage: Please prove that you mean that.

Nurse Stephens: How can I?

Sage: By being honest with me.

Nurse Stephens: I have been.

Sage: Have you? Because I just found out Sharon had a miscarriage right before she went into Fairview. Did you know about that?

Nurse Stephens: There are privacy laws. I can't discuss --

Sage: Now she has a healthy baby boy. How is that possible?

Nurse Stephens: I have to go. I can't -- I can't --

Sage: Please wait. Look, I'm not here to make trouble for you, okay? I'm just a mother whose child -- Christian was born premature, and he was getting better. And then he suddenly died. I'm just trying to make sense of all these confusing thoughts in my head.

Nurse Stephens: I don't -- I don't know.

Sage: I'm begging you for answers because you were there when Christian died and you were there when Sully was born. Your work and your life is to help people. Please help me. I've been to hell and back trying to figure out what happened to my boy.

Nurse Stephens: [Voice breaking] I'm sorry. Don't make me. Please, don't -- don't make me.

Sage: Please? I need you to tell me the truth. I'm not gonna stop until I get answers.

Sharon: Oh, my God. No. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Nick: Sharon? What's wrong?

Jack: You give me a lot to think about.

Hilary: Thank you for listening, Jack. I assume you'll want to speak to Ashley before you make your final decision. I will go and get her.

Jack: No, no, no. Don't interrupt her time with Abby. Besides --

Dr. Neville: You know what she'd say.

Jack: Yes. Ashley has already told me that life is too short to focus on people's bad behavior.

Hilary: Ashley has been very kind and understanding. She could have let me go at any moment, but --

Dr. Neville: But being the extraordinary person she is, she's looking at the bigger picture.

Jack: What is your take on all this, Dr. Neville?

Dr. Neville: Well, despite my personal feelings for Hilary, there's no denying she's proven herself to be a valuable asset. She single-handedly increased publicity for the project, not to mention pushing through FDA approval for our drug trial.

Jack: I'm still disappointed by what I've learned. But I would be totally hypocritical if I didn't follow the mission statement of my own foundation and offer a second chance. You are back on the board.

Hilary: Thank you, Jack.

Jack: Get right to the work. Prove yourself again. And if you cross me or anyone in my family again, there won't be another chance.

Hilary: I won't let you down.

Devon: We really do appreciate this, Jack, honestly. Why don't you join us tonight for an early dinner at the club?

Jack: No, that won't be necessary. Thank you.

Hilary: Oh, please, Jack. Come on. We can share a bottle of sparkling cider as a gesture of good Faith.

Abby: But, Mom, he's made it clear for months that he hates me. He blames me for his mom's accident, resents me for marrying his father, and he wasn't excited about this baby.

Ashley: Okay, but he is the one that wanted the baby shower for you.

Abby: Yeah, just out of nowhere. He went from detesting me to being enthusiastic and sweet. He had stitch plan this surprise baby shower for me with all of you guys involved. I mean, why? Why would he do that? And every time I'm around him, I just -- I get this weird feeling. Mom, I know how this sounds, but something's not right.

Ashley: Do you think maybe things aren't gonna be right for you for quite a while, after what you've been through, honey?

Abby: So, you think I've lost my mind.

Ashley: I think that you might be overanalyzing max's behavior, honey. He's a kid, and their emotions just change with the wind. And you --

Abby: And I'm not pregnant anymore, so what are we gonna blame my mood swings on?

Ashley: I think you're looking for reasons, you know? You want to know why you lost your baby. It's normal for you to want to blame somebody.

Abby: So, you don't think that Max has been acting weird? You think I'm just projecting?

Ashley: Well, do you think it's possible that you're projecting?

Abby: I guess.

Ashley: I'm so sorry, honey. Sometimes in life, awful things just happen. It's okay.

Stitch: Abby doesn't blame you for anything. You've already told her how bad you feel about the accident, and you've done everything you can to make her feel better. She appreciates that, Max. We both do.

Max: You don't see her when I'm alone with her. She -- she's different.

Stitch: How?

Max: She won't look me in the eye.

Stitch: Maybe you're imagining?

Max: I'm not, Dad. She says all the right stuff, but I can tell she doesn't want to be around me.

Stitch: Okay. If Abby's acting that way, it's not because of you, Max.

Max: Then why is she like that with me?

Stitch: Son... Abby and I lost a baby. The pain we feel -- it's -- it's just there. Sometimes it comes out as tears. Sometimes it comes out as yelling. It's not directed at you, Max.

Max: It sure feels like it is.

Stitch: I'm sorry for that. This -- this pain is -- it's not gonna go away overnight.

Max: Will it ever?

Nikki: Well, my granddaughter was so sweet, she kept me company while I packed.

Dylan: You don't have to rush off.

Nikki: Well, yeah, I do. There are some things I have to take care of now that I am venturing back into the world. Thank you for everything. And thank you, my sweet Faith. Thank you for sharing your home with me.

Faith: You're welcome, Grandma.

Nikki: And you, too, my little Sully. I'll miss you. Yes, my angel.

Dylan: Don't forget what you promised. If you need me...

Nikki: I got you on my speed-dial.

Dylan: Okay.

Nikki: Okay. Bye-bye. Bye.

Faith: Bye!

Faith: Why has Grandma really been staying here? She kept saying it was so we could have a slumber party... which I would have believed when I was a little kid, but now...

Dylan: Now that you're all grown up, you're not buying it? She's sad about your grandpa.

Faith: 'Cause he's in jail?

Dylan: That's right. But she's doing better, thanks to you.

Faith: I'm kind of sad she's leaving, but maybe it's a good thing since Grandma and Mommy don't really get along.

Dylan: What's that, Sully? Faith, your baby brother has a very special request.

Faith: [Chuckles]

Nick: Why are you upset?

Sharon: Um... I was just... sitting here, thinking about the baby.

Nick: The baby? Sully?

Sharon: Nick, I...

Nick: Hey, it's okay. You know you can talk to me about anything.

Sharon: I was just thinking about Abby and her miscarriage and -- and all of her heartbreak, and yours.

Nick: So, you're crying for me?

Sharon: And Sage.

Nick: [Sighs] Yeah. Yeah. It's been tough. And about Abby, it just kind of brought back all the memories of losing Christian and... Cassie. But I'm a Newman, you know? Newmans always pull through.

Sharon: Yeah. You do.

Nick: Try not to let yourself get too torn up over this, okay? You have so much good in your life. You have Dylan. You have that amazing baby boy. We have our daughter, who is pretty unbelievable. Just be grateful for what you do have, okay?

Sage: You have answers, and I need them. Please tell me. Help me.

Nurse Stephens: I can't live with this anymore. I can't.

Sage: You can't live with what?

Nurse Stephens: Your baby -- he's alive.

Sage: Christian? Tell me where he is. Tell me where he is!

Nurse Stephens: That night, after I told you he didn't make it, I took him to Fairview. I-I gave him to Sharon.

Sage: Sully? Sully's my baby?

Dr. Neville: So, Jack has agreed to keep Hilary on his foundation's board.

Ashley: That's his decision. I'm too concerned about my daughter to care about stupid Hilary's wheeling and dealing.

Dr. Neville: Of course. How is Abby?

Ashley: She's in a lot of pain. I wish I could take it away. It makes me feel so powerless that I can't.

Dr. Neville: I have no doubt. You gave her everything she needed today and that, in the future, you will continue to know exactly what to do and to say.

Ashley: Thanks. You kind of make me sound fabulous.

Dr. Neville: Ashley, all the lives you touch, whether they're your family or your friendships, your work... they're so much better for having you in them.

Stitch: Hey.

Abby: Hey.

Stitch: Hey. I thought you were going to work today.

Abby: Well, my mom practically kicked me out of the lab. What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be at soccer?

Stitch: Max wasn't up for going today.

Abby: Why not?

Max: I feel awful about the shower, the baby.

Abby: You shouldn't feel bad, Max, and you should stop apologizing.

Max: You say you're not angry at me, but you are.

Abby: Please don't do this here.

Max: Admit it.

Abby: You planned the shower, Max. It was a nice thing to do. It's not your fault that I fell down the stairs. Now, can we just drop it?

Stitch: [Sighs]

Abby: Great. Great. You're mad at me now.

Stitch: I just want to know what's going on inside your head.

Faith: And then the prince got back on his magic horse and rode back to his mommy and daddy and sister, who loved him.

Dylan: And they lived happily ever after, just like us.

Faith: [Giggles]

Dylan: Yay!

Faith: Big hug!

[Both laugh]

Faith: Mommy!

Sharon: Hey! I miss all the fun?

Faith: It's okay. We can do our puppet show again just for you. Can't we, Dylan?

Dylan: Oh, we can, but I got to take you to Kenzie's for your playdate, remember?

Faith: Oh, yeah. I'd better go get ready. Talk to you later, okay, Mommy?

Sharon: Okay. It's a date.

Dylan: There you go. There you go. Ohh. There you go. Hi. You okay?

Sharon: I guess I just feel a little bad about how I left things with you and Nikki.

Dylan: You know, um, it all worked out. Nikki was ready to go home.

Sharon: You mean she's gone?

Dylan: She is.

Sharon: [Sighs] Okay. Well, don't -- don't worry about her, all right? She knows we're here if she needs anything.

Dylan: And, uh, we can get back to normal.

Sharon: Yeah. Normal. Hey, you know what? You know what I need? Some breathing room, and I mean a lot of breathing room.

Dylan: Uh, okay. I'm not sure where you're going with this.

Sharon: We should... take a holiday, a family vacation, you know? Let's -- let's go up to door county for a long weekend.

Dylan: Okay. That sounds good. When?

Sharon: Now.

Dylan: Uh, right -- right now?

Sharon: Yeah. Why not? Nikki's feeling better. She's back at home.

Dylan: I don't know.

Sharon: And you know what? Nick and Victoria are nearby if she needs anything. I'm sure that Chelsea's not gonna mind if I take a day or two off work. You know what? This is exactly what we all need. This is gonna be perfect for all of us.

Dylan: Okay.

Sage: I don't understand. How did Sharon end up with my baby?

Nurse Stephens: I took care of the baby secretly and waited for Dr. Anderson's call.

Sage: But Sharon knew this whole time?

Nurse Stephens: No. The doctor had her drugged so heavily, she didn't even know she was never pregnant. We put the baby in Sharon's arms and convinced her that she'd given birth.

Sage: What?! Why in the hell would you do that?!

Nurse Stephens: It was Anderson -- her obsession with your husband. Back then, she wanted to hurt him, to take something precious from him.

Sage: And you just went along with her! You didn't care about how many lives you were ruining, did you?!

Nurse Stephens: I owed everything to Dr. Anderson. She saved my life, my career. So I-I did what I was told to do. Oh, God. I'm so sorry.

Sage: Oh, you're sorry? You're sorry?! No, you're not sorry! You have no soul. Go to hell. I'm going to see my son.

Nurse Stephens: Wait.

Sage: What? What do you possibly want to say to me right now?

Nurse Stephens: There's something else. Sharon had a DNA test done. She got the results today.

Sage: So Sharon knows?

Stitch: I keep telling Max that you don't resent him for throwing the shower, but you do resent him, don't you?

Abby: You want to know what I resent? How he keeps talking about how

he feels guilty, what he did wrong, how he's worried that I'm mad at him. He's making this terrible situation about him. Why?

Stitch: Because he's a kid, Abby. That's what they do. That's how they process things. I know -- I know this is hard for you to deal with right now, but we need to keep reassuring him. We can't let him get dragged down by our pain.

Abby: Right. Yeah. Yeah. We should just forget about what we're going through. We wouldn't want Max to feel bad about anything.

Stitch: Okay, that's not what I'm saying.

Abby: You know what? I-I just need some air.

Nikki: Hey, Neil. Please, sit down.

Neil: Thank you. You know, I've been thinking a lot about you, and I'm wondering, how are you holding up with everything?

Nikki: Ahh. Well... not that great. I fell off the wagon again.

Neil: Ohh. No. I am so sorry to hear that, Nikki. What can I do?

Nikki: Well, it was okay. Jack was there for me. He put me back on the road to recovery.

Neil: Yeah, Jack. Of course he did.

Nikki: I am so glad to have two friends like you who really care about me.

Neil: Just remember, we will always be there for you.

Nikki: And I am so proud of you about this foundation that you started. So many people are gonna be helped -- I mean, people who have just been tossed away. And I think everybody deserves the opportunity to start over.

Neil: Not everyone.

Dylan: So, Nikki decided it was time for her to be on her own and go home.

Nick: Yeah, well, thanks for the update. I'll swing by and check on Mom -- make sure she's not lonely.

Dylan: That'd be great. Thanks.

Nick: Something else on your mind?

Dylan: Uh, yeah. Sharon suggested we take a family trip. We leave tonight for a few days. Would you be cool if Faith came? I know it's your weekend. You're supposed to have her with you and Sage.

Nick: No, man. Of course. We'll just switch weekends. No worries.

Dylan: Oh.

Nick: I'm kind of surprised, though. I saw Sharon earlier. She didn't mention anything about going away. Why the sudden change in plans?

Sharon: We are gonna go away for a little while -- just our little family. And we are going to have a wonderful time, like nothing's changed. Speaking of changing... I'd better not forget your diaper cream.

[Baby crying]

[Crying stops]

Sage: Christian? Ohh.


Sage: Ohh. [Smooching] Hi. Hi. Ohh. It's you.

Nikki: Well, sorry to pull you away from your party.

Jack: No, it wasn't a party, and...you look --

Nikki: Sober? Because I am. And all of your phone calls and messages over the last few days -- they were a lifeline.

Jack: Yeah. Look, if I came off a pest, good -- I meant to be a pest, and I have no intention of stopping calling you.

Nikki: Well, I'm glad to hear that. Even though I am doing better than the last time I saw you, I could use some reinforcement. In fact, I'm on my way to a meeting right now.

Jack: Ooh. I like the sound of that. Well, we will talk soon.

Nikki: I'm counting on it.

Hilary: Jack. Are you sure we can't get you anything else?

Jack: No, no, no. I'm fine. Thanks.

Hilary: Well, I better get back to work. Jack, you'll see. I'm gonna help you and Neil take your foundation to new heights.

Devon: I never got a chance to thank you for backing Hilary and urging Jack to keep her on the board. I appreciate it.

Neil: What did you say -- "backing"?

Devon: Yeah.

Neil: Son, your wife gave me no choice. She blackmailed me, just like she blackmailed Ashley.

Ashley: Thank you. Oh, my God. A male patient in our drug trial has just suffered an adverse reaction to the medication. This is a huge setback.

Dr. Neville: What patient?

Ashley: Look at his profile. Okay.

Dr. Neville: That's inexplicable.

Ashley: I know, but look at his stats.

Dr. Neville: No, I-I-I -- I mean, they're stellar up to this point. He was doing remarkably well. That doesn't make any sense. The regimen should have worked.

Ashley: Yeah, but it didn't. So, what now?

Max: Where's Abby?

Stitch: She took off.

Max: Because of me. She hates me.

Stitch: Hey, hey. You're wrong, Max. She could never hate you. Come here.

Nick: I think it's great you guys are grabbing some time to spend together. In fact, I'm probably the inspiration for this happening.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Really?

Nick: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Dylan: Right.

Nick: I, uh -- I saw Sharon. I told her she needed to embrace all the good things in her life.

Dylan: Well, that's good advice. I mean, I got to say, I'm excited, you know? This is my first family trip as a dad.

Nick: Better late than never.

Sage: Hey, baby love. Mommy's here. Yeah. [Chuckles] Nothing's ever gonna come between us ever again.

Sharon: Sage, what are you doing here?

Sage: [Sighs] I know.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: What's wrong?

Victoria: Someone's trying to steal my baby.

Meredith: Excuse me. Who authorized you to use my phone?

Sage: I want to see in black and white what you were keeping from me, you cold, selfish, vicious monster.

[Car horn]

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