Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/26/16
Episode # 10908 ~ Victor quizzes Dr. Meredith Gates about her past; Kyle returns to Genoa City to visit Summer; Victoria puts Luca in his place.
Provided By Suzanne
Ian: [Grunts] Ah, be careful there, Victor.
Victor: [Grunts]
Ian: You don't want to split that wound -- open it.
Victor: Go away, will you?
Ian: Even Victor Newman bleeds, you know. Oh, you rascal. You're trying to pop those stitches so you can get back to the delectable Dr. Gates and her tender care. [Chuckles] Of course, it's not an affair of the heart -- not when you have the beautiful Nikki waiting for you on the outside. You know, Victor, I was hoping that you'd join me as a comrade in arms, but methinks you're angling for an exit strategy of your own, huh?
Victor: We wandering spirits could work together -- is that it?
Ian: You've seen the light, huh? Wise man.
Victor: What do you know about the doctor?
Ian: Why don't you tell me what you know first?
Victoria: We need some good news. Dad's in prison, Mom's barely holding it together, and Abby lost the baby.
Nick: Did you say there was good news coming?
Victoria: The good news is you're here. I know it's selfish of me to ask you to come back to Newman, especially since your adoption fell through, and I'm sure Sage needs you more than I do, but I am so glad you're back.
Nick: I have even better news for you than that. My wife is a total rock star. She doesn't need me. Sage has come out of this with the strength and grace I didn't even know she had. It just makes me love her even more. It gives me real hope about whatever the future holds for us.
Sage: Sharon, why are you crying? What's wrong?
Sharon: I'm sorry. I was just, uh, thinking about what nurse Stephens said -- everything that you've suffered -- and it just all hit me.
Sage: Well, there are days it hits me, too. But I have Nick -- he's been amazing -- and Faith. And I have this little guy, huh? So lucky to have you, aren't I, huh? Yeah? Mm. I'm so grateful to you, Sharon, for sharing this little guy with uncle Nick and me.
Sharon: Don't thank me.
Sage: Mm. I can't imagine what Abby's going through. I hope one day she'll have what you have and be able to hold one of her own little babies in her arms. And one day you're gonna know how lucky you are, little guy, for having such an amazing Mommy and Daddy.
Sharon: Please, Sage, just stop. Please.
Sage: All right. Don't tell me nothing's wrong, Sharon. What's going on?
Mariah: Please go away.
Summer: Oh, get over yourself.
Mariah: Four-letter word starting with "l," and it is not "love."
Summer: Okay. What's the clue?
Mariah: I don't know. There is no clue! I have no clue, all right?!
Summer: Okay. We are obviously not talking about the crossword anymore.
Mariah: I have no idea why I'm even asking you, since the last time you gave me advice, it totally sucked.
Summer: Okay. So, you did take my advice. Well, that's a first.
Mariah: Probably a last.
Summer: Oh, 'cause you talked to Kevin about giving you your fair cut of pass key and he didn't want to share?
Mariah: I don't care about my cut.
Summer: Yes, you do.
Mariah: Maybe a little, but that's not the point. It was always us. We were always "us." And then suddenly -- poof! -- It's "them."
Summer: What, Kevin and...?
Mariah: Natalie. You know, you think that someone is possibly, practically the best friend that you've ever had in your entire life, and then some geek girl comes in to town who wears pretty underwear and strikes it rich and cuts him in and then gets a makeover and she wants to go dancing and she hashtags about his butt, and then suddenly, all of the years that you've spent together, all the things that you've done, all of the things that you've put up with, mean exactly zip. How does that even happen? I'll tell you how. Money. Money changes everything and everyone... even Kevin.
Kevin: [Laughing] It's 100 bucks an ounce. We don't want to waste a single one of these little fish eggs.
Natalie: Oh, I love this stuff. Not at first, right? I mean, I almost gagged.
Kevin: Yeah.
Natalie: But now it all makes sense. It's what being rich takes like.
Kevin: Mm. But...there's only so many... little black dresses and '68 stingrays and fish eggs you can buy before it all starts to get old.
Natalie: Really?
Kevin: Nah. To getting everything we want.
Natalie: And more.
Kevin: Uh-huh. Ahh.
Victor: So... you want to know about this -- this female doctor, this Dr. Gates?
Ian: Yeah.
Victor: Well... seems very hardworking, very ambitious.
Ian: [Chuckles] Hardly new information.
Victor: But she also... seems to go in and out of prison. In other words, she just seems to have easy access.
Ian: Oh, there's nothing easy about her... unless one has the right touch.
Victor: What are you saying -- that you, uh... may use her to escape?
Ian: Escape? You make it sound like I'm digging through the walls with a rusty spoon. I'm walking out, man, my head high.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Ian: [Chuckles]
Victor: Your head held high? Well, then, you don't need me, do you?
Ian: Oh, but I do. You see, my particular charms haven't held much sway with the good doctor, but, uh, Meredith seems to have a special interest in you.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Ian: Yeah -- your rugged good looks and your unique charms, and that, combined with my insights into the human psyche, and she could possibly be the proverbial putty in your hands.
Victor: So, and then what?
Ian: Well, and then you help me help us to freedom.
Victor: Ah.
Ian: You and I -- we do our magic together.
Victor: Really?
Ian: [Laughing] Yeah.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Ian: Newman and ward. How could we fail, Victor?
Victor: Oh, man, I can see it -- Newman and ward!
Ian: [Laughing] Yeah. Tell me we have a deal, huh?
Victor: [Chuckles]
Victor: Okay.
Ian: [Chuckles]
Victor: Let's shake hands on that. You've got a deal. Ohh! Ugh!
Ian: Guard!
Victor: Aaah!
Ian: Guard, help! This man needs help!
Victor: You son of a -- ohhh.
Nick: Dad is a fool. Mom loves him so much, and Dad loves her, too. All he has to do is admit it and forgive her, and it'll save them both.
Victoria: I envy your Faith in the power of love, especially since we're talking about our father.
Luca: Look, I got your message, and whatever Adam told you, it's bull. I didn't sabotage his job, okay? I don't do Victor's bidding, or anyone's. Is that understood?
Nick: I don't care. I didn't call you here to talk about my dad or Adam. I want to talk to you as a father.
Victoria: Okay. I have a meeting.
Luca: You're concerned about my relationship with Summer, which you have nothing to worry about, okay? Summer's happiness means everything to me.
Nick: Oh, okay. Well, if that's true, then you can do something for me.
Luca: Anything.
Nick: Stay the hell away from her.
Summer: Natalie has never had a boyfriend. Kevin's paying her some attention, making her feel good about herself. You know, it can be a rush. Tell yourself not to go there. Then you do. You're glad you did, no matter what anybody else thinks, including your own father. [Sighs]
Mariah: Wait. Luca?! You did?!
Summer: Yeah, I-I did.
Mariah: Oh, God. You just went back to being the stupidest person I know.
Summer: Okay. Luca is the only one who understands what I went through with the depositions. He is the only one that wanted me to do the right thing.
Mariah: So send him a thank-you note. You had to sleep with him?!
Summer: I'm not gonna apologize.
Mariah: Even to Kyle?
Summer: Look, Mariah, you know how it's been. When is the last time you've seen Kyle in Genoa City? Never, okay? He's off somewhere else, and he built a life, and someone's come in to mine.
Mariah: So, you're broken up?
Summer: We're... taking a break.
[Cell phone chimes]
Mariah: [Sighs]
Summer: It's my aunt Vicki. Um, I have to go. But, look, talk to Kevin, okay? Tell him how you feel.
Natalie: I could celebrate with you forever.
Kevin: [Inhales deeply] Ooh. It's not even 1:00. Maybe we should get some celebratory coffee.
Natalie: But we just got started! I want more of everything! I want champagne, caviar, kisses -- especially those. We'll get another one of these.
Kevin: Uh, you'll be sorry when you wake up tomorrow with a monster hangover.
Natalie: That depends on who I wake up with.
[Cell phone rings]
Kevin: Ah.
Natalie: Hello?
Kevin: Give me my phone.
Natalie: Hello?!
Kevin: Give me my phone. Who is that?
Natalie: It's nobody important. Now... where were we?
Kevin: Leaving. Come on. Whoa.
Sage: Did something happen, Sharon? You want to talk about it?
Sharon: Um... it's been a long day. I think I just need --
Sage: I think I know what you need. Yeah? Oh? Want to go to your mommy?
Sharon: Oh-ho-ho. Yes. You make everything better.
Sage: Can I get you a glass of water or something?
Sharon: You know, I'll be fine. I think it's just, uh -- you know, it was the perfect storm. What happened with Abby and all this talk about Dr. Anderson, nurse Stephens -- it just brought up memories of Fairview.
Sage: Tell me about it. I can't get nurse Stephens out of my head. There's something going on there, Sharon. I know it.
Sharon: Or maybe there's not.
Sage: What? Is this about Dylan? You feel guilty for going behind his back? Because I can do all this on my own for the both of us.
Sharon: No. I mean... you know, we really don't have anything concrete, and... maybe Dylan's right. We should just drop all this.
Sage: Sharon, we're so close. What about our nightmares?
Sharon: We have nightmares? Our nightmares will go away by focusing on what's positive in our lives. And what happened with Abby just reminded me that... all the moments that we have are precious. And right now, this little guy -- he needs to go down for a nap. I think I'm gonna lie down for a while, too.
Sage: Okay, if that's what you need.
Sharon: I think that's just best for everyone.
Sage: Okay. Bye, little boy. Love you. Feel better, Sharon.
Sharon: Mm-hmm. I know you're mine. [Voice breaking] I know you're mine.
Luca: Stay away from Summer? I believe she's an adult, more than capable of making her own decisions.
Nick: She is my daughter, and I will not let you use her.
Luca: I care about her.
Nick: As a means to an end.
Luca: She's beautiful, funny, smart -- way too smart to let any man use her.
Nick: See, I see how you operate. You play games. You're always looking for something to exploit, like being my dad's errand boy.
Luca: I told you -- I'm not working for him.
Nick: And what better way to do that than hook up with his granddaughter?
[Door closes]
Summer: Really, Dad? Seriously, I thought we already had this conversation. Look, I'm really sorry. Dad, I'm gonna see Luca, and I expect you to respect my decision.
Nick: You've seen firsthand how he operates.
Summer: You don't know Luca like I do.
Luca: You don't have to defend me.
[Door opens]
Summer: I'm glad that you're here. Thank you for texting me so I could put a stop to this ambush.
Victoria: That's not why I texted you. Someone's looking for you.
Kyle: Hello, Summer.
Natalie: But I don't want coffee. I want more champagne -- oh, and dancing. Let's go dancing!
Kevin: Coffee.
Natalie: And then dancing?
Kevin: Uh, then we'll see.
Natalie: [Gasps] Kevin. I think that's Mariah over there. She looks so sad. Let's ask her to join us. Oh. Is the room spinning, or is that just me?
Kevin: That's just you.
Natalie: Okay. Excuse me.
Mariah: Your date's a lightweight.
Kevin: She's not my date. We're just two friends celebrating.
Mariah: You chose the shiny, pretty new friend to go with your shiny, pretty new life. If having money turns people into the person that you are now... I'm really glad you cut me out.
Meredith: What happened?
Victor: I tripped and fell.
Meredith: If you were attacked, I need to report that.
Victor: Oh, no, no. It was an accident. I just -- I just tripped.
Meredith: Right, and fell. Got it. God, why are you such a hard case? You're hard on your family because how dare they love you so much? Harder on yourself because you love them just as much. And if you haven't slain every dragon in the kingdom, then you just haven't done enough. You go in your dungeon, and you sulk. Really, what is it with men like you? Like it's so much better to be the strong, silent type than to let anybody close, especially those who love you.
Victor: What do you mean, men like me? Are you having someone in mind, or what?
Meredith: [Sighs] Well, there's not much damage. You'll live. I'll just re-dress it and tape you back up.
Victor: Okay. Well, that... gives us a chance to talk about you now.
Meredith: [Sighs] You know,, there's really not much to tell -- just a type-a, overachieving science nerd.
Victor: Mm-hmm, who just happens to love 17th-century poetry.
Lovelace went to prison for what he believed in.
Victor: Mm. What do you believe in?
Meredith: Courage... to look at the truth, no matter what it is, and accept it.
Victor: Mm. Do you find it courageous to work in a penitentiary, or are you hiding from something or what?
Meredith: You actually do remind me of someone -- my father.
Victor: Was he a businessman or a family man?
Meredith: No, no. He was just a complete son of a bitch, just like you.
Victor: [Chuckles] Ooh, that hurt. [Chuckles] Well, I'll be damned. Hmm. I seem to have a lot in common with your dad. What's his name?
Meredith: All his friends call him "Russ," not that he has that many. He's stubborn, he's right, even when he's not right, it's his way or it's no way at all, and he always, always has to have the last word.
Victor: Really? [Chuckles] Sounds like a fine fellow to me.
Meredith: Well, just your basic master of the universe, armed with an unshakable belief in his own judgment.
Victor: The more I hear about him, the more I like him. He must be very proud of you.
Meredith: He's a hard case...
Victor: Mm.
Meredith: ...Just like you.
Victor: [Chuckles] You take after him?
Meredith: No.
Victor: No?
Meredith: No, I don't.
Victor: Hmm. Okay.
Meredith: Just keep that dry and stop falling...
Victor: Let me ask you something.
Meredith: ...If you can manage that.
Victor: Did you, uh, volunteer to work here, or are you trying to get Daddy's attention?
Meredith: I've already explained my reasons for being here. Guard, Mr. Newman is ready to go back to his cell!
Summer: Kyle, I didn't -- I didn't know that you were in town.
Kyle: Yeah. I've been away for too long. I've missed out on too many moments when my family's needed me. And I had to see Abby.
Victoria: I ran in to him at her house.
Summer: So, you thought it'd be a great idea to set up this little meeting? It's practically an intervention, huh?
Kyle: No, Summer. It was my idea. I wanted to see you. And we have a lot to talk about.
Luca: Luca Santori. We met at the underground Christmas party.
Kyle: That's right. We did, didn't we? You crashed it with Marisa. Tell me, was that to celebrate the holiday, or were you just there to rub it in Noah's face the fact that you won? But you didn't, really, did you?
Summer: Okay, Kyle. We should go.
Luca: Guess we'll catch up later. Guess the party's over.
Victoria: Uh, Luca, would you mind sticking around? I'd like to speak with you.
Sage: Hey, Kevin. Congrats on pass key. I hear it's the latest, greatest thing. And that is a designer suit.
Kevin: Uh, have you downloaded your copy yet?
Sage: I haven't, but I will soon. Hey, I have a question for you. Are you too busy to help me do a little freelance computer work?
Mariah: Nothing but work, work, work, work, right, Kevin?
Kevin: Uh, that's the nice thing about having financial freedom. I can do what I want. What did you have in mind?
Sage: Well --
Mariah: Don't look now, but your date could use a ride.
Natalie: Or just shoot me and put me out of my misery.
Mariah: [Chuckles] There's a thought.
Kevin: Can we talk later?
Sage: Uh, yes, please.
Kevin: Okay. Come on.
Sage: Well, it's 5:00 somewhere.
Mariah: Who says money can't buy you happiness, or at least a lot of champagne? What's this project you're working on? Maybe I could help?
Sage: Um... I just need Kevin to help me investigate someone.
Mariah: Well, that kind of sounds like a job for a PI or a cop. Why don't you just ask Dylan?
Sage: Yeah, well, that's the thing. Sharon doesn't want Dylan to know.
Mariah: Why not?
Sharon: I can't tell your daddy. Not yet. What if I've got it all wrong? Then Nick and Sage would get their hopes up. After everything they've been through, that would be cruel. [Sighs] Maybe things are just better off the way they are. God. No. No. [Sighs] What if you are Christian? Of course Nick and Sage would have to know. Yeah, but I have to be sure first. [Sighs] Yes. I...need a test done. No. It's a DNA test.
Sage: The same nurse that told Nick and I that Christian had died at memorial was the same nurse that was with Sharon when she gave birth to baby Sully at Fairview. Don't you think that's a weird coincidence?
Mariah: Or maybe it's just a coincidence. I mean, she's a neonatal nurse, right?
Sage: Then we found out from her boyfriend that she was indebted to Dr. Anderson for saving her career and her reputation and she would have done anything for her.
Mariah: That Dr. Anderson?
Sage: Yes.
Mariah: Okay, but I still don't understand what there is to investigate.
Sage: Okay. The night that I found patty after she'd murdered Dr. Anderson, she was singing a lullaby, "hush, little baby," over and over again.
Mariah: Because she's crazy.
Sage: No. I think it's because she wanted to tell me something -- some big secret -- but her poor mind wouldn't let her.
Mariah: Okay, and now we're back to, "what does it mean?"
Sage: Exactly, and I don't know the answer to that. Sharon was helping me. We were together on this. But then, suddenly, she doesn't want to be a part of it anymore.
Mariah: But...you're still interested?
Sage: Absolutely. We are so close to finding all the answers.
Kevin: Okay. You need to sleep it off.
Natalie: What I need is more celebrating.
Kevin: Ah-da-da-da. We are done with this part of the festivities.
Natalie: What part of the festivalities are we on?
Kevin: The "glass of water and two aspirin" part.
Natalie: [Scoffs] Boring! Come on.
Kevin: Okay. Let's get you into bed.
Natalie: I thought you'd never ask.
Kevin: Hey. To sleep. Okay?
Natalie: But I've done that. The new me wants to do things I've never done before, and I want to do 'em with you.
Kevin: Stop it. Come on. [Sighs] Give me a foot. [Sighs] The other one.
Natalie: That tickles! Ohh.
Kevin: Ohh. Oh, you are making this very hard.
Natalie: Isn't that the point?
Victoria: Summer's very young. She's trusting. She's dazzled by this whole sophisticated-European thing. She can't see who you really are.
Luca: Or... maybe she's the only one who's taken the time to see exactly who I am.
Victoria: Do the right thing, Luca. Let her down easy. End this.
Luca: No, I can't do that. I have real feelings for Summer, and...I think she feels the same way about me.
Victoria: Cards on the table. You're using her to get into Newman. Is that what you're doing? You want a job?
Luca: Are you offering?
Victoria: How much?
Luca: It's not about employment.
Victoria: No. Of course it's not about employment. You know, you may be my father's lackey, but as long as I'm sitting behind his desk at Newman, you will never work here. So, how much will it take for you to walk out that door and away from Summer?
Luca: Your old man would be so proud. You're a classic Newman, thinking money can buy anyone. Keep your money, Vicki. I'm all about the love.
Summer: How's new York? I mean, the energy there is amazing, and the hipster scene is really fun.
Kyle: Summer, um... we need to talk. Look... I know I haven't really been good at keeping up my end of the relationship. How many times have I canceled on you? Valentine's day -- you know, who does that to the woman they love, right?
Summer: Well, you had to work.
Kyle: Well, no. I-I still should have made time. I see that now. I love you, Summer. And I want to make this right. And I'm -- I'm hoping that you'll give me another chance.
Summer: Kyle, it's -- it's not about what you did or you didn't do, how far away you live, whether or not you showed up for valentine's day or not. It's the timing. Look, I care for you so much, but... things change. People change. And sometimes when you're not even looking --
Kyle: Do you love him?
Summer: No. No. It -- it's so new, and -- and I don't know where it's gonna lead, but... I don't know. I kind of want to find out.
Kyle: [Exhales sharply] So... this is goodbye?
Summer: You know, after Austin died, I thought that my life was over. And then when I found out he was lying to me and cheating on me, I-I felt like such a fool. You know? How could I ever trust anyone again? But there you were, back in my life, full of love and kindness. And you taught me to believe in myself again... and people. I loved you for that. I always will. I mean, even when I was an irritating kid, crushing all over you, you still wanted to protect me... like when you punched fen.
Kyle: [Chuckles] Yeah. Well... someone needed to save you from that game of "truth or dare." Part of me... feels like I need to save you now.
Summer: Don't.
Kyle: Summer, I've heard about Santori from my dad and uncle Billy.
Summer: Okay. So, of course, you've heard the worst.
Kyle: Look what he did to Marisa, okay? Luca used her. He made her life a hell. And I swear, Summer, if he tries anything like that on you, I'll come back here and --
Summer: Kyle, please, please. Okay? I already have enough people protecting me.
Kyle: Because we love you.
Summer: Well, I don't want you to miss your flight back to new York.
Kyle: Right. I guess that... little girl with the crush has grown in to quite a woman. Goodbye, Summer Ann Newman.
Ian: Did the scintillating Dr. Gates show you a glimpse of the depths of her soul? [Chuckles] [Gasps]
Victor: Don't you ever, ever hit me there again.
Ian: Victor, come on. I had to make your injury look real, or the guards wouldn't have taken you to the infirmary. [Gasps]
Victor: Don't you ever... do that again.
Ian: Well, I'm sorry, but it was for a good cause, all right? I hope you didn't waste the opportunity.
Victor: She talked a lot about her daddy.
Ian: Oh, lord.
Victor: Mm.
Ian: Girls with their daddies, huh? So many issues -- something you're familiar with, huh?
Victor: Mm-hmm. She seemed to love him a lot, but she also was in a lot of pain and anger in regard to her relationship with her daddy.
Ian: Ahhh. Excellent. So now you see she could be the key to our freedom?
Sage: Hey, Sharon.
Sharon: Hi. Is this a private meeting, or can Sully and I join?
Sage: No. I thought you two were taking a nap.
Sharon: Ah, the teething thing -- he can't sleep, poor baby.
Sage: Oh, poor thing.
Sharon: So, what's up with the big confab?
Sage: Oh, I was just discussing Kevin with Mariah.
Mariah: Yeah. I needed a little, uh, "Sage" advice, and here she was.
Sage: My work here is done. I hope you deliver that message to Kevin.
Mariah: Yeah. I will make sure it gets received.
Sage: Thank you. Goodbye, you perfect little angel. [Chuckles]
Sharon: What's going on with Kevin?
Mariah: What's going on with you?
Sharon: I don't know what you're talking about.
Mariah: Nurse Stephens, you, my baby brother. What's going on?
Victor: Have you heard the
Victor: Have you heard the name Russ before?
Ian: R-Russell gates?
Victor: Uh-huh.
Ian: That's her father?
Victor: What do you know about him?
Ian: Ohh. He's a powerful man.
Victor: Ah.
Ian: He's known to the inmates as "gateway" because he's head of the review board.
Victor: Hmm.
Ian: Yeah. You want an appeal, a commutation, or a pardon... old gateway is the man. He's the one that decides... who gets out and who stays. Now...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ian: And now, thanks to you... we know that Daddy-o is Meredith's Achilles heel. [Chuckles] If we play this right... she's our ticket out of here.
Victor: I know you're an SOB... but you're a smart SOB., Aren't you?
Ian: Well, thank you, Mr. Newman.
Victor: Yeah.
Ian: [Chuckles]
Luca: Looks like you could use this. You okay?
Summer: Yeah. Kyle's on his way back to new York city.
Luca: Round-trip?
Summer: One-way.
Luca: I'm sorry.
Summer: No, you're not.
Kevin: You're not thinking clearly. I told you that champagne affects you differently than that cheap red wine you drink. So, we can't do this. Wouldn't be right.
Natalie: Can't do what?
Kevin: Ohh.
Natalie: 'Cause I think... if we put our minds together... there's nothing we can't do. Ow! Ooh! Oh, my toe.
Kevin: You didn't see that in your way?
Natalie: I can't see anything. Oh, God. This is so unsexy.
Kevin: Come here. Is it broken?
Natalie: No, it's just swollen and throbbing.
Kevin: Yeah, it sure is.
Natalie: I don't get why there's a love seat right here. I mean, what do you need this thing for if you have a bed right there? It's cozy, though.
Kevin: Okay, here's what we're gonna do. We are gonna get a towel...
Natalie: Uh-huh.
Kevin: ...And some ice, and we're gonna take care of that... and then we're gonna get back to discussing what we can and can't do. Natalie... [Sighs] Natalie. Up you go. Okay. There you are. Okay. You're gonna need these when you wake up.
Mariah: Sage wants Kevin to use his computer skills to investigate the nurse that helped with Sully when he was born.
Sharon: I hope you told her to forget it.
Mariah: I didn't know what to say, since my own mom has left me in the dark. Now would be a good time to explain.
Sharon: It's over.
Mariah: Not for Sage. I mean, why were you investigating the nurse and Dr. Anderson in the first place, and why did you all of a sudden change your mind?
Sharon: Like Dylan said, it was a dead end, and I finally realized that.
Mariah: Or maybe you realize it's wrong to go behind Dylan's back again. I mean, didn't you learn your lesson from when you kept the truth from him before you went to Fairview?
Sharon: That...was different.
Mariah: No. Lying is lying, Sharon. It's a miracle that you got pregnant and had another baby. You didn't have to tell Dylan about the miscarriage.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Abby: It's almost like something caused me to trip.
Ashley: Something like what?
Abby: Max.
Jack: You were as furious with Hilary as I was. Why would you be defending her now?
Nurse Stephens" I can't live with this anymore. I can't.
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