Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/21/16


Episode # 10905 ~ Nikki clashes with Sharon; Victoria confides in Nick; Chelsea makes Adam an offer he can't refuse.

Provided By Suzanne

Stitch: Abby.

Ashley: Abby, honey, wake up. Sweetie...

Neville: Max. Max, come with me, okay?

Stitch: Can you do that for me?

Ashley: Sweetheart, please. Come on, honey. Abby. Oh, yeah. Hey, Abby. Hey, honey.

Stitch: Okay, hey. Hey, don't move. Let's make sure nothing's broken, okay?

Neville: Yes, I-I-I need an ambulance, please.

Cane: What's going on?

Lily: Abby fell down the stairs.

Cane: Oh, God.

Ashley: Just wait there. We're gonna get you to the hospital real quick.

Stitch: Talk to me. What hurts? How do you feel?

Abby: Something's wrong.

Victoria: With revenue stream from pass key, we have the liquidity to fund a start-up incubator, which gives us access to the next great idea -- launching entrepreneurs with dreams.

Nick: Wouldn't that be like babysitting a bunch of Natalie's?

Victoria: As painful as that was -- and it was in so many ways -- it's really paying off.

Nick: Yeah, it's bold, it's innovative, it's thinking outside the box. I like it. I say go for it.

Victoria: That's what my gut says. But my head says things like, "a start-up incubator? It would be a bad idea. It would be a mistake. It would be a folly."

Nick: Look, you got to get that out of your head, all right? Trust your own gut instincts. It's what's made you an amazing businesswoman. And know that I always have your back.

Victoria: Have I told you in the last hour how happy I am that you're at Newman? It's really nice to have an ally.

Nick: We can make this company everything we dreamed it could be.

Victoria: Oh, my goodness. Abby's baby shower. It's a surprise. I'm gonna be late. Are you coming?

Nick: Uh, no. I kind of thought it was just a woman thing, but I'll tell you what -- you go, and I'll call all the appropriate division heads and sell them on your new idea.

Victoria: You are the greatest brother. Mwah!

Nick: I know.

Chelsea: What happened with Victor?

Adam: Oh, you know, honey, the same thing that always happens -- just more mind games. You know what his grand plan is? He wants to hand the corporation over to his other son -- "the strong one," as he put it.

Chelsea: Nick?

Adam: Yeah. I mean, that guy, he's great at making martinis and, like, handcrafted cocktails, but a multinational corporation? I don't see it happening.

Chelsea: Well, the good thing is, you don't care, because you're not interested.

Adam: Yeah, that's right. Yeah, no, I-I don't care. You're right. Yeah, I think the old man's slipping a little bit. This whole reverse psychology thing that he's doing -- you know, it's so transparent. I can't believe he thinks I'd fall for something like that.

Chelsea: Yeah, I can't believe it, either.

Adam: He wants to watch Nick run Newman enterprises into the ground. That's what he's gonna do. You realize that, right? I'm fine with it, though, you know? I'm more than fine with it, actually. 'Cause there's a flaw in his plan. I don't care. I don't care at all. I don't want that stupid job. Not gonna get sucked back into that world. [Sighs] I'd rather sit here and be unemployed, honestly.

Chelsea: I've got the perfect job for you.

Sage: Angela Stephens... a nurse at GC memorial... that's about it. Sharon, I know you don't want to involve Dylan in this, but a detective would have much more luck looking into someone's personal life.

Sharon: Well, we have those kinds of resources. Dylan keeps a laptop in his office desk at crimson lights, and he uses it for police work sometimes.

Sage: Well, that's great. You can go there and look.

Sharon: Well, I was thinking you could.

Sage: Me?

Sharon: Yeah. I have to watch the baby.

Sage: Well, I can watch the baby.

Sharon: I think this time I will. Here's the key.

Sage: It's locked?

Sharon: It's not locked if you have the key. And once, I happened to see him type in his password.

Sage: You want me to hack into Dylan's computer to run a background check?

[Door opens]

Sharon: Hi, sweetie. I wasn't expecting you. Or you. Did you come to see the baby?

Dylan: Actually... Nikki's gonna stay with us for a while.

Chelsea: I need your talents right here.

Adam: "Right here," right here.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: What, do you mean like upstairs "right here"?

Chelsea: No, no, I'm talking about Chelsea 2.0. We need a C.E.O.

Adam: Oh. Oh, no, I -- well, I thought you were the C.E.O. Of Chelsea 2.0.

Chelsea: Well, I'm a designer. I design. That's where my heart is. And to be honest with you, the company's been expanding so quickly, I haven't really been able to manage it properly while also focusing on my designs.

Adam: Well, you brought in Sharon, you brought in Sage, right?

Chelsea: Oh, sure, but they're helping with the marketing and the website. But you, my friend, you are a big-picture person. That's what I need.

Adam: Huh.

Chelsea: If you could take over as CEO, then I could really focus on my designing. So, what do you think?

Adam: I mean, I'm flattered, for sure. Um...

Chelsea: Mm-hmm. It's just, you know, we live together, we're married. Working together -- that's a lot of face time, sweetheart. I can be a lot. I just -- I don't want you to get sick of me.

Chelsea: I could never get sick of you.

Adam: Really?

Chelsea: Just think about it -- we could have coffee breaks and brainstorming...

Adam: Brains -- I love it.

Chelsea: ...And lunch breaks. I bet you don't have those perks at your other job.

Adam: No. Although we'll never know, will we.

Chelsea: Look, I know I'm asking you to work on a much smaller scale and for a lot less money. But just think about what we could do, babe. I mean, this company could be all ours. It would be new and amazing and...entirely ours. Um, you know, that's if you want to.

Adam: I'm in.

Chelsea: Yeah?

Adam: I'm in.

Chelsea: Yes! Yes. Oh, my God. Yes!

Nikki: Well, I wasn't expecting a welcoming committee.

Sage: You all right?

Dylan: Yeah, she -- yeah, she's gonna be fine.

Sharon: Um... something wrong with the main house?

Nikki: Uh, it hasn't been torched, if that's what you mean.

Sharon: Excuse me?

Nikki: I don't think this is gonna work.

Dylan: Hey, Nikki, please. I would like you to stay. Please.

Nikki: All right.

Dylan: Okay. Let's get you settled in the guest room. [Groans]

Sharon: Uh, did that just happen?

Sage: Yeah. Uh, I think this is my cue to get started on that project.

Sharon: Okay. Thank you, Sage. Thank you so much for doing this. And good luck.

Dylan: Hey. Thank you for doing this.

Sharon: What? I didn't even have a choice. You invite Nikki to move into our home? Did you even stop to think to ask me first?

Dylan: But she really needs help right now.

Sharon: Okay, is that code for "she's drinking again"? It is. Dylan, we have a baby to think about. Couldn't you just take her to dinner and buy her some flowers?

Dylan: I know. Yeah, but this whole mess with Victor... Nikki blames herself. And she's really struggling right now. And we both know what that's like.

Sharon: What makes you think that she would even accept help from me?

Dylan: Okay, well, I don't think Nikki's gonna want to rehash old grievances. She just wants her family. She needs to be surrounded by love, and I know there's more than enough of that in this house to go around.

Sharon: [Sighs] Okay. We'll help her, we'll help her.

Dylan: Oh, you're the best.

Dylan: Mmm. Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Sharon: Wait. You're leaving?

Dylan: Yeah, I got go.

Sharon: No, don't leave.

Dylan: Thanks again.

Abby: The baby...?

Stitch: Everything's gonna be okay. The ambulance...

Neville: Any minute.

Lily: Oh, my God. The guests, they're waiting. I'll tell them there was an accident.

Abby: Ow...

Cane: Hey, how you doing, buddy? You okay?

Max: How's Abby?

Cane: She's gonna be all right, okay? She'll be okay.

Abby: Ben, please... the baby -- don't let anything happen.

Stitch: I won't.

Abby: Promise me.

Stitch: I promise.

Ashley: Honey, you're gonna be fine. You and the baby are gonna be fine. Okay? I promise you.

Victoria: Abby. Is she okay?

Ashley: No.

Victoria: What happened?

Ashley: She fell down the stairs. It's okay, sweetheart. All right, take some deep breaths, okay? Ambulance is coming, baby. Gonna get you to hospital, okay? I love you so much.

Nikki: Dylan? Oh. Where's Dylan?

Sharon: He had to go and take care of something. Work, probably. Police work.

Nikki: Oh.

Sharon: Genoa City's finest. He really loves his job. He's good at it. I'm sure you're proud of him.

Nikki: Yes, I am.

Sharon: Oh, I don't know if you've heard but, um... I'm now working with Chelsea and Sage at Chelsea 2.0. That's exciting.

Nikki: Well, doesn't that take away some of your time with Sully?

Sharon: Can I get you a drink?

Nikki: What?

Sharon: I meant tea. With honey, sugar, milk?

Nikki: No, thank you.

Sharon: Faith will be happy to see you. She made the honor roll again. She's a great big sister. Sully should be up soon. He gave us a scare recently. Spiked a fever. He was just cutting a tooth.

Nikki: Oh, for God's sake, Sharon, will you cut the act before I become ill?

[Knock on door]

Nick: Hey, what's up, man? If you're looking for Vic, she already went to Abby's shower.

Dylan: No, I'm here to see you. It's about Nikki.

Nick: What's going on?

Dylan: I don't know, man. This whole mess with Victor, his trial, the conviction, the stabbing... the guilt is eating away at Nikki, and she's drinking again.

Nick: Uh, yeah. I mean, I know. I know she started at the trial. I mean, the whole world did, but I thought she was going to meetings and had it under control.

Dylan: Yeah, well, it gets worse. There was an accident.

Nick: What?

Dylan: She had one too many at the club, she stepped in the street, got clipped by a car.

Nick: Is she okay?

Dylan: Yeah, she is okay. She's got cuts and bruises, but she's just embarrassed.

Nick: Why am I just hearing about this now?

Dylan: Because she's mortified for anybody to find out. The only reason I know is because the driver filed a police report. And she begged him not to do that.

Nick: Cannot believe this.

Dylan: Then after that, Nikki went to the prison to see Victor for their anniversary, and...

Nick: Don't tell me.

Dylan: Yeah, he refused to see her.

Nick: What the hell is he trying to do? Is he trying to break her? Because that's what he's doing.

Dylan: Well, I talked her into staying with Sharon and me for a little while till she gets back up on her feet.

[Cell phone rings]

Nick: Sorry.

Dylan: Yeah.

Nick: It's vic.

Dylan: Okay. I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted you to hear it from me.

Nick: No, hey, thanks for stopping by.

Dylan: Yeah. Hey, what's going on? How's the shower? Are you winning the diaper derby? What? Uh, yeah, I'm on my way.

Sage: Boy, that looks like a tricky job. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

Esther: Oh, I guess I still have the jumps. A fire alarm went off the other day.

Sage: You're kidding. Oh, kids...

Esther: Yeah. Can I get you a cup of coffee?

Sage: No, I'm great. Um... say, you know what? I really like your hair right now.

Esther: Oh, I just had it done. You really like it?

Sage: Yeah, yeah, it's, um... it's really, um... Nicki Minaj. You know?

Esther: Oh, really?

Sage: Yeah.

Esther: Who's Nicki Minaj?

Sage: Oh. [Laughs] Well, she just happens to be the most famous rapper on the planet right now. You should look her up.

Esther: Oh, I-I-I do try to be fashion forward.

Sage: Well, you've succeeded on that one.

[Both laugh]

Esther: Oh, gosh.

Sage: You know, I'm just gonna run in the office and pick something up for Sharon.

Esther: Okay, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Esther: Oh. Wow.

Lily: Max was so excited to do this for Abby. I mean, it was his way of showing her that he cared, and then it all just goes wrong.

Cane: Poor kid's blaming himself.

Lily: Max, hey. What are you doing?

Max: Trying to see where Abby tripped. I think the carpet's loose.

Stitch: Hey.

Abby: I'm scared.

Stitch: You don't have to be. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna get through this, together.

Abby: Um, what happens now?

Stitch: Dr. Gilbert will come in, give you an exam, do an ultrasound, make sure everything is okay with the baby.

Abby: What if it's not?

Stitch: It's hard not to think about a worst-case scenario, but I need you to stay positive, abs. Can you do that for me?

Abby: I'll try.

Stitch: That's my girl. I want you to push all those bad thoughts right out of that pretty head of yours. Think about something you love instead, like, um... jelly beans.

Abby: I love jelly beans. I love you more.

Stitch: Me too. So, so much.

Ashley: When Abby was little and she'd hurt herself, a kiss from Mommy would make it all better. Is it crazy that I'd love to try that now?

Victoria: No, not at all.

Hello, Abby, Ben. Let's get started, okay?

[Door closes]

Neville: Dr. Gilbert has A... an exemplary record. Your daughter's in very, very capable hands.

Ashley: How long is it gonna take?

Neville: Oh, well, there's no way of knowing. Each case is different.

Ashley: So we just have to wait.

Victoria: And pray.

Ashley: Abby already loves this baby so much.

Ashley: Abby already loves this baby so much. If anything happens, it's...

Victoria: Babies are resilient. And, uh, any baby with Ben and Abby's DNA is gonna be a fighter.

Ashley: I know. She has fought so hard to get where she is today. No more resorting to those crazy antics. [Chuckles] I mean, she's realized that being Abby is just, you know, fine. It's enough. Are you kidding? It's more than enough. She's amazing. Now she has Ben, and... they're such a perfect match, right?

Victoria: They are.

Ashley: I mean, he's been so strong for her. He's been so patient, right? Incredibly patient.

Victoria: And his sense of humor. [Chuckles]

Ashley: And, you know, I think it was Ben believing in Abby that made her believe in herself. And I know it's been hard for her and it's been frustrating and she's been scared, but... to watch my little girl become a wife? And then a stepmommy to Max. It just -- she's opened up her heart to receive love, and I see her giving it back 100 times. It's as simple as that. Nothing can happen to this baby, Victoria.

Victoria: This baby's gonna be fine. We just have to keep believing that.

Ashley: That little soul has already given us all so much hope.

Nick: How's Abby and the baby?

Victoria: We're waiting to hear.

Abby: The pain stopped. Almost. Um, that's a good sign, right?

The ultrasound will tell us more.

Abby: Tell me it's gonna be okay.

Stitch: Hey, did you know that there are 40 tendons and 20 muscles in your hand? 26 bones?

Abby: No. [Chuckles]

Stitch: 2,500 nerve receptors per square centimeter. The simple act of my hand holding yours is a symphony of neurological, physiological divine. It makes you and I us. You know, the more -- more time I work in science, the closer I get to the magic of the universe, seeing how it's all connected, big and small. For a long time, I was bumping along with this empty place in my life -- a place only you fit, like hands folding into each other. Like an answer to a prayer. When you came into my life, my love found a home. And our love made this child. That's some pretty powerful stuff, huh?

Sharon: Dylan and I are married and we have a baby together, so like it or not, we're family.

Nikki: I don't like it any more than I did when you were married to my other son.

Sharon: Nicholas and I have managed to overcome the pain that we've caused each other, and now we're friends. So, maybe you could take a page from his book. I'd settle for civil.

Nikki: At least you were married to Nicholas when you got pregnant. This time around, you managed to get yourself knocked up to trap poor Dylan.

Sharon: Why are you here if you hate me so much?

Nikki: It was my son's idea.

Sharon: You could have said no.

Nikki: You slapped a smile on your face and agreed pretty damn quickly. If you had had any sense and refused, I'd be back in my suite at the athletic club.

Sharon: Or drunk and wandering in front of another moving car.

Nikki: Okay. That's it. I'm going.

Sharon: No. You can't. Dylan really wants this. He loves you. He wants to help you. [Sighs] Maybe this is where you need to be for a little while. You'll get to spend some time with your new grandbaby. That's got to be a plus.

Nikki: Well, that is, but if we are going to be forced to spend time together, let's not pretend that we are BFFs.

Sharon: Couldn't do it if I tried. And for the record, I do love Dylan.

Nikki: Well, you loved my other son, too, and look what you did to him.

Sharon: [Sighs] What do you want from me? You attack me. You insult me. I'm trying to make this work.

Nikki: You know what the problem is, Sharon? I know you too well. I know the real you. You were married to both of my sons. You threw yourself at my husband. You are simply a gold-digger, and nothing will ever change that.

Sharon: Piles of Newman money has clearly never changed you. You're still the piece of trash your jailbird husband pulled out of the gutter.

Nikki: Ooh. Just like the rat-infested sewer that you dragged me down to to help find the body of the man you killed?

Sharon: I-I did not kill him. And how dare you throw that in my face, Nikki. That was lifetimes ago. Please, okay? We're family. Dylan loves you. Faith loves you. And I know that Sully is going to just melt your heart. Okay? There's a lot of love in this house. There is enough to go around, I'm sure, to at least keep us from killing each other. So, can we at least try to get along?

Nikki: Sure.

Sharon: What are you doing?

Nikki: If I'm going to live here, I'm aware of your proclivity to burning things down. I'll also be keeping an eye on my purse.

Sharon: You...hypocrite.

Nikki: Klepto.

Sharon: Lush.

Nurse Stephens: There were complications. I'm so sorry. Christian didn't make it.

Adam: Sage.

Adam: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi. Oh, is that the new marketing campaign?

Sage: Uh...

Adam: You all right?

Sage: Yeah, yeah. I was just on a project for Chelsea 2.0. It's really exciting.

Chelsea: Great. Can I take a peek?

Sage: No, you can't, because it's not ready to be seen, and I don't really feel comfortable showing you something that's not ready.

Chelsea: No, I understand that. I don't like to show anybody my designs until they're done, even Adam.

Sage: Well, I-I promise to get it to you just as soon as it's done.

Adam: Well, you can send it to me, as well.

Sage: Oh,

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Yeah. We've got some big news. Adam has agreed to be our new C.E.O.

Sage: What? Well, hello, master of the universe.

Chelsea: [Laughs] I think he's gonna take the company to a whole new level.

Adam: Well, we should, uh, check out that office space.

Chelsea: Yes, we should.

Adam: All right.

Chelsea: Okay. I'll see you.

Sage: Bye.

Adam: Bye.

Lily: No, the carpet's not loose enough to have caused Abby to fall. Maybe her heel got caught.

Max: Yeah, like the other day. Me and my dad were getting lunch, and she tripped. My dad blamed it on her shoes. I hope she's okay. And the baby, too.

Lily: Yeah, so do we, sweetie.

Cane: Listen, I hate to bring this up, okay, but we could have a liability issue here. You have to fill out an incident report. You have to check the video cameras and look at footage and, you know --

Max: There are cameras?

Cane: Yeah, yeah. They're everywhere.

Max: They can see stuff all the way up there?

Lily: Yeah, of course they can. That's why we have them. Yeah, I'm gonna check the footage and see if there's something that we missed.

Cane: Okay.

[Door closes]

Dylan: Everything okay?

Sharon: Fine.

Nikki: Just great.

Dylan: Somebody want to tell me what happened?

Sharon: I know how important this is to you that our family come together.

I really wanted to try to make it work, and I tried. I really did.

Nikki: Oh, please. It was so phony you made my stomach turn.

Nikki: She called me a gold-digger.

Nikki: You practically called me a guttersnipe.

Sharon: Well, you started throwing every mistake I ever made in my face.

Nikki: Sharon, you steal. You set things on fire. Those are facts.

Sharon: You're a drunk. That's a fact.

Dylan: Okay, okay. Stop. If we're gonna live together, we have to figure out a way to get along. Nikki, I love Sharon, and I love you, and whatever happened in the past -- and I know there's a lot of history there --

Nikki: Too much.

Dylan: Can you just keep it in the past, please? For Sully?

Nikki: I feel a migraine coming on. I'm gonna go lie down.

Sharon: I'm so sorry. You know, I really tried. I tried.

[Cell phone rings]

Dylan: Detective McAvoy. [Sighs] Okay. Yeah, no. Thank you for the call.

Sharon: Was that the station?

Dylan: Yeah. Uh, a report came in that Abby fell down a flight of stairs at the athletic club.

Sharon: Oh, no. The baby.

Dylan: Abby's at the hospital. Stitch is there. I-I got to -- I got to get to him.

Sharon: Of course. You do. Go, go, go. You know what? I've got control of this. Past is in the past. I got it. Okay.

Dylan: Thank you.

Sharon: I'll pray for them.

[Door closes]

Ashley: Thank you.

Dr. Neville: Abby's gonna be just fine. She has her strength. And you and Ben, family.

Ashley: And you.

Dr. Neville: Yes, and me.

Ashley: So, you haven't told me that the baby's gonna be fine, everything's gonna be okay. You don't think the baby's gonna make it, do you?

Dr. Neville: A fall like that one would have created a significant amount of trauma.

Ashley: You always tell it like it is, don't you, no matter how hard it may be to hear. You know, I find that comforting in the weirdest way. It's a lot better than listening to the blather that's been coming out of my mouth, trying to comfort myself. Thank you.

Dr. Neville: That doesn't mean I'm not holding out for a miracle.

Victoria: You know, when Abby found out she was pregnant, I had just gotten engaged to Billy. And she was excited because we were gonna plan our showers together. But now, it... you're thinking about Christian, aren't you?

Nick: Do you ever not think of the children we've lost? This little one needs to be okay.

Victoria: Abby's just always been my bratty little sister. [Chuckles] Even when she was COO, I still saw her as a self-absorbed child who was playing at being an adult. And then she walked out of Newman, she turned her back on the family, she didn't stand up for herself. I just don't think I've given her enough credit.

Nick: She's definitely come a long way.

Victoria: She's grown into a strong woman. And a wife. And she and Ben love each other so much. She's finally happy, you know? She's truly happy. This is so unfair, Nick.

Nick: Hey. Abby's got that Newman strength. She's gonna be okay.

Victoria: I'm beginning to think it's a Newman curse.

Abby: [Crying] No. No!

Stitch: [Crying] I'm so -- I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry.

Abby: No, no, no.

We need to get her into surgery, stat.

Sage: Hey, Sharon. It's me. I'm at the hospital, doing some more digging on our nurse. You were right about Dylan's access. You wouldn't believe what I found in her background check.

Sharon: Sage, you should know that --

Sage: Nurse Stephens wasn't just a colleague of Dr. Anderson's. She was also her patient.

Sharon: Are you sure?

Sage: Yes, it's all there in the records. Stephens spent some time in a mental facility. Dr. Anderson was her shrink.

Sharon: Why? What did she do?

Sage: I don't know. I got interrupted before I could find out what the charges were, but that's why I need you to go to her boyfriend and find out why she was there and what was her relationship with Dr. Anderson.

Sharon: So, I was right, then. There's definitely more to nurse Stephens than we thought.

Sage: Sharon, there's something else. I've met her.

Sharon: When?

Sage: She was the nurse who told Nick and me that Christian was gone.

Chelsea: Oh, it was so good to be in that space again where I used to work with Chloe. I mean, there's such good energy there, you know?

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. It does.

Chelsea: And I owe it all to you.

Adam: Thank you.

Chelsea: You are CEOing already.

Adam: I know.

Chelsea: And looking so food while doing it.

Adam: Oh.

Chelsea: What is it?

Adam: What is what?

Chelsea: Are you having second thoughts?

Adam: No, no. I-I -- you know, I think the space is great. I love that place.

Chelsea: No, I'm not talking about the space. About the job, my offer. Why? Do you feel like it's not a big enough challenge for you?

Adam: Honey, I feel like you only offered me that job because you were afraid if I didn't have anything else, I'd go back to Newman.

Cane: So, did you find anything on the security footage?

Lily: Yeah, I rolled the footage back to where Abby fell, and she just...tripped. That's it.

Cane: So, the carpet, shoes, no bad step or anything?

Lily: No. She just tripped. It's weird but true.

Cane: All right. At least we know. Um, I'm gonna stay here with Max. I'll hang, okay? I'll talk to you soon.


Max: So, was it the carpet ore shoes?

Cane: Hey, let's, uh -- let's put a movie on, maybe watch some TV or something. Come on.

Stitch: Uh... [Voice breaking] We lo-- we lost the baby. [Crying] I promised her it would be all right. I promised her. [Sobbing] I promised.

Ashley: Oh.

Stitch: [Sobbing]

Lily: Okay. Thank you for calling.

Cane: So much for hang time. The poor kid's so tired he fell asleep. He's had a long day. What is it?

Lily: Abby lost the baby.

Cane: Oh, God. You're thinking about the baby we lost, aren't you?

Lily: I just remember that I-I blamed myself, and it was no one's fault, but I still blamed myself. And I know Abby's gonna do the same. My heart just breaks for her.

Cane: I know. But this was an accident, sweetheart. It was no one's fault. She's gonna understand that, okay? Come here. Come here.

Ashley: Did you hear anything else? Oh, come on. You're always honest with me, remember?

Dr. Neville: It was a girl.

Ashley: Little baby girl. [Crying]

Sage: Nick? Hey.

Nick: Hey, I was, uh, just about to call you. Did you hear about Abby?

Sage: No. What happened with Abby? Is it the baby?

Nick: The baby's gone.

Abby: Ben?

Stitch: Hey. Hey, um... I'm right here.

Abby: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. It's all my fault.

Stitch: No. Don't you say that, okay?

Abby: No, I did this. I did this to our baby.

Stitch: This is not your fault. It's no one's fault.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Wes: If it wasn't for this one psychiatrist -- she used to say there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for that woman.

Stitch: You're feeling guilty, aren't you?

Jack: I'm here because our family needs us, now more than ever.

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