Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/20/16
Episode # 10904 ~ Victor pushes Adam's buttons; Sharon opens up to Sage; Dylan confronts Nikki about her drinking.
Provided By Suzanne
Dylan: Sage. What's going on? Everything okay?
Sage: Yeah, I'm -- I'm fine. He was really fussy earlier, but I got him to go to sleep.
Dylan: He looks like he's doing pretty good. You're the one who looked like you were a million miles away.
Sage: Well, I didn't want to say anything, but there's something that's bothering me about Sully.
Nurse Stephens: Time for his bottle.
Sharon: No. Let me.
Nurse Stephens: You heard what Dr. Anderson said. With the combination of meds you're on, she doesn't recommend breast feeding. Now, give me the baby.
Sharon: No! No, don't take him!
Wes: Good afternoon. I'm Wes. May I help you?
Sharon: I believe you can.
Lily: Okay. Oh, hey!
Abby: Hi!
Lily: Looks like you two are all set for a night of romance.
Abby: I haven't been this giddy in forever. I feel like I'm ditching school.
Lily: Enjoy every minute.
Stitch: We intend to. Thanks again for hooking us up with a room.
Lily: Yeah, of course.
Abby: Thank you.
Lily: Yeah.
Abby: Too late. I caught you.
Stitch: Caught me what?
Abby: With that big grin on your face just now. You're as excited about tonight as I am.
Stitch: Oh, more than you know.
Abby: [Laughs] Let's go.
Max: Hello? Lily?
Lily: Hi. Max. I just want to let you know that --
Max: Don't forget the code in case someone's listening.
Lily: Oh. Right. Yes. The doves have landed. I repeat -- the doves have landed.
Max: The doves have landed!
Ashley: [Gasps] Okay, you guys, it's go time. Um, Neville and Max, take the -- the pastries to the car. We're missing cookies, Esther.
Esther: Oh, cookies. Okay, I'll find them.
Ashley: Okay, let me see what we have here. Okay. We got the decorations. Check. We got the cake. Check. Guest list. Oh, no, the one person that hasn't RSVP'd. Wouldn't you know it. [Sighs]
Nikki: Hello, Ashley.
Ashley: Hey, I'm so glad I got a hold of you. Did you get my message about Abby's shower? I'm so sorry. I know I haven't given you much notice.
Nikki: No, you didn't.
Ashley: I'm sorry about that. But, you know, it was Ben's son max's idea. He wanted to do this, and...
Nikki: You know, it's fine. I understand how these things happen. Unfortunately I have a previous engagement. I'm not going to be able to make it.
Ashley: Oh, no! Is there any way you can come by just a little bit afterwards? I mean, it would mean so much to Abby.
Nikki: I'm afraid it's just impossible today. Give her my love.
Ashley: Okay. I sure will.
Nikki: [Exhales deeply]
Victor: I don't make a habit of accepting visitors.
Adam: You made an exception for me, though, huh?
Victor: [Sighs] Why are you here?
Adam: I feel like you know why I'm here, Dad. You get me fired?
Victor: Where'd you get such a paranoid mind?
Adam: Seriously? I feel like I might have gotten it from you. I think it's genetic. You know, I was fired for no apparent reason.
Victor: Downsizing is part of business.
Adam: No, no. This -- this took place the exact same day that you agreed to see another visitor.
Victor: What is that to you?
Adam: Why you meeting with Luca Santori, Dad?
Victor: You know why I met with him? To tell him to stay away from my granddaughter Summer, otherwise he would die a slow and agonizing death.
Adam: Okay. I like that.
Victor: Not everything is about you. You know the rest of the family's falling apart. Victoria made a deal with Jack Abbott where she made concessions to him, where she's ruling with her heart, not her head.
Adam: I understand. I knew it. That's what this is all about, right? You want me back at Newman?
Victor: Couldn't be more wrong.
Sage: Before, Sully was always responsive to my touch, soothed by my voice, but until a few minutes ago...
Dylan: He was cranky, squirmy, reaching for anything or anybody but you?
Sage: Yes. Why? What -- what is that?
Dylan: He's teething. My son is very temperamental.
Sage: [Sighs] So it's not just me, then, huh? Well, what do you do to make it better?
Dylan: Well, um, you give him something frozen or a cold spoon, they have teethers, teething tablets. Now they got this, uh, this clove oil that you can rub on his gums.
Sage: Ooh. That sounds terrible.
Dylan: It's -- uh, it's horrible. [Chuckles]
Sage: Clove oil?
Dylan: And we're never gonna resort to that, even if we get really desperate, are we?
Sage: You're a really good dad, Dylan.
Dylan: Thank you. I can't take all the credit, can I? Your mom taught me everything I know about teething. Where is my wife, anyway?
Sage: Oh, um, she had an appointment.
Dylan: Oh. I thought the only thing she had on her books today was the meeting with Chelsea. Did she say what it was about?
Sage: No, she didn't say, but she did say that she forgot that she had it, so...
Dylan: Huh.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: It's work.
Sage: You want me to put him down for his nap?
Dylan: If you could. I'm sorry. Here you go.
Sage: I got you, baby. Ooh, I got you. Yes, I do.
Dylan: Thank you. McAvoy. What? Is she all right?
Sharon: Was that Angela Stephens you were talking to?
Wes: Yeah.
Sharon: I thought so. I just wasn't sure. So, where did she go?
Wes: Work. How do you know my girlfriend?
Sharon: Oh, we just keep running into each other. You know how it is. But she has been a real life-saver. What's that look about? She's a nurse, right?
Wes: Right. I see what you did there. What are you drinking?
Sharon: Club soda with lime. So, how long have you and Angela been seeing each other?
Wes: Anything else?
Sharon: Oh, come on. Don't be that way. I'm not poaching here. I would never do that to a friend. I'm -- I'm just looking for conversation. That's all.
Wes: Just so we're clear.
Sharon: Perfectly.
Wes: Honestly, we've been off more than on lately.
Sharon: Looked like it was pretty "on" earlier.
Wes: Well, it wasn't like that a few months ago. Thought I'd seen the last of her.
Sharon: Don't tell me you broke up with her. She seems like such a nice person.
Wes: Oh, she's the one who broke up with me. It was totally random. You don't know what that woman's capable of.
Sharon: "I don't know what Angela Stephens is capable of." Sounds like there's a story there.
Wes: I probably shouldn't have even brought it up. We've gotten past it.
Sharon: Couldn't be worse than what some of my exes have done. Did she dump you at Christmas?
Wes: Not that bad. It was Halloween. Completely out of the blue.
Sharon: Big fight?
Wes: No fight. No explanation. She, uh, she didn't even take my calls or answer the door.
Sharon: Uh-oh. Were you a bad boy?
Wes: No, I swear.
Sharon: Hmm. So, how'd you get her to come back?
Wes: That was all her. She, um... after a couple weeks, she went through this cosmic shift, and suddenly she was begging me to take her back. [Scoffs] Women. They stomp all over our hearts.
Sharon: What comes around, goes around. What was the story, then? I mean, you guys got back together. She must have explained.
Wes: Nope. Every time I brought it up, she refused to talk about it. And I'm crazy about her, so...
Sharon: So... you just stopped bringing it up. You're a smart man.
Wes: I'm, uh, chalking it up to an unsolved mystery.
Nikki: Dylan! What a nice surprise.
Dylan: Are you okay?
Nikki: Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?
Dylan: Well, a friend at the station called and said my mother was in an accident. Why -- why didn't you call me?
Nikki: Uh, there must be some confusion. I wasn't in an accident.
Dylan: You weren't? Then how did --
Nikki: No, everything is fine. I'm so sorry. I've got to run. Give the baby a kiss.
Dylan: Nikki, wait.
Sage: Okay, my turn now. What -- what's going on?
Dylan: Can you do me a huge favor?
Sage: Yeah.
Dylan: Can you just -- can you just stay a little longer? Do you mind?
Sage: Yeah, is -- is everything okay?
Dylan: Okay, thanks.
[Door closes]
Stitch: Hey, you want me to pour you some cider?
Abby: Not until after the surprise.
Stitch: Yeah? What's the surprise, anyway?
Abby: Isn't it wonderful having this time together?
Stitch: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, we're, uh, we're not exactly together yet, Abby. What is taking so long?
Abby: My mom and Lily are so amazing, stepping in and taking care of Max and this room.
Stitch: Okay. Hey, abs, you want some help in there?
Abby: [Chuckles] Why are you in such a hurry? We have all night.
Stitch: No, we don't. Seriously, Ab, you want me to come in there and help with your surprise?
Abby: Getting this on was the easy part.
Stitch: Whoa.
Abby: But I will definitely need some assistance taking it off.
Stitch: At your service.
Abby: [Laughs]
Stitch: Oh, my God.
Abby: Oh! A present?! [Gasps] Do you know how much I love presents?
Stitch: Almost as much as you love jelly beans.
Abby: [Chuckles] Jelly beans? I have been craving these like crazy.
Stitch: Yeah, you don't have to tell me.
Abby: [Chuckles] No. I don't. Because you are the sweetest, most thoughtful, caring, handsome hunk of a husband ever.
Stitch: Baby.
Abby: And I am just so happy.
Stitch: Hey. Hey, baby, come on. Don't -- don't cry.
Abby: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's hormones. Happy hormones. [Chuckles]
Stitch: At least they're happy, right?
Abby: I am so happy. Are you?
Stitch: Am I?
Abby: Yeah. Are you happy?
Stitch: Are you kidding me? "Happy" doesn't do justice to what I'm feeling. I need words to describe what beyond happy is.
Abby: Hmm. Uh, jelly beans?
Stitch: Jelly be--
Abby: [Laughs]
Stitch: Okay, well, then, I'm jelly beans. Absolutely, positively, forever and ever jelly beans with you, Abby. [Chuckles]
Abby: Me, too. Mmm. Now, um, you have a present to unwrap.
Stitch: Ooh. Wow.
Abby: [Laughs]
Stitch: Yay! A present!
Abby: [Laughs]
Ashley: Okay, guys, I think that's everything that needed to be loaded into the car. Except for that. What's that?
Max: Um, that's mine.
Dr. Neville: But what is it?
Max: It's a present for Abby. I picked it out myself.
Esther: Aww, how sweet!
Ashley: Can we see it? Awww.
[Light laughter]
Esther: That's great.
Dr. Neville: Aptly chosen, young Maxwell. And, according to certain sources, decisively correct. That is to say if your sibling-to-be is a male, I'm sure you will impress him with your leadership qualities and machismo.
Esther: Okay, but what if Abby has a little girl?
Dr. Neville: Oh, well, I'm sure young Maxwell --
Ashley: I think we're gonna have to wait to find that out till later, 'cause we actually do have to get going.
Esther: Okay.
Max: Wait! You wanted me to remind you to get tape at the store, but I forgot.
Ashley: It's okay, honey. No big deal. Do you have any, Esther?
Esther: Oh, I'm sure I can find some... but where is it?
Max: I'll help you look.
Dr. Neville: Well, you must be pleased. Young Max seems to have adjusted his attitude as regards Abby becoming his stepmother.
Ashley: I know. I am pleased. I think that this shower is exactly what Abby and Max need, don't you?
Dr. Neville: Indeed. After I get the supplies to the car, we can bounce. See what I did there? Max taught me that.
Ashley: [Chuckles]
Esther: I know there has to be a box with tape in it here.
Max: Uh, in the office. There's got to be tape in the office.
Esther: I bet you're right, honey. Max! Any luck?
Max: Found it!
Esther: Oh! Great, honey! Thank you!
Victor: My wanting you to run Newman Enterprises was a monumental error in judgment.
Adam: It's not what you said two weeks ago.
Victor: I gave you the opportunity. You wasted it.
Adam: Wasted? I dodged it.
Victor: You left your family.
Adam: What the hell are you talking about? Chelsea and Connor are my family. I'm not leaving my family.
Victor: I gave you the opportunity to run one of the biggest business empires in the world, make you C.E.O. You're not worthy of it.
Adam: Okay. Yeah, no, you know, I mean, whatever. You're probably right. What's this? You disowning me again? Is that what we're gonna do? We're gonna go round and round again like we always do?
Victor: You have no sense of loyalty, son. You don't know what it means to be a Newman.
Adam: If you don't want me running back to Newman to save the day, what's your plan? You gonna sit in here and watch your company rot?
Victor: I have another plan to keep my company afloat.
Abby: Mmm. I am loving this.
Stitch: [Sighs] Alone time with you -- this is heaven.
Abby: And it's at a premium.
Stitch: Yeah. Our lives are gonna change radically with the arrival of this little one.
Abby: Hey, don't speak too harshly. Tiny ears may hear you.
Stitch: Yeah?
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Stitch: I hope the baby does hear. Hey.
Abby: [Laughs]
Stitch: Listen up. Listen up, teeny, adorable one, okay? You better get ready for what's waiting for you out here, starting with the most inspirational, spontaneous, beautiful mother in the whole, wide world.
Abby: [Chuckles] Hey, and your daddy's not too shabby, either. He's smart, thoughtful, and handsome.
Stitch: Yeah, well, your mom is gonna have eyes only for her precious, little boy or girl once you're born. She's gonna forget all about Dad at that point, so do your old man a solid, okay? Remind her every once in a while that I'm still here... and I'm still crazy, madly in love with her.
[Cell phone rings] Oh.
Stitch: [Sighs] Hello?
Dr. Neville: [Clears throat] Turtle dove to lobby. Turtle dove to lobby.
Stitch: Okay, well, uh, did you check with Meyers? She's on call. Okay. Be right there.
Abby: Our ditch day is over.
Stitch: Hey, look, no way, no how.
Abby: But you have a patient.
Stitch: This won't take long. I'll check in with the hospital. I'll be right back. Okay? I love you so much.
Abby: Love you. We are already so lucky. Daddy never breaks a promise.
Sharon: Sage! I'm back!
Sage: Hey, Sharon. I was just checking on master Sullivan.
Sharon: Aww. How is his cuteness?
Sage: He's peacefully dreaming. He's so cute when he dreams.
Sharon: [Chuckles] Thanks for watching him.
Sage: Of course. Any time.
Sharon: I'm sorry you had to be here this late, though. I figured Dylan would be back by now.
Sage: Yeah, he came by, and then he had to leave suddenly. He asked me where you were, and it got a little awkward. I didn't really like covering for you, Sharon.
Sharon: Covering for me? No, I-I told you I --
Sage: Had a doctor's appointment, which is what I told Dylan, and he was pretty certain you didn't have any appointments today.
Sharon: My dentist called and he had a cancellation, so he was able to squeeze in me, and I... okay, fine. I lied. But Dylan can't know why.
[Knock on door]
Nikki: No housekeeping! Thank you!
Dylan: Nikki, it's me. Let me in.
Nikki: Uh... Dylan, um, it's -- it's not a good time. I have a migraine. I-I-I need... rest and -- and, um, I'll call you later, honey.
Dylan: Nikki, just open the door. If not, I'll get Lily to open it for me.
Nikki: Hey, I-I know it looks bad. It -- it really isn't, though. Just a silly accident. My heel got caught in a grate. I fell flat on my face.
Dylan: That's not what happened. So stop lying.
Adam: What's your next move?
Victor: Why do you care?
Adam: Well, you know, just [Chuckles] Call it morbid curiosity.
Victor: I'm calling on my more capable, more loyal son Nicholas.
Adam: My brother? Are we talking about the same -- we talking about the same Nicholas?
Victor: Be careful. The more condescending you are with him, the more you condemn him, the more he will thrive.
Adam: Hmm. Two things -- no, he won't. And, uh, and the second thing is, he won't do it.
Victor: Listen to me. He has strength of character, something you know nothing about.
Adam: Thank you very much. What the hell am I even doing here?
Victor: Yes, I'm asking the same question.
Adam: I want to hear you say that you sabotaged my job.
Victor: The more... you say that I don't want you, the more you come crawling back. Because you and I have unsettled issues to deal with -- father/son issues never been solved.
Nikki: Everything has just been so awful since Victor went to prison. And he won't talk to me. He won't see me. He wouldn't even see me on my anniversary.
Dylan: Is that what started it?
Nikki: [Sighs] It doesn't seem like that should drive me to drink, does it? I just feel so damn guilty.
Dylan: Are you drinking now? Is that why you're holed up in here, refusing to see anybody?
Nikki: No. It -- it's this. It's the bruise and the scratches. I mean, my face is screaming to the world that I failed again. [Voice breaking] I couldn't stay sober.
Dylan: Should I believe you?
Nikki: [Sighs] I am so sorry. We have worked so hard to make up for the years that we missed, and now I've broken your trust.
Dylan: It's not broken. It's not. Just be honest with me right now.
Nikki: Okay. The truth is, I have been going to meetings.
Dylan: Okay.
Nikki: And I haven't had one drop of alcohol... today.
Dylan: But yesterday?
Nikki: I'm just so ashamed. And I feel so incredibly alone, Dylan. I'm so alone.
Dylan: Hey, hey, hey. It's okay.
Nikki: [Sniffles]
Dylan: It's okay. I'm not gonna let you feel that way one more day. I want you to come stay with us at the house.
Nikki: What? You want me to move in with you and Sharon?
Sage: Sharon, I don't like covering for you, okay? Especially if it's gonna hurt Dylan.
Sharon: You think that I...? No! Sage, I am not cheating on Dylan. I would never do that to him. I-I just don't want him to worry.
Sage: Worry about what? What is going on?
Sharon: [Sighs] I've been having some disturbing dreams about my time at Fairview. I don't know if it was the medications they gave me. Maybe it was finding out that my doctor had more issues than any of the patients there. I don't know, but something feels off. And I can't stop wondering what this is. What is making me feel so...
Sage: Rattled?
Sharon: Did Dylan mention this to you?
Sage: No, but I can relate, because I've been having really disturbing dreams lately.
Sharon: What are your dreams about?
Sage: Patty. And I find her right after she killed Dr. Anderson.
Sharon: That is another thing that keeps bothering me. I spent enough time with patty at Fairview to know that she was odd, but she was not violent. The meds and the therapy were helping her. Something had to have happened that triggered her break from reality. Do you think maybe sandy had a vendetta against her, too?
Sage: I think that answer, along with many other answers, are buried with Dr. Anderson.
Sharon: Well, I have got to find out, and so I have been doing a little digging.
Sage: Why don't you have Dylan help you, then?
Sharon: He was helping me at first.
Sage: Why did he stop?
Sharon: He just thinks I need to move past this.
Sage: Well, maybe you should, Sharon. Maybe we all should move past it.
Sharon: I just... can't. If I were having recurring dreams or nagging questions about any other time during my endless days at Fairview, maybe I could, but not this day. Not the day my son was born.
Lily: Here, I will -- I will get these, and then you can get the crib, okay?
Ashley: Can you help, Neville?
Dr. Neville: Yeah, no, no, of course. Absolutely. Uh, uh, Dr. Ray-- Ben. I'd like to, uh, seize this opportunity to offer an apology.
Stitch: Uh, apology for what, Dr. Neville?
Dr. Neville: I had no business calling you out about your feelings for Ashley.
Stitch: Oh. Look, apology accepted. And in return, I'll admit that pushing you and Ashley together with the notes and the flowers probably wasn't the most well-thought-out plan.
Dr. Neville: Well, the admission is greatly appreciated.
Stitch: Yeah. Great, man. No more dwelling on the past. I'm having a baby, man.
Dr. Neville: Yes, I know. So I understand. I've been doing some reading. How does that feel? You know, apparently just the anticipation of fatherhood can trigger any number of emotional reactions.
Stitch: You know, the closer the reality of bringing that baby home gets, the better I feel. I mean, we're all in such a good place -- me, Abby, Max. Today's gonna be the celebration of that.
Dr. Neville: Yeah, so attending this, uh, traditionally female-oriented rite of passage doesn't bother you?
Stitch: You know, I keep telling myself it's presents and cookies and laughs.
Dr. Neville: Yeah, but inside you're thinking...
Stitch: Oh, I'm glad you're here backing me and Max up [Chuckles] With some testosterone.
Dr. Neville: It is a pleasure. And I promise you, I'll be there passing out cigars after the blessed event.
Stitch: Cigars, huh?
Dr. Neville: Well, chocolate cigars. Both fair trade and organic.
Max: I came to help with the crib.
Stitch: Okay.
Dr. Neville: I'll, uh...
Stitch: Hey, give me -- I'm gonna... come here for a second. Hey.
Max: Why are we not going with him?
Stitch: Well, I, um... I wanted a chance to talk to you alone. I am so proud of you. [Chuckles]
Max: You -- you are?
Stitch: I know you're a good kid. You know, coming up with this idea, working so hard to make this party special for Abby, it shows a lot of maturity and compassion, and I-I didn't teach you that. That's just -- that's just who you are. Thanks for doing this, son.
Max: It's fun. And Abby totally deserves it.
Adam: That's interesting, you sitting over there telling me that I can't let go. Because you orchestrated my termination from behind bars, I would say that, you know, that's you not letting go.
Victor: You have selective memory, don't you? Hmm? Are you forgetting that the situation could have been reversed? I could have been the visitor, you could have been the inmate. The reason you aren't is because I used my influence to spring you out of this hellhole.
Adam: Okay, well, who has selective memory now? [Sighs]
Victor: [Sighs]
Adam: Dad.
Victor: The reason I'm in here, the reason my empire's falling apart is because you unleashed paragon on my company!
Adam: Why can't you just admit what the hell you did?!
Victor: You are guilty, and you feel guilty! Wallow in it! But stop harassing me! Guard!
Adam: Hold on a second. Just give me -- Dad. Dad! Damn it.
Meredith: Mr. Newman? May I please have a moment of your time? I'd like to speak with you about your father.
Adam: I feel like we know each other, no?
Meredith: So, like I was saying --
Adam: I got it. It was at a benefit, right? Some kind of judicial benefit thing, right? You were there with your father?
Meredith: Yes.
Adam: I knew it.
Meredith: Yes, yes.
Adam: And I don't remember much about it except the fact he thought you hung the moon, didn't he?
Meredith: Well, not anymore.
Adam: I see. Uh, miss...?
Meredith: Doctor. Dr. Meredith gates.
Adam: Sorry.
Meredith: Can you please have a seat?
Adam: Sure. How can I help you, Dr. Gates?
Meredith: Your father's a fascinating patient.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Meredith: And your meeting today, it didn't go well?
Adam: No. It seems like you and I have that in common -- distressed paternal relationships.
Meredith: Yes, well, I think Victor's difficulties are more easily solved. He may act like he's coping, but despite his claims, I really think that he cares for his family very much and he misses you all.
Adam: Hmm. You know what I think? I think that that man is the most ruthless person I've ever met in my life, especially to his family. That's what I think.
Nikki: Honey, I appreciate your invitation. I really do, but... given my history with your wife, it would not be a good idea for me to be living under the same roof. I promise you, it would be a very bad mistake.
Dylan: Nikki, I-I think -- I think that you're wrong about that. Sharon's gonna understand. She would be the first in line to help.
Nikki: Are we talking about the same Sharon?
Dylan: Okay. She has been welcoming since Sully was born, right?
Nikki: There's a big difference between occasional visits from Sully's grandmother and then having your mother-in-law live under the same roof with you. It's just too close.
Dylan: Well, this place isn't doing you any good. You're hiding from everybody, including your family.
Nikki: I just can't go there --
Dylan: Sully would love, love some more time with his grandma. And I would love some more time with my mother.
Nikki: Well... all right. But don't get your hopes up. Sharon and I are nitro and glycerin.
Sharon: There was this nurse, and I just got a bad vibe from her.
Sage: The one that Dylan checked out.
Sharon: And he said there was nothing suspicious about her. But I just couldn't trust that. And then I saw this woman at the club with her boyfriend.
Sage: So you asked me to come here and watch Sully while you could snoop.
Sharon: I'm sorry, Sage. I just had to know.
Sage: That's okay. What did you find out?
Sharon: Her boyfriend told me that she suddenly broke up with him at Halloween and she disappeared off radar for about a month. And then she went right back to life as usual.
Sage: Hmm. Well, yeah, that could mean anything, though. Might not have anything to do with Fairview or Dr. Anderson.
Sharon: My gut tells me not to drop this. Which is exactly what Dylan wants me to do. And now that you've heard all this, I'm sure you'll tell me that you agree with him.
Sage: Sharon. The last thing you need to do right now is drop this.
Lily: Guests are arriving through the back entrance, but Victoria's not here yet.
Ashley: She just texted me. She's running late, but she'll definitely be here.
Stitch: Here's the crib.
Lily: Oh, good. So what's left?
Ashley: That's it.
Max: Time to rendezvous with turtle dove number two.
Ashley: Absolutely. Okay, here we go, guys.
[Cell phone rings]
Abby: Hi, Mom. Is everything okay with Max?
Ashley: Oh, yeah! Yeah, Max is absolutely fine. You know, I've had a little bit of an issue, though, and I hate to cut your evening short with Ben, but is there any way I can drop Max off with you?
Abby: Of course. Ben and I enjoyed our alone time together, but our kids come first. That's what being a parent's all about, right?
Ashley: That's right, honey. Welcome to motherhood. Okay, I'll see you soon, okay? Bye. Okay. Turtle dove number two is leaving the nest and shall be arriving shortly. Come on! Let's go!
Stitch: All right.
Sharon: With the psychological problems I've had in the past, I even doubt myself sometimes, but you think that I'm right about this?
Sage: I don't know. Maybe we're wrong. Maybe the dreams are just dreams. But why does my mind keep going back to patty rocking with a stuffed cat singing a lullaby? There's got to be a reason, Sharon.
Sharon: So, if I suddenly find another lead, you would be available to babysit Sully?
Sage: No, I'm gonna do better than that. I'm gonna help you find out all the information we need to put our minds at ease.
Victor: You wanted to protect your family, and that I respected. In that regard, you were just like me. I'd do anything to protect my family. But am I sad... that you and I never really bonded? Yeah. It leaves a deep hole in my heart.
Victor: [Sighs]
Meredith: I'm no expert on your father -- not even close. But I am a good judge of character, and I believe that, deep down, he's really searching for forgiveness.
Adam: I used to think the same thing. That's not him, though, you know? He doesn't care about that. He's a master manipulator. He's always manipulating. That's what he does. He doesn't do anything unless it's for a reason. My God. Including just now.
Meredith: While you two were visiting?
Adam: That's what he was doing. He was working me, you know. He was baiting me, all the stuff about Nicholas being the good son. He was -- [Laughs] I'll be damned. Excuse me.
Meredith: What? No. Wait. Mr. Newman, I-I-I really would like --
Adam: Here's the thing about my father, and I'm sorry that I can't help you when it comes to him, but I will tell you this. Watch your back.
Meredith: Watch my back.
Ashley: Max and I are gonna wait here for Abby. You guys go into the ballroom and make everybody be very quiet, okay?
Stitch: All right.
Ashley: All right. Here she comes! Hurry! Go, go, go, go, go!
Abby: Hey, you two! What's going on? [Screams]
Stitch: Abby!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: Did you come to see the baby?
Dylan: Actually, Nikki's gonna stay with us for a while.
Ashley: You don't think the baby's gonna make it, do you?
Lily: Max, hey. What are you doing?
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