Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/19/16


Episode # 10903 ~ Adam shares shocking news with Chelsea; Nick offers Summer unsolicited advice; Kevin & Mariah clash over his relationship with Natalie.

Provided By Suzanne

Adam: No, actually, I-I can't say that I do understand, to tell you the truth. Thanks for the call.

Chelsea: You're never gonna believe this. Newman is dropping the pass key suit and -- and sharing the project with Jabot. Oh, and not to mention Billy's been fired.

Adam: Well, then Billy and I have one more thing in common, because I just got fired, too.

Nick: Newman enterprises and pass key is trending on the

chronicle site. Billy getting terminated by Jabot is followed closely behind it.

Victoria: You're welcome.

Nick: For what?

Victoria: Everybody wanted me to drop this lawsuit with Jabot, and I dropped it. Everybody wanted me to accept Jack's offer over pass key, and I accepted it.

Nick: Yeah. Um, I'm stoked. The Billy news kind of threw me, though. I mean, pass key was his deal.

Victoria: No, it was his obsession, and now he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

Nick: Did Jack mention to you he was gonna fire Billy when you two were negotiating?

Victoria: We have that meeting with Carson later. Don't forget. What?

Nick: This wasn't Jack's idea. You got Billy fired.

Victoria: Yes, okay? Yes. This project took Billy away from me, and I thought that if I took the project away from Billy, that maybe --

Nick: He would have come back to you? Vick.

Victoria: I stand by my decision. Everyone benefits -- the Newmans and the Abbotts, everyone. It was the best business move possible, even if dad won't admit it.

Nick: How do you know that? You went to see him?

Victoria: I thought that he should know that I'm protecting Newman profits. Of course, he turned it into a weakness. I mean, how many times has dad left me to run Newman, and suddenly he has no faith in me? Well, I can run this company, and I can run my own life, and everyone will just have to live with the choices that I make for both.

[Cell phone chimes]

[Door opens]

Luca: Good morning.

Summer: Hey. How long have you been up?

Luca: I had -- I had an early meeting. But now it's, uh, it's time for breakfast -- in bed. You don't even have to move.

Summer: Oh, um, are you sure? 'Cause I-I can just -- I can go.

Luca: You could, but I'd have to eat all that food by myself.

Summer: [Chuckles]

Luca: Stay. Please. Summer, I don't regret last night. Do you?

Summer: No. I don't.

Luca: Good. Because I think you and I are exactly what each other needs right now.

Kevin: Morning.

Mariah: Do not drag this out.

Kevin: I said one word. How is that dragging anything out?

Mariah: The only word that I'm interested in hearing from you is "yes." "Yes," you talked to Natalie, "yes," you convinced her to give me a cut of the pass key profits, and "yes," I don't have to continue living my crummy, little, "be nothing, go nowhere" life.

Kevin: I'm not sure that "yes" works with that last one.

Mariah: See? You're dragging it out!

Kevin: I can't say yes because I don't know. Natalie's not returning my calls or texts.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Well, that is very interesting, considering usually she can't stay away from you.

Patty: Paulie!

Paul: [Laughs] Patty.

Patty: [Chuckles]

Paul: Hi. Ohhh! Goodness sakes!

Patty: [Laughs]

Paul: You look great.

Patty: I feel great. How about you?

Paul: I'm fine.

Patty: Yeah?

Paul: Yeah, I'm fine.

Patty: Have you talked to Todd? I kind of miss talking to him in that, um, that little, uh, that truth booth, the, um, the --

Paul: Oh, confessional?

Patty: Yeah, that's it. I knew it.

[Both laugh]

Paul: He sends his love, and so does Steve.

Patty: Well, I told the doctor about my brothers and how when I was little that they would protect me and that they're still protecting me.

Paul: And we always will.

Patty: Good! Because I want to ask you a favor.

Paul: Shoot.

Patty: Get me out of here.

[Door opens]

Sharon: Sage, I thought we were meeting at the club later.

Sage: We are, but when I dropped faith off at school, she reminded me that she made these little drawings for her baby brother Sully, and she told me she wanted him to have them ASAP. She even said "ASAP."

Sharon: That's my little Newman.

Dylan: You didn't have to go out of your way.

Sage: Oh, that's all right. I didn't wake Sully when I knocked, did I?

Sharon: Oh, no, he's been awake for hours. He and daddy already had a walk around the ranch.

Dylan: Yeah, he likes to see the new leaves up close and personal -- and eat them.

Sage: [Laughs] Well, that is just so adorable, isn't it? Hi! Can I hold the little boy?

Dylan: I'll see you later, okay? Sage.

Sage: Bye.

Dylan: Bye.

[Door closes]

Sage: He's so sweet not to mind me barging in to hold your baby.

Sharon: Dylan and I don't mind. You know, it's good for Sully to get a lot of love from a lot of different people.

Sage: Oh, he's so amazing. And you're smiling, huh?

Sharon: I'm sure Christian would have dazzled a lot of people with his smile, too. I'm sorry. Is that the wrong thing to say?

Sage: I'm glad you said it. I miss my little baby Christian. And David. But he was never really mine to begin with.

Sharon: Well, in your heart, he was. I'm sure that's why it was so painful when the birth mother decided to keep him.

Sage: Thanks, Sharon. Thanks for understanding.

Sharon: You know, anything Dylan and I can do to help you and Nick, we'll do it.

Sage: This is all the help I need, staring into this little, beautiful face and hearing all your sounds and your smells. [Chuckles]

Sharon: Well, the sitter will be here soon, so I better get him ready.

Sage: The sitter? You're not bringing him to work? Chelsea said you could.

Sharon: You know, it's easier for me to concentrate when Sully's not there.

Sage: Yeah. I understand. Okay, well, I'm gonna go, okay? I love you. [Chuckles]

Sharon: Say goodbye to auntie.

Sage: Bye. See you later at the club?

Sharon: Okay, I'll see you then.

Sage: Bye.

Sharon: Bye-bye, auntie. Bye-bye. [Chuckles]

Natalie: Oh! Sorry!

Summer: All right.

Natalie: Oh. It's you.

Summer: Buying out the whole store, I see.

Natalie: I'm aiding the local economy with my pass key profits. I hope that's acceptable since you tried to destroy any chance I had to make a dime on my own project.

Summer: Well, I didn't want to lie under oath. That makes me the worst, so sorry, not sorry.

Natalie: Rationalize it all you want. It was selfish, all about you. But I guess that's how it is when your last name is Newman.

Luca: Oh, good. I caught you. You forgot this. Good morning, Natalie. You, um, you need help with the clasp?

Summer: No, I'm okay. Thank you.

Luca: Yeah, my pleasure.

Natalie: This is what gossip sites call the walk of shame, right?

Summer: I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Natalie: Don't you have a boyfriend?

Summer: Okay, you can save the judgy tone. You may have gotten a new look, but you're still the girl that has no clue about actual human relations. Natalie, have you ever had a boyfriend or an actual friend, for that matter? No, you haven't. So you can save it. Thanks.

Mariah: I knew that girl was shady from the second that she came into town and demanded that you hand her your phone. She plays all "emotions do not compute," but she knows exactly what she's doing. She played you, she played Billy, she played Phyllis, she even played Victor Newman.

Kevin: Mariah.

Mariah: Which goes to show how shady she is. The same girl that would sell pass key to you and Phyllis at the exact same time would have no problem cutting me out of the deal.

Kevin: Mariah! Pass key is Natalie's idea.

Mariah: And that's her excuse?!

Kevin: It's not an excuse. It's a fact.

Mariah: And? She didn't do it all by herself. You found her. You encouraged her. You understood her concept and arranged funding!

Kevin: Okay, yes. That was me. And she cut me in.

Mariah: I helped, too!

Kevin: Shh.

Mariah: I protected Natalie, I kept secrets, and I put my butt on the line for this deal!

Kevin: I know you did. But you have to look at this from Natalie's perspective. Jack told her to do whatever she wants with her money. Hers.

Mariah: Which is totally fine with you because you got 50%. If Natalie had cut you out, you would be furious, too.

Kevin: She wouldn't do that, though.

Mariah: No. The girl whose password is "kevinhasacutebutt" wouldn't do that. But meanwhile, my butt gets left high and dry. And you just don't care, do you?

Kevin: That's -- you're being ridiculous.

Mariah: Then prove it. Tell Natalie that what I did for pass key mattered, that I deserve a cut of the profits. Get me my share.

Kevin: Or what, Mariah?

Victoria: Dad just had to twist in the knife as many times as possible. According to him, I made a weak business decision, proof that I'm not brave enough or tough enough to be C.E.O. Of Newman. I should have never let Jabot off the hook and I should have never accepted half of the deal for pass key.

Nick: I can just hear dad's voice echoing inside my head. It must have been so much more fun in person.

Victoria: It was awful. But I didn't lose it, and I didn't back down.

Nick: That's just proof that you're tough, Vick.

Victoria: [Chuckles] I told dad that we loved him, but he didn't seem to care.

Nick: No, no, no, no. See, he pretended not to care. It's a classic dad maneuver. It's how he hangs on to his power. He withholds his approval and affection. Look, he's gonna forgive us someday, just like he's forgiven us in the past, just like we've forgiven him.

Victoria: How can you be so sure?

Nick: Because it's how the Newmans roll. Look, dad won't say it, but I will. I'm very, very proud of you. The pass key deal was huge for us. It saved Newman enterprises a bunch of bad press, a bunch of money, plus we don't have to go to court.

Victoria: I am so glad that I didn't have to put summer on that stand.

Nick: Yeah, I'm grateful for that, but I'm grateful for the whole family. You're perfect for that chair. You always have been.

Victoria: I'm really lucky to have a brother like you.

Nick: You know, you really are.

Chelsea: Fired?

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: I thought you said it was all sunshine and roses.

Adam: Yeah, well, that's what I thought, too, you know? They liked my ideas, my plans for implementation. Office politics didn't seem to be an issue.

Chelsea: I mean, there has to be cause. They can't just fire you for -- for being a team player.

Adam: I don't know. The CEO gave me some generic statement about taking the corporation in a different direction.

Chelsea: Well, that's nonsense. That doesn't even mean anything.

Adam: I know. Well, hey, you know, I mean, at least he had the good manners to act upset about it.

Chelsea: What do you mean? Upset like how?

Adam: I don't know. Like -- like he didn't want to make the call, you know, like it wasn't his choice.

Chelsea: Whose choice would it be?

Adam: Someone who didn't want me to take that particular job in the first place, someone who has influence no matter what their current address is.

Chelsea: Victor.

Kevin: No, seriously. If I don't get Natalie to cut you in, what are you gonna do? Move out? Stop talking to me? Delete my contact info? Unfollow me on social media? I'd like to know what I'm up against here.

Mariah: Take it down a notch, okay?

Kevin: No, you take it down a notch! I'm not Natalie! I didn't cut you out, and I have no control over her! Do you think this is how I wanted this to play out?

Mariah: No. I know. I just hate this!

Kevin: Uh, if that's your attempt at an apology, try again.

Mariah: I'm sorry. I like money.

Kevin: So do I.

Mariah: And now you have some, but I am right back where I started from. But yes, I care more about us than I do about the cash.

Kevin: "Us" meaning what?

Mariah: Oh, please don't get all semantic-ish on me.

Kevin: I'm not. Us as friends? Us as roommates? Us as partners? Until Natalie cut you out, I mean.

Natalie: And that is exactly why she did it -- so that you could be a team with her and not me. Geek girl turned glamour kitten wants you, Kevin, and she thinks that she can have you for any price.

Natalie: There you are.

Chelsea: Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

Sage: Hey, no worries.

Sharon: Sage and I were just going over some ideas.

Chelsea: Okay, um, show me what you got.

Sharon: Well, I had a mockup done of the expanded online sales site.

Chelsea: Oh.

Sage: Yeah, and the whole idea is that people will buy a complete look as opposed to separate pieces.

Sharon: Yeah, it's more like a fashion shoot instead of a model wearing a blouse in front of a white background.

Chelsea: Okay, that's good.

Sage: Uh, yeah, so we were thinking that, um, when the new website rolls out that we'll see an increase in social-media shares, which is basically free advertising, and that leads me to my next idea. I think that we should do a media blitz to coincide with the magazine spread that we scored for your new collection.

Chelsea: All right.

Sage: Something wrong?

Chelsea: Um, n-- yeah, actually, there is. There is. There's something hugely wrong. Adam was just fired.

Sage: What?

Chelsea: For no reason. Well, actually, no, there was a reason, but it had absolutely nothing to do with his work.

Sharon: Well, what was it?

Chelsea: Not what. Who.

Both: Victor.

Chelsea: The man is in prison, yet he is still controlling the universe.

Adam: It's real good. It's real good. Congratulations. You're two for two. It's a good average. First you manage to get Billy fired, and now me.

Victoria: What are you talking about?

Adam: Well, I'm sure it was Victor's idea, right, but I doubt he made a collect call from the big house to drop the hammer on me. So, per usual, he got someone to do his bidding for him.

Victoria: You think I had you fired?

Adam: Absolutely.

Victoria: As if I want you running around in this world so you can barge into my office at any time? This is the last place that I want you ever. And even if dad did call me, which he didn't, and asked me to fire you, I would say no. I like my world as Adam-free as it has been lately.

Adam: Hmm.

Luca: Detective. Come on in. What can I do for you?

Dylan: I got a call from the warden at Walworth. Evidently you paid Victor Newman a visit in prison earlier this morning. Why?

Luca: What business is it of yours?

Dylan: Oh. [Chuckles] Well, an attempt was made on Mr. Newman's life, and we've been monitoring his activities and his visitors.

Luca: Well, I promise you, I had nothing to do with the attack on Victor.

Dylan: Hold on. No one accused you of being involved in anything. But Mr. Newman rarely sees visitors. I mean, he turned away his wife. But you he sees.

Luca: Is there a question in there?

Dylan: [Chuckles] Yeah, there is. Why you?

Luca: What? Instead of family? Well, everyone knows that Victor feels betrayed by his so-called loved ones.

Dylan: So, what? You and Victor are suddenly friends?

Luca: Friends? Hardly.

Dylan: Well, then you can see how it looks a little off.

Luca: Victor and I have someone we care about in common -- his granddaughter, summer.

Dylan: Yeah, what -- what exactly is going on between you two?

Luca: Oh, that is definitely none of your business.

Dylan: Just friends?

Luca: A gentleman doesn't get into details. Look, summer's been through a rough time lately, torn between the two families. She misses her grandfather very much, and he misses her, so if you must know, my conversation with Victor today was just me giving him my word that I'll look out for summer. Simple as that.

Dylan: Yeah, I'm sure Victor's gonna sleep a lot better knowing that you're looking out for his granddaughter.

Luca: Anything else?

Dylan: No. That's it. That's all I needed to hear.

Natalie: [Sighs] Crazy morning. Sorry I didn't return your calls.

Mariah: Let me guess. Three little black dresses -- one for samba, one for salsa, what was the other one? Tango? Remember when we were talking about how we'd spend our pass key profits?

Kevin: Do you have a second to talk?

Natalie: Yeah. In private? The patio. We have a lot to catch up on.

Mariah: Yeah, you really do.

Natalie: What?

Kevin: Nothing. She said nothing.

Natalie: Oh, could you watch my bags for me?

Paul: I can't take you home with me.

Patty: Well, I know that, silly. [Laughs] But you... could get me back at Fairview.

Paul: You want to go back there?

Patty: Well, I mean, it's better than this place. I mean, look around. Which one would you choose?

Paul: Yeah, I see your point.

Patty: And the food is gross.

Paul: Uh-huh.

Patty: And the bed is lumpy, and they're always watching me, and I can't sneak out of my room and see the other patients. You know what? You didn't hear that last part. Tch.

Paul: Tch. It's our secret.

Patty: Good. I like secrets. Can I tell you one?

Paul: Sure. Go ahead.

Patty: What is the best thing about Fairview?

Paul: What?

Patty: Dr. Anderson's not around. She can't force me to take the medication that -- that I don't need.

Paul: Do you remember what happened to Dr. Anderson?

Patty: Mm-hmm. Of course.

Paul: Can you tell me?

Patty: Duh. [Laughs] She died. Come on, Paulie.

Paul: Right. I know she died, but how did she die?

Patty: Details, details. You know, you always want details.

Paul: Details are important. You know why?

Patty: Why?

Paul: Because you were with her when she died.

Patty: Mm-hmm. I was.

Paul: What were you doing?

Patty: I was protecting the baby.

Paul: The baby? What baby?

Sharon: It's true. Victor's reach expands beyond prison walls. He is a constant threat to normalcy. If you marry a Newman son, or a Newman daughter, as the case may be, he is right there with you in your marriage. He is watching and judging and controlling and threatening. And it doesn't stop if you get a divorce, because now there are grandchildren involved.

Chelsea: Oh, trust me, I know. Victor insisted on visitation rights to Connor when we thought Adam was dead.

Sage: [Sighs]

Chelsea: I mean, I wanted Connor to know his family, but Victor's need and his obsession with controlling people, even a young child's life, it's unsettling.

Sharon: I'm sorry. But, you know, we don't have to talk about Newman grandchildren.

Sage: Oh, Sharon, it's okay, really.

Sharon: Are you sure?

Sage: Yes. And I get it. I was part of the club for a brief time. I understand what you're talking about. You know, when I was pregnant, uh, Victor used to hover around the tack house so much, I actually started having dreams that he was going to take my baby.

Chelsea: Oh, my God.

Sage: Yeah. I lost Christian, and he -- I don't know, he wasn't as interested in me anymore. I was no longer the vessel for the newest Newman child.

Chelsea: Right. The vessel. That's exactly right. That's exactly it. The person standing between him and his future clone.

Sharon: It never ends. You just have to find a way to deal with it. Or you could have a bipolar episode and marry Victor.

Chelsea: [Chuckles] You did not just say that.

Sage: You did that?

Chelsea: Oh!

Sharon: It's the one thing I wish the ECT had erased from my brain.


Sage: I had no idea you were this funny.

Sharon: You have to have a sense of humor when it comes to Victor. It's the only way you'll survive.

Chelsea: Yeah. I just hate that his shadow will always be over us.

Sharon: You know what matters is your family, your children, your bond. You and Adam, and you and Nick, you're solid, you're connected. You can survive anything, including Victor.

Adam: I buy that you don't want me here any more than I want to be here. But dad did get me terminated. I'm positive of that. So if he didn't have one of you pull the trigger, then who?

Dylan: Luca Santori.

Victoria: You're saying Luca got Adam fired?

Dylan: Did it happen this morning?

Adam: Yeah, first thing.

Dylan: There you go. Luca was at the prison earlier.

Nick: How'd you find out?

Dylan: Well, you know, we've been concerned about Victor's safety, so the warden gave me a heads up after the visit.

Adam: And Luca couldn't wait to suck up to my dad, could he, you know? Especially knowing that it'd screw me over in the process. He's probably basking in the afterglow right now, just snapping selfies, you know, celebrating.

Nick: How could this go down? I mean, did Luca show up on his own? I don't see dad calling him in.

Adam: Well, he doesn't care who does his bidding for him, Nick, as long as it gets done. You know that.

Victoria: Well, dad thinks that Adam's the only one capable of running this company, so it's part of his plan. He's putting you in a position where if you need a job, there's only one available.

Adam: The hell with that. I mean, I got one job. I'll get another job. I'm not gonna let him hijack my life, drag me back into this hornets' nest. sketching at home.


Chelsea: All right, ladies, well, I am going to go finish sketching at home.

Sharon: Chelsea, you're going to be fine, you and Adam. Victor can try to run the world, but it doesn't mean we have to let him.

Chelsea: Thank you for that, and for your hard work, both of you. I can't tell you what a relief it is to have something going well right now.

Sage: I second that one.

Chelsea: All right, keep me posted on your progress?

Sharon: We will.

Chelsea: Okay. Bye.

Sage: Okay, so, uh, we gonna pack it in or...? Sharon.

Sharon: What?

Sage: You okay?

Sharon: Uh, yeah, you know, I just forgot, I-I have a doctor's appointment, and my babysitter Amy is only there for a few more minutes. I hate to ask this, but would you mind relieving her?

Sage: No. Never. I love babysitting Sully. And, you know, stay as long as you need.

Sharon: All right. Thanks so much, Sage.

Sage: Okay.

Victoria: So, you remember the old days when you were sure that dad would forgive us?

Nick: Yeah, that was like 10 minutes ago.

Victoria: Yeah, well, that's ancient history. Dad reached out to Luca Santori instead of his own family. That's not a good sign.

Nick: Yeah, but you said yourself, even if dad had asked you to, you wouldn't have fired Adam.

Victoria: I was at the prison last night telling dad about pass key. And now he's making a play to maneuver me out of my office.

Dylan: Yeah, there's, uh, another issue.

Nick: So it gets better?

Dylan: Well, when I asked Luca about the meeting with Victor, he claimed that they only discussed summer.

Nick: What would those two be doing talking about my daughter?

Dylan: I don't think they were. Luca was really trying to sell me on the story, but you know what? You should just check in with summer. There might be some truth to it.

Nick: What makes you say that?

Dylan: Luca implied that, you know, that they were more than friends.

Victoria: Oh. That's classy of him.

Dylan: Don't shoot the messenger.

Nick: Uh, no, no. I'm -- I'm glad you told me, because if I find out anything is going down between that dirtbag and my daughter, then I'm putting a stop to it.

Summer: Okay, Natalie already went off on me, so fair warning -- don't even think about it. I just want to get a coffee. I don't want to fight with you.

Mariah: You ratted us out to Victoria. Do I want to binge-watch TV and share a gallon of ice cream with you? No. But there's actually somebody I like even less right now. Swiss miss.

Summer: Why? What did Natalie do to you?

Mariah: Well, Jack let natty-kins decide how to divide her pass key profits. She gets 50% and so does Kevin.

Summer: Wait, which leaves you with 0%?

Mariah: Yep. Kevin's out there trying to convince her to cut me in.

Summer: Do you think it'll work?

Mariah: No. I don't. But I need him to try. I need to know that he can do this for me, after everything.

Kevin: The fact that you were willing to split your share with me right down the middle is huge. It's life-changing.

Natalie: We're set, Kevin. We could be one-hit wonders and never make anything like pass key ever again, or we could just make the next big thing over and over again. It's incredible.

Kevin: That's true. There's just one little thing --

Natalie: No.

Kevin: No?

Natalie: You want to talk about sharing profits with Mariah. But Jack left it up to me. It was my decision, and I made it.

Kevin: And that's absolutely your right. I was just hoping that you would --

Natalie: Kevin, you have been all over this project since Switzerland. You have busted your butt for me and for pass key. What has Mariah done? She makes cocktails, not code. She wasn't a real partner. She wasn't a friend, at least not to me. She's just had her hand out since the beginning because of the money.

Kevin: Okay, I know you and Mariah didn't exactly bond. She's not much of a bonder. But she has helped the cause. She's talked me down from the ceiling. She's kept secrets. She's had our backs, both of our backs. So I'm asking you please to reconsider -- for me.

Natalie: It's still no. I'm not gonna cut Mariah in just because she's your friend.

Kevin: I'm not saying to give her 33 and 1/3, but a piece, a slice, a sliver.

Natalie: It's awesome the way you look out for her. We don't have that in my universe. You make friends with other hackers, other coders, but it's not like real friends, maybe because you don't know their real name or what they look like. Look, I get that Mariah begged you to ask me -- or she ordered you. However you two work. But I have been waiting for something like this my whole life, and not for it to just land in my lap like a happy accident. I wanted to make something special. And you know exactly what I mean because you feel the same way. That spark, that fire -- Mariah doesn't want to make anything. She wants to insult people and cash a check. But the world doesn't work that way. And I'm glad it doesn't.

Summer: Look, maybe you don't want to hear that, and I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but it's another perspective, one you should really think about.

[Cell phone rings]

Summer: Hello?

Nick: Hey, sweetheart, it's Dad. Are you coming into the office today?

Summer: Uh, yeah, I was just gonna get some coffee and then come by after.

Nick: Okay, when you come in, can you come to your aunt Victoria's office, please? It's important.

Summer: Okay, um, I'll skip the caffeine and come right over. Bye. Um, I have to go, but just think about what we talked about, okay?

Mariah: Another perspective. Yeah. Got it.

Summer: Okay.

Kevin: Was that summer?

Mariah: Yeah.

Kevin: I didn't see any bloodspatter. How did you two manage that?

Mariah: It was an oddly reasonable conversation, but we'll talk about it later. Now, about your conversation...

Natalie: Nothing's changed, Mariah. The division of my portion is what it is. I'm sorry.

Mariah: Yeah. Except you're not.

Natalie: No, I'm not. So if there's something you want to say to me, say it.

Mariah: Nope. I'm good. Kevin, a word.

Kevin: Um, is it a good sign or a bad sign that you didn't throw hot coffee in Natalie's face?

Mariah: Summer and I talked, and she had a very logical question, but it was something that hadn't occurred to me before. She asked, "why doesn't Kevin cut you in to his share of the profits?" And I thought, "gee, that's a very good question. I'll ask him." So, this is me asking. Why haven't you cut me in, Kevin?

Paul: You were protecting a baby from Dr. Anderson?

Patty: What she did to the baby, it was so mean. You, big, strong, Paulie, would have done the same thing. We have to protect the babies, Paulie.

Paul: Right. Patty, whose -- whose baby was it?

Patty: You know her.

Paul: I do?

Patty: Mm-hmm.

Paul: Well, who was it? Whose baby needed protecting?

Patty: I can tell you.

Paul: Okay. I'd like that.

Patty: I think you'll be proud of me.

Paul: I'm proud of you now.

Patty: Okay, the mommy was... the cow bird.

Paul: [Sighs] Patty, listen...

Patty: Your shirt looks like one of the pills that they give me.

Paul: I need -- I need you to focus.

Patty: The medicine here is -- is -- is, um, it kind of looks like candy. But I know it is not candy.

Paul: Right.

Patty: Do you remember that little dish in the living room and it had that crystal and it had those little, little etched hearts inside? It was -- it was yummy candy in it.

Paul: Yeah, it was. Mom always used to keep it full.

Patty: Do you have any candy now?

Paul: I don't. But I promise I'll bring some next time, patty.

Patty: I'm gonna go. [Chuckles]

Paul: I love you, Pattycakes.

Patty: I know you do. [Chuckles] Remember to bring me some candy.

Paul: I will.

Patty: [Chuckles]

Paul: Take care, okay?

Chelsea: What are you doing here, Luca?

Luca: Well, I guess I have the same question. Your husband asked me to come by.

Chelsea: Well, listen -- no, Adam. Adam!

Adam: You think you can mess with my life and get away with it? Hmm?

Nurse Stephens: Last time I saw this guy, he was so --

Sharon: At Fairview. It was right after Sully was born.

Nurse Stephens: When you were still a patient of Dr. Anderson's. Your husband was just asking me about her yesterday. Odd the police are still investigating.

Sharon: I guess they still have unanswered questions. I know I do.

Nurse Stephens: About...?

Sharon: When I was under Dr. Anderson's care.

Dylan: You know, right now there's no reason to believe that nurse Stephens is hiding anything from us. Maybe it is your dreams getting to you.

Sage: Hush, little baby, don't say a word mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird

Patty: Hush, little baby, don't say a word mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird

Dylan: Everything okay?

Summer: Hey, Dad. Aunt Vicki. Thank you so much for taking Jack's offer. I mean, it really means so much to me and to everybody.

Victoria: It was the right decision. I'm sorry that I didn't say yes to you when you first came to me.

Nick: That's not why I called you in, summer.

Summer: Why? What's up?

Nick: I want to talk to you about Luca Santori.

Summer: Why? What about him?

Nick: How close are you two?

Summer: Are you spying on me?

Nick: You know how I feel about him. He is not a good guy.

Summer: Okay, well, that's your opinion.

Nick: I need you to hear me out on this.

Summer: Why? You don't get a vote on who I date.

Nick: Are you dating him?!

Victoria: What about Kyle?

Summer: Okay, Kyle is in new York living his life, and I'm here living mine.

Nick: Luca is a complete mercenary. He only cares about himself. Look at the way he treated Noah and Marisa.

Summer: He's changed.

Nick: No, I don't buy it. He uses anyone and everyone to get what he wants. A guy like that doesn't change.

Summer: Do you hear yourself? This is exactly the type of thing that you would be furious at grandpa for. I mean, you hated the way that he always came down on Billy.

Nick: This is different.

Summer: Look, I am an adult, okay? I make my own decisions.

Nick: [Sighs] That -- that went well.

Victoria: I don't want Luca hovering around summer, either. But just give her some time. I'm sure that she'll figure out what a jerk he is on her own.

Nick: I don't want her to figure it out on her own, because that means he will have hurt her. I want to save my daughter the heartache.

Victoria: I understand completely. And summer's wrong. You sound nothing like dad. Just a little bit. Meanwhile, we need to get back to this Adam issue.

Nick: How bad do you think he wants back in this office?

Victoria: Probably just as bad as you want to bash Luca's face in.

Nick: Now that he doesn't have a job...

Victoria: Adam could make his move at any minute. And dad is gonna smooth the way for him, whatever it takes. It's unbelievable. He's still moving us around like chess pieces.

Nick: Maybe. The game's not over yet.

Adam: What? You didn't think I'd find out, huh?

Luca: Hands off. Now. Or you might end up in a cell right next to your father.

Adam: Cell right next -- you smug, unhappy --

Chelsea: Babe, stop, stop, stop. Babe.

Adam: This piece of slime's the one that got me fired! So, how did it go down, Luca? Huh? What? What? Did you talk to Victor, he told you who to talk to, what to say?

Luca: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Adam: Oh, really?

Luca: Don't believe me? There's only one way to find out.

Adam: Guess it's time to talk to Victor.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: I lied. But Dylan can't know why.

Nikki: You want me to move in with you and Sharon?

Victor: You are guilty, and you feel guilty! Wallow in it, and stop harassing me!

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