Y&R Transcript Monday 4/18/16


Episode # 10902 ~ Jack & Phyllis reach a crossroads in their marriage; Luca romances Summer; Victoria stands her ground with Victor.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Billy? I saw your car outside. We need to talk. Billy?

Phyllis: Jack? What are you doing here?

Jack: You go first.

Phyllis: I just got out of the shower. Billy said there was a robe upstairs, but I couldn't find it, so I ended up putting this on. You should have seen us. We were covered in mud. We had quite the experience.

Billy: Yeah, it was hilarious. I, uh -- I just took Phyllis on the dirt bike to clear her mind from the deposition. She insisted on driving and going straight through a swamp.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, I tried to avoid that.

Billy: You didn't try very hard.

Jack: What you do with your free time is your business. You're gonna have a lot more of it now. You're fired.

Mitch: It's well after hours, ms. Newman.

Victoria: I know. I'm only asking for a brief visit. Considering it was one of your guards who stabbed my father, I'd think you'd want to be a little more accommodating.

Mitch: I understand your position, and I sympathize. But your father's already declined one visit today.

Victoria: I know. He refused to see my mother. But he won't refuse to see me. He may have rejected his family, but he won't reject his business. Please, look, if he says no, just give him this note. Once he reads it, he'll understand.

Victor: Do you always see patients at this hour?

Meredith: I see patients when patients need seeing.

Victor: Well, do you have a life outside these walls or what?

[Door opens, closes]

Mitch: How's our patient this evening?

Meredith: Moody.

Victor: I'm fine, warden. I think this visit was unnecessary.

Mitch: I'll defer to Dr. Gates on that.

Meredith: Nice to know somebody does.

Mitch: Mr. Newman, I don't want you to think you're getting special treatment. But I do run an enlightened facility. I want you and all the other inmates to feel safe and fairly dealt with.

Victor: Do you really think I'm gonna believe what you just said? These are platitudes. I feel safe in this joint? Why don't you tell this to the press?

Mitch: Your daughter's here to see you.

Victor: Really? Which one?

Mitch: Victoria.

Victor: Tell her I don't want to see her.

Mitch: She thought you'd say that. She told me this note would change your mind.

Mariah: Uh, no.

Kevin: Okay. That settles it. The vintage cab from '95 with caviar service for three.

Mariah: Uh, no. You two go ahead. I'm gonna stick with beer and free nuts from the bar.

Kevin: Mariah, come on! We're supposed to be celebrating.

Mariah: Ordering real champagne with imaginary profits is not my idea of fun. Sorry.

Kevin: Oh, really? Even if I'm buying?

Mariah: There's no guarantee that we're gonna see a dime from pass key profits, a fact that you two seem to want to ignore.

Natalie: You need to lighten up. Maybe a makeover. It made me feel a lot better.

Mariah: What about "this might not happen" do you two not understand?

Kevin: Look, we all stuck to our stories at the deposition. Victoria's got nothing. She's gonna have no choice but to drop the lawsuit, and once that happens...

Natalie: Cha-ching! Pass key profits come out of deep-freeze, and I go on another epic shopping spree.

Kevin: [Laughs]

Summer: Hey.

Kevin: Hey, summer. I'm happy to see you smiling. Are you feeling better about lying to Leslie during your deposition?

Summer: Um, well, I'm feeling much better now that I've told Victoria the truth.

Billy: Sorry, did you just say I'm fired, Jack?

Phyllis: Hold on. Billy stood up and fought for every single one of us. This is how you want to thank him?

Jack: This had to be done.

Phyllis: We all fudged the truth, Jack, including you. It may have been wrong in the eyes of the law, but we did the right thing for the family.

Jack: Given the circumstances, so did I.

Phyllis: Circumstances? What circumstances?

Billy: Yeah, I don't understand what's going on, Jack. We won. Leslie has no evidence. There's no case.

Jack: She and Victoria don't agree. They're moving forward with the lawsuit.

Phyllis: This makes no sense.

Jack: I'll tell you what makes sense -- going to Victoria and cutting a deal. After a lot of discussion, she agreed to drop the lawsuit, on one condition.

Billy: If you drop me.

Jack: We split the profits from pass key 50/50 with Newman as a silent partner -- a much better deal than we would ever have gotten had this gone to trial.

Phyllis: We sailed through those depositions. Why would you ever give anything to Victoria? Especially your own brother. I mean, wh-- we won, Jack.

Jack: And that's all you really care about now.

Phyllis: That is all that matters.

Jack: Somehow, that makes me very sad.

Phyllis: All right. You hated lying. I get that.

Jack: Do you?

Phyllis: You also accused me of selling my own daughter's soul to save my skin, and if I'm gonna be honest, that may have some validity.

Jack: May have?

Phyllis: All right. So, blame me. Take it out on me, not on your own brother.

Jack: You're missing a piece. Victoria gave me no choice. She knows we all perjured ourselves, and she can prove it.

Billy: She's bluffing. There's no way she can prove that.

Phyllis: Summer.

Jack: At the end of the day, summer couldn't look her aunt Vicki in the eye. She couldn't live with the lie she told under oath. So, you understand? Victoria would have annihilated us in a courtroom. The only way to get anything out of this, to keep everyone out of jail, was to meet her demand.

Billy: You love that, don't you? You're happy to go along with that. [Sighs] Because, Jack, you take every chance you can just to prove that you're the righteous one, lording it over me. This is your addiction, isn't it? It's not the pills. You take any chances to get to me you can.

Jack: Get your clothes, red. We're getting out of here.

Billy: Phyllis is a guest of mine. If she wants to leave, she can. But you? You got to go.

Natalie: I did not anticipate this variable.

Kevin: Summer, how could you do this to us?

Mariah: We could go to jail.

Summer: Okay, you know, I kept you guys out of prison.

Kevin: I seriously doubt that.

Summer: Think about it. If Victoria would have hauled us into court, we would have had to lie on the witness stand, and we'd be perjuring ourselves a second time. Now we don't have to.

Kevin: She didn't have enough evidence to pursue anything. If you just kept your mouth shut --

Summer: It would not have helped. She was still going to sue, hoping that Leslie could trip us up in court. At least, that was her plan when I went and talked to her. Hopefully now, everything is off for good.

Kevin: Hopefully?! No, no. You have to go back to Victoria and tell her that you're going back to your original story.

Natalie: Tell her you panicked.

Mariah: And that you didn't know what you were talking about.

Summer: I am not going to lie, you guys. I can't do that.

Kevin: Summer, you have to.

Natalie: It's the only logical solution.

Mariah: Or do you not care about anybody except yourself?

Luca: Hey, that's enough.

Meredith: Well, that was quite the demonstration, tearing up the note from your daughter.

Victor: I don't think that's any of your business, do you?

Meredith: She went to a lot of trouble to visit you. So did your wife. Why don't you want to see them? What are you so afraid of?

Victor: Beg your pardon? When I leave this room, I go back to my cell -- the same cell where one of your employees here tried to stab me to death while I was asleep. And tomorrow, I go to the dining room and the shop and the yard, all places where they can knife me in the back. I've not asked for any special custody, have I? Do I seem afraid to you?

Meredith: You said that the most dangerous place can be at home with your family.

Victor: You're being very presumptuous, aren't you? And what, by the way, are you doing here way beyond your normal shift?

Meredith: No, no. We're talking about you.

Victor: No, we're not.

Meredith: A poet once said, "stone walls do not a prison make."

Victor: "Nor iron bars a cage." I'll be damned. Who would have thunk it? I meet someone who's interested in poetry within these... walls here.

Mitch: Your father's recuperating from his injuries. He needs his rest. Perhaps some other time.

Victoria: Did you give him my note?

Mitch: Of course. But as I said...

Victoria: [Sighs] Right. Thanks for trying, Mr. Pulman. Good night.

[Footsteps approaching]

Billy: You sure you don't want to go up there? Make sure she didn't sneak out the window?

Jack: I trust my wife.

Billy: No reason you shouldn't. Like I said, it was just a little innocent --

Jack: Yeah. Motorcycle. Got it.

Billy: I really hope it's worth it, Jack -- everything you get in return for throwing me under the bus.

Jack: I didn't throw you un-- it isn't about what I get. It's about what Jabot gets. We continue to market and distribute pass key and collect half the profits going forward.

Billy: Not only do you get half, but you get the pleasure of reminding me what a loser I am on a daily basis.

Jack: I suggest we table this conversation until you can look at it reasonably.

Billy: God, Jack. You sound like my ex-fiancée. You know, I already went to her with this deal, okay? She didn't take it. Instead, she sued us. And you want accuse me of being irrational?

Jack: You really don't get it, do you? Victoria isn't just fighting for Newman and for its profits.

Billy: Then what is she fighting for, Jack? Please. Come on. Tell me. Because I would really love to know.

Phyllis: Should I leave you two to talk?

Billy: No. We're finished. But, please, tell Jack that if he thinks he can drive me out of the company that our father built and left to all of us kids, he can think again. Get out.

Summer: Thank you for having my back, Luca, but I can defend myself.

Luca: Well, of course you can. Still, someone needs to remind your "friends" that you were the only one brave enough to do the right thing, even when it meant going against your own mother. Look, unlike the rest of you, summer wasn't willing to trash her moral code just to get her hands on some easy money.

Mariah: That's because she had plenty to start with, just like you.

Kevin: And where do you get off calling it easy money? Nothing about this has been easy. Do you have any idea how long we've been working on this project, refining it, perfecting it, defending it against the haters, only so the Newmans can come in and take every dime that is rightfully ours?

Summer: Right-rightfully yours? Rightfully yours. My grandfather paid $2 million for the exclusive right to develop and sell that product. You double-crossed him. You don't deserve any of that.

Luca: Look, we're not saying you shouldn't have a share, but not at the expense of a clear conscience.

Mariah: Are you actually buying his act?

Summer: Luca is encouraging me to be honest so I can actually live with myself.

Luca: Look, you don't have to justify your actions, summer. And you all need to stop condemning her. Can you just take a second and see how hard this has been for her?

Natalie: Yeah. My heart bleeds. She'll have to go back to her sweet apartment and her sweet bank account and her sweet life.

Mariah: While the non-trust-fund babies go back to our minimum-wage lives.

Kevin: Forget it. She's made up her mind. There's no point in arguing. Let's go.

Summer: [Sighs]

Kevin: Are you okay?

Mariah: So...that's it. We're done. The dream is over.

Kevin: No. We've worked too hard to give up. But we can't fight this alone. We need Billy. If anybody can reason with Victoria, it's him. Let's go.

Billy: Straight to voicemail, huh? I just wanted to let you know that Jack came by. So this is how you want to play it. With one hand, you give me Johnny's front-row tickets to his play. With the other hand, you take my job. All that sweet talk about being a great father and how you don't want anything to come between us and the kids. You're just softening me up, aren't you? Getting ready for the kill. Well, congratulations, sweetheart. You are your father's daughter. And I'm sure he is very, very proud of you.

Victoria: Are you in a lot of pain?

Victor: [Sighs]

Victoria: Are they taking good care of you, dad?

Victor: If you're here to ask me about my health, then please leave, okay?

Victoria: I'm here to discuss Newman.

Victor: What, other various division heads questioning your leadership? Is that it?

Victoria: No, not at all. Everyone at the company has reason to be pleased with what I've accomplished. I've avoided an extensive legal battle over pass key. Jack has agreed to pay Newman half of the profits moving forward, and by tomorrow, it will be front-page news. I don't expect you to be jumping for joy or anything like that, but I just wanted to share the good news.

Victor: Are you serious? I would never have settled with the Abbotts for anything. I certainly wouldn't have given them half of anything.

Victoria: Well, with that kind of attitude, we would have lost it all.

Billy: Go ahead. Grab a glass. There's plenty to go around. Whiskey, that is.

Kevin: He knows.

Billy: Yeah, of course I know. Bad news travels fast in this town.

Mariah: If summer had just kept it zipped, we would have been home free.

Billy: It doesn't matter now.

Natalie: Of course it matters. It absolutely matters! I worked my butt off for this project!

Mariah: You almost died trying to raise the money for it.

Billy: I lost more than that.

Natalie: All right, look. There's got to be something we can do.

Kevin: Go to Victoria. She'll listen to you.

Billy: [Laughs]

Kevin: What? What's funny?

Billy: Nothing, unfortunately. But, to answer your question, there's no point in going to Victoria. Jack already beat me to it.

Natalie: Jack did?

Billy: They struck a deal. [Clears throat] Nothing goes to trial. They don't put summer or any of us on the stand. In return, Newman and Jabot split the profit 50/50, right down the middle.

Natalie: So our take gets cut in half. That's better than nothing.

Kevin: What's the rest of it? There's more. I can tell by your face.

Billy: Yeah, there's more. Victoria only agreed to the deal if I got the axe. I'm off the project, out of a job.

Mariah: What?!

Natalie: That's harsh.

Billy: All that hard work, everything we put into it, and I get nothing. Zip. Not a dime.

Kevin: I can't believe Jack would cut you out.

Mariah: Your own brother.

Natalie: If he's willing to get rid of you, what does that mean for us?

Luca: You can't let Kevin and the rest of them get to you. Coming clean with Victoria was the right thing to do.

Summer: Or are they right about me?

Luca: What do you mean?

Summer: I don't know. I've led a privileged life. I've been given everything a person could ever want, you know? So, of course I can afford to stand on principle. It doesn't really cost me anything.

Luca: You sure about that? Seems to me like you may have paid a steep price.

Summer: Mom. I'm really sorry. I really wanted to stick with the plan. I just --

Phyllis: It's okay. It's okay. Nobody has to lie anymore. Victoria dropped the lawsuit.

Summer: What is it? Is that true?

Jack: Vicki and I came to an understanding.

Phyllis: It's okay. You don't have to be caught between me and your conscience anymore.

Summer: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.

Jack: I'm happy about that, too.

Luca: Hey. We should celebrate, yeah?

Phyllis: I'll pass.

Summer: Yeah, that's actually a really good idea. We should do that. We should go. Come on.

Jack: See you. She's a grown woman, sweetheart.

Phyllis: Doesn't mean she always has the best judgment.

Jack: Do any of us? I'm still proud of you.

Phyllis: Why?

Jack: I know you're not happy with how things turned out, and you didn't take it out on summer.

Phyllis: Still doesn't change the fact that you went behind my back and sold out your brother.

Jack: That is Billy's spin. The way I see it, I gave Billy a chance to reclaim what's most important to him -- the woman he loves.

Victoria: This deal will spare us a lot of bad publicity, something that we've had too much of lately. And keep it out of court will save us a ton of cash. Not to mention the impact on the family, including summer, who won't have to lie under oath anymore. And since she's your staunchest supporter, I'd consider this a win, wouldn't you?

Victor: Well. I'm very glad that summer is protected. But I think you let the Abbotts off too easy.

Victoria: Not that easy. You'll be happy to know that Billy's out at Jabot. It's non-negotiable. Dad, would it kill you to admit that I played this perfectly? Would it kill you?

Victor: I would have given you credit, you know, if your intent was really to make sure that Newman enterprises got what it's due. But that is not why you made this deal. You made this deal so that this useless punk Billy boy Abbott would come back into your arms.

Luca: What shall we have to celebrate? Something decadent, yeah? The lobster, perhaps. Ooh. And chocolate cake for dessert. 'Cause I know that's your favorite.

Summer: Does it bother you at all?

Luca: What's that?

Summer: You kind of got aced out of the whole pass key deal.

Luca: No. At this moment, I can't think of anything I'm missing out on. Seeing you happy is reward enough. I'll call room service.

Summer: Oh, I'm really not hungry.

Luca: Then how shall we celebrate?

Summer: Hmm.

Billy: I don't know what's gonna happen with you three. Jack didn't mention anything. I didn't bother to ask him, but I'm assuming that there's not gonna be a lot there.

Natalie: Even for me?

Billy: Well, you might be okay because they're gonna need you to fix some things and whatnot. Victoria's gonna be busy trying to out-titan a titan, and Jack is gonna have to fix a $5 million hole in the side of the corporate budget that I put there. I'm assuming with profits and everything and my old salary, there's not gonna be much left.

Natalie: I was really starting to dig the whole glamour kitten thing. But if we're gonna share in the profits, I guess it's back to geekville.

Mariah: I had this crazy idea that I was gonna buy a restaurant, go on TV, become a celebrity chef. But I guess it's back to the underground, slicing limes for the rest of my life.

Kevin: I just wanted a sleek car, a couple of nice suits, and mansions on both coasts. [Sighs] But I guess I'll just stay on at the cop shop, running license plates for the higher-ups, living paycheck to paycheck. It's gonna be great.

Billy: Okay, enough. Enough, okay? I spearheaded this thing, and I'll be damned if I fail you all now, okay?

Natalie: What are you saying, Billy?

Billy: I'm saying you -- you keep doing what you're doing, okay? It's working. You -- you sharpen those chef knives. And you -- you continue to live large. I'm gonna figure out a way to get us all what we deserve.

Victor: You've achieved a certain level of proficiency in business, I'll grant you that. But you have a fatal flaw. That's that punk, Billy boy Abbott. He's the reason you settled for 50 cents on the dollar. He's the reason you took your foot off the neck of Jabot. You could gotten the money. You could have killed them! He's the reason Newman enterprises will never be what it once was! You know why? Because you allow your heart to rule your head!

Victoria: What good is it being on top if you have no one to share it with? That's your fatal flaw, dad. And I'm so glad that it skipped a generation. I won't apologize for wanting both the person that I love and the work that I love. And if you say I can't have both, I say, "watch me." I'm gonna prove to you that I can run Newman in a way that will make you so proud. And even though you have shut out your whole family, we still love you. And when you walk out of here a free man, whenever that is, I will be waiting to welcome you back to a place that is so much better than you left behind.

Victor: Why do you think I've shut you all out? It's because of you I'm here!

Phyllis: If Victoria thinks she's gonna ace Billy out of Jabot and win him back, obviously she's never met Billy Abbott.

Jack: They were married. They have two kids.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, she still doesn't know him, and apparently, neither do you. Pass key was his baby.

Jack: No. Technically, it was Kevin's. When Billy latched onto it, it almost consumed him and you. Can you blame Victoria for hoping that once the spell is broken, maybe the two of them can get things back together?

Phyllis: Come on. Billy is a proud man. What, is she expecting him to thank her for costing him his dreams? I'm sorry. I don't see it.

Jack: Now, why does that sound like more than a prediction?

Phyllis: What?

Jack: It sounds like you don't want Billy and Victoria to be happy.

Luca: Wait.

Summer: What?

Luca: I don't want you to feel pressured.

Summer: No. I don't feel that at all. I want this. I do.

Luca: Good.

Summer: You want this, too, don't you?

[Both laugh]

Luca: [Moans]

Phyllis: What I want doesn't matter. If Billy and Victoria are meant to be together, it's up to them. But it is not gonna work if Victoria keeps treating him like a child in need of a lesson. You cannot force someone to be something that they're not. It only drives them further away.

Jack: We are talking about Billy, right?

Mariah: Hey. Look who's here.

Natalie: Who?

Mariah: Would you put your glasses on already?

Natalie: They're not part of my reboot.

Mariah: So get some adorkable frames or contacts and stop using Kevin as your personal navigation system.

Natalie: Look, it's a little fuzzy, but I can make out red hair. It's Phyllis, isn't it?

Kevin: And -- yes, and Jack.

Natalie: Mm-hmm. Well, let's see if we can get some answers.

Mariah: Oh, I wouldn't go over there right now.

Natalie: Why not?

Mariah: It looks pretty intense.

Kevin: Let's give Billy a chance to do his thing. If we catch Jack at a bad time, we could make things worse.

Mariah: How long should we give him, then?

Kevin: I'd say at least till morning.

Natalie: What? No way. I need to know now.

Jack: Yes, there are times I want to change your mind about something. That doesn't mean I want to change you. There's a difference!

Phyllis: I just -- I wish that you would give your brother the same courtesy. Disagree with his choices, but not condemning him.

Jack: [Groans]

Natalie: I heard your made a deal with Newman to keep us out of court.

Jack: You heard correctly.

Natalie: So this means the pass key profits come out of deep freeze, right? Share and share alike? Or were you planning to give me and the other developers the same treatment you gave Billy?

Mitch: How'd your visit go with your daughter? I was encouraged that you agreed to see her.

Victor: I don't think it's any of your business, do you?

Mitch: It's my job.

Victor: What do you mean, it's your job?

Mitch: It's always been my policy as warden to care about --

Victor: Wait a minute. It's your job to watch one of your employees come into my cell and nearly stab me to death as I'm sleeping? That's your job? Spare me your bull. You're not doing anything for the benefits of the prisoners here. Ain't nothing beneficial about this joint. And no more visitors from now on. Is that clear?

Mitch: Guard!

Meredith: Let me handle this. Please.

Victor: Don't you B.S. Me!

Mitch: Not without backup.

Meredith: Okay, fine. Keep them in there, all right? But let me have the room. I don't want him to get overexcited. Please.

Mitch: All right.

Meredith: Just --

Victor: This idiot. Please.

Meredith: If you want --

Victor: Stabbed to death -- oh, wait a minute.

Meredith: Okay.

Victor: This man talks about doing things for the benefit of the prisoners? What kind of a joint is this?

Meredith: I under--

Victor: And I don't need anyone. I don't need you to be in here. Okay? Guard!

Meredith: If you tear out your stitches, that's fine. I can fix them, if that's the way you want to play it. Or, we can talk about the wound that's really bothering you.

Victor: Please.

Meredith: No, listen.

Victor: Please. Spare me your psychobabble. I don't want to hear it.

Meredith: Your daughter's visit just reopened the wound.

Victoria: I, uh, I won't confirm or deny any rumors, but Newman and Jabot will be putting out a joint announcement tomorrow morning. Yes, there's something in it for everyone. And you can quote me. Okay.

Billy: Not everyone. So, you take a call from a desperate reporter trying to get a lead story, and you ignore my messages?

Victoria: It's late. I just want to get home to my children, that's all.

Billy: Our children, Victoria. You know, the ones you swore you'd never keep from me.

Victoria: And I won't.

Billy: You can keep the front-row tickets to Johnny's play. I'll get my own. I'll hang from the rafters if I have to. Very sweet. Talking about how nothing will come between us and the kids. Yet, I let my guard down for one second, and you sucker-punch me. I'm sure daddy over my shoulder's smiling at you right now.

Victoria: You're wrong. My father's not happy about this. He figured out the real reason why I wanted you fired.

Billy: What's that?

Victoria: You don't know?

Luca: No regrets?

Summer: No. Not one. You know, everything seems so right again because of you.

Luca: No, I can't take any credit. It's you. It's all you. You've been amazing to watch -- the way you've stood up for yourself with everyone. You know, perhaps one day, I'll be as brave and determined as you.

Summer: Luca, you already are. I really admire the way that you've tried to be your own person. You're not just another spoiled playboy living off of daddy's money.

Luca: [Chuckles]

Summer: You can really be anything that you want to be.

Luca: Laying here with you, you have me convinced. Anything is possible.

Kevin: How bad is it?

Natalie: Well, Jack and Victoria know pass key wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for me, so they're giving me a significant cut of the profits.

Kevin: Natalie, that's fantastic. You deserve it.

Natalie: Thank you.

Mariah: Sorry. Uh, that's -- that's great. That's awesome. But what about Kevin and me? What did Jack say about us?

Natalie: He said that they're leaving it up to me divvy up my portion however I see fit. So I'll be splitting my share of the initial profits with Kevin, right down the middle.

Mariah: Well, okay. But if -- if you and Kevin each get half, what about me?

Meredith: Just wait out here, please. I'll call you when we're finished. Thanks. You do not have to pretend with me, Victor. I know her visit got to you.

Victor: Please. You know nothing about me, okay?

Meredith: You don't hate it in here? You're not frustrated? You're perfectly fine feeling hopeless in here, knowing that the world is happily spinning about out there? Without you?

Victor: Go be with someone else, all right? Guard!

[Knocks on door]

Victor: Guard!

Billy: What are you crying about? You got everything you wanted, didn't you? You're gonna be the lead story on every business channel tomorrow. Nobody's even gonna notice the ticker at the bottom talking about a certain Jabot who got let go --

Victoria: Stop. Don't you realize I did this for you?

Billy: For me, Vick?

Victoria: When you -- when you were in the hospital and you finally woke up, you swore that you were gonna change your life. But then Phyllis came to you, obsessed with revenge and playing to your emotions and your hatred for my father, and she somehow convinced you that by bringing Newman down, you were righting some wrong. You were making something right, and -- [Sighs]

Billy: Phyllis didn't make me do anything that I didn't want to do. Every choice that I made was my choice for my own reasons.

Victoria: Well, however you want to paint it, you two just bring out the worst in each other, okay? And I care too much to let that happen.

Billy: Oh, that's what this is? You -- you're trying to save me from myself, just like Nikki tried to save Victor?

Victoria: I thought that without pass key between us --

Billy: What, Vick? You thought what? Wait, did you think that we were gonna get back together?

Victoria: Yes.

Billy: You just made damn sure that that's never gonna happen.

Jack: It's late. We're both gonna need a good night's sleep. Once this press release comes out tomorrow, we're both gonna be pretty busy until the end of the day. Is there a problem?

Phyllis: Yes, there's a problem.

Jack: I know you're upset. Like I told Natalie, everyone's gonna be treated fairly.

Phyllis: Everyone but your brother.

Jack: You know what? I have had it up to here with your siding with Billy. He has done more damage with his drunkenness and his careless behavior, and yet, somehow, I'm still the bad guy. Why is that, Phyllis? Why can't you support some of my decisions?

Phyllis: Why do you keep giving things away that matter to me?

Jack: Is that all that matters to you? Pass key?

Phyllis: Why am I wrong because I am fighting for what I have worked so hard for?

Jack: I am fighting for something a lot more important that a computer program.

Phyllis: What, Jack? What is it?

Jack: I'm fighting to save my marriage.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Mariah: Tell Natalie that I deserve a cut of the profits.

Kevin: Or what, Mariah?

Chelsea: Billy's been fired.

Adam: Billy and I have one more thing in common, because I got fired, too.

Nick: If I find out anything is going down between that dirtbag and my daughter --

Luca: I don't regret last night. Do you?

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