Y&R Transcript Friday 4/15/16
Episode # 10901 ~ Billy & Phyllis play a dangerous game; Abby & Max call a truce; Summer leans on Luca.
Provided By Suzanne
Billy: What happened?
Phyllis: You know, everything's just going to hell.
Billy: The lawsuit? [Sighs] So, who was it -- Jack or Summer? Which one caved and outed us for lying under oath? Let me guess. Probably Jack, right? Trying to teach us a lesson.
Phyllis: No. My loyal and loving family stuck to the story and said d nothing wrong.
Billy: So, that's it. So, we won, right?
Phyllis: [Nods]
Billy: Where's your "I bested a Newman and all I got is this lousy t-shirt" t-shirt?
Phyllis: Summer didn't want to lie. And I pressured her until she felt she didn't have a choice. And then Jack wanted to protect her, so then he lied. And now my daughter's an emotional mess and my husband hates me. Do they make a t-shirt for that?
Billy: Jack would never hate you. You're his one-and-only red.
Phyllis: Oh, you didn't hear him. You didn't see that look in his eyes when he said I sold my daughter's soul in exchange for vengeance. And the worst part? He wasn't wrong. Oh, God, Billy. What have I done? What if I lose them both?
Summer: What did I do?
Luca: Listen, coming clean to Victoria was the right thing to do.
Summer: Okay, then why do I feel sick to my stomach, Luca? I admitted I lied in my deposition, said I would never be able to lie in court ever again. I mean, that's it. Game over. And Victoria now has all the ammunition she needs to take down everyone who stuck with that fake story.
Luca: That's their problem. Look, I don't say that to be insensitive, but they're the ones who made the decision to lie. You made the decision to be honest, and, look, you shouldn't feel guilty about that.
Summer: I sold out my mom, my stepdad, and my friends. How do we come back from that?
Victoria: Thank you for getting here so quickly.
Jack: It sounded important. And I was curious. When I left here earlier, I got the distinct impression that you'd be just fine not seeing me here again.
Victoria: Does that surprise you? You lied to protect your wife and your brother.
Jack: If this is just to rehash my deposition, I --
Victoria: No, no, no, Jack, it's not. It's about Summer. She deeply regrets what she did today -- towing the Jabot line -- and she says she won't be able to do it again.
Jack: So, if this lawsuit goes to trial...
Victoria: Summer will be called as a witness for Newman enterprises. But all of that can be avoided if you and I can come to an agreement, right here, right now.
Max: Surprise!
Abby: Oh, my God. Um...[Chuckles] Wow, you scared the you-know-what out of me.
Stitch: Yeah, as long as the baby's still in there, we're good.
Abby: [Chuckles] What are you guys doing here?
Stitch: Max has something he'd like to say to you.
Abby: Okay.
Max: I'm sorry, Abby.
Lily: Uh-oh.
Neil: Oh.
Lily: I know that look. What's wrong?
Neil: Hilary.
Lily: Oh. Shocker.
Neil: Yeah, that woman doesn't know when to stop.
Lily: No. That is not her strong suit.
Neil: You know what she did? She sidestepped me and Devon. She went directly to Jack, convinced him to put her on the board of directors of the foundation. You know, I took care of this whole thing, but still...
Lily: Wait. What do you mean you took care of it?
Neil: I told Jack. I spoke to him. I told him that, uh, Hilary had blackmailed his sister. She played him. You know what? He listened to me well. There's no way that he's gonna support this deal now.
Lily: So, that's gonna just create tension between Devon and Hilary.
Neil: Uh, now there's her strong suit.
Lily: I'm actually really sad to hear that.
Neil: Why? You're no fan of Hilary's.
Lily: No, I'm not, but I love Devon. And he wants the marriage to work, and we should support him in that. I mean, look, I just feel like our family has been broken for so long, and now that cane and I are happy, I just -- I want all of us to be happy, too.
Neil: I know. I know. I know how you feel. But I refuse to let that woman manipulate you, me, friends, family -- no one. If she continues to pull this craziness, I'm gonna stop her cold in her tracks every time.
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Max: I'm sorry. It was wrong to dare Charlie to pull the alarm. And it was wrong to get mad at you.
Abby: Well, um, I appreciate that, max. And, um, I'm sorry, too, for losing my temper. I'm gonna work on that and make sure it doesn't happen again.
Stitch: Or at least not often.
Abby: [Chuckles] So, um, do you forgive me?
Max: Yes. Do you forgive me?
Abby: Of course. Of course. You know, this -- this family stuff -- it can be hard, huh?
Stitch: Yeah, especially when you're new to it, which we all are.
Abby: Yes, but I think this was a step in the right direction.
Stitch: Yeah, and I was really proud that max insisted on coming over here.
Max: I felt really bad.
Abby: Oh.
Stitch: Yeah. He wanted to make up for it.
Abby: Well, mission accomplished. Should we hug it out? Thank you. [Chuckles]
Max: I promise to try harder.
Abby: So do I.
Stitch: How's your workload? Think you can sneak out for lunch at the club?
Abby: Oh. Actually, you know what? I have to finish this marketing report.
Max: Please...
Stitch: Please...
Abby: [Laughs] That's not fair -- two against one? Oh, actually. It's two against two, and I think there might be a tie-breaker. Let's see. What does the baby want? Mm, I think the baby wants lunch.
Stitch: Oh!
Abby: Lead the way.
Stitch: Right on. High-five, my man.
Abby: Let's go.
Victoria: Well, I'm sure you have questions.
Jack: [Chuckles] Just a few, yeah.
Victoria: Starting with am I telling the truth. Why don't you call Summer and ask her yourself? Go ahead.
Jack: You can hang up the phone. So, what did you do, haul Summer back in here and threaten her with promises of family banishment?
Victoria: She came on her own, Jack. I simply asked her to be honest, and I reminded her that nothing good ever comes from lying.
Jack: Because, of course, you've never lied to protect your family.
Victoria: Oh, come on. Did anything good ever come out of it? Look, the point is that Summer was really upset because, obviously, Phyllis forced her to do something that she didn't want to do. Not that she was trying to betray her mother in any way, but I feel for her.
Jack: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Save the whole compassion speech. Hypocrisy doesn't look good on you.
Victoria: Excuse me. I care about my niece.
Jack: Of course you do. So much so you jumped at the chance to use her.
Luca: You didn't do anything to anyone. All right? It's what they did to you -- putting you in an impossible situation, especially your mother asking you to lie. I mean, how do you say "no?"
Summer: I don't know. Pretty easy. Just say "no."
Luca: [Sighs]
Summer: Look, Luca, I really appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but, I mean, I can't blame my mom or anyone else for this. I made the choice, and I have to live with it.
Luca: I know. And your maturity is something to behold. I just -- I just want you to see the bright side of things.
Summer: There's a bright side?
Luca: Yes. Victor will be very grateful for your loyalty to Newman.
Summer: [Sighs]
Luca: I mean, after all, you're the only true ally he has.
Summer: I don't know. I guess. It's just really hard to be happy that I'm helping one side of the family, knowing that I'm hurting the other. [Sighs] Oh, God! God, I don't -- I don't want to talk about this anymore. I don't want to think about this anymore, because if I do, I will have a meltdown in public, and that is the last thing I need, because someone will make a gif of it, and then it'll be online forever. I don't need that. I don't -- I don't need that.
Luca: Okay, then let's get out of here.
Summer: And go where?
Luca: Someplace to take your mind off the lawsuit, your mother, all of it.
Billy: You're not gonna lose Summer. You're not gonna lose Jack.
Phyllis: You don't know that.
Billy: Yeah, I do. They might be furious right now, but they'll come around. They have to. 'Cause they love you.
Phyllis: [Sighs] You know, love has its limits. Everybody wants to pretend it doesn't, but it does. People can only be pushed so far. And I have pushed so hard, every day. [Voice breaking] My own daughter -- pinning her against her love for me and her instinct to be truthful. Who does that? [Crying] What kind of horrible, terrible, evil person does that?
Billy: Hey, hey, stop that. You're none of those things. You're none of those things. You're a survivor. You're a fighter. The person you just described? That's -- that's Victor, and I could use a hundred other adjectives to describe him, but it's not even worth my breath. We know, firsthand, what a low-life bastard he is. He stole pass key from me, but he stole way, way more from you and Jack. And it doesn't matter if he's in prison or not. You're not gonna be able to get that back.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Billy: I get it, okay? I understand why you pushed Summer, and I understand that walking away from this fight must seem impossible to you because you feel like you're owed so much more. You deserve to win this fight, Phyllis.
Phyllis: You really believe that?
Billy: Yeah, I do.
Neil: Thanks.
Lily: And here's Charlie.
Hilary: Oh, lily. And this is Easter?
Lily: Oh, yeah. How could you tell?
Hilary: [Chuckles] The giant bunny costume kind of gives it away.
Lily: I know. He refused to take it off.
Hilary: That is hilarious.
Lily: And here's little Mattie.
Hilary: Oh, my gosh! Her dress is to die for!
Lily: Right? Dad bought it for her.
Neil: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Hilary: Good taste, Neil.
Neil: Not always.
Hilary: They are adorable.
Lily: Thanks. Yeah, you should come by and see them sometime.
Hilary: I'd love that.
Lily: Yeah. Just keep in touch and we'll figure it out. Okay. Bye, dad.
Neil: Oh, bye.
Lily: Be supportive, okay? [Smooches] Bye.
Hilary: Bye. Well, that was nice.
Neil: Don't get used to it.
Hilary: Civility, Neil. You should.
Neil: No reason to pretend. And on that note...
Hilary: If I were you, Neil, I would stay awhile. We've got some unfinished business to attend to.
Abby: Oh!
Stitch: Oh!
Abby: Whoa! Um, whoa. [Chuckles] Thank you. Um, a face-plant would not have been good.
Stitch: Yeah, well, it would have been more like a stomach-plant.
Abby: Even worse. Um, must have been the rug.
Stitch: Uh-huh. The rug? Yeah.
Abby: Yes, the rug. What else would it have been?
Stitch: I don't know. Maybe those shoes. I have no idea how you walk in those things.
Abby: [Chuckles]
Lily: Hey, guys.
Abby: Hey.
Max: Hi, Mrs. Ashby.
Lily: Hi.
Max: I'm sorry for getting Charlie in trouble.
Lily: Oh, thank you for saying that.
Max: You think he'll want to play with me again?
Lily: Yeah, I'm sure he would love that. I'll ask him, but I'm sure he would.
Max: Cool.
Lily: Yeah. Well, I'm assuming you guys didn't come here to see me, so table for three?
Max: Best one you got.
Lily: Oh, best one. Well, that is tough. So maybe you should go pick one out.
Max: Sure.
Lily: [Chuckles] Wow. Looks like he turned a corner.
Summer: You and the wine.
Luca: Is that a complaint?
Summer: That depends. Are you trying to get me drunk?
Luca: I'm just trying to get you to relax.
Summer: Hmm. I don't really know if that's possible.
Luca: I understand, you know, what it's like to be caught between what you want and what they want.
Summer: Because of your dad?
Luca: Yeah, he had a very specific idea of the future -- the kind of man he envisioned me to be.
Summer: That's no pressure.
Luca: Yeah. It all started when I was just a boy. It used to drive me insane.
Summer: It doesn't anymore?
Luca: Sometimes. But now I'm able to catch myself before the feelings get to be too much.
Summer: How? Because, honestly, it feels like I have no control.
Luca: You do. You just have to find it and own it.
Summer: It's as simple as that, huh?
Luca: Yeah, it can be. Okay, look, here. Here's a trick.
Summer: All right. Give it to me.
Luca: When you start to feel that anger or anxiety, you need to refocus it. Put that tension into something else which ends up releasing it entirely.
Summer: Is this one of those, like...harnessing your inner chi things? Because I'm telling you, that is not really my style.
Luca: No, it's a spending your energy on something you enjoy thing. Like for me, I like to go for a run or...hit the bag or... well, there's another diversion that helps sometimes.
Summer: And what would that be?
Luca: I'll show you.
Phyllis: I shouldn't be here.
Billy: Why not?
Phyllis: Because I told you I can't keep leaning on you.
Billy: And I told you that it's okay to have a friend, right? 'Cause, no offense, but you kind of look like you could use one right now.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] [Crying] I'm a disaster! And I'm crying. I hate when I cry.
Billy: What do you want to do?
Phyllis: I don't know. I know I should go home, face Jack, but I-I can't. I'm not ready to see that look in his eyes again.
Billy: What do you want to do, Phyllis? What do you want to do?
Phyllis: I want to drown out the noise. It's deafening, and I feel like my head's about to explode, and I don't know how to make it stop.
Billy: I do.
Victoria: I am nothing like Phyllis.
Jack: No?
Victoria: Unlike her, I don't want to see Summer suffer.
Jack: But you'll live with it if it suits your purposes, because, of course, you're not responsible for setting all this in motion.
Victoria: Where do you get off, Jack?
Jack: Am I wrong?
Victoria: What happened to all of your talk of making peace between our families and doing the right thing?
Jack: Whoa, whoa, my talk?
Victoria: And then you walk into this office and you lie, just like the rest of them. For the greater good? No. To protect Jabot's investment.
Jack: That is not fair.
Victoria: Why not?
Jack: Because this is not black and white, Victoria, and you know it. If I was just about the bottom line, I would not have come here with a compromise.
Victoria: Oh, good. I'm actually glad that you brought that up.
Jack: A perfectly reasonable compromise, by the way, which would have helped us avoid this very difficult situation. But you refused it because you were hell-bent on this godforsaken lawsuit, to hell with anyone else.
Victoria: Well, if you would let me get in a word --
Jack: And now I have to hand over pass key?! Is that it? To spare Summer time on the witness stand, to spare everybody else?
Victoria: Wow. That's quite an assumption to make.
Jack: Correct me, please, by all means.
Victoria: I will drop this lawsuit and accept your offer -- Jabot markets and distributes pass key and shares the profits with Newman -- on one condition.
Jack: Which is...?
Victoria: You fire Billy.
Jack: You want Billy gone from Jabot?
Victoria: If he no longer works there, he can have nothing to do with pass key.
Jack: It's the family company, Victoria. It's his birthrate. How could you do that to him?
Victoria: I'm doing it for him, Jack. Because I want to teach him a lesson that he desperately needs to learn.
Jack: Wow. That sounds eerily familiar.
Victoria: It's not like that.
Jack: Isn't it? You wanted Victor to see the error in his ways, so you punished him, not that I'm complaining, mind you. Nobody wants him behind bars more than I do, but I know you're all starting to wonder if you made a huge mistake.
Victoria: No, we're not.
Jack: Even if Victor never repents, never says he's sorry, never says, "you were right," or even, "I understand"? He wants nothing to do with you, any of you. If the point was to get him to see the error of his ways, boy, that backfired in a colossal way, didn't it?
Victoria: [Sighs] Well, Billy can't disown me.
Jack: Sure, he can. And that's -- my bet is that's exactly what he'll do if you follow through with this.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Jack: But that's not what you want at all.
Victoria: I saw him earlier today.
Jack: How'd that go?
Victoria: Well, we didn't argue. We even shared a laugh.
Jack: That had to be kind of nice.
Victoria: We talked about how we'll always put the kids first, and for a minute, everything felt right, the way that it should be.
Jack: The way it could be, but not if you insist on punishing him or making me do it.
Victoria: I think you're wrong, Jack. And Summer really drove that home to me. No matter how hard Billy and I try to avoid this, our children are always gonna be affected by this battle between the Abbotts and the Newmans. Look at Summer. If Billy's out at Jabot, there will be no more battles.
Jack: Sure there will, just a different kind, perhaps a more volatile kind.
Victoria: Look, I just want things to go back to the way that they were when Billy woke up in that hospital room and he was with me. He was really just with me. And the most important thing to him was his family, not this stupid internet deal. I am so sick and tired of this internet deal. I hate it, and I hate that your wife reminded him that it was stolen from him.
Jack: Look, we can't pin all of this on Phyllis.
Victoria: I know. I know that. Billy's always had this fire in him.
Jack: And Phyllis fueled the flames.
Victoria: This is the only way that I know to put them out.
Billy: [Clicks tongue]
Phyllis: A motorcycle?
Billy: Yep.
Phyllis: Oh, that's stellar carpool material.
Billy: I got a sidecar. It's great for the kids. I'm kidding. The kids aren't coming anywhere near this thing. It's just for me.
Phyllis: When did you go from hang-ten to "easy rider?" When did that happen?
Billy: When I broke up with Victoria and I needed something to clear my head, or drown out the noise, as you put it.
Phyllis: Oh, I see. So, you hit the open road, let the wind hit your face, let everything go?
Billy: Yeah. Let everything go. That's the point.
Phyllis: Okay, does it work?
Billy: I don't know. It just got delivered today. What do you say? Let's take a spin.
Phyllis: Only if I can drive.
Billy: [Laughs]
Phyllis: No, come on. I'm serious.
Stitch: So, it's supposed to rain on Saturday. I was thinking we could hit the megaplex.
Max: Can we watch the "ninja warrior" movies?
Stitch: Can we? Come on! [Mimics explosion]
Abby: [Chuckles]
Stitch: I'll check show times right now.
Abby: Well, while you guys are watching ninjas and eating a ton of popcorn, I have a gazillion errands to run.
Max: Like what?
Abby: Um...like boring stuff, just a bunch of stuff.
Max: Baby stuff?
Abby: [Sighs]
Max: You guys never talk about it.
Stitch: Hey, we're not trying to hide things from you, max.
Abby: Yeah, we're just trying to be sensitive, 'cause having a baby -- it's -- it's a big change, and if you're going through a tough time --
Max: I'm not anymore. It's my little brother or sister in there.
Stitch: Yeah. It sure is.
Abby: [Chuckles]
Stitch: Right there. It's pretty amazing, huh?
Hilary: So, Jack sent me all of the info regarding the foundation, and I have some excellent ideas about your marketing and your business plan.
Neil: Are you delusional? Jack knows that you blackmailed Ashley while she thought she was dying. Your position on that board -- it's history.
Hilary: Well, I haven't heard anything from Jack. So, I am still very much in play.
Neil: For now.
Hilary: For good.
Neil: Why? Because of those brilliant ideas that you have? Fine. Go ahead and write them up. No reason we can't use them after you've been tossed out on your butt.
Hilary: I'm not going anywhere, Neil. And you are gonna make sure of it.
Neil: [Chuckles] Yeah?
Hilary: Well, if you don't, I just might let it slip that you are the one who kidnapped me.
Max: Bathroom break. Be right back.
Abby: [Chuckles]
Stitch: Well, we will be right here.
Abby: [Chuckles]
Stitch: Well?
Abby: I don't even know what to say. [Chuckles] It's, um...
Stitch: Incredible?
Abby: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's -- it's everything that I've been wanting since max got here -- I mean, to accept me, to accept the baby. But, um...
Stitch: But...?
Abby: It -- it's just kind of sudden. I mean, don't -- don't you think it's sudden? That's a completely different kid than I was dealing with earlier today.
Stitch: Hey, we had a good talk.
Abby: Apparently, yeah. I just -- I hope it sticks.
Stitch: Look, I-I think it will. And I think max finally seems to get it now that if he wants to be happy, he's got to put in the effort to meet us halfway, especially with you.
Abby: Well, I would love nothing more. And I know how much it would mean to you.
Stitch: [Chuckles] I didn't think we'd get here, baby. After everything max went through -- losing his mom, being shipped across the world to a family he barely knows. [Sighs] But it's happening. He's adjusting, you know? Things are finally moving in the right direction for the three of us.
Abby: Aren't you forgetting someone?
Stitch: [Chuckles] Oh, my God. How could I forget my little one here?
Abby: [Laughs]
Stitch: All four of us.
Max: Mrs. Ashby.
Lily: You can call me lily.
Max: Okay.
Lily: Yeah, what can I do for you?
Max: My dad and Abby were just talking about the new baby.
Lily: I know. That's exciting, right?
Max: I was thinking we could throw a surprise baby bath.
Lily: Uh...
Max: You know, where she gets presents and stuff.
Lily: Oh, a shower. Yeah, yeah. That's -- that's a great idea.
Max: I can't pay for it, but I'm sure my dad would.
Lily: [Chuckles] Yeah, I'm sure he would.
Max: I want it to be special, make it extra-awesome.
Lily: Well, that is my specialty.
Stitch: There you are. Am I interrupting something here? What's going on?
Lily: No. Uh, actually, max and I have a secret to tell you.
Stitch: Really?
Neil: You're bluffing.
Hilary: Try me.
Neil: You have had a million chances to turn me in, and you haven't used not one of them.
Hilary: Well, that's because I was madly in love with you, Neil. I thought of you as my husband. That was then, not so much now.
Neil: You'd expose yourself as a liar and a fraud, trash Neville's reputation and your research project that has allowed you to do what you do best, which is revel in the spotlight, not to mention how Devon would react.
Hilary: Well, I don't know. Because originally, Devon was all about you confessing.
Neil: And that was then, and this is now.
Hilary: Are you sure about that? Because I think that all of those feelings of anger and betrayal -- they're just lurking around, deep down, just waiting to pop back up.
Neil: You're unbelievable.
Hilary: And as for the public and the police, I think that they're gonna be very forgiving. After all, I was the victim in this situation.
Neil: You would be dead if it weren't for me.
Hilary: You kept me away from my family, from my life for months.
Neil: And you've been fine with that up until today.
Hilary: Yeah, well, maybe I realized that it was just too difficult to just live with the trauma.
Neil: [Chuckles] You realized, huh?
Hilary: Well, I will if I have to. And I think that the public would be sympathetic. I will survive this, Neil.
Neil: Unlike me.
Hilary: Well, your life will be ruined.
Stitch: I love it. You really came up with that idea?
Lily: Yep. 100%.
Stitch: Max, that is enormously thoughtful of you. That means a lot that you'd want to do that for Abby. What can I do to help?
Lily: Um, well, you could give me your credit card. [Chuckles]
Stitch: Done.
Lily: Yeah?
Stitch: Sure.
Lily: And then I'll check with Abby to see which dates work best.
Max: No! It should be a surprise, right, dad?
Stitch: Yeah, I don't -- I don't know about that, max.
Max: You think it's a good idea, right?
Lily: Yeah, I think it's a great idea.
Max: Yes!
Lily: Well, I mean, how do we get her here, then?
Stitch: I can book a room, tell her it's a mini-babymoon kind of thing.
Lily: Okay, that's a good idea. In the meanwhile, we'll get everything ready, and then you can trick her, somehow, to get down here. And then...
Max: She'll have a big surprise.
Lily: Yes, perfect.
Stitch: Sounds like a plan to me.
Lily: All right.
Abby: Um, excuse me. Who ditches a pregnant lady and leaves a check?
Stitch: Hey, sorry about that, baby.
Abby: So, what did I miss? What's a plan and why is it perfect?
Summer: Okay, this is not what I expected.
Luca: [Chuckles] I'm full of surprises.
Summer: Yes, that, I have learned.
Luca: All right. Are you finished?
Summer: Uh, yeah. I guess. No more time is gonna help this.
Luca: Cool. Let's see it.
Summer: No. You first.
Luca: All right.
Summer: You are so annoying.
Luca: What?
Summer: "What?" That is good.
Luca: It's just one of my many hidden talents.
Summer: Where did you learn to do that?
Luca: I had only the best tutors growing up. My mother insisted that I be well-rounded and not just focus on my studies.
Summer: Yeah, well, it obviously paid off.
Luca: Thank you.
Summer: Where is this?
Luca: It's, uh -- it's a little creek on my parents' estate back in Spain. You know, when I was little and something terrible happened, like when I was only allowed one snack after school instead of two...
Summer: No, the horror.
Luca: [Chuckles] ...I'd tell whoever was watching that I was -- I was running away. Then I'd run straight here.
Summer: Hey, well, at least you had a destination. When I was young and I'd run away, I would pack up my backpack and hide out underneath the kitchen table.
Luca: [Laughs] That's very stealthy.
Summer: I know, right?
Luca: And then, later, it's where I'd go when I wanted to be alone. It's one of my favorite places on earth.
Summer: It's really beautiful.
Luca: All right. Now you.
Summer: Oh, no, no. No.
Luca: Come on. We had a deal.
Summer: No. [Laughs] Not after that.
Luca: Come on. How bad can it be? Come on.
Summer: Okay, fine, but you have to promise not to make any fun of me.
Luca: I would never.
Summer: Okay. [Sighs]
Luca: It's fine. It's -- it's fine.
Summer: Really?
Luca: Yeah, it's better than fine. You know, clearly, you have a talent for, um...
Summer: A talent for...? For what?
Luca: Drawing.
Summer: Yeah. Hey, do you know what this is, Luca?
Luca: Of course.
Summer: Yeah, wh-what is it?
Luca: It's a nice cow. It's a cow.
Summer: It's a horse.
Luca: Oh, yeah. I-I was just looking at it from the wrong angle. I see it now.
Summer: No, you do not! No, you don't. Shut up! [Laughs] No, you don't. It's so bad.
Billy: Okay. That was, uh...
Phyllis: [Laughs] Exhilarating!
Billy: I was gonna say terrifying. You almost killed us.
Phyllis: No, I didn't.
Billy: You -- you didn't? Going 50 miles an hour around the curve through a swamp? I'd say that was pretty close.
Phyllis: I handled her like a champ.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: All right. Maybe I was going a little too fast around the curve.
Billy: Yeah, a little too fast around the curve.
Phyllis: I'll tell you, though, that bike has a lot more kick than I was expecting.
Billy: Why don't you kick it upstairs and go get cleaned off?
Phyllis: Here?
Billy: Yeah, here. I can't let you go out in public like that. There's a robe in the spare bedroom. You can throw your stuff in the laundry and hang out until they're all dry.
Phyllis: You know what? I think I might take you up on that offer.
Billy: Good. I'm gonna go to the garage and... clean up.
Phyllis: [Laughs]. I'm sorry.
Billy: No, you're not.
Phyllis: No, I'm not. Hey. Thank you. You were right. This is exactly what I needed.
Billy: Yeah, me, too.
Phyllis: Okay. You have some mud on your cheek. [Laughs] [Sighs]
Victoria: "I'm home, and I'm not going anywhere ever again." [Chuckles] That's what he said to me the night he got home from the hospital. It wasn't that long ago, Jack, and look at us now, living separate, sharing custody of the kids. It wasn't supposed to be this way.
Jack: As someone who has tried and failed to save Billy from himself multiple times, I feel for you. I can also see you still love him.
Victoria: I do.
Jack: But, Victoria, taking Jabot away from him, taking this project away from him in the hopes that it will lead to the two of you reconciling -- your -- your reasoning's just a little...convoluted.
Victoria: [Chuckles] That's a nice way of putting it.
Jack: It's the nicest word I could come up with.
Victoria: Look, honestly, I know this whole thing could backfire in my face. [Sighs] But could it really get any worse? I mean, pass key has already caused so many problems between Billy and me. And not just for us.
Jack: Yeah, you'll get no argument from me.
Victoria: It's ironic, isn't it? This thing that was supposed to create so much security is tearing us apart.
Jack: Yeah.
Victoria: You hate it, don't you -- what Billy and Phyllis have done, working together to get what they want regardless of what it does to the rest of us? They're toxic together.
Jack: This is truly the way you want to handle it?
Victoria: [Sighs] You know, it's spiraling out of control. I don't know what else to do. Do you?
Jack: [Sighs]
Victoria: This might be our last chance for Billy and me, but not just for us. It might be a chance for you and Phyllis to repair things, too.
Jack: Now you're selling it as the best thing for my marriage.
Victoria: And for Phyllis' relationship with Summer and Kevin's relationship with Michael. This could be a new beginning for all of us.
Neil: Well, it's officially confirmed.
Hilary: What's that?
Neil: There's no depth to which you won't sink. And that forgiveness you keep talking about? I don't think you're gonna find as much of that as you believe. So, you better be very careful. If you're gonna play cards with the big boys, make sure you come to the table with the right hand.
Hilary: Well, this is just getting nastier than I had intended.
Neil: Oh, is it now?
Hilary: What I had described...
Neil: Threatened.
Hilary: ...Was merely hypothetical. I would much rather avoid the whole mess. But that is up to you. Convince Jack to keep me on the board and I'll forget about everything. Okay? I think it'll be a win-win. So, will you accept my offer, do what's best for the both of us? I'll take that as a "yes."
Neil: Mm.
Abby: An overnight getaway? That's the plan?
Stitch: Here. No good?
Abby: It's very good. [Chuckles]
Stitch: I thought we could use a little time to ourselves, especially with the baby on the way.
Abby: Are you sure you're okay with that, max?
Max: Yeah.
Lily: Yeah, and maybe max could spend the night with us. I'm sure the twins would love to have a playdate.
Abby: It sounds like a plan. [Chuckles] Thank you. Uh, it's very sweet of all of you.
Stitch: We'll talk soon about that reservation.
Lily: Yeah, of course. Sounds good. Have a good day, guys.
Abby: Bye. I'm so excited.
Stitch: It's gonna be great. Come on.
Summer: Thank you.
Luca: For what?
Summer: [Sighs] For turning the day around, making me feel better. I did not think I could manage a smile, let alone a laugh, and yet you had me doing both.
Luca: You're welcome. I'm here for you anytime you need, Summer. And...so are my sketchpads.
Summer: [Laughs] Well, next time, we are doing something that you are not good at, so...
Luca: I'm not sure that such a thing exists, but I'll look into it.
Summer: Oh, funny guy.
Luca: Beautiful girl.
Victoria: Hi, Leslie. It's Victoria. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that the Jabot lawsuit might be going away. I'm hoping that Jack and I have reached a compromise.
Jack: Billy? Billy, you home? I saw your car out front. We need to talk.
Phyllis: What are you doing here?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: I'm feeling much better now that I've told Victoria the truth.
Natalie: If he's willing to get rid of you, what does that mean for us?
Victor: You took your foot off the neck of Jabot! You could have gotten the money! You could have killed them!
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