Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/14/16


Episode # 10900 ~ Neil bursts Hilary's bubble; Ashley comes clean with her family; Victoria plays hardball.

Provided By Suzanne

Summer: I just wish I could wake up and it would be tomorrow morning and this would all be over.

Luca: Go with the truth. You'll be fine.

Summer: Okay, and my mom and Billy? How do I live with myself knowing that this could do something to them?

Luca: How will you live with the lie? You know in your heart honesty is the right thing to do. It's who you are.

Phyllis: Who are you, Luca? Certainly not an expert on doing the right thing.

Luca: And who here really is an expert on what's right and wrong?

Phyllis: I'd like a moment alone with my daughter.

Luca: I'll get us refills.

Summer: Thank you.

Phyllis: You're choosing the wrong side of this battle, starting with your new BFF.

Summer: Luca is the only one who understands. He is not forcing me to choose sides, and he is not trying to convince me to break the law.

Phyllis: Okay. Before you put a halo on his head, you should ask yourself -- or better yet, ask him -- why the hell does he care so much about which half of the family you side with.

Billy: What is our truth? Not a trick question. Come on.

Natalie: There was never a plan to dupe Victor or Newman enterprises.

Mariah: Ever. By anyone. Ever.

Billy: Okay, we don't get extra points on enthusiasm. Just mean it, say it. We'll be fine, okay?

Kevin: Bad news. Michael got called to face the state bar association about his disbarment.

Mariah: Then why do you look so happy?

Kevin: Because he's not gonna be there today. My brother's truth-seeking eyeballs won't be lasering into me as I lie my way through my deposition.

Mariah: [Scoffs]

Billy: There's no room for nerves here, okay? I talked to Jabot's lawyers. We -- we stay together, we're golden.

Mariah: Unless we don't stay together and we're not golden. We all go down.

Natalie: In flames.

Kevin: Do you think Summer is gonna tank us?

[Knock on door]

Billy: No, I think we need to focus on what we know. That's it.

Victoria: Hello.

Billy: Hi. I didn't expect you.

Victoria: Obviously. So, is Billy teaching you all of his tricks? How to lie and get away with your crimes. You better be careful, or you'll wind up just like him.

Devon: Hey, honey. Um, are -- are we good?

Hilary: We are better than good.

Devon: Really? 'Cause I was worried about us.

Hilary: Okay, congratulate me. Because I am officially on the board for the Abbott-winters foundation.

Devon: And how exactly did you make that happen?

Neil: Hey, Jack.

Jack: Hey! Have a seat, have a seat. How you doing?

Neil: I'm good, I'm good. A little confused, though. You just send out a foundation e-mail, and you CC'd Hilary on it.

Jack: Oh. I'm sorry. I-I forgot to tell you. It just happened. I asked Hilary to be on the board.

Neil: Jack, we're partners here. Aren't we supposed to consult with each other on everything?

Jack: I know she's your ex. I know she can be difficult sometimes.

Neil: She does not deserve a place at that table.

Jack: She has a specific skill set. She has enthusiasm. And, best of all, she has access to Devon and his funds.

Neil: And she also has a history of blackmail. How do you think she got your sister's job?

Jack: What are you talking about? Ashley stepped down.

Neil: Like hell she did.

Ashley: This looks very serious. Am I interrupting?

Jack: Did Hilary blackmail you? And why didn't you tell me?

Ashley: Well, how does a person tell the brother they love so much that they're going to die?

Hilary: You think that I had to game my way into this, that I couldn't have possibly gotten this position because I'm a strong candidate?

Devon: I'm just saying --

Hilary: You think that I had to resort to some sort of trick, a lie?

Devon: Babe, I'm trying to understand what actually happened.

Hilary: Well, it's -- it's actually really simple. See, I ran into Jack.

Devon: Okay.

Hilary: Yeah, and he knows who I am. I told him what I wanted. He knows how capable I am. And he thought that I would be a great asset to the foundation, as shocking as that may sound!

Devon: That's not shocking at all. I'm sorry that I --

Hilary: I need you to believe in me.

Devon: I -- you know I do.

Hilary: No, no, you don't.

Devon: Yes, I do.

Hilary: No, you listen to what everybody else has to say, what Ashley has to say, what Neville has to say, what Neil has to say. I'm your wife. You know what? I don't need you to believe in me. I have done just fine on my own.

Devon: Baby. Babe. Let me go outside and come back in so you can give me the news again and I can tell you how proud I am of you and how I think you're gonna be an amazing addition to the foundation.

Hilary: Do you really mean that?

Devon: I really do. You went after what you wanted, and you got it. And what I'm most proud of is that you did it on your own merit. You got what you wanted without having to step on anyone.

Jack: You nearly died and I didn't know? Are you sure you're all right now?

Ashley: 100%.

Jack: Well, I'm glad to hear that, but I reserve the right to be a little ticked off that your own brother was kept in the dark.

Ashley: I didn't want to upset everybody, Jackie. And I certainly didn't want everybody in town talking about my health. Except I guess they are anyway, huh?

Neil: Yeah. I'm sorry. I overstepped. Devon told me. I really wasn't thinking.

Ashley: It's not a problem. Believe me, my recovery is gonna be making headlines soon enough.

Jack: So it turns out Dr. Neville's protocol is working miracles? Well, I'm happy about that, but I do have some questions.

Neil: Okay, um, I think that's my cue to leave. Good to see you, Ashley.

Ashley: Thanks.

Neil: Jack, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Jack: Have a seat.

Ashley: Okay.

Jack: So, Neil knows, Devon knows, Hilary knows. I'm guessing Abby knows. Was it part of your plan that I be the last to know?

Ashley: You're the first in the family to know, Jack, except for Abby, of course. And I just asked her not to say anything until I could tell you myself.

Jack: I should have known. You passed out at Abby's wedding. You quit your job at Jabot. You dive into this partnership with Neville.

Ashley: By the way, you don't think he's such a quack anymore, do you?

Jack: You were worn out, you were exhausted. I even asked about it. I asked if you were okay. You said to me that you were in control of everything.

Ashley: Well, I kind of felt like I was, more or less.

Jack: No, you felt like you were dying and you didn't tell your own brother.

Ashley: I didn't want to burden you.

Jack: Since when is loving someone a burden? You're my sister. I would do anything for you. So would the rest of the family. You know that.

Ashley: Don't you think that our family's gone through enough recently? I didn't want to add to it, Jack. Abby was getting married. I didn't want that wonderful time to be marred by her worrying constantly about her mother's health.

Jack: You should have told me.

Ashley: I made that choice, and you know what? I still think it was the right one.

Jack: If I'd lost you and I'd known nothing about any of this --

Ashley: Trust me, Jackie, I'm gonna be around for a long, long time, just annoying the crap out of you.

Jack: I will cherish every second of it. Or I'll try to, anyway. But you are on notice. You will never experience anything like this alone again.

Billy: What's going on, Vick? We're kind of in the middle of something.

Victoria: Oh, well, don't let me interrupt. Please continue.

Kevin: Well, look at the time. I have someplace to be.

Mariah: Me, too.

Natalie: I rode with them.

Victoria: If that's your crew being convincing, your case is in a lot of trouble.

Billy: Just a meeting. We're in the middle of the pass key rollout.

Victoria: Well, they seemed as guilty as sin, which is surprising given the caliber of their teacher.

Billy: Got nothing to hide.

Victoria: Wow. So convincing. I totally believed you completely. Except that I know you. You breathe and you lie.

Billy: And we're done.

Victoria: I came by because I wanted to talk to you about Johnny's school play.

Billy: Whoa, no, no, no. You can't stop me from going, Vick. Doesn't matter what's going on between Newman and Jabot. You can't stop me from seeing my kid.

Victoria: You won't be able to get in without this.

Phyllis: Did you ever think that just maybe Luca is using you to blow up your family?

Summer: This is not about Luca. This is about you and what you did.

Phyllis: That's right. My life, my future, everything that I have worked so hard for, I have already told the lawyer that I committed no crime.

Summer: And all I have to do is be a good daughter and lie for you, right?

Phyllis: You want me to go to prison? Because that is exactly what's gonna happen if you tell the lawyer I lied under oath.

Summer: No, I don't, mom, but I don't want to be blamed for what you did.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Summer, you have been a very good granddaughter to Victor. You think maybe you could find it in your heart to be a good daughter to me?

Summer: I did not have to lie for grandpa.

Phyllis: No, because you conveniently ignored all the horrible things he's done. You have blindly defended a man who's been tried and convicted. He is the criminal. I'll have done is try to undo his crimes.

Summer: You kidnapped someone, too, mom! What makes you think that you are any better than grandpa?

Summer: Here you are ranting about grandpa kidnapping Jack, and yet you are guilty of the exact same crime.

Phyllis: It is not the same thing. Jack suffered. He was tortured. Adam's life was never put into danger.

Summer: No, he was just kidnapped, right?

Phyllis: [Sighs] I crossed the line, and I know I did that, but I was driven to it after everything that Victor put me through.

Summer: Don't blame this on grandpa.

Phyllis: Do you not understand what happened to me? I had to do something. I had to fight back.

Summer: Mom, I know, but you fought back with other people's lives. Adam was held prisoner. Chelsea was scared that her husband was gonna die. Their little boy -- I mean, mom, mom, how could you do that to them?

Phyllis: I hurt people that I never intended to hurt, and I'm gonna regret that for a very long time. But I give you my word. If we can get through this, it will end all the fighting and the backstabbing, and the Abbotts will have no reason to retaliate.

Summer: You mean you'll have no reason.

Phyllis: Justice will finally be done.

Summer: If I lie.

Phyllis: If you want peace, you can make that happen.

Leslie: Thank you for coming.

Mariah: Like I had a choice.

Kevin: Can I sit over here?

Natalie: [Clears throat] My stomach's kind of queasy. Is it hot in here?

Leslie: What is your involvement with pass key?

Natalie: I created it.

Kevin: I knew she had a great idea.

Mariah: And I wanted to be a part of it.

Leslie: Did you have any communication with Billy Abbott while you were working for Newman enterprises?

Natalie: I did not.

Kevin: To the best of my knowledge, Natalie never spoke to Billy Abbott about sabotaging her work at Newman to go to Jabot. She was happy there.

Mariah: Until she wasn't. Only the completely deranged would be happy working for Victor Newman. It wasn't Natalie's fault that he screwed up and cut her loose.

Leslie: Walk me through how the project went from Newman enterprises into Billy Abbott's hands.

Natalie: I came up against a binary tree traversal issue. I couldn't get the program to work.

Kevin: Victor fired her.

Mariah: Billy was alive now and not in a coma, so that was great, and he was still interested in the project.

Natalie: So he offered to fund my project.

Kevin: She would have been crazy to turn him down.

Leslie: What's the status of your visa? You worried about being deported?

Natalie: I would love to go home. The mountains, the chocolate, the people who mind their own business and never kidnap me... [Sighs] I miss that.

Leslie: Your reputation precedes you. Before you went to work for the GCPD, breaking and entering, burglary, a little hacking here, a little hacking there. And that's just the most recent highlight. You've had quite the past.

Kevin: I've learned from my mistakes.

Leslie: Of course you have. But when you've walked a blurred line for so long, maybe lying doesn't keep you up at night.

Kevin: I've told you the truth and nothing but.

Leslie: You're sticking by this story?

Mariah: It's not a story. It's what happened.

Leslie: Tyler's fine, by the way.

Mariah: Oh, that's, um... that's great. Uh, yeah, I think about him sometimes, usually late at night.

Leslie: Let's move on to the tough questions.

Billy: Ooh. Front row?

Victoria: Yeah, well, I knew that you'd want to be front and center with that camcorder thing of yours.

Billy: Yeah, and I've just got a brand-new one with serious optical zoom capabilities so I can capture every nuance of Johnny's performance.

Victoria: I'm not sure how much nuance there's gonna be. He's playing an acorn.

Billy: Come on. He's gonna act the hell out of that. He's gonna get deep, find his motivation, steal the show.

Victoria: Like the time he stole the show when he dropped the cake all over grandma's lap?

Billy: [Chuckles] He enjoyed every single crumb. And caught on camera, thank you very much.

Victoria: Well, he does share his father's sense of showmanship, that's for sure.

Billy: I'm really sorry that I jumped to the wrong conclusion, about you cutting me out. It's, uh, very, very sweet that you gave me the ticket, even though I'm sure that you hope that our little acorn falls far from this particular tree.

Victoria: Come on, Billy. You're a great father.

Billy: Challenged in other areas. I really hope that our kids feel loved and safe and happy every day. It's harder to have those things when you're growing up.

Victoria: So you're saying you're a grownup?

Billy: [Chuckles]

Victoria: [Chuckles]

Billy: I'm working on it.

Victoria: Can we agree that we're not gonna let the ugliness of pass key and this lawsuit --

Billy: Johnny and Katie come first. Our battles don't touch them.

Victoria: Deal?

Billy: Deal.

Victoria: I have to go.

[Door opens]

Jack: I want to talk about Hilary. That she would use your condition to oust you -- that's unconscionable.

Ashley: Yeah, I don't care about that power-hungry social climber, okay? Life is good. It's short. I want to concentrate on the things that matter.

Jack: Does that mean you might consider coming back to Jabot?

Ashley: Hmm. Right in the middle of this cyber-geddon with Newman? I don't think so. But I would not rule out a magnificent return to the family company, uh, in the future sometime. How's that?

Jack: Billy and I nearly came to blows last night.

Ashley: Billy?

Jack: I can't get through to him. It's not just about losing the company. It's about every bedrock of what it is to be in this family. I'm worried we're losing him.

Ashley: Well, whether you're saving Jabot or saving Billy from himself, always remember what dad would say. Be true to yourself.

Jack: [Sighs] There's the rub. I am being deposed today.

Ashley: You're not considering lying, are you? That would only make everything worse.

Phyllis: What are you gonna do? It's not just Billy and I who could suffer. Summer could go down.

Luca: Summer, what did your mother say that got you so upset? Did she convince you to lie? Come on, Summer. I want to help you.

Summer: Luca, why do you care so much about whether I lie or tell the truth? You're out of pass key. You don't work for either side of my family.

Luca: There's only one reason I care -- you. Look, I don't want you hurt by this war between your families. Look, if you were to get convicted of perjury, that -- that break my heart... and possibly jeopardize so many plans for the future.

[Door opens]

Leslie: Right on time. Summer, you ready?

Summer: Yeah, I am.

Mariah: Knock 'em dead, Snowflake.

[Door closes]

Mariah: Way to work the puppy dog bedroom eyes, slick. Is Summer even aware that you're playing her?

Luca: I'm just here to support a friend.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Lighting a match is more your style. So, what's it gonna be? Is she gonna give us up?

Luca: "Snowflake" is tougher than you think. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Ashley: So, Phyllis, I'm not sure if I should congratulate you on pass key or not.

Phyllis: I'm sure Jack's filled you in -- on his side, at least.

Ashley: I don't know if I'm filled in entirely, and I don't know if I want to be, actually, but, uh, there should only be one side, and that's the one with truth on it.

Phyllis: Well, that is true. But the thing is, there are many truths -- the truth about what Victor did to me, what he did to Billy.

Ashley: To Jack.

Phyllis: Yes. And what he did to Jack. And then there is the truth about what we have worked hard and long for and what we deserve, so the truth is something that is very complicated.

Ashley: Or sometimes it's just spin. I get the very strong feeling that you're pushing my brother into doing something he doesn't want to do.

Phyllis: You have two brothers. One of them is firmly on my side.

Ashley: Yeah, but that brother's not your husband, is it?

Phyllis: Didn't you leave Jabot?

Ashley: I did. But you know what? Jabot is always gonna be my family's company, and Jack and Billy are always going to be my family. So do not drag my brother down. Either one of them.

Hilary: Outreach will be so important. Social media will be key to our strategy. Oh! Did you, um, come to celebrate with us?

Neil: Ah, yes. The possibility of your joining the foundation's board.

Hilary: Well, it is no longer a possibility. It is a fact.

Neil: You good with this?

Devon: If Jack thinks that she's qualified, why shouldn't she help the cause?

Hilary: I ran into Jack earlier. We had a great conversation. He loves all of my ideas, my energy.

Neil: Yeah, Hilary, about that. I'm not sure Jack's feeling the love quite so much anymore.

Hilary: Why would you say that?

Neil: Jack and I had our own little conversation. The subject matter of your blackmailing Ashley out of her position somehow came up. I'm guessing that you're gonna be relieved of your duties before you even start.

Leslie: According to my notes, you told Victoria that you had direct knowledge that Natalie Soderberg was in communication with Billy Abbott and Phyllis Abbott while she was under contract at Newman. Is this true? Would you like me to repeat the question?

Summer: No, I-I misspoke. I misunderstood the situation.

Leslie: So, there was no communication between them?

Summer: No, there wasn't. I-I was wrong.

Leslie: You seemed pretty clear when you relayed this information to your aunt.

Summer: I-I made a mistake.

Leslie: So you never saw text messages with this information?

Summer: No, I don't know how I would have.

Leslie: [Clears throat] You're aware that a sworn deposition is the same as being on the stand. A lie in this office is the same as one in front of a judge and jury.

Summer: Yes, I understand that.

Leslie: I have no further questions. You can go.

Summer: Okay.

Jack: Summer, how'd it go?

Leslie: Have a seat. Thank you. [Sighs] Finally. Maybe I'm about to get some honesty.

Jack: I will give you nothing less.

Leslie: Anything you'd like to add for the record?

Jack: No.

Leslie: Thank you for your testimony, Jack. Free to go.

Victoria: [Sighs] I hope you told the truth.

Jack: I said what needed to be said.

Victoria: You know, I thought you were better than that, Jack. All this talk about doing the right thing and trust and honor. You're about as trustworthy as my father. At least he doesn't pretend to be something that he's not. [Sighs] How did the depositions go?

Leslie: Not well, I'm afraid. A solid wall of Abbotts and Abbott supporters. A united front.

Victoria: All maintaining their innocence, of course.

Leslie: With every breath.

Victoria: Where does this leave our case?

Leslie: It's "they said, we said." No paper trail, no documentation, no witnesses, at least not anymore.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Leslie: Bottom line. We cut our losses, drop the case.

Victoria: You mean let Billy win.

Billy: Jack send you to lecture me about truth, justice, the Abbott way? Yes, I'm remodeling. Yes, it's great. Yes, Jill knows, and she approves. Maybe.

Ashley: Is this about Jack?

Billy: Jill giving me Katherine's home? No, I'm thinking it doesn't have anything to do with Jack.

Ashley: I'm talking about is living here about Jack. Billy, are you trying to make a point? You know, create as much distance as you can between yourself and the Abbotts?

Billy: What did you want me to do? You -- you want me to stay at the club forever? No, this works for me, okay? And it's got nothing to do with my brother.

Ashley: He told me about the fight you had.

Billy: So you here to beat the drum, too? Loser younger brother single-handedly destroys the family company?

Ashley: Can you take a breath? I'm not here to beat anything. And Jack did not send me.

Billy: To do his dirty work? Yeah, of course he did. Let me ask you a question, ash. When did Jack become such a coward? Honestly. He wraps himself up in respect and -- and honor, and yet all it says is that he's too afraid to fight, he's too afraid to lose, that he doesn't even remember how to win anymore.

Ashley: Oh, is that what you're doing right now, Billy? This is what you call winning?

Billy: I saved Jabot. I saved our family company. I took back what is mine not only for me but for our family. Isn't that what my sanctimonious brother's always going on about? The family?

Ashley: I think you need to shut your mouth and pull your head out. You and I are both really lucky to be alive, and you have to stop this stupidity. Do something with your life that matters.

Billy: What are you talking about, "lucky to be alive"?

Ashley: I was really sick, Billy. I had a brain tumor, and I almost died.

Mariah: How did you play it? Did you screw us over?

Kevin: You wouldn't do that, would you?

Mariah: Of course she would. What are you waiting for?! Words, please!

Luca: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off. She doesn't need you in her face right now.

Summer: Leslie asked me some hard questions, but, um... I lied. Hope you're all happy.

Mariah: I knew you could be a human being!

Kevin: Summer, thank you. It means so much that you -- that you landed on the right side of this.

Summer: Yeah, I mean, did I really have a choice? 'Cause it didn't really feel like I did.

Natalie: Does this mean we can celebrate?

Kevin: Um, how about we call it a good day and we'll see what tomorrow brings? And in the meantime, we can dream about hitting the "buy now" button repeatedly.

Natalie: But the funds are still frozen.

Kevin: I have a feeling they'll be thawing rather quickly.

Mariah: Coffee! Coffee for everybody! I'm buying. Even you.

Summer: I just screwed over half of my family.

Mariah: I'll get you a doughnut.

Natalie: Maybe your mom will buy you that yacht.

Kevin: Okay, you know what? We actually have some planning to do.

Mariah: And shopping!

Summer: Um, I have to go.

Luca: I'll go with you.

Summer: No, I have to -- I have to go alone.

Mariah: Yes! [Laughs]

Kevin: We need to start working. Lots to plan.


Hilary: How could you do that to me? My arrangement with Ashley was private. You had no right to tell Jack.

Neil: Your arrangement with Ashley was straight-up blackmail. Thank God she's gonna live. You know, it was only a matter of time before she told everyone the truth.

Devon: Well, this was Ashley's to share, though, so did you really have to be the one to tell Jack?

Hilary: No, of course he did. Anything to screw me over.

Neil: No, I did it for the foundation.

Hilary: You did this to humiliate me.

Neil: This mission of this foundation is to help people. What does that mean? It means it must be based on trust and honesty.

Hilary: Trust and honesty? [Scoffs] You sabotaged me.

Neil: No, young lady. You sabotaged yourself.

Hilary: After everything that he did to you, to me. He owes us! But instead, he's trying to screw us over every chance he gets!

Devon: All right. Hey, stop it, stop it, stop it. Breaking stuff isn't gonna fix anything. Stop it.

Hilary: Well, it feels damn good to me!

Devon: Honey, stop it! Stop it. Please. Okay? I appreciate your passion, but we cannot forget what's most important.

Hilary: What? Baseball?

Devon: No, not baseball. Us. Okay? You and me building a family together. Starting our life. Right? This morning you showed me what matters most.

Hilary: I did?

Devon: Yeah. Did you already forget? Let me remind you.

Billy: So, you had a brain tumor for a year and you didn't tell anybody? You're a hell of a liar. I'm gonna have to remember that for future considerations.

Ashley: [Chuckles] I promise I won't keep any more secrets. You mad at me that I didn't tell you?

Billy: [Inhales] I would have been majorly ticked off if I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you. But I get it. It's your health. It's your call. And you're here now, alive, vibrant, ready to call me out when I need it.

Ashley: Mm-hmm. I'm calling you out right now, bill. Listen to me. You got to stop it, because it's stupid. This fighting with each other, who did what to whom, who cares? You got a second chance at life, Billy. Do something with it. Promise me that you're gonna do that. Please.

Billy: I will if you will.


Victoria: Summer. Come in.

Summer: Um... maybe I shouldn't be here.

Victoria: Why? Because your deposition completely contradicted what you said to me in this very office?

Summer: It was a misunderstanding. I -- I misunderstood. I'm sorry. I'm r--

Victoria: Summer.

Summer: I'm really sorry.

Victoria: Summer. I know you, okay? I know your heart, and I know how important it is for you to do the right thing. Which is why I know how difficult this choice was for you.

Summer: I should -- I should --

Victoria: No, listen to me. It's okay. I understand. You love your mother so much. How could you say no? Is that what happened? Did she force you to lie for her?

Phyllis: How did the depositions go? Did you choose your ideals or your wife?

Jack: You dragged Summer into this. I had no choice. I lied to back up her lie.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Jack: Don't thank me. There's -- there's nothing right about any of this.

Phyllis: Yes, there is. Pass key is where it needs to be.

Jack: I can't believe you put your own daughter in this position.

Phyllis: She is an adult. I did not force her.

Jack: When she went to work for Newman, you worried about the influence he would have on her. Who knew the threat would come from her mother?

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. She -- she is gonna be stronger for this.

Jack: You can justify anything, can't you, including taking an honest, impressionable young woman and turning her into a liar to save your skin.

Phyllis: My skin? No, no, no. Not my skin. Billy's skin, your skin, the family's, the company's.

Jack: All excuses to feed this obsessive revenge of yours. How's that working out? You happy? All going well now that you've gotten your daughter and everyone who loves you to keep your lie going for you?

Phyllis: If you love the truth so much, you could have told it, but you didn't. So how does it feel to be a mere mortal like the rest of us, Jack?

Jack: I sold my soul to the devil today. You sold your daughter's.

Kevin: You know, coffee really does taste better when you're almost a zillionaire.

Mariah: [Chuckles] I've already decided. I'm going to Tonga. It's a kingdom. And, you know, forget hotels. I am renting an entire island to myself and my nonexistent tan lines. Do you like islands?

Kevin: I do. I'd be worried about the mosquitoes, though.

Mariah: [Laughs]

Kevin: Where did Natalie go?

Mariah: Um, I don't know. She's probably celebrating with her hard drives.

Kevin: [Chuckles]

Mariah: I can't believe that this is happening. This is happening, and you made it happen!

Kevin: I mean, Natalie had something to do with it, too.

Mariah: Every time I let myself believe in something, the universe yanked it out from underneath me, but...this... you...

Kevin: You got something in your eye?

Mariah: [Sighs] You believed in me. People don't do that, but you did. You made me a part of this.

Kevin: Well, you threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't.

Mariah: [Chuckles] How do I thank you? I mean, now I don't have to be broke or complaining about my life anymore.

Kevin: That's great. Now you can just complain.

Mariah: About what? I am almost afraid to say it, but for the first time, I'M... happy.

Kevin: I guess you're not the only one who's ready to believe. Whoa.

Natalie: Damn. I guess I need my glasses.

Devon: You know, babe, I know that you're disappointed about having to step down at the lab. And I also know that you're worried that Jack might take you off of the -- the, um, foundation, but I just want you to always know that I believe in you and your dreams, and I will forever do everything I can to support you. Whatever's ahead... I just want you to remember how strong you are and how much you survived to get here.

Hilary: You're right. I have survived way too much to let anyone get me down.

Ashley: You all right? Things that bad? I mean, did Jabot lose the lawsuit?

Jack: No, it looks like we're gonna be able to hold on to our millions. Unfortunately, we lost something even more valuable.

Victoria: You lied today because you thought you were helping. But no matter how pure your motives are, nobody's protected when the truth comes out, and the truth always comes out.

Summer: It's not my mom's fault, okay? It was my decision, and she said that if we got past this, it would all be over, and that is all I want -- for this to all be over. I just want the fighting to end. I mean, grandpa is in prison, and it's still not enough.

Victoria: Summer, I'm so sorry you're being put between our two families again.

Summer: Yeah, well, it doesn't have to be that way, does it? If you don't sue Jabot or maybe if you rethink making this deal, then there is a chance for --

Victoria: I'm afraid that it's more complicated than that.

Summer: So you are gonna go through with the lawsuit. Aunt Vicki, there has to be another way. So many people have been hurt already. I mean, what about -- what about Billy?

Victoria: Billy started this.

Summer: Who cares? Billy loves you. You love Billy. But if all this fighting keeps happening and going to court, I mean, this could tear you apart forever. What about -- what about your kids? What about Johnny and Katie?

Victoria: Billy and I agreed that we wouldn't let it affect the kids.

Summer: But that's impossible, and you know that. Aunt Vicki, I know that you're mad at him, but right now, you have the chance to choose love and to choose Billy and to choose your family. So please at least tell me that you're gonna think about it.

[Knock on door]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Hilary: If I were you, Neil, I would stay awhile. We've got some unfinished business.

Phyllis: [Sobbing] My head's about to explode, and I don't know how to make it stop.

Billy: I do.

Victoria: Jabot distributes pass key and shares the profits with Newman -- on one condition!

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