Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/13/16


Episode # 10899 ~ Victor & Nikki recall happier times together; Abby seeks advice from Lily. Alicia Coppola debuts as Dr. Meredith Gates.

Provided By Suzanne

Jack: Nikki? Nikki. Hey. Wake up!

Nikki: What? Oh.

Jack: Yeah, I'll bet your hair hurts right now, doesn't it?

Nikki: Why are you here?

Jack: I'm checking up on you. How long did it take for you to have another drink? Two hours? Three? God, I should have never left you alone.

[Bottle slams]

Nikki: Well, you took me to a meeting, cleared out the mini bar. What else could you do?

Jack: Something. I could have done something right last night. [Sighs]

Nikki: Sounds like you didn't have an easy night yourself. What was it? That damn computer security deal?

Jack: Forget about me. What the hell happened? I thought you'd sleep it off.

Nikki: Yeah, so did I. And I realized something about today.

Jack: What's that?

Nikki: It's my anniversary.

Max: [Sighs]

Abby: [Chuckles]

Esther: Uh-oh. It took me twice as long to make that as it did for him to eat it.

Stitch: Yeah, breathe, kid.

Abby: Looks like you have the magic touch, Esther. Max liked it. [Chuckles]

Esther: You know what, max? You are officially my new favorite customer. I will make you breakfast any time. But why are you guys all here, anyway? You have a day off from school?

Stitch: It's teacher development day.

Abby: Which means I have something special planned for us. You're gonna love it.

Max: You're not coming with us? Just me and her?

Stitch: I have rounds, but I know you and Abby are gonna have a good time, all right? So behave yourself and have fun. 'Cause your old man's got to run!


Esther: Let me take that.

Abby: Oh, I think we have to follow doctor's orders and have fun.

Max: Does that mean I get to go to the lab and hang out with Ashley and Dr. Neville?

Abby: Oh, come on. Grownups are so boring. I have something way better planned.

Lily: Hi, guys!

Abby: Hi! Perfect timing. Max, this is Charlie. Charlie, this is max.

Ashley: Hi! I'm so glad you're here. I wanted to thank you.

Dr. Neville: For what?

Ashley: Well, for these, of course.

Dr. Neville: I-I was, uh, going to thank you.

Ashley: For what?

Dr. Neville: Oh, tell me you're kidding.

Ashley: Uh, no, I'm not.

Dr. Neville: The flowers. This, uh, uh, note. "We've been through the worst together, all alone. Now it's time for the best."

Ashley: I didn't.

Dr. Neville: Hmm. No. Apparently not. Just out of -- I shudder to think -- what was I supposed to have written to you?

Ashley: "Flowers for the true light of my life, the only... cure I need."

Dr. Neville: That's dreadful. I don't sound like that.

Ashley: Actually, you do sound like that. You really -- you kind of do, but the bigger question here is, who would send flowers for each other to each other?

Both: Abby.

Devon: I have some great seats for us on the third baseline. It's time for you and me, some brats, brewers, and a little friendly competition to see who can catch a foul ball.

Hilary: That's sweet. Or it would be if it wasn't a plan to get me out of the office so Ashley could take my desk.

Devon: That's not what it is at all. It's just a plan to have some fun with my wife. Do you remember what fun is?

Hilary: Yeah, well, it's hard to change the world from the third baseline.

Devon: Is that what you're trying to do is change the world?

Hilary: Yes, which is why I wanted a seat on the board of Jack and Neil's foundation, not foul balls and brewskis.

Devon: Okay, well, what I wanted was a day with my wife, not arguing about seats on a board or job titles, 'cause it's not really what we're about, Hilary.

Hilary: Oh, really? What are we about?

Devon: How long did we have to wait to be together and be in this position that we're in? First it was our guilt about you being married to Neil and then your fall, you being missing, being in a coma, and then waking up and not wanting to be with me at all. And now here we are. So, we finally have what we've wanted. We can be together. Do you want to waste that, or what?

Dr. Neville: Well, it's -- it's, uh, it's rather [Chuckles] Amusing, you know, in a -- in a practical-joke sort of way.

Ashley: I am so incredibly sorry. I am so sorry. I don't know what my daughter was thinking. I mean, obviously she's seen too many rom-coms, right? [Chuckles] What did she think we were gonna do? You know, get these notes and --

Dr. Neville: Walk into the sunset while declaring undying affection for one another, probably something along those lines, I think.

Ashley: We're colleagues.

Dr. Neville: Yeah.

Ashley: Right? We're friends.

Dr. Neville: The idea that there could ever be anything more than that between colleagues, friends, is just, uh... um, uh, on that note -- no pun intended -- I'll just, um, I remembered I have to go to the hospital.

Ashley: I have so much work myself. Okay.

Dr. Neville: Um... Ashley. What -- what do we, uh -- what -- what -- what shall we do with these? Uh, the flowers, I mean.

Ashley: Yeah. They can stay here. I mean, they're kind of cheerful in the lab, aren't they, in a silly kind of way?

Dr. Neville: Well, then, uh, I'll, uh, see you later.

Ashley: Okay, bye. [Sighs] Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry. Oh, I thought I gave you enough time to gather your things.

Hilary: This is still my office.

Ashley: Actually, it's my office, and I was loaning it to you because I thought I was dying. But guess what? I'm not dying. So I think it'd be good if we got back to normal, don't you?

Hilary: Oh, you mean like when Neil was drunk and ruining press conferences and you were pretending that you can run a company while you were sleeping at your desk? [Chuckles] Devon, as the man writing the checks, please explain to Ashley that I am the one that you want back here.

Devon: As the man writing the checks, I think that it's time that Ashley take back her title and her office.

Abby: Hey, I bet you and Charlie have a lot in common.

Max: What could we possibly have in common?

Lily: Uh, well, Charlie has a new game, yeah? Maybe you guys can play it together, you can give him some tips?

Esther: Yeah, look. You two men can hang out on the patio, and you'll have it all to yourself. What do you think?

Max: Fine. Let's go.

Lily: Go ahead.

Abby: Well, that wasn't mortifying at all. I am so sorry. It's not Charlie. It's max. He hates me and everything that I suggest or even look at.

Lily: No, you're fine. And he doesn't hate you.

Abby: Oh, no, he really does. Honestly, max lives to come between stitch and me.

Lily: Well, I mean, when cane and I were apart, Charlie loved causing trouble. I think when they don't have words, they -- they like to act out.

Abby: Oh, no, he has the words. He hates me. But you should see him with my mom. I mean, he laughs, he smiles. He trusts her. He loves her. I don't know. Maybe I'm just not mother material.

Lily: I don't buy that. I think you're a natural.

Abby: I don't know. Maybe the Abbott side of me knows about family, but the Newman side? Makes me wonder.

Victor: Nikki? Nikki?

Meredith: Welcome back, Mr. Newman. Wherever that dream took you, I'm sure it's a far nicer place than a prison infirmary.

Victor: What happened?

Meredith: Your stitches ripped open. Luckily the warden was there and had you brought in. I stitched you back up, and here you are. We just have to keep an eye on that wound. So far we've been able to avoid infection. You're a very lucky man.

Victor: That's what everyone keeps on telling me -- I'm a lucky man.

Meredith: Well, it's all relative. So, the dream that you had -- who is she?

Victor: What do you mean?

Meredith: Well, you -- you said a woman's name. She must be someone very close to you.

Victor: She was. She no longer is. And never will be again.

Nikki: [Groans]

Jack: That's it. Get it down.

Nikki: I hate coffee.

Jack: Drink.

Nikki: Don't -- don't even be here with me. Go home. Be with your family. Don't be babysitting me.

Jack: Stop talking and drink your coffee.

Nikki: God.

Jack: What were you dreaming about, anyway?

Nikki: [Sighs] Trust me, you don't want to know.

Jack: A nightmare?

Nikki: No, it was more like a memory. My first wedding to Victor.

Jack: Like I said.

Nikki: Oh, it was so beautiful. And there was this sense of peace and hope. All was right in the world. And I woke up. It was gone.

Jack: And there was my ugly mug.

Nikki: I miss him all over again. I-I need to see him.

Jack: No, you don't.

Nikki: He needs to see me, too, if he would only admit it.

Jack: Nikki, he is your trigger. You don't need -- the last thing in the world you need is to go face to face with him right now, now when you can't seem to string 12 hours together without a drink.

Nikki: I am drinking because of what I did to him. I mean, I may as well have put him in the cell. I may as well have stuck the knife in him.

Jack: This is the leftover booze in you talking.

Nikki: Oh, please.

Jack: No, you are beating yourself up so you have a good reason to drink.

Nikki: I betrayed my husband!

Jack: No, you told the truth. It's as simple as that. You told the truth so that Victor could be held accountable for his actions. You gave him his last chance at redemption so that he could be the man that you, however misguided, think he could be.

Nikki: Yeah, but he thinks I was trying to destroy him. He doesn't understand that I was trying to help him. I need to see him. I need to talk to him.

Jack: No, you don't. No.

Nikki: They say that he's not allowed to have any visitors.

Jack: Well, there you are. It's a moot point, then.

Nikki: But, Jack, you could -- you could help me. You could call the warden and convince him to -- to let me see Victor, and that would be the only way that I could find peace in what I did. Will you please, please do that for me?

Jack: No, I won't.

Lily: Look, being a mom is not easy. Some days it feels impossible.

Abby: Some days? [Scoffs] Shouldn't I be getting the hang of it by now? Everyone keeps saying that it's gonna get easier, but it doesn't. Just when I think I'm getting somewhere with max, something new happens. And I know that I'm supposed to be the adult and take control, but how do you know when it's too much or not enough?

Lily: Trust me. Every parent feels that way. I swear to you.

Abby: Really? Because I wake up every day terrified about how I'm gonna fail again that day.

Lily: Listen, this thing with max is a special case. This is new for both of you. When you have the baby, you guys are gonna learn together. You know, you'll learn what its cries mean and what their smile is saying and the way they look at you and their dad, like you're the most important thing in the world. It is the most beautiful thing, and it's very humbling.

Max: Come on. Do it. I dare you. Come on, chuck. You're not a baby, are you?

Charlie: My name is Charlie.

Max: Charlie the baby.

Charlie: I am not.

Max: Prove it.

Lily: So, I was so tired that I put his onesie on backwards, and then I go to change his diaper, and it just -- it did not work.

[Alarm ringing]

Esther: Okay, nobody panic! Exit in a calm and orderly fashion!

Lily: Charlie!

Abby: Max!

Esther: Call 911!

Abby: Max!

Lily: What is going on?! What did you two do?!

[Alarm stops]

Lily: Tell me right now! Who pulled that alarm?

Charlie: Max dared me to do it.

Nikki: Jack, I need Victor's forgiveness.

Jack: You go asking for forgiveness, you're basically saying you approve of everything he's done, that no matter what he does, you will come crawling back. You don't need to go to prison. You need to go to a meeting and then another meeting after that till you realize this isn't about Victor. This is about you. You need to forgive yourself.

Nikki: What I need is my husband.

Jack: No, you don't need to see your husband. You want to see your husband. For some reason, he has you convinced you don't even exist without him. Even if I got you through the prison gates, he could refuse to see you. What happens then? You just fall apart all over again?

Nikki: It's the anniversary of our wedding day.

Jack: With all due respect, your first wedding.

Nikki: Oh, he wouldn't turn me away. He couldn't any more than I could turn him away or any more than you could turn away from somebody that you love.

Jack: [Sighs]

Meredith: Don't do anything to yank out those stitches. You are wearing some of my finest needlework. I heard that a guard did this. I'm so sorry. Most of us are here to help. Do you know if it was personal? Right, right. Don't trust anyone in this place, even the doctors. I am imagine that, uh, this place is fairly primitive compared to what you're used to.

Victor: I've been here before.

Meredith: Yes, but nobody ever really gets used to this. And if they did, that would be bad. It would mean that they'll probably never leave.

Victor: There are dangers everywhere, you know? Even at home.

Meredith: Oh, that's right. Your family. They all testified against you.

Victor: Do you research all of your patients this thoroughly?

Meredith: Well, Mr. Newman, you must realize that you are all over the news. You and your wife. Hers was the name that you, uh, that you mumbled while you were sleeping, isn't it? Nikki?

Victor: Are you finished?

Meredith: This place is cold and harsh, but some people find a kind of peace here, a new beginning. Even a path to forgiveness.

Victor: I expect a knife in my gut before I find peace in here.

Meredith: Well, if you're looking for enemies, look no further than the mirror.

Victor: Excuse me? You've known me for all of five minutes, and you -- you're judging me now?

Meredith: I know men like you. I see you every day.

Victor: Hmm.

Meredith: Inside these walls and out. The world is to blame -- your wife, your family, your supposed enemies. You'll blame anyone and everyone. But 99.9% of the time, that's just not the case, Mr. Newman. These bars all around you, you're the one who put them up. And only you can take them down.

Lily: Charlie, look at me. You know that fire alarms are not toys. Right?

Charlie: Yes.

Lily: What do you think that your punishment should be? Yeah, I agree with you. Thank you.

Max: You know, he made that up, about me telling him to pull the alarm.

Abby: Right, because you've been such a saint up until this point. You should know better, and you do. You did all of this on purpose. Why? Why? Why are you doing this? And don't you dare smirk at me. You got that?

Dr. Neville: Ben. A moment, if you please.

Stitch: Hey, I was hoping to talk to you about your research. I have a few questions about your use of different glucoses. Um --

Dr. Neville: Yeah, yeah, yeah. By all means, let's get together and talk shop some other time. Right now, I think you should know that you and your wife have watched one too many romantic comedies. The whole forged love note and the flowers was a total dud.

Stitch: Okay. Abby was just trying to give you and Ashley an icebreaker. She wrote the notes. I picked out the flowers.

Dr. Neville: Uh-huh.

Stitch: How did it turn out?

Dr. Neville: You think it's cute? To me, it's worrisome. [Sighs] Honestly, Abby's obvious need to get her mother wooed and wed is indicative of some raging insecurity, some deep-seated fear that her mother is still carrying around feelings for you, which she might be. I have no idea.

Stitch: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, that -- that wasn't why Abby did it, okay? I was there. I saw her face. I know what she was thinking.

Dr. Neville: Or you think you do. Ben, take note. You are married to a very, very special young woman who happens to have, admittedly, a very special mother -- exciting, clever, impeccable bone structure.

Stitch: We talking about Abby or Ashley?

Dr. Neville: Ashley. This is what I'm saying. It seems like lately you can't tell the two apart, and that could be a problem.

Stitch: Not for me. I don't confuse the two. Look, what are you trying to say to me, Neville?

Dr. Neville: I think I've said it! But by all means, let me be even more blunt. If you insist on micromanaging somebody's life, somebody's relationship, make sure it's yours, not mine! Or better yet, why don't you do yourself a favor? Go home and tell your wife that if Ashley so much as stubs her toe that you won't come running!

Ashley: Thank you so much for being so incredibly gracious during this regime change, Hilary. After all, we are partners, aren't we? Neville saved both of our lives, and we're both anxious to share our stories and his treatment with the world.

Hilary: Do you even hear this?

Devon: What's not true about what she's saying?

Hilary: Everybody keeps saying that I'm on a power trip. But look. Look who is behind the desk.

Ashley: Well, Hilary, it is

my desk. Maybe the two of you need some time to speak privately.

Hilary: No, what I need is for my husband to back me up at least once in this marriage.

Devon: Okay. I think that she's right and we don't need to do this right here, right now, okay?

Hilary: Fine. I've had enough of this room for a lifetime.

Devon: I'm so sorry about that, ash.

Ashley: I'm sorry. Last thing I want to do is come between a man and his wife, okay? So you don't have to fight my battles. I don't want to drag you into this. Honestly.

Devon: This is your office, and the only reason that you stepped down was because Hilary forced you to. So if our marriage can't handle the facts, then that's on us and not you, okay?

Ashley: Okay. Take care.

Devon: Thanks.

Ashley: [Sighs]

Victor: I join you in marriage, Nikki, to make you my wife for the length of our days, to love and comfort you in joy and in sorrow, to support and to care for you, to cherish and respect you, and to give of myself. And together we shall, in the sight of God, give joy to those we touch.

Jack: Yes, today. I know that. Okay, thank you very much. Bye.

Nikki: They said yes?

Jack: I pulled some strings. You can see Victor.

Nikki: Ohh! Jack! Thank you so much! Oh, thank you. You are a true friend. [Sniffles]

Jack: Listen to me, friend. Always remember this. Where Victor's concerned, be careful what you wish for.

Stitch: My marriage is great, but you have a habit of giving a diagnosis when no one wants it!

Dr. Neville: Oh, by all means, Dr. Rayburn, you and the little missus are 100%. Congratulations.

Stitch: Okay, no. Now it's my turn to tell you something. You are possibly the biggest wuss I've ever met.

Dr. Neville: [Chuckles] What? Schoolyard taunts? You're gonna have to forgive me, Ben. I've been far too busy trying to save lives to brush up on my -- my grade-school survival skills.

Stitch: Yeah, the lab works for you, doesn't it? You get to hide in there, keep Ashley close but at a distance. You get to -- get to be with her but never make a move, never take a risk!

Dr. Neville: Have you ever noticed that whenever you and I see each other, we are talking about Ashley? 'Cause I certainly have.

Stitch: You saved her life. But you don't have the guts to make her happy. Ashley deserves more than a coward like you.

Dr. Neville: Ah, Maxwell, my diminutive lab assistant. What do you say we, uh, we head back to Jabot and we can mix up a batch of goo, hmm?

Max: Sure.

Abby: No. No, he is here to talk to his father.

Dr. Neville: Oh, well, apologies, my friend. I guess it's just one of those days.

Stitch: What happened?

Max: It was Charlie. He said so himself.

Abby: No. It was a dare, and it involved a fire alarm, okay? Now it's between you two and I'm gonna get out of here.

Stitch: Okay, wait, Abby, Abby.

Abby: No, it's better if I just go. I'll talk to you later.

Stitch: Okay, what happened now?

Max: Abby flipped out over nothing. Charlie's mom was cool. Why can't Abby be more like that?

Devon: No matter what happened, your mom is right, okay? You're the one that put your hand on the fire alarm, and you're the one who pulled it. And you know the deal is we don't play with fire or fire alarms.

Lily: Look, I know that you're sorry, but this can't happen again, okay?

Esther: You know what? It's been a really crazy day. But I just might have a couple of extra oatmeal and flaxseed raisin cookies at the counter. I mean, they're so healthy, you can't even really call them cookies. So, if mom says it's okay for you to have them...

Lily: Yes, it's okay. Go, go, go. [Chuckles]

Devon: He's a good kid. It's a lesson that he has to learn, so don't let anybody steamroll you.

Lily: I know. It's a hard lesson at any age. So... are we gonna talk about Hilary? What's she pushing for this time?

Hilary: Ignore it, all of it. Don't read anything they have to say about Jabot, the Abbotts, or pass key. Trust me, gossip is for small minds. [Sighs] It won't hurt you unless you let it. I've been there.

Jack: Yeah, we both have, more than once.

Hilary: These websites, they will do anything for hits. And most of that stuff is pure garbage. You are the most fiercely loyal man that I know. Everyone should be as devoted to their family as you are. The world would be a better place.

Jack: Yeah, I think my family might beg to differ.

Hilary: You gave Ashley a seat on the board of your new foundation, and that was after you let her take control of the Jabot lab for Dr. Neville's research.

Jack: Okay, I wondered where this was headed. So, Ashley is back at work and you don't like sharing.

Hilary: You know me too well. But I'm fine, really. I even offered to give Ashley her office back. Just a little give and take in the name of progress.

Jack: And where are you hoping progress will take you?

Hilary: Well, in the spirit of cooperation and the sacrifice that I made today, I think it is time that you put me on the board of your foundation, right next to Ashley.

Stitch: I don't like it, max. What happened is not okay. I know a lot of first responders. When something bad happens, it's their job to help everyone. A false alarm means that they can't do their job. People could get hurt.

Max: I know. I'm sorry. I didn't think Charlie was actually gonna do it.

Stitch: Okay --

Max: I was just joking.

Stitch: That is why we have to be careful with what we say, what we do, how we influence people. [Sighs] Words matter, okay?

Max: [Sighs] Charlie took his punishment. I can take mine. But Abby isn't like Charlie's mom. At all!

Stitch: Charlie's mom has also had a lot more practice than Abby. This is new for all of us. And Abby is worried about you. Between this and the thing at school?

Max: I said I'm sorry.

Stitch: I know, buddy. But things keep happening. Abby wants to help you, but you have to help you. You got to step up. Show her what a great kid you are, that you want this to work for all of us. I know my little boy. I know that there's a great little kid in there. It's time to show Abby there's a great little kid in there. Okay? Come here. [Sighs]

Abby: I was a terrible kid, wasn't I? I went and I told Victor that he was my real dad when I didn't even know what that meant.

Ashley: Honey, where is this coming from? And by the way, I don't know anybody who could have handled that situation well.

Abby: No, but I was bad, though. I was bad. And now I'm getting what I deserve, first with max and now with this baby. This baby is probably gonna turn into a demon seed.

Ashley: Don't say that about your baby! You're gonna have a perfectly beautiful little boy or little girl. It's not gonna be a demon or an angel. It's just gonna be a little person. And you've been a great daughter. Did something happen with max?

Abby: Something always happens with max. You all think he's this sweet, innocent, little kid, but no. No, he turned a simple play date into a 911 emergency.

Ashley: You all survived.

Abby: See? You're not even horrified.

Ashley: [Sighs] Well, because it takes a lot to horrify me these days, honey. Besides, he's a kid.

Abby: Oh, my gosh. Everyone keeps saying that.

Ashley: Because he is a kid, Abby. You need to prove yourself to him. I'm sorry. You need to show him that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what he pulls, you're not gonna push him away. You're gonna be a parent. It's gonna take some time and some patience and definitely a sense of humor. But you're gonna be a great mom to max and to this little one.

Abby: Thank you.

Ashley: It's true.

Meredith: Now, the guard's gonna take you back to your cell. Remember, no exercising or weightlifting in the yard. And the next time we see each other, I'll take those stitches out and perhaps we can have an actual conversation.

Victor: Mm-hmm. If you don't mind me asking, what are you running from?

Meredith: What do you mean?

Victor: I trust you went to medical school? You seem to be educated. What are you doing spending your life inside these prison walls, sewing up convicts?

Meredith: My patients here matter.

Victor: Hmm.

Meredith: Sometimes the outside world forgets that. Sometimes even my patients in here forget that.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Meredith: But everybody deserves care and attention, and everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Even you, Victor Newman.

[Both chuckle]

Nikki: I understand the warden approved my visit. I'm here to see my husband.

Abby: Okay, so the takeaway of our conversation is that I will stop being a failure as a stepmom sometime soon.

Ashley: Honey, I've never known you to fail at anything. All you're doing is trying to find a way to fit into a new life. By the way, so are Ben and max.

Abby: Right. So the learning curve's just very steep.

Ashley: Oh, and by the way? No more of that.

Abby: No more of what? Oh, my gosh. Those are so beautiful. Who sent those to you?

Ashley: Abby.

Abby: Fine, okay, yes, I sent you and Dr. Neville some flowers.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Abby: And a sweet note reflecting your personalities. [Chuckles] Did it work?

Ashley: Yeah, yeah. I mean, if your plan was to make us feel incredibly awkward and uncomfortable around each other, it did.

Abby: [Sighs] Mom, it was supposed to be fun and light. You know, like "ha ha ha," a way for you guys to open up to each other, a funny story to tell at your wedding.

Ashley: Are you kidding me? At our wedding? Abby, Neville and I have worked very closely together, right? I mean, we've been great collaborators. I'm alive. I owe him my life. I'm forever grateful. But that's it. The only thing we share is a passion for our project. There's no romance, there's no love, and no little cards and flowers is gonna change that. Come on.

Abby: Wow. That was a very convincing speech. But I didn't believe a word of it.

Devon: Hilary and I still have our connection and the same fire that we've always had. Um, but recently, it's just -- it's like we speak two different languages. I just want her to see that she can get everything she wants without having to step on people, you know?

Lily: Maybe she likes stepping on people. Can you live with that?

Devon: The fact that we've made it this far, I didn't get my wife back just so I can quit on her.

Lily: Then there's your answer. You say that Hilary's been honest with you. Well, you need to be honest with her. If you love her, tell her. Or better yet, show her.

Hilary: You were the first person in Genoa City to have faith in me. You gave me a chance to prove myself, and now that I am healthy and I am back where I belong, I have all of this -- this pent-up energy, and I want to focus all of that drive, all of that energy on your foundation.

Jack: Yeah, I got that sense at the fundraiser.

Hilary: Yeah, and Neil shut me down. Because Devon thinks that I am taking on too much, and it is sweet. It really is. But it is unnecessary. I'm a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions. And so can you. Jack, just think of all of the incredible things that I can do for this foundation. Including being a shining example of what someone can do with a second chance. Will I step on some toes? Yeah, probably. But that is how change is made. Or maybe not. You know, maybe you agree with Neil and Devon.

Jack: Normally I do. But welcome to the board. Let's do this.

Nikki: I love you, Victor.

[Door closes]

Nikki: So, is my husband on his way? [Sighs]

Nikki: Victor's not coming, is he?

Apologies, ma'am, but the prisoner doesn't want to see you.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Nikki: [Sobbing] Victor.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Leslie: What is your involvement with pass key?

Natalie: I created it.

Kevin: I knew she had a great idea.

Mariah: And I wanted to be a part of it.

Summer: You kidnapped someone, too, Mom?! What makes you think that you are any better than Grandpa?

Victoria: You're about as trustworthy as my father. At least he doesn't pretend to be something that he's not.

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