Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/12/16
Episode # 10898 ~ Kevin pressures Summer to keep a secret; old wounds resurface between Jack & Billy; Ian Ward confronts Victor.
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: Your outline for the direction of the questions is very strong, but I do have a few suggestions --
Leslie: Well, that's why you called me in, isn't it? To handle the depositions.
Michael: Absolutely.
Leslie: Then don't second-guess me, Michael.
Victoria: We appreciate you stepping in at the last minute, Leslie.
Michael: Yeah. As it appears, I will no longer have a license very soon.
Leslie: You don't need your license if I'm here.
Michael: Of course. But for some of the witnesses, you're gonna need to know when to push and when to back down. Mariah functions on money and affection for my brother. Natalie on pride and her ability to program. Summer is a very different --
Leslie: I know the players, and I know this game.
Michael: I didn't mean to imply you don't.
Victoria: Michael is being paid to protect Newman interest. Jabot's profiting from a security program that we paid to develop. I want it back, and I want the profits.
Leslie: And I plan to get them for you.
Victoria: I'll be sitting in on the first two depositions -- Billy and Phyllis.
Leslie: Did you two discuss this? That might compromise their willingness to be forthcoming.
Victoria: Well, I will be there, and if they have the brass to lie, I will be watching every minute of it.
Phyllis: Jack, are you on your way? This is the third voicemail. The depositions are about ready to start. Call me.
Billy: That's a good sign. Jack's AWOL. Feel great about this right now.
Phyllis: No, it doesn't mean anything. Jack's just busy.
Billy: Busy? What's more important than this right now?
Nikki: Jack, I called you because I trust you. Please don't prove me wrong. Promise me that you won't tell anybody what happened.
Jack: Nik, a bystander brought you to the E.R. You were hit by a car. You can't just wish something like that away.
Nikki: Yeah, well, if my family knew about it, I would just be adding more misery to everything else they're going through. If they knew that I was careless enough to run into --
Jack: You were more than careless. You were drunk.
Nikki: Jack, please. I am admitting that I need help with this, okay? I need someone to count on. Please. Let it be you.
Mariah: Oh, come on.
Natalie: No, no, no!
Kevin: "All assets pertaining to pass key have been frozen pending legal action."
Mariah: I don't have any assets, and now they're frozen! I hate these people!
Natalie: Newman people?
Mariah: Everyone! Every single person on planet earth. I didn't mean you, kind of.
Natalie: I can't do this. I can't be around you.
Mariah: Don't you think that's a little harsh, swizzlestick?
Kevin: I don't blame you for blaming me. This is my fault. You trusted me with your program, and...
Natalie: Did I? I sold it to you, kinda. And I sold it to Phyllis, too. I hedged my bets. I screwed myself over. I screwed you over. And I hate it. You were the one person who wasn't just out to make an easy buck.
Mariah: Okay, okay. Enough with the eulogies. We are not dead, and neither is pass key. Have the depositions even started yet? No. So everybody calm down, shut up, and have a cookie.
Kevin: Oh, yeah. 'Cause that's gonna save us all.
Mariah: No, it won't. But she might.
Ian: Victor. I heard your newest fan calling you at lights out. Do you need help?
Victor: How'd you get out of your cell?
Ian: Do you even have to ask that? I am the most resourceful of men. And you better learn how to be the same, sooner rather than deader. [Chuckles]
Nikki: If anybody finds out about this...
Jack: Nikki, you're in a hospital. There's gonna be a medical report.
Nikki: No, it's okay. I'm gonna tell the nurse that my heel got caught in one of those grates and I just fell on the street.
Jack: Yeah? And what about the guy that was driving the car?
Nikki: No, I'm okay there, too. I told him that I was fine and that we didn't need to call the police, and he was very grateful for that. And I am fine!
Jack: You're not fine. You've been drinking and lying and keeping secrets from your family. This is a pathology that you and I know a lot about, Nik.
Nikki: Can you blame me for slipping? My husband is in prison! He was attacked! He almost died!
Jack: And now you're making excuses.
Nikki: All right, you know what? I didn't call you over here so you could badger me.
Jack: Why did you call me? You didn't call me here 'cause you thought I'd look the other way while you crawled back into a bottle. You called me because you knew I would get in your face, point blank, and tell you get honest, work the program, no more excuses, no more lies!
Nikki: [Sighs] I called you because I trust you and I have faith in our friendship and your support. You said that you would help me get sober, and so I am asking you for help!
Jack: No! You're asking me to lie to cover your mistakes! And I resent the hell out of that!
Mariah: Don't get me wrong. I completely enjoyed Natalie laying the guilt trip on snowflake. I mean, that was classic, saying that her parents would forgive her when this was all over but that you and I would be living in a van down by the river.
Natalie: I didn't say that.
Mariah: I'm paraphrasing.
Kevin: Did you really do that?
Natalie: Social engineering. I was trying to manipulate a variable.
Mariah: A variable named summer. I tried. Natalie tried. Now, guess whose turn it is?
Kevin: Why me?
Mariah: 'Cause you're the only person who hasn't insulted her highness lately. Now, get in there, tiger. Make mama proud.
Natalie: Go ahead.
Kevin: Okay, I'm going.
Mariah: Commence project snowflake.
Kevin: Hey, summer. Can I talk to you for a minute? It's important.
Luca: Is this about the Newman lawsuit against Jabot?
Kevin: Uh, look, I hate to be that guy, but I really just wanted to talk to summer about this.
Summer: Well, I would like Luca to hear about this, too. I mean, it is about the lawsuit, right? Specifically my testimony?
Kevin: It sucks. I know that. But this isn't the first time you and I have been in a rough situation together, where you don't know who you can talk to or who you can trust.
Summer: Exactly, Kevin. And what did lying do for us then? It let Harding do more damage and cause more harm.
Kevin: I'm talking about now. I know you're scared about contradicting your mom's testimony, and on the other hand, perjury is also scary.
Summer: Okay, I am done talking about this! If all you're gonna do is order me to lie, then I'm done talking!
Kevin: No, no, no, no. I'm here to offer you a way out.
Phyllis: Jack will be here. He's just busy.
Billy: I get it. You feel like Jack is gonna have your back no matter what. I used to know the feeling.
Phyllis: Come on. Don't pretend he hasn't covered your backside more than once.
Billy: No, he has, no matter what. Yep. In the past. But I'm talking about the present. Right now Jack thinks pass key is the enemy, an obsession that ruined my relationship with Victoria.
Phyllis: To be fair, it pretty much did.
Billy: No. The fact that Victoria can forgive her father for everything and me nothing, that's what killed us. And now Jack is acting like you two are about to fall out to the deadly pass key curse, but that's not true, right? You two are solid as ever, right? What if -- what if Jack thinks that you two are doomed? What if he thinks the only thing left to do is walk in there, raise his left hand, and swear --
[Door opens]
Billy: Michael, whose idea was it to hold this so late?
Michael: Well, there are benefits to holding depositions after business hours. You're welcome.
Billy: Yeah, well, we can't reach Jack.
Phyllis: Unless you've heard from him.
Michael: I'm sure he'll be here. He'd want his testimony to be on the record. Oh, and, uh, now Leslie is ready to depose you.
Billy: Well, then I better get in there, huh?
Phyllis: How does it feel?
Michael: How does what feel?
Phyllis: Fulfilling your urge for revenge.
Michael: You tell me.
[Door opens, closes]
Leslie: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and --
Billy: And nothing but the truth, so help me God.
Victor: Um, I don't need your advice, okay? Just get lost.
Ian: A clever man absorbs knowledge wherever he can find it. And here I am, ripe for the taking. If only you open up your mind to my information.
Victor: [Chuckles] Ooh. [Sighs] In all the years I've lived, I've never known anyone quite so full of it as you.
Ian: [Chuckles]
Victor: So, um, you said this was all an act.
Ian: Well, no, to be more precise, I said that I had nothing to do with the attack on you. That being said, I am resourceful, Victor. How can you not know that about me by now? [Chuckles] It's almost as if you haven't been paying any attention. I-I'd feel insulted if I hadn't gotten rid of my ego decades ago. [Chuckles]
Victor: So, you bribed a guard? That's what allows you to work around here? Is that it? Anyone can do that.
Ian: Yeah, but how would you know who to approach and how much to offer? One false move, you could end up in solitary. If you follow my lead, however...
Victor: Really? Where?
Ian: Well, wherever your mind can take you.
Victor: So, you have a plan to get out of here?
Ian: Oh, you're paying attention now, huh?
Victor: [Chuckles]
Ian: Yes.
Victor: [Breathes sharply]
Ian: Walls could never hold a wandering spirit. [Chuckles]
Victor: You know, with all your bull, you're not the brightest guy, are you? You got out of here once. They reeled you back in. You ended up right here.
Ian: Yeah, but see, I've refined my technique since then.
Victor: Oh.
Ian: Yes.
Victor: Wow.
Ian: All those events, uh, were merely dress rehearsals.
Victor: Oh, I see.
Ian: I'm ready for the big time.
Victor: Ooh.
Mitch: Ward! What are you doing out of your cell?
Ian: Uh, warden Pullman.
Natalie: We both know how this goes. Rich people hire expensive lawyers, and they hang on to their freedom and their bank accounts. People like you and me, we go down.
Mariah: You're right. It's true. All of it. But not this time. I mean it. You busted your butt over this weird program that wouldn't exist without your weird brain. You deserve your dream no matter how geeky it is. So, if you walk away now, what are you gonna have? Nothing. Kevin can do this, so let him. Don't make me be nice to you again.
Kevin: There is a way for all of this to come out okay, and you would even avoid going in for the deposition.
Summer: How? Run away?
Kevin: Jack offered to cut Newman in on pass key profits, and I guarantee you there are gonna be plenty of profits to go around, but Victoria said no.
Luca: There must be a reason for her to turn down the offer.
Kevin: Yeah, the reason is Billy. A bad breakup doesn't encourage rational business decisions.
Luca: Victoria's making this personal.
Kevin: Exactly. Exes torture each other. We've all been there, and I'm not judging, but there are innocent people getting caught in the crossfire, people who have waited a lifetime for an opportunity like this.
Luca: Peace is always worth the effort, especially when it can guarantee a share of the profits. If you avoid the battle, you protect hearts and profit margins.
Summer: Okay, why would Victoria listen to me?
Kevin: Because you're you, summer. She knows you want to do the right thing. The family sees what happened with Victor, and I guarantee you they are all wishing they stood by him the way you did. They all wish they trusted their instincts the way you trust yours. Talk to Victoria. Get her to see this isn't only a smart business decision. It's also a way to avoid future regret.
Billy: Kevin was very low key at first. I didn't need to know about Natalie, not -- not by name. Um, he said he had access to a brilliant idea, life-changing, one of those things that come up once in your life, and if you blink, you blow it. So I wanted to be a part of it, for financial reasons, for security and independence from my family, for Victoria and the kids, for my extended family, the Abbotts, and for Jabot. Our company had been flattened by Newman because of me, and I felt like I needed to redeem myself, so I came on board to finance the project.
Leslie: With what funds?
Billy: [Sighs] I was in the process of procuring the funds when I was the victim of an accidental hit-and-run.
Leslie: Procuring the funds via illegal gambling?
Billy: Best laid plans. After the accident, I was left in a coma. Everyone thought I was a dead man. And while my family and friends were saying goodbye to me, I was deciding whether or not to walk towards the light. In the meantime, Victor was convincing Kevin to come and work for him, and just like that, Natalie was a Newman employee.
Victoria: And you said that you didn't care. You said that, in the end, all that mattered to you was me and the kids and that the money and the prestige didn't matter. It would be a real second start.
Leslie: Okay, Victoria, this --
Victoria: No! Look, the point is, the truth -- the whole truth -- when you were in a coma, you said you saw us grieving over you, wishing that you would come back. You heard your daughter's first word. You said that all that mattered to you was coming back to your family and to me. That was all a lie, wasn't it? That wasn't the truth.
[Footsteps approach]
Phyllis: Summer, what are you doing here?
Summer: I came to see Victoria. I'm gonna ask her to take Jack's offer to share the profits.
Phyllis: No, no, no, honey, she's already said no.
Summer: Well, not to me. I have to try. I mean, I don't want you to have to lie, and a family should not be torn up because of a business deal.
Luca: Yeah, summer's right.
Phyllis: This doesn't concern you, Luca.
Luca: Look, the deal should only be about money, but Victoria's making this personal.
Phyllis: Which is why it's not gonna be easy to change her mind -- or heart -- about this.
Luca: Look, summer is stronger than most people give her credit for.
Phyllis: Luca, my daughter has fought back from things that would flatten most people, so I know how strong she is. She's my kid. And I also know that Victoria's very upset. She wants to punish Billy badly.
Luca: Summer helps people see things from a new perspective, at least she does for me. Look, I believe you can convince Victoria not to take her problems with Billy out on the world.
Michael: Tell me what you want here. If you want Leslie and me to walk away, we can. But this is not what we came here for.
Victoria: Fine. I'm fine.
Leslie: Now, Mr. Abbott, tell me about the circumstances surrounding Natalie's termination from Newman and her subsequent hiring by Jabot.
Billy: You're gonna have to ask Victor about that. That was his brilliant idea.
Leslie: And did you have any communications with Natalie regarding her progress on pass key before she was --
Billy: Fired by Victor? Who's in jail, by the way.
Leslie: What's your understanding of why she was let go?
Billy: She hit a road block as far as I understand it, and he wasn't patient enough to wait.
Leslie: And suddenly Jabot thought it was a good idea to hire the same programmer that Newman just fired.
Billy: Because I believed in her. I didn't lose hope because it just wasn't perfect at the time. I know that if anything is worth having, it's worth taking a risk.
Victoria: So you chose a security program over your own family.
Billy: No, I hired a staffer with an idea who was available, and then you fired me from your life.
Leslie: Back to the order --
Victoria: No, he's done. Get him out of here.
Jack: You can't just hide and pretend this didn't happen. Your family needs to know you slipped again! Step up. Own it. And when you do, I swear I will be there for you in every way I possibly can.
Nikki: So I have to admit to them that I failed again... and see their faces filled with pity and anger and blame. And they should blame me. I did this to myself, on top of what I did to Victor. I'm gonna add that burden to them? How can I do that?
Jack: I'm not gonna lie for you, Nik.
Nikki: Just help me get sober now, and then I will tell them. I swear. They already know that I am struggling, okay? So help me get back on track, and then -- and then I will tell them. You have my word.
Jack: The word of a drunk.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Jack: What is that worth?
Nikki: You know, instead of calling you, I could have gone to the closest bar. Was I wrong to call you?
Jack: Okay. Okay. You can tell your family on your own time. On one condition.
Ian: Warden, I was just telling, uh, Mr. Newman here that there was a glitch in the, uh, security system, and I was on my way to, uh, see a guard and report it.
Mitch: Back to your cell, ward. Now. Now, Mr. Newman, I have some information for you.
Victor: After lights out?
Mitch: It's about the attempt on your life.
Mariah: So, I guess not calling her snowflake to her face helps. Who knew?
Natalie: We watched you. You really know how to talk to people. Not everyone does.
Kevin: Well, Luca's the one who actually convinced her. Seriously, that sleazeball helped me out, which made me feel gross.
Mariah: Yeah, and he'll probably want some sort of brokerage fee on the deal.
Natalie: Ugh.
Kevin: What? What's wrong?
Natalie: Pass key sales.
Kevin: What? Did they tank?
Natalie: You don't want to know.
Mariah: Just tell us already since you have the magic ball that sees into Jabot accounts.
Natalie: Given our respective agreements with Jabot, you each make 100k in royalties and I would get 500k.
Mariah: [Chuckling] Oh, my God!
Kevin: Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. But assets are frozen, so we may not actually see the money.
Mariah: Why did you tell us this?!
Kevin: No, no, wait. Strike that. You know what? This is still gonna happen.
Mariah: No, it won't!
Kevin: It will! Come on! You just have to visualize it. Come on.
Mariah: [Sighs]
Kevin: Uh, okay, this is me, uh, putting a down payment on a Ferrari -- a real one, not like the toy one I got you.
Mariah: [Chuckles] Will that come before or after the foosball table?
Kevin: Oh, duh. Right. Foosball first, then Ferrari.
Mariah: Well, I would get a first-class ticket to an island, where I would buy my own bungalow on the beach, and then I would drink fruity drinks and read novels and never worry about a tan line ever again. If I could tan.
Kevin: [Chuckles]
Mariah: Oh, God. She's daydreaming about hard drives and mainframes. You really know how to live it up, don't you, geek girl?
Natalie: Yeah. I think I do.
Phyllis: I love you so much, but you can't just go in there and change Victoria's mind about Jack's deal. But I love that you want to try.
Summer: Mom, I cannot just try! I have to! There has to be a way to end this whole fight!
Phyllis: Victoria wants to hurt Billy. She does not care about the fallout. She's taken a page from her father's book. There is only one way we can win this.
Summer: God, I mean, you're even gonna bring that up now when people are in there giving their sworn testimony.
Phyllis: I need to know that you're on my side.
Summer: Mom, I am not like you. I cannot -- I cannot just lie.
Phyllis: We can all do things we don't think is possible if we do them out of love.
Luca: Summer has to do what she feels is right.
Phyllis: Stop talking, Luca.
Summer: Mom, I just -- I would not feel right doing that.
Michael: Summer. Your deposition isn't scheduled for this evening.
Billy: This guy gets to give testimony? He's lying just standing there.
Michael: Luca is not currently on the list, and that is none of your concern.
Summer: I need to go talk to Victoria.
Phyllis: Summer.
Michael: Summer.
Phyllis: How'd it go in there? I didn't hear any screaming.
Billy: No, just silently dying inside.
Phyllis: Billy, I'm sorry.
Billy: No. It was nothing. It was a piece of cake. Didn't let them get to me, not even Victoria when she was reminding me of all the promises I made to her.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Jack: How you feeling?
Nikki: [Sighs]
Jack: Did the meeting help?
Nikki: Yeah. They always help. Until they don't. But that was our deal. One meeting for your silence.
Jack: You seem tired.
Nikki: Jack, I am absolutely exhausted. I need to rest, and I can't do it at home because bonnie or somebody on the staff will see me like this. Oh. How many calls did you miss?
Jack: Enough.
Nikki: Sorry. You know, you can go. I'm just gonna sleep. Oh, yes, of course. Yes, yes. The mini bar. You just clear that right out.
Jack: You know, the first meeting I ever went to where family was included, the leader of the meeting asked for a show of hands. "How many of you have ever hidden alcohol or pills from the resident addict to keep them from using?"
Nikki: And what? 20 hands went up?
Jack: Eventually the whole room laughed.
Nikki: I tell you, Jack, an alcoholic is gonna drink even if it's cough syrup, so just leave the mini bar as it is.
Jack: Nope. If you want to drink, you're gonna drink. But I'm not gonna make it easier for you.
Nikki: Thanks.
Jack: I'll have some tea sent up. And you get some rest, huh?
Nikki: Thank you for being my friend.
Phyllis: By the way, summer's in there trying to convince Victoria to take Jack's deal to share the pass key profits.
Billy: It's brave, but it's pointless.
Phyllis: She feels she has to do something. She's not gonna lie. Billy, she said she couldn't live with herself. And even if she goes through with it, Kevin, Natalie, Mariah, they could crack.
Billy: They won't.
Phyllis: You don't know that.
Billy: Yeah, I do. They want exactly what we want. They want pass key.
Phyllis: Summer doesn't. She just wants to be a good person.
Billy: Well, then she's not gonna risk hurting her mother.
Phyllis: So I ask her to choose between me and decency? I am forcing my daughter to commit perjury.
Billy: This will work. We just have to stick to the plan.
Summer: Aunt Vicki, it does not have to be this way. I know that things with Billy are tough, but it doesn't mean you have to drag anyone else into this.
Victoria: I didn't drag anyone into anything. Billy conspired to steal intellectual property from Newman.
Summer: Okay, so then just agree to share the profits. Let the rest of this fight go. It is not good for anybody. It's twisting people up in knots, and it's making people do things that they do not want to do.
Victoria: Do things like what?
Luca: Like barge into meetings to speak their piece.
Michael: Oh, so what? Now you're speaking for summer?
Luca: Look, I'm just here to support her as a friend. Look, I know my opinion isn't worth much to anyone, but summer's should be. She just wants the families to end this war and work together, and all it takes is saying yes. It's really that simple.
[Door opens]
Phyllis: Sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Victoria: Are you ready?
Phyllis: You have no idea.
Mitch: Your attack was big news. It's hard enough to run this place on the budget they give me. Add negative press in there. But you and the other inmates are here to fulfill your debt to society, not get knifed in the dark.
Victor: [Breathes deeply] [Sighs] Someone obviously attacked me. Do you have any idea who it was?
Mitch: It was a guard. He's been removed and charged.
Victor: You say it was a guard? So someone bribed him. Was it Ian ward?
Natalie: First thing, I get the eye surgery so I have permanent 20/20 eyesight. No more glasses ever. And then I would chop my hair into a swingy bob and I would dye it bombshell blonde. Then a little black dress. Like, a closet full of little black dresses. Like, nothing but little black dresses ever again. And then I would learn to salsa and tango and samba. And I would get a little, fast car that would kick your car's ass.
Kevin: Oh, really?
Natalie: Yeah. My car and I would smoke you so hard, you'd be choking on our dust.
Kevin: [Chuckles]
Summer: [Sighs]
Luca: Look, summer, what you did was brave.
Summer: No, it was useless, Luca. I mean, now what? I have to lie like everybody else?
Luca: You don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
Summer: Okay, so if I tell the truth, that I knew that Billy was arranging everything with Natalie, then I'm ruining everything for those three. Worse off, I'm breaking my mom's heart.
Luca: Listen.
Summer: [Sighs]
Luca: I haven't known you long, summer, but one thing I'm sure of -- you will break your own heart if you go against your beliefs.
Summer: Okay, so what do I do?
Luca: Walk into that office and tell the truth. There is no other way.
Phyllis: I told Jack to give Billy the money to invest in Kevin's project. Jack resisted, so Billy gambled to get that money, and we all know how that ended -- with him in a coma.
Leslie: We've heard that Billy pursued what eventually became pass key as a path to redemption. That was because of paragon, wasn't it?
Phyllis: You'll have to ask him.
Leslie: But you'd agree that the point of paragon was revenge, to punish Victor for bringing Marco Annicelli to Genoa City. Pass key was an extension of that revenge.
Phyllis: Pass key was a method of turning a profit to shore up Jabot's losses.
Leslie: Losses from paragon?
Phyllis: Victor blackmailed Jack to hand over $500 million because I was not ready to tell the world that I had been sleeping with a stranger.
Leslie: That still enrages you, doesn't it? I mean, I couldn't forgive that. I'd want to punish whoever put me in that position.
Phyllis: Is this about you or me?
Leslie: You. And Billy. And your plans to punish Newman enterprises.
Phyllis: Victor fired Natalie. Jabot hired her. The fact that Victor made an extremely bad business decision does not make us criminals. It just makes him an idiot.
Victoria: Watch it, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Why should I, Victoria? Why should I? Isn't that what this is about? Victor screwed up, and Victoria's daddy would never do that. She has to defend his honor. And since you helped get him convicted, now you want to prove that you are still daddy's special princess! That is the only reason why we are having this conversation! So, is that it?! Are we done here?!
Leslie: [Sighs] We reserve the right to call you back in.
Phyllis: Looking forward to it, Leslie.
Leslie: I need some coffee.
Victoria: Can you please give us a minute?
Phyllis: That means you've been dismissed, Michael.
Victoria: I have one more question -- off the record. About you and Billy.
Billy: Why weren't you at the deposition? You let Phyllis clean up the garbage on her own.
Jack: Phyllis wasn't alone. She had you, her new buddy in all things revenge.
Billy: So you abandon your wife to prove that you're morally superior to everybody else, Jack? Pass key has the opportunity to save Jabot. I just protected our father's company from tanking.
Jack: Protected us, meaning what? You lied under oath?
Billy: Let me ask you, Jack. What were you doing when you had Adam fake the journal to have Victor framed for murder? Was that you being righteous and upstanding? The fact that you have the gall to lecture me right now says that you're about to side with the enemy and abandon your family and your wife.
Jack: I'm about to side with the truth and save you and Phyllis from yourselves. and me, Jack? We don't need your saving.
Jack: No, of course you don't, because you don't even see what's happening to both of you.
Billy: Oh, no, what's happening to you, Jack. Victor beat you, and he didn't do it with Marco and he didn't do it with Jabot's money. He did it when you became this pious milquetoast squealing about doing the right thing. You know what that says? It says let Victor have the last word, the last laugh, the last dime out of our pocket. And it's not just that, Jack. You love watching me lose, don't you?
Jack: [Sighs]
Billy: It's like the cherry on your sundae. That's why you didn't give me the money for pass key in the first place.
Jack: No, I didn't give you the money 'cause you were drinking again and gambling! And you didn't tell me what the $2 million was for!
Billy: I shouldn't have to tell you, Jack! You're supposed to trust me. That's what family does, isn't it? That's how dad taught us.
Jack: You think dad would have given you the money? Dad would have been appalled by this deal! Dad would have killed this deal from the get-go!
Billy: That's what your excuse is, then? Do you think dad would let his wife be arrested for perjury, Jack?
Jack: You stop right there.
Billy: With everything she has been through, you have done nothing to protect her. Nothing. You might as well be in that cabin back on the island, because you are useless to her. Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I never expected Billy to tell the truth tonight. But you know that Jack wants to do the right thing. He told you so. And you refused to listen.
Phyllis: You have no idea what my husband and I talk about.
Victoria: I know that he tried to talk you out of this vendetta. He hates it, Phyllis. How can you claim to love him and completely disregard his feelings?
Phyllis: What about your vendetta? Dragging the rest of us through this because you can't make Billy your little puppet, making him say and do and think what you want him to? Forget about his own volition.
Victoria: Boy, you and Billy really do bring out the worst in each other, don't you?
Phyllis: Why? Because we took Victor on? Billy is the strongest man you know. And that includes that man who's watching over us. You should be on your knees grateful for the kind of man Billy is, but instead, you're sitting in daddy's chair playing boss. You don't deserve Billy anymore. Probably never did.
[Door opens]
Nikki: Oh, my God. Victor! How -- how -- what? Did you break out of prison?
Victor: Do you think I'm gonna stay in that prison cell and rot? I have a company to run.
Nikki: You escaped for Newman enterprises? Damn it, Victor!
Victor: You're such a fool. You're such a fool. I have missed you, baby. I've come here for you. You're in my head, you're in my dreams. I can't -- I can't sleep. I just think about you all the time. Come here.
Nikki: Oh, Victor.
[Knock on door]
Nikki: Victor?!
[Knock on door]
Mitch: The guard never gave us a motive for the attack.
Victor: Hmm.
Mitch: No bribe, no orders. No personal grudge against you. The situation's been handled.
Victor: [Breathes deeply] And that's all you're gonna do?
Mitch: Mr. Newman.
Victor: Hmm.
Mitch: Are you okay?
Victor: [Groans]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Devon: As the man writing the checks, I think that it's time that Ashley take back her title and her office.
Nikki: And I realized something about today.
Jack: What's that?
Nikki: It's my anniversary.
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