Y&R Transcript Monday 4/11/16
Episode # 10897 ~ Adam turns to Dylan for help; Michael is forced to make a tough decision; Nikki alienates Sage.
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: [Sighs]Michael: A subpoena. You are to be deposed in the pass key lawsuit.
Jack: Oh, great. Now my wife and I have a matching set. How thoughtful of you to deliver it personally.
Michael: You can't be surprised, Jack.
Jack: I'm disappointed that you're involved.
Michael: I'm doing my job. I thought you understood. When Phyllis came at me earlier, you were --
Jack: I did not want this thing to escalate.
Michael: And now that it has?
Jack: I'm as frustrated as Phyllis is. You sold us out when you could have gotten better work elsewhere!
Michael: There are not a lot of jobs for disbarred lawyers.
Jack: Oh, come on. You've got plenty of connections, not the least of which used to be Phyllis and me. You could have started a new business. Hell, written a crime novel.
Michael: Victoria is a connection. She respects me. She needs my expertise on this case.
Jack: You took this job at Newman because you wanted retaliation.
Michael: That's not even close.
Jack: You seem to have forgotten that you went along with Phyllis' plan to tank Victor's case.
Michael: Then why did I talk her into trying to settle this out of court? Why did I try to do that?
Jack: Well, you didn't do a very convincing job.
Michael: She has a strong case. It's a righteous case. And I am not gonna be made to feel guilty for supporting her in this.
Jack: For using her to get back at Phyllis?
Michael: I am trying to right a wrong! We both know what Phyllis and Billy did was unscrupulous at best. Blaming me is a waste of time. We both know who started this. Regards to your wife.
Lauren: Oh, Chelsea, this collection is extraordinary. I think the Fenmore's customer is going to go crazy for it. You can expect a very big order.
Chelsea: Thanks.
Lauren: Are you preoccupied or...?
Chelsea: What? No. I'm sorry. I just -- I just have --
Lauren: No, my husband sabotaged your father-in-law in court. You know, I get it.
Chelsea: No, no, it's not about that. It's not about that. I promise. I don't hold that against Michael. How can I when I agreed with him? Victor deserved to be punished. Even his own family thought so. When he was sentenced -- I know this sounds terrible -- but I was kind of relieved.
Lauren: "Was"? You're not anymore?
Chelsea: Well, let's just say even with Victor in prison, we're all still feeling his reach.
Sage: Oh!
Adam: Hey. Uh, I was actually just heading out.
Sage: How's that for timing?
Adam: Yeah.
Sage: Uh, I don't want to interrupt if --
Adam: No, no, no, no! Get in here. Come on. I got time for you.
Sage: Okay.
Adam: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sage: I was just looking for Chelsea, so...
Adam: Oh, yeah? She's --
Sage: She here?
Adam: She's not here. Sorry. The place is kind of a wreck. She, uh, she went to the athletic club. I don't know how late she's gonna be.
Sage: Oh. Sorry. Athletic club. Right. Um, I'll just go find her there.
Adam: No, no, um... how have you been? How are you doing now that the, you know, the adoption?
Sage: Um, I'm fine. Yeah. Working with Chelsea's helped me focus on other things, so...
Adam: How you really doing? [Scoffs]
Sage: You know, it's hard. I was so torn up after Christian died, uh, and now I'm dealing with the loss of this baby, so there's that.
Adam: It's a struggle.
Sage: There's this hole in my heart that I thought was finally healing, getting better. I don't know if it's ever gonna get better.
Dylan: We know, little man, your mom stayed up half the night taking care of you, don't we? Huh? Look, why don't you, uh, why don't you just take it easy, go to bed early, and I'll take Sully out with me.
Sharon: Oh. Out where?
Dylan: Uh, I got to go to the coffeehouse. Adam sent me a message. He wants to meet.
Sharon: About what?
Dylan: I have no idea.
Sharon: Well, why don't we all go together? Sully and I could use some fresh air, too.
Dylan: Uh, is that -- is that the only reason?
Sharon: What do you mean?
Dylan: Well, I know that you're exhausted. Are you worried that you're gonna have more bad dreams about Dr. Anderson and Sully?
Sharon: I haven't had another dream, Dylan.
Dylan: That's not what I asked.
Sharon: Look, if you don't want me to go with you, I --
Dylan: Something's still upsetting you about the night Sully was born.
Victoria: Mom, I'm so happy you stopped by. You know I'm always glad to see you.
Nikki: I just can't go home yet. It's too depressing sitting there thinking about Victor.
Nick: I know what you mean.
Nikki: Hi, sweetheart.
Nick: Can't shake the image of dad laying in that hospital bed swearing he's fine when obviously he wasn't.
Victoria: I just wish I could have seen him before they took him back to prison.
Nikki: Well, honey, you know that he --
Victoria: I know. He wouldn't have even wanted to see me.
Nikki: He's just so damn stubborn! He -- he won't allow us to comfort him or help him at all.
Nick: Maybe in time.
Nikki: You know, ever since he was attacked, I jump every time the phone rings, because I worry that it's news that he's been hurt again or possibly might not ever come home.
Ian: Nothing to eat? Victor, that's no good. You're still healing. You need to get your strength back up.
Victor: Don't you worry about me, okay?
Ian: I do. You know, that cowardly attack on you, it seems to have sapped some of your vitality.
Victor: I'm as strong as ever.
Ian: Uh-huh.
Victor: You want to find out? Want to play games, Ian ward?
Sharon: You know what? You're right. And I can't help it. The night that Sully was born, it's just still on my mind, and these dreams...
Dylan: I know. I just... there's still no reason to believe that anything suspicious occurred.
Sharon: The rational side of me knows that. And I look at Sully. I'm reassured. He's happy, he's healthy. But... I still have the dreams.
Dylan: And they seem real. Even when they're not.
Sharon: Thank you.
Dylan: I'm sorry.
Sharon: You know, it helps that you understand.
Dylan: Yeah. After, uh, all my experience with my night terrors, I get it. I also understand that you got to remind yourself that the dreams are not real, that you're safe, and that you can get past them.
Sharon: How long does that take?
Dylan: Oh, that's, uh, that's tough to say, but you do need good sleep to do it.
Sharon: I know. And I want to. I really want to move past this so I can spend quality time with our little boy, you know? Before you know it, his teeth are gonna grow in and he's gonna be walking and talking.
Dylan: [Chuckling] Hold on. Slow down, okay? He's already zipping through babyhood as it is.
Sharon: You just wait. Until the first time he looks up at you and says "dada," you will not know what hit you. What was that for?
Dylan: It's for giving me everything I ever wanted.
Sage: Nick had this idea that maybe we should find another birth mother.
Adam: You think you're ready for that?
Sage: No. Not even close.
Adam: You know, Sage, I really feel like you should just take your time with this, you know? Take as much time to grieve as you need.
Sage: What if I'm never ready?
Adam: Nick's gonna have to understand that.
Sage: He does. He's very understanding of me and supportive. But...
Adam: It's different for him, right?
Sage: Yeah, I mean, he's got children of his own, you know? I don't mean to sound petty --
Adam: It doesn't sound petty at all, actually.
Sage: I know that Nick would have loved this child, but sometimes I feel like he went along with this whole decision to adopt because it's what I wanted so badly.
Adam: No.
Sage: Yeah.
Adam: No. He's grieving Christian just like you are.
Sage: Losing Christian, it almost broke us. Why do you always understand this stuff?
Adam: I just do.
Adam: [Voice breaking] When he died, a part of me died. And I didn't know what to do. I had to suffer alone. I thought about going to Nick and Sage and telling them. I-I looked at how much they were suffering. Nick loved that kid like -- like he was his own. I didn't want to just add to it. And now at least with you I can finally say it out loud. I had a son. His name was Christian. He was beautiful. He was... perfect.
Sage: Adam? Did I say something to upset you?
Adam: No, uh, you know, I mean, it's tough. I'm just -- I'm -- I feel bad that you're going through this, you know? I wish I could say something, do something.
Sage: You do a lot. You help me by listening. And you're a really good friend. And you're always there for me when you don't have to be.
Chelsea: Things have been a little strained between Adam and me.
Lauren: You mean because of Victor? But Adam stood up to him and he walked away from the company.
Chelsea: Yes, which was great.
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: Until Victor was stabbed, and he wanted to see Adam, and, of course, my husband just goes running.
Lauren: Mm-hmm. So you think that Victor's still manipulating him.
Chelsea: Oh, yeah. He's still pulling the strings, and he is still stuck right in the middle of my marriage.
Lauren: Mm-hmm. So, would you like a little unsolicited advice?
Chelsea: Desperate times. Please. By all means.
Lauren: Okay. Honey, you need to give Adam a break.
Chelsea: Well, but if you saw sometimes --
Lauren: No, no, no. [Chuckles] I have been watching all of Victor's offspring for years, way before you came into town, and every single significant other of one of Victor's kids has felt the exact same way.
Chelsea: Every single one?
Lauren: Without exception. We love the men that we love knowing full well who they are and...
Chelsea: Knowing who their family is. Yeah. Oh! So you were stuck with Gloria.
Lauren: Oh. [Laughs] Yes. Gloria and a boatload of baggage from the Baldwin-fisher clan, I can tell you.
[Both laugh]
Chelsea: So, what do you do? How do you handle it?
Lauren: I-I weigh how much I can take against how much I love Michael, and loving Michael always wins out. But, honey, the one thing you really have to understand is Adam is a Newman, and Victor will always be part of his life.
Ian: [Coughs] You got me all wrong, Victor. I'm on your side.
Victor: I'm not on your team. And you stop playing games with me. You got it?
Ian: I see.
Victor: Right.
Ian: You're a little bit under the weather. We'll talk later. I'll leave you to your, uh, water.
Mitch: Victor Newman, I'm warden Pullman.
Victor: Hello, warden. What can I do for you?
Mitch: I was hoping you had more information about who attacked you. This happened on my watch, Mr. Newman. I can make sure it never happens again, but I need more from you. Description, anything you may have heard.
Victor: I've said all I'm gonna say about this.
Mitch: I'm trying to help you.
Victor: I appreciate that. Have a good day.
Nick: You cannot live like that, mom, constantly afraid.
Nikki: I can't help it! I am constantly terrified that something else is gonna happen to Victor in there!
Nick: Dad can survive anything thrown his way. He has proven that countless times.
Nikki: But I'm the reason that he's even in there.
Victoria: Not just you.
Nick: We all feel guilty, mom.
Nikki: When I was in the hospital with him, I told him that I loved him. And there was no love in his eyes at all. I have finally pushed him. I've pushed him too far.
Nick: Hey, I don't believe that. Yes, dad is feeling hurt and betrayed right now, but we have all fallen out with him before.
Victoria: Mom, I mean, listen, we've had huge fights with dad, and we always come back together. You know that's true.
Nick: We can't stop loving each other if we tried. It's just not possible.
Nikki: Yeah. You're right. I'll -- I'll have to remember that. [Sighs] I do feel a little better after talking to you. I got to go.
Victoria: Do you want some company?
Nikki: Oh, no, honey. I'm -- I'm just going to the club. I'm gonna get a massage. Maybe it'll help me relax.
Nick: I'm gonna come check on you later, okay?
Nikki: Okay. I love you.
Victoria: I love you. I didn't want to say anything in front of mom.
Nick: Do you have news about dad?
Victoria: She's right to be worried about his safety. The situation is worse than you think.
Lauren: Oh, dear. You look like you've had a long day.
Michael: Hmm. It started off tense. And then it worked its way into deep vexation and now has passed the point of emotional exhaustion.
Lauren: Who did the damage?
Michael: The coup de grace was delivered by Jack, who made me feel like a traitorous slug for helping Victoria lead the charge against the Abbotts.
Lauren: You really must be wiped if you let him bother you.
Michael: Well, like you said, it was a long day.
Lauren: Honey, you knew that there would be fallout.
Michael: Huh. When I promised to help Phyllis against Victor, I told myself that, you know, I could live with what the rest of the Newmans thought. Now I'm on the opposite side working against friends, watching my brother being dragged deeper and deeper into this whole mess. And I find that I'm paying a personal price for it.
Lauren: You know, I am pretty sure that Kevin knows exactly the position that you are in.
Michael: How sure are you?
Lauren: Uh...kinda sorta?
Michael: Hmm. Why am I not reassured?
Lauren: All right, now, as for the Abbotts and the Newmans, they have been battling for years, and you know what? They're gonna be battling for eons to come.
Michael: And taking it out on me.
Lauren: Sadly, yes. But there is a silver lining here. You always have me in your corner.
Michael: Now, in this corner, what exactly would you be wearing?
Lauren: Or not wearing.
Victoria: I keep telling myself the same thing that you said to Mom, that Dad is gonna get through this prison sentence with no problem. [Sighs] But now Dad doesn't even know if that's true.
Nick: He said that to you? When?
Victoria: He told Adam.
Nick: Adam.
Victoria: Nick, Dad thinks that he's gonna die in prison.
Nick: That's not gonna happen.
Victoria: At the hospital when you walked in on them, that's why he called Adam there. That's what they were talking about. It wasn't about a plan to oust me from Newman.
Nick: No, dad's not afraid of anything. And even if he was, he sure as hell wouldn't say it, and he's not resigning himself to dying in prison.
Victoria: I would have agreed with you before he got stabbed.
Nick: Dad is a fighter. He's --
Victoria: Yeah, he is. He is. He can hold his own. But can he do it for 10 years against criminals that are armed when he's not? He's not invincible, Nick. I'm sorry.
Nick: All right, what's Adam after?
Victoria: Nothing.
Nick: The hell he's not.
Victoria: No, nothing. He seemed very shaken up. He said that I needed to -- to prepare myself and to stabilize the company moving forward because... because dad might never come back here.
Nick: And you believed him? Adam has lied about everything his whole life.
Victoria: He seemed really worried about dad and the future of Newman.
Nick: "Seemed" being the operative word here.
[Knock on door]
Jack: Hey! I'm glad to find you here together.
Victoria: This is really not a good time, Jack.
Jack: This can't be put off. I think we need to address the compromise I suggested regarding the lawsuit.
Victoria: I already considered it, and I rejected it.
Jack: Well, I am asking you to reconsider it. In fact, I'm not leaving until you do.
Adam: Hey. Oh, wow. I didn't -- I didn't realize you were gonna bring the whole family.
Sharon: Well, Sully and I, we decided to go out and get some air, and I decided I wanted dessert.
Adam: Sometimes you need a dessert. Let me, uh -- do you mind?
Sharon: Oh, no.
Adam: Yeah, yeah. Take your coat off and relax. Get this guy. All right. That's what we like to see. Yeah, right? He's looking handsome. Little soft in the bicep, though, you know what I mean? Maybe get him in a gym time to time.
Dylan: Maybe you can, uh, ditch the corporate world and become a manny.
Adam: Yeah, maybe. Grossly underqualified, I'm afraid. God, he's beautiful. Um, so I was talking to Sage, and she was telling me how nice you've been to her. It's sweet of you.
Sharon: Well, I've been where she is.
Adam: It's terrible, you know, her loss.
Dylan: Yeah. Nick's loss, too.
Adam: Yeah, no, of course. It's a rough situation all around.
Sharon: Well, here, let me take him. I'm gonna get this little boy changed.
Adam: Okay.
Sharon: Come here, honey. And I will leave you two --
Adam: He's cute.
Sharon: Thank you -- to your business, whatever that is.
Adam: [Chuckles]
Dylan: So, uh, what's up? What's this about?
Adam: Uh, my father and his impending death.
Victoria: I understand why you want to stop our lawsuit with Jabot.
Jack: I honestly want what is best for --
Victoria: But I've made my decision, Jack, and it's final. I won't settle for a share of Jabot's profits, not when Newman financed Natalie's research and development of pass key. Sorry.
Jack: Natalie was let go, contract voided. I think you'll agree there's room for discussion here.
Nick: Victoria and I already discussed it. I stand by my sister's decision. It's her call.
Jack: It's the wrong call. And what about what you said to me about this being a lot more than just money? You said you wanted to end the feud between our two families.
Victoria: A lot has changed since then.
Jack: Meaning you can't stand the sight of Billy anymore and you want to put him in his place.
Victoria: That's not the reason.
Jack: This isn't just about your relationship with Billy? Oh, I see. So you've been calling the shots long enough now, you're getting used to Victor's chair.
Victoria: You know me better than that.
Jack: I thought I did. And now you're starting to think like Victor? Could it be that his need for revenge, his need to win at all costs, is starting to rub off on you?
Victoria: That's not what this is about.
Jack: If that is the case, be careful. I don't have to remind you where your father is today because of those traits.
Ian: You wanted to see me?
Victor: Yeah, I did.
Ian: What a pleasant surprise. [Chuckles] And, you know, if you'd like, I could arrange for some, uh, refreshments -- coffee, cocktails. Our fellow prisoners have concocted a potent libation. Poisonous as hell, but it's -- but delicious. [Chuckles]
Victor: This is not a social call, all right?
Ian: Well, that's too bad. I was hoping that you'd warmed at the idea of our becoming allies.
Victor: What do you know about the warden?
Ian: Mitch Pullman's a stuffed shirt. I suppose he's doing the best he can.
Victor: Not very good so far.
Ian: Well, even a warden can't protect everybody. See, I've been here awhile, and I excel at reading people -- interpersonal dynamics.
Victor: Do you ever get tired of spewing that bull?
Ian: You want the unvarnished truth, Victor?
Victor: [Laughs]
Ian: [Laughs]
Victor: Are you even capable of uttering the truth?
Ian: Oh, yes, yes.
Victor: You are?
Ian: There are collection of individuals in this place who actually give a damn about the inmates.
Victor: Really?
Ian: Yes.
Victor: Ah.
Ian: And I sincerely believe the warden is one of them.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Ian: Any more questions?
Victor: Many questions. My question is, can I take you in more than just small doses?
Ian: [Scoffs]
Victor: I think this is enough for the time being, so kindly find your own cell, if you have one.
Dylan: Why are you so certain that Victor won't make it out of prison alive?
Adam: Because he's so certain. He may not have confessed that to any of you, but he made it abundantly clear to me he sees this as a one-way trip.
Dylan: Did he tell you who's out to get him?
Adam: Ian ward.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I know. Fate's got a twisted sense of humor, right? We both know Ian well enough to know that he's not just gonna go after my father. He's gonna hire someone. He's gonna find someone else to do his dirty work for him.
Dylan: Ian's probably not the only threat. I'm sure there's a handful of inmates who hate Victor enough on principle to put a target on his back.
Adam: Of course. Barring some miracle, my father either ends up getting killed in prison, kills the person that comes after him, or I suspect both.
Dylan: Well, one thing Victor made clear in our conversation -- that he's willing to take matters into his own hands.
Adam: I know. It's doesn't solve the problem, Dylan. We need to save him.
Dylan: Yeah, but it's not that -- it's not that simple.
Adam: Listen to me. My father told me that if someone kills him in prison, he wants me to... avenge his death. It's what he said.
Dylan: Well, I mean, that's -- that's quite the assignment.
Adam: Yeah, that's why I'm telling you. I don't appreciate him dropping all that on me, putting me in this situation, so...
Dylan: You don't have to do what he says.
Adam: Listen, I know myself well enough to know that if someone dare kill my father, I'm gonna react, okay? And whatever that reaction is, is gonna affect my marriage, so I'm asking for your help here. Please.
Sage: How'd your meeting with Lauren go?
Chelsea: It was great. We actually covered a lot more ground than I expected.
Sage: Fantastic, 'cause I have got some great ideas about distribution that I thought --
Nikki: Oh, Sage! Oh, I'm so sorry. Nicholas told me about the adoption falling through. I feel awful for you. Just awful.
Sage: Thanks, Nikki. I, uh -- can we talk about this later? I'm in the middle of something.
Nikki: Absolutely. Just as long as you know that I will do anything to make you feel better.
Sage: Thank you so much.
Nikki: I-I want to really do something, you know, not just talk about it. We -- we could find another birth mother or another baby. My goodness, I certainly have more than enough money to pay the fees.
Chelsea: You know, Nikki, I don't think that Sage needs --
Nikki: We can make this happen, though! You don't get it! You can make it very, very fast!
Sage: No, you can't, Nikki! This is a child, not an accessory!
Nikki: I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to upset you.
Chelsea: I think you've done enough. It's okay, it's okay. I'm gonna take you home. Come on.
Nikki: I didn't mean to offend you.
Chelsea: Let's get you out of here.
Sage: Sorry. I...
Nikki: Sage, I'm sorry.
Victoria: This conversation is over. Please leave.
Jack: This isn't the first time I've been tossed from this office by someone who refuses to listen to reason.
Nick: You should not come down so hard on Victoria. Billy is just as much to blame as she is.
Jack: I know my brother can be infuriating. I know he can be stubborn. But you got to talk to her. You got to get her to change her mind. If this thing goes to trial, Nick, it's only gonna make matters worse between our families. Is that what you want?
Nick: No one does.
Jack: I am particularly concerned about how this is going to affect Abby and summer.
Nick: I know what this is doing to summer, but you cannot talk to her like that.
Jack: I didn't mean to insult your sister, but this lawsuit is good for no one, and I don't want to see Victoria turn into another Victor, which is where things are headed unless you can stop this.
Adam: The truth is, I keep trying to pull myself out of my father's orbit. I keep getting sucked back in, you know?
Dylan: Which Chelsea doesn't like.
Adam: She hates it, you know? I told her I'd stay away from Newman. I told her I'd stay away from Victor.
Dylan: And you didn't.
Adam: I didn't.
Dylan: Right.
Adam: Why are you looking at me like that for?
Dylan: Well, it's just -- it's kind of weird.
Adam: What?
Dylan: How honest you're being.
Adam: I know.
Dylan: Yeah.
Adam: It feels weird. I thought about playing the Nikki card, you know, guilting you into helping your mother's husband.
Dylan: Well, yeah, actually, that -- that probably would have worked.
Adam: It was a good angle, right?
Dylan: Yep.
Adam: Yeah. Listen, I can't have my father die in prison. So I need you to do whatever it is that you can do to prevent that from happening.
Dylan: Somebody's got to step in.
Adam: Yeah, and soon, right? Because despite what Victor thinks, he can't handle this on his own.
Dylan: Okay, well, just for your information, Paul did call a few guys that he knows -- guards at the prison.
Adam: Few guys. Great. You know, terrific, perfect, wonderful. It's not gonna do anything.
Dylan: [Sighs] All right. I'll look into Victor's protection, see what else can be done.
Adam: Thank you very much. Appreciate that. Hey. All right.
Sharon: All right.
Adam: All right. I will, uh, I will leave you guys to it. Sully, Sharon. Thank you.
Sharon: Bye.
Adam: Bye.
Sharon: [Sighs] Can't you, uh, get someone else to handle this?
Dylan: Well, you don't even know what that was about.
Sharon: I know that getting involved in Newman family business is a bad idea.
Dylan: Too late. I'm already in.
Victor: Just get out of here.
Ian: You don't fool me, Victor, you know? You're plotting to get out of here and get back to your family.
Victor: My family is dead to me.
Ian: No, they're not. Despite what you say, they're still very much alive and well in your every thought, your every breath.
Victor: You're wrong again.
Ian: I look at you and I don't see rage. I see overwhelming fear, love for your family, your wife, and your kids.
Victor: How often do I have to tell you to get out?
Ian: If it helps, I'm jealous of you, Victor. I envy you your family. See, I've got no one, no family waiting for when I get out. But you make no mistake. I am getting out.
Michael: Nikki? Everything okay?
Nikki: Sure, yeah. Absolutely.
Lauren: You and Sage looked pretty upset. Do you want to talk about it?
Nikki: There's really nothing to talk about. Don't talk -- don't talk to me. I...I don't, uh, say or do anything right. Victor hates me, and Sage does, too, now, so...
Lauren: Well, I think emotions are really running high. Your family has gone through so much.
Nikki: Too much, actually. It's all too much. If you'll excuse me, I really can't talk about this right now.
Sharon: Sage, how long were you waiting out there?
Sage: I just dropped by. Um, if this is intruding on any family time, I can --
Sharon: No, no, no. Not at all. Dylan's not even home yet. He stayed in town just to take care of some business.
Sage: You all right?
Sharon: Yeah, I'm fine, but I don't think you are. What's wrong?
Sage: Oh. It was a rough day.
Sharon: Yeah?
Sage: Yeah.
Sharon: Well, you might have a few of those for a little while. Takes some time.
Sage: You know, it was so nice of you offering that I could see Sully at any time, and I... well, seeing his little face, it really helped me before. I just was wondering if...
Sharon: You want to hold him?
Nick: Jack's offer is reasonable.
Victoria: That we share the profits on something they stole from us? That's reasonable?
Nick: When you look at the back end, yes. Look, I subpoenaed my own daughter because I'm not willing to give Jabot a free pass.
Victoria: I'm really sorry that summer is caught in the middle of this, and Abby, too, but this is just --
Nick: It's not just summer or Abby. It's our entire family, our kids, everyone -- they're once again caught up in this Newman-Abbott mess. But we can end it all right now. You just have to consider all the ramifications of this lawsuit.
Victoria: I have, Nick. And it hurts me, too. Look, summer's not just your daughter -- she's Phyllis'. And Katherine and Johnny aren't just my kids -- they're Billy's, too. Do you think that either of them considered the ramifications of our children when they made the choices that they did?
Nick: No, but --
Victoria: And if we give them a pass this time, what are they gonna try to pull next time?
Nick: Okay. Then where do you want to take it from here?
Victoria: We need to look out for dad. Adam's right. We need to protect our father and the future of this company.
Nick: Yeah, I'm not gonna argue that, but I'm not willing to accept Adam at his word. [Sighs] I just don't think he's telling the whole truth about his conversation with Dad.
[Cell phone vibrates] It's Sharon.
Victoria: Take it.
Nick: No, I'll call her later. But you need to keep your guard up where Adam's concerned. If he's not making a play for the company now, it's just a matter of time before he does. It's who he is.
Adam: I have news.
Chelsea: Good news or Victor news?
Adam: Well, it's actually both. I, uh, I told Dylan what my father asked me to do.
Chelsea: If your father finds out that you're talking to Dylan --
Adam: He's just gonna have to deal with it because it's already out in the open. I've already told Dylan everything, and he agreed to help my father with the situation at the prison.
Chelsea: Wow.
Adam: You surprised?
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Is she impressed?
Chelsea: Yes.
Adam: Is she turned on?
Chelsea: Duh.
Adam: Yes.
Chelsea: Are you -- are you sure about this?
Adam: Huh? Oh, yeah. No. I'm sure. You know, I had to help my father, right, and this way I can do that and extract myself from the situation.
Chelsea: But if Victor finds out that you've been talking to the police about him --
Adam: He's gonna see it as another betrayal.
Chelsea: He's not just gonna let you walk away from him, Adam. So what are you gonna do then?
Nick: How's Sage?
Sharon: Well, she was pretty upset when she got here, but she's calmed down now. I made the right decision I think, but I'm not sure.
Nick: Thanks for telling me.
Sage: [Chuckles] He's smiling! Oh, my goodne-- hi, husband. What brings you here?
Nick: You okay?
Sage: I am now.
Adam: I don't care if my father's happy with me or not.
Chelsea: Really?
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, really. I did what I had to do for my family, for us. For my marriage. What are you thinking?
Chelsea: I'm thinking how much I love you and how proud I am of you. But I can't help getting hung up on --
Adam: Hung up on all the times that I let you down in the past, right? It's okay to say it.
Chelsea: It's just that I know you, Adam. And I know you will not be fulfilled until you really feel like you are a Newman and everything that goes along with that.
Adam: Okay. Come here. I understand that. After everything that we've been through, it must be hard for you to look at me and hear me say that I've moved on from Newman and my father, but I have.
Chelsea: How can you be so sure?
Adam: I found my place in life... here with this family, with you. I'd be nothing without you, baby. Nothing.
Nikki: Oh. Jack, thank you so much for coming.
Jack: Hey, are you gonna be all right?
Nikki: Oh, minor injuries.
Jack: Tell me what happened.
Nikki: [Sighs] I'm horrified to think of everything that happened tonight.
Jack: You've been drinking.
Nikki: I was upset. I ran out of the club into the street. I wasn't looking, and that light there had just changed and a car was coming. Here I am. It doesn't matter.
[Cell phone rings]
Jack: Victoria. Why didn't you answer the phone?
Nikki: Because I don't want my family to know about this. They can't know. Please keep my secret, Jack.
Dylan: Yeah, there's reason to believe that Ian ward might have been behind the attack. Ian and Victor have history.
Mitch: I'm aware of that. I'm keeping an eye on them.
Dylan: Is there any friction?
Mitch: So far, ward has shown no signs of suspicious behavior. That said, I do share your concern for Mr. Newman's safety.
Dylan: Well, that's good. You need to keep an eye on that camera outside Victor's cell, because the night of the attack, it was turned off.
Mitch: I'm investigating the matter.
Dylan: I mean, if one of your guards --
Mitch: We have had trouble with some of the guards, Detective McAvoy. I'll admit that. But I'm cracking down on it. If any of my men played a role in that attack, I'll find out who.
Dylan: All right, you do that, warden, and thank you. Because one thing is certain -- Victor Newman's life is at stake.
Nikki: It feels like a dream, being back here.
Victor: One that I hope makes you happy, my baby.
Nikki: Very.
Victor: Shall we dance?
Nikki: Okay.
You're a dead man, Newman! A dead man. [Chuckles] [Laughs]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Leslie: Do you swear to tell the truth?
Billy: And nothing but the truth, so help me God.
Nikki: I am asking you for help!
Jack: No! You're asking me to lie to cover your mistakes!
Victor: So, you have a plan to get out of here?
Ian: You're paying attention now, huh?
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