Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/7/16
Episode # 10895 ~ Chelsea loses her cool with Adam, Victor adjusts to life in prison, & Nick steps up to protect his family.
Provided By Suzanne
Nick: I know you didn't just happen to stop by to check on Dad.
Adam: What are you presuming, Nick?
Nick: You know, you keep saying you're done with Dad and Newman, yet here you are. What's going on, Adam?
Adam: He asked me to come by.
Nick: Yeah, he wants you to do something for him. I heard you talking.
Adam: Then you heard what he asked me?
Nick: Yeah, he wants you to run the company the way he would until he can get out of prison and make his big comeback. You've just been biding your time. Well, now here's your chance. And to hell with what the rest of us want.
Adam: You got it all wrong.
Doctor: Well, you're damn lucky. That knife barely missed your heart.
Victor: I don't consider being stabbed in the ribcage as being lucky.
Doctor: Unfortunately, I'm about to make your bad day worse.
Victor: Gonna send me back to that hellhole of a prison.
Dylan: Okay, great. Thanks for the update. Hey.
Victoria: Hey.
Dylan: I just got word. Victor's due to be released any time now.
Victoria: Wait. What? Dad's being released from prison?
Dylan: N-no. Memorial. He was -- he was at the hospital. I assume you heard.
Victoria: No. No, nobody told me anything! What happened?
Dylan: Victor was stabbed in his, uh, cell last night.
Victoria: Stabbed?! Oh, my God! He could have died! I'm responsible. Mom left me messages to call, but I never called her back. I-I need to go --
Dylan: Okay, well, hold on. You're probably not gonna -- probably not gonna have any time. Prison transport's on its way.
Victoria: No! He can't go back there! It's too dangerous! You have to do something! You have to have him moved to a different cellblock or --
Dylan: Without Victor giving us any information, there's not much I'm gonna be able to do.
Victoria: What do you mean?! You have to do something!
Dylan: Well, I can't do that much for him!
Victoria: You can't or you won't?!
Sharon: I'm glad that it's helping you, being around the baby, and that he can bring you some comfort during this terrible time. I just can't imagine what you must be going through, having Shawn back out of the adoption.
Chelsea: Uh, Sage, why don't you take a little break, maybe give Sully back to his mom?
Nick: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How can you send him back to Walworth after an injury this serious?
Victor: The doctor has done all he can, okay? There's an infirmary at the prison. They'll take care of things.
Adam: So, it looks like the doctor's sending him with a care package.
Doctor: Antibiotics and something for the pain.
Victor: No painkillers, please.
Doctor: In case you change your mind, Mr. Newman.
Victor: I won't. Let's go.
Nick: Wait. Dad. Can I have a word with you, please?
Victor: Keep moving, please.
Nick: Please. Just give me one second.
Victor: Okay.
Nick: I know you called Adam here, and I know why.
Victor: Do you now?
Nick: Don't worry. Adam didn't fold. He's still playing the good, little soldier. But it's not hard to figure out what's going on. You're just lining everything up until you can get out of prison, and somehow you roped Adam into helping you, despite the fact that he keeps saying he's done with you, too. I'm guessing you played the family card, because that seems to be his Achilles heel.
Victor: Are you finished?
Nick: If you think you're gonna shove Victoria aside so he can keep your chair warm, you got another thing coming. I will not let that happen.
Victor: Oh, wait a minute now. You're ready to commit to the company again? Is that it?
Nick: I'm committed to protecting Victoria, who you seem willing to just hang out to dry in favor of this guy. Well, maybe you forgot, but he took the stand and testified against you, too. And make no mistake -- nothing's gonna happen to her. I will protect her.
Victor: Right. I'm so thankful to you for keeping our conversation between us. I knew I called the right guy.
Dylan: I'm a rookie cop. I have zero authority.
Victoria: Please, would you stop making excuses and do something?!
Dylan: But what you're asking me is -- is virtually impossible!
Victoria: Why? Because it's my father, whom we both know has absolutely no use for you? Is that why? We know that if it was anyone else, you would be relentless.
Dylan: Come on, Victoria.
Victoria: What if he gets stabbed again? What if he dies this time? You're not gonna do anything, are you? You're just gonna stand there. You're not gonna lift a finger to help him. You're letting your personal feelings get in the way of you doing your job.
Dylan: Remember how hard everybody worked to get him convicted?!
Victoria: [Sighs] I guess I deserved that.
Dylan: No. No, you didn't. You just needed to vent, and I should have let you.
Victoria: No, I-I shouldn't have attacked you like that. I'm sorry. I know you're not a vindictive person. I know that.
Dylan: Victor is paying for his crimes. I mean, that's the reality. I know it's not pretty, and I know you're having a hard time facing that.
Victoria: It's horrible.
Dylan: Yeah, it's awful. And as bad as you're feeling, imagine what it's like for our mother. You know, she's so in love with Victor. If I could do anything to alleviate any of her worry, you know I would do that in a heartbeat, but it's not up to me.
Victoria: Couldn't you and Paul make a recommendation for my dad?
Dylan: I mean, we could weigh in all we want. I just don't think it's gonna do any good.
Victoria: Why not?
Dylan: Well, first off, the judge sentenced your father to a state penitentiary to make an example of him, remember, to avoid the appearance that he's gonna get off easy. And second, your dad's not playing ball with the warden's investigator at all. He claims that he's gonna handle it himself.
Victoria: So his stupid pride means more to him than his own life.
Dylan: No, believe it or not, Victor's playing this one smart, because if he cooperates with the warden, it's gonna get back to the other inmates and the target on his back will get even bigger.
Victoria: Look, there's got to be something that I can do. I can't just stand by here and do nothing. I'm part of the reason that he's in there right now, because I was hoping and praying that this would change the person that he was turning into, but I don't -- I don't want this. I don't want my dad to die. I don't want that.
Dylan: I know. I know. I know, and I'm sorry. I --
Victoria: There has to be something that you can do. Please. Just put yourself in Sully's position. How would he feel if he was losing you?
Chelsea: Sage, maybe Sully needs his mom.
Sharon: Oh, no, it's okay. I mean, if it brings you comfort holding him, I don't mind.
Sage: [Chuckles]
[Baby hiccups]
Sage: Oh! [Chuckles] I always knew that Shawn could change her mind on the adoption and that Nick and I could walk away empty-handed. But...
[Baby hiccups]
Sage: [Chuckles] She always told us that we'd be wonderful parents and that she wouldn't change her mind and that this adoption would -- would be the best thing for her baby, but I don't know. I guess I just heard what I wanted to hear, ignored the warning signs. I wasn't prepared when she took off with the baby.
Sharon: It sounds like she wasn't prepared, either, for how she would feel when he was born.
[Baby cries]
Sage: Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Sharon: Come here. Maybe I should take you, honey. He's had a very long day with the doctor and everything. Come here.
Chelsea: Oh. Hi. I wasn't expecting you back so soon.
Adam: Well, it's your lucky day.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Sharon: Hi, Adam.
Adam: How are you?
Sage: Good to see you, Adam.
Adam: You, too. Good to see you. How's the little guy?
Sharon: Oh, he's ready for a very long nap.
[Baby cries]
Sharon: Chelsea, I'm gonna just look over the material when I get home, and then I'll get back to you if that's okay.
Chelsea: That sounds great. Thank you.
Sharon: All right. Okay, bye-bye.
Chelsea: Bye. Thanks, Sharon. Bye, Sully.
Sharon: Bye.
Adam: He's cute.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
Adam: Anyway...
[Door closes]
Adam: So, things are gonna change for you, huh, with the new baby on the way. That'll be fun --
Chelsea: No.
Adam: What? What?
Sage: That's not gonna happen.
Adam: What do you mean, it's not gonna happen?
Sage: Well, Shawn had the baby, and then she took off, and we don't know where she went.
Adam: Come here. That's horrible. Come here.
Nick: I just don't get how the authorities can leave dad in a situation where he could get killed.
Victoria: Well, according to Dylan, there's not much they can do unless he cooperates, and we know that's not gonna happen.
Nick: Yeah, 'cause then he'd be a snitch. And at a place like Walworth, that is the absolutely last thing you'd ever want to be.
Victoria: [Sighs] Nick, how is he gonna survive 10 years of this?
Nick: Something tells me he has a plan.
Victoria: What kind of a plan?
Nick: I don't know yet. I saw dad at the hospital, and you know how it is with dad. Sometimes it's what he's not saying. Same with Adam.
Victoria: Adam?
Nick: Yeah, Adam was there, too. He didn't say why. He just said dad summoned him there. But watching them together, the little looks they were giving each other, something's up. You better watch your back.
Victoria: Great. Now what?
Nick: I just think Adam's gonna make a play for the company with dad egging him on. That means he's gonna come after you.
Victoria: This is the last thing that I need.
Nick: Well, at least you won't be doing it alone.
Victoria: Are you saying what I think you're saying, Nick?
Nick: I'm here to offer you my help.
Victoria: Oh! You just made my day. [Sighs]
Nick: Yeah, well, if my instincts are right, Adam's gonna be coming hard, so you need an ally.
Victoria: I owe you one, times 100.
Nick: It'll be good for me, too. I need something else to focus on right now.
Victoria: You don't need more to focus on. You have Sage and a baby on the way.
Nick: No, not anymore. There's no baby. That's over.
Adam: I'm so sorry. Um...
Sage: It's okay.
Adam: I don't know what to say. I mean, that's difficult.
Sage: Yeah.
Adam: The adoption falling through. Tell you what. I know you. You're very resilient. Right, honey? You're gonna come through this even stronger.
Sage: Thank you. Chelsea, thank you for offering me this job twice. Thanks for everything.
Chelsea: Bye.
Adam: Call if you need anything, all right?
Sage: Okay.
Chelsea: You know... I know I probably shouldn't be saying this out loud, but watching you comfort her, knowing that you were Christian's father when she doesn't know, it's a little disconcerting for me.
Adam: Baby, come here.
Chelsea: I thought that -- I thought you were going to Chicago for a big meeting. What are you doing home?
Adam: Yeah, I was, uh, going to Chicago for a big meeting. I never made it that far.
Chelsea: Why not?
Adam: Because the hospital called, and, um, said that Victor needed to see me. They said it was urgent, and I-I went down.
Chelsea: I see. So, um, you were willing to jeopardize everything you've worked for, for -- for what? What is Victor offering you?
Adam: Nothing, babe.
Chelsea: No. Nuh-unh. Adam, we are not doing this again.
Adam: Doing what again?
Chelsea: Playing games with semantics or whatever it is that we're doing here. So, what? What did Victor say? What did he promise you? Or worse, what did you agree to?
Adam: Honey, can we talk about this later?
Chelsea: No. I want to talk about it now. What is going on?
Adam: Okay, fine. Um... Victor -- he feels like he's gonna get murdered in prison, and he wants me to avenge his death.
Ian: You don't look so hot.
Victor: Just mind your own business, okay?
Ian: I'm surprised to see you back so soon. If it were me, I-I would have found a way to maneuver a longer stay in the hospital.
Victor: Unlike you, I don't run from a threat.
Chelsea: Typical Victor, milking his attack for all its worth, calling you to his bedside. "Avenge me, son." I mean, could he be more melodramatic?
Adam: I know that's what it looks like, but, babe, I'm telling you, whoever did this to him, they came damn close to killing him.
Chelsea: Okay, then why doesn't he talk to somebody at the prison, then? Why is he calling you? I mean, I can just hear him now. "You're the only one I can turn to, Adam. You're the only one who -- who has the guts to do what needs to be done." I mean, give me a break.
Adam: Well, he thinks he might die in there. I'm telling you.
Chelsea: Don't tell me you're actually buying into this, that he trusts you and only you to fulfill his dying -- [Sighs] You know what? Forget it. Forget it. He's your father. You do whatever you want, because it's obvious that you don't see it.
Adam: Obvious that I don't see what, honey?
Chelsea: [Chuckling] This is not about avenging his murder, Adam! Give me a break! This is about whatever crazy plan he has concocted in order to put you in power until he gets back.
Adam: No, no, listen, that didn't even get brought up, but if he did bring that up, don't you think I'd be able to sniff that out?
Chelsea: No, I don't. Not when it pertains to Victor. [Sighs] Babe, I am just so sick of hitting my head against the wall thinking that I am convincing you of anything. You -- you stand there and you smile and nod, and I think that I've gotten through to you, but then you just go out and do whatever you want to anyway.
Adam: That's not what's going on here at all.
Chelsea: If you want to run Newman enterprises, go. Go tell Victoria. Go. But I have a son to raise, and I have a company to run.
Adam: Chelsea, come on.
Chelsea: I don't want to talk about it anymore, Adam. Go. Do -- do it. Do whatever you need to do.
Adam: Yeah, all right. Okay.
Ian: Run? Moi? [Chuckles] No, strolling is more my speed.
Victor: Listen, I don't want to hear your B.S., Okay? I wanted to come back here.
Ian: Well, there's no counting for taste.
Victor: [Sighs] Listen to me. If you wanted to scare me, you didn't succeed, okay? If you want to kill me...
Ian: That is not my goal.
Victor: Listen carefully. If you manage to kill me, someone will come after you. I promise you.
Ian: Victor, I did not stick that shank --
Victor: You stay where you are.
Ian: I didn't stick that shank into you, all right?
Victor: Stay where you are.
Ian: I didn't order anybody else to do it, either.
Victor: [Sighs]
Ian: Will you listen to me right now, please? I do not want you dead. I had nothing to do with the attack. You have my word.
Victor: I don't believe a word you say.
Ian: [Sighs]
Sharon: Here you go.
Dylan: Hear you had a rough day, bud. Here you go.
Sharon: We can lay him down. There you go.
Dylan: I know the feeling, man. I know the feeling. Mom says you're feeling better after your trip to the doctor. That's good to hear.
Sharon: After you saw us at the hospital, you know, we had a very busy day because I took Sully to Chelsea's for our meeting.
Dylan: Oh, you did, huh? Putting him to work so early? [Chuckles]
Sharon: And our handsome, little guy ended up being quite the distraction. Sage was upset.
Dylan: What do you mean, Sage?
Sharon: Oh, um, I guess she ended up taking Chelsea up on the job offer. I had no idea she was gonna be there.
Dylan: Okay, why -- why was she so upset?
Sharon: The adoption's been canceled.
Dylan: You're kidding me.
Sharon: Evidently Shawn took the newborn from the hospital and disappeared, and she left a note explaining her decision.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Sharon: Can you imagine how that must have felt?
Dylan: No, I can't. It's -- it's horrible. I can't even believe it.
Sharon: So, Sage has decided to throw herself into her work, but she was really struggling. She kept staring at Sully, and it was heartbreaking, so I decided to let her hold our handsome, little guy, hoping that it would help.
Dylan: Did it help or did it make things worse?
Sharon: Having him in her arms definitely calmed her, so much so that I told her that she could come over here and see him any time she wants and that I'll bring Sully to work with me.
Dylan: I'm sure that meant a lot to Sage. What's wrong? You having second thoughts about letting her spend time with Sully?
Sharon: No, no, it's not that. Um, I've always wanted Sage to be a part of Sully's life. Any doubts I ever had came from Dr. Anderson.
Nick: It was Sage's worst nightmare that Shawn would change her mind and take this baby away from us.
Victoria: I'm so sorry, Nick. I'm so sorry that you and Sage have to go through something like this again.
Nick: Thanks. Yeah, but Sage is handling it surprisingly well. Chelsea offered her a job awhile back, and Sage insisted on going in to work today.
Victoria: Oh. So you're looking to do the same thing, to just throw yourself back into something and take your mind off things.
Nick: It's a part of it, you know, needing to stay busy. But honestly, seeing Adam and dad today...
Victoria: Say no more.
Nick: You've worked so hard to get to the top. You've earned this. For dad to recruit Adam to knock you out to take your place just so he can keep his hand in from prison, I don't like that. It really ticks me off.
Victoria: Well, hopefully that won't happen now, thanks to you. Although if they do have some plan in the works, things could get ugly.
Nick: Bring it. I know what I've signed up for. And, Vick, when we're together, nobody can beat us.
Victoria: In that case, welcome back to Newman.
Sharon: You know, it never even occurred to me that there was an issue until Dr. Anderson started badmouthing Sage.
Dylan: Sharon, I thought we were gonna put this to rest.
Sharon: Oh, no, I have. I have. No worries. My point is, Sage has always been really good with Sully.
Dylan: Yeah, she's family. She's Sully's aunt.
Sharon: Yeah. And if being with him helps her heal, I'm all for it.
Dylan: Sure. Whatever we need to do to help her through this.
Sharon: Mm-hmm. And Nick, too. I wonder how he's holding up. I know he'll want to be strong for Sage, but then who will he have to lean on? And he's not one to ask for help.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Sharon: You know what? I'm doing it again. I am worrying about Nick's life, and it's not my place. I'm sorry.
Dylan: Don't. No need for apologies. I think it's terrific, the kindness that you're showing Sage. You know, and Nick -- he's gonna be okay. It's a horrible blow for both of them again, but they have each other, and they're gonna work through because that's what married couples do.
Sharon: Yeah, you're right. It's just a bad habit, I guess, worrying about Nick.
Dylan: Hey, Nick is family, too.
Sharon: Exactly. And had they been able to adopt Shawn's baby, he would have been a brother to faith, so, in a way, it's a loss for all of us.
Dylan: You know, I've never felt more blessed to have you and Sully... than I do right now.
Nick: We have so much to be grateful for, Sage. I mean, we have a love that has survived the worst. We're gonna get through this, too. We have amazing family and friends. We're very, very lucky.
Sage: Yeah, we are. We have so much to be grateful for.
Nick: I love you.
Sage: I love you, too.
[Door opens]
Nick: Sage? Hi.
Sage: I've been thinking about you all day. I feel really close to you, knowing that you had to see Victor. I hope it went okay.
Nick: I've been thinking about you, too.
Sage: Oh, yeah?
Nick: Yeah. You're my inspiration.
Sage: [Chuckles]
Nick: You're so strong. The way you handled that situation with Shawn, it was so graceful. You put one foot in front of the other and you went to work. It took a lot of guts. I'm proud of you.
Sage: [Sighs] Well, grace and strength are not two words that come to mind about today.
Nick: What happened?
Sage: Oh, well, long story short... I blew it.
Chelsea: No, I don't want to go shopping while Adam is in Chicago because he isn't in Chicago. He's risked his job and he's risked his soul!
Anita: Baby, whoa! Slow down. Tell mama what happened.
Chelsea: Same thing that always happens. Victor.
Anita: Isn't he in prison?
Chelsea: Yeah. But there was a bit of an incident. Victor found himself on the wrong end of a homemade knife, which won him a free trip to memorial.
Anita: Is he badly hurt?
Chelsea: He could have been, but they patched him up and sent him back already. But not before he could use the opportunity to play on my husband's loyalties as he so artfully does.
Anita: How?
Chelsea: Well, Adam missed a huge meeting so he could run to Victor's side, where he got sucked back into all the drama. Honestly, mom, I got so frustrated that finally I told Adam, "I don't care. You can do whatever you want to. I do not even care anymore."
Anita: Honey, why would you do that?
Victoria: Well, that didn't take long. Are you here to demand unconditional surrender and have security toss me out?
Adam: No, actually. No, I'm not. Nothing that dramatic. I just sort of wanted to talk to my sister.
Victoria: About?
Adam: Oh, you know, about, um, family business, uh, the future.
Victoria: You're even starting to sound like him.
Adam: Well, let's start there, then, with the, uh, man on the wall back there who, like it or not, we owe everything to.
Sage: I thought if I threw myself into this job it would give me something to focus on, you know? And I was doing fine until Sharon showed up with Sully, and everything just came flooding back.
Nick: Christian? David?
Sage: Yeah. Both. Sharon was great. I just couldn't take my eyes off of Sully, so she offered to let me hold him.
Nick: [Sighs] Sage...
Sage: I know, I know. I-I don't know. I just thought it would comfort me, but it didn't. It was just really hard, you know? The loss, it was just too much.
Nick: So you got overwhelmed?
Sage: I lost it. A lot. I think Chelsea freaked out a little bit, but Sharon was great, you know. It's like she -- it's like she knows that it's important for me to be around Sully. She said that I could see him whenever I like.
Nick: That was kind of her.
Sage: Yeah. She's amazing, Nick. She thinks it's a really good idea that I spend time around Sully, and I agree with her, you know, just to look at his beautiful face and look into his beautiful eyes, and it's good, you know? It's good.
Nick: Here.
Sage: I'm really grateful for Sharon, Nick, because that little boy's all the therapy that I need.
Ian: Victor, listen to me --
Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ian: If I wanted to put you into the hospital and I had the clout to get that done, I wouldn't be lying to you about it right now. I'd be flaunting it!
Victor: Listen, save it, okay? I don't believe a word you say.
Ian: Victor...
Victor: Mm-hmm?
Ian: I only pretend to have that kind of power, all right? It has served me well.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Ian: Just as it serves me to have our fellow inmates believe that I'm responsible for you getting knifed. It's self-preservation. I'm not all-powerful.
Victor: Stop all this nonsense. Why are you telling me this?
Ian: Because you need to know what you're up against, man. And for once, it ain't me!
Victor: Well, if it ain't you, the guy who did it would be flaunting it now, wouldn't he? I mean, he'd be showing off about it, wouldn't he? But that hasn't happened.
Ian: No, it hasn't happened. But I think soon we'll learn his identity.
Chelsea: I've fought so hard to get through to Adam. I've helped him to live his life a certain way, be the kind of man he wants to be. But somewhere along the way, I turned into this shrew, constantly harping at him, and I'm over it. He is who he is, and he's not gonna change, no matter how scared I am for him.
Anita: You know, it might help you to remember that Adam is your husband. He's not your mark. And you fell in love with him because of who he is. Hell, knowing who he is -- a driven, talented, slightly neurotic guy from Genoa City via Kansas.
Chelsea: Who has the last name Newman.
Anita: And what's wrong with that?
Chelsea: Depends who you ask.
Anita: Chelsea, listen to me, and listen good. If Adam wants what comes with being part of a rich, powerful family, more power to him. It's his birthright, after all. And if you ask me --
Chelsea: I didn't. Not that it's gonna stop you.
Anita: With Victor out of the picture, you should be encouraging Adam to go after the throne.
Adam: I assume you heard what happened to dad. And even if there is no repeat attack, the truth of the matter is he may not make it out of prison.
Victoria: You hope he won't. Isn't that what you really mean? And you're here to seize the opportunity?
Adam: Hold on a second. What? Hope? What are you talking about? You think I want the man dead? Is that what you're saying? Victoria, you got a lot of enemies. I'm not one of them.
Victoria: I heard that dad called you to the hospital today.
Adam: Oh, you did? Right. Because Nick just ran straight here, right?
Victoria: Do you have a problem with that?
Adam: I know what he thinks, and he's wrong. Dad and I are not plotting your demise, your downfall. That's not what we were doing, okay? Nick -- he misinterpreted the whole thing. He wanted to misinterpret the whole thing, so we let him. Quite frankly, it was easier that way.
Victoria: What did you and dad talk about?
Adam: We talked about his life expectancy, actually, and the way Victor sees things, there's -- there's two possible outcomes. Number one -- the guy attacks him again, finishing the job this time, leaving him dead. Or, you know, Victor goes after him, kills him, and, as a result, spends the rest of his life in prison. Now, we don't want to think about a worst-case scenario, but we have to, okay?
You have to, Victoria. You need to stabilize this company.
Victoria: You expect me to focus on that now?
Adam: Yeah, I do. You have to. It's part of the job. It's what you wanted. It's what our family entrusted you to do, and now you're sitting in that chair. You can't do anything for dad right now. But you can do this. And as much as you may want to rail against his tactics, do things your own way, you need to start thinking like him right now, okay? Figure out who's loyal to Newman, who's not loyal to Newman. And you need to be as ruthless and as unforgiving as the man on that wall over there, because that way, if worse comes to worse and he doesn't make it out of there, at least the company he spent a lifetime building doesn't fall apart.
Victoria: And let me guess. You want to join the crusade.
Sage: So, how is your father?
Nick: [Sighs] Well, he's well enough to be sent back to prison and to conspire with Adam from his hospital bed.
Sage: Yeah, I saw Adam today. I thought he had a meeting in Chicago.
Nick: Well, if he did, he skipped it, because when I got to the hospital, there he was in my dad's room.
Sage: Huh.
Nick: And those two were up to something, though neither would come clean about it. But it doesn't matter. With those two, it's always the same thing.
Sage: Newman enterprises.
Nick: You got it. So I went right to Victoria and told her I'd step back in.
Sage: Really?
Nick: Yeah. Like you, I figured I'd throw myself into some work and help fight off Adam. I think there's gonna be a serious power struggle at Newman, and I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure Victoria stays on top.
Sage: Wow. I thought Adam didn't want anything to do with the company.
Nick: He keeps saying that, that Chelsea comes first and that family is the most important thing, but here he is yet again risking it all, and for what? My father's approval? I swear to you, sometimes my brother doesn't realize what he has.
Dylan: You're a precious gift. You know that? I just want you to know that... I'll always be there for you. Always. I've never loved anyone this much.
Anita: Victoria's no great shakes, not compared to your hubby. Adam can run circles around here. From what I've seen, he's got a real flair for business, just like his old man.
Chelsea: I don't want him to be anything like Victor. That man is in prison. He could end up dead.
Anita: You win some, you lose some.
Chelsea: Mom. [Sighs] The thing is, Adam and I share a dream, and it does not include ruling Victor's empire. [Sighs] Adam just loses sight of that sometimes. But he has to make a choice, because I have been very clear about what I want, and that is our own family, independent of the Newmans.
Anita: Baby, that's a real nice dream. There's just one problem. You can't have it all.
Chelsea: What are you saying?
Anita: If you walk away or you push Adam away because you can't accept who he is, you'll never be happy, and your dreams will go up in smoke. Poof. And then where will you be? Alone, that's where.
Adam: Victoria, I-I don't want to be involved at all, not in Newman enterprises. I didn't come here to offer up my services. In fact, I don't think that you need them. I think that you're more than capable of handling this on your own.
Victoria: If that's how you really feel, then why are you here?
Adam: I'm here because after speaking to our father, I want you to know what you're in for. If worse comes to worse and he doesn't make it out of there, you need to be ready. You got to figure out what the next move for Newman enterprises is. You have to rally the troops, and you have to make sure everyone's loyal to the company.
Victoria: Me? This is all about me? It has nothing to do with you?
Adam: This is all about you. That's what I've been trying to tell you. You need to lead this company, Victoria. I don't give a damn about it.
Victoria: If you don't care about this company, then what are you doing here right now? Tell me, Adam. Where do your loyalties lie? To the company? To dad? Or to yourself?
Victor: Why would I believe that load of bull? I'm the one who put you back here. You got your revenge.
Ian: Oh, revenge? I don't want revenge.
Victor: Oh, really?
Ian: I want no revenge.
Victor: Huh.
Ian: I want you alive, my friend.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Ian: I need you to be the ruthless bastard I know you can be, and you need me for my similar qualities, all right?
Victor: Huh.
Ian: Because if we don't both work together against the real power in this place, well, put it bluntly, we're gonna both be dead. We're gonna be both going out in a box.
Victor: [Chuckles] Don't make me laugh, okay? It hurts too much.
Ian: Am I getting through to you at all?
Victor: You mean you and I working together?
Ian: Yeah.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Abby: You better run -- fast -- before I take you down myself.
Nick: All you need to do is tell the truth.
Summer: You want me to incriminate my own mother!
Kevin: We all have to give depositions on pass key. How do you plan on getting us out of this?
Billy: Simple concept. You lie.
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