Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/6/16


Episode # 10894 ~ Sharon confides in Dylan, Devon learns Hilary's secret, & Ashley makes a confession to Abby.

Provided By Suzanne

Hilary: Neil is barring me from the board on his foundation. How dare he reject me?

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: I am more than qualified. And then we made that huge donation at the fundraiser. How could he keep me off this board?

Devon: The reason is --

Hilary: No, you know what? Even though he says he doesn't hold a grudge, clearly he does.

Devon: That's not what it is.

Hilary: What? Did he tell you something?

Devon: It's what I told him. I asked him to turn you down.

Abby: You didn't have to. I'm pregnant. I'm not feeble. I don't need my husband to drive me to work.

Stitch: Okay. Noted for future reference.

Abby: And, look, I don't need you hanging around here all day watching my every move.

Stitch: Abby.

Abby: [Sighs] Thank you for not listening to me. How'd you know I needed this?

Stitch: 'Cause you love your dad.

Abby: He could have died, and I'm furious about it.

Stitch: Because he was stabbed in prison?

Abby: No, because you're the one who told me. If your friend from the hospital hadn't called? I mean, no one in my family said a word to me.

Stitch: Nikki and Victoria, they were --

Abby: Oh, they were trying to protect me by not telling me. Yeah. I hate it when they do that.

Stitch: The important thing is your dad made it and he's fine.

Abby: For now.

[Telephone rings]

Abby: [Sighs] Abby Newman. Um, she's not in right now. Can I take a message? Of course.

Stitch: Something wrong?

Abby: It was someone from Dr. Morse's office calling for my mom.

Stitch: You sure they said Morse?

Abby: Yeah. Do you know him?

Stitch: He's the top radiologist at memorial.

Abby: Why would a radiologist be calling for my mom?

Stitch: Has Ashley said anything about feeling sick?

Ashley: I was sick. But I'm better now.

Dylan: What were you doing talking to nurse Stephens? I mean, if you thought there was something I could have asked her, I --

Sharon: No, no, it wasn't that. Um, I didn't seek her out.

She approached me.

Dylan: Oh. Well, what did she need?

Sharon: She was just being social, I guess. She asked to hold Sully, but, Dylan, the whole time I had the most unsettling feeling.

Sage: We've lost so much, Nick. Thank God I still have you.

Nick: We have each other. And we have an awesome future together.

Sage: Yeah, we do. Just have to get through today.

Nick: Yes.

Sage: And then tomorrow.

Nick: And tomorrow.

Chelsea: Oh. Hi. Sorry, guys. [Laughs] I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just passing by.

Sage: No, you didn't at all. Um, actually, I'm -- I'm really glad that we ran into you, Chelsea, because Nick and I have been talking about the next few days, and you're my new boss.

Chelsea: Do you need more time off? It won't be a problem. Sharon and I have been trying to be flexible for you.

Sage: I know. You girls have been great. But I just -- I was --

Chelsea: Well, you're just about to be a mom, adopting the baby. I get it. You probably want to be at home getting settled.

Sage: Uh, actually, um, I was just gonna say that our schedule's changed, so I'm available for as many hours as you need, as soon as you need me. So, how about today?

Paul: Hey, there, Nik. How you doing? You alone?

Nikki: I am. No, I am not drinking again. Although that was certainly my intention after seeing Victor in the hospital.

Paul: Well, I'm glad you're not. What changed your mind?

Nikki: Jack, actually.

Paul: Ah.

Nikki: Because of him, all I've had is sparkling water.

Paul: Well, I'm sorry to hear about Victor and, uh, the attack on him.

Nikki: He didn't last very long in prison without becoming a target. What's gonna happen when he goes back?

Paul: Well, Nik, I wish I could assure you it was an isolated occurrence, but, uh, in all likelihood, it could happen again.

Nikki: What? He has a 10-year sentence. He won't survive that. I-I have to do something.

Paul: What exactly do you think you can do?

Nikki: I'm not sure, but I have to help my husband. [Sighs] Even though he doesn't want to have anything to do with me.

Victor: So you came.

Adam: Yeah. The, uh, nurse told me that my recently shivved father wanted to see me, said it was rather serious. I assume you paid her to make the call?

Victor: I guess it worked.

Adam: All right, uh, um, listen, I told you I didn't want anything to do with you, so...

Victor: Why are you here?

Adam: I don't know. What -- what -- what? Are you looking for sympathy? It doesn't really seem like your style. And I told you I'm not interested in running Newman in your absence.

Victor: I don't want you to run Newman in my absence. This is personal, okay?

Dylan: Wait a minute. If you guys weren't here to see nurse Stephens, what are you doing?

Sharon: Sully's fever spiked.

Dylan: Is he okay? Hey, little man. How you feeling?

Sharon: He's fine. It was just like I thought. It was the teething that caused the fever.

Dylan: You sure it's nothing more serious?

Sharon: Well, the doctor gave him something to make him feel more comfortable, and just look at him now. He's as good as ever.

Dylan: Not gonna let a few teeth get you down, huh?

Sharon: And then after we saw the doctor, that was when we ran into nurse Stephens.

Dylan: And something about her rubbed you the wrong way?

Sharon: It just bugged me that she was so interested in seeing Sully again.

Dylan: Well, after all, our son is a magnificent specimen.

Sharon: Well, that's true. He really is. [Chuckles]

Dylan: You know, right now there's no reason to believe that nurse Stephens is hiding anything from us. Maybe it is your dreams getting to you. I just wish there was something I could do to ease your mind.

Sharon: You've done everything you can, and I love you for it. And you're right. I need to stop looking back and bask in my presence... with Mr. Wonderful... [Chuckles] ...And his gorgeous father.

Chelsea: Wow. I thought that you wanted time with the new baby.

Nick: Uh, you know what? I think it's great that Sage wants to jump right into work, and, uh, I think it'd be really good for her.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, that is great. I actually have that big photo shoot to prep.

Sage: For the fashion magazine.

Chelsea: Yes. Sharon's gonna meet me at my place later. I could definitely put you to work if you want to join me now.

Sage: Yes. Definitely. I would love that.

Chelsea: Great.

Sage: [Sighs] See you later.

Nick: Yeah. I'm proud of you.

Devon: Thanks.

Hilary: How could you do that to me? My husband is supposed to be on my side.

Devon: I am on your side.

Hilary: [Scoffs] How could you say that? You knew how much I wanted to be on that board. This is your father's charity. What possible problem could you have for me wanting to help?

Devon: My problem is with why you wanted to be on the board.

Hilary: What are you talking about?

Devon: 'Cause this -- this sudden interest in charity has nothing to do with you wanting to help Neil and Jack's cause.

Hilary: What other reason could I have for volunteering my time and our money?

Devon: You want to climb the social ladder. You want attention. You want power and status. That's why.

Hilary: So does every other person on that board. What's wrong with that?

Devon: You honestly don't see the problem with that?

Hilary: I'm ambitious. So what? I want to be a leading force in this town. I want that for both of us.

Devon: Honey, there are more important things in life.

Hilary: Like being together, huh? Like loving each other? Because me being on that board, it is -- it's not gonna interfere with that, okay? Not one bit. Right? Now, I am glad that we cleared this up. So you can call your father later, right?

Devon: I'm not going to call anyone. I'm not gonna change my mind because I don't like what this is doing to you.

Hilary: And I don't like being judged and controlled. [Scoffs] This conversation is over. I have work to do.

Abby: This is about the flu that you couldn't shake?

Ashley: Well, it was just easier to call it a flu.

Stitch: When I bumped into you in the hospital, I-I thought something was off. I just didn't --

Abby: Yeah, just like I thought it was weird when you collapsed at our wedding.

Ashley: Well, all that really matters is that I'm better, right, thanks to Neville.

Abby: You're sure? You're absolutely sure?

Dr. Neville: We've been getting daily updates from memorial all stating the exact same thing -- steady and sustained improvement.

Ashley: It's official. I'm recovering.

Abby: You should have told me that you were sick.

Dr. Neville: Well, you can blame me for that. I insisted she avoid all stress while recuperating.

Abby: Oh, so it was too stressful to be honest with her daughter?

Ashley: I didn't want to burden you. And the treatment was experimental. I couldn't tell my family. They would have wanted to weigh in on it.

Abby: I wouldn't have told anyone.

Ashley: It would have been too hard on you to keep this a secret, and you're pregnant. I wasn't gonna do that to you.

Abby: This is why you didn't go to dad's trial.

Dr. Neville: You can put that on me, as well. The treatment was problematic at times, and I was afraid all the heightened tension at the courthouse would set your mother back.

Ashley: I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you during that. I mean, I haven't been able to be there for you like I wanted to be because I'm not healthy.

Abby: Because you were ill. And instead of telling me that, you decided to just make me wonder why you didn't want to be around me.

Ashley: Abby! Why are you saying this to me?

Abby: When were you diagnosed?

Dr. Neville: Well, it's good news. That's not really important.

Stitch: I think Ashley should answer her daughter's question.

Ashley: Right after the surgery for the aneurysm.

Stitch: That long ago? Before the fire at Newman tower?

Ashley: Yeah. Um... after the surgery, uh, the doctor told me that they found a brain tumor and that it was... inoperable.

Abby: A tumor. I can't believe this.

Ashley: Honey, look, I know that it's a lot to take in --

Abby: No, what I can't believe is that my mother chose to lie to me for almost a year. I wanted to do anything I could to find a cure bec --

Ashley: Honey, when I first was diagnosed, I was devastated. I wanted to do anything I could to find a cure because I didn't want my family to be as terrified as I was. I didn't want you to be that terrified. Can't you understand that?

Abby: I guess that makes sense -- if I was a child.

Ashley: Honestly, I don't understand your anger. I was trying to protect my child. Can't you understand that? Can't you understand why I did this?

Stitch: Of course it's understandable, but that doesn't keep me from wishing that you had confided in me -- in us, that you leaned on us. You pride yourself on being so strong, but --

Dr. Neville: Abby, please. If anything, you should be proud of your mother. She's quite possibly the most courageous person I've ever met. Her devotion to her family, to the work, to our research was beyond extraordinary and under the worst of all possible circumstances.

Ashley: I didn't really have a choice.

Dr. Neville: Don't minimize it. This was a fight, and she never stopped fighting. Not just for herself -- for you and your child, not to mention the countless thousands of patients that this treatment might help.

Abby: That's why you stepped down as C.E.O., Because you were sick?

Devon: Hello.

Hilary: Hi.

Devon: What's going on here?

Stitch: Uh, we just, you know, talking about --

Ashley: That's okay. Hilary already knew that I was sick.

Devon: What do you mean, you're sick?

Abby: I thought that Dr. Neville was the only one who knew.

Ashley: Well, Hilary found out, and then she was more than happy to keep my secret, right?

Devon: Honey?

Hilary: I wasn't at liberty to say.

Devon: Is this how you took over the project? You used what you knew to get Ashley to step down?

Chelsea: Hey, which one do you think? The limpet shell or the serenity?

Sage: Well, why can't we just call it light blue and lighter blue?

Chelsea: Because then we couldn't charge thousands of dollars for them.

[Both laugh]

Sage: Um, serenity, then.

Chelsea: Great. Perfect. Thank you.

Sage: Yeah. You know, I should really be thanking you, Chelsea. I really needed this today.

Chelsea: Well, you seemed eager to dive back into work. I was kind of surprised. When I originally offered you the job...

Sage: Yeah, well, everything's changed. [Clears throat] Shawn had her baby yesterday, and she and David -- that's his name -- uh, they're gone.

Chelsea: Gone?

Sage: Yeah, she, uh, she wanted to keep her kid, so the adoption's not really gonna happen.

Paul: You spoke to Dylan about this? What could he possibly do?

Nikki: Well, there must be something.

Paul: Nikki, Victor was sentenced by a judge and a jury. There's no getting around that.

Nikki: No, I'm not asking to have his sentence overturned. I am simply asking to have him transferred to a different prison where he doesn't have to live with the constant threat of violence.

Paul: Okay. Was Victor able to identify the man who attacked him? I mean, that would be the first step in addressing this, you know.

Nikki: He -- he refused to talk to me about it, or anybody else.

Paul: What about the warden? Does he know anything?

Nikki: I don't know. I was hoping that Dylan could get him to open up. We need that information.

Paul: I really don't see Victor giving up the name of the guy who attacked him. And frankly, he has good reason not to say anything.

Nikki: Why? Why do you say that?

Paul: Because there's no guarantee of him being transferred. Even if he tells all. Nobody likes a snitch. He would be safer if he were just to keep to himself and not make any more enemies, if you know what I mean.

Nikki: [Sighs]

Adam: Well, you don't look good, but you look better than I thought you would look. Is that why you called me here? To -- to show me that, uh, you can't be stopped, not even with a knife wound?

Victor: I didn't call you here... to show you how good I feel. I called you here because... it's just a question of time before I will be attacked again.

Adam: Yeah, no, I mean, you know, that's -- that's a good bet. Guys like you and me aren't treated well in prison.

Victor: You would know about that, wouldn't you?

Adam: I would. But you got an ace up your sleeve, though, Dad. I mean, billions, actually. Why don't you use some of that money and, uh, pay for protection? I'm sure there's a con in there that would be willing to protect you for the right price.

Victor: You know who wants to protect me? Ian ward.

Adam: [Chuckling] Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, he's a sweetheart. He loves to help, doesn't he? Loves to help. I thought we were done with that guy.

Victor: Your unholy alliance with that sociopath... almost brought our company to the knees before. Now... [Sighs] He just may end up killing me.

Adam: And there it is. So that's why I'm here -- so that you can guilt-trip me, right?

Victor: No.

Adam: Well, then why am I here?

Victor: In case something happens to me... I want you to avenge me.

Abby: You blackmailed my mom? Who does that?

Devon: How could you keep this from me?

Stitch: Instead of telling everybody she was sick --

Hilary: Stop, stop! All I did was urge Ashley to step down so she could focus on her health. That's all.

Stitch: [Scoffs]

Devon: Ashley, did she force your hand?

Dr. Neville: Absolutely. The only way that Ashley could be sure of Hilary's silence about the illness was by agreeing to step down.

Stitch: Come on. How could you do this?

Ashley: Ben, don't waste your breath. Honestly, Hilary won't care anyway. Besides, now that I'm well, I'm gonna have a much stronger presence around here.

Hilary: Oh, you're well? That's -- that's wonderful.

Stitch: Yeah, stop acting like you care.

Hilary: Of course I care. I think you're all forgetting that I had to fight for my life, too. This is wonderful news. It's wonderful news for the project. Dr. Neville's cure worked for the second time, and I fast-tracked the FDA testing.

Dr. Neville: You did what?

Hilary: Exciting, right? So, if we can all stop quibbling about who knew what, we can move forward.

Devon: We can't do that. I want to talk to you in the office right now.

Hilary: What? Why?

Dr. Neville: As much as I hate to admit that Hilary's correct about anything, she does have a point. We do have a lot to celebrate.

Abby: That's gonna have to wait. I need a word alone with my mother.

Sharon: Sage, um, I had no idea you would be here.

Sage: It's all right. Obviously you heard the news.

Sharon: I did, and I'm so sorry.

Chelsea: Yeah. Me, too. My heart is broken for you and Nick. I know how much you both wanted this baby.

Sage: Yeah. Even though I knew Shawn could change her mind, ultimately, um, it's hard. But... we're gonna be fine. Just got to focus on work right now.

Chelsea: Well, then we'll work.

Sharon: You know, I wasn't planning on bringing Sully here, but, um, he had a doctor's appointment -- teething. And then I would have left him with the sitter, but I just -- I wanted to keep him close because he's a little clingy when he isn't feeling well.

Chelsea: Connor's the same way. Um, you know what? Why don't you bring him home, and Sage and I can pull the looks for the photo shoot? It's totally fine.

Sharon: You know, that's probably a good idea.

Sage: Sharon, I-I want you to stay. I know you're both trying to be considerate. I appreciate that. But I'm fine. Actually, I'd like to be around Sully. I-I find it comforting.

Sharon: Okay. Great. Uh, we'll stay.

Dylan: I'm sorry it took me awhile to get back to you.

Nikki: How did your talk with Victor go?

Dylan: [Sighs] He gave me nothing. No information at all.

Nikki: Without that, we have no case to get him transferred.

Paul: Afraid not.

Nikki: I knew he was gonna react this way. I-I just was hoping that maybe --

Dylan: You know Victor doesn't like to ask for help from anybody.

Nikki: I know.

Paul: Did he sound like he was gonna try and deal with this all by himself?

Nikki: Oh, God, I hope not. If he starts a fight in there, they could all gang up on him and kill him.

Dylan: Yeah, well, I warned him not to go looking for payback.

Paul: And he didn't listen.

Dylan: And he said he's gonna handle things his way.

Nikki: [Sighs] He won't back down. I can tell you that right now. [Sighs] He's just gonna make this whole nightmare more difficult. I can't bear the thought of getting another phone call from that warden telling me that my husband has been hurt or... worse.

Adam: What is this? A game?

Victor: It's no game. While I stay in prison... one of two things will happen. Either they manage to kill me... or I kill the bastards who are after me. Either way... my life is over. Whether I'm six feet under or, you know, I'll be behind bars forever.

Adam: Okay, well, that's a pretty fatalistic view for a guy who threatened to come back and best us all.

Victor: It's not fatalistic. It's realistic, okay? If Ian ward manages to kill me, I want you to exact revenge.

Adam: Okay, why -- why me?

Victor: [Sighs] Maybe as penance for bringing that son of a bitch back into our lives through paragon.

Adam: [Sighs] Okay, well, that's fair enough. What do you want me to do?

Victor: Should I get killed, I want you to rid this world of Ian ward once and for all. I want you to kill him.

[Door opens]

Victor: You'll take care of that, won't you?

Nick: Thank God you're okay. When I heard... what's going on? What are you doing here? your radiologist.

Dr. Neville: I have no doubt that Ashley's latest MRI will confirm what we already know. However, I wouldn't mind stopping by at memorial myself and reviewing it for you.

Ashley: Okay, I'd appreciate that.

Stitch: And while we're there, I'd like you to walk me through your findings -- treatment, everything.

Dr. Neville: By all means, lead the way, Dr. Rayburn.

Stitch: Okay?

Abby: Yeah. See you later.

Stitch: Okay.

Ashley: I can't imagine what you're feeling, honey.

Abby: You could have died. And when I think about this whole year, it could have been the last year that we had together. And you were planning this dream wedding for me with all of these special touches, with -- with the handkerchief from grandpa john to remind me of my family, where I come from, the people who love me.

Ashley: I don't want you to get upset, okay?

Abby: And when you said that you were proud of me and that Ben was always gonna love me and support me no matter what, you were saying that because you thought it might be goodbye.

Ashley: Honey, we don't have to worry about that now.

Abby: I hate this day. Finding out that I could have lost you on the same day I could have lost my dad.

Ashley: What are you talking about? What happened to Victor?

Abby: He was stabbed.

Ashley: Oh, my God!

Abby: At prison. Yeah.

Ashley: Is he gonna be okay?

Abby: He's gonna be fine. But you know what?

I'm not okay. Everything keeps changing and shifting, with -- with work, with dad, with max, with -- with Ben, and -- and this new baby. And the whole time, you were going through this mega crisis, and I had no idea. And then I-I keep thinking...

Ashley: What? What are you thinking?

Abby: I hate what I'm thinking.

Ashley: Honey, maybe I'm gonna hate what you're thinking, too, but I -- tell me.

Abby: Is there another reason why you didn't tell me you were sick? Is there something else you were hiding?

Ashley: What are you talking about?

Abby: Did you stay away from Ben and encourage him to be with me because you thought you were dying? Look, I know that you said that -- that you didn't have feelings for him anymore. But maybe you did. Maybe you had feelings for him the whole time, and -- and if you were well, then you would have pursued it. Him. Maybe.

Devon: And then you used Ashley's illness to dethrone her?

Hilary: Well, it's a good thing that I did.

Devon: And why would you say that?

Hilary: She wasn't up to the job, Devon. I found her passed out at her desk.

Devon: And you thought that was just the perfect opportunity to advance your career.

Hilary: It was in Ashley's best interest to step back.

Devon: It sounds like a convenient excuse, Hilary.

Hilary: That woman was dying, Devon, and I'm the one that got the FDA to fast-track our work. Me! This company needs a leader who can fully devote themselves to the cause. Why can't you see that?

Devon: 'Cause what I see is that you did what was best for you, and that's it. And that's kind of what you always do.

Hilary: Well, maybe that's because I have to. [Scoffs] It's not like I can count on my husband to have my back, not after you sabotaged me with Neil.

Devon: Oh, boy. Are we back to that?

Hilary: What you did to me was no different than what you claim I did to Ashley. No, actually, it was worse. You sabotaged your own wife, so you can get down off your high horse, because you are no better than me!

Nikki: Yes, Victor did a terrible thing. But does he have to pay for it with his life? There's got to be something else we can do.

Paul: Well, uh, I know a few guards at the prison. They're good men. I'll ask them to keep an eye on Victor.

Nikki: Okay, good. Thank you.

Paul: I can't guarantee they're gonna keep him safe, but it's the...the best I can do right now.

Nikki: Well, it's something. And thank you for talking to Victor. I know he's not one of your favorite people. But I love him, and the rest of the family still loves him. We'll do anything to help him, whether he believes that or not.

Adam: Well, Nick, I didn't expect you to pop by, either. I guess dad being ambushed brings out the best in all of us, huh? Or at least our need to see it firsthand.

Nick: What's going on?

Victor: Son, what are you doing here? You're a dead man to me, okay?

Nick: Dad, come on.

Victor: You all are dead to me. All of you testified against me. What do you mean, you're concerned about me now? You kidding?

Nick: Of course we're concerned. You almost died. Mom's worried sick.

Victor: I don't give a damn.

Nick: You should not push mom away. She's only trying to help.

Victor: She's trying to help? Are you serious? Her testimony helped put me behind bars, okay? So don't you worry about a thing. I've got the situation handled.

Nikki: I appreciate everything you can do to help.

Dylan: You'll be okay getting home?

Nikki: I'm fine.

Dylan: Okay.

Nikki: Thanks again.

Dylan: Okay.

Paul: Bye, Nik. Take care.

Nikki: Thank you, Paul. Thank you.

Paul: All right.

Dylan: [Sighs] Man, I wish I could find a way to fix this.

Paul: All right, well, that's one thing I learned the hard way. You can't do everything for everybody.

Dylan: That sounds like you're saying you don't want me to do more.

Paul: That's exactly what I'm saying.

Dylan: Well, you just saw how this is affecting Nikki. You expect me just to stand by and do --

Paul: I want you to do everything you possibly can for your mother. What I don't want is you getting involved in another Newman mess like all the other Newman children.

Dylan: Well, how's that gonna happen? Victor's not my father. You are.

Paul: Right. That's why you should listen to me, because I have your best interests at heart. You need to look at what you've got going on right now. A lot of great things.

Dylan: I know that. I do. But I just --

Paul: Okay. So take a step back and realize that there's not much we can do right now.

Stitch: Now, I'm looking over your research. This -- this seems solid.

Dr. Neville: I think so.

Stitch: For Ashley to have been that sick for that long...

Dr. Neville: Made the treatment that much more difficult, yes.

Stitch: Oh, my God. So when we were trapped in the Newman fire, she knew she might be dying. If I'd only known that --

Dr. Neville: What? If you had only known, what?

Stitch: I would have moved mountains to save her, stood by her side, whatever she needed.

Dr. Neville: And you would have lost your wife.

Ashley: I promise you, regardless of my health, nothing was going to happen between Ben and me.

Abby: You say that now.

Ashley: He loves you, and you love him, and I knew then just like I know now that the two of you are meant to be together.

Abby: You really had moved on?

Ashley: Absolutely. You know how happy I am that you've moved on, that you got married, you're starting your own family? And I get to be there. I get to meet my first grandchild. I get to be in your lives, and that's what kept me going. It kept me fighting.

Abby: Mom, I have to ask. There's -- there's nothing else that you're hiding from me, right?

Ashley: Nothing, honey. No more secrets.

Abby: I love you, mom.

Ashley: I love you, baby.

Devon: Your actions and my actions are not comparable at all because you did what you did to elevate yourself.

Hilary: I did this for you, for the company.

Devon: And you thought to hell with everybody else?

Hilary: No, no, that is not true!

Devon: It's very true, okay? You knew that Ashley was sick and that Neville was treating her and that his results were uncertain at best.

Hilary: He saved me!

Devon: I understand that, but there's no guarantee with any of it. None! And you kept pushing to try and release Neville's cure just to capitalize on the buzz.

Hilary: You agreed.

Devon: Yeah, I agreed, 'cause I was trying to do right by my wife! This is why I went to Neil and asked him to keep you off the board, because I'm trying to bring you back down to earth.

Hilary: What is so damn great about being down on the ground with everyone else? I like reaching for the stars, Devon.

Devon: At what cost, though, honey?

Hilary: I could have done incredible things for that foundation, just like I'm doing incredible things here. Thank God I am the one running this project!

Devon: Well, you can say that after --

Hilary: Oh, who better? You? Ashley? That nitwit Abby? [Scoffs] Neville? If it was up to one of you, we would still be inching towards the starting line instead of celebrating this tremendous breakthrough! God, if you do not get that, then you just need to get out of the game.

Devon: You think you can push me out of here?

Hilary: Devon, I-I didn't --

Devon: You didn't what?

Hilary: [Sighs]

Devon: 'Cause I know I don't have to remind you how all this is up and running. Without my funding, there would be no Neville, there'd be no lab, no research, no cure. And if Ashley would have died, this company would be decimated. It'd be gone.

Hilary: I refuse to believe that.

Devon: That's -- that's not really a surprise to me. For the record, I'm not gonna let you push me out, and I'm not gonna go anywhere.

Hilary: Well, if you're so mad at me, then why not?

Devon: Because I love you too much to do something like that. And I'm gonna do everything I can to save you from yourself.

Stitch: Abby would have been right there by my side working to save Ashley's life. My marriage would be just as strong as it is today.

Dr. Neville: And why is it I can't help wondering about your feelings for Ashley, past and present?

Stitch: How is that any of your business?

Dr. Neville: Ben, if you still have feelings for Abby's mother, you need to tell me. That needs to be on the table.

Stitch: And why is this your concern?

Dr. Neville: Because nothing is going to interfere with my treatment. I've got good news, and it's hard won. You've seen the data. Surely you realize that this is a delicate process.

Stitch: [Sighs] You know, I don't have feelings for Ashley. But you do. My God. Admit it. Ashley's more than a patient to you. You're falling in love with her.

Ashley: Do you forgive me? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. The very last thing I wanted to do was cause you pain.

Abby: Of course I forgive you. I'm not happy about the way you handled this, but I know you were just trying to protect me.

Ashley: Right. And, actually, that's what a mom does, and you're gonna be experiencing that soon.

Abby: Only thing I'm experiencing right now is morning sickness and moodiness.

Ashley: What about max? I mean, you're his mom now.

Abby: Not according to him.

Ashley: He's gonna come around. And then just you wait. When you have this baby, your maternal instincts are gonna kick in like you won't believe, and you will do everything you can to protect your child.

Sharon: Would you like to hold Sully?

Sage: Really? You wouldn't mind?

Sharon: Oh, my goodness. Of course not. Sully loves you. Aunt Sage wants to say hi to you.

Sage: Hi. Oh, you're so perfect. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Nick: So you got it handled? You have any idea what he means by that?

Adam: Me? No. Hell no. I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out what goes on in his head, you know?

Nick: Well, whatever is going on, clearly you don't want to talk about it with me.

Victor: You can show yourselves out now, please.

Nick: All right, dad, just stop. Tell me if you're okay.

Victor: I told you I'm handling this. I'm okay.

Adam: He's okay, so, you know, uh, gee, speedy recovery?

Victor: Just get out.

Nick: Dad.

Victor: Son, please get out now. [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply]

Nick: We need to talk about this.

Adam: No. Nope. I'm gonna get home to my wife.

Nick: I know you didn't just happen to stop by to check on dad.

Adam: What are you presuming, Nick?

Nick: You keep saying you're done with dad and Newman, yet here you are. What's going on?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: This is the last thing that I need.

Nick: At least you won't be doing it alone. I'm here to offer you my help.

Chelsea: What did Victor say? What did he promise you? Or worse, what did you agree to?

Adam: Can we talk about this later?

Chelsea: No. I want to talk about it now.

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