Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/5/16
Episode # 10893 ~ Billy seeks forgiveness from Victoria, Sage makes a painful decision, & Nikki leans on Jack.
Provided By Suzanne
Nikki: Victor. Oh, Victor. You're all right. You're all right. You're in the hospital. Somebody attacked you in your cell last night. But now you're safe, thank God.Victor: How --
Nikki: Do-don't try to talk.
Victor: How did I get here?
Nikki: A guard found you unconscious. Somebody had stabbed you. So, they called an ambulance. You are so lucky to believe, Victor. The doctor said that if the blade had stuck just a few inches closer to your heart...
Victor: Please get...
Nikki: What? What do you need? Victor, whatever you need, we will get it. What do you -- what do you want?
Victor: I want you to get out of here now.
Nikki: What?
Victor: I want you to leave now. [Groans]
Phyllis: Wow. These reviews are unbelievable, Jack. Less than 24 hours after the launch, pass key is taking the industry by storm. I should shut up so I don't jinx it, but I don't want to 'cause it's too good. I mean, sales are through the roof. Did you know the website nearly crashed because of all the traffic? Hey. You okay?
Jack: Yeah. I'm great. I'M...relieved that the headlines are about our sales figures and not about that ugly scene between Victoria and Billy.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, that's typical, though, isn't it? We finally all get on the same page about this project, and in swoops Victoria, trying to kill it before it even has a chance to take off.
Victoria: "Pass key may be the key to the next internet fortune." "Jabot has itself a winner." "The Abbotts are back, big time." Not for long, if I have anything to say about it.
Delivery for ms. Victoria Newman.
Victoria: [Sighs] Is this some idea of a sick joke? Flowers for Newman's funeral? Could you please get them out of here?
Billy: Not until you hear me out. I'm sorry, okay? I come in peace.
Nick: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Sage: You know what? Today's a new day. And I have this overwhelming sense that after a night of thinking about it, Shawn's gonna stick with our offer. Because it's the best solution for everyone -- an open adoption. Especially little David. You think I'm deluding myself, don't you?
Sharon: My baby... he's hungry. He's hungry.
Nurse Stephens: Time for his bottle.
Sharon: No. Let me.
Nurse Stephens: You heard what Dr. Anderson said. With the combination of meds you're on, she doesn't recommend breast feeding. Now, give me the baby.
Sharon: No! No, don't take him! Don't take him! No! [Gasps]
Dylan: It's okay. It's okay. It was just a dream.
Sharon: No. This seemed real -- too real.
Nikki: I'm not gonna let you push me away, and I'm getting a nurse.
Victor: No.
Nikki: Victor, you're in pain.
Victor: Just get out. Just get out.
Nikki: I know that you're angry, okay? Not just at me but the whole situation. Being helpless is your worst nightmare. I understand. So you're lashing out instead of facing it. Victor, you have to tell me this. Who did this to you?
Victor: It's none of your business.
Nikki: Well, actually, yes, it is. Because you're my husband, and I love you.
Victor: [Groans] Please don't say that. You...testified against me.
Nikki: I did. But I was trying to save you from yourself. I don't know why you can't see that.
Victor: You betrayed me.
Nikki: But I'm not the enemy, Victor. Just the opposite.
Victor: Just get out.
Nikki: So, I'm being dismissed?
Victor: [Breathing heavily]
[Door opens]
Victoria: Oh, well, they're beautiful.
Billy: I'm glad you like them.
Victoria: Yeah. I'll be donating them to the hospital. It would be a shame for them to go to waste.
Billy: As much as I love the idea of brightening the day of some patient, the point was to brighten your day.
Victoria: I don't look bright to you?
Billy: I was wrong, Vick. What I did last night, the way I acted was...
Victoria: Reprehensible.
Billy: Yes. I was out of line, okay? I'm not even gonna try and blame the booze. I-I misread the situation, and I'm embarrassed.
Victoria: You're embarrassed?
Billy: I was wrong, okay?
Victoria: Very. And let me tell you, these flowers here -- they totally make up for it. And since obviously we won't be having a compromise, I intend to sue you for every penny that would be rightfully mine, because of my breakthrough --
Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. "Rightfully?" Okay, um... okay. Once again, I-I-I-I didn't steal anything. Your father stole from me. Pass key was mine in the beginning.
Victoria: Okay. So, prove it in court. And if you can't, then you should be prepared to face the consequences. Because a lawsuit will involve a lot of people that you and Phyllis care about, including summer.
Billy: Do you really want to take it this far? Do -- do you know what that says to me?
Victoria: It says that you're an ass for not accepting this deal when you had a chance.
Billy: No, it means whoever's giving you legal advice should be disbarred.
Michael: You rang?
Phyllis: I'm not gonna let anything spoil this moment. It's not about profits. It's not about vindication. We have made it through to the other side. And after everything that has tried to tear us apart here, we are reaping the rewards together.
Jack: And I am very grateful for that, but there is no denying those rewards came at the expense of Newman and Victoria.
Phyllis: So, that gives her a right to hissy-fit her way through the conference?
Jack: Whoa, whoa. Wait a second. She was defending her company's interests. If you were in her shoes, wouldn't you do the same thing? I just wish Victoria was still talking about cooperation and peace and...ending this bloody feud once and for all.
Phyllis: Well, if that is realistically going to happen, she's going to have to meet us half way. And given the freak out that she had yesterday --
Jack: Well, we can't judge what's gonna happen next on that press conference. She was highly emotional.
Phyllis: You think?
Jack: Hey. Not only is she trying to fill her father's shoes, but she's still in love with my brother. Maybe the best way to calm the waters is to help them find some way to get back together.
Phyllis: That's a terrible idea.
Stitch: Ah. Six ounces of formula and all is right in his world.
Sharon: [Sighs] You know, he was crying in my dream. Sully was hungry, and they wouldn't let me feed him.
Dylan: Makes sense. You heard him over the monitor, and it bled into your dreams.
Sharon: Yeah, but this was different, Dylan. I'm telling you. This was more like a memory of being at Fairview and wanting to breastfeed my baby, but Dr. Anderson said no. And then that nurse -- nurse Stephens? She was trying to take Sully away from me. It -- it was awful. She was awful.
Stitch: I'm sorry. You know, nurse Stephen's explanation for being at Fairview the night Sully was born -- it kind of makes sense.
Sharon: She was called in to assist Dr. Anderson and make sure the baby was healthy.
Dylan: Yeah. Right now, there's really no reason to doubt that.
Sharon: But why does that night keep recurring in my dreams? It's as if I'm trying to remember something. But what?
Nick: You know, I'm just so proud of you for going ahead with this open adoption.
Sage: Yeah?
Nick: Yeah. It took guts. You just have a huge, huge heart, Sage.
Sage: I just want what's best for David, you know? If Shawn's a part of our lives because of that, then...
Nick: He's so lucky to have you as a mom.
Sage: Thank you. Thank you for everything you do for me, for us. Want to go check on them?
Nick: Let's go see them.
Sage: Yeah?
Nick: Yeah.
Sage: You think, uh, David's put on any weight since last night?
Nick: That champ? A couple ounces minimum.
Sage: A couple ounces, huh?
Nick: Mom? Mom, are you okay?
Nikki: Okay, Nicholas. You got my message.
Nick: Mom, what's wrong?
Nikki: You don't know. Somebody tried to kill your father.
Billy: What are you doing here?
Victoria: I offered him a chance at redemption. Michael's invaluable legal skills will be put to good and ethical use here.
Billy: Not to be insensitive --
Victoria: Why? Isn't that your strong suit, anyway?
Billy: Are you even allowed to do this? I mean, word on the street is you're about to be disbarred.
Victoria: Thanks to Phyllis.
Michael: I've come aboard in an advisory capacity.
Victoria: The company can still use Michael's knowledge. For example, how to best handle the theft of intellectual property.
Billy: So, in other words, you're back to being consigliere.
Michael: Se la scarpa si adatta.
Victoria: Yes. What he said. "If the shoe fits." So, if I were you, I would hire the very best lawyer that money can buy, but this time, I would leave Phyllis out of it.
Billy: Well, Phyllis won last time, so I would say her instincts are pretty on point.
Victoria: Oh, of course you would say that.
Billy: Vicki, you're being ridiculous.
Victoria: I'm being ridiculous?!
Billy: Yeah, you're kind of being ridiculous.
Michael: All right, if I could interrupt, please.
Billy: What?
Victoria: What?
Michael: You two do not need to get a lawyer.
Billy: Maybe a referee?
Victoria: Oh, how about a restraining order?
Michael: No.
Billy: That's a good idea.
Victoria: It'd be nice.
Michael: No. You need to get a room.
Phyllis: I am all for Billy and Victoria reconciling. But I just don't see it happening.
Jack: They are still in lo-- you saw the sparks flying at that press conference.
Phyllis: What I saw was a couple who have a lot of issues that may be past healing. You know, sometimes love isn't enough.
Jack: That is a crock.
Phyllis: And you are saying that 'cause you are focused on the foundation, fostering healing wherever you can. Which I think is wonderful. It's why I admire you and I adore you. But in my opinion, I think Billy and Victoria should contain their sparks to negotiating a settlement for pass key.
Jack: Maybe you're right. I just want my brother to be as happy as I am. Is that a crime?
Phyllis: Well, if so, you can lock me up.
Jack: Don't tempt me.
Nick: Thank God dad's okay.
Nikki: When I went in his hospital room and saw him lying in that bed, he just looked so small and...weak and... I can't believe that we did that to him.
Sage: Nikki, no.
Nick: Did we help put him in prison? Yes. Do I have regrets? Absolutely. But we had no way of knowing that that was going to happen. And how did it happen? Where the hell was security in that place?
Nikki: I don't know. I don't know.
Nick: Well, I'm gonna get some answers. We have to do everything we can to keep him safe.
Nikki: Well, that's the thing. He doesn't want our help, or at least my help.
Nick: Look, that's just the anger talking.
Sage: And his pride.
Nick: He loves you, mom. He's just too stubborn to admit it.
Nikki: Threw me out of his room.
Sage: And yet you're still here.
Nick: Sounds like somebody else is stubborn.
Nikki: Well, wait a minute. If you didn't get my message, what are you even doing here in the hospital?
Sage: I'll let you fill your mom in. [Smooches] It was nice to see you, Nikki.
Nikki: Oh. You, too.
Nick: Uh, Shawn had her baby last night. A boy. His name's David. He's, uh --
Nikki: Oh.
Nick: He's doing pretty well.
Nikki: That's wonderful, honey.
Nick: Yeah. It looks like the, uh -- the adoption may be up in the air.
Nikki: Why? Is the mother changing her mind?
Nick: [Sighs] I don't know. I can't think about anything but dad right now. I mean, I need to do something, but I don't know what to do.
Nikki: He's got to go back to a different prison so this doesn't happen again. What if the same guy who did this decides to finish the job?
Nick: I don't have any control over that. But I know somebody who might.
Dylan: You know, this is my fault.
Sharon: What are you talking about?
Dylan: Well, I'm just -- you know, I'm the one who couldn't let it go. I had to look into the connection between Dr. Anderson and nurse Stephens.
Sharon: Well, you were suspicious. So was I.
Dylan: I-I know, but it's obviously upsetting you, and it's affecting your dreams. I guess I'm just, uh -- I'm used to everything crumbling around me. You know, first finding out my parents weren't my parents.
Sharon: And that Connor wasn't your son.
Dylan: Yeah. First sign of trouble with this Dr. Anderson mess, I just go to my default that something's got to be wrong.
Sharon: It wasn't the first sign by any means. This whole thing has been crazy.
Dylan: But look at the result. [Chuckles] Got a happy, healthy, amazing little boy. That's all that matters.
[Cell phone rings]
Dylan: Hey, Nick. What's up?
Nick: Did you hear what happened at the prison last night?
Dylan: No.
Nick: My dad was attacked.
Dylan: What?!
Nick: Yeah, in his cell. He was stabbed. My mom is freaking out. We want him transferred someplace safe.
Dylan: Are you there now?
Nick: Yeah, we both are.
Dylan: Uh, tell Nikki to hang tight. I'm on my way. [Sighs]
Sharon: What's up?
Dylan: Victor's in the hospital. He was attacked.
Sharon: [Gasps] What?!
Dylan: Yeah.
Sharon: Oh, my God.
Dylan: So, I-I got to get there as soon as I can.
Sharon: Yes, please. Go.
Dylan: Got to go, buddy. Bye. All right? Does he feel warm to you?
Sharon: Um, you can thank those little teeth coming in. Unfortunately, teething and low-grade fevers -- they go hand in hand.
Dylan: I guess I still have a lot to learn, huh?
Sharon: Well, stick with me, kid. I'll show you the ropes.
Dylan: I'm counting on it. [Smooches] Okay. [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Sage: I mean, just think of how great it's gonna be for David with all of us raising him. He's gonna get to know his birth mother while being provided and protected. It's the best of both worlds. A young woman just had a baby, and you let her walk out of here?
Nick: Sage...
Sage: You know who we are, right? The baby was supposed to be ours.
I understand, but Shawn and the baby were both cleared for discharge. Well, she left this for you.
Sage: What's that?!
I'll give you some time... to yourselves.
Sage: Don't read it.
Nick: We have to.
Sage: I don't want you to. 'Cause then, if you read it, then it means it's happening, and somehow, I don't -- I don't want to think that it's happening.
Nick: "Dear Sage and Nick, please don't be angry. I couldn't deal with facing you, knowing I was about to hurt you like this."
Sage: [Sighs] God.
Nick: "You probably think I'm ungrateful, but the truth is I've never been more grateful to anyone in my life. Out of all the stuff you've done for me and David, the thing that meant the most was when Nick asked me [Voice breaking] Last night what I wanted. I wasn't sure then, but I'm sure now. I love my baby, and I want to be his mom. His only mom. I swear I didn't realize this until I had him in my arms and I looked into his eyes. And right then, everything changed. I wasn't scared anymore. Because of my son, I found strength in me I didn't know I had. And because of you, I've seen what it means to be a real family. I promise I'll find a way to give that to my little boy. Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry. I only hope one day you'll understand. Love, Shawn."
Sage: He's gone. Our baby's gone.
Sharon: There. You ready to go, big guy? What's the matter? What? Is your hat too tight? Oh, sweetheart. You're burning up. I don't like this. We're gonna take you in.
Dylan: Hey.
Nikki: Oh.
Dylan: Hi.
Nikki: Thank you so much for coming, honey.
Dylan: Of course. How's Victor?
Nikki: Well, he's alive, but I don't know for how much longer if he goes back to that same place. You've got to do something.
Dylan: Yeah, well, I called the prison on my way over, and they don't know who's responsible. Did Victor say anything?
Nikki: Just that he wants nothing to do with me. He doesn't trust me anymore. But you might be a different story. Your last name isn't Newman.
Dylan: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Victor: Who let you in here?
Dylan: It's good to see you, too, Victor.
Victor: Did your mother send you here or what?
Dylan: She loves you. She wants you someplace safe, and I'd like to help you with that, but I can't just snap my fingers and get you transferred. So, I mean, you need to give me something to go on.
Victor: I don't need any help, okay?
Dylan: You know, I learned something from the warden. Something interesting. I didn't even tell Nikki. Surveillance camera outside your cell was turned off right before you were stabbed. So, somebody went to a lot of trouble to try and kill you, Victor. Who was it?
Victor: I was asleep when it happened, okay?
Dylan: But certainly a knife to your ribs woke you up. I mean, did you see anything? You see a face, a tattoo, anything that could help us identify the guy who stabbed you?
Victor: I just woke up in this excruciating pain. Next thing I knew, I was in the hospital.
Dylan: [Sighs] Victor, I-I'm trying to help you. My mother's out there. She's frantic to keep you alive.
Victor: You give your mother a message. She...and the others testified against me. I'll never forget that. Now they're on their own. So am I. The only difference is... I can take care of myself.
Dylan: You want to go back so you can repay whoever did this to you.
Phyllis: Have I told you how proud you make me?
Jack: Not since last night. But I could bear to hear it again.
Phyllis: Because of you, I am determined to get the dark, vengeful thoughts out of my mind. I want to be better, Jack. I will be better.
Jack: No. The goal is not to improve you. The goal is to love you. And vice versa.
Phyllis: Well, can I tell you something? You're reaching your goal.
Jack: Yeah?
Billy: Well, I tried. I tried -- I tried to reason with her. I even brought her flowers. But instead, she just said that she was going to sue, again. And you ready for this one?
Jack: I don't know. Are we?
Billy: She's got Michael on retainer, feeding her advice from behind the scenes.
Phyllis: Michael Baldwin? Do you think this is payback for Victor's trial?
Jack: I think this is payback for every crooked thing that we did, starting with your decision to swipe the company out from under Victor in the first place.
Billy: Well, Jack, congratulations. That didn't take very long, did it? You know, you -- you can't go one day without pointing out my screw-ups, right? Well, guess what, Jack. This -- this was not a screw-up. Pass key was mine from the beginning, and you know what else? Forget it. This is my fault. I shouldn't have come to you in the first place. Don't worry about it, okay? I'll handle this.
Jack: [Sighs] You're usually the first to defend him. You want to follow him now?
Phyllis: Hell, no.
Michael: What good is being your advisor if you won't take my advice?
Victoria: I tried --
Michael: You and Billy should settle out of court.
Victoria: Okay, listen to me. I tried that. I made him an offer that was completely fair. And his response was...
Michael: What?
Victoria: Inappropriate. I mean, do you -- do you not see how arrogant he is? He's absolutely certain that he's right.
Michael: And you're not.
Victoria: [Sighs] Are on my side or not?
Michael: On.
Victoria: Okay. So then tell me how I can sue Jabot and win.
Sharon: I hope you don't think that I'm over-reacting by bringing him in.
Oh, Sullivan's fever was higher than those usually associated with teething, but I still think his new teeth are the cause.
[Sullivan fusses]
Sharon: Well, you know, this is the fifth fever he's had since he was born, and it worries me. Do you think that maybe the meds that I was taking while I was pregnant had something to do with this?
I highly doubt it. Tell your mom not to worry so much. Mm-hmm? No. I'll give you a call later to check in, okay?
Sharon: Thank you so much, Doctor.
[Sullivan fusses]
Sharon: Oh, honey. Oh. I know. I know.
Nurse Stephens: Sharon? I thought that was you.
Sharon: Nurse Stephens.
Nurse Stephens: Oh, and this must be your beautiful baby boy! Hi! [Chuckles]
Phyllis: Billy needs to put on his big-boy pants and not self-destruct every time Victoria gets under his skin, especially if we're gonna avoid a lawsuit.
Jack: I wish you would tell him that. He's certainly not going to listen to it hearing it from me. Um... would you excuse me for a minute?
Phyllis: Yeah. Do what you have to do. I'll catch up with you later.
Jack: Sounds like a plan. [Smooches] You look like you could use a --
Nikki: A drink?
Jack: I was gonna say "a friend." And I just happen to be available.
Nikki: Oh, Jack.
Jack: What is it? What's bothering you? Is it Victor?
Nikki: [Sighs] I really thought making him own up to his mistakes would be his salvation. And instead, it -- it just might cost him his life. And it's my fault.
Nurse Stephens: I can't believe how much he's grown. Already teething. Last time I saw this guy, he was so --
Sharon: At Fairview. It was right after Sully was born.
Nurse Stephens: When you were still a patient of Dr. Anderson's. Such a tragic loss.
Sharon: Yes.
Nurse Stephens: Your husband was just asking me about her yesterday. Odd the police are still investigating.
Sharon: I guess they still have unanswered questions. I know I do.
Nurse Stephens: About...?
Sharon: When I was under Dr. Anderson's care. Maybe you can help me, actually. Do you know what medications she was prescribing me when she was treating me and I was pregnant?
Nurse Stephens: Oh, I wasn't on Fairview staff, remember? Just consulting.
Sharon: No, I know, but maybe you --
Nurse Stephens: I wouldn't have been privy to that information. I'm so glad I ran into you, Sully. He's so handsome.
Sharon: Yes, well, we should be getting home.
Nurse Stephens: Oh, before you do, can I hold him? For old time's sake? People say I have a way with babies.
Nick: You do blame me?
Sage: Why?
Nick: I don't know. Maybe I, uh...shouldn't have been so honest with Shawn or asked her what she wanted.
Sage: No, I-I think that would have just prolonged the inevitable. I'm just glad it happened now than after we took him home.
Nick: You don't have to try and put a positive spin on it.
Sage: I know. Can I ask you a question?
Nick: Yeah.
Sage: Are you relieved?
Nick: [Chuckles] I think I am, a little. But not because we didn't get the baby. I wanted him, too, Sage.
Sage: I know.
Nick: I guess knowing it's over, you know, there's no more waiting around, hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
Sage: I just... [Sighs] Why did it have to happen, you know? I mean, why does it always have to be so hard for us?
Nick: [Sighs] It was hard for Shawn, too.
Sage: Yeah.
Nick: You know, but she -- she stepped up. She took responsibility. And I know she learned that from you.
Sage: [Sighs]
Nick: She learned what it meant to love something and to also be loved.
Sage: Yeah. Shawn gets a life lesson and a child to raise. And what do we get? [Sighs]
Billy: If my brother sent you here to ground me, you can tell him I got a message of my own, and it doesn't involve "I'm sorry." Look, the whole point of pass key was to prove to myself that I am worthy of the Abbott name and to do right by Jabot. I did that.
Phyllis: Jack knows that.
Billy: Yeah? Then why can't he be happy? Why can't he say, "good job, little brother," instead of constantly scolding me?
Phyllis: That's not fair, Billy. Jack cares about you. He is proud of you. But he also sees this Newman lawsuit as a legitimate threat, which it is. Please make things right with Victoria. Personally and professionally, it is gonna be good for everyone.
Billy: Well, that's just like Jack -- always thinking he knows what's best, right?
Phyllis: This is me talking, not Jack.
Billy: Why are we trying to please other people? We should be gearing up for the fight. Right? I mean, that's what we do. That's what we do when we are at our best.
Phyllis: No, thank you.
Billy: Come on.
Phyllis: Obviously you didn't learn anything from yesterday.
Billy: Hey, hey, hey. No, no, hey. Stop. Look, please. I'm not -- I'm not trying to tie one on or anything. I just -- I just want to celebrate our success. We did it. That deserves a toast. That's it.
Phyllis: One drink.
Billy: Okay. One drink. So, here we go. To pass key and the ones who made it happen. To us.
Phyllis: To us.
Victor: I'd like to be left alone now.
Dylan: Victor, whatever you're planning, it's a bad idea. Let us help you. Let -- let the law protect you.
Victor: Like it protected me in court while my own lawyer sabotaged my case? Or like it protected me last night in the prison cell when some son of a bitch stabbed me? I take care of myself. I take care of things in my own time.
Dylan: Stay safe. Nikki's worried about you.
Victor: Who the hell is Nikki?
Nikki: Thank you for listening.
Jack: Anytime.
Nikki: No, really. I mean it. I mean that. After everything that Victor did to you and Phyllis --
Jack: It does not change the fact that you are still in love with that man. It does not change the fact that you feel powerless in trying to help him. And it does not change the fact that I'm a friend of yours.
Nikki: I already feel better having talked to you. Too bad you're not my sponsor, huh?
Jack: [Chuckles]
Nikki: All right. I've got to get back to the hospital. Hopefully Dylan was able to get through to him.
Jack: Hey, you know what? Why not?
Nikki: Why not what?
Jack: Why can't I be your sponsor? Okay, if that's too official, why can't I be that guy that you call whenever you feel like you want to drink?
Nikki: Really? Even at 3:00 in the morning?
Jack: Yeah, even then. Look, I am committed -- and Neil is committed -- to sharing this was as many people as possible. One soul at a time.
Nikki: Hmm. You make it sound like a calling.
Jack: I don't know. Maybe it is.
Phyllis: I should go.
Billy: Whoa. Hold on a second. You -- you can't leave a toast untoasted. That's like begging the universe for bad karma.
Phyllis: I think we might already have that.
Billy: Where are you going?
Phyllis: Home. To Jack. You can't keep being a shoulder I lean on. And I can't keep leaning on it.
Billy: What's wrong with having friends?
Phyllis: I don't need a friend. I have a supportive, loving husband who I can count on, who can count on me back. So I have to go now.
Michael: Here are a few things to consider before moving forward with your lawsuit.
Victoria: Ugh.
Michael: Do not take them lightly.
Victoria: Yeah, I won't. So, is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
Michael: [Chuckles] I'm game if you are.
Victoria: We should drink on it. Dad always had a point of sealing the deal with tequila.
Michael: [Sighs] I'll pass for now.
Victoria: Oh.
Michael: We'll talk soon?
Victoria: Yes, we will. [Sighs] I will get our rightful share, whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.
Nick: It doesn't have to be the end of it. We can always find another birth mother. Maybe one a little older this time, someone who knows what she wants.
Sage: Yeah. Maybe we'll revisit that in a couple months. But for now, I just kind of want to sit with it.
Nick: Yeah. We'll sit together. We have so much to be grateful for, Sage. I mean, we have a love that has survived the worst.
Sage: [Chuckles]
Nick: We're gonna get through this, too. We have amazing family and friends. We're very, very lucky.
Sage: Yeah, we are. We have so much to be grateful for.
Nick: I love you.
Sage: I love you, too.
Nurse Stephens: Hush, little baby, don't you cry I'm gonna sing you a lullaby
Nurse Stephens: He's crying for his mother...his mother... his mother...
Nurse Stephens: Thank you for indulging me. He's so darling. Oh.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nurse Stephens: I hope to see the both of you again very soon. Feel better, Sully.
Dylan: Sharon.
Sharon: Oh, hi.
Dylan: Hey.
Sharon: Your daddy's here. Daddy.
Dylan: What were you doing talking to Nurse Stephens?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Hilary: You sabotaged your own wife, so you can get down off your high horse, because you are no better than me.
Ashley: I'm recovering.
Abby: You should have told me that you were sick.
Adam: Well, then why am I here?
Victor: I want you to avenge me.
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