Y&R Transcript Monday 4/4/16


Episode # 10892 ~ Victor takes on a new opponent, Dylan chases a lead on Dr. Anderson, & Phyllis struggles to keep the peace between Jack & Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: I don't remember Dr. Anderson mentioning a nurse being there for Sully's delivery.

Dylan: Makes sense that she would have some kind of help.

Sharon: But that's just it. I don't think she worked at Fairview. Her scrubs were a different color, and she wore this badge.

Dylan: Do you remember anything else?

Sharon: It may have had a GC memorial logo on it. [Gasps]

Dylan: What? What is it?

Sharon: This might sound weird, but I've got the feeling that they had some sort of connection.

Dylan: This nurse could be the one person who can tell us what was going on in Dr. Anderson's head.

Shawn: I don't want him to go. Please.

Nick: David just needs to go for tests. They're gonna make sure he's okay.

Sage: It's a standard procedure, Shawn. It's gonna be all right.

Shawn: Don't take him, please.

Nurse Stephens: Babies born early could have minor complications. We just want to make sure he's healthy.

Nurse Stephens: There were... complications.

Sage: What do you mean, complications? What do you mean, complications? No.

Sage: [Gasps]

Nick: Hey, you okay?

Nurse Stephens: As soon as the blood tests are done, you can see your son.

Shawn: No. I won't. Once I sign the adoption papers, I'll never see him again.

So sorry I was late, but I have some follow-up questions.

Jack: And we'd love to answer them. We'll be right with you, okay? Excuse us. Okay, we are pulling the plug. This pass key launch is ended.

Phyllis: We can't. The site is live.

Jack: We are in damage control right now. We are not moving forward until you straighten things out with Victoria.

Billy: Jack, does it look like she's open to working things out with me right now?

Jack: She just told the world Jabot is guilty of the worst kind of theft.

Phyllis: No, you know what the worst kind of theft is? When someone steals your husband and puts a psycho drug dealer in his place.

Jack: You're not helping.

Phyllis: Pass key is ours, and we are not gonna let Victoria's tantrum stop us.

Billy: I agree. Best case -- it adds to the buzz.

Jack: So that's the kind of publicity Jabot can look forward to? Tabloid sensationalism?

Billy: Whatever sells the product, Jack.

Jack: You better start taking this seriously. Find Victoria. Apologize. And if you love her, as I believe you do, work it out! Not just for the company -- for yourself, for your future, for your family.

Victoria: Oh. Good. You're here.

Michael: All right, stop right there. If you plan on lecturing me about betraying your father's trust, I want you to know that at this very moment, the bar association is getting me disbarred, so if you'd like to lay anything on top of that -- insults, comments about my character or the lack thereof -- you lay it on me now!

Victoria: Michael! What if I offered you a half a million dollars to come back to Newman?

Victor: I wondered how long it would take you to show your face.

Ian: [Chuckles] I bet you wish you'd killed me when you had the chance.

Nick: Look, they just have to give David some tests to make sure he's healthy. That's what we want, right? It's what we all want.

Shawn: Yeah.

Nick: Attagirl.

Shawn: Wait. I love you, David. [Sobs]

Nick: Hey, hey, hey. He's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay.

Shawn: You're his family now. I'll be nothing to him. Nobody.

Sage: Shawn.

Shawn: [Sniffles]

Sage: Shawn. Look at me. You know what? This doesn't have to be goodbye.

Shawn: You'll send pictures? Let me friend him online? It'll just be harder. [Sobs]

Sage: How about a new agreement? You can be a part of David's life. He'll always know that you brought him into the world. How about an open adoption? What do you say?

Sharon: I always assumed that Dr. Anderson was using me, treating me to play out her obsession with Nick, but what if I was a target, too?

Dylan: Okay, let's not go there yet, okay? The nurse is a great step. Let's just take it one step at a time.

Sharon: [Sighs] I-I trusted her with everything. If this was some crazy revenge scheme --

Dylan: Hold on, hold on. Let's not get worked up.

Sharon: One step at a time.

Dylan: One step -- yes. And I think our next step is to find the nurse.

Sharon: How? I don't even know her name.

Dylan: Do you remember her face?

Sharon: Absolutely.

Dylan: Okay. Then we're gonna check all the personnel files at the hospital, see what we can come up with.

Sharon: I'm afraid of what we're gonna find.

Dylan: Hey, we get this nurse, we get some answers, and your nightmares are gonna be over for good.

Billy: You want to apologize for what? Being brilliant?

Jack: Before tonight, there was talk of actual peace between Newman and Jabot. You just blew that out of the water with this launch.

Billy: Phyllis and I just saved Jabot. We're no longer just cosmetics. We're a world player now, and you want to put the brakes on because why? Victoria's feelings are hurt?

Jack: Put pass key aside and revenge and Newman. This is about you and the woman you love.

Phyllis: And maybe a little bit about her not suing the hell out of Jabot.

Jack: Yeah, fine. You want to hand this to the lawyers? Billy, talk to Victoria. Work this out. Can you do that?

Billy: I got a better idea. Double scotch on the rocks, please.

Jack: No.

Phyllis: Billy.

Billy: It's too late.

Jack: Too late? Is it too late for your kids to hope to have a home where their mother and father live under the same roof?

Billy: I'm just being realistic, Jack. Jabot won, all right? That's a good thing. Nothing's gonna make it better for Victoria.

Phyllis: How about we table this discussion, gentlemen?

Hello! I know you're busy, but about those questions?

Jack: We are just finishing up. I promise you we will get back to you.

Billy: Wow. Look at that. See? Little buzz keeps them coming back for more. Maybe I should get slapped a little bit more.

Jack: You start taking this seriously. Billy! Do not bring down Jabot's name with another bender. Do not crash outside. Do not make an ass of yourself. You have done quite enough damage tonight already.

Ian: Sorry there wasn't a basket of muffins waiting for you, but, uh, I could procure one for you if you'd like. [Chuckles]

Victor: Get out.

Ian: Ohh, Victor, is that any way to speak to someone with whom you've shared so much? How is Nikki?

Victor: Don't ever mention her name again.

Ian: Oh. Those flashing eyes. That temper. God, I missed that. But that's exactly a thing to get you in trouble around here. You know, I have some pull around here, Victor.

Victor: Hmm.

Ian: Yeah, the boys consider me to be a paragon of respectability and power. [Chuckles] You can think of me as a kind of, um, magical mystery tour guide. [Chuckles]

Victor: What do you want?

Ian: It's not what I want. It's what I can do for you. You're gonna need protection. Now, I know you think you can take care of yourself. I saw your cell mate in solitary with that beautiful shiner you gave him. But surely you realize there are bigger and tougher guys in here than poor bobby. You're gonna have to accept the fact you're no longer master of the universe, Victor. All your wealth and power you had on the outside just makes you a bigger target here in the inside. If you're gonna survive... you need me.

[Both chuckle]

Shawn: I could get to know David, spend time with him?

Sage: You gave birth to a beautiful boy. You trusted us to raise him. We all love him. Why not share?

Shawn: Wow. I don't know what to say.

Sage: Will you think about it?

Shawn: Yeah.

Nick: We'll let you get some rest.

Sage: It's gonna be all right, Shawn. Trust me.

[Door closes]

Nick: I just want to make sure I heard what I thought I heard in there. Open adoption? So, Shawn's gonna be a part of David's life?

Sage: Yeah.

Nick: Are you sure about that?

Sage: I'm sure.

Nick: Okay, I-I mean, okay, but if -- if you're offering that in, like, the heat of the moment, I need to know, because that's not something you can take back. It'd be extremely cruel.

Sage: I think what would be more cruel is if Shawn signs adoption papers and has to walk away from the son that she loves.

Nick: I know you've been concerned she might change her mind.

Sage: Nick, this is -- this is a good solution.

Nick: How did you get to this? I mean, we haven't even talked about it.

Sage: Did you see the nurse who took David away?

Nick: No.

Sage: That's the same nurse that told us about Christian. Remember? Well, she mentioned the word complication to Shawn, and that's the same word that she said to us. And I just thought there is no way in hell that I could take a baby away from another mother.

Sharon: Instant access to the hospital personnel files. That McAvoy charm works every time.

Dylan: This time the badge did the work. Official police business.

Sharon: I thought the case was closed, though.

Dylan: Well, uh, until I get some answers, I consider it open. Any luck?

Sharon: Not so far. Wait. That's her.

Dylan: Which one?

Sharon: No. Right there.

Dylan: Are you sure?

Sharon: Positive. Let's go talk to her.

Dylan: Okay, hold on. Hold on. Chances are she'll speak to me more freely without you being present.

Sharon: Yeah, you're right. Okay, you do that McAvoy charm thing you do.

Dylan: Um, excuse me, ma'am? Hi. Detective McAvoy, GCPD. I'd like to ask you some questions.

Jack: I think we need to get Billy out of here before he says another word to the press.

Phyllis: I will get him in a cab. He'll listen to me.

Jack: Okay, I think you should take the lead. I will support you all the way. Let's go.

Lois: Jack Abbott, you are going to answer my questions!

Jack: I'm sorry. I'm sorry it's taken so long for you to talk with us. How can I help you?

Lois: Ms. Newman's allegations are very serious. Are there any truth to them?

Jack: No, this is not the Abbott-Newman feud rearing its ugly head for another round. No, Victoria and I are deeply committed to peace between the companies and the families. What you witnessed was Victoria's very emotional response to her father's incarceration.

Phyllis: Whatever conflict our families may have in the business world, the Abbotts feel that the Newman family is justified. We are committed to working everything out amicably.

Lois: She called your brother a liar and a thief.

Jack: Did she? It's Lois, isn't it?

Lois: Yes, Lois.

Jack: Lois, let's -- let's talk. What you saw was Victoria in a very difficult moment in her life. She's under a lot of pressure right now.

Billy: Perfect timing.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Billy: What do you say we grab a bottle and light this town on fire?

Phyllis: How about you just turn it in for the night? Grab a computer and see how pass key changes the world and our bank accounts.

Billy: There's plenty of time for that. Tonight I'm celebrating.

Phyllis: Everybody knows what happens when you celebrate, Billy.

Billy: Hmm? No, I mean, I-I got a ride home. I don't plan on running into anybody that's gonna want to punch me or that I'm gonna want to punch. It's all good. So why don't you join me? Tonight's about us.

Phyllis: I will pass. We will celebrate, but tonight I need to stay with my husband. I think he needs me.

Billy: [Fake snores] So boring. Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.

Jack: I have feuded with her father for years, but Victoria and I are in a very good place right now.

Michael: This is some salary. I can't wait to hear the job description.

Victoria: You would be a consultant. Your first requirement would be loyalty -- not to my father, obviously. To me.

Michael: Why would you hire a man who just tried to pull something over on your father and then ask for his loyalty? There's got to be a punchline in there somewhere.

Victoria: You know, the way I see it, Michael, you owe me and the company. I want to go after the Abbotts.

Michael: Oh. Right. As in Phyllis Abbott, my friend and co-conspirator against your father? No, that's ridiculous.

Victoria: Michael, wait a second. Just wait a second, will you? I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Jabot just launched a groundbreaking internet-security program. It's a multi-billion-dollar idea that was stolen from Newman.

Michael: Pass key. My brother's been excited about this project for a long time.

Victoria: Yes, yes! My father acquired it legally. Billy stole it. Phyllis helped him. Fraud, corporate espionage, and theft. I want to sue Jabot. I want to sue every Abbott that comes in my sight.

Michael: I have a feeling that there's only one Abbott that could get you this worked up.

Victoria: Okay, Michael, do you want the job or not? Look, Phyllis didn't do you any favors. The Abbotts left you out to dry.

Michael: So this is my revenge?

Victoria: It's a chance for you to right a wrong.

Michael: I'm about to be disbarred!

Victoria: I don't care about that, Michael. You're the most brilliant legal mind that we have in this state. I don't care if you can't practice law. You can advise Newman attorneys.

Michael: Hmm. All right, for kicks and giggles, what other proof do you have?

Victoria: I have a lot of dots, okay? It's your job to connect them.

Michael: Okay, if I were to accept your very generous offer, my first task would be to advise you to consider what you're starting.

Victoria: They started it.

Michael: Jabot may have committed illegal activities, and if they have, charges could be brought. But, Victoria, do you really want to send somebody else you care about to prison?

Victoria: Michael, no, I don't want the father of my children to go to prison, but I wouldn't hesitate threatening him to get what's rightfully mine.

Michael: Hmm. There are other people involved in this, including my own brother.

Victoria: I would never force you to go after Kevin. But he might have information that we can use, and you would be the person to get that from him. And then there's summer. She knew that Billy was secretly communicating with Natalie.

Michael: And now we're dragging Phyllis' daughter into this?

Victoria: She dragged her daughter into the middle of this when she teamed up to steal pass key with Billy.

Michael: You know, I need to get one thing clear. This was Billy's originally. This was Billy's project, correct?

Victoria: No! You're not correct. He didn't have the capital for it. He lost the deal. He practically died trying to get the money for this deal! He swore to me that he wouldn't pursue it! He put a ring on my finger! He vowed that he was gonna be a new man! He's been lying to me, Michael.

Michael: This sounds like a vendetta.

Victoria: Well, what if it is?

Michael: A very personal one. Look, you know what? Free advice. Court is the last resort. The best way to resolve this is talking.

Victoria: It's too late for that.

Michael: No, no, no! You sit down, face to face! You look at the facts! You work it out! You find a settlement! Look, diplomacy first, Victoria.

Victoria: He's just gonna lie to me again, Michael.

Michael: [Sighs] Before you throw a lot of money at lawyers to go into battle for something you cannot win, just think. Think about it. We'll talk soon.

Victoria: [Sighs] I know what you would do in this situation. You would have already launched a full-scale attack. I'm not you, dad. I always dreamed that I'd run this company differently. No more wars, no more hurting people that I care about.

Victor: I don't need you for anything.

Ian: [Chuckles] Sticks and stones, Victor. Sticks and stones. Let -- let me explain it to you in terms that you'll understand, all right? There's a food chain in here. And you -- you're way down there somewhere with the earthworms and the woodlice. Me? I'm King Kong. [Chuckles] Go figure, right? I mean, the people in here, they look up to me. So my advice to you would be show some respect. I see. You need time to think, huh? [Chuckles]

Victor: My advice to you... don't bother me. I won't bother you, okay?

Ian: Well, that's not exactly how it works, Victor.

Victor: Listen to me. Listen carefully. I don't give a damn how you think it works. It is how I work. Now, you stay the hell away from me. Understand that? Otherwise you're gonna have big problems. I assure you.

Ian: Huh.

Victor: You no good son of a bitch.

Ian: Well, you don't have any family in here. You have no company in here, no friends. You're all alone! You're all alone!

Nick: Yeah, this open-adoption thing -- it sounds amazing.

Sage: [Sighs]

Nick: It may not be easy. We're gonna have a lot of stuff to figure out.

Sage: I don't even know where to start, but I know we can do it together.

Nick: We can do it.

Sharon: Hi, guys.

Sage: Hey, Sharon. What are you doing here?

Sharon: Um, how's the baby?

Nick: He's, uh, he's tiny, but he's strong, breathing on his own. Everything's green lights.

Sharon: That's so good to hear. And, again, if I did anything that may have led Shawn to changing her mind, I am so sorry.

Sage: It's okay. Sharon, it doesn't matter anymore because the adoption is happening.

Sharon: That's the best news!

Sage: It's not how we planned it, but I'm gonna be a mom.

Nick: Yeah, you are.

Dylan: You heard about Dr. Sandy Anderson?

Nurse Stephens: Of course. It's so tragic. A patient attacked her out of the blue, wasn't it?

Dylan: Yeah, we're trying to find out. Uh, the patient's name is patty Williams. She suffered a psychotic break.

Nurse Stephens: Poor woman.

Dylan: Yeah, so what I'm trying to determine is if the break happened before she killed Dr. Anderson or it was a result of the attack.

Nurse Stephens: You think the patient might have been sane when she stabbed the doctor?

Dylan: I'm looking into the possibility that ms. Williams may have acted on a motive. And actually, I was hoping that you can clear some of those things up for me.

Nurse Stephens: Me?

Dylan: Yeah.

Nurse Stephens: I'm not sure how I can help. I-I didn't know the patient. I didn't work at Fairview.

Dylan: Then why were you there the night Sharon McAvoy went into labor?

Nurse Stephens: Dr. Anderson called to alert the hospital when her patient went into labor, but it happened so quickly, she made the delivery herself.

Dylan: Hmm. Then why were you at Fairview that night?

Nurse Stephens: I'm a neonatal nurse. She asked me to examine the child.

Dylan: Oh, okay. Is that standard procedure?

Nurse Stephens: Uh, standard procedure typically means transferring mother and child to a hospital, but this was a unique situation.

Dylan: Did you notice anything out of the ordinary while you were there?

Nurse Stephens: Not that I can recall.

Dylan: Did you know Dr. Anderson well?

Nurse Stephens: I just happened to pick up the ward phone that night.

Dylan: Did she say or do anything that seemed suspicious to you?

Nurse Stephens: She was a consummate professional, concerned only with her patients' welfare.

Dylan: Did she ever mention the name Nicholas Newman?

Nurse Stephens: I'm curious, detective McAvoy. How is the birth of one patient's baby related to another patient stabbing the doctor?

Dylan: Uh, like I said, I'm just trying to find answers wherever I can.

Nurse Stephens: It's reassuring to know our police force is so dedicated. Though I assume your dedication springs from something more? The amateur detective in me can't help wondering if you're related to Sharon McAvoy.

Dylan: Yeah, she's my wife.

Nurse Stephens: This must be a very personal case for you, detective.

Dylan: Uh, yeah, it is. It is. So if there's anything that you can remember at all, it would be a great help.

Nurse Stephens: I remember examining your little boy. He was perfect. You should consider yourself very lucky to have brought home such a healthy, beautiful baby. Some parents aren't that fortunate. Excuse me.

Nick: You know, I think I'm gonna go try and find, like, a pudding cup for Shawn or something.

Sage: Oh, sweet.

Nick: Okay.

Sharon: That baby is so lucky to have you and Nick as parents.

Sage: We're the lucky ones. Um, I'm gonna go check on David and see how long those tests are gonna take, so...

Sharon: Oh, wait, Sage. I'm curious what you said before. So, the adoption's on but not as planned?

Sage: Well, Sharon, you know, we've grown to love Shawn, and this decision's really hard for her, so we decided to make it an open adoption.

Sharon: So Shawn will be able to have a relationship with David?

Sage: Yeah. I mean, there will be parameters, of course, but she'll definitely be a part of his life.

Sharon: Wow. What a gift, getting to watch her son grow up. I can't help wondering how things might have been different if I'd gotten to be a second mom to Cassie when she was young.

Sage: Well, Shawn's not going to be a second mom. I'll be the only one that David calls "mom."

Jack: The best thing you can do right now is download pass key for yourself. Make sure that all the data you have is not hacked by the competition.

Ahh! Jack Abbott! [Laughs]

Jack: [Sighs]

Phyllis: You're a master.

Jack: With everyone except my brother, it seems.

Phyllis: Yeah, he said that he had some celebrating to do. Although it seemed like he was more in mourning.

Jack: Because tonight's about more than pass key and beating Victor.

Phyllis: It was about losing Victoria. I don't want to lose you.

Jack: I love you.

Phyllis: And I'm in pain. And I know that. And wanting Victor's head on a platter with all the blood and guts and destruction --

Jack: No one has ever accused you of half measures.

Phyllis: I thought it was gonna feel a little bit better, you know? [Sighs] You know, don't get me wrong. It feels pretty amazing, but launching pass key and beating Victor at his own game and knowing that he's finally behind bars, you know, none of it matters if I don't have you.

Jack: I'm here, red.

Phyllis: The things I said about wanting to blow Victor's empire to pieces and leaving him in the rubble, I'd give all that up if that's what you want.

Billy: "Pass key will change the cyber playing field forever. We look forward to great things from Jabot and Billy Abbott." Yes!

[Knock on door]

[Imitates crowd cheering]

Billy: [Sighs] I knew you couldn't stay away, partner.

Victoria: May I come in?

Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Come in.

Victoria: Oh. Just you and your tablet. I thought the Abbotts would be partying all night long.

Billy: Well, you know me. I like to celebrate alone. Would you like some champagne?

Victoria: No, thank you.

Billy: It's great to see you. I mean, it takes a big person to admit when they're wrong, so it's... I accept your apology.

Victoria: I didn't come here to apologize.

Shawn: So, this open-adoption thing, it's for real?

Nick: Absolutely.

Shawn: How would it work?

Nick: Honestly, I have no idea. But we'll make it work. I think we have to have one rule, though. And that is we all do our best and love David and do what is best for him.

Shawn: I wonder if it gets weird.

Nick: Well, the good thing for us is weird is my specialty.

Shawn: [Chuckles]

Nick: You know, it may not be easy. It's definitely uncharted territory. But I think we all can work together and give David the kind of life we want for him. How do you like the idea?

Shawn: I think it's cool. I mean... I knew it would be hard to give him up, but then when I saw him and he's so tiny and fighting so hard... I just wanted to hold him, protect him.

Nick: Well, now, you know, you get to be a part of his life, watch him grow up, make sure he's okay.

Shawn: Yeah.

Nick: I just don't want you to think that we're forcing this on you.

Shawn: We have a deal. You're adopting David. You guys have been so great. I'd never want to hurt you.

Nick: Well, forget about us. What do you want, Shawn?

Jack: Your fire is one of the things I love most about you. It's just sometimes it gets so hot, I worry.

Phyllis: Well, maybe you should talk to the person who stands too close, like Michael.

Jack: I feel bad about what happened with Michael, but, you know, he walked into this eyes wide open. I know you feel bad, too. But I also know you have the biggest heart of anyone I know and the most passion, the greatest courage, and it's what makes you you and what makes us...

Phyllis: Unbeatable?

Jack: Yeah. Something like that. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you're putting this vendetta behind you.

Phyllis: I don't want what happened to Victoria and Billy to happen to us. It's taken me a long time to get here, but I'm here with you. This is where I want to be the rest of my life.

Ian: Easy. Victor wants to be left alone. Make sure he is. Like it or not, I'm gonna protect you.

Billy: So, did you come all the way over here to slap the other side of my face?

Victoria: I want to suggest a compromise.

Billy: You could have picked up the phone for that.

Victoria: I know that, but face to face is better.

Billy: I agree, when it's your beautiful face.

Victoria: I think that Newman and Jabot should share ownership of pass key. They should split the profits down the middle. It's in line with your original offer.

Billy: In line? It's actually exactly what I offered, and you rejected it.

Victoria: I changed my mind.

Billy: Well, it's just kind of confusing because what happened to "war"?

Victoria: I made a commitment to stop this feud between our families, Billy.

Billy: That's funny, because the slap kind of felt like "bring it on."

Victoria: I was angry, okay? I needed some time to think about it.

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: That's not what I want. I want peace.

Billy: I think I know what you want. I agree 100%.

Victoria: Good. Good, good, good. So, then you know that a co-venture would be a very prudent move.

Billy: Yes. Co-venture -- very prudent move, bringing in the Abbotts and the Newmans together, especially a certain Newman and a certain Abbott.

Victoria: Somehow I don't think we're on the same page right now.

Billy: I think we're on the same page. We're talking about a merger, right?

Dylan: Okay, thanks for the information.

Sharon: Hi. Hey. So, what did the nurse say?

Dylan: Uh, nurse Stephens confirmed that she was at Fairview that night to check on Sully.

Sharon: And?

Dylan: There's nothing more than that. She said Dr. Anderson was perfectly professional and everything was above board.

Sharon: The feeling I get when I remember her, that "hairs on the back of my neck" feeling, maybe she's lying.

Dylan: I mean, she seemed pretty straightforward. And I checked on her work record. She's a star.

Sharon: So was Dr. Anderson. And look how she turned out.

Sage: Oh, my gosh! I just saw David. He's doing so well. He's gonna be out of the incubator tomorrow. I can't wait to hold him and smell his little baby skin and kiss his little fingers and...

Nick: That's great news.

Sage: What's wrong?

Nick: Uh...

Sage: Did you talk to Shawn? Is -- is she asking questions about the open adoption or something?

Nick: She didn't say a whole lot.

Sage: Okay, well, she probably doesn't know what questions to ask. I mean, it's new for all of us. What?

Nick: [Sighs] I don't want to say it. [Chuckles]

Sage: Then don't say it.

Nick: I think Shawn might be changing her mind.

Sage: No. That's not possible because I offered a perfect solution. I'm just gonna talk to her about it.

Nick: No, listen, she -- she didn't say one way or the other.

Sage: Okay, good, because then that means there's hope. So I'm just gonna clarify with her and explain everything, and she's --

Nick: No. Don't do that.

Sage: Why?

Nick: Because the more we push, the greater the chance is we push her away.

Sage: How do you know that?

Nick: Just give her time, Sage. It doesn't matter how much we love that baby. There's only so much we can do. It's still Shawn's decision.

Phyllis: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I spun out of control over Victor. I... I would never do anything to hurt this family. I wouldn't. I-I just -- I get so worked up sometimes, you know?

Jack: I know that. And no one would blame you after everything that Victor put you through.

Phyllis: Put us through. Now what?

Jack: Now we look ahead.

Phyllis: Pass key?

Jack: I fear the damage from pass key has already been done, unless Billy can find a way to get through to Victoria.

Victoria: Oh! What are you doing?

Billy: Working on my co-venture with you. Hey, if you ask me, I think it's going pretty well.

Victoria: I came by to make a business proposal, clean and simple. That's all.

Billy: I don't want to do clean. Let's not do clean.

Victoria: God, you're drunk. Of course! Of course you're drunk! Yes, you're drunk.

Billy: I'm the man that I said I was gonna be, Victoria. I'm successful, the top of my game. You should read what they're saying about me. It's pretty impressive.

Victoria: All I see is the same, old Billy. Maybe you ought to sleep this off.

Billy: Let me ask you a question. Are you mad because I'm a success or are you mad because I beat your daddy?

Victoria: I don't even know why I bothered coming by.

Billy: Vick --

Victoria: See you in court!

Billy: Vick!

Victoria: [Sighs] Dad. You're out. I'm so glad to see you.

Victor: Are you forgetting that you lead the charge to put me inside those prison walls?

Victoria: I'm so sorry. Can you please forgive me? I've missed you every single day. My life is such a wreck without you in it. The company's a disaster. I'm so sorry, Dad. I would do anything to make it up to you. Please say you'll forgive me. Please.

Victor: [Muffled groan] [Breathing heavily] [Groaning] [Breathing heavily] [Groaning] [Weak groan]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Jack: Maybe the best way to calm the waters is to help them find some way to get back together.

Phyllis: That's a terrible idea.

Victoria: Flowers for Newman's funeral? Could you please get them out of here?

Billy: Not until you hear me out.

Nikki: You don't know? Somebody tried to kill your father.

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