Y&R Transcript Friday 4/1/16


Episode # 10891 ~ Sharon has a shocking revelation, while tension at a press conference pushes Victoria over the edge.

Provided By Suzanne

Luca: Ah!

Summer: Oh, so sorry. Oh.

Luca: "Oh" good or "oh" bad?

Summer: Hi.

Luca: [Chuckles]

Summer: Um, coffee to go? You must be in a hurry. Make that another coffee to go, please.

Luca: Yeah, Jabot's making a big announcement at the GCAC. I-I need to be there.

Summer: No way you still have a job.

Luca: I've been instrumental in shepherding the pass key project. Jack needs me on his team.

Summer: Yeah, except for the part where you busted my mom in court for trying to get my grandfather's case thrown.

Luca: All I did was tell the truth -- under oath. Can't get fired for that.

Summer: Yeah, have you met my mom?

[Both chuckle]

Summer: Hi. Thank you.

Luca: I was hoping to save your grandfather, summer. I'm sorry it didn't do any good.

Summer: Yeah, well, um, I seem to be the only one upset that he's in prison anyway, so...

Luca: Oh, hey, if you ever need to talk...

Summer: Yeah, thanks. Hey, Luca, uh... if my mom is there, you're -- you're definitely gonna need a wingman.

Luca: Right.

Phyllis: [Laughing] Oh, no!

Billy: I just spilt a little bit of the brand-new wine.

Phyllis: You're such a spaz.

Billy: Not much!

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Wait, I'll help you. Oh, my God! [Giggles]

Jack: At least we both like the same thing.

Billy: Didn't see you there. [Clears throat]

Jack: You having second thoughts?

Kevin: To the ultimate Victory.

Phyllis: And sweet, sweet revenge.

Victoria: Are you drinking to my father's demise? Stay classy, Phyllis.

Bobby: Welcome to the state pen. Name's bobby.

Victor: How the hell are you, bobby?

Bobby: First time in can be a real shock to the system. Messes with your head, you know? I could be a good friend.

Victor: Ain't my first time. I'm not here to make friends.

Bobby: You're gonna need one in here.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Mariah: I don't understand. How could you possibly have caused Sage and Nick to lose the baby?

Sharon: [Sighs] Shawn was going over the adoption papers, and she seemed a little overwhelmed. So I told her that I understand what a tough decision this is, even though she's making the right choice.

Mariah: And you talked about giving Cassie up for adoption.

Sharon: Shawn wanted some honest answers. She wanted to know how I felt afterwards -- did I miss her and did I have regrets?

Mariah: Because you ended up changing your mind.

Sharon: But it was years later, and it was a totally different situation!

Mariah: But still!

Sharon: You know, I reminded Shawn what great parents Nick and Sage are going to be and that she should feel confident in the decision she's made.

Mariah: Okay, that's something.

Sharon: But then the next thing I knew, Shawn was going into labor!

Dylan: Wait, what? Shawn had the baby?

Sharon: Nick and Sage might lose their little boy, and it's my fault.

Shawn: I want to see David. I need to know that he's all right.

Sage: Shawn, you need to rest.

Shawn: I'm fine.

Sage: You just got out of surgery, honey.

Shawn: What aren't you telling me? Is there something wrong with him?

Nick: No. We're not -- we're not keeping anything from you, okay? We wouldn't do that.

Shawn: Then why can't I see him?

Nick: The doctors are just trying to stabilize him.

Sage: Shawn, you and David need time to get stronger, okay? It's best not to do this right now.

Shawn: Best for who?

Bobby: Bet that tough-guy act goes down strong in the boardroom.

Victor: You know who I am?

Bobby: Victor Newman. The grand poobah of Newman Enterprises. I hate to break it to you, but your name isn't on this building. So you're CEO of squat. You got nada. No jet, no power suit. You ain't got no power at all. The only thing you do have is money. And what you're gonna need is protection. That's right. Big shot like you think you got it all figured out, right? Don't need anyone? But you got a target on your back. Guys out there lined up, taking aim, ready to take you down. So let's deal.

Victor: You're gonna protect me?

Bobby: That's right. That's right. I am.

Victor: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Let me tell you something, bobby boy. I've had guys far tougher than you trying to shake me down for money you can't even imagine. I don't need your protection. You get it? You came to the wrong guy. Now, you watch your ass.

Kevin: Oh, I have things to do, so I'm gonna go do them -- those things. Hey.

Phyllis: Well, I'd ask you to join me, but I have a feeling that would ruin the mood.

Victoria: I don't really have a lot to celebrate right now.

Phyllis: Yeah. Your father's behind bars, but you do get that corner office and the minions trembling in your wake. It's everything you've ever wanted. You should embrace it, Victoria.

Victoria: You know, my father might deserve punishment for what he's done, but my family is a huge mess over this.

Phyllis: If you don't mind, I'm gonna keep this party going. So, as I was saying, Victor is finally behind bars. To justice. To karma finally playing out the way it should. You know, this is about the good guys winning, Victoria.

Victoria: The good guys?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Victoria: You convinced Michael to throw my dad's case. It doesn't get any dirtier than that, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Yeah, okay. The law needed an assist, something your father knows a lot about.

Victoria: You used your best friend as collateral damage to get what you want.

Phyllis: And I regret that. And if there's one thing I could change about this whole thing, that would be it. But your father changed my life forever. I am owed, and the payment is just beginning.

Victoria: This isn't even about justice. You want revenge.

Phyllis: They both feel good.

Victoria: I feel really sorry for you, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Well, you might want to stick around, 'cause Jabot's getting ready to make a big announcement. As in real big.

Victoria: Pass key. You're getting ready to announce the launch.

Phyllis: To pass key and Billy's dreams coming true.

Mariah: Sharon, you meant well. You can't blame yourself.

Sharon: What if Shawn decides not to go through with the adoption?

Mariah: No, no, no, no, no. We're not gonna go there. Only happy thoughts for everybody today, okay?

Sharon: What? What are you -- this is so not you.

Mariah: Well, um, it's the new me. Or maybe you just needed a hug. Hey, talk to her. I got to go. Bye.

Dylan: Okay, yeah. Thank you for the information.

Sharon: Tell me.

Dylan: Shawn and the baby are okay. The baby's in NICU. Small but strong.

Sharon: Oh, thank God.

Dylan: So, you were talking to Shawn about the adoption?

Sharon: Well, she had the papers out in front of her.

Dylan: But -- but this is their issue. It's their family. It's their life. It's not ours. It's not yours. I thought we had the conversation to stay out of their marriage.

Sharon: I know. It's not like I was trying to pressure her into one direction or another. I was really just trying to --

Dylan: Trying to help.

Sharon: And I feel so terrible. You know, I owe Nick so much. He's always been there for me, and he's protected me more times than I can count! He's the father of my children!

Dylan: So am I.

Shawn: You said your biggest regret was never seeing your baby.

Sage: I did see Christian. I didn't get to hold him because he was in the incubator.

Shawn: Is David that sick?

Sage: No, Shawn, he's not. It's not the same thing. He's going to get stronger. I promise you he's going to be fine.

Nick: Look, um, why don't you get some rest?

Shawn: Stop telling me to rest.

Sage: Shawn, please, you both need more time.

Shawn: And stop telling me what David needs. He's my baby. You can't stop me from seeing him.

Nick: You're right. Uh, I'm gonna go make it possible for you to see him, okay? We'll be right back.

[Door opens]

Sage: What are you doing, Nick? If she sees this baby, she's gonna want to keep him!

Dylan: I understand that you share a history, you share kids with Nick, but you can't keep inserting yourself into his life.

Sharon: I know. I get it. I should have just given her a glass of milk and a doughnut and walked away. I am so sorry. That poor girl. You forgive me?

Dylan: For what? For trying to take care of everybody, make everybody happy? There's nothing to forgive.

Sharon: Maybe all this adoption business is what's behind the dreams I've been having about Sully. New babies and the uncertainty of Nick and Sage's adoption -- maybe I've internalized all of that anxiety.

Dylan: Yeah, or... maybe the dreams are really about Dr. Anderson.

Sharon: Why? Because I just trusted her after Sully was born, because she used me to get to Nick?

Dylan: I just think there's more to Dr. Anderson than some obsession with Nick.

Sharon: But what?

Dylan: I don't know. Just feels like she was up to something worst than trying to make a move on Nick.

Sage: She said "my baby." "I want to see my baby." She called him David.

Nick: That's his name.

Sage: That's the name that Shawn chose for him.

Nick: We all agreed on it.

Sage: Nick, she's thinking of keeping him! Do you hear me?

Nick: She just had a baby, all right? She's practically a kid herself. She's scared to death. She just wants to know that the baby's okay.

Sage: No, she doesn't. Because I remember the first time I saw Christian. I was flooded with love and hormones. I wanted to hold him, and I wanted to never give him away. She's gonna get caught up in the moment, and she's gonna forget all the reasons that she wanted to give him up for adoption.

Nick: No, she is a level-headed girl, and she has gotten to know us. She has to know we are the best possible parents for that baby.

Sage: No, because Sharon got into her head. I don't even know what Sharon said to her.

Nick: Sharon was just trying to help.

Sage: She's gonna see that tiny, little, helpless child, her baby, and all the promises she made are gonna go out the window.

Nick: That's a chance we're gonna have to take. Sage, Shawn has not signed adoption papers yet. She has every right to see David. And if you try and stop that from happening, you're just gonna make things worse. Listen to me. I want this baby as much as you do --

Sage: I'll go get the nurse.

Phyllis: I was just telling Victoria the good news.

Victoria: I need to speak with Billy. Alone.

Jack: And so it begins.

Phyllis: Oh, you say that like it's a bad thing.

Jack: Oh, look, hey, a product launch is one thing. A declaration of war is quite another.

Phyllis: You promised that we would go public with pass key as soon as Victor was behind bars.

Jack: Yes, a thoughtful, carefully laid out and executed plan, not a late-night Victory dance.

Phyllis: This is about the future, our future -- Billy's, Jabot's.

Jack: And this is also sadly about the last nail in the coffin of Billy's relationship with Victoria.

Phyllis: You are focusing on the wrong thing.

Jack: Family, responsibility, uh, peace with the Newmans?

Phyllis: Okay, putting Jabot back on top, claiming what is rightfully ours with our heads held high.

Jack: And sticking it to Victor.

Phyllis: Damn right.

Jack: Come on, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, come on. No more lectures. This is our night, Jabot's. Now, we need to present a united front. Can you do that?

Natalie: I don't do media. I don't even do public. What if they ask me a question I don't know? What if I -- what if I say the wrong thing? What if I sound --

Kevin: You won't. You're a superstar. Remember that.

Mariah: You combed your hair. Good job.

Kevin: Hey. I was beginning to wonder if you were gonna make it back in time.

Mariah: And miss the beginning of our launch into millionaire land? Not a chance. [Chuckles]

Kevin: Billy made me the point person on this. It's a big responsibility, lots to coordinate with photo ops, general logistics, interviews, and... oh, here comes our reporter now. T minus, I don't know, whatever and counting till fame and fortune.

Mariah: [Chuckling] I can't believe this is actually happening.

Kevin: Yeah. And we owe it all to Natalie.

Mariah: After she only screwed us over a dozen times.

Luca: I can answer any of your questions. We can go over talking points.

What's your title, Mr. Santori?

Mariah: Vice president of complete bull.

Kevin: Vicki Covell? Hi. I'm Kevin fisher. Billy Abbott asked me to be point on this.

Great. So, who's gonna be on camera?

Luca: Jack Abbott.

Kevin: Billy Abbott.

Jack: You want revenge? The best revenge is happiness, success, living our lives on our terms. We can have that.

Phyllis: And I plan to, just as soon as I blow up Victor's legacy into a million, little pieces.

Jack: With Victoria running things, we are as close as we have ever been to having actual peace between the families and the company. This is not a time to escalate the feud. It's time to end it.

Phyllis: And it is unfortunate that Victoria's caught in the middle. All she needs to do is step graciously aside and accept that pass key is exactly where it needs to be. No feud. Problem solved.

Luca: Jack, hi.

Jack: What are you doing here?

Luca: Well, I'm here to help with the launch.

Jack: You're fired.

Luca: But I can help you, Jack.

Jack: I know what you're capable of. You're fired.

Luca: Listen, Jack, I was under oath, okay? What happened in court -- it has no bearing on my loyalty to Jabot. If you give me a chance to prove it --

Jack: We know exactly where your loyalty lies -- with yourself.

Luca: But I believe in what you're doing, Jack.

Jack: You blackmailed your way into Newman, you blackmailed your way into Jabot, you went to Victor with important information that hurt a lot of people.

Luca: Yeah, but I've also helped you.

Jack: I don't need anyone working behind my back, who's driven by revenge and payback. Get out of here. Get out of my sight.

Summer: So, does that mean you're gonna fire my mom, too?

Phyllis: Summer. We need to talk.

Summer: No, we -- we don't.

Phyllis: So, do you want to fire me?

Victoria: You and Phyllis and your damned revenge.

Billy: This isn't about revenge. This is about taking my life back.

Victoria: Oh, really? Well, guess what? You won. Good for you. My father's in prison. You have pass key. You've taken your life back, Billy. How do you feel? You feel good?

Billy: My pass key launch is in a few minutes. It's gonna feel pretty damn good.

Victoria: And you're fine about passing off somebody's stolen project as your own?

Billy: I did not steal this project. Victor stole this project from me. Let's get that straight.

Victoria: My father's in prison. I'm in charge now. The person you're hurting is me.

Sharon: The last time we talked about Dr. Anderson and my dreams, you said there was nothing to worry about.

Dylan: And I want to believe that. But I just can't get it out of my head that there could be something else, something that we're missing.

Sharon: But we already know the truth about Dr. Anderson. We know her real name, we know that she was obsessed with Nick. What more could there be?

Dylan: I went to see my aunt patty.

Sharon: Why'd you do that?

Dylan: Well, because we shut the door on the case so fast. I mean, there's so many pieces that don't fit. There's so many questions without answers.

Sharon: There wasn't much to investigate, you know. Patty snapped, and Dr. Anderson got in the way.

Dylan: Why did patty snap? What -- what gave patty the motive to kill Dr. Anderson?

Sharon: There may not have been a reason. Or if there was, it was in patty's head. You know, this isn't the first time that she's lost touch with reality and people got hurt, or worse.

Dylan: Look, that is all true, but she was the only person who was there, the only person that could tell me what really happened.

Sharon: Well, was patty lucid? Were you able to get any new information?

Dylan: She was still pretty out of it. All she kept saying was -- was "the baby, the baby."

Sharon: That's obvious what she's referring to.

Dylan: I'm not so sure anymore.

Nick: Nurse wanted to take the little guy away for some tests, but I just had to turn on the old Newman charm to get us a few minutes.

Shawn: He's so tiny. Look at those little fingers. They're perfect. I want to hold him.

Sage: Shawn, I know this is really hard, but you heard the nurse. He has to stay in the incubator. Uh --

Shawn: Hey there, David. I know everything's kind of scary. But I swear it's gonna be really great. I can't hold you right now. But I can't wait to scoop you up -- [Gasps] Did you see that? He looked right at me, like... like he knows who I am. Like he knows I'm his mom. You know who I am, don't you?

Billy: Pass key was mine. It was my dream, my baby. Now it's back where it belongs. I'm not gonna apologize for that.

Victoria: So it just conveniently works and it's ready to launch just hours after my dad goes to prison.

Billy: Well, unlike Newman enterprises, I believed in Natalie. I gave her the support and the creative freedom to fix the problems.

Victoria: That is such bull, Billy! You and Phyllis have been conspiring with that girl for weeks!

Billy: Maybe we became friends.

Victoria: You triple-played my father into firing her. You're not gonna tell me that that wasn't your brilliant idea? It sounds so much like Billy! When all else fails, lie and cheat.

Billy: Your father hijacked that project from me, okay?

Victoria: It was never yours, Billy! You never had the capital! My father did! He had the capital! It belongs to Newman enterprises. It's mine, and you know it. That's why you offered to cut Newman in. That's why!

Billy: I did offer that to you, and I also told you that you and the kids are the most important thing in the world to me.

Victoria: You are so consumed with getting back at my father and with winning, the kids and I never had a chance.

Billy: I really wish you would have taken me up on that offer.

Kevin: Billy, we have to prep for the announcement.

Bobby: I told you you're gonna need protection.

Victor: Protection from what?

Bobby: Me.

Victor: Oh. You don't want to do that.

Bobby: Oh, yeah.

Victor: I'm reading this book.

Bobby: Aah! [Grunting] [Coughing]

Victor: Who's gonna need protection, boy, hmm? Hmm? Come on.

Summer: Hey.

Mariah: Hey there. So, Jack and Luca. That looked pretty nuclear.

Summer: Yeah. Jack fired him.

Mariah: Of course he did. Jack is a sane person. What sane person would want that slippery con artist working for him?

Summer: Yeah, um, I defended him.

Mariah: Why?

Summer: I don't know. [Scoffs] That's still what I'm trying to figure out is why. I mean, he screwed over my mom, he screwed over my grandfather.

Mariah: Half of Genoa City.

Summer: My family hates him, both sides.

Mariah: Okay, so I'm confused. Why did you defend him? Why are you even hanging out with him at all?

Summer: There's just this... this thing.

Mariah: Oh. "This thing."

Summer: Sometimes he's so honest with me, and I think I understand him. I sort of get why he does what he does.

Mariah: This coming from the girl that married the guy who kidnapped her aunt.

Summer: Yeah, you'd think I learned my lesson.

Mariah: Snowflake, you have a boyfriend. He's smart, he's hot, he's a mini Jack Abbott, so be happy.

Summer: I know. Kyle is perfect on paper. He is everything I want. It's just... I don't know. Luca is...

Mariah: Dangerous?

Summer: Different.

Mariah: Not in a good way.

Summer: I don't know. Kyle has this whole other life in new York that I'm not even a part of.

Mariah: Okay. You're lonely. Get a dog, a cat, a fish. I really don't care.

Summer: I just feel like if someone gave Luca a chance, to really connect with him, I don't know.

Mariah: You want to save the bad boy. A wild ride, a total high. But the lows? They're gonna rip your heart out.

Victoria: Jack. Look, I thought we wanted the same thing -- peace between our families.

Jack: We do.

Victoria: And this is how we achieve it?

Jack: Look, it's already in motion.

Victoria: And you're fine with it? Jabot claiming a product that belongs to Newman.

Jack: We could argue for a long time over who owns pass key. Look, Jabot needs this. Forking out half a billion dollars to Newman nearly crushed the company.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Jack: We need this launch. Believe me, I want peace as much as you do.

Victoria: What am I supposed to do? Just ignore it? Just move on as if my company isn't being robbed?

Jack: Your father might be in prison. What he has done goes on and on. There are repercussions. There are consequences.

Victoria: Jack, please. Stop this. You're the only one that can stop this.

Jack: Victoria, it's business. Come on, Jabot came out on top for once. You have to accept that.

Victoria: I can't.

Jack: You know how much this means to Billy.

Victoria: [Scoffs] A man who does nothing but lie to me.

Jack: A man who loves you, a man who is the father of your children. Let him have this. Don't use this as an excuse to declare war.

Victoria: I didn't make that call.

Jack: You say you want change? Don't do what Victor would do.

Victor: Hmm?

Bobby: [Breathing heavily] [Grunting] [Gasping]

Victor: Huh?

Bobby: He's -- he's not gonna like this.

Victor: Who? Bring him on. Bring him on. Bring him on. Bring him on.

[Stick clanging]

Sharon: The baby is obviously Sully. I told you that patty was obsessed with my pregnancy. She was always asking me things like if I had symptoms -- morning sickness or swollen ankles.

Dylan: Did she ever give you a clue why she was so fixated?

Sharon: [Sighs] It's all so foggy -- the pregnancy, the delivery, all of it. I'm sorry you didn't get any answers.

Dylan: Actually, I did get some. I talked to some of the staff that worked closely with Dr. Anderson.

Sharon: Yeah?

Dylan: Not one of them remembers you giving birth.

Sharon: Well, it was late when I went into labor. Maybe all of the staff had left.

Dylan: Yeah, maybe, but there was no, uh, no record of an outside doctor being brought in, so either Dr. Anderson delivered the baby herself or there just hasn't been anything I've been able to turn up.

Sharon: Like what? What are you looking for?

Dylan: I don't know. It's why I need your help. Okay, I need you to think back to that night.

Sharon: We've done this before, Dylan, and my memory is fuzzy from the meds.

Dylan: Sharon, I know, I know, but can you please just try again? It could be so important.

Sharon: I will. I just...

Dylan: It's scary. I'm right here.

Sharon: Okay.

Dylan: Okay, so I video-chatted with you the day, uh, the day Sully was born. Do you remember that?

Sharon: Maybe.

Dylan: Okay. I told you about Nick and Sage and how they had lost Christian, and -- and you got really upset.

Sharon: I remember being upset.

Dylan: Okay, good start. What do you remember next?

Sharon: I don't know. I had -- I was sleepy. Just this fuzzy feeling, and then drifting. Wait. I remember.

Nick: Sage.

Sage: It's happening, Nick. Everything I was afraid of is happening!

Nick: We don't know that.

Sage: Yes, we do! You heard her speak to David. She's in love with him. And he's supposed to be our baby! We love him! We painted the nursery, Nick, and she's gonna take him from us!

Nick: Listen to me.

Sage: And we're gonna lose him.

Nick: No, no. Loving David doesn't mean we're gonna lose him.

Sage: Yes, we are. [Sighs deeply]

Nick: I'd like to think that it will just confirm what she's already decided.

Sage: You don't understand...

Nick: That we can give this baby --

Sage: She's gonna hold him, and we're never gonna get him.

Nick: Okay. I know. I know how much you want this and how hard it is for you.

Sage: No, you don't.

Nick: You have got to give her the time she needs to know she made the right decision. Don't you want it to be the right decision for all of us?

Sage: Oh, my God. Yes. Yes, of course. [Sighs] Shawn's about to make the biggest decision of her life, and I'm making it all about me. When did I become this person, this monster who's hovering and desperate for this woman to give me her child?

Nick: Hey. You're not a monster.

Sage: Yeah.

Nick: You're not. You simply want to be a mother to a child who needs you.

Sharon: Hush now. That's my angel. I really wish I could remember more.

Dylan: What are you -- you're -- you're doing great.

Sharon: Great? All I have is a fragment of Sully in my arms.

Dylan: Okay. Let's -- let's build on that. You remember being sleepy. You remember holding Sully. Now, just try to focus on -- on something specific, just a small detail. It doesn't matter how insignificant. It might help you fill in the missing pieces. Why don't you close your eyes? Okay. Do you remember anything right before you were holding Sully?

Sharon: Everything is just so fuzzy from the medication. I don't -- I don't remember going into labor. I don't remember the birth. I-I don't remember. [Sighs] [Gasps]

Dylan: What? What? What is it?

Sharon: I remember Dr. Anderson handing me Sully and putting him in my arms.

Dylan: That's good. Can you remember, uh, the surroundings, the room? Was anybody else there?

Sharon: Wait. Yes, there was.

Billy: Jack, would you like to say something first?

Jack: This is your project. And Phyllis'.

Phyllis: It's Jabot's.

I'm here with a major announcement from Jabot.

Phyllis: Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Jabot, I am proud to announce an exciting, new product. Once only a dream, now it is a reality -- an internet-security program that will revolutionize the way we live our lives. It's called pass key.

Can you explain that in layman's terms?

Phyllis: I will let the brains behind the program do that. Natalie, would you like to share a few words? Come.

Kevin: You got this.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Natalie: Pass key is based on asymmetric key algorithms that are, uh, integrated with conventional SSL protocol --

Kevin: Uh, which -- which is to say that your data, uh, from pictures to financials to passwords to browser history to e-mails...

Summer: Hey.

Kevin: ...Are protected by an encryption so advanced...

Summer: You, uh, came back?

Kevin: ...That your files are guaranteed safe.

Luca: I wanted to see how it plays out.

Kevin: 100% unhackable.

Summer: General curiosity?

Luca: It's a revolutionary product.

Summer: You're not planning on doing anything, are you?

Luca: Retribution because I got fired? Summer, I am not that guy.

Billy: Pass key is a bold leap into the future for our company and for the way...

Luca: Look at them, so proud of themselves, all that Victory.

Billy: ...Amazing digital era that we live in.

Luca: Too bad they're heading into a new set of problems.

Summer: Why? What do you mean?

Luca: Also too bad Jack fired me, because they're gonna need someone like me on their side.

Billy: I mean, imagine family, friends, businesses being able to share information without worrying if it's safe, if it is going to be hacked or fall into the wrong hands. Pass key will revolutionize the way information is shared...

Phyllis: Good idea -- taking the high road.

Billy: ...On a global scale. So, thanks to Jabot, along with pass key, what we thought was impossible is now possible.

Victoria: Too hell with that.

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: You're a liar and a thief!

[Camera shutters clicking]

Shawn: He's amazing, isn't he? And he's fighting so hard. He's perfect.

Sage: Yes, he is.

Sharon: There was someone else there... ...watching us.

Dylan: It couldn't have been patty?

Sharon: No, it wasn't patty.

Dylan: Who was it?

Sharon: A nurse.

Nurse Stephens: It's time to take the baby for those tests.

Shawn: No. You can't take him. You can't take my baby.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Phyllis: You are out of line.

Victoria: I'm claiming what's mine.

Ms. Newman, can you please clarify on what you meant by that?

Phyllis: She's not clarifying anything.

Victoria: Billy Abbott stole pass key from Newman. Corporate espionage at its lowest.

Billy: I was a champion of this project from its infancy.

Victoria: Natalie, Newman hired you to develop this project, and you conspired with the Abbotts to steal our intellectual property. Did you or did you not?

Billy: Natalie came to work with Jabot because she knows the truth. Victor should have never had this project from the get-go, so we took it back. We won. You lost. I think you need to deal with it.

Victoria: I'm not a loser. I'm a Newman. You want a war? It's on.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Victor: [Chuckles] So, it's you. I should have known.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: Detective McAvoy, GCPD. I'd like to ask you some questions.

Jack: Better start taking this seriously. Find Victoria. Work it out.

Victoria: What if I offered you a half a million dollars to come back to Newman?

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