Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/31/16


Episode # 10890 ~ Billy makes a power move; Kevin bonds with Natalie; Nick & Sage receive unexpected news.

Provided By Suzanne

Kevin: Victor Newman is going to prison.

Mariah: Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Natalie: I can't get my brain around the idea. A man like Victor Newman doesn't get convicted.

Kevin: And yet he did.

Mariah: Can the world even function if he isn't running it?

Kevin: We're about to find out.

Mariah: So what's the protocol here? Do we throw a parade, fireworks? Popping champagne seems appropriate yet weird.

Kevin: Considering how many folks he took down with him, weird is right. And Michael purposefully threw his defense.

Natalie: Oh, wow. [Scoffs] That's brave, or stupid, or both.

Kevin: According to Lauren, he could get disbarred. And Victor disowned almost his entire family, of course.

Natalie: Yeah, okay. Hurt feelings, all of that. But what does this mean for us?

Mariah: Human emotion is foreign to you, isn't it?

Natalie: You were wondering the same thing.

Mariah: Okay, yes. We betrayed Victor, as well. I mean, he already disowned his flesh and blood. If he gets the chance, he's gonna grind us to dust.

Jack: Victoria said she saw you and Phyllis together, here earlier. She got a strange vibe.

Billy: Well, that's not really surprising, Jack. I mean, Victoria's not exactly happy that me and Phyllis are working together on pass key. And now that Victor's in jail and she's running Newman, she's probably really not happy about it, so I'm sure that's what it is.

Jack: Yeah. I guess that would make sense.

Billy: Yeah.

Jack: Except she never mentioned a thing about the internet-security project. In fact... she said whatever she picked up didn't seem to have anything to do with it.

Phyllis: 'Cause it didn't. Victoria was right. She did walk in on something that I wish she hadn't.

Jack: Are you gonna tell me about it?

Phyllis: It was something private with Billy. Frankly, I don't think you want to know about it any more than Victoria does.

Shawn: I was good all day.

Sage: [Laughs]

Shawn: I mean, like eating protein and foliates and iron and whatever else, don't you

Sage: Go on. You deserve a doughnut. We all deserve them sometimes. And you worked so hard on that nursery.

Shawn: You guys picked a nice color. I bet David likes it.

Sage: It just felt so special having you there, Shawn, doing it together. I know, it just -- it was just meant to be. It felt right.

Shawn: Faith was super helpful. She's fun to have around.

Sage: Isn't she the best? Oh, before I forget, I wanted to give you...these.

Shawn: What's that?

Sage: These are the adoption papers.

Sharon: Come on in. Um, there's some chicken left over. Do you want any?

Nick: I'm cool, thanks.

Sharon: What's wrong?

Nick: I just dropped my mom off at the main house. She's drinking again.

Sharon: Oh, no. Here. Sit down. How did that happen?

Nick: [Sighs] I don't know. I should have seen it coming. She's been such a wreck ever since the trial started. And now that the verdict's out...

Sharon: Victor walked and now Nikki's afraid, finding out how he's gonna punish her.

Nick: Uh, I guess you haven't heard. They found dad guilty. Judge gave him 10 years.

Sharon: Wow. I just assumed. Victor always finds a way out.

Nick: Not this time.

Sharon: Okay. I know what you're thinking, and this is not your fault. Yes, you and your family testified, but Victor made his own choices. He made his own decisions, and he has to face those consequences. Victor have been here before. And you found your way back after that.

Nick: I mean, the look in his eye, the...the anger, the hurt, the betrayal. Vick is torn up with guilt. My mom got drunk at the club. I mean, everyone spun out. I don't know if my family's gonna make it through this time.

Sharon: Nick, if you hadn't stood up for what was right, it just would have been more validation for Victor to carry

tearing other people's lives apart. And when I think about what he did to Phyllis -- no woman alive deserves that.

Nick: Yeah, well, maybe we went about it the wrong way. I me, summer ended up standing next to my dad despite everything that happened with Austin and Courtney and Harding. And all that goes back to Marco, which ultimately leads back to my dad.

Sharon: That was her decision. It doesn't mean it was the right one.

Nick: But if we had worked a little harder, maybe we could have found another way for my dad to face what he had done.

Sharon: You couldn't, because Victor thinks he's a law unto himself, and you can't change that.

Nick: Then what was the point of the trial? Because I know that prison is not gonna reform my dad.

Sharon: The point of the trial is Jack and Phyllis and everyone else needed justice. I'm not gonna let you second-guess yourself for doing a decent thing. You know, you're a better son than Victor deserves. You're a wonderful father, even though you didn't have a great example. You don't pit your children against each other. You don't humiliate them. You give them unconditional love, and that's something that Victor's never going to understand.

Nick: It's nice to hear it, but...

Sharon: You know... you have a new baby on the way. The baby's gonna be really lucky to have you.

Nick: Thanks. I hope you're right. I hope everything works out with this adoption, because right now, I could really use a shot of joy.

Shawn: You want me to sign now while I'm eating a doughnut? I think we can do that at the hospital, later.

Sage: Yeah, of course, but I just thought that once the baby comes into the world, everything's gonna be so exciting. There's gonna be so much going on. We can do this in advance, like painting the nursery.

Shawn: I'm not gonna change my mind. Once David is born, it's not like anything will change for me. I'm still the girl who's not ready to be a mom. And the baby, he'll be yours. I know you guys are the right parents.

Sage: I'm so glad you feel that way. We just can't -- we just can't wait to meet him. We're so excited. We love him. We already do.

Shawn: I'll look it all over, okay?

Sage: Yeah, of course. Take your time. Whenever works for you, Shawn.

[Cell phone chimes]

Sage: Oh.

Shawn: Is it about the court case?

Sage: Yes, it's Nick. The verdict's in. Uh, I have to go find him.

Shawn: I'm good here. I'll stay out of your hair for a while.

Sage: Oh, Shawn, you don't have to do that. You... okay. Thank you. So, just look over the papers and sign them whenever you can. Thanks.

Jack: So, there is something going on between you and Billy that you don't plan to tell me about.

Phyllis: You'd rather not know, Jack. Trust me.

Jack: Is this another paragon? You two steal another internet project, or are you just arranging for another kidnapping? Please, give me the courtesy of telling me what you did before it all hits the fan!

Phyllis: That's quite a list of suspicions. You sure you want me to add to it?

Jack: I think I deserve to know.

Phyllis: The secret you don't want to know, Jack... is that Billy gets it. He knows what it's like to be in a place where you just can't take it anymore. Today when I thought Victor was gonna walk away and get away with everything, I... came to Billy.

Jack: Oh, fantastic. Fantastic. So she came to you and you fanned the flames and got her all stirred up!

Billy: That's right, Jack. You know me. I like to stir the pot.

Phyllis: Why do you always have to do that? Assume the worst? Why will you not give your brother the benefit of the doubt? The fact is, Billy actually gave me some advice. He told me I should forgive Victor and move on. He was hardly fanning the flames.

Jack: That's what you told her? [Sighs] Why didn't you come to me instead of Billy?

Phyllis: Because he doesn't judge me. He doesn't make it sound like I am a willful, stubborn woman. And I just need someone to get that, even if it's not you.

Jack: Thank you for that. I'm sorry my first reflex was to come down on you. That is an old habit, and it's a dumb habit.

Billy: Well, let's be honest. I've given you a lot of reason to think that way.

Jack: And, Phyllis, I do understand. I do get it. And you can always come to me, no matter what.

Phyllis: It's over. Victor didn't go free. And now I'm really hungry. So, let's go eat some carbs, all right? Lots of them.

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, sounds eat. Um, Billy, you want to join us?

Billy: No, no, no, no, I'm gonna -- I'm . My house and I need a little alone time.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Billy: [Sighs]

Sharon: Oh, hi, Shawn.

Shawn: Aron, hi.

Sharon: Faith is going to be jealous I ran into you. You know, she's your biggest fan.

Shawn: It's mutual. I love that kid.

Sharon: So, how are you doing? How are you feeling?

Shawn: Hungry all the time, but it's great at the penthouse. Ni is awesome.

Sharon: Yeah, he really is. You doing some paperwork?

Shawn: Yeah. Just making the adoption kind of already is other than the baby not actually being he yet.

Sharon: Shawn, it's okay to admit that this isn't easy. Everyone understands, especially someone who's been through this before, like me.

Shawn: You gave a baby up for adoption?

Sharon: Nick didn't tell you about Cassie?

Shawn: She's your daughter, the one who died in the car accident. You adopted her? I'm confused.

Sharon: I gave Cassie up for adoption when she was born.

Shawn: But then you ended up raising her. You changed your mind. You took her back.

Kevin: Victor is not coming after us. You two want to have a paranoia party now? He's going to prison.

Natalie: He'll be running the place by breakfast.

Mariah: And then we're next.

Kevin: Yeah, because Victor's really gonna be focused on you and me, considering he's cutting his entire family out of his life.

Mariah: Uh, nope. Not snowflake. She's loyal and noble and stupid.

Natalie: She's brighter than you think.

Mariah: No, she isn't.

Kevin: Okay, fine. So everyone except summer testified against Victor. Even his own lawyer wanted him convicted. He has bigger fish to fry. Not that Michael's gonna fry. I just mean that -- I'm not enjoying this metaphor.

Mariah: And look, we didn't even testify against Victor. We just stand to make a gazillion dollars off of a program that he owned for a while.

Kevin: But Jabot owns it. Again, not our fault or problem.

Mariah: Victor was convicted.

Natalie: That's what we've been talking about for the last 10 minutes. Are you just now paying attention?

Mariah: No. Victor was convicted. Jack said that we couldn't release pass key until Victor's case was resolved, and now it's resolved in a gigantic way.

Kevin: Pass key is ready to roll out. Money's ready to roll into our pockets. We need to make this happen now, sooner than now.

Mariah: Let's get on it.

Kevin: Come on, let's go. Okay, here.

Jack: Thank you.

Phyllis: You know, back at Billy's, you had a lot of ideas of what we could be up to. You really think we're capable of some scary stuff.

Jack: It isn't like I dwell on it all day long. It's just when Victoria said something was going on, alarms went off.

Phyllis: Victoria's wrong.

Jack: Clearly. I don't know why she would stir things up that way, though. We don't need more drama.

Phyllis: Victoria married a man that she wants to change. She chose the moral high ground, and she lost a good man because of it. Maybe because there is someone who doesn't judge him the way he doesn't judge me, maybe it set her off.

Jack: I feel sorry for both of them. She can't change Billy, and she can't change Victor.

Phyllis: I should have come home to you instead of seeing Billy.

Jack: To Billy's credit, I'm glad he gave you good advice. It is time to put the past behind you, to let go of all this anger, to put revenge in the past. It will be better for you, for me, for everyone. Phyllis, that is what you're doing, isn't it? Listen to me. Victor is going to prison.

Phyllis: Like Adam did because of Delia?

Jack: No, no, there will be no fire for Victor to be a hero in. You won this. Victor is doing hard time. It's over.

Phyllis: This is over? Do you think Marco's out of my head? You think I'm over this whole thing? You know, I-I am not gonna tell you that I am over it just to make you feel better. The only way I'm gonna get over this is if Victor suffers the way I did.

Jack: How could you do that? What more can he lose?

Phyllis: Well, there's one thing left, one thing that matters to him, that gives him hope, a reason to live. I am going to destroy Newman enterprises.

Jack: You've already gone after Newman enterprises once with paragon. It was a failure.

Phyllis: Try-try again.

Jack: Phyllis.

Phyllis: Jack.

Jack: Victor is sitting in a cell. He will be reading about Newman enterprises for a long time now. No control, no influence. You don't need to go after that company again.

Phyllis: That's right. It still exists. It still exists. Newman enterprises bears his name, and I want him to read in the papers that the company is falling apart. I want him to feel as powerless as I did.

Jack: I don't care how Victor feels. I care about you. This is consuming you. This will eat you alive.

Phyllis: No. No, it won't, because I'm gonna get to Victor in a way the courts can. I am gonna protect my daughter from being brainwashed by that man, and I'm gonna help her see who he really is. He is a bully who crushes anybody who's in his path.

Jack: And how do you think your daughter is going to like hearing those words out of you?

Phyllis: I will do anything it takes to protect my daughter.

Jack: Wow. Now you're sounding like Victor.

Phyllis: Excuse me?

Jack: The law did what it's supposed to do. Creating chaos is not gonna make you feel better. It's not gonna give you more justice.

Phyllis: Jack, you don't know that. What we went through, it was horrible. But it was two different things. You feel what you feel, and what I feel is not up to you.

Jack: Okay, if you are determined to punish whoever is responsible for what happened to you, you're gonna have to add another name to your hit list. Me.

Billy: Come in, come in.

Kevin: Holy --

Natalie: What?

Kevin: Billy remodeled Mrs. C's place.

Billy: Yeah, if this is gonna be a thing, I'm gonna stop you right there. I've already caught enough crap.

Kevin: No, I think she'd be happy.

Natalie: What? Who?

Kevin: Mrs. C. The toughest, sharpest, smartest, greatest lady I've ever known, a woman who lived until she died. She wouldn't want this place to become some big ghost house on a hill. However, if you're gonna be living here, you're gonna have to do business here, host at least two dozen random weddings, maybe even one for yourself, and be sure you fight with Jill.

Billy: I would say at least two of those are for certain.

Kevin: Great, okay. So, now let's talk business and let's talk pass key.

Mariah: Since Victor has been introduced to reality and a cell...

Kevin: There's no reason to wait. The deal was once Victor's been dealt with, start your engines. Okay. He's been dealt with.

Natalie: Which is surreal and great and strange.

Mariah: So, let's start those engines.

Billy: Okay. Wow. Everybody's all fired up, huh?

Kevin: Yeah, so why aren't you? I thought this was what you've been waiting for since you had to dress up as Santa to go see Dee in the hospital.

Billy: You're right. It's a good day.

Kevin: Yeah, you seem thrilled.

Billy: I am. This is good. This is good. Pass key's good. Focused, right? Eyes on the prize.

Mariah: That was a little forced, but better. Now, can we please get this going, because I would very much like to be rich now.

Billy: Soon. Very soon, my friends.

Kevin: Great, well, then we'll set up a big rollout shindig, alert the media thing for next week.

Billy: You know what? No. No, no, no. Let's not wait till next week. Let's roll it out tonight.

Sharon: The short answer is I was lucky enough to raise Cassie for a while before she died. The rest of the story, it's much more complicated.

Shawn: But you gave her up.

Sharon: I was younger than you are now. My mother, she had health issues. Neither of us was ready to look after a baby.

Shawn: Then you realized you were.

Sharon: I didn't even know who the adoptive parents were, not for years. It wasn't like you, knowing that the baby will be raised by Nick knowing where the baby will be and how much love he'll be getting. Cassie wasn't so lucky.

Shawn: T it' handed her over then forgot she existed.

Sharon: No, I never forgot about her.

Shawn: Did you miss her? Did you feel like you'd made a mistake? I'm not saying this is a mistake. I'm just... I'm scared how I'll feel when it happens. I want to know what's normal.

Sharon: I think that's probably different for everybody.

Shawn: I want to know what you think since you've been where I am now.

Sharon: But I wasn't. I-I didn't know the parents.

Shawn: I get it. You're worried about Sage and Nick. But what about me? I'm the one who's giving up my baby. It's hard and scary, and I don't have anyone --

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Shawn: Oh!

Sharon: Are you okay?

Shawn: [Gasps]

Sharon: Is it the baby?

Shawn: Oh!

Sage: Talk to me. Tell me -- tell me what's going on.

Nick: It was kind of a rough day.

Sage: Tell me about the trial.

Nick: I just -- I don't think I can. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Sage: Okay. Then don't. Just be here with me. Let's make it all go away.

[Cell phone ringing]

Nick: I'm not gonna get it.

Sage: What if it's Shawn?

Nick: What if it's Shawn. Okay. [Sighs] Hello?

Sharon: Nick, Shawn is in labor. We're at the coffeehouse.

Nick: No, she -- she can't be.

Shawn: Tell him -- tell him I --

Sharon: Nick, Shawn is sure it's labor. Just meet us at the hospital.

Nick: Okay, we're on our way. Just tell Shawn --

Sage: She's in labor, isn't she?

Nick: We're on our way. We got to go.

Sage: No, no, no, no, no, no. This is happening too soon. It's happening all over again.

Phyllis: Why do you always go here? I do not blame you for what happened with Kelly. You don't blame me for what happened with Marco. We are both victims here.

Jack: No, no, you were innocent from the beginning. Me -- how many times did I provoke Victor? A fake journal for Adam to frame Victor, going after Newman time and again?

Phyllis: Did you put a double in his wife's bed? I don't think so.

Jack: If I had just backed off a long time ago, walked away, none of it would have gone this far.

Phyllis: Oh, Jack, I don't buy that.

Jack: No, we have a chance to end this war. This has been going on for decades. We can end it now, all the destruction and ugliness and -- and pain. Victoria's ready to do it. Billy is ready to walk away from it.

Phyllis: So I should, too?

Jack: Yes! Let's end this war.

Phyllis: Well, I'm very happy to, as soon as I get Newman enterprises into the ground, that way wherever he is, whenever he gets out of jail, he will have nothing, no arsenal. He will never be able to come after us again.

Jack: You're ending a multinational? Really? All of those people, all those employees who have mortgages and tuitions that they have to pay, never mind the Newmans -- Victoria and everyone else who depends on that company.

Phyllis: You're worried about collateral damage?

Jack: Yes, I am!

Phyllis: I am collateral damage, with Victor going after you.

Jack: That's exactly my point. Innocent people are getting hurt.

Phyllis: Well, they are on the wrong side. They shouldn't be coddling his precious company. And if you're worried about the employees, then, hell, have Jabot hire them.

Jack: It shouldn't be this hard. I know you want retribution. What did retribution get Billy? Visitation rights and a broken engagement with Victoria.

Phyllis: You think I'll lose you if I pursue this?

Jack: I think you'll lose yourself.

Phyllis: I am never going to lose myself again. Never. And if this is too much for you, if this is too upsetting to you, then fine. But anybody who stands behind Victor's empire will be in my line of fire.

Billy: Phyllis, hey, it's me. Call me back. Now. Sooner than now. This is big. It's about work.

Kevin: How is she not answering her phone?

Mariah: Doesn't she know we've gone nuts and fast-tracked the launch? How did she not see this coming? She should be expecting our call.

Natalie: I know you're being facetious.

Mariah: [Gasps] That only took you three months.

Natalie: But she might not want to hear from us. She could veto the launch.

Billy: No, no. Not a chance. This is Victory for Phyllis. She wants this just as much as we do. More, actually.

Kevin: So, we wait for her to get out of the shower and check her voicemail?

Billy: No, we keep moving forward. We call a press conference. We let them know that the rumors they're hearing about pass key are true.

Mariah: Hey, is there any way that you can do those crazy graphics like they do on all the tech shows?

Natalie: [Scoffs] Yeah. I'll just pull that out of my... laptop in the next 20 minutes.

Kevin: We should loop Jack in. He should be on board, right?

Billy: More or less, yeah.

Kevin: Which is it?

Mariah: More or less?

Billy: He's gonna need some persuading, but he wants Jabot to turn a profit just as much as we all do.

Mariah: Okay, Jack can care about Jabot. All I care about is my profit. And yours. And geek girl's. Hi. Are you listening?

Natalie: [Sighs] This is -- this -- this is what I've been waiting for for my whole life. This is my moment, and I owe it all to you.

Nick: Is it really labor?

Sharon: She's in with the doctor now.

Shawn: [Breathing heavily]

Sage: Shawn.

No visitors.

Sage: We're the parents. Uh, we're the adoptive parents, I mean.

Wait outside, please.

Nick: Okay, Sage, I think we should go --

Shawn: Please. Let Sage stay. [Breathing heavily] Sage, it's too soon.

Sage: Hey, hey. Listen to me. You are brave, Shawn. You are strong. You make this miracle happen, and I'm gonna do everything I can to get you through this. Do you trust me? Okay.

Shawn: [Gasping]

Sage: It's okay. Door!

Sharon: And I was dropping off some supplies for Dylan.

Nick: Thank goodness you were there. I mean, the idea of Shawn going into labor alone?

Sharon: No, she was fine at first. And then somehow we got started talking about the adoption, and, Nick, honestly, I meant to be supportive, but instead...

Nick: Instead what?

Shan: Shawn got upset, and then she doubled over.

Sage: Shawn, we're going to be right here, okay? Listen to me. The doctor's going to take care of you. There's something wrong with the baby.

Shan: I' I'm so sorry.

Sage: What? Why are you sorry? Did -- is this your fault?

Nick: Sage.

Sharon: Shawn was filling out some forms, and she wanted to talk about the adoption. She -- she wanted to know if her feelings were normal.

Sage: And what did you say?

Sharon: Well, I was trying to help, and -- and I reminded her of what great parents you both will be to the baby, but she was talking about how she might feel after the baby's born. And, Nick, I had no idea you didn't tell her about Cassie.

Sage: Oh, my God. You told her you took Cassie back, didn't you? She told Shawn she regretted the adoption. Why would you do that?! You don't want us to have this baby, do you, Sharon?!

Sharon: [Voice breaking] No, Sage! That's not true! I-I-I want this! I want this for both of you! But Shawn -- she just needed to feel like she wasn't alone.

Sage: Well, whatever you said to her drove her into labor, Sharon!

Nick: Sage, come here, come here, come here. Listen to me. Listen to me. No one is to blame here, okay? No one. No one wanted this. The doctors are gonna take very good care of her and the baby. Sharon, thank you so much for calling the EMTs, but we'll take it from here, okay?

Sharon: I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

Nick: It's okay. Look at me. This is not like Christian, okay? It's not.

[Footsteps approach]

Sage: Uh, is Shawn okay? And is the baby okay? Please tell me.

He's not out of the woods yet.

Nick: Can -- can we see him? Is he in the NICU?

Sage: We know the way. [Sniffles]

Phyllis: Chardonnay, please. [Sighs] [Sighs]

Kevin: You beat us here. Good. Great.

Mariah: I know you're used to doing these press conference things, so do you want to do the talking or you gonna write it down or wing it or...?

Phyllis: What's she talking about?

Kevin: Billy didn't call you?

Phyllis: No, I've been tied up. Fill me in.

Natalie: Well, the deal was once Victor was dealt with, we could roll out pass key. He's done. He's been dealt with.

Kevin: Billy's on board. He wants to make this happen A.S.A.P.

Phyllis: Of course he is. I knew he wouldn't let me down.

Billy: Yeah, you're gonna want your best people there, 'cause it's gonna be huge. You can set up outside, do your interviews and reactions from there. And if you're lucky, I'll let you test the product yourself, but I'm gonna warn you right now -- you're gonna have to be careful. It's gonna blow your mind. It's gonna be worth it, though. Yep. Okay. Yeah, be there.

[Knock on door]

Billy: Okay. Bye. Well, well, Jack is back. What's going on?

Jack: You've spent a lot of time with Phyllis lately.

Billy: Oh, come on. Are you -- are you kidding me? I thought we were over this.

Jack: Apparently not. Phyllis has no intention of letting go. She is determined to destroy Newman enterprises.

Billy: Wow. Really? Well, I guess it's go big or go home, right?

Jack: Not helping, Billy.

Billy: What do you want me to say? I mean, do you want me to tell you that she's wrong? How am I supposed to say that with a straight face after what I did with paragon?

Jack: You're okay with this, even if Victoria is emotionally and -- and financially invested in the very company Phyllis wants to tank?!

Billy: Well, maybe Victoria needs to be liberated from her personal prison called Newman.

Jack: That is not your call to make. Victoria's trying to make peace between Jabot and Newman! I can't believe you're not on that side!

Billy: Come on! I tried to talk to Phyllis. She told you the same thing, which is not exactly easy to convince! You know that!

Jack: Well, I'm gonna have to somehow, before she escalates this war yet again.

Billy: I might have a-a great reason for her to take her mind off the Newman issue. Pass key. It's time to launch.

Jack: Launch a billion-dollar company that we stole from Newman enterprises? Are you kidding me? It's like declaring war.

Billy: It's a product launch. Pass key is ours. We own it. What's the point if we don't actually use it?

Jack: You are just like Phyllis. Look at you. You even have the glint in your eye. You talk about peace, but revenge puts the spring in your step. God, you just love the fact that Phyllis wants to ruin the last thing Victor really cares about.

Mariah: Hey. I got your messages. What's going on? What's happened?

Sharon: Sweetheart, you didn't have to rush all the way out here. I'm sorry. You know what? I-I wanted to talk, but maybe I shouldn't, you know. Talking didn't help before. It's actually what created all of this.

Mariah: Well, I'm here. You can always talk to me.

Sharon: You know, I just wanted to help. I wanted to help Nick because he deserves some happiness. I come home every day to Sully and Dylan and faith, and I know how lucky I am. I know how much I have to be grateful for, and I just wanted that for Nick, t. You know, I wanted him to be able to feel that joy again after losing Christian and watching him grieve and... but I just made things worse. And once I said the words, I couldn't fix it. If I did this to him... if I'm the reason Nick loses his baby...

Sage: He's so small. But his color... Nick: He looks good. And he's tougher than he looks. I can tell.

Sage: You think so?

Nick: Oh, yeah. For sure.

Sage: Why don't we peek inn Shawn and see if she's okay?

Nick: Okay.

Sage: Shawn.

Shawn: How is he? How's David?

Nick: Uh, he's, um... you know, he's -- he's tiny, but he's tough. They got him in the NICU.

Sage: Doctors and nurses are gonna take really good care of him.

Shawn: I want to see him.

Sage: Maybe it's not the time --

Shawn: I want to see my son. Now.

Natalie: Is this tech enough?

Kevin: Is it?

Natalie: Do I look like a computer genius u would trust with your most crucial financial and personal data?

Kevin: Chuckles] You look --

Natalie: Never mind. This isn't working. I can tell. I'll be back in a minute.

Phyllis: Okay, I think that that is insane. You know, we -- we are not prepared, I mean, as in video demonstrations or graphics.

Kevin: Billy wants to use the momentum, a big move that gets big attention.

Phyllis: Well, he knows how to do that, but this is not scripted. I would like him here so we can talk about how we want to present this.

Kevin: Don't overthink it. It should be you, Jack, and Billy up there -- the Abbott brothers and the woman who brought them back together.

Billy: Jack, you said yourself that we were gonna launch pass key once Victor was in jail! Well, guess what? Victor is in jail! So I don't see what the issue is here! Unless you were thinking he was gonna get away with it and you weren't really gonna launch pass key, which I'd have to say is kind of messed up if that's what you were hoping would happen.

Jack: Are you kidding me? After everything Victor put us through? Don't be crazy. We haven't looked at the legal ramifications of taking pass key to the public!

Billy: Pass key was taken from me when I was having a little nap in the hospital for a week. Then Victor fired Natalie, Natalie came to us. She came to Jabot. Pass key started working. We are on the right side of the law here.

Jack: You do realize when we take pass key public, any chance of you putting things back together with Victoria --

Billy: Slim to none. Yes, I understand that. But like I told you, she has no problem forgiving her father. It's me she has a problem forgiving.

Jack: And what about Phyllis?

Billy: What about Phyllis?

Jack: What's this going to do to Phyllis? Or do you care?

Billy: This is gonna make her rich. It's gonna make her feel vindicated. Yes, I care.

Jack: Just like paragon. Boy, that sure worked out for the two of you.

Billy: What is with you?! I don't even recognize you here! You're like a scared, little boy in a corner afraid of shadows!

Jack: This is not fear. This is a rational adult making considered decisions.

Billy: Okay, well, you can continue being a rational adult. Why don't you let us handle Jabot? How's that sound?

[Cell phone rings]

Billy: Bryan. Yes. Hey, it's me. Yep. Yes, it is happening, and it's gonna be big, big, big. Start of great things.

Kevin: You ready?

Phyllis: You have no idea.

Kevin: To the ultimate Victory.

Phyllis: To sweet, sweet revenge.

[Glasses clink]

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: Shawn had the baby?

Sharon: Nick and Sage might lose their little boy, and it's my fault.

Shawn: What aren't you telling me? Is there something wrong with him?

Victor: Protection from what?

Bobby: Me.

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