Y&R Transcript Monday 3/28/16


Episode # 10887 ~ Victor shocks the courtroom; Jack defends Phyllis; Nikki falls off the wagon.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: Your honor, I don't need a postponement. I have no intentions of hiring another lawyer. From now on, I intend to serve as my own counsel. And as such, I will call as my first witness Mr. Victor Newman to the stand.

Judge Murray: Order. Order in the court, please.

Christine: Your honor, this is absurd given the severity of the charges.

Judge Murray: I have to agree, Mr. Newman. Representing yourself in a criminal proceeding is extremely ill-advised.

Christine: It's madness.

Victor: Madness is my own lawyer throwing my trial and sending me to prison. There's obviously no one I can trust. My family and friends here, enjoying this public humiliation, and all because of you, Phyllis Abbott! You concocted this entire scheme!

Jack: Don't you even think about attacking my wife, after what you did to us?!

Victor: Your wife is behind this whole plot to undermine me!

Jack: Stop this. You've got to stop this.

Victor: Ask her husband, who's now so righteously outraged.

Jack: He's a liar.

Victor: Or his degenerate brother or my lawyer, who was roped...

Jack: Can you stop this?

Victor: ...Into this whole plot.

Victor: They are to be found guilty, not I!

Judge Murray: Order, order! Mr. Newman, please!

Summer: You need to sit -- you need to stop.

[Clamoring, gavel banging]

Judge Murray: Order! Bailiff, clear the courtroom! I want everybody out except for the defendant and the prosecution! Now! Do it!

Paul: All right, let's go, people. You heard the judge.

Jack: You're sick in the head, Victor! You're going away for a long, long time!

Paul: Jack, please. Thank you.

Clear the court. Thank you.

Phyllis: Summer.

Summer: So this was all your plan, having Michael throw the case? Why?

Phyllis: You know why.

Marisa: Noah, don't start anything. Not today.

Jack: This is all your doing! You went slithering around like the snake you are, collecting information you could feed to Victor! I'll bet you couldn't wait to tip him off!

Billy: You don't want to do this right now.

Jack: Yeah, sure, I do.

Luca: Hey, come on. It's not what you think. You know I overheard the plan at your fundraiser, but I didn't tell a soul, like you requested, until I forced to under oath. Come on, what was I supposed to do? Was I gonna lie? It would be against the law and certainly not honorable.

Michael: You're lying right now. You told Victor.

Lauren: All right, Michael, he's not worth it.

Phyllis: He's scum.

Michael: He's the one who wanted you on the stand. He insisted on it.

Billy: Which means you went running to him as soon as you heard, didn't you?

Luca: No, I didn't. I swear. When would I have done this? You think I was gonna go visit Victor in jail? Come on, Victor found out some other way. Come on, summer. You believe me, don't you?

Summer: I don't know -- I don't know what to believe anymore.

Noah: Luca. Leave her the hell alone.

Marisa: Hey, come on. Come on. Noah.

Michael: If you're smart, you'll walk out of here and you'll keep on going. No one's gonna trust you in this town again.

Luca: Oh, come on. Look who's talking. You're the one who betrayed his client. It would be a miracle if you're not disbarred.

Phyllis: Don't listen to that lowlife.

Michael: Even if he's right?

Jack: Red, listen to me. This is not your fault.

Billy: Jack's right. We knew this was a risk going in.

Phyllis: It's not over. This trial isn't over, and I'm not gonna give up until Victor gets what's coming to him.

Christine: Your honor, after seeing the weight of the evidence against him, Victor has used the unfortunate situation with his attorney to sway the jury with emotion and crazy stunts.

Victor: Ms. Williams, how is this any different from what you have been doing? I mean, you had my family up on the stand, asking them soft questions, asking them how they felt, what they believed. You didn't ask them any hard questions.

Christine: And your attorney should have objected.

Victor: He didn't. That's why I had him fired. I will not hire another one.

Judge Murray: Are you laying the groundwork for a mistrial?

Victor: No, your honor. I would like this trial to continue. I would like this to get over with as soon as possible.

Christine: Your honor --

Judge Murray: If this court is going to err, it's gonna err on the side of the defendant's rights. Mr. Newman may represent himself if he so chooses. Although, sir, I must caution you.

Victor: Your honor, I understand the special circumstances. Um, I will act as respectfully as I can. But I assure you, when I'm through, the jury and the accusers will understand that I'm no fool.

Phyllis: The judge decide anything?

Christine: He ruled that Victor will be allowed to represent himself. Well done.

Phyllis: Christine, Victor hurled a lot of accusations today. I wouldn't blame you for wondering if any of them are true, if I might have sabotaged the case.

Christine: [Scoffs] The thought did cross my mind.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Here's the thing. I'm gonna ask you for a favor.

Christine: A favor? After everything? Have you lost your mind?

Phyllis: Not for me. For Michael. Do not make him the scapegoat on this if all of this goes south. He was looking for justice, just like all of us.

Christine: Well, justice is an elusive thing, which you must know since you've avoided it more than once.

Phyllis: That mean you're gonna go easy on him? Christine. Please.

Christine: Whether Victor's theory turns out to be true or not, all he has to do is convince one juror that he's the victim. You just made his job a hell of a lot easier.

Billy: Well, I guess you could say this is a mess.

Jack: Yeah.

Billy: Well, you weren't very high on Phyllis' plan from the get-go.

Jack: It was a rotten plan from the get-go. I can't believe I signed off on it. Since I did, I... you know what I should do right now? I should get Phyllis home, get her packed, get to the airport, take a plane, go on a nice, long vacation, somewhere warm. The honeymoon we never had.

Billy: I know you didn't ask me, but I think it's better that Phyllis is here and she sees this through to the end. Call it closure, call it whatever, but I think she should be here for this.

Jack: No, no. Once this plan backfired, Phyllis needs to step away.

Billy: [Sighs] Why?

Jack: Because anything more would border on obsession. This is a slippery slope, Billy.

Billy: Believe me. I know that. When Dee Dee died --

Jack: Yeah, yeah, I know. That nearly destroyed you.

Billy: Yeah, and you know how I got over it? I was in there, and I watched to make sure that Adam stood trial, to watch him admit what he did. It's the only way that I could forgive him. I guarantee that's the only way Phyllis is gonna get over this.

Jack: I appreciate your concern. What about your wife?

Billy: My -- you mean Victoria? My ex-wife.

Jack: Well, you were hoping to fix that. Maybe you still can, you know, by some miracle Victor goes to prison.

Billy: You think that's gonna change anything?

Jack: You forgive him, she forgives him. Nothing's gonna stand in your way, then, right?

Billy: Jack, Victoria is her father's daughter. Some things you just can't forgive.

Victoria: It's like I told Michael. Dad wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

Nikki: The whole purpose of making your father accountable was to save him from himself. I think somewhere along the line, we lost sight of that.

Victoria: Although if we're being brutally honest, wasn't part of this a way to punish him for not valuing us as much as he does the company?

Nikki: When I was up there on that stand, in spite of everything, I felt like such a traitor, like I was betraying the man I love.

Abby: I know what you mean. It felt horrible.

Nick: I didn't like it, either.

Abby: How did this happen to us? We're supposed to be the luckiest people in town, the family that everyone wants to emulate, that everyone wants to be a part of.

Victoria: Well, it's easy to blame dad, but this is on us, too. All of us.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Summer: Hey, grandpa.

Victor: Thank you for coming. I was just going over my plan, you know?

Summer: Your plan?

Victor: Once I make sure that those people who've betrayed me understand what a mistake they made, I think the jury will understand, as well. Once the jury understands, I'll be a free man.

Summer: You knew this was coming. You -- you had a backup plan.

Victor: Oh, sweetheart, I'm always ready and always have a plan B.

Summer: How do you know who's right and who's wrong? None of this is making any sense to me. I don't know what to think anymore.

Victor: Well, why don't you come to the courtroom with me, okay, listen to the testimony, and then you make up your own mind. By the way... you're the only one who's come to visit me. I'll never forget that. Will you do one thing for me, though?

Summer: Yeah, what's that?

Victor: [Sighs] Would you stay away from Luca?

Summer: Why? I thought he was on your side.

Victor: Luca is on Luca's side. You and I have each other. That's all we have. Don't ever forget that.

Summer: Yeah.

[Knock on door]

Victor: [Sighs] [Sighs]

Abby: I can't handle all this waiting. I'll see you guys back at the courthouse.

Nikki: All right, honey. On and on it goes, into the next generation. I guess I just thought that the shock of putting Victor on trial would be enough to, I don't know, scare him, shake it out of him, that he realizes that he can't play God with people's lives anymore, but obviously I was deluding myself. And just seeing him stand there, defiant as ever.

Nick: Look, he's -- he's never gonna change. He is who he is. We probably just need to accept the fact that he's never gonna be the man we want him to be.

Nikki: [Sighs] Can't we be there for him somehow? I mean, can't we love him through it somehow, or try?

[Cell phone rings]

Nikki: Oh, my God. Is it...?

Nick: It's Sage. Hey, babe. Uh, no, we're at recess. How'd things go with you and Shawn? I'll be right back.

Chelsea: Maybe he won't call you to the stand.

Adam: Honey, we're talking about Victor Newman here. I think that's a little too much to ask for. It's bad enough I got to testify against my own father. Now I got to drag myself back to the courthouse and be cross-examined by him? It's a weird day, huh?

Chelsea: Any regrets?

Adam: About what? Not taking his deal?

Chelsea: If you had agreed to run the company, he would have pled guilty and he would be on his way to jail by now.

Adam: Hmm, you're probably right. Probably right. But no. No regrets. I made the right decision. My loyalties lie with you and Connor, not Newman enterprises. Besides, truth be told, none of my family members wanted me there, anyway, you know? Would have just been a big mess, a power struggle, bunch of infighting, Victor laughing from a cell at us that we couldn't get along without him. Forget it.

Chelsea: My God, looks like you've finally done it. Victor doesn't have a hold on you anymore. You don't need to crush him. You don't need him to love you. It's like you're -- it's like you're finally free.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, it sort of feels that way, you know? And, um... there's no way in hell I would have been able to do that without you, without your forgiveness and your love. And no matter what happens in that courtroom, I'm gonna look across, I'm gonna see you, and I'm gonna know that I can make it, because, unlike Victor, I'm not alone.

Victoria: Hi. Is this seat taken? Maybe you'd rather be alone.

Billy: Please. Can I buy you a drink? I know I could use a little liquid courage to sit through the second act of Victor's melodrama.

Victoria: Were you part of this, too? This scheme to throw my father's case?

Billy: No. I mean, no, I wasn't one of the instigators. I only found out about it after it was already underway.

Victoria: But you didn't come to me. You didn't do anything to try to stop it.

Billy: If I came to you and I told you, would you have stopped it? I know you don't agree with what he did. I know you want to see Victor face the music. You want him to suffer the consequences. I heard you up there.

Victoria: It's a reckless plan. There's just too many ways for it to blow up.

Billy: And it did.

Victoria: And it did. And now when I go back in that courtroom, he's gonna be pushing all of our buttons, especially mine. He's gonna try to make me look like the villain.

Billy: You heard what Christine said. There is a mountain of evidence against him. And you know the truth, Vick. There's nothing he can do or say to stop you from -- from knowing the truth. He doesn't control you.

Victoria: I really wish I can believe that.

Billy: You are the smartest, bravest person that I know. You are in control, Victoria.

Jack: My first instinct was to whisk you off to some idyllic, private resort, hopefully one without Wi-Fi.

Phyllis: What stopped you?

Jack: Billy. He convinced me that maybe you need to face down Victor, let him have his say in there and leave it to the jury to decide. That's the only way you'll ever let this go, the only way maybe one day you can forgive.

Phyllis: So the Abbott brothers know what's best for me, huh?

Jack: [Sighs]

Phyllis: What if I'm not interested in a vacation or a path to forgiveness?

Christine: Okay, we're about to get started.

Jack: Thanks for the heads up, Christine.

Christine: [Sighs] Word of advice. Brace yourself. Victor's calling you back up on the stand. You'll be the first witness he cross-examines.

[Door opens, closes]

Luca: Summer. Hey, you got my message. Thank you so much for coming and for not turning your back on me. I-I don't care what anyone else thinks, as long as you believe in me. What? What is it?

Summer: I just came back from meeting with my grandfather.

Luca: You can't believe anything Victor says, okay? He has it in for me. He always has.

Summer: I don't want to hear what you or anyone else has to say about my grandfather. I've heard enough of that in court. I just want to know the truth. Did you know what Michael and my mom were planning and run straight over to tell him?

Luca: Yes, I did.

Summer: What did you hope to gain for tipping him off about the plot against him?

Luca: I thought he deserved a fair trial, which he wasn't gonna get with all those damn people ganging up on him.

Summer: Why do you care?

Luca: Because you do, summer. I knew how hurt you would be if your grandfather was sent to prison. Listen, now that the plot's been exposed, Victor has a fighting chance of defending himself against all those people who were playing dirty.

Noah: Playing dirty, huh? Wow. Listen to this guy. You're the one playing dirty, Luca. That's all you do. Would you expect us to believe that you went to my grandfather out of compassion, to be fair? What -- what do you know about being fair? No, no, no.

[Cell phone chimes]

Noah: You wanted something from him. So why don't you just tell us what it was?

Summer: Court's back in session.

[Cell phones vibrate]

Billy: Back to it.

Victoria: Yeah. I'll see you there.

Adam: Well, thanks for letting me know. All right.

Nikki: Thank you. [Sighs]

Nick: Okay, we're on our way back. Hey, mom, we got to go. It's time.

Nikki: Okay.

Paul: It's almost showtime, Victor. Are you ready?

Victor: More than ready.

Judge Murray: Mr. Newman, you may call your first witness. Or you may re-call any of the prosecution's witnesses that you'd like to question.

Christine: Your honor --

Judge Murray: Ms. Williams, I intend on giving the defendant as ample leeway as far as procedure goes.

Victor: Thank you, your honor.

Judge Murray: Mr. Newman.

Victor: I would like to call Mrs. Phyllis Abbott to the stand.

Judge Murray: May I remind you that you are still under oath, Mrs. Abbott.

Phyllis: I understand, your honor.

Victor: Mrs. Abbott, in the heat of the moment, I may have accused you of plotting against me so that I would go to prison. But I'm not here to accuse you. I'm here to ask you to tell the jury how you and I worked together to bring down a common enemy. We did work together, did we not?

Phyllis: Yes.

Victor: Yes, what?

Phyllis: Yes, we worked together to capture him and bring him back to prison.

Victor: And would you tell us what the man's name is?

Phyllis: Ian ward.

Victor: And was your contempt for me so strong that you and I could not work together to bring that man to justice?

Phyllis: No.

Victor: And why not?

Phyllis: Because I knew you would stop at nothing, just like me.

Victor: You testified that there was a long litany of hardships that you were subjected to and allegedly suffered for --

Jack: No, not allegedly. I suffered for months because of you. My wife still suffers every day because of you.

Victor: How has that affected your life?

Jack: I'm not sure how to answer that question.

Judge Murray: As honestly as you can.

Jack: I nearly died. Somehow I survived. It made me stronger. It made me want to live.

Victor: You and I have fought each other, challenged each other, bullied each other. Has that ever deprived you of your liberty, of your family, of your business? I daresay not. I daresay it has made you a stronger and better person.

Christine: Your honor --

Judge Murray: One question at a time, Mr. Newman.

Victor: Let me rephrase that. This scheme that you and your wife Phyllis and Michael Baldwin, my lawyer, my legal adviser, concocted to make sure that I go behind prison walls, perhaps for life, was that any more or less nefarious than the tactics you accuse me of? Don't you think, in some ways, you, Jack Abbott, and I, Victor Newman, are somewhat alike? My dear summer, when the, um, Newman board decided to oust me from my company, did you support them?

Summer: No.

Victor: Why not?

Summer: Because you're the best person to lead the company and because you care.

Victor: About the business?

Summer: And about us, maybe too much sometimes.

Victor: Phyllis Abbott is your mother, is she not? And she is the one who wants to see me behind prison walls.

Summer: Yeah.

Victor: Wasn't she in a coma not too long ago?

Summer: Yes, for over a year.

Victor: And who is the one person that refused to give up on her, who went to different parts of the world to try to find a doctor to make sure that she came out of that dark void that she lived in? Was it her husband, Jack Abbott, or her brother-in-law, Billy Abbott?

Summer: No. It was you. You were the person that found the doctor that made her well again, and you were the person that paid all the bills, even when everyone else said that it couldn't be done.

Victor: Kindly let the jury know who believed in you when the rest of the board of directors, the rest of the family didn't think that you were capable of executing the office of chief operating officer of Newman enterprises.

Abby: You did. Uh, you -- you gave me a ton of responsibility. You praised me. You encouraged me. You let me know that I could do anything I put my mind to.

Victor: And yet you voted against me at the board meeting, did you not?

Abby: I'm sorry. [Sniffles] They -- they just said that it would be for the best, that you had to learn that there were consequences for your actions, that if I really loved you --

Victor: It's okay. I will ask no further questions of you. You're carrying my grandchild, and I don't want to upset you anymore. Thank you.

Nick: Even when I was in the inner circle at Newman, I always felt like I was a stranger.

Victor: Hmm. Did I force you to remain with the company against your own will?

Nick: No, but you sure as hell didn't make it easy when I wanted to leave.

Victor: Let's go back a few years when you were wrongfully accused of having murdered matt Clark. Who is the person that helped prove your innocence and who helped get you out of prison?

Nick: That would be you. I've never forgotten that. I'll always be grateful.

Victor: You'll always be grateful? I'll be damned. Yet you resent the fact that I'm very protective of my family, of all of you, of all my family, that I've provided for all of you generously over the years, that I've built a huge company for all of you? Yet you have joined the rest of the family to make sure that I go behind prison walls, perhaps for the rest of my life. And you say you're grateful? How does that jive with what you just now said, that you resented me for all of the things I've done to help my family?

Victor: Would you kindly tell the jury when we first met, what kind of life you led?

Nikki: [Sighs] Well, it's hardly a secret. I think the whole town knows the story about how Victor took me out of that strip club and introduced me to a new, more glamorous life.

Victor: Did you resent me for it?

Nikki: I loved you for it so much. I loved our life, I loved our house, our children. You lost sight of all of that.

Victor: Would you kindly tell the jury --

Nikki: I'm not finished. All that mattered to you was winning at any cost, even if that cost was the trust we shared, trust that is long gone.

Victor: Aren't you forgetting something?

Nikki: I don't know, Victor. You tell me.

Victor: If you loved your life so much, why did you turn to the bottle? I mean, that's common knowledge to everyone by now.

Nikki: I couldn't take it, okay? I couldn't take the lies and the secrets!

Victor: And did I turn my back on you when you were in the depth of that addiction, in the depth of depression? Am I turning my back on you now, when I can smell vodka on your breath? I know all the telltale signs. The others, perhaps, have missed that. Am I turning against you now, although you are turning against me?

Nikki: Damn you.

Victor: Thank you.

Victoria: So, how do you plan to twist my words and use them to show the jury how much you love me?

Victor: I think the judge wants me to ask questions, am I correct?

Judge Murray: That'd be my preference, yes.

Victor: Why did you vote against me so that I would be ousted as C.E.O. Of Newman enterprises? What's the real reason?

Victoria: It's a multinational. You were in jail. Someone had to run it, dad.

Victor: Oh, I see. Well, that's what you told the press, but what's the real reason? Isn't it that you thought by going to the police and ousting me from my position as chairman of Newman enterprises, you would teach me a lesson, you would make me see the error of my ways?

Victoria: Yeah, that was my hope.

Victor: I see.

Victoria: However, he is Victor Newman and he knows what buttons to push and what words to say. Don't you, dad?

Victor: This deeply saddens me. You're my daughter. You're my family. I love you. Is it true that you and I have had a rather turbulent relationship?

Adam: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Victor: Sometimes we have hated each other.

Adam: For sure.

Victor: And sometimes we have loved each other.

Adam: Also true.

Victor: And some people say we are somewhat alike. Do you agree?

Adam: Do they? I don't -- I mean, is that what they say? I guess it depends on the context.

Victor: Well, we have both been called ruthless.

Adam: True.

Victor: And we are both driven and passionate and ambitious.

Adam: We are. That's fair. Also true.

Victor: And that's where the similarities end. You've been convicted of multiple felonies, have you not?

Adam: [Sighs, clears throat] I have.

Victor: You were facing many years in prison, perhaps the rest of your life in prison. Who did you come to for help?

Adam: No one.

Victor: You're under oath.

Adam: I didn't go to anybody. You came to me. You offered me help. I took it.

Victor: I offered you help, didn't I? I offered to assist you so that you wouldn't spend the rest of your life in prison. Isn't that true? Now, you could have gone to Jack Abbott, who you consider like a father. But you know what? He wouldn't have helped you because, to him, his precious integrity is more important than even you. I'm not burdened by those feelings of integrity.

Adam: Oh, we know. No, every-- everybody kno-- are you getting all this down? Do you hear what he's saying? You say you have no integrity like it's a good thing.

Victor: You know what I'm saying? I'm saying that there's a higher authority.

Adam: Oh, sure. You?

Victor: Family!

Adam: There we go. Here it is.

Victor: This man has wanted family desperately and turned it away many times. But you cannot turn against family. You know why? Because my blood courses in your veins! And blood is thicker than water, blood is thicker than alcohol, blood is thicker than phony business betrayal! And we both know it!

Christine: The defendant gave a masterful performance. And there may have even been times in the trial when he got to you a little, touched your heart, made you think. But he did not and cannot deny the facts. Victor Newman broke the law and brought a world of pain into the lives of numerous people in this courtroom. All the justifications and the rationalizations, they don't matter. His deeds matter. So convict this man who wrongly believes that he is above the law. Convict him. Put him away... before he hurts any more people... he claims to love.

Victor: Ms. Williams said that I can't deny the facts. She's right. She's 100% right. I can't deny the facts. The facts are that my company and my family were attacked by an invisible foe, a destructive computer virus called paragon. I did everything in my power to fight that damn virus, and, in the process, maybe I stepped on a few toes and perhaps went beyond the bounds of the law. But in order to understand the motivation for my actions, you have to know something about me. I grew up in an orphanage. I was 7 years old when my destitute mother left me on the doorsteps of that orphanage. It's not some nice, little house with white picket fences. It's a desolate place. It is devoid of all feelings. And when you grow up in a place like that at a young age, you learn to fight. You learn to fight to survive, because otherwise, you don't survive. When I finally came out of that place and made my way in the world, I fought hard... to become successful. I built a company from the ground up, and that afforded me to create a family. And since I grew up without family, family meant everything to me. I would do anything for my family, to protect them. And yes, I may have broken the law at times in the process. But it was only done because I have a deep love for my family. They are my security. They are my reason for being. I don't mean to become maudlin. I don't want to prey on your sympathies. I'm just telling you that that is who I am. This is the man that you will judge. This is the man who stands before you, waiting for your judgment. That is all.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nikki: My God, he's gonna get away with it.

Nick: We don't know that.

Victoria: I guess everything that you said in the courtroom about loving me wasn't true, then.

Jack: You're consumed by this! You're pushing family away! You're pushing friends away! You're pushing me away! <

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