Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/24/16
Episode # 10885 ~ The residents of Genoa City gather as Victor Newman's trial begins.
Provided By Suzanne
Michael: All right. Suit's pressed. I hope I chose the right tie.
Victor: Thank you.
Michael: Well, are you ready to sally forth into battle? Today's the day.
Victor: Maybe not.
Michael: Not unless they have postponed the trial without my knowledge.
Victor: Well, there may not be a trial, you know? My fate may already be settled.
Chelsea: Did you get any sleep at all?
Adam: Yeah. No. I mean, I don't know. I think I might have... dozed off for a minute or two. I don't know. Maybe not.
Chelsea: Babe?
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: What's wrong? Is the trial?
Adam: It's the trial. You know, it's -- it's everything.
Chelsea: Talk to me.
Adam: I feel like I have this big decision to make now, all of a sudden, because somehow, some way, I've managed to get myself in this predicament where the future of the Newman family rests in my hands.
Victoria: I hate this feeling.
Nick: Tell me about it.
Victoria: We're sitting in Newman tower, bracing to take down the man who built it. How did we even get here?
Nikki: Ask your father.
Victoria: I would if he would speak with me.
Nick: At least we have each other. I can't imagine going through this without the rest of the family.
Victoria: Speaking of which, where the hell is everyone?
Abby: Sorry. We're here.
Noah: Sorry about that.
Abby: We stopped by dad's office.
Nick: Why?
Abby: To take it all in, I guess -- to look up at that portrait. Is this the day that it comes down for good?
Marisa: Luca.
Luca: May I come in?
Marisa: That depends. Are you here to talk me out of testifying against Victor?
Luca: Would it do any good?
Marisa: No.
Luca: Then why worry about it? You're forgetting where my loyalties lie right now. I work for Jabot, remember?
Marisa: As if that means anything. Your loyalties seem to change hourly these days.
Luca: I'm not here about Victor.
Marisa: Okay. Then what do you want?
Luca: I want to give you a gift. Trust me -- this is something you're actually gonna like.
Marisa: You signed the divorce papers.
Jack: Can I get you anything -- maybe a little more herbal tea?
Billy: What about an industrial-strength sedative?
Phyllis: Nope. I need to stay sharp. Thank you.
Jack: You just seem a little wound up, is all.
Billy: Deep breaths might help you.
Phyllis: You know what? Breath this. Victor's going down today, and I'm gonna have a front-row seat.
Jack: Hi, summer.
Phyllis: Hey, sweetie.
Summer: You guys don't have to do that.
Phyllis: What?
Summer: Pretend that you weren't just going off about grandpa. You all want him behind bars. I get it.
Jack: You know what? Summer's right. We shouldn't treat her like a child.
Summer: Thank you.
Jack: To that end, I think you should prepare yourself.
Billy: Yeah, 'cause nothing's gonna help Victor now.
Summer: Why? What is that supposed to mean?
Jack: That's just wishful thinking on uncle Billy's part.
Summer: Unless there's something about the trial that you all know that I don't.
Michael: So, you think the trial will be called off? Why is that?
Victor: I made an offer to my son last night.
Michael: Nick?
Victor: Mnh-mnh. Adam. If he agrees, the whole thing will be settled.
Michael: Except for a few small details. Plea deals are worked out with the district attorney. Christine holds all the cards in that scenario, not Adam.
Victor: Oh, you might be surprised.
Michael: How delightfully cryptic.
Victor: All you need to know is that...you may not have to lift a finger to see that justice is done.
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Nikki: Let's focus on getting through this day before talking about redecorating Victor's office.
Abby: No, Nikki. That's not what I mean.
Nikki: No, I know what you mean. You're talking about the portrait.
Victoria: It is Newman enterprises. It stands for so much.
Nick: It's a symbol -- dad's pride and claim to the company.
Noah: I remember when I first saw it.
Nikki: You do?
Noah: Yeah. Yeah. I was 4 or 5, and grandpa brought me into his office, the inner sanctum. I can still hear his voice, the way he spoke about it.
Victoria: It was his baby.
Nick: It still is.
Abby: Not for long, if we have anything to say about it.
Nikki: Which we do. Yes, your father still loves this company and worked tirelessly to create it, but that doesn't mean that he gets to use it to harm people. And too many people have been hurt in the name of business, in the name of that damn portrait.
Abby: Oh. So, what happens? We just destroy it, replace it with yours?
Victoria: Would you stop it?
Abby: I'm just asking.
Victoria: Who cares about redecorating the office?
Abby: You know that's not what I mean, Victoria.
Victoria: Come on. You're acting like I'm trying to make some sort of power play here.
Abby: You have always wanted the company.
Victoria: Yeah, but not like this -- not at the expense of my father going to prison -- and you know it.
Nick: We all do. Look, we met up this morning so we could lean on each other. We're not gonna argue.
Abby: I know. I'm sorry. Just, um...
Victoria: You're scared. It's okay.
Abby: It's one thing to talk about testifying, but to actually be up there?
Nikki: Honey, just stick to the truth and make it brief.
Nick: The sooner you get off that stand, the better.
Abby: But how am I supposed to look at him in the eye?
Victoria: You won't. Don't look at dad. Look at us. That's what I'm gonna do. I think if we all focus on one another, we can get through this.
Nikki: Yes. Of course we will. We're Newmans.
Noah: Listen, not to break up a family moment here, but there is still one Newman that's a no-show. Has anybody spoken with Adam?
Chelsea: Let me make sure I understand this. Victor is willing to plead guilty and accept his punishment as long as you take over the company?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: And you're saying that you were up all night thinking about this?
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: Which implies there is, like, a chance of that. That implies, like, you're actually considering this.
Adam: Yeah. No. I don't know. What do you think, babe? I mean, I have to, don't I?
Chelsea: No! You don't have to. I mean, Adam, you agreed. You told the D.A. That you would testify against your father.
Adam: Well, any kind of testimony is moot if he cuts a deal, right? I mean, he's gonna end up behind bars. He'll serve time. If we do that without the hassle of a trial, it's a win-win.
Chelsea: No, it's not a win-win! Nobody wins! What are you talking about?! I don't win. You don't win. Your son certainly doesn't win.
Adam: Calm down.
Chelsea: No. I am not. I'm not gonna calm down. It's like you always just let Victor stick his claws into you!
Adam: Baby, I think you're not seeing the bigger picture here.
Chelsea: Okay, Adam. Enlighten me.
Adam: Okay.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: So... I mean, you know, I'd be running Newman enterprises, which we both agree, by the way, is just not a good thing.
Chelsea: Not a good thing at all.
Adam: No. But Victor would be out of the picture, babe.
Chelsea: Are you serious? Adam, Victor is never out of the picture, even if he were carted off to Siberia. I mean, his company would turn you into the kind of heartless, ruthless man it takes to run that place.
Adam: No, because I wouldn't run the company the way that he ran it. You see, I wouldn't fall victim to the same traps that he did.
Chelsea: Oh, my God, Adam. Did you actually just say that out loud?
Adam: Yes. It means that I'm stronger, babe.
Chelsea: No, it means that he won.
Adam: No. No.
Chelsea: Victor is manipulating you from inside a jail cell. It's the truth. Come on, honey. You have this new job. We have this new life. We have this great future in our hands. Please, please, please promise me you are not getting sucked back in.
Victor: Well, let me put it this way. If Adam chooses the path for which I think he is ordained, then, uh... I will just plead guilty.
Michael: You'll what?
Victor: I'll accept the sentence that's handed down.
Michael: [Clears throat] What do you mean by "path"? Give me some details. Give me some clue on as to how this is gonna work. Give me -- just give me anything. [Chuckles]
Victor: Well... in spite of all the years of acrimony between me and my son, I think I know him pretty well. I think I know what he will do. This?
Adam: I'm not saying that.
Adam: I understand where you're coming from, okay? Hand to God, I do.
Chelsea: Well, I should hope so. I mean, as of two minutes ago, I thought we were coming from the same place.
Adam: I just want you to think about it, okay? No nightmare of a trial, Victor's out of our lives, we get justice for Jack without leaving it to chance.
Chelsea: What chance are you talking about, Adam? I mean, Victor's guilty, and a jury's gonna realize that.
Adam: Well, yeah. I mean, that's what they said about me, right? But look at me. I'm a free man.
Chelsea: That is not the same thing.
Adam: You're right. You're absolutely right it's not the same thing, because that was Victor doing everything he could to keep me out of prison. Can you imagine the lengths he'll go to to keep himself out of prison?
Chelsea: So, you're saying he'll go free unless you do this?
Adam: I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is he'll definitely do some jail time if I do this. Jack will get his justice. He'll be able to breathe.
Chelsea: Okay, stop. Stop making this about Jack, Adam. This is about you, and you know it. It's about you and that soul-sucking company that you just can't seem to pry yourself away from. [Sighs] You want to run Newman enterprises. Just admit it.
Adam: I'm not gonna lie to you, okay? If I told you I wasn't the least bit intrigued, that would be a lie. But didn't I prove to you where my loyalties lie when I let Victoria take over the company?
Chelsea: Maybe this is the proof. Maybe all you've ever really wanted is to be behind that desk, sitting in your father's chair. But, you know, Adam, there is another part to this. If you go through with this deal, if that's what you want to call it -- I mean, forget about me and Connor.
Adam: That's impossible. You know that.
Chelsea: But if you go through with this deal, you will be the person sending your father to prison -- not a judge, not a jury of his peers, you. Is that something that you're gonna be able to live with?
Adam: You're so smart. [Chuckles] It may not come to that.
Chelsea: What?
Adam: Come on. Up.
Chelsea: Why?
Adam: I'll tell you in the car. Come on. Get your jacket.
Chelsea: Why?
Adam: Come on.
Summer: You just said I wasn't a kid.
Jack: And you're not.
Summer: Then tell me what's going on. Look, you obviously meant something by that comment.
Billy: I really didn't, summer.
Summer: Look, he is my grandfather. I have a right to know.
Phyllis: You want to know what's going on? We're happy, summer -- make that thrilled -- that Victor's day of reckoning has finally come. He deserves it more than anybody. He brought this on himself. He arrogantly pled not guilty, so here we are! Let the spectacle begin!
Jack: Maybe we can take this down a notch.
Phyllis: No. I am tired of pretending what happened didn't happen! Your grandfather is responsible, and if you don't want to watch while his entire family turns their back on him -- well, the entire family except for you, of course --
Jack: Look, Phyllis.
Phyllis: I suggest that you avoid the trial completely.
Summer: I can't.
Phyllis: Why not?
Summer: Because I'm testifying.
Phyllis: Yeah. [Voice breaking] You're testifying, as in defending Victor in court?
Summer: Yes.
Phyllis: How could you do this? I am your mother! How can you betray me like this?
Paul: So, how are you feeling?
Christine: Uh, good. Energized, like I'm about to go in to the ring.
Paul: Well, I'm rooting for you, rocky. Victor's not gonna buy himself out of this one. I have the ultimate confidence in you.
Christine: Your support means everything.
Paul: I'll see you inside.
Christine: Okay.
Lauren: Hi.
Christine: Hi.
Lauren: Big day. You ready?
Christine: Uh, as ready as I'll ever be. How 'bout Michael?
Lauren: Oh, you know him -- up at the crack of dawn, chomping at the bit to get into the courtroom.
Christine: That makes two of us.
Lauren: [Chuckles] Yeah. I-I hope this won't affect our friendship -- you know, Michael representing Victor.
Christine: Lauren, we'll always be friends.
Lauren: Good. I mean, it's not like it's the first time the two of you have been on opposite sides, right?
Christine: No, but I do have to say this one came as quite a shock. How Michael went from warning me not to let Victor get away with it one second to offering legal counsel the next? I-I get whiplash even thinking about it.
Victoria: Christine assured us that Adam is still on board.
Nick: But he is Adam.
Victoria: Exactly.
Abby: No one in this room would put it past him to go rogue.
Michael: I assume you're talking about Adam?
Victoria: Why?
Nick: What happened? Did he pull some back-door deal?
Michael: All I know is that Victor pitched a last-minute bargain to him.
Abby: What?
Nikki: What do you mean?
Abby: Well, did Adam take it?
Victoria: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?
Adam: Well, at least I know why my ears are burning.
Victoria: What is this about you and dad?
Adam: Well, believe it or not, Victor has agreed to plead guilty, do his time in jail, under one condition -- I take over the helm at Newman.
Victoria: Oh, boy. He just won't go down without a fight, will he? He's making sure that we're sufficiently pitted against each other.
Adam: I'm not sure that's what Victor's doing.
Victoria: You're not?
Adam: Mnh-mnh.
Victoria: Choosing to anoint you, the son that he's been at war with for most of his adult life? Yeah, I don't see that as a snub at all.
Nikki: All right. All right. Just put the sibling rivalry aside for a moment. What is Victor's strategy? I mean, he really isn't willing to surrender and go to prison?
Adam: Anything is possible with that guy, right? But for what it's worth, yeah, he sounded sincere.
Chelsea: Well, careful about taking him at his word. We all know he's conned you all before.
Nick: So, dad summoned you, laid out his terms. What'd you decide?
Adam: Well, I actually came here to get -- get your take on it.
Abby: Us?
Adam: Yeah. Is that so weird?
Abby: A little.
Adam: Yeah. I guess, okay, look -- on one hand, it's hard to believe anything that Victor says, and that job is the last thing that I want, okay?
Victoria: But?
Adam: But that trial is gonna be hell for everyone, right? And Victor's giving us an opportunity to get what we want, which is him in jail, and avoid a trial.
Noah: So, what -- you're willing to take one for the team? Is that it?
Adam: I'm willing to take this job to put Victor away. If that's what you all want, then just say the word.
Summer: Okay. First of all, I did not volunteer to testify for grandpa. I was subpoenaed.
Phyllis: Of course you were, because he wants to use your sweet face to sway the jury. Well, you know what? We are going to hire a lawyer, and we're gonna contest a conflict of interest.
Summer: Mom, no.
Phyllis: A jury has to hear that.
Summer: No. I'm -- I'm not gonna fight this.
Phyllis: Why not?
Summer: Because I was called to tell the truth, and that's what I'm gonna do.
Phyllis: Whose truth -- Victor's?
Summer: No, mine.
Jack: Ladies, it's getting to be that time.
Billy: Yeah. We should get to the courthouse.
Phyllis: You two go ahead. I'll catch up with you later.
Jack: I'm not so sure this is a good idea.
Phyllis: I need a moment with my daughter. Jack, please.
Jack: Don't be too long.
Summer: Mom, look, I already know what you're gonna say.
Phyllis: You do?
Summer: Yes. You think that I am siding with grandpa.
Phyllis: Because you are.
Summer: No, I'm not!
Phyllis: That's bull.
Summer: Mom. [Sighs]
Phyllis: You have been straddling the line between the Abbotts and the Newmans for years, and before this, I didn't see any harm in it. I mean, what were you supposed to do, right? They're both your family.
Summer: Yes, exactly.
Phyllis: I'm not finished. This time is different. This is not some petty courtroom drama. This is about people that you love that have been scarred forever because of your grandfather. And not only are you giving him a pass...
Summer: I-I'm not.
Phyllis: ...You are helping him escape. What kind of woman is that going to make you?
Summer: That is not fair!
Phyllis: Was it fair to Courtney? Was it fair to Austin?
Summer: I cannot believe you are bringing them up.
Phyllis: Ugh. Please. I can't believe you've forgotten.
Summer: I have not forgotten about them. I think about them every single day. But it is not grandpa's fault. He had nothing to do with those murders.
Phyllis: He brought Marco to town!
Summer: Harding is the one that murdered them both.
Phyllis: Ohh, sweetie. Sweetie, he may not have pulled the trigger, but he is responsible. You say you want to talk like adults. Then let's talk like adults.
Summer: You are being so harsh right now.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no. You know what harsh is? Harsh is you climbing in to bed with Kyle one night and waking up the next morning next to a complete stranger -- and not just one night. Months and months of sharing the most intimate moments, kissing him, touching him.
Summer: [Sighs]
Phyllis: So you know what? When you tell the whole world what a wonderful grandpa you have, you remember that, okay? Because it messed with my mind. It made me doubt my sanity. You keep that in mind.
Luca: You look surprised.
Marisa: [Sighs] That's it? After putting up such a fight, you went ahead and signed the papers?
Luca: You moved on. It's time for me to do the same -- find out what life looks like post-Marisa.
Marisa: It feels too...easy.
Luca: Some things are.
Marisa: No. Not with you, especially not with me and Noah. So...what is this? What do you get out of this?
Luca: Believe me or don't. All I want is your happiness. And if Noah's the man to provide that for you, you should be with him. Just be careful, Marisa. Dealing with the Newmans -- it's always a tricky affair.
Nikki: I knew this day wouldn't end without a curveball from Victor. We're not even in the courthouse yet!
Victoria: What do you think dad's angle is?
Abby: Dad's angle? What about Adam's? Making this decision, this sacrifice, wanting us in on it -- that's so not very you.
Noah: She has a point.
Chelsea: I can't believe I'm actually hearing this. Adam comes to you guys with the weight of the world on his shoulders, and you're actually making him the bad guy?
Noah: What is this? Is it you just trying to dodge a bullet, shift the blame in case things go wrong?
Adam: I'm not the one with the most to lose here, Noah.
Nick: Right. Just your wife and kid. But whatever.
Nikki: Adam, this situation is very difficult for all of us, so could you please just do us a favor and be straight with us?
Adam: I am being straight with you, Nikki. There's no angle here, okay? And the last thing I'm doing is giving up on my marriage. Look, I'm trying to get us through this with the least amount of pain as possible. That's why I'm here. So, any suggestions are welcome. Please.
Victoria: You're doing this for dad, aren't you?
Adam: What?
Victoria: You know that it's gonna kill him to watch us testify, and you want to spare him the torture.
Paul: Thank you. Almost time.
Victor: Yep. Thank you.
Paul: You almost seem as though you're enjoying this.
Victor: Have you heard from my son?
Paul: No. Actually, I haven't heard anything from your family. Why? Expecting a last-minute reprieve?
Victor: You know what I expect?
Paul: What?
Victor: Complete justice to be done.
Adam: Victoria, you're right, because what goes down in that courtroom could break Victor. You all know that. It could break all of us.
Victoria: I think you should do it. I think you should make the devil's bargain with dad. And I'll step aside.
Nikki: No, Victoria. Don't.
Nick: And let dad win?
Victoria: He'll go to prison.
Nick: Yeah, but he'll be controlling your life even from there.
Nikki: What about you?
Adam: What about me?
Nikki: Victor's antics have already put a strain on your marriage.
Nick: Would you really take a job that could cost you Chelsea?
Chelsea: Well, I mean, I'd like to think that it wouldn't. I think our marriage can survive the strain of Newman enterprises consuming our lives. But I don't really know --
Adam: Nick, do me a favor. [Clears throat] Don't pretend to care about my marriage, all right? You don't give a damn. It's insulting, and it's transparent. And, Nikki, what you're really afraid of -- and it's okay to admit it -- is Victor having anything to do with the company, right?
Nikki: Yes. Of course I am. This place is toxic for him. He still doesn't want to give it up. That's why he wants you in charge. That way he can still call the shots from afar.
Adam: No. In order for that to happen, I would have to let him, and I won't.
Nick: Easier said that done.
Adam: I'll cut off communication with him.
Noah: But he's probably expecting that. Look, I'm with my dad. Who knows what grandpa's got up his sleeve?
Abby: Yeah. Whatever it is, it can't be good.
Adam: Okay. Okay. I guess the Newman family has spoken. Michael, do me a favor. Tell my father that, despite the current CEO's approval, I won't be taking over Newman enterprises. No deal.
Luca: Hey. You okay?
Summer: Yeah. I just ran in to my mom. I can't even tell you how awful it was, just the things that she said.
Luca: Because you're testifying for Victor?
Summer: Yeah. She's in a lot of pain, Luca. I guess I just didn't let myself see it until now -- the things that my grandpa did that just really destroyed her.
Luca: Are you reconsidering? I mean, not that you really have a choice.
Summer: I don't know. Apparently, I can fight the subpoena, but I don't really want to, and not because I'm siding with my grandfather. I think that he should have to answer for everything that he did. And, honestly, I think that he will. I just -- I don't want him to have to do it all alone.
Luca: You have a wonderful heart, summer.
Summer: Tell that to my mom.
Luca: No, she knows. She just can't see past the anger right now.
Summer: What do I do?
Luca: Follow that wonderful heart of yours. There has to be a day when you stand up and become your own person, as difficult as that may be.
Summer: I get the feeling we're not talking about me anymore.
Luca: [Sighs] I granted Marisa the divorce.
Summer: Wow. Are -- are you okay?
Luca: I will be.
Summer: I -- sorry. What made you change your mind?
Luca: You. I was treating Marisa and Noah so poorly, and even though you stood by me, I-I realized part of you had to be disappointed with my behavior, and... I didn't want that.
Summer: Well, I'm really proud of you, Luca. Moving on is never -- never easy.
Luca: Yeah, I know. It's not.
Summer: Hey. Someday you're gonna make somebody really, really happy.
Luca: I'm counting on it.
Nick: We should get going.
Noah: You riding with me, Abby?
Abby: If that's okay. You haven't run over anyone lately, have you?
Noah: Okay.
Nick: Too soon.
Noah: We'll see you there. Why are you bringing that up?
Nikki: Um...I have a quick phone call to make, so I'll meet you in the lobby.
Nick: Okay.
Nick: Okay. It's just you and me now. What's up?
Victoria: You know we're in this position because of me.
Nick: That is absolutely not true.
Victoria: It is true, Nick. I'm the one that handed the dossier to Paul. I turned my own father in. If you could have seen his face... I hurt him so deeply.
Nick: Oh, God. I know the feeling, remember? I turned dad in to the feds for commercial bribery all those years ago. I know.
Victoria: Yes, but you didn't jump into his chair at Newman and get comfortable behind his desk. It just feels really wrong.
Nick: You did the right thing, Vick.
Victoria: He's never gonna forgive me. You know that.
Nick: Yes, he will. He forgave me. And we were a family again. The same thing's gonna happen for you.
Victoria: It just feels different this time. That's all.
Nick: All right. Let me ask you this. Do you regret your decision? Because I don't, even to this day.
Victoria: I think that you're comparing apples and oranges. Dad only did community service then, and now I can't even think about what's gonna happen to him. I can't.
Nick: Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. It's gonna be tough. But you'll get through it because dad loves you. Despite all his bluster, no matter what you do, he's always gonna love you.
Christine: Jack, don't look so tense.
Billy: This guy? No, no. Cool as a cucumber. It's just the prominent jaw line makes him look tense.
Christine: I know there's a lot riding on this, but I have everything well in hand.
Phyllis: You better.
Christine: Phyllis.
Phyllis: Cricket. Do not mess this up. Do you understand? I do not care what kind of death stare Victor gives you. Don't let him intimidate you.
Christine: I've known Victor for a long time. He doesn't scare me.
Michael: Hey! I was hoping you'd be here. I need all the support I can get right now.
Lauren: Oh! There you are! What's the matter?
Michael: Uh... I'm not sure. Victor is acting strange -- much too confident for a man facing what he's facing. I don't like it.
Lauren: Um, I don't think you're gonna like this, either.
Michael: What?
Lauren: Christine was asking questions about why you're representing Victor. I actually think she's suspicious.
Michael: Christine is always suspicious.
Lauren: You know what I mean. So, do you still want to do this?
Michael: No. But how do I get out of it now? I mean, if I -- if I step back, whatever Victor's cooking up may get him acquitted. At least this way, I have a shot at blocking his maneuver, whatever that is.
Lauren: Okay. You're gonna be great.
Michael: Yeah?
Lauren: Yeah. Go get 'em.
Michael: That's the plan. Love you.
Lauren: Love you, babe.
Michael: Hello, everyone. I can't imagine I'm too popular with you all right now.
Phyllis: You think?
Michael: Whatever happens today, I sincerely hope that the correct verdict is reached.
Victor: [Exhales sharply]
Michael: What is that? Where's the suit I bought you?
Victor: Sit. What did Adam decide?
Michael: You mean, Adam, Nikki, Nick, Victoria, Noah, and Abby? What did they decide? Yeah. That's right. Adam made it a family affair.
Victor: Ah. And they all refused my offer?
Michael: Apparently, they believe you'll still be convicted.
Victor: [Breathes deeply] Well, now... how would I be convicted when I have the great Michael Baldwin in my corner?
Phyllis: I can't believe it. Victor's reign of terror ends today.
Billy: Hopefully.
Phyllis: Definitely.
Billy: [Whistles] Look at that. Safety in numbers, I see.
Abby: Please don't joke right now.
Billy: I'm just, you know, trying to lighten the mood.
Abby: Lighten the mood? Yeah. It's not possible. But the one positive is that I don't have to pick a side of the courtroom to sit on today.
Jack: No. We're all in this together today.
Billy: Talk to you for a second?
Victoria: Sure.
Billy: How are you, uh -- how are you holding up?
Victoria: I'm hanging in there.
Billy: That's good. Yeah. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I know how much this is costing you. I just want you to know that I'M... really proud of you.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: Can I walk you in?
Victoria: No. That's okay. I'm gonna stick with my family.
Billy: Okay. Well, if you need me...
Victoria: I know where to find you.
Billy: Yeah.
Jack: Ready to go?
Billy: Yep.
Nick: Let's go in.
Marisa: Noah.
Noah: Hey! There you are! I was wondering where you were. Hey.
Marisa: I'm so sorry I'm late. Luca stopped by the hotel.
Noah: Oh, he did? That's great. What does Luca want now?
Marisa: Nothing...I think. Noah... he signed the divorce papers.
Noah: You serious?
Marisa: Baby, we are free to get married.
Noah: I'm sorry. That's great, baby. I just wasn't expecting this right now.
Marisa: Yeah. Neither was I.
Noah: Did he say why?
Marisa: Well, he said he wanted me to be happy.
Noah: Oh.
Marisa: I know. I'm as skeptical as you are. But he signed the papers.
Noah: Well, there's got to be some ulterior motive.
Marisa: I agree.
Summer: Oh, my God. Okay. So, even when you get what you want, you're still not happy.
Luca: It's called "moving on," Noah. You should try it sometime.
Marisa: And now I know why Luca suddenly granted the divorce.
Noah: Summer.
Marisa: Yeah. You were right about him wanting her, but I think this goes deeper.
Noah: What do you mean?
Marisa: I think Luca wants to be single so he can marry in to your family.
Noah: [Snickers]
Marisa: Well, that's not the reaction I was expecting.
Noah: [Laughing] I'm sorry. Just look where we are, Marisa. My grandfather's on trial for heinous crimes. His whole family turned their backs him. Who the hell would want to be a Newman right now? [Scoffs]
Christine: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Victor Newman is no stranger to this courtroom. He has faced felony charges multiple times, each time, avoiding punishment. But not today. Today Victor Newman is held accountable. Surely you're all aware of who he is -- wealthy titan of business, generous family man. But as I will prove to you today, Victor's greatest title of all... criminal. Now, I'm gonna have to ask you to bear with me, because what I'm about to tell you will sound so unbelievable, and yet I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's true. This man sitting before you conspired to kidnap Jack Abbott and arranged for a convicted felon to take his place. How is that even possible, you ask? The felon was a dead ringer for Jack -- his face, his body, his voice -- allowing him to take over Jack's life while Jack was being held captive. Oh, but not by the defendant. That would mean that he'd have to get his hands dirty. So he enlisted the help of an unstable woman named Kelly Andrews to hold Jack against his will. [Scoffs] And one would think that such a despicable action would make the defendant feel some remorse. On the contrary. Victor Newman does not feel sorry. He feels justified, hiding behind this decades-old grudge with the Abbotts. And you'll hear Victor talk about his family -- how important they are to him, how everything he does is to protect them -- and yet it was his very own daughter who turned in the evidence that led to his arrest. That's right. And she's not the only one who vacated his side. One by one, you will hear each family member tell a very different story, not of a man's heroic and protective stand but of his obsession with winning! That's all this is! Victor Newman has to win... no matter the cost.
Michael: So neat and tidy, isn't it? Almost wrapped up in a bow. What the prosecution has failed to mention... is the extreme threat my client faced... the paragon virus attacking his business, his family legacy, from the inside out. Was my client's response extreme? Possibly. But I will make it crystal clear that Victor Newman's back was against the wall. He was merely acting in self-defense.
Phyllis: That is a lie! It's a lie, and you know it! Jack didn't have anything to do with the computer virus. But you wouldn't care about that, would you, Victor? No, because you would do anything to silence the competition, including letting my husband die!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: I don't know you anymore.
Noah: What he did was wrong.
Nick: Immoral.
Victoria: Sickening.
Adam: Criminal.
Phyllis: What more do you want from me?!
Judge: Order!
Phyllis: What more do you want from me?!
Judge: I can clear the room!
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