Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/23/16
Episode # 10884 ~ Victor gives Adam an ultimatum; Michael confides in Phyllis; Dylan confronts Sharon.
Provided By Suzanne
Mr. McAvoy, you have never caused me any anxiety.
Dylan: Look, I'm the one who did a major liesmer mi
Granddaughter's in and out of here a lot.
Victor: Yeah. There's a complaint?
Just saying. She's good about coming to see you.
Victor: What? Are you taking notes perhaps for the edification of the district attorney that my granddaughter's the only consistent visitor? Is that it?
You expecting anyone else today?
Victor: One more person.
Victor: That's right. He's working on my defense. Trial starts tomorrow.
Phyllis: Michael. If you want to back out of this, I'm not gonna like it. But I understand.
Michael: I'm not backing out.
Phyllis: I understand the risk you're taking.
Michael: I'm risking it willingly, Phyllis. I will not allow Victor to elude justice again.
Phyllis: Thank you. What could go wrong?
Michael: Well, summer's all about backing Victor.
Phyllis: She has a mind of her own. She's stubborn.
Michael: You say that like it's news.
Phyllis: Could her testimony hurt us?
Michael: As long as she is Victor's only advocate, probably not.
Phyllis: But you're not sure if the other Newmans will be able to follow through. You think one of them might change their mind and side with Victor?
Michael: It only takes one shaky Newman to destroy our whole plan.
Nikki: Hey.
Victoria: Mom. Hey. Thank you for coming.
Nikki: Well, of course. Any time. But you sounded worried on the phone.
Victoria: No, I'm just busy. I wanted to get the family together for one last meeting before the trial.
Nikki: Why? Have you heard something?
Victoria: No, mom, it's just that... we need to be ready for tomorrow. Dad needs to be held accountable, and if anyone changes their testimony, it could all fall apart.
Nikki: Victoria, I know that. Why -- why are you so concerned?
Victoria: There's just... there's a good chance that dad could be turned loose with a vengeance, and we can't let that happen.
Nikki: Oh, you think I'm gonna be the one to cave?
Christine: Uh, I need to see Adam.
Chelsea: Is this about Victor's trial? Um, come in. I'm just about to leave.
Christine: Yeah, he's gonna be my star witness.
Chelsea: Uh, well, I'm afraid that's not gonna happen because Adam is in Chicago.
Christine: But he'll be back by tomorrow?
Chelsea: I doubt that. He's setting up offices there. It's part of his gig, so...
Adam: Actually, I'm back.
Sage: I poured you some milk. How you feeling? Are you okay?
Shawn: I'm good. No more of those funky Braxton hicks pains.
Sage: Oh.
Nick: We are going to breakfast.
Sage: Wow. You want to come?
Nick: Uh, you know what? I'm so sorry. Is it cool? I just kind of wanted to hang out with my wife this morning.
Shawn: Alone time is good. Enjoy.
Nick: Thanks.
Sharon: My baby? My baby's here? I don't... Sully? My baby. Our baby. Something's wrong.
Dylan: What is it? What's wrong?
Sharon: A dream.
Dylan: Okay.
Sharon: It was just a dream. [Sighs]
Dylan: What was it about?
Sharon: A lot of the same elements.
Nikki: I won't crumble, Victoria. And I'm not going to have a last-minute change of heart.
Victoria: Mom, don't take this the wrong way, but every time dad does something to stress you out --
Nikki: I drink. I know. I'm not going to do that this time.
Victoria: What makes this time different?
Nikki: Honey, for most of the years we have been married, I've been lying. I have lied to please your father, I've lied to protect your father, I've lied to protect myself. And the reason it's different this time is because he's dying. Your father's soul is dying, and that's why I'm gonna walk in that courtroom tomorrow dead sober, ready for anything that they might throw at me, because I am fighting for the Victor Newman that I married. He's a different person now. I have to fight to get him back. Do you understand?
Victoria: So we're gonna do this, mom? We're gonna do this? We're gonna sit in court and face him and condemn him? You can't pretend that this won't be hard.
Nikki: Oh, baby, it's gonna be hard. And perhaps... hardest for you.
Michael: One Newman defection. That's all it would take to sink this. One.
Phyllis: Who has you worried?
Michael: Adam. And Christine will be worried about him also.
Phyllis: Adam despises his father.
Michael: Yeah. No matter how many times Adam says he would like Victor to pay for his crimes, this presents an opportunity he may not be able to pass up.
Phyllis: So, Adam's gonna ride in with a white horse and save his daddy from the gallows? I don't think so. It's more likely that he'd slip a rope around his neck than save him.
Michael: Think about it, Phyllis. Unlike summer, Adam is actually positioned to affect the outcome, to sway the jury. If he portrays his father like some kind of avenging hero fighting the cataclysmic change that Adam himself helped to create, that -- that alone could get Victor acquitted.
Phyllis: Adam has a family now. He is all about Chelsea and his son, living life free of Newman and Victor. For the first time, Adam is his own man.
Michael: I'd like to think it's that simple. But never underestimate the influence Victor has over his... less-than-favored son.
Adam: Hi.
Chelsea: Hi!
Adam: I finished my business sooner than expected.
Chelsea: Well, why didn't you...call me?
Adam: Call you? I couldn't wait to get home to you and Connor. Where is he?
Chelsea: He's, um, he's at preschool. But, um, Chris-- Christine is -- is --
Christine: Real quick, Chelsea seems to think that you're not gonna show up to testify at your father's trial tomorrow. Is there some reason?
Adam: Are you asking me if I'm having second thoughts or doubts?
Christine: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm asking.
Adam: I'm not. Not at all.
Christine: Okay, so you'll be there?
Adam: Yeah, I'll be there. On time, in court, ready to go. I understand how important my testimony is, so do whatever it takes to put my old man behind bars.
Christine: Okay.
Adam: Anything else?
Christine: Yeah, um...
Chelsea: What's left to say, Christine?
Christine: Look, you and your dad have a complicated relationship, and because you're father and son, Victor knows how to press your buttons.
Adam: Mm-hmm. I won't waver.
Christine: I don't think Victor's gonna have the opportunity to pressure you, but his attorney is gonna come after you. And when you're on the stand, I want facts only, "yes" and "no" answers.
Adam: No equivocating. Got it.
Christine: I'm serious about this, Adam. You give Michael Baldwin an opening, and he will seize it. He will dig out your love for your father and capitalize on the strain with you, Nick, and Victoria.
Chelsea: But they're all in this together.
Adam: Yeah, it's true. Believe it or not, in this rare instance, we're all of the same mind, so...
Chelsea: And the last thing Adam wants is to get sucked back in by his father.
Christine: Okay. Then I'll see you in court.
[Door closes]
Chelsea: What's wrong? You're actually worried about this, aren't you?
Michael: I thought it'd be good to have one last meeting.
Victor: Any new evidence, or what?
Michael: No, nothing like that. But if you have any questions?
Victor: Run your strategy by me one more time.
Michael: Okay. I will undermine Christine's witnesses on cross. However damning the testimony, I will turn it around with each of your family members right on down the line -- Noah, Nick, Victoria, Nikki, and Adam.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Michael: We'll make it deeply personal for each of them. I will force them to acknowledge what a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather you've been, how much they owe you, how everything you've done, you've done in the name of family.
Victor: Good. Good strategy. Yep. There's something else.
Michael: What would that be?
Victor: I understand why you are so certain that you will succeed in getting me off.
Nick: All right, so there is a reason that I wanted to leave Shawn at home. For starters, I really wanted to spend some time with my hot wife. I don't want our lives to be about...
Sage: All about the baby. [Sighs] I know. I understand this adoption could fall through. I know it. I just -- I panicked. When she went to the hospital, my mind, my emotions just went to when we lost Christian there, and...
Nick: Okay, it's completely normal for you to be concerned about Shawn and the baby.
Sage: Concerned? I've basically taken concern to the next level, don't you think?
Nick: That's absolutely true.
Sage: [Chuckles]
Nick: Look, you just -- you want this so bad that you're hovering around her all the time. Trust me when I say this -- it's having the opposite desired effect.
Sage: I need to stop. I know. I'm gonna be better about it.
Nick: You don't have to be better. Look, it's -- it's not a race or a contest. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
Sage: Why is it so easy for you? You're so good with her.
Nick: Well, I've raised a couple of teenagers. The thing I think they hate most is hypocrisy. Shawn is naturally very curious about us. She wants to make sure she's making the right decision. What she needs to see is who we are, who we really are, and all the reasons why we would be great parents to this baby. I think what needs to happen is we all need to be a little more open and honest with each other.
Adam: Sweetheart, listen, all right? You don't have to worry about me getting sucked back into that vortex with my father. I'm not gonna become one of his minions. I'm not --
Chelsea: You know what? Forget it. I shouldn't have asked. I'm not being a naggy wife. Besides, I almost forgot to give you a proper welcome home.
Adam: Ooh, please. Dear lord, keep proper out of it.
Chelsea: Mmmm! Wait.
Adam: No.
Chelsea: Oh, no!
Adam: Yes!
Chelsea: I have a meeting with Sharon right now about the new line!
Adam: No!
Chelsea: I do! Okay. Ugh! I totally forgot. Okay. To be continued.
Adam: Please.
Chelsea: I'll be back.
Adam: Okay.
Chelsea: I'll be back. I'm sorry.
[Door closes]
Adam: God, I love that woman.
Dylan: Maybe pretend you're outside the dream looking in. What do you see?
Sharon: A lot of the same elements.
Dylan: Like?
Sharon: It was the day that Sully was born and Dr. Anderson handed me the baby. And I remember thinking... he doesn't look the way that Noah looked when he was newly born.
Dylan: That doesn't sound too scary.
Sharon: It's just... it was all a gauzy haze. [Voice breaking] And then inside of all those blankets, there was no baby at all.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Sharon: What are you thinking?
Dylan: It sounds like anxiety.
Sharon: About Sully's birth? Why -- why would I have that? That was months ago.
Dylan: I know. I'm no shrink, but I can't help feeling that the source of your anxiety is me.
Sharon: You? Mr. McAvoy, you have never caused me any anxiety.
Dylan: Look, I'm the one who did a major life shift and became a detective just when we had everything we ever dreamed of.
Sharon: Well, I'm proud of you. I thought that was really brave of you to take that step to make the decision to have a career that gives you a sense of fulfillment. Oh, my gosh!
Dylan: What?
Sharon: My new job with Chelsea! Today's my first day of work!
Dylan: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Adam: Yeah?
Phyllis: Hi. Just saw Chelsea leaving. Which is a good thing, I guess, since there's something you and I need to talk about -- alone.
Sage: Hey, Chelsea.
Nick: Hey, Chels. You here for breakfast?
Chelsea: Uh, more like work and coffee. I have my first meeting with Sharon to discuss plans for the company.
Sage: Oh, sounds fun.
Chelsea: Yeah. You know, my job offer still stands.
Nick: It's, uh, super nice of you, Chelsea --
Chelsea: No, it's not about being nice. It's not charity. I could really use the help, and I felt like you would be a great asset --
Sage: I'll do it. Yeah. I'm so sorry about how I reacted when you made the offer the first time. I would be so grateful to have this opportunity.
Chelsea: Amazing. Uh, uh, could you start, like, now? [Chuckles]
Sage: I hope you don't mind eating breakfast alone.
Nick: Do your thing.
Chelsea: [Chuckles]
[Cell phone chimes]
Michael: I think a lot of that comes down to my being a former district attorney. Having held Christine's position, I can anticipate how she'll approach the case.
Victor: Gives you an edge when it comes to counterpunching, doesn't it?
Michael: That's right.
Victor: Well, you know, when two adversaries fight at the height of their game, the slightest advantage could make a difference.
Michael: You have more questions?
Victor: Yeah. I mean, you're gonna do everything you can to get me off.
Michael: I always do what I say I'm gonna do.
Victor: Well, that's a funny way of putting it. Um, have you told others about your confidence?
Michael: Victor, you could always get another attorney.
Victor: Why would I do that? I believe in you. I believe in your word. You're a very capable attorney. You have to prove to the jury and to the judge that I'm innocent.
Victoria: Yeah, this is gonna be incredibly hard for me. No matter how wrong dad was or how justified my actions were... you know, he's never gonna forgive me, mom.
Nikki: Honey, in time.
Victoria: And our relationship is not... it's not gonna survive this. And, for me, that's a hard reality to face because he's my father. And I'll never be able to lean on him again. I don't have to tell you this. I know -- I know you're feeling the same way.
Nikki: Your father is not a man to leave things to chance. Even though he's lost control over judge Moxley and the overwhelming amount of evidence of his guilt...
Nick: You know dad's gonna do everything humanly possible to try and control the outcome of this trial.
Noah: Is that why you wanted to see us, Vick? To have a little pre-trial pep talk?
Victoria: Well, I could use one. I thought maybe you guys could use one, too. You know dad is gonna fight really hard. He's gonna do whatever he can to divide us and discredit us.
Nick: He's gonna come at us in ways we never even imagined. We have to be ready. I'm in.
Victoria: Me, too.
Nikki: So am I.
Nick: Noah?
Noah: You know, I keep on thinking about this day. It was a long time ago. I-I was, uh, I just wanted to hang out with my friends, and I got stuck at the stables with grandpa and summer and faith. And summer was yapping about some boy at school and faith was still a toddler and she kept on whining at me for me to pick her up. And I finally lost it, and I yelled at them, and I said, "shut up. Leave me alone." And, uh, you know what grandpa said?
Nick: I can only imagine.
Noah: He said that it's these ordinary, every-day moments that become extraordinary memories when a loved one is gone. So never take them for granted.
Christine: I'm glad I found you all together.
Phyllis: I'm the one who pushed this.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: I'm the one that wanted Victor to pay a lot of time in prison for bringing Marco into our lives.
Adam: Yeah, I know. I know that. Why are you reaching out to me on the day before the trial?
Phyllis: You're on our side.
Adam: Yeah.
Phyllis: That's a really good thing. But I also know that your father has used you in the past to control things, and your father's like a mad dog right now, cornered.
Adam: Listen, uh, he's fresh out of blackmail ammunition when it comes to me, okay?
Phyllis: You sure about that?
Adam: I'm sure of that. He's alone right now in a jail cell. He'll be alone in court tomorrow. Every single member of his family, including me, except your daughter, has agreed to testify against him, so Victor going to prison is inevitable, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Good. That's what I needed.
Adam: You sure that's enough to satisfy you?
Phyllis: What does that mean?
Adam: What do I mean? A little bit of jail time? I mean, is that enough to satisfy you? After what he did to you, aren't you looking for something more?
Phyllis: I don't follow.
Adam: I think you want to see him suffer. I think you want to see him hurt, humiliated.
Phyllis: All I want is justice for what Victor Newman did to me.
Adam: Yeah. I understand that. It doesn't seem very just, though, does it? I mean, the man's gonna spend a few years in prison, a few months, maybe, even, and then... then he's out and he's free. That's gonna end it for you?
Phyllis: [Sighs] It doesn't end.
Adam: I'm sorry. What? It doesn't what?
Phyllis: I said it doesn't end. It didn't end when Marco left our lives. It's just the pain and the suffering. I mean, Jack and I are still repairing the damage it has done to our marriage. It kills me every day I walk out of my house. Everybody knows me as the idiot who was with a man who wasn't her husband for months. So yeah. I want them to turn on Victor. I want them to judge him. And yes, I want him to suffer. And time in jail will only be a cherry on the top, because what will pummel him, what will cripple him is losing the most precious thing he's got, and that's the love of his family. That's why I'm doing this. That's what I'm after.
Paul: So, where's my grandson?
Dylan: Hey. Uh, he's in the back with Esther.
Paul: How's Sharon's first day?
Dylan: So far, so good.
Paul: Great. So, pre-trial prep?
Dylan: Yep.
Paul: That's good, because there's not gonna be any last-minute reprieve for Victor. He's going to face a jury of his peers for kidnapping and fraud.
Dylan: You think Christine can finally put him away?
Paul: Well, uh, she has a very strong case, but you know as well as I do that Michael Baldwin's a very competent attorney, so... she wants to be completely prepared for anything and everything. Which means the GCPD has to be on point, so I thought we would start with the chain of evidence, if you don't mind. And, uh, I -- Dylan? Are you with me?
Dylan: Yeah. Can I -- can I ask you something?
Paul: Yeah, sure. What?
Dylan: [Sighs] Sharon, she -- she had this dream, and it's, uh, it's been recurring. It's about the day Sully was born in Fairview.
Paul: What about it?
Dylan: I don't know. I guess it's like this anxiety dream, you know. At first I chalked it up to her being worried about me joining the force, but...
Paul: You think there's more to it?
Dylan: [Sighs]
Chelsea: So, we need to find a new office and design space.
Sage: Doesn't Newman enterprises own your company?
Chelsea: Well, Victor agreed to give me full autonomy as long as I continue to share my profits, so as long as I don't need to be anywhere near Newman enterprises --
Sharon: The plan is to stay far, far away.
Chelsea: That is correct.
Sage: Got it. Well, I'm so glad that Adam finally broke free from Victor and followed Nick's example.
Chelsea: It is a relief. I think Adam would disagree with you, though, that he followed Nick's example. Did you mention that you had a contractor?
Sharon: Oh, yeah. Let me just pull up his website quickly for you. Here. So, how's it, uh, going with Shawn?
Sage: Well, uh, it's a challenge for sure. Sometimes, um, I'm really overprotective of her, and then the next minute I'm falling over myself trying to impress her, and...
Sharon: It's nerve-wracking.
Sage: Yeah.
Chelsea: Well, it will all be worth it once the baby is born.
Sage: Hmm.
Chelsea: I'm telling you, the first time I held Connor in my arms, it's like my life just changed profoundly. It's like everything just came together, you know?
Sage: Yeah. Is that how it was for you, Sharon, with your kids?
Sharon: Um, with faith and Noah, yeah.
Sage: And Sully, too, I imagine, the first time you held him.
Victor: Can't wait to hear what motivated your visit.
Adam: It was an interesting visit of my own from Phyllis.
Victor: Oh. She must be thrilled I'm getting my comeuppance.
Adam: Well, she's actually still suffering from all the things you did to her in ways that you probably can't even imagine.
Victor: Oh, it breaks my heart.
Adam: I think she's dangerous, dad.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Adam: I tell you what, she was wondering if you had anything up your sleeve with regards to blackmail against me that could keep me in line the way you did the paternity of Sage's baby.
Victor: I don't have that kind of leverage. Why are you really here?
Adam: I think there's a way you can avoid this trial.
Christine: Is there some reason you're all here together?
Nikki: Victoria just wanted to make sure that we could maintain a united front tomorrow.
Christine: And will you?
Nick: We'll tell the truth. Dad is guilty of kidnapping and fraud.
Nikki: Yeah, we can't let him get away with it. We won't.
Christine: Okay, well, that's exactly what I needed to hear. I just don't want there to be any surprises in court.
Nick: Just ask your questions, Christine. We'll answer honestly.
Christine: Okay. Till then.
Noah: What about Adam?
Christine: I spoke with him earlier, and he is very happy with his new life and family. But trust me, he is just as committed to Victor being brought to justice as you are.
Victor: So, tell me how you think I can avoid a trial.
Adam: You admit you're guilty. You accept your sentence.
Victor: What, are you D.A. Or I can make that kind of a deal?
Adam: It's not a deal. It's a prophecy.
Victor: Hmm.
Adam: The evidence alone is gonna convict you, right, not to mention the testimony from Jack, Phyllis, Marisa.
Victor: Kindly stop telling me what I already know, all right?
Adam: I don't want to see you humiliated in front of your family.
Victor: Won't happen.
Adam: It will happen. Just because you don't think it'll happen doesn't mean it won't.
Victor: Someone will break ranks.
Adam: You see this as betrayal, right, don't you? I'm telling you, I've spoken to everybody. That's not how we see it.
Victor: So you're suggesting that my family doesn't love me?
Adam: I'm telling you that they do love you. We all love you. Of course we do. Dad, despite that, because of that, you're gonna force us toe stand and tell the truth to the whole world, the ugly truth to the whole world? Why don't you think about what that's gonna do to you? Better yet, dad, think about what that'll do to your family.
Victor: Please don't pretend to care, okay?
Adam: I think you should pay for what you did, yes, but I do care. I don't want to see you suffer. I don't want to see you humiliated.
Victor: So you want me to cop a plea to avoid a lot of hurt and unpleasantness for the family? Is that it? I might do that.
Adam: You might do -- really?
Victor: On one condition.
Sage: Shawn, we're home!
Shawn: Be right there!
Sage: We just celebrated my kind of new job!
Shawn: You got a job?
Sage: Yep. [Chuckles]
Nick: What have, uh, you been up to?
Sage: The nursery?
Shawn: Right. I started painting it.
Nick: Oh. Probably something you should have, you know, asked about.
Shawn: Well, I found this paint marked "nursery," and I thought I would help out. Did I do something wrong?
Sage: No, Shawn, you didn't do anything wrong. We haven't really been completely honest with you about things, and I'd like to sit down with you on the couch and talk about everything.
Dylan: It was just everything that went down at Fairview, everything, all the stuff with Dr. Anderson.
Paul: And patty.
Dylan: [Sighs] And patty. It just got wrapped up so quickly and -- and nice and neat, I just -- I never really got any clear answers.
Paul: From me, you mean, because of, uh...
Dylan: Patty. She's your sister, and I know -- I know it's a tough situation. Even now, I don't even know if I should be talking about it.
Paul: [Sighs] No, I want to hear what's on your mind.
Dylan: [Sighs] I just -- I just can't -- I just can't get these images out of my head, you know. On one hand, you have -- you got patty holding the stuffed cat, rocking back and forth, singing "hush little baby," and then on the other hand, Sharon's giving birth. And -- and she starts having these weird dreams about the first day that she held Sully, and...I don't know.
Paul: Let me reassure you that nothing that happened with Dr. Anderson had anything to do with Sharon at all. Anderson was obsessed with Nick. And she wanted him all to herself.
Dylan: I know that, but...
Paul: What you aren't thinking about is that Dr. Anderson was Sharon's doctor. And she was murdered in cold blood. And, unfortunately, it overshadowed what should have been the most beautiful event in both your lives. The birth of your child. So is there any -- any reason at all that Sharon shouldn't be having nightmares?
[Footsteps approach]
Sharon: Hi.
Dylan: Hey.
Paul: Hi! Just talking about you.
Sharon: Oh. Congratulate me, because I just had a fabulous first day of work.
Paul: Well, congratulations!
Sharon: Thank you. [Chuckles]
Paul: I'm so happy for you.
Sharon: Thank you.
Paul: All right, I'm gonna let you two catch up, and I'm gonna go sneak a little visit with my grandson. So, whenever you're ready --
Dylan: Yeah, we'll get into the prep for tomorrow.
Paul: Okay.
Dylan: So, how was it?
Sharon: Good. We talked about office space and the new line.
Dylan: Yeah, I got your text about Sage working with you guys. How was that?
Sharon: It was great, until I asked about Shawn living with her and Nick, and then the conversation completely turned to giving birth and holding our newborns, and that made me start thinking about my dream.
Dylan: Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too. In my arms.
Sharon: I had put complete faith in Dr. Anderson when she delivered Sully and placed him in my arms. I was just so happy, I couldn't think of anything else. But I was so foggy.
Dylan: That's from the drugs.
Sharon: It was that way in my dream, too.
Dylan: Okay, well, here's what we do know now. Dr. Anderson was obsessed with Nick, and you being her patient presented her an opportunity.
Sharon: She used us.
Dylan: Let's not forget about the good she did for you. And, of course, the miracle of Sully's birth.
Sharon: I know. It's just -- I have these lingering, unsettled feelings. These dreams -- it's like they're telling me Sully doesn't really exist.
Dylan: He's real. He's in the back with his grandpa right now. He's probably trying to feed him his first doughnut.
Sharon: [Chuckles]
Dylan: Sully is real. He's amazing. And he's ours. You got nothing to worry about.
Sage: Losing a baby is one of the hardest things you could ever go through, and I have all of these fears and anxieties left over from losing Christian, and that's why I've been so overprotective of you.
Shawn: It makes sense.
Sage: And I'm really gonna try not to do that anymore, Shawn, but if I back off, I-I don't want you to think that I don't care about your welfare. But --
Shawn: But you don't have to prove it to me. I kind of caused all this.
Nick: No, Shawn.
Shawn: I've been keeping score. I've been judging you, Sage, and that sucks. It's probably more pressure on you, and I didn't mean... I just don't know how to do this.
Sage: We don't, either. But a really smart man told me that the best thing we can do is just be honest with each other.
Nick: We were gonna paint the nursery...someday.
Shawn: Once you were sure I wasn't gonna back out.
Nick: Yeah, I don't, you know --
Shawn: We're being honest, remember? So... here's me being honest. I couldn't imagine better, cooler parents for this baby. And I'm sorry about starting the painting. Now it's kind of a mess up there 'cause I'm eight months pregnant.
Sage: I understand, but can I please help you finish? You want to do that? Let's go. All right.
Nick: I'll be up in a sec.
Sage: Okay.
Shawn: So, what's this job?
Sage: Oh.
Victoria: I need the pollard meeting moved to next week. Yes, and change the status of the Hawkinson deal to "active." It's filed under "pending projects." [Sighs] The last day my dad was in the office -- he put it in there. Uh, I'll be right down. [Sighs] [Sobbing]
Christine: It's been a pretty busy day so far, but I feel ready.
Paul: Well, Dylan and I are in your corner. Oh, and one more thing. I love you.
Christine: [Chuckles] I love you, too.
Michael: Phyllis. I think Victor's on to me.
Phyllis: What did he say?
Michael: Nothing specific. It's just a feeling I got. He's too smart to let on.
Phyllis: Maybe you're having a pre-trial jitters. It's understandable.
Michael: [Sighs] Maybe so. But Victor's up to something.
Victor: I'll agree to plead guilty... if you take over the company.
Adam: You want me to take over the company?
Victor: Yeah.
Adam: Uh, uh, what about Victoria?
Victor: I don't mean to disparage Victoria in any way, but I think you're far more qualified to take over my position. You know why? Because I think you're ruthless as I am. You make the tough decisions if need be. Want me to plead guilty? If you take over the company, I'll do it.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Luca: I'm not here about Victor.
Marisa: Okay, then what do you want?
Luca: I want to give you a gift.
Phyllis: [Voice breaking] I am your mother. How can you betray me like this?
Victor: Well, there may not be a trial, you know. My fate may already be settled. Thanks Collin.
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