Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/22/16


Episode # 10883 ~ Jack confides in Neil; Sage questions Shawn's motives; Victoria tries to make amends with Victor.

Provided By Suzanne

Phyllis: Here's to broken chairs and this wonderful blanket -- the only things keeping us warm.

Billy: Now, don't forget the red wine, of course.

Phyllis: Oh, yes, the red wine. And to day one of your new life, Billy Abbott.

Billy: Day one. Does it matter if it's night?

Phyllis: Here's a hint -- take a fresh start when you can get it.

Billy: I will take that hint, and thank you for your amazing pep talk about moving into the place.

Phyllis: Well, you'd be a moron if you said no to moving into Katherine's house.

Billy: Well, I'm a moron often, so thank for saving me from myself.

Phyllis: She was such a gutsy lady. She really lived a good life. It'd be a crime to let this home turn into a museum. It needs excitement, snark, and fun.

Billy: Okay. I'll handle the excitement, you got the snark.

Phyllis: [Laughs]

Billy: Johnny and Katie will bring the fun. Yeah, it's gonna be cool -- have a place to raise the kids in, start a new life, A.V. -- After Victoria. Don't try to convince me that we're gonna get back together because I just don't think that it's gonna happen, and, you know, what are you gonna do? I don't think she wants me anymore, so.. to be honest, this is the best I've felt in a while.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's pretty crazy. As far as miserable storms go, this is a pretty good one.

Jack: With this storm raging and unable to reach Billy or Phyllis, I'd -- exactly. Oh, Paul, I appreciate that so much. Thank you.

Neil: It sounds like the chief's gonna help you out.

Jack: Yeah, he's gonna have a couple squad cars keep an eye out for Billy and Phyllis.

Neil: Well, it's tough to get a cell signal on a night like this, isn't it? You know, my bet is that they found somewhere safe to take shelter.

Jack: Yeah, look, I -- intellectually, I understand that, but the brother in me and the husband in me is not gonna relax until I know they're safe.

Hilary: Well, I am so glad that our financial contribution of the foundation inspired you to do the same.

Ashley: As the newest member of the board, it was my pleasure.

Devon: You know, Hilary, we should go say goodbye to Neil and Jack before we take off, okay?

Ashley: Good night, you two.

Devon: Have a good night. Come on.

Dr. Neville: There is a strange fascination watching two women tear into each other while smiling.

Ashley: She's so lucky I didn't just rip her into shreds.

Dr. Neville: Oh, don't be modest. You did. Matter of fact, I want to run a test immediately. I just want to see whether it's adrenaline or something else that's put the color back in your cheeks. It's remarkable.

Ashley: [Sighs] I'm starting to feel like a human pin cushion, but okay.

Dr. Neville: Huh.

Lauren: I'm sorry.

Ashley: Hi.

Lauren: Ashley. I just wanted to say what a wonderful thing that you did. You are gonna be changing people's lives for many years to come.

Ashley: Thank you.

Lauren: Absolutely.

Ashley: I hope so.

Dr. Neville: Oh, yes.

Michael: I arranged for the visit, Victor. It can't hurt to talk to Victoria. At the very least, it'll get you out of your cell for a while. Just hear her out. All right. We'll talk tomorrow. Thank you. Bye.

Lauren: Is that such a good idea? Putting Victor and Victoria together?

Michael: No. But I have to maintain the façade -- the devoted attorney determined to get Victor free. If he were to get even a whiff that I'm trying to sink his case, God help us all.

Summer: Hey. I've been looking for you.

Luca: And here I was looking for you.

Summer: Okay, come on.

Victor: You're wasting your time coming here.

Victoria: There's a problem at Newman.

Victor: You deal with it. No more help from me.

Victoria: You know, if you would listen to me, this time you'd know that I'm here to help you. Ta

Faith: Okay.

Sage: [Laughing] Did you eat a burrito?

Shawn: You're a kangaroo with a watermelon in your pouch.

Faith: You guys!

Sage: Santa!

Faith: [Scoffs] I'm Shawn! Oh!

Nick: Yeah.

Sage: Good one.

Nick: I get it. I mean... kinda. Not your best. Whoa! Man down! That's it.

Sage: [Gasps] He's coming!

Shawn: Is that legal? Tickling after a pillow hit?

Nick: Oh, I'm a grown-up. It means I get to make all the rules.

[Faith and Nick laughing]

Nick: No, Shawn. I wouldn't be mad if you decided to keep the baby. In fact, I wouldn't even be upset if you went with another family.

Shawn: Really?

Nick: It's your baby, and if you want to keep him, you have every right to do so.

Shawn: But what if what I want costs you what you want?

Nick: Sage?

Sage: Hmm?

Nick: Everything all right?

provided by...

Sage: Yeah. I'm fine. Uh, I just, you know, I think we might need to take charades to the next level.

Faith: Cookies?

Nick: Chips.

Sage: Teams.

Nick: Not really a snack, but I'll allow it.


Faith: Okay. Us first.

Nick: Let's try... ooh.

Sage: Okay. What do we have? Person, place, or thing?

Shawn: Person. Go.

Sage: Uh...airplane!

Nick: Bzzz!

Shawn: Uh, Supergirl!

Faith: Yep! Shawn got it!

Nick: Oh!

Faith: That's what daddy calls my sister.

Nick: [Laughs]

Faith: Okay. Now, daddy and Shawn.

Sage: Why don't you come over here and give me five? Whoo-hoo!

Shawn: You're not gonna pick me up, right?

Nick: Gonna pass. No offense.

Shawn: [Laughs]

Nick: Okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Faith: Okay.

Nick: [Grunting]

Faith: Um...bullfight! Ooh! Boom! You nailed it!

Nick: So talented.


Nick: It's clearly because of my perfect interpretation of cattle.

Sage: You have mad bull skills.

Nick: Right?

Sage: Yes. Don't you think?

Faith: Yeah.

Sage: What do you say we eat now? You want to help with the kitchen?

Faith: Okay.

Nick: [Sighs]

Shawn: Faith really loves you.

Nick: Yeah, she's all right. I love her, too. She's such a good kid.

Shawn: They're lucky to have you.

Jack: I haven't had a chance to thank you for your very generous donation.

Devon: Oh, absolutely. I know how important this foundation is to my father, and I can only imagine how important it's gonna be to the other families, too, so.

Hilary: And our family, of course.

Devon: Right.

Hilary: After losing my mother, this cause is very dear to my heart, so whatever we can do to help -- marketing, fundraising. Oh, and Devon was actually telling me about some real estate ideas he had for potential treatment centers.

Jack: Well, great. We'll keep that in mind. Great.

Devon: So, we're gonna take off, but thanks again for tonight. Really appreciate it.

Jack: Thank you.

Devon: Absolutely.

Neil: Yeah.

Hilary: Gentlemen.

Neil: Thank -- thank you. Nice, right?

Jack: Yeah.

Ashley: Do you have a minute?

Jack: Absolutely.

Neil: Uh, Dr. Neville. Why don't I buy you a cup of coffee before you head out, huh?

Dr. Neville: Oh, by all means. Sounds delightful.

Neil: Great.

Jack: Okay, I know what you're gonna say. Hilary came on so strong, she made you feel you had to donate.

Ashley: Please. Hilary doesn't make me do anything except spiral down into a dark pit of rage and disgust.

Jack: I know she can be a bit overzealous. She can also be --

Ashley: Shameless, right?

Jack: I was going to say useful, in the right circumstances. Right now, she wants to be on the board in the worst way.

Ashley: Oh, I bet she does. Anyway, Jack, it does feel kind of good, doesn't it? Giving back, right? Maybe making the world a better place?

Jack: I guess that answers my question.

Ashley: What question was that?

Jack: I was going to ask you to come back to Jabot again. But obviously your work with Neville means a lot to you.

Ashley: It does. It's very important to me.

Jack: Jabot needs you, too.

Ashley: Why? It's in very capable hands -- yours and Phyllis' and Billy's. Where are they, by the way?

Jack: [Groans] Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it's the weather.

Ashley: Or what?

Jack: Or they may be plotting something behind my back again. Either answer is not very reassuring.

Phyllis: I don't know how it happened, but... I'm so damn mature now.

Billy: [Laughs] You are mature.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: It's totally true.

Phyllis: [Giggles] Jack and I are, um... I don't know. We're sort of dealing with our relationship like actual adults. We -- we talk and we fight and we make up and just move on.

Billy: Do you have a pen? I feel like I should be writing this down.

Phyllis: To gosh darn good grown-ups.

Billy: I don't think that's how grown-ups say it, but I like it. I hear what you're saying.

Phyllis: Well, that's how I feel. That's how I feel, you know? And like you, I haven't felt this good in a long time. It's only gonna get better for all of us. As soon as Victor is in that dark, dark cell for a very long time.

Billy: Such a pretty dream, isn't it? So pretty I'm almost afraid to dream it.

Phyllis: Why, you afraid you're gonna jinx it? 'Cause you're not.

Billy: Mm.

Phyllis: Victor will be convicted. It is written in stone.

Billy: Ooh, in stone? You sound pretty certain about that.

Phyllis: I am. 1,000% certain.

Billy: Even though he's weaseled his way out of a jam like this 1 million times before?

Phyllis: Not this time. This time, there is no other possible outcome. Victor's going down.

Victor: You give another file to the police? Is that how you plan to help me?

Victoria: There's a threat to your company and to your family. Do you give a damn about that or not?

Victor: Tell me what you know.

Nick: You know what? I think this one's pretty wiped out, so I'm gonna take her home. I think the roads are okay now.

Shawn: So, faith, how about next time you and me are a team?

Faith: Definitely. We'll wipe the floors with them.

Nick: Ooh. Smack talk. I love it.

Sage: Come here and give me a hug. You are the best charades player ever!

Faith: Thanks. Bye, Sage.

Sage: Love you.

Faith: Love you, too.

Nick: I'll be back soon.

Sage: Not bad for a stormy night, huh?

Shawn: Is Nick okay? He seemed distracted.

Sage: Oh, yeah. He's, uh...just the legal issues with his father. But you're sweet to worry about him. He's fine.

Shawn: He's got all that going on with his family, and a stranger taking up space in his apartment --

Sage: Shawn, you're not a stranger. We are so happy to have the chance to get to know you. You're really special to us and you always will be.

Shawn: You guys have been really good to me, so... thanks.

Sage: It's our pleasure. And I mean it. We're all in this together.

Neil: I want to thank you for coming here, taking this time tonight. I know that you're very busy with Victor's trial, so...

Michael: Yeah, well, nothing's easy when it comes to Victor.

Neil: Hmm. True. It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out. And I assume, my friend, you're gonna be in prime form.

Michael: Well, I can assure you of that. Now, forgive me, I've got to go.

Neil: Okay. Real good. Thank you.

Lauren: Lovely to see you.

Neil: Mm, lovely to see you, too. Bye, guys.

Michael: Take care.

Luca: Summer.

Summer: Yeah?

Luca: That's Michael Baldwin. He's defending your grandfather, right?

Summer: Yeah. They've been friends for years. Yeah.

Luca: But he's friends with Jack? Nobody minds that he's defending Victor, the enemy?

Summer: You find this very fascinating, don't you?

Luca: You are fascinating to me.

Summer: Mm. Cute. Not buying it, but cute.

Luca: [Scoffs]

Victoria: Luca Santori is angling to get a toehold in Newman again.

Victor: He's a pompous flea. He's an ant. He came to me suggesting that he could save Newman enterprises.

Victoria: He's not backing off, dad. He's chatting up Newman board members.

Victor: He's a fool.

Victoria: Trying to undermine my authority.

Victor: He's a fool, and you're a fool to even be intimidated by him.

Victoria: Okay, so you don't care, then. Fine.

Victor: You're the CEO. You handle it.

Victoria: [Scoffs] Well, is it summer's problem that Luca's targeting her, as well? Do you know that's where he was when he was supposed to have left town? He was at summer's place. Luca's been manipulating her and the situation ever since. Do you know that she brought him to the fundraiser tonight?

Victor: You're wasting my time, okay?

Victoria: I'm wasting your time -- I see. I'm sorry, do you have some pressing engagement? Look, no matter what happens in court, you're not giving up on Newman enterprises, so don't try to make me feel like you don't care just to spite me. Let's work together and figure out if Luca Santori is trying to pull some power play against Newman. Can we please do that, dad?

Victor: You need an ally?

Victoria: Yes.

Victor: Well, then go to your brother, Adam. If you're smart, you step aside, let him assume the C.E.O. Position.

Victoria: That's how angry you are at me? You'd rather insult me than protect your own legacy?

Victor: Not an insult. It's a fact, okay? He's the only one capable of running the company in my absence.

Victoria: Did you tell him that?

Victor: Yeah. I did.

Victoria: Let me guess. He told you that he's moved on.

Victor: He's lying to himself and to me, all right? Hope he realizes that in time to save the company.

Ashley: So, what exactly could Billy and Phyllis be up to? Pass key's back at Jabot. Everything's back in the open now.

Jack: Is it?

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Jack: These two -- they think alike. Paragon and pass key. It's like for them, all roads lead to taking Victor down. Are you upset or maybe a little jealous? Used to be you on the offensive, Jackie.

Jack: I told Phyllis the minute she starts playing Victor's game, she loses. She claims she's backing away, but --

Ashley: You believe her?

Jack: I want to believe her. This guy's facing trial. What more does she want?

Ashley: What are you worried about?

Jack: Just because I don't know what's going on with Billy and Phyllis doesn't mean they're innocent. It just means I have a lack of imagination.

Dr. Neville: Jack, thank you for a pleasant evening.

Jack: Thank you.

Dr. Neville: Ashley, ready to go?

Ashley: Yes, I am. Bye. Everything's gonna work out.

Jack: Thank you.

Jack: Hey. Where are you? I'm worried about you. Call me! [Sighs]

Billy: You seem very positive that snidely's gonna do hard time.

Phyllis: Well. If we had more wine, we could toast to it, but we don't. We need more wood.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: What kind of place you running here?

Billy: You're up to something.

Phyllis: And you should be getting us some more wood.

Billy: You know, I can't help but think about those old days at restless style.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, when you were always wrong? I know. I miss those, too.

Billy: No, what I remember is that it was always better to be

with you than against you.

Phyllis: Obviously.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: Well, same goes for you. It's better to be with you against Victor. And you get that. [Clears throat] Better than anyone. What Victor did -- what he did to both of us is just -- it's like we weren't people. It's like we didn't matter. He didn't have any guilt. He didn't have any shame. He didn't have any apologies, and I don't want an apology. I don't want an apology. It's too late for that. I just -- he did something to me, and I just -- I think he took my humanity, and I just want to take his.

Billy: See, if he ever was human, it was a long time ago.

Phyllis: The fire's dying.

Billy: Okay. I'll go get some more wood.

[Bottles clanking]

Phyllis: [Gasps] Oh, no! [Laughing] Oh, no!

Billy: I just spilt a little bit of the brand-new wine.

Phyllis: You're such a spaz.

Billy: Not much!

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Wait, I'll help you. Oh, my God! [Giggles]

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Billy: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Phyllis: Oh, my God.

Billy: Oh, Jack.

Phyllis: [Groans] This is not who we are.

Billy: It's all right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have -- I can't believe I did that.

Phyllis: That did not happen. That did not happen.

Billy: There's nothing to talk about.

Phyllis: Ever. Ever.

Billy: Storm's over.

Phyllis: We have to go to the club, okay? I don't care if we have to walk. We have to go now.

Billy: Okay. Yeah. Um... we can walk. Or maybe we can get a cab or something.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy Abbott?

Phyllis: Yes. He is. Not me. We were trapped here because of the storm.

I saw the car and ran the plates.

Phyllis: Thank you so much for your help, officer.

Billy: Yeah, we need a truck to get rid of that tree. We actually have somewhere to be.

A truck is on the way. Your brother's been worried about you two.

Luca: Excuse me, Jack. Do you have a second?

Jack: Not really. Why don't we talk at the office?

Luca: Oh, no. It's not about work. It's about your wife. And her plan with Michael Baldwin. I just want to say I admire her guts. She's convinced him to throw Victor's case. I assume you know.

Jack: This is none of your business. I suggest you not share this with anyone else.

Michael: This is the way to finish the night.

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: Drinks alone with my beautiful wife.

Lauren: Mm-hmm. And the storm has passed.

Michael: No, the real storm isn't here yet, but it will be.

Lauren: You worried about the trial?

Michael: Lying used to be my forte. What if I've lost my touch?

Lauren: [Laughing] Oh. It'll come back to you. But only this once.

Michael: That doesn't scare you?

Lauren: It terrifies me. I mean, if Victor ever found out..

Michael: Oh, my career would be over. Victor would make sure of that. He would take away everything I have and more. That's what he does -- complete annihilation.

Victoria: You know, you shouldn't try to use Adam as a weapon against me. He's not interested. Neither am I, to tell you the truth.

Victor: Adam cannot stay away from Newman enterprises. He'll be back.

Victoria: The board gave me this responsibility.

Victor: And I will take it away from you.

Victoria: Go to hell, Dad!

Victor: Be careful.

Victoria: What are you gonna do? Are you gonna put me in my room? You gonna give me a time-out? Because right now you're the only one with a curfew.

Victor: Because of you.

Victoria: Oh, yeah. This is all my fault. You did nothing wrong. Nothing at all. I hate this. I love you, but I hate this. I hate seeing you in here, dad! I hate it!

Victor: Then get the hell out.

Victoria: No! If I go, I'm not coming back. You realize that.

Victor: I didn't ask you to come here in the first place, did I?

Victoria: It's not gonna work. You're not gonna hurt me anymore, okay?

Victor: Just get out.

Victoria: You're not gonna win in court.

Victor: That's enough.

Victoria: No matter what you have planned. There is justice --

Victor: I said get out!

Victoria: Even for somebody like you, dad! Why did I even think that I could come here and work this out with you? I will never be that stupid again.

Sage: Shawn, what is it? What's wrong?

Shawn: It's okay. It knocks the wind out of me, but it's fine. It's a Baxters or whatever.

Sage: Braxton-hicks?

Shawn: Right. [Sighs] Okay. That's over.

Sage: Okay, you know what? We're going to the hospital right now.

Shawn: No --

[Door opens]

Dr. Neville: You're getting good at this.

Ashley: [Sighs] Yeah, we both are. We've done it enough times, right?

Dr. Neville: And we're gonna keep doing it until we get the answers we need.

Ashley: [Sighs] So, Neville, what do you think it's gonna be this time? It was good, and then it plateaued and then it got worse. What about now?

Dr. Neville: I could always mix up a batch of slime, keep you preoccupied like max.

Ashley: No, it's okay. Thank you, anyway. Whatever it is, I can handle it.

Dr. Neville: I know. And not knowing -- it is torture. It's like death by 1,000 cuts.

Ashley: Really, Neville? Your bedside manner sucks. Don't you have a test to run?

Dr. Neville: I would, but you keep talking.

Ashley: No pressure, but I could use just a little bit of good news.

Dr. Neville: Ms. Abbott, with all sincerity, I would love nothing more on this earth than to say the words that you want to hear.

Hilary: That went well, but it could have gone better, and it will. I will make it happen.

Devon: What could have made tonight any better?

Hilary: Well, a seat on the board, obviously. But this is good. This is progress. And thank you for backing me up. You really are a remarkable man and you deserve a remarkable wife.

Devon: Is that what this has all been about? 'Cause you wanted to be remarkable? 'Cause, I mean, you already are. With or without a seat on the board. You know that.

Hilary: The position that I'm in -- the position that we're in, we have to do more, Devon. Katherine didn't just give you this money to buy an athletic club. She expected big things from you. I expect big things from myself. All that anybody knows about us is that we cheated on your father when he was blind. Is that the legacy that you want to have? Because that's not what I want. At all. I want to make a difference, and I want the whole world to see it.

Devon: Honey, the whole world? That's -- that's a big place.

Hilary: Well, I already have Neville's project, and if Jack's smart, he'll put me on the board, and -- God, honey. [Sighs] I am gonna run this town.

Luca: Hey, there you are. You two missed an interesting evening.

Phyllis: There was a storm.

Billy: There was a tree that stopped us from --

Phyllis: It's horrible.

Luca: Okay. Look, Phyllis, I just want you to know I have your back.

Phyllis: Excuse me?

Luca: I know about Michael's plan to get Victor convicted.

Phyllis: Are you insane?

Billy: Is this a thing, Phyllis?

Jack: Interesting way you have of keeping your mouth shut, Luca.

Luca: Excuse me. I assumed your brother would know what was going on.

Phyllis: Why is he talking? You need to keep your mouth shut.

Jack: This is the last time you will speak of this to anyone. Understood?

Summer: Hey. Finally. See? They're both perfectly fine. Jack was worried about you. He's so cute when he's worried. Are you, uh, ready to take off?

Luca: Oh, I'm -- I'm so sorry, summer. I know we have plans, but I just remembered I have to take care of something. I'll make it up to you. I promise, okay?

Summer: Okay, yeah. I'll walk you out.

Luca: Yeah, thanks.

Billy: No, no, no. This isn't risky at all.

Phyllis: [Sighs]

Billy: Is this why you're so confident that Victor's gonna go down? Michael's gonna tank the defense?

Phyllis: Don't listen to anything he just said.

Billy: No, I --

Phyllis: Luca's an idiot.

Billy: I think it's a great idea, but if this backfires --

Jack: Enough about Victor. Where have you two been? And what have you been doing?

Sage: Shawn, I'm so sorry that I couldn't get here sooner. They wouldn't let me in.

Shawn: No, it's okay. Seriously. It really is just the Braxton-hicks. Totally normal. The doctor said I can go.

Sage: What? No, no, no. You can't leave. Anything can happen, Shawn. We just can't be too careful with this.

Shawn: Is that what you think, Nick?

Lauren: You know, when I think about what Phyllis went through? And you know Victor -- he doesn't care. He has no shame, no remorse. You may not be able to get him to repent, but you can make him pay.

Michael: And if I'm caught?

Lauren: Don't be.

Michael: Maybe disbarment wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Maybe it would be a signal that it's time to go, oh...hmm in another direction.

Lauren: Like what?

Michael: That's the beauty of it -- I don't know. Fenmore's out of the house. Scotty's been out for ages. You have Fenmore's.

Lauren: Yes. But I'm not my job. My identity doesn't revolve around my father's company. Unlike some people we know.

Michael: Our adventure isn't over. Maybe it's just beginning. You and I -- we've been hurt enough. There is no one and nothing else that can hurt us anymore. Not even Victor Newman.

Lauren: No. He can't.

Victor: What do you want here?

Luca: I have something you want, Victor -- information. But the question is -- what will I gain in exchange for it?

Victor: Get out.

Luca: Michael Baldwin intends to throw your case. He's setting you up for a conviction.

Victor: Who else is aware of this?

Luca: Jack, Billy, and Phyllis. That's all. It's big, right? I can be useful to you.

Billy: I wanted to Phyllis to see my not-so-humble abode.

Jack: Wait, you bought a house?

Billy: No, not exactly. Jill signed over the mansion to me.

Jack: She what?

Billy: Yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah. It's crazy. He owns Katherine's home now. Yeah. I mean, Jill's never in town anymore, so I don't know, maybe you came out of that coma and this is her way of making sure you settle down. [Laughs]

Billy: Ta-da. It worked. Just don't tell mom she knows best.

Phyllis: Mm. Started to remodel already. Painted the walls blue.

Billy: They're gray.

Phyllis: We tried to call you but we lost the signal. This big, old tree came down.

Billy: Yeah, and the GCPD came and rescued us from the house, so thank you for that. Anyways, enough about that. How did it go, Jack?

Jack: Actually, it was a terrific success.

Billy: Good, good, good. I'm really happy to hear that. That's great. Listen, uh, I don't want to rush off but there's a playhouse that I need to build for the kids, so I will see you later. Thank you for coming to check the house.

Phyllis: Sure.

Billy: Bye.

Phyllis: Good night.

Summer: Um, hey. Okay. I am officially leaving now.

Phyllis: Hi. I'm sorry we didn't get to spend any time tonight. Did you have a good time?

Summer: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. But things got a little weird at the end with Luca. He was asking a lot of questions about Michael and you, and if you guys are close or not, and then he canceled our after-party plans and left. I don't know. Do you have any idea what that would be about?

Jack: I'm sure he's just figuring out what other players in town he can latch himself onto.

Phyllis: Luca is all about getting ahead.

Jack: And yes, he works for Jabot, but it doesn't mean we trust him.

Phyllis: Or you should spend too much time with him.

Summer: Yes, I know how you guys feel, and there are some things that I like about Luca, as a friend. And there's some other things that -- I don't know. I just have to -- I have to think about.

Phyllis: Good. Yeah, no, that's good.

Summer: Well, anyways, congratulations on tonight, Jack.

Jack: Thanks, honey.

Summer: It was amazing. Bye. I love you.

Phyllis: I love you.

Summer: Bye.

Phyllis: So. How much did you pull in for the foundation tonight?

Jack: Let's not talk about that now. I'd like to talk about my brother.

Victoria: Billy.

Billy: Hi. You all right? Are the kids okay?

Victoria: Yeah, I just -- I just really needed to see you.

Shawn: And the doctor said I'm totally cleared to go.

Sage: But that doesn't mean we can't ask for more time.

Shawn: There are sick people here. I'm not. Staying is probably worse than going, right?

Sage: I --

Nick: Let me, uh -- let me just talk to Sage outside, okay? We'll be right back.

Sage: I'm just saying one night. One night. She stays here for observation, okay? Please.

Nick: They cleared her to go home and she doesn't want to be here.

Sage: I know that, but what if we go back to the apartment and something happens with her and the baby and we can't help her there?

Nick: Shawn is healthy and so is the baby.

Sage: [Sighs]

Nick: Look, Sage. What happened with Christian is not what's going on here.

Sage: He was so little, Nick, and weak, and I wasn't there for him.

Nick: Okay. If Shawn or the baby needs medical attention, I'll make sure they get it, but they don't need it right now.

Sage: How do you know that?

Nick: She wants to go home.

Sage: Okay. You're right. It's just worrying about this baby and all the things that could possibly go wrong, I -- it's just really a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be for me.

Neil: What are you doing down here at the bar instead of upstairs with your lovely wife?

Devon: Neil, I want you to do me a favor. Don't put Hilary on the board of your foundation.

Neil: Hilary's made it very clear that she wants a seat at that table. Very much so.

Devon: Yeah, that's exactly why I don't want you to give it to her.

Dr. Neville: Well, I ran the tests.

Ashley: Yeah?

Dr. Neville: It's pretty good.

Ashley: How good?

Dr. Neville: It's superduper good. Is that specific enough for you? You, my friend, are recovering. It worked.

Ashley: Oh, my God.

Dr. Neville: Oh, my God.

Ashley: Oh, my God.

Dr. Neville: [Sighs] Gotcha.

Ashley: [Squeals] [Gasps]

Victoria: Sometimes I feel like he takes such pleasure in seeing me hurt. It's like he gets this burst of energy with every negative word that comes out of his mouth, and of course, of course, he brings up Adam. It's like he wants to pit us against each other so that we'll fight for his love and affection. I'm telling you, Billy. If he gets acquitted --

Billy: Stop.

Victoria: If he gets away with this --

Billy: Vick, please stop for a second.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Why are you here? I mean, of all the people in the world that you could complain about your father to, why are you here right now?

Victoria: You know my father. You know what's he capable of.

Billy: Yeah, you're right. I do. When I tried to shove it back in his face, you left me, so... why are you here right now? Are we supposed to be bonding over your father wreaking havoc again? Is this your way of connecting?

Victoria: I just wanted to talk to someone that would understand. That's all.

Billy: I understand. I've always understood but it doesn't explain... why you're here right now.

Victoria: I can't just shut off my feelings. You know that. It just doesn't work like that.

Billy: Believe me. I know it doesn't.

Victoria: This was a mistake.

Billy: No, please don't. I don't want you to leave. I don't -- I don't want you to go. Not when you're upset.

Victoria: I'm okay. I'll be fine.

Billy: Vick. Come on. Please. Vick.

Phyllis: Let's do this at home.

Jack: No, no. Wait a minute. You just spent a whole evening with Billy.

Phyllis: Because of the storm.

Jack: Well, I want to know. How do you think he's doing?

Phyllis: I think he is focused on a brand-new start, Jack. He is being responsible. He's keeping his kids first, and he's not holding out any hope that Victoria's gonna come running back, and he's being realistic. I think if you gave him a seat on the board of your foundation, that would give him something to focus on.

Jack: Well, God knows he has his own addictions, but I've already offered a seat to Ashley. And I would think he'd want to focus on the roll-out of pass key.

Phyllis: That's true. I mean, Billy has a lot to offer. He's in an excellent place right now. And I want only good things for him.

Jack: You are one hell of a sister-in-law. He's a very lucky man. So am I.

Victor: You expect me to hand you something for information I already have?

Luca: But you're letting them do it. Why would you -- it's a trap. It's your plan to go free.

Victor: Don't you try to bargain with me. You stabbed me in the back --

Luca: Hey, it was just business, Victor, all right?

Victor: Listen.

Luca: You would have done the same thing.

Victor: I would not have done the same thing. I'm too smart for that. And you're not. You're callous. You're a punk. Now, let me give you warning. You stay away from my granddaughter summer. You will not drag her down with you. You get that?

Luca: Look, summer's not part of my plan, all right? I'm doing fine by myself.

Victor: Really. You just betrayed who you're working for. Jack Abbott! You're a two-faced son of a bitch. Now, get out!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: It's about the day Sully was born in Fairview.

Paul: What about it?

Victoria: If anyone changes their testimony, it could all fall apart.

Nikki: You think I'm gonna be the one to cave?

Adam: I think there's a way you can avoid this trial.

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