Y&R Transcript Monday 3/21/16


Episode # 10882 ~ Victoria catches Billy off guard; Hilary challenges Ashley; a dangerous secret falls into the wrong hands.

Provided By Suzanne

Lily: Wow.

Neil: Hey, hey. Wow, right? Um, does this sign look crooked to you at all?

Lily: No, dad, it's perfect, just like tonight will be. I promise.

Neil: [Sighs deeply] Thanks to you and your staff. Look at you. You're outshining everything in this room tonight, baby girl.

Cane: Isn't she gorgeous?

Neil: Yeah. Something you want to tell me?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Hmm.

Neil: What?

Lily: Cane moved back home, and the kids are very excited.

Neil: Yes! I love this. You know what? It was the mistletoe. It was the mistletoe back at Christmas.

Lily: Oh, yeah.

Neil: I knew that it would do the trick.

Jack: What is this? Are we celebrating our first donation?

Neil: Jack, even better. The happy couple.

Lily: A happy married couple.

Jack: Hey, that is fantastic. Congratulations.

Both: Thank you.

Lily: Yeah, the winters clan is gathering. What about the Abbotts? Is everyone gonna show?

Jack: Not everyone.

Billy: Wow. You didn't have to dress up for me, but I appreciate it.

Phyllis: Is that your go-to look for Jack's fundraiser?

Billy: Oh, yes. I don't think Jack will be very thrilled to see me right now.

Phyllis: Well, I think he'd be pretty happy to see you. We worked out our pass key issue -- your idea. He loved it.

Billy: Yes, yes, I hear you guys patched things up. I'm proud of you.

Phyllis: Well, you know what? You gave me the push I needed. Thank you.

Billy: Well, good. Get out of here. Go celebrate with your husband.

Phyllis: That's exactly what I plan to do, but first...

[Thunder rumbles]

Phyllis: I'm gonna take a wild guess. Ah.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Phyllis: Here it is. You need to get those jeans off. I'm not going anywhere without you.

[Thunder rumbles]

Victoria: Oh. Yikes.

Michael: [Chuckles] Well, I guess a spring storm's on its way.

Victoria: Or maybe it's a sign from above. My father's sitting in his jail cell furious at me and furious at the rest of the family.

Michael: All consequences of his own actions.

Victoria: He's still not speaking with me, Michael.

Michael: Or the rest of the family.

Victoria: Except for summer. [Sighs] Damn this wall of silence. What is his defense gonna be? What are the chances of him getting off?

Michael: Tell me something. Do you and the rest of the Newman family really want me to have Victor acquitted?

Luca: Summer. Hi. Wow. You look gorgeous. Thanks for meeting me here.

Summer: I can't believe that you and Noah got into a fight.

Luca: [Sighs]

Summer: My God, how does he look?

Luca: Well, it wasn't much of a fight. More like a sucker punch.

Summer: What was he thinking? He is on probation. You're not gonna press charges, though, are you?

Noah: I came to ask you the same question.

Marisa: Please don't involve the police. You know what that could mean for Noah.

Luca: I know exactly what it could mean.

Hilary: You like?

Devon: What's not to like?

Ashley: Oops. Sorry.

Devon: That's okay.

Hilary: Next time, could you try knocking? This isn't your office anymore, remember?

Ashley: How could I possibly forget? Here's the report that Neville and I have been working on.

Hilary: Are you heading home to change before the fundraiser?

Ashley: Why? Is there a problem?

Devon: You look beautiful, Ashley.

Ashley: Thank you.

Hilary: Of course. You always look so, uh, what's the word? Dignified.

Ashley: And you always look so...

Victoria: Look, of course I don't want to see my father go to prison. None of us do. But I want to see him face up to what he's done and acknowledge it and at least make an effort to change.

Michael: Well, I love your devotion to a man who doesn't deserve it. And your optimism. I mean, people like Victor don't change. They just become more convinced that they're right and everybody else is wrong.

Victoria: [Sighs] My father thinks that we all hate him, except for summer. But look, if your own family doesn't love you enough to hold you accountable, then...

Michael: You know what?

Victoria: [Sighs]

Michael: I promise you. Justice will be done.

Lauren: Hi.

Michael: [Chuckles]

Lauren: Hi, honey. Um, I was gonna whisk you away to the fundraiser, but do you two need more time?

Victoria: No, actually, we're done. Michael, I'm really happy that you're handling this case. If anyone can get my father through this, it's you. Thank you.

Lauren: So, she believes that you're on Victor's side.

Michael: No. Let's get you to the party before the storm starts.

Lauren: Yeah, honey. What's gonna happen when she realizes that you are defending her father all the way to a guilty verdict?

Cane: Okay, but why are you solo? I would have thought with Victor going to prison, the Abbotts would be here in full force and you'd be celebrating.

Neil: This is about the foundation tonight, not about feuds and settling scores, all right?

Jack: Truth be told, I don't think Billy is going to show. He and I have had our share of disagreements lately.

Cane: Sorry to hear that, Jack.

Jack: Well, no, it's business. We'll get past it. But I want you to know, though, the Abbott family is 100% behind this foundation and everything we're trying to do.

Lily: Well, I promise the club will do everything possible to make tonight a success. We'll check the generators in case the storm gets crazy, so will you help me with that?

Cane: There is nothing that I would rather do.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: Excuse me.

Neil: I like this.

Cane: All right.

Neil: This is good, you two.

Jack: Oh, it's nice to see those two together and so happy. Sometimes I think you have to lose something to realize just what you have. [Sighs] I think what my father would say when he saw the fault line in his family today.

Neil: Jack, john Abbott -- he'd be completely proud of you. This work, this foundation, this isn't just about a logo and a mission statement, man. This is a promise to change people's lives for the good.

Jack: We can use all the good we can get right now.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah, and the best way to start is by putting a board of directors together for the foundation. People are already lobbying for a place at the table, which means that we're gonna have to make some very serious hard choices.

Jack: Well, maybe not so hard. We just have to find people who share our vision.

Hilary: Be honest.

Devon: Hmm?

Hilary: How do I look?

Devon: How do you look? You look like a million bucks.

Hilary: Ohh. It's like you read my mind.

Devon: [Chuckles]

Hilary: I was thinking that we could kick-start the donations tonight by pledging $1 million.

Devon: What was that?

Hilary: Come on, Devon. You could afford 10 times that. And if we sign the first check, we can encourage others to be generous, as well, hmm?

Devon: All right. Well, I do appreciate your generosity, but why do I get the feeling that there's something more to this?

Hilary: The Abbott-winters foundation -- Neil's idea, Jack's name's first.

Devon: So?

Hilary: You know I love Jack. But this can't just be about the Abbotts. The winters family is just as deserving of recognition in Genoa City society.

Devon: The winters family or you?

Hilary: We have earned it.

Devon: Do you not think that it's enough that you've -- you've taken Ashley's title and her office?

Hilary: Okay, this has nothing to do with that. This is about respect, and I'm gonna make sure that our family gets it. But if you want me to back off, then I guess I could.

Devon: No, no, no, no, no. Don't back off. The closer, the better, actually.

Ashley: Do you want Neville and I to show you our new spectrophotometer?

Dr. Neville: And the desiccator.

Max: Cool!

Ashley: Yeah, cool. Let's go.

Abby: [Chuckles]

Ashley: Check this out.

Stitch: Hey, I know you were looking forward to a night out together, but max really wanted to come along.

Abby: Hmm. And let me guess. He had no interest in going until he found out my mom was gonna be there.

Stitch: Look, the important thing is he wanted to be included in the family. That's -- that's big. I couldn't say no.

Abby: Only if the family includes my mom. She can do no wrong in max's eyes, unlike me.

Phyllis: Here.

Billy: Perfect. Thank you.

Phyllis: Well, don't thank me. Thank my ninth grade home-ec teacher.

[Knock on door]

Victoria: Phyllis. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were in the middle of a meeting.

Billy: Not what it looks like.

Victoria: It looks like you putting on your pants with Phyllis in the room.

Billy: Well, funny. It's exactly what it looks like, then.

Phyllis: I was just sewing the button back on his pants. I've been trying to get him to go downstairs to the party.

Victoria: Okay.

[Thunder rumbles]

Billy: [Sighs] What's up?

Victoria: Uh, Hannah told me that the zoo trip was called off because of the rain.

Billy: Best laid plans, right?

Victoria: I was thinking that maybe we could switch and you could take Johnny and Katherine next weekend, you know, do something special to make up for today.

Billy: Thank you for that.

Victoria: Sure.

Billy: So, you're brave. A Newman flying solo at an Abbott function?

Victoria: Well, I just think that it's time that that old stereotype of the Newmans hating the Abbotts was laid to rest, don't you?

Billy: I do.

Victoria: Okay. So, I'll see you downstairs.

[Thunder rumbles]

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Phyllis: Why aren't you going after her?

Billy: It's gambling 101. You got to know when to fold them.

Phyllis: She could have called, but she didn't. She knocked. She showed up looking beautiful. Why are you being so dense? She loves you. Go sweep her off her feet.

Billy: Come on, I tried that already. It's not gonna happen.

Phyllis: You are stubborn. You're smart, but you're stubborn.

Billy: Phyllis, you just saw how quickly she wanted to get out of the room, all right? It's just -- it's time to move on, time to build a new life, and it starts with getting out of a hotel room.

Phyllis: Then don't live in a hotel room. Find a home. And I'm not talking about that trailer you lived in the woods. A real home with a backyard and a playset. Then maybe -- maybe I will believe you are through with Victoria.

Billy: If I find a home, you gonna stop insisting that I woo Victoria back?

Phyllis: Yeah, that's what it's gonna take.

Billy: Okay, good, because... I actually have a home.

Luca: You know, I've warned you that your temper would come back to bite you.

Noah: The only thing my temper bit was the right side of your eye.

Luca: You could call it that. I call it assault, but --

Summer: Okay, can we just cool it, you guys, please?

Luca: Yeah, you should -- you should take your sister's advice. Cool off before someone else gets hurt.

Again. You know, just ask Billy Abbott.

Marisa: All right, what happened to Billy was an accident.

Luca: Yeah, okay, this wasn't. I go to the police, you're charged with assault, and that suspended sentence might not be suspended much longer.

Summer: Please don't threaten my brother.

Noah: Summer, I appreciate it, but I don't need you in the middle of this, okay?

Summer: Luca, please. Okay, you cannot press charges.

Luca: Okay. I won't. But only for your sake, summer.

Summer: Thank you.

Noah: [Sighs]

Luca: But I have to say it. I am worried about you, Marisa.

Marisa: Me?

Luca: Yeah, Noah goes from zero to rage. You deserve better than a man who could hurt you.

Noah: You are way out of line. I would never touch Marisa. You know that.

Luca: I don't know it. And I'm not signing any divorce papers until you prove you can control your temper.

Noah: You son of a --

Marisa: Noah! Enough.

Noah: Look, I'm soy. Let's just get out of here. We don't want to be late for the fundraiser, all right?

Luca: We'll see you there.

Marisa: How'd you get an invitation?

Summer: He's my guest. Come on.

Hilary: Oh. I thought that there would be more people here by now.

Devon: There's still enough to have an appreciative audience. We should go say hi.

Hilary: Um, yeah, I'll -- I'll catch up, okay? Hello, gentlemen.

Jack: Wow.

Cane: Hello.

Jack: Look at you. You look wonderful.

Cane: You are a fashion plate, aren't you, huh?

Hilary: Thank you. It's all about the cause, isn't it?

Cane: Yes.

Hilary: Um, cane, would you mind if I have a moment with the man of the hour?

Cane: No. Do your thing.

Jack: What can I do for you, Hilary?

Hilary: Jack, I understand what this foundation means to you and Neil, and I want to be a part of it. A big part.

Ashley: Thank you, max. You're such a gentleman.

Max: You're beautiful.

Dr. Neville: She certainly is.

Ashley: Thank you. Hey.

Jack: Hey.

Ashley: Ugh. It looks like Hilary's after more than just my desk.

Dr. Neville: I'd say she wants something far more hard to come by -- respectability.

Max: What's respectability?

Dr. Neville: Something to be avoided at all costs.

Max: Whoa! Look at those cupcakes.

Ashley: [Gasps]

Dr. Neville: Ah. Demon sugar. Lead the way.

Ashley: Do you two want to join us for a cupcake or two?

Abby: No, I'm sure max would probably like to have you all to himself.

Stitch: Maybe, uh, maybe I shouldn't have brought max, but it sure does look like he's having a great time.

Abby: Yeah.

Jack: Look, I appreciate your commitment to the foundation. I mean, we need volunteers. And with your skill set, you'd be a giant asset.

Hilary: My skill set is exactly why I think I would be more helpful in a leadership role.

[Cell phone rings]

Jack: Oh, sorry. Oh, would you excuse me? I have to take this.

Hilary: Yeah, of course.

Jack: Your timing is perfect. Um, where are you? The party's already started.

Phyllis: I will be there. I just need to make one quick stop. Billy said that he has something to show me.

Jack: Honey, it's already raining. They're talking about this being a major storm. Whatever it is you're doing, can't you leave it?

Phyllis: Don't worry. Billy has promised that we're gonna be there in time to celebrate the foundation. Love you.

Jack: Phyllis -- [Sighs]

Noah: [Sighs] I just -- I can't stand the idea of this guy using my sister, worming his way into Newman. And then he's using this divorce, holding it over our heads. He's so calculating.

Marisa: Stop. Noah, just stop.

Noah: Luca is out of control!

Marisa: You are the one who threw the first punch! You're acting like a crazy man. Luca was right about your temper.

Noah: It's not my temper. So you agree with Luca, then?

Marisa: No, of course not.

Noah: You know what? I think you should probably just go to this party without me, okay?

Marisa: What? I don't want to go to the party at all. I want you to handle this with Luca. I want you to handle him, your temper. Let it go. Be the mature one.

Noah: So I'm immature now?

Marisa: That's not what I said. You're twisting my words.

Noah: No, I hear you loud and clear. I'll tell you what. Go to the party. Say hi to Luca for me, okay?

Marisa: Noah. [Scoffs]

Hilary: Well, it is such great news that you're back together. The two of you, Devon and I. We're just one big, happy family.

Neil: Okay, Hilary, I know how much you enjoy the bubbly, but this is, uh, not bubbly. No alcohol here tonight. Sparkling cider.

Hilary: Thank you.

Lily: Can I smack her?

Cane: [Chuckles] Breathe. Just breathe.

Hilary: I was just telling cane and lily that I hope we can move forward, leave the past where it belongs.

Neil: Yeah. Wise words.

Hilary: Neil, your foundation is gonna change lives. I can't imagine being a part of something more rewarding.

Neil: You don't have to try so hard. I know how much you want a seat on the board.

Hilary: Who knows me better than you? What's wrong with wanting to help? I could bring a lot of money to the table.

Lily: You mean my brother's money.

Devon: Hey, Jack, I, uh, I hope that Hilary didn't come off too strong.

Jack: Oh, no, no. I've always appreciated her initiative. As a matter of fact, after the hell she's been through, I'm happy to see she's finally back to being the mover and shaker she always wanted to be.

Lauren: You made a decision, right?

Michael: I don't know what you're talking about.

Lauren: To throw Victor's case.

Michael: Someone could hear you.

Lauren: Could you just tell me that I'm right?

Michael: What? Do you not like the plan? You want me to stop?

Lauren: Don't you dare.

Jack: If you're looking for Billy, he and Phyllis apparently have other business.

Victoria: No, I saw them earlier.

Jack: Oh. Well, good. Someone's seen my wife today. Can I ask how are you and Billy doing these days?

Victoria: [Sighs] From now on, the only thing that Billy and I share is joint custody.

Phyllis: Ooh. Ah. [Laughs]

Billy: See? Look at that. Told you we'd stay dry.

Phyllis: I don't get it. You're crashing at Katherine's?

Billy: It's not Katherine's anymore.

Phyllis: Fine. Jill's. Whoa. When did she and Colin redecorate?

Billy: They didn't. I did. My mom signed the house over to me.

Phyllis: Jill gave you the mansion? The whole mansion?

Billy: No, six doors and a toilet. Yeah, the whole mansion.

Phyllis: Is Jill sick?

Billy: No, she's not sick. It's just this house, you know? It's a lot of memories for my mom. Of course, with her best frenemy Katherine not here anymore and her semi-frenemy Esther, it's a little different, but... my mom and Colin are doing well. They're -- they're bouncing around between Hong Kong and Chicago for business. Of course, she said I have to keep her room available for when they're in town. And per Kay's will, the house stays in the family, but... other than that... here I am.

Phyllis: So now you own Katherine's home. And you painted the walls blue.

Billy: They're gray. It's fitting.

Phyllis: Because you're depressed?

Billy: No. Because they're a different color than the house I lived in with Victoria, and that's the point, isn't it? You...paint walls and you move on. Isn't that what you do?

Phyllis: But now you're hesitating.

Billy: It's huge. It's empty. It's...cold.

Phyllis: Throw a party. Put the heat on. I'm not gonna let you go back to that generic suite at the club.

Billy: You already said I'm not allowed to live in the trailer, so...

Phyllis: Yeah. Look, this place needs you. It needs life. It needs people. It needs friends and love. Mostly love. What better tribute to Katherine? Now that I think about it, that's what you need. Life and love. You and this house were made for each other. You've blown so much already.

Billy: [Chuckles] Thank you.

Phyllis: Just don't blow this.

Billy: Yeah.

Phyllis: Well, you can't throw me out 'cause it's really wet outside.

Billy: No. I was just thinking I don't know what I would do without you.

Billy: I want it to be comfortable, you know? Kid-proof. I mean, it's been awhile since kids roamed these hallways.

Phyllis: The last one must have been...

Billy: Yeah. No, Dee Dee loved it here. And Johnny and Katie are gonna love it, too, I mean, especially when I put a big playhouse in the back and Johnny's intergalactic building block station thing. Of course, a pool table.

Phyllis: Is that for you or the kids?

Billy: Hey, I got to spend the pass key profit somehow, right?

Phyllis: You are spending those profits, and that thing's not even rolled out yet. This is coming from a guy who didn't want to live here two seconds ago?

Billy: Well, congratulations. You -- you give a good pep talk. We're a lot alike, aren't we? Driven. I think it's what we like most about ourselves.

Phyllis: Except for when it gets us in a lot of trouble.

Billy: Yeah. Or when what we want doesn't want us back. We're good, right, Phyllis? You and Jack are in a good place. Victor's in jail. Pass key's gonna change the world.

Phyllis: You?

Billy: I'm gonna build a humongous playhouse out there for the kids, like a pirate ship.

Phyllis: When you say it like that --

[Thunder cracks]

Phyllis: [Screams] [Sighs]

Billy: Jack's probably wondering where we are. We should get back.

Jack: I'm sorry to hear it's over between you and Billy. I know the love is still there.

Victoria: Which is focused on what's best for Katherine and Johnny. That's all.

Jack: I understand that. I hope Victor isn't taking too much satisfaction in the breakup.

Victoria: Well, I wouldn't know. He refuses to talk to anybody except for summer and Michael.

Jack: Well, Michael's the right man. He knows exactly what to do.

Victoria: I hope so.

Jack: You have your doubts?

Victoria: I have complete confidence in Michael. But it's not gonna be easy. The Victor Newman that I know will not go down without a fight, that's for sure.

Summer: Okay, well, can you blame grandpa? I mean, his family has totally turned against him. He only has himself right now, but luckily that's when he's at his best.

Victoria: Or worst.

Summer: Victoria, why are you being this way? You won. Grandpa is in prison. You're running the company. Can you at least give him a break?

Jack: Honey, I know you love your grandfather, but you know he wreaked havoc in a lot of lives. Victoria and her family are just trying to undo the damage.

Victoria: What is Luca Santori doing here?

Summer: He's my guest. Kyle bailed, so I thought why not.

Jack: Is there a problem?

Victoria: There could be.

Dr. Neville: So, as impossible as it may be to believe, the height of the glass is actually equal to its diameter. And believe it or not, back in the day, that little ditty used to get me more than my fair share of free drinks.

Ashley: Your charms alone didn't work? Um, why don't you boys go work the room? I'm gonna go say hi to Abby and Ben. What's going on over here? You both look like you're about to burst.

Abby: The baby just moved.

Ashley: [Gasps]

Abby: Definitely a soccer player.

Stitch: Yeah, my little superstar.

Ashley: Oh, my God, that's so exciting!

Stitch: I'm gonna go tell max. I'm gonna go tell max.

Abby: [Chuckles] I know, right? [Laughs]

Ashley: Oh, honey, what's going on? Are things still uncomfortable with max? He's gonna come around, you know. He just wants attention.

Abby: Not from me. But he is crazy about you. What's your secret?

Ashley: I'm not you.

Abby: Thank you.

[Both laugh]

Ashley: What I mean is that I'm not, you know, fighting for Ben's attention like he is.

Abby: There's enough love to go around if max would just let it happen.

Ashley: It's going to. How could it not, right? I mean, you're my daughter.

Abby: [Laughs]

Ashley: I can't believe that.

Abby: I know, right?

Ashley: [Gasps]

Jack: Hey. The two most beautiful women in the room.

Ashley: Look, the baby is kicking.

Abby: [Chuckles]

Jack: Wow. Oh, I am so happy for you and Ben.

Abby: Thank you. I am equal parts excited and nervous.

Jack: Oh, you're going to be a wonderful mother. It's in the genes. Speaking of that, could I, uh, borrow your mom for just a moment?

Abby: Yes, I'm gonna go check on stitch and max.

Ashley: What's going on?

Jack: Well, I have a favor to ask. I know Neil has spoken to you about helping us run this foundation.

Ashley: Jack, I don't have the time.

Jack: I know. Between the lab and Abby's baby. I just want you to know, there's no one I would rather have on my board. Your contribution would be invaluable.

Hilary: Devon, we have to do something. Jack just offered Ashley a seat on the board.

Devon: That's his sister. It's not a surprise he'd want to keep it in the family.

Hilary: Well, what about Neil's family? We deserve that seat, as well.

Devon: And you're the person to do it?

Hilary: Yes, I am. I sure as hell won't be upstaged by Ashley Abbott. If she wants a fight, she's got one.

Phyllis: Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Billy: My God.

Phyllis: Oh!

Billy: That did not go very well. I guess it could have been worse, but...

Phyllis: The storm just smashed a huge tree across the driveway. The car's blocked. How could it be worse?

Billy: Could have landed on my roof.

Phyllis: Easy.

Billy: Power's out.

Phyllis: [Sighs] All right, you know what? I'm gonna call Jack. I'm gonna tell him not to worry about us, all right? Great. No service.

Billy: Yeah, me neither.

Phyllis: Well, we can't stay here.

Billy: [Chuckles] We can't go anywhere else, so we're gonna have to make the best of it. At least, you know, there's a fireplace.

Phyllis: What are you gonna do? You gonna chop the wood from the tree outside?

Billy: Yeah, you find me an ax, I'll chop a piece of wood.

Phyllis: [Chuckling] Okay, really? Really? In your suit? You're gonna stand outside in the wild rain and you're gonna swing the ax?

Billy: Do not underestimate me, young lady.

Phyllis: [Chuckles] Have I ever?

Jack: Phyllis, where are you? I'm starting to worry about you. Call me as soon as you get this. I love you.

Ashley: Oh, Jackie, Phyllis is gonna be okay.

Neil: Ashley.

Ashley: Hi!

Neil: Mwah. Thank you so much for coming and supporting us. That's very nice.

Jack: I believe I have just convinced my sister to join our board.

Neil: Well, that's great news. I have said it before. You are exactly what this foundation needs, ash.

Ashley: Thank you.

Neil: And what we don't need is what's happening out there. That weather -- it's raging. The wind is ferocious. The police have advised everyone to stay inside.

Jack: Okay, well, no one here is going to leave. We'll assure them there's plenty of food, plenty of drink.

[Thunder rumbles]

Max: Are the lights going out?

Dr. Neville: No. Place like this, not a chance.

Max: Ashley!

Ashley: Hi! Oh, what's going on? Honey, are you okay?

Abby: I'm fine.

Stitch: She's stressed out and exhausted. I want to get her home.

Ashley: Oh, you know what? Neil and Jack are saying they want everybody to stay here 'cause the storm's actually getting worse. There's plenty of rooms upstairs, and you can rest up there.

Stitch: Okay, sounds like a plan. Come on.

Max: I'm scared, dad.

Abby: You know what? It's fine. Um, you stay here with max. I'll go upstairs and get a room by myself.

Ashley: I'll come with you, okay?

Abby: No, mom, you have to stay. Uncle Jack needs an Abbott wingman to help him celebrate.

Stitch: Okay, I'll check with you later, okay?

Max: Dad, Abby's gonna be fine.

Lily: Thank you for your help. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. Bye.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: What a night for a storm.

Cane: Yeah, and, uh, you know that lightning scares the kids, right?

Lily: I know, and I want to be there to make them feel better, but I can't just leave.

Cane: Well, that's what you have staff for. If we don't get out of here now, we won't see the family until tomorrow. We should go.

Lauren: Family? Wait a minute. Did you just said what I think you've said?

Cane: Uh... yeah, we -- we came to our senses.

Lauren: Aww! Well, it's about time.

Cane: Yes.

Michael: Congratulations. Now, get out of here while you can.

Lauren: [Laughing] Yeah.

Cane: Hey, I've learned to never argue with a lawyer.

Lily: Yes. Bye.

Lauren: Yeah, me, too.

Cane: Bye-bye.

Jack: Could we have your attention, please?

Neil: Everyone, can you gather around for a minute? All right, so I want to thank everyone for braving the storm to help us celebrate the birth of a project that will bring hope and healing where it's needed. We are happy to announce that the first endeavor of the Abbott-winters foundation is a creation of several recovery centers across the country. Now, our goal is to help addicts transition back into the real world after rehab. Now, Jack and I, we know some about this, don't we, Jack? We've been down this path. We understand the fears and the demons and the sweet Victories, no matter how big or small, and the importance of a solid support team.

Jack: The Abbott-winters foundation is dedicated to being that support system for anyone who needs help. Now, that could be our new recovery centers here or helping to eradicate communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa or providing computers for schools in south Asia or helping victims of environmental disasters all over the world. We want to be there to offer our support. Our vision is broad, and our reach, with your help, we hope is long.

Neil: Yes, we do. It's very important work, and, again, thank you for coming here and sharing in all of this that we're talking about. We hope that this continues. Thank you so much.

Michael: Hear, hear!

Dr. Neville: Bravo!


Michael: Bravo.

Hilary: I am so proud of Neil. The entire winters family is. And thanks to my husband's generosity, I am thrilled and honored to present this check in the amount of $1 million.

Jack: Whoa, Neil!

Neil: Yeah, that's --

Jack: Wow.


Hilary: And as Neil said, this is important work, so I'm sure that the Abbott family is thrilled and eager to offer their full support.

Dr. Neville: Ashley, you don't have to do this.

Ashley: Oh, I do. I do. Thank you so much, Hilary. I am thrilled to pledge an additional $1 million to a cause that is close to my heart and my brother Jack's.

Neil: Can you believe it? This is fantastic.


Neil: Wow.

Hilary: Okay, I think we need a picture. Summer.

Summer: Smile.

Hilary: Game on.

Ashley: Game is definitely on.

Noah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I've been acting like a jerk, okay? But the thing about me is that I-I know when I'm doing it, and I'm sorry. I let Luca get to me. It won't happen again. Say something, please. Even if it means I have to take back my ring until I prove myself.

Marisa: You just did. And this ring is never leaving my finger.

Victoria: I didn't expect to see you here tonight.

Luca: I'm a fan of good causes.

Victoria: You're a fan of anything that benefits you.

Luca: [Chuckles] It's a party. You should try to enjoy yourself, Victoria.

Victoria: What were you doing talking to Newman's IT. Director?

Luca: We just have a mutual interest.

Victoria: Oh, I can't imagine what that would be, unless it's undercutting my position as C.E.O.

Luca: You know, paranoia's a terrible affliction.

Victoria: It's not paranoia if it's true.

Luca: A piece of advice, Victoria. Maybe it's time you start living up to your reputation as the tough businesswoman that everyone thinks you are, or you may find yourself following your daddy out the door.

Michael: Is there a problem?

Luca: Not at all. We were just discussing the future. Have a good night.

Victoria: Michael, I need to see my father right away.

Michael: Nothing's changed in the last hour. He won't see you or anybody.

Victoria: If he knows what's at stake, he'll see me. Michael, please make it happen.

Lauren: Something tells me that Victoria finds Luca Santori a threat.

Michael: It'll be worse if my plan works and I lose Victor's case. Victoria won't have anyone to watch her back.

Lauren: Come on.

Neil: Thank you very much for that contribution. You know what it's gonna do? It's gonna inspire a lot of other people to donate, so...

Devon: Hilary gets all the credit.

Hilary: Aww. I was just doing my part.

Neil: I'm going to go circulate.

Hilary: Well, you think he'd be a little more grateful. But I don't really care. It worked.

Devon: What worked?

Hilary: Did you see Ashley's face when I waved that check in front of her?

Devon: She matched the $1 million.

Hilary: Yeah, because I called her out on it. It was almost pathetic. But at least it showed Jack and Neil what I can do.

Devon: Yeah, it sure did.

Hilary: It's just a matter of time before they add me to the board of directors. [Scoffs] Who knows? I might end up running this whole thing.

[Thunder rumbles]

Summer: Jack, hey, you okay?

Jack: I hate that your mother's still out there in this weather. I know she's with Billy, but I can't seem to reach either one of them.

Summer: Don't worry about it. I mean, I'm sure they're at some boring meeting wishing they were here, anyways.

Jack: Yeah.

Billy: Wow. Look at you. You got it going.

Phyllis: Yes. I am resourceful.

Billy: Damn right you are.

Phyllis: I found a rocking chair in the basement. It's not gonna last very long, but it's gonna do. What you got?

Billy: Something else to keep us warm.

Phyllis: You know what else works? Bundling.

Billy: Bundling. Old-school body heat. I like it.

Phyllis: Yep. Saw it on TV. Saved the puritans, kept them from freezing.

Billy: [Scoffs] Really? Puritans? That's a first. I've never been compared to a puritan before.

Phyllis: Oh, you and me both. All right. Billy Abbott, to your new digs.

Billy: To the woman who makes everything happen. Cheers. Get a little bit of this.

Phyllis: [Laughs] Ooh!

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Hilary: I am gonna run this town.

Victoria: If you would listen to me, this time you'd know that I'm here to help you.

Billy Abbott? Or dental procedures.

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