Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/16/16


Episode # 10881 ~ Cane & Lily make a decision about their marriage; Marisa wants Summer to stay away from Luca; Sharon is haunted by her past.

Provided By Suzanne

Marisa: When the lawyer draws up the papers, all you have to do is sign and then everyone can move on.

Luca: I wouldn't think of standing in your way, Marisa, if that's what you really want. And if it's really your idea.

Noah: Stalling, Luca.

Luca: Am I?

Noah: Yeah, you are. You're just standing there thinking about what's in this divorce for you.

Summer: Look, can we just try to be civil about this, you guys?

Luca: No, it's all right, summer. I'm not offended in the least. Your question's on point. What is in it for me? What? You and Marisa get to be married for better or, let's be honest, for worse, while I'm left with what?

Marisa: Well, you could aim for some self-respect.

Luca: Oh, I have plenty of that.

Marisa: Then how about your new job, the one at Jabot? You remember, the one you manipulated your way into? Take the paycheck, Luca. Live your life. And let me live mine.

Cane: Hey! Hey, what are you guys doing here? Oh, no. Did I get the days mixed up? I thought we were doing this tomorrow.

Lily: No, this is what we call a sneak attack.

Both: Surprise!

Cane: Well, I am surprised. Okay.

Lily: Are you up for a picnic at the park?

Cane: Wait, a picnic in the park? With these hooligans?

Mattie: Who are you calling hooligan?

Cane: I'm calling you a hooligan.

Charlie: Wait. What's a hooligan?

[Both laugh]

Shawn: Weird, isn't it? Thinking the right thing for your kid is giving him to someone else. Not that I'm backing out or anything. I'm just saying some people might not see it that way.

Sage: Well, they're wrong, because it takes a smart, generous, caring woman to put the needs of her child first. What?

Shawn: No, I just... no one's ever called me those things before.

Sage: I mean it. I do. I think what you're doing is incredible.

[Knock on door]

Shawn: You want me to get it?

Sage: No! I want you to sit, put your feet up, relax.

Shawn: Yes, ma'am.

Sage: [Laughs] Hey! Dylan, come in.

Dylan: Uh, bad time?

Sage: No, uh, Shawn, you remember Dylan. This is, uh, Sharon's husband.

Dylan: Nice to see you again, Shawn. How -- how you feeling?

Shawn: Huge. But okay, other than that.

Dylan: Okay. Good. Uh, I assume you heard the news?

Sage: Noah?

Dylan: Probation and community service.

Sage: Really?

Dylan: Yeah. Sharon called when they got out of court.

Sage: That is so wonderful. Uh, I didn't hear from Nick yet, but he's probably just busy celebrating.

Nick: Of course I don't want Shawn living anywhere unsafe, but I don't think her living with us is the right answer.

Sharon: You're just trying to avoid anyone getting hurt.

Nick: Yeah. Why do you get it?

Sharon: Maybe because I'm not in it. I'm sure if I were Sage and I wanted the baby this badly...

Nick: No, Sharon, it's not just "this badly." I mean, Sage is pinning her every hope on being a mother again on this confused teenager.

Sharon: Is Shawn confused?

Nick: Weren't you?

Sharon: Yeah, I was confused and scared and broke.

Nick: With no support from the father.

Sharon: The list goes on. Yes, I-I can relate to Shawn. But you have to remember, I did go through with the adoption. I gave Cassie to a family who I thought could give her a better life than I could.

Nick: But you wondered about her.

Sharon: Yeah, of course I did. And I was right to do so because she was not in the right situation.

Nick: And I remember she came back into your life. That meant everything to you.

Sharon: But you can't project my story into Shawn's because it's really not the same thing.

Nick: [Sighing] I know. I know. I just wish maybe I had, like, a crystal ball so I could see how this all plays out.

Sharon: Well, you know what? I think I brought one. I think -- oh.

Nick: Oh, really?

Sharon: No, sorry.

Nick: Ah.

[Both laugh]

Sharon: Sorry I can't be more help.

Nick: No, you've been awesome. Thanks for listening. You know, in the future, you could probably charge me an hourly fee.

Sharon: Don't tempt me.

Nick: [Chuckles]

Sharon: What's wrong? Did Chelsea do something?

Nick: No. Not Chelsea.

Sharon: Adam.

Nick: Yeah. I need to know what he's up to, and Chelsea's the only one who can give me those answers.

Sage: Nick did call. He left a message about Noah. We got caught up talking, I must have missed it.

Dylan: That's great news, right?

Sage: Yeah, it's such a relief for everyone. Is that the only reason why you came by?

Dylan: No. Actually, I wanted to let you both know that I filed the report, um, about the break-in at your place, and I also went by the apartment to check it out. No sign of the intruder, but in case he decides to come back, I changed the locks on your apartment. Whenever you're ready to go home, you should be safe.

Sage: Thanks, Dylan.

Shawn: You did all that and you don't even know me.

Dylan: Well, I know what you're doing for Nick and Sage, so thank you.

Shawn: It's crazy when you think about it.

Sage: What?

Shawn: This guy is Nick's brother. He's also your husband's ex-wife's husband, and not only you're all cool with that, but you're also all up in each other's lives all the time. How does that work?

Sharon: I owe you an apology.

Chelsea: You do?

Sharon: I was a little bit short the last time we spoke.

Chelsea: Well, I may have butted in where it was none of my business, so...

Sharon: So we're good?

Chelsea: For sure.

Nick: Flying solo for lunch?

Chelsea: I am. I just had a meeting downstairs. I'm starving.

Nick: Where's Adam?

Chelsea: Why? Do you miss him?

Sharon: [Chuckles]

Nick: "Miss" is probably too strong a word. Just haven't seen his face around. I mean, he wasn't even at the board meeting.

Chelsea: Well, he thought it was easier to call in.

Nick: Is that because of you?

Chelsea: No, actually. It was Adam's idea.

Nick: Hmm. The way he's keeping his distance from Newman, maybe he is lying in wait.

Chelsea: Or he's moved on.

Nick: I've heard that before.

Chelsea: No, it's -- it's true. Adam doesn't care. Newman enterprises is not important to him anymore.

Nick: Or maybe he's just led you to believe that.

Chelsea: Are you implying I don't know my husband?

Nick: Leopards don't change their spots, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Well, Adam has. Apparently you have, too. Because since when do you care about Newman enterprises?

Luca: You speak as if getting a divorce is nothing, a transaction to be executed.

Noah: Because it is.

Luca: Oh, really? Says the man who's never been married.

Noah: Wow, that's low, Luca, even for you.

Luca: I'm just stating fact. Am I missing something?

Marisa: Noah was engaged. His fiancée was killed the day of their wedding.

Luca: My apologies. I didn't know.

Marisa: Okay, well, what you do know is that we have been over for ages.

Luca: "Ages" is a stretch.

Marisa: Why drag this out? Why? Because you can? When you act like this, it reminds me why I left you in the first place.

Luca: And meanwhile, I'm reminded of what might have been, Marisa.

Noah: Yeah, yeah, me, too. I get all weepy eyed just thinking about it, really. You know, more of you forcing Marisa to stay with you, just fueling your insatiable ego.

Luca: We could have had a real life together, all right? A good life. Whenever I see my future, Marisa, you were always in it.

Noah: You might want to get that future vision checked there, Luca.

Luca: Go ahead, Noah. Paint me as a heartless, unloving husband, but this woman was the love of my life once, okay? Excuse me if I take some time to adjust.

Noah: [Chuckles] What a colossal load of crap.

Summer: Noah, stop. Okay, I get that Luca may not be your favorite person, but you are making this harder for everybody.

Noah: I'm making it harder? Really? I am? Luca won't let Marisa move on with her life, summer.

Summer: Can you just give the guy some time to adjust to the idea, I mean, even a few minutes? You just gave her a fancy, new ring to flash around, and then you demanded him to sign the divorce papers stat. I mean, what did you expect him to do? How did you expect him to react, Noah?

Noah: You're defending him.

Summer: I am asking you to give him some time, Noah. His heart was just broken.

Marisa: Okay, there's no need to waste your energy. Let's go upstairs. Leave them be. Come on.

Noah: We're gonna handle this later.

Luca: There's a legal document pending, so we are obligated to finish this later. I look forward to it.

Summer: I know that you probably want to be alone right now.

Luca: No, that's the opposite of what I want, summer. I just... I just need someone to talk to. Stay with me?

Summer: Yeah. Okay.

Noah: It's gonna be fine.

Marisa: [Sighs] If he doesn't sign the papers...

Noah: Then we'll just give it to Leslie and let her handle it in court, okay? No?

Marisa: No, because he has the time and the money to keep things tied up indefinitely if he has his way. He would love nothing more.

Noah: Well, it's a good thing that Luca's not the only one with money.

Marisa: Well, we don't want this to turn into some kind of contest. We just want him to sign the papers.

Noah: I want you, Marisa, okay, more than I've ever wanted anyone. So get ready, all right? We are getting married.

Marisa: You promise?

Noah: Yeah.

Summer: Thank you for the iced tea.

Luca: Oh, come on. It's the least I could do after you stood up for me.

Summer: Please, it was no big deal.

Luca: Yes, it was. I can't remember the last time someone came to my defense.

Summer: That's...sad.

Luca: [Chuckles] It is, isn't it?

Summer: You should think about making some friends.

Luca: I'm trying. So, why'd you do it?

Summer: What? Defend you? I don't know. I guess I just -- I know what it's like to have someone that you love taken away from you. And I know that my situation is a lot different from yours, but it's just what you said about having your plans for the future just disappear. I don't know. I've...I've been there.

Luca: I'm sorry you lost someone.

Summer: Yeah. I'm sorry for you, too.

Luca: It's nice to talk with someone who understands. If I had met you months ago, my introduction to Genoa City would have been very different. Where have you been, summer?

Summer: [Chuckles]

Lily: My God. That was unreal how fast those clouds moved in.

Cane: What about that wind?

Lily: Yeah. Oh, wow. Look at your hair. [Laughs]

Cane: Is it better?

Lily: Uh, kinda. Yeah. How's mine?

Cane: It's perfect.

Lily: Okay. [Chuckles]

Mattie: So does this mean no picnic?

Cane: Are you kidding me? We're not gonna let some cold front from Canada ruin our fun. You know what's gonna happen? We're gonna have a picnic in here. But we can't eat our own food, so go to the counter and you can order whatever you want. And remember -- fun.

Lily: Yes, the funnest.

Cane: Hang on a second. There's no such word as funnest, so please don't go to school and say it, all right?

Lily: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, all that matters that we're together, the four of us.

Charlie: So, when are you moving home?

Dylan: Our family dynamic is...unique.

Sage: [Chuckles] That's a word for it.

Dylan: Unique. Yes.

Shawn: Was it always this easy for you guys?

Both: No.

Sage: No.

Dylan: It took us awhile to get where we are.

Sage: Yeah, but where we are is great. It's really supportive.

Dylan: Yeah, it was faith mostly. We all knew we had to get along for her sake, so we did.

Shawn: My baby would be a part of that. That means a lot to me.

Dylan: It means a lot to us, too. I got to get going. You guys let me know if you need anything else, okay?

Sage: Thank you so much, Dylan, for everything.

Shawn: Thanks.

Sage: Speaking of faith, I have to go get her and take her to her friend's house, so why don't you sit down, put your feet up, and just do nothing, okay?

Shawn: Um, tough to do when I don't have any of my stuff, though. I guess I should probably go back to my place, pack some bags.

Sage: You don't feel safe going there, do you?

Shawn: Is that lame?

Sage: No, it's not. And you know what? I'm gonna text Nick right now and I'm gonna ask him to take you soon as he gets done with what he's doing, okay?

Nick: I don't care about Newman. I only care about my family. I need to know if Victoria should be bracing herself.

Chelsea: For what?

Nick: Some surprise attempt from Adam to get Victoria out of there.

Chelsea: What part of "Adam has moved on" didn't register? He has a new job, Nick. A hedge fund in new York offered him an incredible position. He's thrilled. We both are.

Nick: Seriously?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sharon: So, that's huge. Are you moving to Manhattan?

Chelsea: Well, that was the original plan. But the company thinks that Adam's skills are best suited to potentially open a new branch in Chicago, so Connor and I are gonna stay in Genoa City and Adam is gonna split his time between the two. It totally works out, and it's good for me. From a business perspective, it's important I stay local, especially with my brand expanding.

Nick: That makes sense.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Congratulations, by the way. I love the new line. I'm obsessed with it.

Chelsea: Really?

Sharon: Mm-hmm. It's the best yet. And I'm not just saying that.

Chelsea: Thank you, Sharon. Actually, I have a question for you. Would you ever consider, um, joining us, coming on board at the company?

Sharon: At Chelsea 2.0?

Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, last time you worked for me, I know that it wasn't particularly challenging, but I feel like we could find something for you that would suit your skill set.

Sharon: Well, that sounds like a compliment.

Chelsea: It was meant to be. We've got a huge workload. The company's doing really well. And, of course, I want to work with people that I know.

Sharon: Are you offering me a job?

Chelsea: Are you accepting?

Sharon: Yes! 100% yes!

Chelsea: Good.

Sharon: Thank you.

Chelsea: Absolutely. I think it'll be wonderful.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh. Okay. Well, I-I better call Dylan.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Nick: So...you're hiring, then?

Chelsea: Yep. I have to, to keep up with the demand.

Nick: What about Sage?

Chelsea: Sage?

Nick: Yeah. My wife? You know, like this tall, blonde?

Chelsea: Yeah, I know. I know who she is, but, I mean, the timing of it all. Isn't the baby that you're adopting about to be born?

Nick: Yeah, that's exactly why I want it to happen. I think it'd be really good if Sage had something else to focus on.

Chelsea: Other than the adoption? You guys haven't been on the same page?

Nick: She is so consumed with this adoption going through that she's sabotaging without knowing it.

Chelsea: You think she's, like, pushing too hard or...?

Nick: She's gotten on Shawn's case a couple times about, like, her diet and prenatal care.

Chelsea: Well, yeah, 'cause she's concerned.

Nick: Yeah, but to a teenager, it just comes across as overbearing. And now she wants Shawn to come and live with us in our apartment.

Chelsea: Wow. Oh. I had no idea.

Nick: Okay, there actually is good reason for it, but I just don't think her living with us is good for anyone.

[Cell phone chimes]

Nick: It's from Sage. She wants me to come and pick up Shawn and take her back to her place so she can get the rest of her things. "Yeah. Sure. Be home soon."

[Drops cell phone]

Chelsea: Well, I feel like it's a fine line, you know. I mean, I'm sure you just want to show support for Shawn but you can't push too hard and then end up, you know, pushing her away.

Nick: Shawn likes us, or at least I think she does, but nothing is guaranteed until she gives us that baby.

Chelsea: So you want Sage to have something else to focus on in case everything else falls apart.

Nick: Look, it's not gonna take the pain away. Nothing ever will. But if she was involved with something else, it'd be really good for her. And even if we got the baby like we hope we will --

Chelsea: Hi, guys.

Dylan: Okay, so, uh, why are we meeting here instead of at home like we planned?

Sharon: Because Chelsea is here.

Dylan: Okay.

Chelsea: Hi.

Dylan: Hi, Chelsea.

Chelsea: Hi, Dylan.

Sharon: I just wanted to introduce you to my new boss. I mean, my old boss, but now my new boss again.

Dylan: So, you're gonna go back to work for Chelsea?

Chelsea: Uh, she's gonna work with Chelsea.

Dylan: That's great. I know how much you love being in fashion.

Chelsea: Yeah. And we loved having her on the team. It's a win/win for everybody.

Dylan: Congratulations.

Sharon: Thank you. Now come. Buy me a congratulatory drink.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Sharon: We'll talk later.

Chelsea: Enjoy.

Nick: She's excited.

Chelsea: A little bit. A little bit.

Nick: Well, that's what I hope will happen for Sage. Which is why I really want this to happen. So, will you help us?

Marisa: I'm so sorry.

Noah: What are you sorry for, baby?

Marisa: Because our life is on hold, and it's all my fault.

Noah: Marisa, it's not.

Marisa: Yeah, it's -- it's true. I handled Luca all wrong. I led him on.

Noah: You didn't, not intentionally.

Marisa: And now he resents me for choosing you.

Noah: Marisa, look at me.

Marisa: [Sighs]

Noah: We can't change what happened, right? So all we can do is move forward.

Marisa: But what if he doesn't let us?

Noah: Let us? He's not gonna have a choice, okay? Eventually Luca's gonna have to realize he can't just have you, all right? And in the meantime, we'll just keep on living -- together.

Marisa: I just wish that there was something he wanted more, you know, something to make him back off. [Sighs]

Noah: Oh. Maybe there is. But I'll be damned if he's gonna get it.

Luca: Okay, since we're being so honest with each other, you may as well say the rest of what you're thinking.

Summer: Which is?

Luca: You're Noah's sister.

Summer: What?! I am?!

Luca: [Chuckles] And even though you sympathize with me, you must still want this divorce to go through for his sake.

Summer: Okay. Do I want Noah to be happy? Yes. And are you an obstacle to that? Sure.

Luca: So you wish I'd give up and sign the papers already?

Summer: Look, ending your marriage officially and having to finally say goodbye, there is no timetable to coming to terms with that. You know, I-I remember when my parents went through that, so yes, I do think that you need to move on and let go, but only when you're ready to do it, you know?

Luca: Well, how will I know when the time is right? I mean...

Summer: You'll just know.

Lily: Guys, listen, we talked about this, right? Even though daddy isn't living at home with us, what's important is that you get plenty of time with him.

Charlie: Yeah.

Lily: Okay? All right. Go get some hot chocolate. [Chuckles]

Cane: [Sighs] So...

Lily: Listen --

Cane: Let's -- I want to talk to you.

Lily: No, it's -- it's fine. I know that you're not ready to come home, so...

Cane: Listen --

Lily: Cane, it's fine. I-I get that you don't still completely trust me.

Cane: Happy belated anniversary, sweetheart.

Lily: When I gave you something on our actual anniversary, you weren't ready to return the sentiment.

Cane: I know. And I'm sorry if that hurt you. But ever since that day, all I've done is think about...us, thinking about our marriage and our breakup, thinking how we'd say we'd take things slow and then, well, how we haven't taken things slow, you know. I've been trying to figure out what this all means and where we're going and...

Lily: And where are we going?

Cane: I have decided that it's time that I make a choice. I either love you enough to trust you again or I don't. And the truth is, baby, I'm just... I can't function without you. And I miss you.

Lily: I miss you, too. So much.

Cane: You know, I spent the entire winter living in a hotel, away from you and the kids, and I'm just so miserable. And now spring is here, and everything is starting to come alive again. So, I'm thinking that maybe... I don't know, maybe we could start again.

Lily: I have dreamed of this moment for so long, and I thought it would never happen. Do you really mean it?

Cane: I mean this with all my heart and all my soul.

Lily: [Sighs]

Cane: Now... are you gonna open this box? What are you gonna do, huh?

Lily: Yes.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: [Sniffles] [Sighs] [Sighs] [Sighs]

Shawn: Thanks again for lugging all my stuff down the stairs.

Nick: Oh, yeah. Hopefully my back recovers in time for me to take it upstairs at our place.

Shawn: It makes me so mad at my ex, you know? He should be helping me, going through this pregnancy with me. But instead he ran. What a punk.

Nick: Well, you know, I'm not defending him, but maybe he was scared.

Shawn: A decent guy would never have done that. You wouldn't have.

Nick: You'd be surprised. I remember when Sharon told me we were pregnant with our first child. I definitely could have handled it better.

Shawn: But you stayed. You stepped up, just like you did with Sage.

Nick: With Sage, it was different, you know? I knew.

Shawn: Knew what?

Nick: I already knew what it was like to be a father, and it is the most rewarding yet terrifying but coolest thing I've ever got to experience. I wouldn't change it for a second.

Shawn: You really would love this baby like your own?

Nick: Shawn, you have my word.

Sharon: He's off to dream land. Mommy can tuck you in, sing you a song. [Sighs]

Dylan: What's up?

Sharon: What am I doing, Dylan?

Dylan: What do you -- what do you mean? Right now or...?

Sharon: Sully is just still so little. I can't take this job with Chelsea. My hours are gonna be longer than they were at the coffee house.

Dylan: Uh, first things first, okay? I'm gonna support any decision that you want to make, whichever one. So if you want to stay home, stay home. But I also know what it's like to want fulfillment from a career, so if that means working with Chelsea, then...

Sharon: Well, I think it would be fulfilling, but at what cost?

Dylan: We can figure that out between us and faith and Mariah and Noah and everybody else. It's not like Sully's gonna be forgotten.

Sharon: I know, I know.

Dylan: And Chelsea, not to mention, she's a working mom. She understands that stuff.

Sharon: That's true.

Dylan: So, I'm not gonna push you one way or the other. You just -- I don't know. You just seem so excited.

Sharon: I am.

Dylan: So, this job clearly means something. You should take it.

Sharon: Why don't I just talk to Chelsea and see how it goes?

Dylan: Okay. Sounds like a plan.

Sharon: Thank you for being such a wonderful and understanding husband. I'm so lucky.

Dylan: I'm the lucky one.

Chelsea: Well, thank you for meeting me on such short notice.

Sage: Oh, cheers. No worries. I just dropped faith off at her friend's next door, and it was perfect timing. It sounded important.

Chelsea: Well, it is. But it's good important. It's about Chelsea 2.0.

Sage: Oh.

Chelsea: Yeah, the business is really taking off. It's doing so well, and I could really use some more support in the form of staff, maybe in the form of you, if you're interested?

Sage: What? [Chuckles] Really? I am so flattered that you would even think of me, Chelsea. Wow. And normally I would jump at the chance, but, you know, this isn't the best time with the baby on the way. I'm gonna be dealing with a newborn.

Chelsea: Right. But the baby isn't here just yet, so...

Sage: Yeah, that's true, but I have so many things to do in preparation, and, you know, dealing with Shawn is a full-time job.

Chelsea: Right. Well, um, I mean, I could work with you on the hours. Like maybe you could just start off part time.

Sage: You are so sweet, and I am sorry, but I just really need to focus on this adoption.

Chelsea: I understand. But, you know, I just, like, feel like maybe it shouldn't be, like, your only focus.

Sage: What do you mean?

Chelsea: Well, you said yourself the part of this process that's really stressing you out is that it's not, like, a done deal. Shawn could change her mind at any moment.

Sage: Yeah.

Chelsea: So, I feel like maybe if you have something else going on that can keep you busy, uh, that way everything won't just, like, fall apart if, God forbid, the adoption doesn't go through.

Sage: You know, you're really starting to sound like... did Nick put you up to this?

Do you get the feeling stars light the ceiling? We know this place dreams drift around us home, you have found us no words to say it's what brings us back together ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ooh, ooh just for a minute ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh oh, ooh hold on to it ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ooh, ooh when this life's all it should be

Chelsea: Hey, nobody put me up to anything.

Sage: You didn't talk to Nick? Not at all?

Chelsea: Well, I mean, I might have seen Nick earlier, but --

Sage: I knew it.

Chelsea: No, no, no. I just happened to -- I happened to say I was hiring people.

Sage: Okay, and so he jumped on it.

Chelsea: Sage, I would not have offered you a job if I didn't think that you were a perfect fit.

Sage: But was it his idea?

Chelsea: Well, it's because he knows how smart you are and honest and hardworking, and he knows I want people like that working with me and for me, people like you and Sharon.

Sage: Sharon?

Chelsea: Well, yeah. She's working with me, too.

Sage: Oh, okay. That's great. I really want to spend all that time with my husband's ex-wife. Chelsea, God, I'm sorry. No.

Chelsea: Okay, listen. I am sorry. I did not bring this up to upset you. I truly thought that this would be a good thing for everybody.

Sage: I understand. My answer is still no, okay? And I'm gonna let Nick know. I'll fill him in.

Nick: Thank you. All right, how many did you get? Marshmallows.

Shawn: Um, I didn't count.

Nick: What?! You have to count. I mean, faith has to have exactly 12 every time.

Shawn: [Chuckles] Yeah, she let me know that's what she likes. That kid is something else.

Nick: She really is. Yeah, I'd like to blame her mother for that, but... more and more, I can tell she is a lot like me.

Shawn: Is that good or bad?

Nick: It's terrifying, actually.

Shawn: [Laughs] She's not afraid to speak her mind, that's for sure.

Nick: [Sighs] All right. What'd she say?

Shawn: No. Nothing bad. She was just asking me why I didn't want the baby.

Nick: [Sighs] I'm sorry, Shawn. Sorry.

Shawn: Don't be. Seriously. She was just curious. Tried to explain it's not as simple as wanting or not wanting.

Nick: It must have been rough for you to talk about.

Shawn: Not with faith. Not with you, either.

Nick: Still, I mean, giving up your baby for adoption, it's...

Shawn: Hardest decision I've ever made. Maybe ever will make.

Nick: Listen, Shawn, I'm -- I'm never gonna try and pretend to know what you're going through, but I promise you this. I will always try to understand.

Shawn: Does that mean you wouldn't be mad if I changed my mind?

Summer: Look, I know that you probably don't want to hear this --

Marisa: If it's about Luca, you're right. Probably not.

[Door closes]

Summer: Can't you just give him a break, give him some time to adjust?

Marisa: Some time to -- you're serious?

Summer: A divorce is a big deal, and Luca is hurting right now.

Marisa: Oh, my God. Summer, he is snowing you.

Summer: Marisa, I do not think so.

Marisa: No, I know Luca. Listen to me. He is not some lovesick puppy. He is angry, and he wants to punish me for leaving him.

Summer: You really think he's that heartless?

Marisa: I do.

Summer: Okay, then why did you get back together with him?

Noah: I know what you want.

Luca: And what is that?

Noah: You're not that complicated, Luca. You're not even being subtle about it. Summer? Really? First you move into her apartment and the whole "woe is me" thing with the -- with the divorce? How obvious are you gonna be, pal?

Luca: Apparently not obvious enough, at least not to me.

Noah: Just own it, man.

Luca: To what? To what? What would I want with summer?

Noah: What could you want with summer? I don't know. Victor Newman's granddaughter? You think by glomming onto her, you're gonna get close to my family? It's never gonna happen.

Luca: Look, now you're starting to sound just like Adam and Victor. But I got news for all three of you, all right? You don't own me. You don't get to call the shots, all right? And soon enough, I'll be calling all the shots at Newman enterprises. How about that?

Noah: Really? You're living in a dream world, buddy.

Luca: Oh, really? Says the man who thinks what he has with Marisa will last. It's foolish. I know her better than you ever will, Noah, and man to man, let me tell you this. No matter how hard you hold on to her, you're going to lose her. Everyone does.

Lily: I love it. Thank you.

Cane: You know, this is how we should always be. Together. You know that, right?

Lily: I do. I will toast to that.

Cane: Hmm. Okay, but, you do know we need something more festive, so how about we get a sitter for tonight...

Lily: Actually, one is already lined up because I'm going to the fundraiser for my dad and Jack's foundation.

Cane: Oh, really?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Maybe you need a date.

Lily: Oh. I thought you would never ask.

Cane: Yeah.

Charlie: Stop kissing.

Lily: I am sorry.

Cane: I'm not sorry, 'cause you know what? It's gonna happen again and again and again, so you better be prepared, man.

Lily: [Laughs]

Mattie: I love your necklace.

Cane: Yeah?

Lily: Thank you. Isn't it beautiful?

Cane: It's just like your mommy. It's beautiful.

Lily: [Chuckles] And it's also very special because it means that daddy's moving back home.

[Both gasp]

Both: Really?!

Cane: Really! Come here! Oh! I love you guys. I love you.

Lily: [Chuckles]

Marisa: This ring is a promise from your brother. It is real.

Summer: Yeah, while going back to Luca was fantasy land.

Marisa: Going back to Luca was a mistake.

Summer: Yeah, I see.

Marisa: We had just met our daughter, summer. Emotions were running high.

Summer: Yeah, so you just thought "why not," right?

Marisa: Well, I wanted to believe he had changed, but he hadn't. And you would be a fool to fall for him.

Summer: Fall for him? I'm not falling for him. I have a boyfriend, remember? Luca and I are just friends.

Marisa: Listen to me. I know him. I know that look. He is in your head. Just please be careful.

Noah: Marisa said yes. Do you know what that's like?

Luca: That doesn't mean anything.

Noah: Oh, but it does. See, she actually has something called a choice, but you and your overinflated ego --

Luca: You think you're the one? Please. You're a passing infatuation, Noah, all right? Another notch on Marisa's belt, of which there are many, I assure you.

Noah: Watch your mouth, Luca.

Luca: She doesn't love you. How could she? A spoiled, little rich boy, too cowardly to admit what he did to Billy Abbott.

Noah: Keep talking, please. I'm begging you.

Luca: Yeah, yeah, you could have taken responsibility, but you didn't. Instead you hid behind Marisa. You will never be man enough to satisfy a woman like her.

[Baby crying]

Sharon: My son. My baby is here. It's your son.

Sharon: [Gasps]

Dylan: Hey, what -- what's wrong?

Sharon: The -- the baby's crying. The baby's crying downstairs. It's okay, Sully. Mommy's here. Mommy's here.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Nick: No, Shawn, I wouldn't be mad if you decided to keep the baby. In fact, I wouldn't even be upset if you went with another family.

Shawn: Really?

Nick: But, Shawn, you do need to decide, and whatever it is, you need to make absolutely sure it's right for you, because you don't want any regrets looking back.

Shawn: But what if what I want costs you what you want?

Nick: Well, I can't lie to you. It would be disappointing.

Shawn: And Sage...

Nick: This isn't about Sage. This is about you. This is your life. It's your baby, and if you want to keep him, you have every right to do so.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Marisa: How did you get an invitation?

Summer: He's my guest.

Lily: The winters clan is gathering. What about the Abbotts? Is everyone gonna show?

Victoria: Phyllis. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were in the middle of a meeting.

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