Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/15/16
Episode # 10880 ~ Victoria wants to make amends with Victor; Sage clashes with Nick; the verdict is in for Noah.
Provided By Suzanne
Shawn: You know what? You don't even have to say it. I heard enough. I'm sorry. I know I'm in the way.
Sage: You're not in the way.
Shawn: Really. Not a big deal. I'll get my stuff.
Sage: Shawn, we want you to stay.
Shawn: You want me to stay. But you never signed off on me moving in.
Sage: That doesn't matter, Shawn.
Shawn: Our deal was that you would cover my medical expenses and adopt my kid. Nobody said you had to take care of me. I'm gone.
Sage: Okay, Shawn, I'm not comfortable with that. Even if we didn't know who you were, we would never feel comfortable letting a pregnant woman go to a place she did not feel safe. Right, Nick?
Phyllis: Jack announces that he's washed his hands of pass key and he just storms right out of here? That's great. That's awesome. We're gonna do this ourselves.
Billy: Or not.
Phyllis: Billy.
Billy: What if he's right? Think about it for a second.
Phyllis: What are you talking about?
Billy: Victor could sue us for stealing this company.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah? He's gonna sue us from jail?
Billy: Phyllis, what if he finds out that you were behind Adam's kidnapping?
Phyllis: Yeah, Victor doesn't scare me. There is nothing he can do to me that is worse than bringing Marco Annicelli in my life. Nothing. And besides, this deal is ours. We walk away now, we risk losing billions.
Billy: If you don't walk away, you risk losing Jack.
Neil: What's going on, man?
Jack: Something a shot of scotch won't fix. In fact, I better start realizing there are some things that just can't be fixed no matter how much you love someone.
Noah: Talk to me. What's going on? You're making me feel like you're having second thoughts about this marriage.
Marisa: No, I want that more than anything. [Sighs] But if the judge decides against you --
Noah: Hey, whatever happens in court, I will find a way for us to be together.
Marisa: You'll try. But if we both end up in prison --
Noah: Stop, stop. Have a little faith, okay? Our future starts today.
Luca: I told you, don't worry. I'll handle the problem. Hey. Did, uh, the judge come back with a verdict yet?
Summer: I don't know. I couldn't sit there and watch my brother on the stand knowing that my grandfather's gonna be going on trial soon, too.
Luca: And you blame me for that.
Summer: Well, you are partly at fault, so... excuse me.
Luca: Victor brought this upon himself, summer. He practically forced your family to turn him in.
Summer: You know what, Luca? I am not gonna go into this with you right now.
Luca: Summer, it's the rea--
Summer: Look, my grandfather has a lot of pride, and they kicked him out of his own company, okay?
Luca: That call I was just on? It was from a couple of Newman division heads. They're extremely unhappy, just like you. They're used to dealing directly with Victor. They don't like Victoria's management style. You know, they expected Adam to take his father's place.
Summer: Yeah, well, the truth is, so did my grandfather.
Victor: We have nothing to say to each other. I'm going back to my cell.
Victoria: Dad, wait. Please hear me out. I'm having some trouble with some of the department heads at Newman. They're anxious about the change in leadership, and I was hoping --
Victor: [Laughs] Really?
Victoria: It's not funny.
Victor: Oh, it's, to me, very funny. I needed a little humor to brighten my day.
Victor: I knew it was only a matter of time before you would come for help.
Victoria: That's not what I wanted.
Victor: Despite turning me in to the police and despite helping remove me from the board of directors at Newman, you're still here. So why would I want to rescue you?
Victoria: You know me better than that, dad. I don't need rescuing.
Victor: Then why are you here?
Victoria: A couple of nervous-Nellie executives need you to give them a call to reassure them, and then we can go back to business as usual.
Victor: Are you kidding me or what? I'm not gonna make the call. You, your mother, and the rest of the family thought you could run this whole thing without me! Well, try it! Are you getting a little nervous now?!
Luca: Why would Adam pass up on his chance to be top dog? I mean, isn't that what the man has always wanted?
Summer: Well, maybe all that talk about Connor and Chelsea being his top priority wasn't just talk. I don't know. Do you really think that Newman is in trouble?
Luca: I think things could be salvaged if she gets some help.
Nikki: Give me a moment with my granddaughter.
Luca: Of course. And let me just say, I hope everything works out with your grandson, Mrs. Newman. Talk to you soon.
Nikki: You know, it would mean a lot to your brother if you were there when the verdict comes in.
Summer: [Sighs]
Nikki: Or is your loyalty only extended to your grandfather these days?
Summer: Grandma, somebody has to stand by grandpa.
Nikki: Victor can take care of himself. He's made that abundantly clear.
Summer: Grandma, that's just talk. I've spent a lot of time with grandpa, and he is hurt. He is not okay. He needs you just as much as your kids and your grandkids do. Maybe even more.
Nick: Sage and I completely agree that we don't want you to go anywhere where you're not safe.
Shawn: Before, you were saying you didn't think this was a good idea.
Nick: I hesitated because I'm worried. Sage and I --
Sage: Nick.
Nick: We just don't want to do anything, uh, you know, break any of the agency's rules to jeopardize the adoption.
Shawn: Oh. Well, you don't have to worry about that. It's not like I'm gonna report you guys for letting me live here. This place is great.
Sage: Will you stay?
Shawn: And if anyone asks, I'll tell them this proves you're not just in this to get my baby. You actually give a damn about me.
Sage: [Sighs] Of course we do, honey. We are all in this together.
Nick: Absolutely.
[Knock on door]
Sage: Oh. I'll get it. Oh, hey, Sharon. Uh, faith's finishing her homework. I'll tell her you're here.
Sharon: Oh, no, no. Don't bother. I can't stay.
Shawn: Hi, Sharon.
Sharon: Hi, Shawn.
Nick: Did you hear something from the courthouse?
Sharon: From Dylan. He heard judge Moxley is ready with her verdict.
Nick: Wow. That's fast. I don't know if that's good or bad.
Sage: Go, go, go. Just...
Nick: Yeah.
Sage: ...Call me afterward, okay?
Nick: Yeah, I will.
Sage: Okay.
Shawn: You guys really are a close family.
[Door closes]
Sage: What do you mean?
Shawn: It seems like exes aren't really ex, are they?
Jack: I realize Phyllis has good reason to hate Victor.
Neil: She's hardly alone in that. Here.
Jack: At some point, though, you have to ask yourself is it worth it. Is this endless game of king of the mountain worth sacrificing your values?
Neil: Well, you haven't always taken the high road when it comes to Victor. I mean, neither have I, for that matter.
Jack: By the way, thank you for taking the high road and breaking up that fight with me and Victor, looking after him. Not that he deserved it.
Neil: I don't claim to be noble. But like I told Nikki, how can our foundation to help others make an exception with Victor, huh?
Jack: And manage to do it without being driven to drink.
Neil: Exactly.
Jack: [Sighs] This constant need to top each other has to stop, or we become the very thing we hate.
Phyllis: Are you suggesting we walk away from this deal?
Billy: No, not -- not us. You.
Phyllis: Billy --
Billy: I already lost the love of my life, okay? I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lose Jack.
Phyllis: I am not going anywhere. He is the one who got on his high horse and bolted out of here. If I can make him understand that I cannot quit right now --
Billy: Let's be honest about this. Jack understands you better than anybody in the world.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, he doesn't need to judge me so quickly.
Billy: He has shown you in so many ways that he supports you and loves you.
Phyllis: Yeah, well, this is the time that counts.
Billy: Maybe you need to take the advice that you gave me, okay? Maybe you need to fix this before it's gone.
Phyllis: You just told me that was the worst advice I ever gave you. Why am I gonna follow that?
Billy: That was totally different, okay? Victoria despises me. We're past repair. You and Jack, you're not. You can fix this.
Phyllis: Says who? All right, all right. I know Jack loves me.
Billy: And?
Phyllis: And I love him very much. But we have worked very hard on this deal. We cannot just give up.
Billy: No, no, no. Who said anything about giving up?
Phyllis: All right, then explain.
Billy: We delay the rollout of pass key until Victor is in jail and he can't touch us. We got nothing to lose.
Phyllis: We control the product.
Billy: Yes. Nobody's gonna beat us to market on this.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Billy: Look at that. The verdict's in. I got to go. Where do you need to be?
Phyllis: I know where I need to be. I just... when I cave in with Jack, it makes me feel weak.
Billy: There is nothing weak about wanting to be with the person that you love. I lost Victoria because of the mistakes that I made. Don't make the same mistake, Phyllis. I don't know how that'll feed her, honey. She and your daddy had to run back to the courthouse.
Faith: Oh. They got to be there for my brother Noah. But it's not like he's a criminal or anything. He's really nice.
Shawn: Sometimes even nice people get in trouble. It's cool your dad's got his back.
Faith: Daddy will be there for your baby, too. Since you don't want him.
Sage: Uh, I think what faith is trying to say --
Shawn: It's okay. She's just being honest. It's not that I don't want the baby, faith. It's just that your dad and Sage will be better parents than I can be right now.
Faith: What about later? Will you want the baby back?
Sage: Faith, don't worry. Shawn has decided to pick our family to raise her baby.
Faith: Forever and ever?
Shawn: Well, technically, I have up to a year to change my mind.
Sage: But...you won't.
Shawn: The plan is to give birth and keep moving, but... I don't know how that'll feel, walking out of the hospital without the baby.
Faith: If you miss him, you can always come and see him. Right, Sage?
Victoria: McCormick and Gibson are balking, too? No, it's fine. I'll handle it. Just keep me updated.
Nick: Hey.
Victoria: Noah and Marisa are inside.
Nick: Is his attorney here?
Victoria: Yeah, Leslie is keeping everyone calm, but the judge is still in chambers.
Sharon: Are you okay?
Victoria: Yeah, I'm fine.
Sharon: I think maybe you and your sister need to talk, so...
Nick: Yeah.
Sharon: I'll let you know if the judge comes in.
Nick: Thanks. Do I even need to ask what's going on?
Victoria: I went to the jail, and I asked dad to help me push down a potential mutiny at Newman.
Nick: So, what'd he do? Laugh in your face?
Victoria: How did you guess?
Nick: Vick, what'd you expect him to do? Give you a hug? Look, he probably is hoping for a crisis so he has to come back in and look like the savior.
Victoria: You understand him so well, Nick. I wish you would just change your mind and join me. You know we'd make a great team.
Nick: Vick, I got too much on my plate right now. But you don't need me. And you certainly don't need dad. You got this.
[Door opens]
Billy: Hey. You all right?
Victoria: I am very far from all right.
Noah: Look, I'm prepared for the verdict to go against me. But there must be something more I can do or say so it will affect Marisa's chance of going free.
Marisa: No, no, please don't worry about me right now. Just listen to Leslie.
Leslie: I'm advising you to do what's best for you. Trust me. We'll worry about Marisa later.
Noah: That still leaves the cover-up.
Leslie: You addressed that by putting most of the blame on your grandfather. Given judge Moxley's feelings towards Victor, I think that'll work in your favor.
Victor: This time is for family members, not for the likes of you.
Luca: Your family turned you into the cops and booted you out of the boardroom. You ought to appreciate a visit from someone who's not flesh and blood.
Victor: I don't.
Luca: Especially when Newman is beginning to crumble from within.
Victor: For someone who draws his check from Jabot, you seem to know a lot about the inner workings of Newman.
Luca: Now, Victor, I can't help if certain division heads have reached out to me personally to express their lack of confidence in Victoria.
Victor: Victoria happens to know what she's doing.
Luca: I know her pedigree, Victor. I also know that she's insisting that no major financial decisions be made without her approval. Now, that may impress outsiders and potential investors, but it can alienate those who have to carry out her orders.
Victor: I don't give a damn. She will stay where she is.
Luca: Things are rocky at Newman, and there is another way to keep the company strong.
Victor: Oh, yeah? And what's that?
Luca: You're looking at him.
Victor: [Laughing] I wouldn't trust you to park one of my cars much less run my company.
Luca: Hear me out, okay? For now, you're confined. No doubt Victoria's a top-notch executive. But even she would admit she was surprised that Adam didn't even make an attempt to take your place at the top.
Victor: Continue.
Luca: And her idea of hands-on control has quite a few people wondering where the hell the company's headed.
Victor: I don't give a damn how many people wonder.
Luca: I'll take that to mean you're waiting.
Victor: For what?
Luca: For your family to see their dividends and trust funds start to suffer and beg you to come back and save the day.
Victor: And you don't agree with that tactic?
Luca: What if Newman takes a nosedive and there's nothing left to save? I'm your insurance policy, Victor. Help me take over, and I will keep Newman in the black until you're back.
Victor: Hmm. And you, uh, look after my interests, right, and you keep my seat warm until I get back? Is that it?
Luca: Absolutely.
Victor: Hmm. Hell of an idea. Hmm.
Luca: I'm glad to see I've finally earned your respect. So, when do we start?
Victor: [Laughs] You're a young punk, aren't you? Huh? You know when we start? When hell freezes over.
Jack: Yes, I think Victor should be punished. Neil, he's in a cell right now, cut off from his family, awaiting a trial that could put him in prison for years. That isn't enough?
Neil: No, I'd agree with that. Revenge gets you nowhere, though. My desire to punish Hilary and Devon was so strong, man. It consumed me. It took over my life. By the time I realized my mistake, the damage was already done.
Jack: I'm worried Phyllis is gonna do something she regrets. How do I stop that from happening?
Neil: Now, that -- that right there, that should probably be the first rule of our foundation.
Jack: What? Protect those you love?
Neil: No. You can't always save someone from themselves. They have to want it. Hey. I'm gonna let you two talk.
Phyllis: Neil's right. You have to want it. And I do.
Billy: If you're worried about Noah, you know that I don't want him to go to jail. I said so on the stand. [Sighs] Vick, what is it?
Victoria: Everything.
Billy: Then talk to me about it. Please. You can talk to me about it.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Summer: Hey, uh, we should hurry.
Nikki: The judge is on her way in.
Elise: Having heard all the testimony and reviewed the evidence, I've --
Leslie: Noah, what -- what are you doing?
Sharon: Nick, what is he doing?
Noah: I apologize for interrupting, your honor, but I was hoping that I might be able to say a few words. May I?
Elise: You've already taken the stand under oath, Mr. Newman.
Noah: I understand that. That's the problem. I...feel that I may have misled the court.
Leslie: Your honor, can we have a minute?
Noah: Leslie, please. I need to do this.
Elise: Does the district attorney have any objections?
Christine: Not at all, your honor.
Elise: Mr. Newman, how is it that you've misled this court?
Noah: I sat up there and I-I blamed my grandfather for convincing me to commit a crime as if it was Victor Newman himself who covered up the accident and tried to run from justice. But that's just not true, is it? It was my choice.
Sharon: We've got to stop him.
Noah: I just want to be perfectly clear about this. My mistakes are my own. And the responsibility lies with me alone. No one but me should be held responsible for something that I did or failed to do.
Elise: I've made my decision.
Bailiff: Will the defendant please rise for sentencing?
Elise: You know, when I walked back into this courtroom today, I wasn't entirely sure I was making the right decision. Despite how we're portrayed, even judges have their doubts sometimes just like everyone else. But after hearing the defendant's statements just now, I'm convinced that my decision in this case is both sound and appropriate. It's no secret, Mr. Newman, that I know your grandfather. It comes somewhat as a surprise therefore that given in your own words here today, you've proven to be your own man, not controlled by anyone other than yourself and your own conscience. And for that, your family and the people who love you should be very proud. I also believe that Billy Abbott, the victim in all of this, doesn't want anyone else to suffer needlessly for what was unquestionably a terrible accident. But be that as it may, Noah Newman, this court finds you guilty of hit-and-run causing great bodily harm.
Summer: Oh, my God.
Elise: However, given this is your first offense and having weighed all the other considerations, I'm sentencing you to 12 months probation and 60 hours community service.
Noah: [Sighs]
Elise: Court dismissed.
Marisa: [Chuckles]
Leslie: Um, you know what? About that other matter --
Christine: Yeah, we'll -- we'll talk.
Noah: You worried? Oh, my God. I'm just so relieved this whole thing is over. Hey, hey, Billy. Uh... thank you again... I... for... I don't even know how to say it, man. I just --
Billy: You don't have to say it. I know what you're trying to say. I'm just glad that it's over. Hopefully we can all move on.
Summer: [Sighs] Oh, my God! You're free! You're free! [Laughs] Oh, I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
Noah: Bye.
Marisa: Thank you.
Billy: Vick. I meant what I said to him. Hopefully we can all move on. I-I hope that we can do the same.
Phyllis: I'm not going to apologize for wanting Victor to suffer. He deserves it. But I do regret allowing my hurt and my anger to turn into this out-of-control fire. I was so determined to make Victor suffer that I was willing to throw everything I care about into the flames, and that includes your love and your respect. And for that, I am very sorry.
Jack: I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry I can't go back and change the things that happened to you.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Victor hurt you, too.
Jack: No, right now I want to focus on how grateful I am for whatever it was that brought you here, because I needed you.
Phyllis: Well, we have your brother to thank for that.
Jack: What did Billy do?
Phyllis: He made me realize that, yes, punishing Victor has been my ultimate goal, but I was giving Victor the ultimate Victory by allowing him to turn us against each other and to make a mockery of our marriage.
Jack: Wow. I love you. I don't want to change you.
Phyllis: [Sighs]
Jack: I don't want to tame you. I love your fire. I just like it a little better when you're able to control the flames.
Phyllis: [Chuckles] I can enjoy that, too. That's good. As a matter of fact, I feel like I'm getting a little heated up right now, but I want to tell you something. I said that you didn't have any fight in you, and I was wrong. You fight, Jack, and when you win, you -- it's because you fight smart. And you can teach me a thing or two about that.
Jack: Do I also owe that little epiphany to my brother?
Phyllis: [Laughs] We talked about it, yes.
Jack: And what about the project?
Phyllis: [Sighs] Look, we still believe in pass key. But we will hold off rolling out the prototype until Victor is behind bars. How does that sound to you?
Jack: That sounds like the perfect compromise.
Phyllis: Good. But what were we saying about that fire?
Jack: Well, I was about to say why don't we go home and fan the flames?
Phyllis: Okay.
Jack: Here.
Phyllis: Okay.
Sage: Faith, did you finish all your homework?
Faith: Mm-hmm. All of it.
Sage: All of it? Wow. Okay. Will you go upstairs and draw me a picture?
Faith: Can I draw a shark eating another shark?
Sage: Eww! Yes! Absolutely! Please do!
Faith: [Giggles]
Sage: I'm sorry about that. She's so excited to be a big sister. She doesn't really think --
Shawn: Faith just said what we've been dancing around. Like, how is this going to work? Do I just hand off the baby and walk away or can I see him if I want to? What exactly are the rules?
Sage: I haven't really thought about it.
Shawn: I could always pop over once a year for birthday parties or every other week for play dates. Even better, I can live in your guest room till he's 21. Just his aunt Shawn, one big happy family --
Sage: Shawn, please stop.
Nikki: Hi. I thought you'd want to know that Noah was given probation by judge Moxley.
Victor: If that's all you came to say, you may leave.
Nikki: Well... I know that you care about your grandson. You would have been so proud of him. He took full responsibility for everything that he did. He didn't try to blame you at all.
Victor: Noah's freedom will not mean a damn thing as long as he's under the spell of that woman.
Nikki: Her name is Marisa. And they're very much in love, Victor.
Victor: I don't give a damn what her name is or that they're in love. Love to that kind of woman means she gets what she wants.
Nikki: Is that what you think that I --
Victor: What the hell are you even talking about? You helped put me in here, didn't you? To push me out of my company, didn't you? You're gonna regret that decision, I promise you.
Victoria: I didn't mean to give you the wrong idea. This isn't about us, Billy.
Billy: Come on. Come on. It's not too late to change for us. Look at Noah and Marisa. Look what they overcame today. We can do the same thing as that. We can get over all the bad things that have happened, all the misunderstandings, and we can -- we can do this again, Vick. God knows that I want that. If you want that --
Victoria: I don't want that.
Billy: What do you want?
Victoria: What I can't have.
Billy: You miss us. I can tell you miss us.
Victoria: What you see is that sometimes it's hard to be alone at home and at work. But that's just a temporary feeling, Billy.
Billy: Don't say that.
Victoria: What I know deep down is that I should be running Newman, just like I know that you and I should go our own separate ways.
Noah: I'm free to start over, free to be with the woman I love.
Marisa: Well, I still have my own day with the judge, so...
Noah: Listen, I talked to Leslie, okay? She's very confident that the D.A.'S gonna drop the charges because I got probation.
Marisa: Well, let's hope. Then this nightmare can finally be over.
Noah: Yeah. So we need to get you divorced immediately, right away.
Marisa: Why are you in such a hurry?
Noah: Because, um, you're gonna look pretty damn silly wearing this...
Marisa: [Gasps]
Noah: ...If we're not officially engaged. You did say yes, right? I heard that, right? You said yes?
Marisa: Yes. Yes.
Nick: To our son.
Sharon: You know, I was so happy for him, the way that he did the right thing and he took responsibility for his actions. He didn't try to use the Newman name. It reminds me of another great man I know.
Nick: Who's that?
Sharon: His father.
Nick: [Chuckles] Well, I can't take all the credit. You know, half his chromosomes do come from you.
Sharon: With all the wrong turns we took, we must have also done something right as parents. And now we get to do it all over again. Dylan and I with Sully and you and Sage with the new baby. You do still think the adoption is the right thing, don't you?
Nick: You know, if it was just a matter of signing papers and waiting for the baby to be born, but... now Sage wants to move Shawn in with us. It's just...complicated.
Sharon: She wants Shawn to live with you until the baby's delivered? Isn't that a bit extreme?
Nick: I guess Shawn was living in a sketchy neighborhood and Sage wants her to be safe, and so do I. I do, but... I don't know, it just seems, like, cruel to me. I mean, what happens? So we move her in and we wait for the baby to be born, and then it's like, "hey, thanks for the baby. There's the door, and we'll see you around."
Sharon: Hmm. Well, everyone's just trying to do the right thing.
Nick: I guess. I just can't stop thinking that somebody's bound to get hurt.
Sage: I'm sorry, Shawn. I don't want faith to hear you and get confused about where we all stand.
Shawn: Faith's got her head screwed on straight. No chance of her getting the wrong idea.
Sage: She likes you. We all do.
Shawn: I really was kidding before. You don't have to worry about me popping in for visits.
Sage: But if that's what you want --
Shawn: I don't. It would hurt way too much, being a part of the baby's family as a friend. I... I don't want that.
Sage: I know you're gonna do the right thing for you, for this baby, for everyone.
Summer: Hey.
Luca: Hey.
Summer: Um, so my brother got probation.
Luca: I'm happy for you. Does this mean you no longer blame me for everything that goes wrong with your family?
Summer: [Chuckles] No. Um, I'm actually in no mood to be angry at anyone today, including you. But my good news may not be your good news since Marisa's now with Noah.
Luca: Well, she's still married to me.
Noah: Actually, you know what? Um, I'm gonna keep my lawyer on retainer to handle Marisa's divorce.
Luca: Congratulations on avoiding prison, Noah.
Noah: Thank you.
Luca: Of course, Marisa may not be so fortunate.
Marisa: Oh, my luck changed for the better when I discovered there's life after you.
Summer: Oh, my gosh. [Chuckles] Oh, wow, your ring is so beautiful. Good job. Good job.
Luca: Isn't that rushing things?
Noah: You think it's rushing it? I think that the world should know how we feel about each other.
Marisa: And when the lawyer draws up the papers, all you have to do is, uh, sign, and then everyone can move on.
Luca: I wouldn't think of standing in your way, Marisa, if that's what you really want. And if it's really your idea.
Noah: [Sighs] Stalling, Luca.
Luca: Am I?
Noah: Yeah, you are. You're just sitting there wondering what's in this divorce for you.
Jack: We ought to argue more often. I sure like this making up.
Phyllis: Oh, we could just have make-up sex and forget about the arguing.
Jack: Anything else I can do for you?
Phyllis: I think I'm craving chocolate.
Jack: Your wish is my command.
Phyllis: [Laughs]
[Door closes]
Phyllis: [Sighs]
[Cell phone chimes]
Nikki: You know, I didn't just come here to tell you about Noah. Summer is concerned about you, and I thought, well... maybe you needed me.
Victor: I don't need anyone.
Nikki: Victor, if you truly believe that, you're worse off than our granddaughter thinks.
Victor: Kindly get out.
Nikki: Okay. Well, the family and the family business will keep running. Maybe then you'll realize that you've lost more than your freedom, much more.
[Chair clangs]
Nikki: Victor, please.
Victor: And the family business keeps running? There are already people coming out of the woodwork to complain about Victoria's leadership. Even that peacock Luca Santori thinks he can take over.
Nikki: Okay.
Victor: You just remember, when the company falls apart and the family falls apart, you only have yourself to blame. I will not forgive you for this!
[Knock on door]
[Door closes]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Cane: It's time that I make a choice. I either love you enough to trust you again or I don't.
Chelsea: Adam doesn't care. Newman enterprises is not important to him anymore.
Nick: Leopards don't change their spots, Chelsea.
Luca: I just need someone to talk to. Stay with me?
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