Y&R Transcript Monday 3/14/16


Episode # 10879 ~ Jack lays down the law at Jabot; Noah faces the music in court; the tables are turned on Nikki.

Provided By Suzanne

Natalie: Where's Billy?

Jack: Good morning to you, too.

Natalie: [Sighs] Have you seen him? Because I know where he's not. I tried to catch him at home, but Victoria just reamed me.

Jack: Yeah, secrets and lies have a way of destroying an engagement.

Natalie: I feel sorry for Billy, but why yell at me? I'm just the genius here.

Jack: Oh, are you?

Natalie: After that little anti-reverse engineering to tighten pass key? Hell yes. The beta rocks. I know you're not a high-vibe type of dude, but can you give me something?

Jack: Good for you. Too bad I'm killing the project.

Phyllis: Hi.

Billy: Hi.

Phyllis: Well, it's worse than I thought. You're gonna thank me.

Billy: What is this? I don't -- I don't need -- I don't need this.

Phyllis: Well, the way Victoria broke things off, I know that you took it out on a bottle of scotch, and nobody would blame you, okay? But today is Noah's trial. You got to be at your best. You got to be sharp. And it's a very good thing that you're awake, you're dressed, you're ready to go -- sort of.

Billy: Phyllis, I'm not hung over.

Phyllis: It's the egg that's scaring you, isn't it? It's okay. This makes boys into men. It's magic. It's protein.

Billy: I didn't drink a drop last night. I promise you, I'm fine. I'm better -- I'm -- I'm fine.

Phyllis: Really? That's very nice. But I know you're a liar.

Noah: Listen, I know that it's last minute, but, um... I want to postpone the trial. We have a plan.

Leslie: Why does it worry me when a Newman says that?

Noah: Marisa and I want to get married. If we're husband and wife, we won't have to testify against each other.

Marisa: Yeah, but first I need a divorce.

Leslie: Well, taking the plunge to protect each other, that's very romantic. But legally speaking, yeah, no, it won't do any good.

Noah: Really? Why is that?

Leslie: You confessed, and you star in a video dumping his tires. A marriage certificate will do nothing to change those facts.

Noah: Great. So, what do we do now?

Leslie: We make a strong case for leniency. You haven't been in any real trouble, so our chances are good.

Noah: Well, I'm sorry, but we need better than good. We need them to be great for both of us.

Leslie: Okay, then we won't tick off the judge by asking to postpone the trial. Or springing the surprise spousal privilege.

[Cell phone rings]

Leslie: Oh. The courthouse. Excuse me.

Noah: Everything's gonna be fine. Okay? I will make this work.

Luca: Aww. [Mock sobbing] So touching, so tragic. The young lovers' last meal.

Nick: You know, of all the things I never thought I'd see, our son on trial tops the list.

Sage: How's faith doing?

Sharon: I tried talking to her. She's worried about her big brother. We all are.

Nick: And maximum Moxley on the bench with a Newman in her crosshairs. Let's hope she focuses on justice and not the last name.

Dylan: I got to go. I'll meet you there, okay?

Sharon: Okay. You know what's at stake.

Dylan: Noah's future. I can't stop thinking about it.

Nick: See you, man.

Dylan: All right.

Sage: Why is Dylan leaving early? Is that to get front-row seats?

Sharon: More like the hot seat. My husband is witness for the prosecution.

Nikki: Elise. I'd like a word before Noah's trial starts.

Elise: I'm sure you would. How unfortunate for you, you don't have another scandal to blackmail me with.

Nikki: I am here as a grandmother concerned for my grandson.

Elise: You want me to show your family mercy when you were willing to tear mine apart?

Phyllis: I know you went to Victoria and you had your amazingly beautiful heart in your hands and she shut you down. So don't tell me you are doing great.

Billy: Okay, I'm not great. But I'm not drunk punching somebody in a club and I'm not getting run over in a parking garage.

Phyllis: I am a jerk, okay? I am the one that pushed you to make things right with her, and I only set you up for more pain.

Billy: Phyllis, look at it this way. I got a really cool stuffed dog. I did. And some other amazing paraphernalia.

Phyllis: I wish there was something I could do to help you.

Billy: You're here, all right? And you're bossing me around and you're trying to poison me with this concoction. I would say you've done enough. I mean that in a good way.

Phyllis: That's what friends are for and co-conspirators, you know, so here. Guess you don't need this.

Billy: What the hell.

Phyllis: [Laughs] You're insane! I mean that in a good way.

Billy: Look, I lost Victoria because of the choices I made. You know what's gonna get me through? My kids, my family, and my friends. And making $1 billion or $2 billion with pass key so I can rub it in Victor's face.

Natalie: But pass key's almost ready to be launched. There's buzz. There's money to be made, lots of money. I thought that's what you were into.

Jack: The problem is no matter how brilliant your prototype is, it came to Jabot by a backdoor dealing and deceit and blackmail, not exactly the provenance I want to build a company on.

Natalie: So focus on the money.

Jack: So, what's gonna happen to the money when Newman enterprises sues us for corporate espionage?

Phyllis: Good morning.

Billy: Good morning.

Jack: Good morning.

Natalie: When were you going to tell me that pass key's been scrapped?

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. It hasn't.

Phyllis: Jabot is fully behind you. Unless Jack would like to share something with us.

Jack: We have already spoken about the possibility that Victor will sue us.

Phyllis: Possibility does not mean we run and hide.

Jack: The last time Victor dragged us into court, it almost bankrupted us. We're still recovering.

Billy: Which is why we went after pass key in the first place -- to right a wrong, Jack. And we did. We won.

Jack: Oh, and that's all that matters. To hell with ethics.

Phyllis: Oh, is it ethics, Jack, or is it fear? We walk away from billions and the work we've done, what we deserve because you are afraid?

Jack: Perhaps we can talk about this in the office.

Phyllis: No, this is good right here.

Billy: I got to get to court, so will you please talk some sense into your husband, let him know that this is Jabot's last chance?

Jack: Or it could be the thing that wipes us out forever.

Sage: Your husband testifying against your son? Oh, my God. I can't imagine what that must be like for either of you.

Sharon: It's part of Dylan's job. But Dylan loves Noah. He doesn't want to see him go to jail. He's gonna do the right thing.

Nick: The right thing? What's he gonna do? Lie on the stand?

Sharon: No. Dylan isn't like that. He said that Noah's family now, and family comes first, so I know that he'll do whatever he can to help Noah.

Nick: Well, right now, I'll take whatever help our son can get. We should get to the courthouse. Wish us luck.

Sage: Yeah. Keep me posted, okay?

Nick: I will.

Marisa: Noah is not going to prison.

Luca: He confessed, and you helped him, sweetheart. And it was all caught on tape. So, I'd say it doesn't look good.

Marisa: Well, at least he's man enough to own what he's done. Noah doesn't hide behind his family's name.

Luca: We'll see.

Nikki: Elise, we're both mothers. We would do anything to protect our children.

Elise: I had to reveal my affair with Victor to the entire world so he couldn't use it against me. My marriage is over. My children are confused.

Nikki: I am so sorry to hear that.

Elise: Nikki, the only thing you regret is the Newmans don't have this secret to use against me.

Nikki: Look, whatever resentment you may have toward Victor and me, please don't take it out on my grandson. Noah is a fine young man.

Elise: I'll make my decision based on the facts. So all your money and all your power aren't gonna get Noah off the hook. You know, for once, I think maybe it's time for the Newmans to be a little afraid.

Phyllis: Natalie, please stay right here.

Natalie: [Sighs]

Phyllis: Killing pass key would be a huge mistake.

Jack: Did you and Billy learn nothing from that whole paragon debacle?

Phyllis: Yes. That's why we won this time.

Jack: You won?

Phyllis: Paragon was meant for destruction. Pass key is meant for something positive, for a legacy. And now Victor is not gonna be around --

Jack: Oh, how many times in the past have we decided that Victor was down for the count?

Phyllis: Does this man have you so afraid that you are willing to terminate something that could actually save the company?

Natalie: So, between us, does this mean I should look for new buyers?

Jack: Victor has already placed a target on your back. I would be very careful before you start hawking a product that was developed and financed by Newman enterprises.

Natalie: This place is crazy. It's like living on mars. I'm out of here.

Jack: Goodbye.

Phyllis: Do not make a move until you hear from me, okay?

Natalie: Okay. Enjoy your time on mars.

Jack: You are playing with fire.

Phyllis: Nobody is gonna be able to prove what Billy and I did. It'll be Victor's word against ours.

Jack: What about summer? She knows the truth. Victor could put her on the stand.

Phyllis: Summer is not gonna testify against her --

Jack: She may not have a choice. She'll be put in between the Newmans and the Abbotts again.

Phyllis: That's not what I meant.

Jack: When did beating Victor become more important than protecting your daughter?

Phyllis: It's not.

Jack: This is how Billy lost Victoria.

Phyllis: [Sighs] Look, you are getting way ahead of yourself, okay? Victor is going to prison. There is no lawsuit.

Jack: Even if there isn't, this is all so dirty. You had Adam kidnapped, held prisoner. You could be charged with these things.

Phyllis: Nobody knows that except... look, Jack, you're not going to tell Adam that I had him kidnapped, are you?

Sage: One very special hot chocolate for one very special girl.

Faith: Thanks.

Sage: You don't want marshmallows? This is a first.

Faith: I'm worried about Noah.

Sage: I know, baby. But you know what? Your brother is a real superhero kind of guy. So we just have to think really positively and hope for the best, okay?

Faith: Okay.

Sage: Shawn. Oh, my gosh. This is a surprise, a really lucky one. Uh, this is faith. This is Nick's daughter, and, um, future big sister-to-be.

Faith: Nice to meet you.

Shawn: You, too. I've heard a lot about you.

Faith: I can't wait to meet my baby brother.

Sage: Uh, so, can I get you a doughnut?

Shawn: Don't you want me eating salads for the baby?

Sage: [Chuckles] Come on. A happy mommy, happy baby. You don't look too happy. Is everything okay?

Shawn: It's nothing.

Sage: No, it's something. What's going on? Is it the baby?

Shawn: The baby's fine. But my apartment was broken into.

Sage: What?! Oh, my God. That's terrible. Did they take anything valuable?

Shawn: Only an old TV, not that it worked well.

Sage: What did the police say?

Shawn: In my neighborhood, not exactly a priority.

Sage: Okay, you remember Dylan. He's a detective at the GCPD. I'm gonna call him, and he's gonna look into this right away.

Faith: Dylan's the best policeman in town. He'll totally catch the bad guy.

Shawn: That's so cool. But... I keep getting all these crazy pictures in my head, like if the guy came back. I'm totally freaked.

Sage: Well, then you'll just have to move in with us.

Christine: I also need to know that you don't have a conflict, that you can take that stand and testify honestly.

Dylan: I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm here as a detective, not a stepdad. I'll tell the truth.

Christine: Thank you.

Nikki: [Sighs] Darling.

Noah: Hey, grandma. Thank you for coming.

Nikki: Oh, well, of course. Where else would I be?

Noah: I'm so sorry about all this.

Nikki: Listen, you will get through this. You have your family.

Nick: She's right.

Sharon: We're here for you.

Nikki: You know, this is about the time that Victor would give a rousing speech about the Newmans coming together, withstanding anything.

Nick: We don't need dad to tell us what we already know. There's nothing easy about what's ahead. But you're a Newman. That means you're tough and resilient and you own up to your mistakes. And no matter what the verdict is, just know that your family is here for you. We'll support you, fight for you, and love you, son. 'Cause that's how Newmans roll.

Leslie: It's time.

Nikki: Thank you.

Jack: You are my wife. I would never put you at risk. Sit down.

Phyllis: Billy and I can save Jabot. Why don't you at least focus on that? See the good we're doing.

Jack: Just close my eyes and condone this criminal behavior? It's just the new way that Jabot's doing business.

Phyllis: Oh, "criminal." My God, Jack. Okay, maybe we didn't play it by your rules and maybe we colored a little outside of the lines. But this is a legitimate win on many, many levels.

Jack: And what about the next deal you want to make and the one after that? You and Billy can tell yourself the ends justify the means all you want. I can't run a business that way. Spinning all these lies, looking the other way, all for a profit.

Phyllis: You know, I hate to push you off your pulpit, because you seem so comfortable up there, but are you forgetting the stunt you pulled to put Victor in his place?

Jack: No, I did a host of things to Victor that I'm not at all proud of. But I learned from my mistakes, and I don't repeat them.

Phyllis: Yeah, but you keep on making the same mistake now. You are not pushing Victor hard enough. You are making sure that he's around.

Jack: No, I am trusting the system to put that man behind bars for a long, long time. Maybe once that happens, we can all live with some semblance of decency and conscience.

Phyllis: You know, I thought you knew who I was. I thought you loved my fire, my independence, my fight.

Jack: I love all of those things. I just hate it when it gets dark, when you are doing things that you could be arrested for. Let's keep business above board. Then there won't be any consequences.

Phyllis: That's a lovely thought, Jack. But that is not the way the world works.

Luca: Natalie, my favorite genius. How's pass key?

Natalie: The prototype is a feat of engineering genius.

Luca: Fantastic. What's the next move?

Natalie: We all look for a new place to work.

Luca: What are you talking about?

Natalie: Jack said the project's dead. Phyllis says it's not. And Billy yelled at them both then left.

Luca: Whoa, I'm a partner. They can't make this kind of decision without me.

Natalie: If your name's not Abbott, I'm pretty sure they can.

Luca: [Scoffs] I can't believe this.

Natalie: Yeah, this whole corporate thing sucks. Hackers might be trolls, but we have a code. We have each other's backs. [Sighs] I finally do something I'm proud of, something that might actually help people, and it's all being dismantled because the Abbotts and the Newmans can't stop bickering and fighting and double-crossing each other. [Sighs]

Luca: You've been at their mercy since the beginning. They don't respect you. I see your genius, your potential. So forget Jabot and Newman. Work with me. Think what we, a tech genius and a business prodigy, could accomplish. The two of us against the world.

Sage: And there's a park with a really great playground and a pond.

Faith: With ducks. We feed them. Well, when they're hungry.

Shawn: So you like living here, yeah?

Faith: I do. Except I lived with mommy and Dylan for a while when Sage was in Fairview. And I really missed it.

Shawn: You were in a mental hospital?

Christine: Detective McAvoy, did the tires on the defendant's car match the tread marks left at the scene of the crime?

Dylan: [Sighs] They did not.

Christine: And why was that?

Dylan: Because Noah's tires were switched out the day after the accident.

Christine: But it was no accident that Noah Newman did everything in his power to avoid prosecution, was it?

Leslie: You arrested Marisa sierras for the hit and run. Is that correct?

Dylan: Yes. She confessed.

Leslie: So had Noah Newman truly wanted to get away with what he'd done? We could have done nothing, let miss sierras take the blame. Isn't that right?

Dylan: Noah did the right thing.

Christine: Did Noah do the right thing when he switched out his tires?

Dylan: No, but --

Christine: When he fled the country to avoid arrest?

Leslie: Objection. The night of the accident, you saw Noah Newman drive off.

Marisa: Yes.

Leslie: But he wasn't fleeing the scene, was he?

Marisa: No, he didn't even know he'd hit someone.

Leslie: Then when he found out?

Marisa: He was devastated.

Leslie: Thank you.

Christine: You said Noah was devastated by what he had done.

Marisa: Yes.

Christine: Did he come forward?

Marisa: Well, he wanted to.

Christine: Admirable. But did he?

Marisa: No.

Christine: Instead, you helped him cover up his crime, didn't you?

Leslie: Objection. Counsel can save that line of questioning for miss sierras' trial.

Billy: I was on the ground because I wasn't feeling well. A bookie made sure of that. Noah didn't know I was there. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It was an accident.

Leslie: So you bear no ill will toward the defendant?

Billy: None whatsoever.

Leslie: Thank you.

Christine: [Scoffs] I'm frankly surprised by your forgiving attitude regarding the hit-and-run given your history, Mr. Abbott.

Billy: You really gonna go there?

Christine: I'll withdraw it.

Leslie: I'd like to call my final witness to the stand. Noah Newman.

Leslie: As the prosecution has pointed out, you didn't immediately come forward.

Noah: I wanted to.

Leslie: But you didn't. Why is that?

Noah: Because I was stupid and I took the advice of someone who I trusted, someone who I thought had my best interests at heart. Unfortunately, it turned out not to be the case.

Leslie: Who was that, Noah?

Noah: It was my grandfather.

Leslie: Victor Newman was instrumental in your decision to not go to the police?

Noah: Well, he'd convinced me that coming forward while Billy was still in a coma would be the worst possible thing that I could do for my family, specifically my aunt Vicki. But I was losing my mind with guilt. It was making me sick. I could not think straight. But then I would speak to my grandfather, and he made it seem so logical. I didn't want to hurt my family. That's the last thing that I wanted. Even now, when I look out... the faces of the people that I hurt. My grandfather knew how I felt, and he used it to get me to do things his way.

Leslie: Thank you.

Christine: The defense suggests that the defendant hid his crime because he was unduly influenced by his grandfather, Victor Newman. Did your grandfather help you hide the tires that would have linked you to this crime?

Noah: No, he didn't. That was my choice.

Christine: Did your grandfather suggest you flee the country?

Noah: No, he didn't.

Christine: In fact, it was Victor who called authorities to track you down, wasn't it?

Noah: Yes, it was, because that is exactly how my grandfather operates.

Christine: Okay, and Victor Newman is not on trial here.

Noah: Everybody in this courtroom knows exactly what kind of man he is, what he's capable of doing.

Christine: That is irrelevant.

Noah: He gets in your head, and at that point, it's all about his power, his control. Everything else be damned.

Christine: Your honor, the witness is out of line.

Elise: No, I'll allow this. Mr. Newman.

Noah: My single biggest regret of my entire life was listening to my grandfather.

Sage: My time at Fairview, uh... it's a long story. It's complicated.

Shawn: What happened?

Faith: Fairview really helped Sage. She solved the mystery.

Sage: [Sighs] Hey, kiddo. Why don't you go upstairs and finish the homework you didn't get to at crimson lights, huh?

Faith: Okay.

Sage: Thank you.

Shawn: Should I be worried about this? This seems like a big deal.

Sage: Can we sit? Um... losing Christian was -- was really hard on me. We talked about that. And, uh, it was just almost impossible getting from one hour to the next. I cried nonstop. I blamed myself. I blamed the doctors. I blamed my husband. I was so angry, and I just took it out on everyone that was around me. It's not that I had a breakdown or lost touch with reality. I-I was just in this abyss of grief that I couldn't get out of. You know, carrying a child for nine months and then losing it, it's soul-crushing.

Shawn: Guess I'm about to find out if my soul can take it.

Christine: The defendant wants us to believe that the responsibility for his actions doesn't lie with him, but with his grandfather. And yet we just heard Noah Newman up on the stand, and he admitted that he destroyed evidence, that he fled justice and the country of his own accord. Your honor, this is a clear case of a young man who hit and ran and kept on running until now. Noah Newman has to be held fully accountable on all charges.

Elise: Thank you, ms. Williams. Both sides have made very compelling arguments. And while it seems that everyone agrees Mr. Newman didn't intend to hurt Mr. Abbott, the fact remains there are some serious issues regarding both accountability and culpability. We're going to adjourn for a recess while I make my decision.

Noah: [Sighs] You all right?

Marisa: Yeah, I will be once this is all over and we're both free. That's what's gonna happen, right?

Noah: I made you a promise. We're gonna see the other side of this, okay? Hey. Hey, Billy. Hold on. Thank you, man. I... you could have destroyed me up there on the stand, and I wouldn't have blamed you, not for a second. But you didn't. As a matter of fact, what you said might make all the difference in the judge's decision. I have no idea how I could ever repay you, Billy.

Billy: I got an idea. Don't let your grandfather talk you into anything ever again.

Nick: Hey. You did good. You were strong. You didn't back down.

Sharon: And everything you said about Victor was true. Judge Moxley has to see that.

Noah: As long as she can see past the Newman name.

Nikki: Despite her past with Victor, we just have to believe that she will make the right decision.

Leslie: Excuse me.

Noah: Hey, Leslie. If Moxley comes back with guilty, what's gonna happen to Marisa?

Leslie: One trial at a time, Noah.

Nick: What's your read on Moxley?

Leslie: You know, I wish I could be more confident, but to be truthful, it could go either way.

Noah: Moxley comes back in here and I could be going straight to jail, so I'm sorry, but there's no way I'm spending my last few hours of freedom in this courtroom.

Sage: And you can take the room next to faith's. I think she'll really like that.

Shawn: I think I will, too. Thank you so much for this.

Sage: Oh, no. It's really the very least I can do for you and the baby. And, uh, about the whole Fairview thing --

Shawn: I get it. Stuff happens.

Sage: [Sighs] Thank you.

Nick: He-- hey. What's -- [Chuckles] What's going on?

Shawn: Surprise?

Sage: Uh, Shawn's apartment got broken into, and the police haven't been any help. She's afraid that the guy might come back, so I, uh, understood that and, uh, suggested that she come and live with us.

Nick: Uh...yeah. Welcome.

Shawn: Thanks. I'm gonna go check out that room.

Sage: Okay.

Nick: Um... what's going on?

Sage: You said to be sensitive to Shawn's needs, so, you know...

Nick: Sage, I am all for being supportive and I certainly want that young woman to be safe, but does she have to live with us? Can I just get her her own apartment?

Sage: I know, but she's lonely and she doesn't have anybody. And I offered it to her. I can't exactly take it back now.

Nick: Okay, okay, is it for her or is it for you just so you can keep her close and have more control?

Sage: She's afraid, and I want to help her. Is that so wrong?

Nick: So, what? Are we -- are we like an instant family? She -- she's just, like, she's with us now, like, full time? What happens when the baby's born? Do we kick her out?

Sage: [Whispers] I don't know.

Nick: Look, this is a kid, a confused kid, all right? We can't just think about the baby right now. We have to think about everyone.

Sage: I know that.

Nick: Then think about this. Once the baby's born, is she just gonna be with us and watch us raise her child, the child she gave up for adoption? Do you have any idea how hard that's gonna be on her, how hard that's gonna be on us?

Dylan: Keep working that spot, you're gonna wear a groove in the counter. [Sighs] I get -- I get that you're upset with me, okay? And I'm sorry. I was under oath. I couldn't -- I couldn't lie on the witness stand.

Sharon: Dylan, just stop, please? Stop.

Luca: The Abbotts and the Newmans are so blinded by trying to destroy each other, they're letting this amazing project fall apart. I won't let that happen. I have the connections to make pass key a reality, so walk away from them, Natalie. We'll do this together.

Natalie: You're serious?

Luca: I am.

Natalie: I knew you were bad news before, the way you slimed around summer. But you're a total snake, or whatever's worse than a snake.

Luca: Okay, did you know, o, brilliant one, that snakes shed their skin to keep growing, huh? That's all I'm trying to do -- be better, more successful. And you could benefit from it, as well.

Natalie: Oh. So I should just trust you, the guy who switches loyalties faster than I switch passwords.

Luca: All I've done is take advantage of the right opportunities when they present themselves. Not a crime. And something you've done once or twice yourself.

Natalie: I was just adapting to fluid situations. You? You like stabbing people in the back.

Luca: Well, if that's who you think I am, then maybe it's better that you have me on your side than have me against you.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Yeah. I'll take my chances.

Billy: Noah was strong. He owned up to what he did. We're just waiting for the verdict.

Jack: I'm glad he stood up for the truth. I think that's always the best choice.

Billy: So, that's my news. What about you? Please tell me we're moving forward with pass key.

Jack: We haven't made a decision yet.

Phyllis: Jack has some issues with our tactics.

Billy: Well, my issue was getting hit by a car, but I survived that. I don't really feel like arguing principles.

Jack: If we don't have principle, Billy, what do we have?

Billy: Money, Jack. So much money, Jabot can take the high road, high road that we get nose bleeds. So let's just continue with the rollout.

Jack: And what if Victor manages to weasel out of these charges the same way he has in the past?

Billy: Victor is done. His family has disowned him. Noah practically let him out to dry on the stand. His favorite judge -- she would love to hang him if she actually could.

Phyllis: So let's forget about a threat of a lawsuit, 'cause it's not real. It's not gonna happen. Let's push pass key and let's get Jabot to thrive in a way that they used to many, many years ago, Jack.

Jack: Oh, God. This has so many moving parts and so many of them are dirty. I don't think you're looking at the full picture here. Does Billy even know about the Adam...component?

Billy: Kidnapping -- you told him about that?

Jack: Oh, of course you know. You two worked on that together. Is there a line beyond which you will not egg each other?

Phyllis: No, no, I told him after the fact, and there was nothing he could do to stop me.

Jack: You're like a runaway revenge train. You have to be stopped. And I wouldn't count on your partner in crime to do it.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, Jack, it's my life, all right? My decision.

Jack: No, no. Your decisions affect the company. That means they're up for discussion.

Billy: Or they're up for a vote. We agreed to run this company together, did we not?

Jack: Wait, you two are teaming up against me?

Sharon: You're right. I'm upset. But not with you. It's about my son, his future, all of his hopes and dreams -- they hang in the balance.

Dylan: And I basically took the stand against him.

Sharon: You did what you had to do. You did your job, and you explained the investigation, you -- you answered all the questions honestly, and whenever you could, you chose certain words that helps Noah's case, like -- like "accident." Not "crime."

Dylan: You noticed that?

Sharon: Yes. I noticed. I noticed that you're an amazing detective and you're an even more amazing husband. Thank you.

Dylan: You know, Noah -- he is as good as they come. I had to take the stand. I had to be honest. But I hope he doesn't serve a day in jail.

Luca: No, I assure you, you did the right thing calling me. It's a travesty. But something has to be done. And it will be.

Marisa: This was so much better than waiting at the courthouse.

Noah: Definitely. Hey. No matter what happens, we're gonna make this work. Look, I know that I may have used, um, the proposal as some kind of courtroom maneuver. But I love you, Marisa. You're gonna be my wife.

Nikki: Christine. I hope you weren't taking out any past grudges in the courtroom just now.

Christine: [Scoffs] My issues with you have no impact on the case.

Nikki: You know Noah. He's a good man. But if he is found guilty, I hope you will ask the judge for mercy.

Christine: Are you gonna make the same request when Victor's on trial?

Nikki: Absolutely not. His crimes are unforgivable.

Christine: Well, if you, uh, genuinely believe in justice and you have some information that could make that happen, you know where the DA's office is.

Sage: Okay, we can put Shawn up somewhere else after the baby's born. But right now, this is where she needs to be.

Nick: Look, I love your kindness and that you want to help her. But her living with us is not the best solution.

Shawn: If you don't want me here, just say so. I'll go.

Billy: We're not going against you, Jack.

Phyllis: It is a deal that we have worked hard to pull off.

Billy: Billion-dollar deal.

Phyllis: It puts us back into play. It gives us the strength to move forward.

Billy: Be the company you want Jabot to be.

Jack: And it doesn't hurt that you pulled one over on Victor to do it.

Billy: Come on. This was ours in the beginning, okay? We got our hands on it. Now we're not just gonna let it go.

Jack: You just lost Victoria over this! Now you're both willing to risk what -- the company? Going to prison? You two may be dead set on driving over the cliff. Don't expect me to watch.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victor: You thought you could run this whole thing without me! Are you getting a little nervous now?!

Faith: If you miss him, you can always come and see him. Right, Sage?

Elise: I've made my decision. Will the defendant please rise for sentencing?

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