Y&R Transcript Friday 3/11/16


Episode # 10878 ~ Victor suffers a setback; Michael plays with fire; Victoria puts her foot down with Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Billy: The roll-out for pass key is going to be huge, and it's gonna come a little bit sooner than we expected, but that's a good thing. It'll give it a sense of urgency, as in the public needs this web security program today, so give us your money before it's gone.

Jack: And when Newman sues us?

Billy: Why? 'Cause Victor was stupid enough to fire Natalie and cancel the contract?

Jack: Doesn't mean she's free to come work for us. Look, even if he doesn't have a legitimate claim to this intellectual property, it doesn't mean they can't sue us to tie us up in court.

Billy: There's not gonna be a lawsuit, Jack. Trust me. Newman enterprises doesn't want anything to do with pass key. I already offered part of the profits to Victoria.

Jack: Wait, you what?

Billy: Don't worry about it. She turned me down. Then she called off the wedding.

Victoria: Dad, look. I'm not here to gloat. I just want to have an open and honest conversation with you.

Victor: You want an honest conversation? Just don't become too comfortable behind my desk because once I've been cleared of all charges, I'll be back there. And you'll be out. Permanently out.

Victoria: I'm speaking to you as your daughter. I didn't put you in this position, dad. You put yourself here. You made some choices. You hurt a lot of people. And the damage and destruction that you did to the family and the company -- you can't fix that on your own. Let me help you.

Victor: Sweetheart, do me a favor. Use your energy to look out for yourself. I have all the help I need.

Phyllis: You did it. You convinced Victor to let you represent him. You had to have been fantastic.

Michael: I was. I made it very clear that I was on team justice -- just like I was with Adam. In fact, that's what sold it -- my defense of his despicable son.

Phyllis: You are team justice, and not Victor's version of bribing judges and blackmailing them. He's actually gonna go to prison for what he did, all because of you.

Michael: In theory, yes, that's what will happen.

Phyllis: Theory? No theory. Are you having your doubts? Sweetie, I need you. I need Victor to pay for what he did to me.

Michael: I want the same thing you want. It's just Victor is a shrewd man. If he decides that I'm trying to tank his defense and walks, I got to jail or at the very least, gets disbarred, and you don't get the justice you deserve.

Phyllis: So don't blow it.

Michael: Thank you. Why didn't I think of that? I mean, it's just -- I have to play this very carefully with Victor -- every second of every interaction.

Phyllis: Can you? Because if you can't --

Michael: I can. It'll just take some focus on my part, but after what he did to you, I will get him convicted. It is the right thing to do.

Billy: Abby, it's me. If you can't tell me how you feel about Max...

Abby: I can, I can. I -- I do.

Stitch: Okay. There was a moment. You said that you felt that Max would just walk away and leave you and the baby in distress. If you look at him and see someone you can't trust, a kid can sense that. If we don't deal with this --

Abby: No. Look, what Max is going through -- that kind of loss, it's awful. I know -- I lost the man that I considered to be my father. I mean, to lose your mom at such a young age -- my heart, it breaks for Max. But... Ben, soon this baby will be here. And he or she will need you, too.

Stitch: And I will be here for this baby. I swear. I mean, come on.

Abby: Max doesn't want to share you with me. He's not gonna want to share with a little brother or little sister. He almost ended up in foster care to get your attention. Once this baby arrives, what's he gonna do to keep your attention then?

Ashley: What happened between Ben and me is in the past. He's married to my daughter now, Neville. I'm over him. Yeah, we were in that horrific fire, and I have to say --

Dr. Neville: Max! I'm sorry. Did you want something?

Ashley: Hey, were you done with the slime already?

Max: What are you guys talking about? What fire?

Adam: All right, well, thank you very much for calling. I really appreciate it. All right. Thank you.

Chelsea: Who was that?

Adam: Oh, no one. It's the firm from new York. I got the job.

Chelsea: You got the job?

Adam: I got the job.

Chelsea: You got the -- I'll stop. Oh, my God!

Adam: I got the job! This is it. New city, new firm, new life for us. No more Newman, no more Victor. We don't have to worry about it.

Abby: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.

Stitch: What part?

Abby: Any of it.

Stitch: No, it's -- you have to tell me these things. Look, I -- I get it. He's getting a lot of attention right now, but it's a like a triage, you know? You got to treat the person with the most damage first, and that's Max. I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm trying to make everybody happy and I don't know how.

Abby: The thing is -- I want you to be happy, too. Can you be happy about this baby?

Stitch: Are you kidding me? This -- this right here, this is my bright spot. This keeps me going when I'm overwhelmed, when I'm stressed out, and you -- you are my bright spot.

Abby: I'm not trying to pressure you.

Stitch: No, you're not trying to -- no, not at all. Look. I want you to know what you mean to me every second of the day. I do, but I owe Max. I feel like if I blow this now, I could lose him forever. And I want to help you. I want to help both of you. But I need to feel like we're in this together.

Stitch: It's you and me. Together in everything. I love you so much. Oh, my God.

Abby: I love you, too.

Adam: You are going to love new York city. The museums, the delis, the shopping, the hot dogs.

Chelsea: The hot dogs.

Adam: Hot dogs. Plus, you'll be right smack dab in the middle of the fashion world, you know? No Newman interference with your line. That'll be great. You're gonna need some loft space. In Chelsea.

Chelsea: Chelsea.

Adam: Chelsea.

Chelsea: And where will we live?

Adam: I don't know. Um... maybe the village, you know? Upper west side would be good, right? Right by the park. I told them I could start right away, so.

Chelsea: This is so exciting. I have to pack and I have to call Anita and Jeff.

Adam: Yeah. Oh, oh! When you talk to your mom, tell her that I will fly her out whenever she wants, all right? First class, of course.

Chelsea: Whenever she wants?

Adam: And by "whenever she wants", I mean, you know, maybe twice a year Max. Three months in between each visit would be ideal.

Chelsea: Better. Okay, I'm gonna call her.

Adam: Oh, no. Wait. No. Don't go anywhere yet. Come here. Right now, this is about you and me, right? I mean, look what we did. We finally got what we wanted, right? New life. We are out of here, baby. We did it.

Chelsea: That sounds really good.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Phyllis warned me 100 times. But of course, I thought that I could keep Victoria and still make Victor pay for everything he did. I wanted it all.

Jack: You didn't go after Victor out of nobility, Billy.

Billy: No, I didn't. But I should have known.

Jack: Should have known what?

Billy: Every time Phyllis talked about revenge with Victor, making Victor pay, I knew that there was something else going on. I asked her. But she just couldn't tell me. And now that I know what he did to you and to Phyllis and to Kelly... Victoria's gonna forgive him because, why? Because they're family. What about our family? What about our kids, about Johnny and Katie? What about our life? She's gonna forgive Victor but she's done with me.

Phyllis: That's because of me. I'm the one who dragged you into this.

Billy: Don't say that. Come on, you know I wasn't gonna let you go at Victor alone. I knew this had potential to blow up in our faces, and surprise, surprise, it did.

Phyllis: Yeah, it did. But that doesn't mean we still can't win.

Victoria: How many times have I stood by you? Forgiven you, defended you?

Victor: You mean, like the time that you sued me for $500 million?

Victoria: We got past that, dad.

Victor: The time that you turned evidence against me over to the police? How we gonna get past that?

Victoria: Well, somehow we were able to get past you having me arrested on my wedding day. We have to pull together on this. If you're not gonna do it for the family, then do it for the company. Newman enterprises is your legacy. You stepped down and put me in charge before.

Victor: That went to your head, didn't it?

Victoria: I am working to protect your legacy.

Victor: I protect my own damn legacy.

[Door opens]

Michael: Thank you. Oh, uh, Victoria, I don't mean to interrupt, but I need to speak with my client, please.

Victor: We're done here. Thank you.

Victoria: Dad.

Victor: Michael, what do you have for me?

Michael: Time to talk strategy.

Victor: Let's file a motion to drop the charges -- lack of evidence.

Michael: Uh, there's too much evidence. I looked at it, and I think the motion would be denied and would be a waste of time. The more time we waste, the longer you sit in a cell, and I don't want that any more than you do.

Victor: How do you intend to get me out of this?

Phyllis: While our personal issues have gone to hell, Jabot is on the rise, and pass key is obviously having an impact. We cut a check for $500 million and we are climbing out of that hole and we can actually taste Victory. And the only reason that's happening is because Billy knew a good thing when he heard it.

Billy: Unfortunately, Victoria's not impressed with my instincts.

Phyllis: You made this whole thing come together because you did for the sake of your family, which includes Victoria.

Billy: Not anymore.

Phyllis: Billy. She loves you. She knows you're driven, she knows you're crazy, and she still picked you more than once. She's confused. E's gonna come around.

Billy: She was very clear.

Phyllis: So that's it? You give up? You remind her why the two of you ma sense. She's an uptight daddy's girl. And you are a walking disaster area.

Billy: Thank you. That helps.

Phyllis: You made sense at one point. You're gonna make sense again. You just try, all right? For the love of God.

Billy: She is relentless, isn't she?

Jack: Yeah, that she is.

Billy: Okay. I'm gonna go.

Phyllis: Billy. You can do this.

Billy: [Chuckles]

Jack: He can't, you know.

Phyllis: Why would you say something like that?

Jack: He can't put things back together with Victoria. It's too late.

Phyllis: What are you talking about, Jack?

Jack: There have been too many lies, too many broken promises. He can't put Victoria first. He has proved that time and again, and now he's gonna have to pay for it.

Phyllis: Will you stop it already? Why are you acting as if Billy is the only one to blame here?

Michael: After the prosecution presents their case, my job is to destroy that narrative, to expose the flaws. First, we will outline Jack's history of attacks on you.

Victor: Thank you.

Michael: His veritable obsession with you and your company, his past alliances with Adam, the fact that he hid Adam's return as Gabe Bingham. The deception's at every turn. Then we point out that Newman enterprises was legitimately under attack. Everybody now knows that paragon was a real threat, and you had every right to suspect Jack was responsible. The trick is, um, the witnesses -- your family's willingness to testify. The jury's gonna drool over the infighting, the drama. They're gonna love the idea of Victoria and Nikki on the stand. But that's where we get the judge and the jury. I will make your wife and your offspring admit how much they love you. I will make them admit your devotion to the family and the legacy you have tried to provide for them. The jury will latch on to your emotional redemption. The father who made the choices that no one else was willing to make. You, Victor Newman, are the ultimate father figure. The epic hero. You saved Nikki and the children from poverty, misery, prison. You did that, and you alone.

Victor: I was able to convince summer of the truth. But the jury may not agree.

Michael: After we're done with them, they will that someone would have sacrificed and risked everything for them like you risked everything for the people you love.

Victor: You sound very confident, Michael.

Michael: Under the standard disclaimer -- "there's no such thing as a sure thing in court." But I know you, Victor. I know what it's like to want your respect, your approval. To want to be on your side, and when we're done, the jury will feel the same way. I'm sure of it.

Victor: Let me have your phone. I need to make a call.

Adam: I cannot wait until our first night in new York city.

Chelsea: Yes. I'm so excited. How fast can we pack?

Adam: Oh, hold on a second. First things first -- I'm gonna shower and, um, I was wondering if you would join me.

Chelsea: That is so beyond tempting, but I want to look up the new York real estate listings.

Adam: Okay.

Chelsea: It's exciting!

Adam: We're gonna need something with a terrace, you realize.

Chelsea: [Gasps] Or a garden.

Adam: Yeah, somewhere for Connor to ride his bike.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Baby.

Chelsea: Yeah?

Adam: I think you should join me in the shower.

Chelsea: No! I have to concentrate!

Adam: All right.

Chelsea: Go without me.

Adam: Have fun.

Chelsea: I'll find us a place. Okay.

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Michael?

Victor: Chelsea, this is Victor. Uh, let me talk to Adam, please.

Chelsea: Uh, well, he's not available. How did you get Michael's phone?

Victor: Uh, this is very important. Kindly tell him to come to the hospital as quickly as possible before I go back to jail.

Chelsea: It's not gonna happen, Victor.

Victor: Why not?

Chelsea: You can't control us anymore. We're done.

Max: How bad was the fire? Was my dad hurt? He never told me about it.

Ashley: Oh, honey. You know what? Parents have a way of not telling their kids things 'cause they're trying to protect them. Does that make sense? But your dad's fine. You've seen him. He's 100% healthy.

Max: You were there. You help him.

Ashley: Well, um, yeah. Yeah. We kind of helped each other.

Max: Were you alone in e fire?

Ashley: No. No, there was a lot of people, but we found ourselves alone for a little while.

Max: Were you scared? Was my dad? What was it like being trapped together? Av

Dr. Neville: Well, um, it turns out your son isn't just a keen observer of test tube slime. He may have heard us discussing something about the fire on Halloween.

Max: You were a hero, weren't you? It must have been just like the war.

Stitch: Actually, Abby was the hero that night. She wouldn't leave the building until she knew me and her mom were safe.

Max: Because you and ms. Abbott were trapped together.

Ashley: Oh, honey. Please don't call me ms. Abbott, okay? You can call me Ashley 'cause we're family, right?

Max: [Chuckles] Yeah.

Abby: You know what, Max? Your dad and I -- we came to bring you to lunch. How does that sound? It's this called the top of the tower. You'll love it.

Max: Can you come, too? A family thing?

Dr. Neville: Well, brain food is always a good idea. We accept.

Ashley: Okay.

Max: People do that in real life?

Dr. Neville: Well, some men do. Ah, yes. Well played, kid.

Ashley: How could I refuse?

Max: Come on, Dad.

Chelsea: We can talk neighborhoods over lunch.

Adam: I love that.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: You look beautiful, by the way, per ushe.

Chelsea: Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.

Adam: Michael! Hey. We were just headed to the club.

Michael: Hmm. Obviously you didn't get my message.

Adam: What message would that be?

Chelsea: Uh, well, Victor called. I answered your phone because I thought that it was Michael.

Adam: Huh.

Michael: I am Victor Newman's new defense attorney.

Adam: Pbft! [Chuckles] Wait, are you serious?

Michael: Very.

Adam: Well, good luck with that.

Adam: I'm here to let you know that your father would like to see you before he's transferred back to jail, pending trial.

Chelsea: Okay. Adam. There's nothing Victor can say that matters.

Adam: No, there's not.

Chelsea: Thank you.

Adam: But there is something I'd like to say to him.

Chelsea: No. Adam, don't go.

Adam: Listen, you said yourself. There's nothing he can say to change things.

Chelsea: Well, then why even go down there at all?

Adam: Because I want to see his face when I tell him that we're done with Genoa City and that I'm done with him.

Chelsea: Oh, babe, come on. He just called you to get a rise out of you, to try to suck you back I

Adam: Listen to me. There's nothing he's gonna say to change things, okay? I won't let that happen. I promise. I'll be right back. Okay. Michael.

Michael: Adam. I'm sorry to ruin your lunch plans, but as Victors attorney, I got a job to do.

Chelsea: Then put me on the stand.

Michael: Excuse me?

Chelsea: Put me on the stand at Victor's trial. I will say whatever it takes to make sure he is found not guilty.

[Door opens]

Nikki: Ah, Mr. Pollard. I hear you've been waiting for quite some time. I assume this is in regards to your e-mails, voicemails, memos, and messages.

Pollard: Victor always responded to my e-mails right away.

Victoria: Oh, really? All 13 of them? I just thought that maybe after the fifth one, he'd throw his computer out the window. Please, have a seat. You seem to want things stay the same way as they were under my father, but that's just not possible. I'm running things now, as I have in the past. My father does things his way, and I do things mine.

Pollard: Ah, like give away the pass key project?

Victoria: Pass key is no longer of interest to Newman enterprises.

Pollard: Because your ex-husband and the other Abbotts stole it.

Phyllis: How can you stand here and blame Billy when just a few months ago, you were in that hospital room, terrified that you were gonna lose him? You were ready to forgive him for anything and everything, and now you're standing here and saying, "hey, serves the guy right."

Jack: Billy brought this on himself. He had 100 chances to act like an adult. He failed at all of them. He lied to Victoria like a scared kid, like a punk.

Phyllis: Oh. Oh, okay. So, now we're quoting Victor. All right, you used to be the guy who would go after him, put everything on the line.

Jack: Yeah, and then I got smart and realized the only way to beat Victor is to stay the hell out of the game.

Phyllis: That is not winning. That's giving up. This is a legitimate win for Billy. He got pass key for Jabot. For you. He is trying to impress his big brother.

Jack: Wait a minute. This is about ego. This is about hubris. This is about Billy's gambling. Only he just lost Victoria instead of a couple hundred thousand bucks. This is beneath him. This is dirty.

Phyllis: Well. If you think that about Billy, you must think that about his partner. Because I was with him every step of the way. Is that what you think, Jack? That I'm dirty? You had your own reasons, and I understand that.

Phyllis: Do not make excuses for me. I don't want it. I don't need it. I started this. As a matter of fact, I am the one who had Adam kidnapped.

Stitch: The lab is pretty cool, right? Abby thinks so, too. She left Newman enterprises to work on this new project. That's how cool it is, huh?

Max: Yeah. Can you teach me how to make slime so I can show them in school?

Ashley: Um, well, slime-making is actually Neville's expertise, right, Neville?

Dr. Neville: Ah, yes. At johns Hopkins, it was a real toss-up between biochem and making slime.

Ashley: He's being very modest. You know, the work that we're doing in the lab is gonna make people better. It's gonna cure illnesses, and in a different way -- not through surgery but through chemistry. That's pretty cool, right?

Max: Hey, Max, you're surrounded by doctors and chemists. Maybe one day you'll wear a white coat.

Max: This is where it happened, right?

Stitch: What happened?

Max: The fire.

Stitch: Yeah, but they fixed everything in time for the holidays and for our wedding. Yeah, it's like the fire never happened.

Max: You were scared. You thought you weren't gonna make it out. What did you do?

Abby: Excuse me.

Jack: You hired some thug to kidnap Adam to hold him prisoner? What were you thinking?

Phyllis: I was never in danger. I gave direct orders.

Jack: You demanded a hostage swap in the middle of a fashion show -- Natalie for Adam!

Phyllis: Well, that was not my idea.

Jack: Someone could have gotten hurt!

Phyllis: Well, they didn't.

Jack: That's your answer?

Phyllis: I got in touch with Natalie first. This was my idea even before she came to town. Victor only got ahold of it 'cause your brother almost died. Do you remember that? No. No, no. It was protect Adam and turn my back on Billy, remember?

Jack: Yeah, like, when I didn't give him the money. Is that what you're saying? I didn't tell Billy to go to a bookie.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, you said that you regretted that, but you just had to teach him a lesson, didn't you?

Jack: Well, obviously, he didn't learn a damn thing.

[Door opens]

Adam: You know, hello.

Victor: Who told you to come? Chelsea or Michael?

Adam: Doesn't matter, right? I mean, I'm here, so... what'd you want to see me about?

Victor: You didn't fight Victoria for the position of C.E.O. Of my company.

Adam: I didn't want it. I got better things to do with my life.

Victor: Well, that's all you ever wanted to do -- is to run my company.

Adam: Yeah, I know. It's funny, isn't it? I feel like I'm -- like I've outgrown it. Maybe it was just a phase.

Victor: Really? [Chuckles] It's in your blood, son.

Adam: What -- what is this? What'd you call me here for? To talk about a job I don't want?

Victor: You know why I asked you to come here. Question is -- why did you come?

Victoria: If you recall, my father cut the pass key programmer loose -- not me. And I'm curious why you would rather focus on this than your own division, which, by the way, has plateaued ever since you took over. With an increase in spending and no increase in productivity. I have an idea. Why don't you e-mail me again and you can give me your response, and I'll take a look at it. Meanwhile, since we're both busy, I'm sure you would love to get back to your office, wouldn't you? You did this to me again, didn't you? You just left me to clean up your mess, just like I always do. I always clean up your mess.

Billy: Vick? So, a Newman and an Abbott walk into a bar.

Victoria: [Sighs] What are you doing here?

Billy: My flight was canceled and so was yours, so I figured we could go to Finn McGee's and, you know, have a couple drinks because it's St. Patrick's day all year long there.

Victoria: I'm working.

Billy: Yeah, I know. You are the C.E.O. Of Newman enterprises. Their new fearless leader. I brought you something -- the perfect accessory to mark the occasion.

Victoria: [Sighs] A princess?

Billy: Oh, no, no. Three letters -- C.E.O. So, what do you say? A little green beer to celebrate? Because green champagne is disgusting.

Victoria: We've done this already, Billy.

Billy: But it didn't end with you forgiving me, so I'm sorry, Vick, but we go to do it again.

Victoria: I really wish you would have thought of that before you lied to me.

Billy: This wasn't about you. This is one last fight against Victor, one last mission. For my redemption, my validation, not to mention a truckload of money that wasn't my family's or yours.

Victoria: See? You're lying again. This isn't about money.

Billy: This was never just about money. This was about self-respect. After everything your father did to me and my family, not to mention you, this was my chance to fight back, Vick. I wasn't gonna stand there and be Mr. Nice guy where nobody took me seriously anymore.

Victoria: But I really liked Mr. Nice guy. That's the man that I fell in love with.

Michael: That is quite an offer -- testifying on Victor's behalf.

Chelsea: Judge Moxley outed herself. And their affair. So he can't hold that over anybody's head anymore. You're gonna need a lot of help getting him out of this. Here's your help.

Michael: I know you two got close after Adam's death, but I haven't seen a lot of affection there lately. So, what's going on? Why do you want to help Victor?

Chelsea: He should be in prison for what he did to Phyllis, okay? He should. However, if he goes to jail, Adam may as well be locked up with him. He will want to stay here, Michael. He will want to stay in Genoa City, he will want to run Newman enterprises. I can't let that happen. Victor has got to walk. Or my husband will never be free.

Adam: I came here to tell you the good news.

Victor: Hmm?

Adam: I'm moving. Chelsea and I are moving. We're taking Connor. We're going to new York. I got a new job. Sort of a big deal with a hedge fund. Back to my roots, and word on the street is the management won't be blackmailing me to do their bidding for them, so, you know, that was sort of a major selling point for -- for all of us.

Victor: Hmm.

Adam: So, you know, it looks like we're all going away at the same time. We're going to the big apple, you're going to the big house.

Victor: Adam, let's cut to the chase. I want you to run my company. Presently, Victoria's doing that, and I think it's too much for her.

Adam: That's your end? You think it's too much for her? You're gonna pit me against my sister? This is unbelievable. You and I both know that she's more than qualified to do that job. And she's exactly where she wants to be, and pretty soon, I will be, too. I'll be with my son and I'll be with my wife in new York, away from this town, away from you, so you know what, dad? Just -- enjoy prison. I hear the food is great and they give you a little play time in the afternoon. Forgive me if I don't visit you.

Victor: New York is a great place. Except I know that you won't go.

Ashley: Will you all excuse me? I'm gonna go check on Abby.

Stitch: Well, it sounds like you had a good time at the lab with Dr. Neville. Science is pretty great, right?

Max: It's so weird Ashley's Abby's mom. So can I go visit the lab sometime? Just to hang out?

Dr. Neville: Yeah.

Stitch: Sure. Of course.

Max: Whoa! Look at that view.

Dr. Neville: It's fascinating, isn't it? Observing a young man with his first spark of interest.

Stitch: Yeah, he seems to have taken a shine to chemistry.

Dr. Neville: No, I wasn't talking about chemistry. I was talking about Ashley.

Stitch: You think he's got a crush on her?

Dr. Neville: Suppose it runs in the genes.

Stitch: Right. Well, I hope you don't mind Max visiting the lab again.

Dr. Neville: No. No, I'm sure he's looking forward to it.

Stitch: You know, it's nice to see him smile. You know, to actually let people in. I wish he'd do the same for Abby.

Ashley: Hey! I was just checking on you. Are you okay?

Abby: Oh, you know -- hormones, morning sickness, and the fact that my stepson hates me.

Ashley: Oh, honey, he's a good kid. He'll come around.

Abby: Good kid? You don't see it. [Scoffs] He's working stitch. He's working you. That sweet little boy is a total manipulator. I should know -- I was the same at his age.

Ashley: [Laughing] Yeah. I know. You were. And you grew out of it. Come on. Poor Max has had so many things happen to him in a short period of time. He probably feels he doesn't have control over anything.

Abby: Except for his father, and apparently you.

Ashley: Could you do me a favor? Try to remember that you're actually the adult in this situation. And by the way, you and Max have something in common. You both love Ben. Sooner or later, he's gonna realize you're both on the same side. Come on, give me a hug. Don't give up.

Billy: I am the same man that you married. More than once. Vicki, the way that I love you is -- it's like breathing. It's like thinking or feeling. I can't not love you. I am still the same man that you fell in love with. I'm a mess. I make mistakes. And this latest one with pass key was about me trying to build a life for us, for our kids. One that was just ours.

Victoria: I don't want to talk about why you lied to me. All I know is that you did lie to me. Again. You say that you love me, but you don't. You don't love me.

Billy: Don't -- come on. I do.

Victoria: No, I -- no, you don't. I mean, and I don't know why. Maybe you don't trust me or respect me or it's something else, but you know what? It really doesn't even matter.

Billy: Yes, it does matter.

Victoria: It doesn't matter.

Billy: Vick, it always matters.

Victoria: You were willing to risk losing me for a lie. And guess what? You lost me. I'm gone. So, go. Take your stupid dog and go.

Billy: Don't do this.

Victoria: Take this stupid hat, too. Just go.

Jack: The minute you and Billy decided to engage in this game with Victor, you lost.

Phyllis: Oh, really? Victor's waiting to stand trial, and we're sitting on a fortune with Jabot.

Jack: Oh, you think you won? But what did Billy win? He may have gotten some more money. He lost a home.

Phyllis: Oh, he could buy 10 homes with what he's gonna make on this deal.

Jack: Oh, that's not what I'm talking about and you know it. He's now lost Victoria and everything that's important to him. What the hell are we gonna lose before you're done with this war with Victor?

Phyllis: Oh, we're not gonna lose anything 'cause I plan on winning. Winning back my self-respect and my dignity. And I'm not gonna stop fighting this battle until Victor realizes he cannot mess with me ever again. So, if you are not gonna stand by me, if you are not gonna fight with me, then I'm gonna have to ask you to get out of my way.

[Door closes]

Chelsea: How'd it go?

Adam: Uh... Victor's very happy for us. He, uh, wants us to send him a postcard.

Chelsea: Stop it.

Adam: I told him that we were leaving. I told him that he's no longer part of our lives, that Newman Enterprises is no longer a part of our lives, and then I came straight home to you, okay?

Chelsea: It's done! [Laughs] It's like we're finally free! [Laughs]

Adam: We are.

Guard: Time to go back to jail.

Victor: What the hell is this?

Nurse: Hospital policy, Mr. Newman.

Victor: I don't give a damn about your policies. I'll walk out on my own two feet.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: You're not going to tell Adam that I had him kidnapped, are you?

Judge Moxley: I think maybe it's time for the Newmans to be a little afraid.

Noah: My single biggest regret of my entire life was listening to my grandfather.

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