Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/10/16


Episode # 10877 ~ Chelsea fears Adam can't let go off the past; Ashley loses patience with Simon; the Newman family gathers to determine the fate of the company.

Provided By Suzanne

Nick: I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk last night. I-I know I said some things I shouldn't have.

Sage: No, you just said one thing you shouldn't have, the most hurtful thing you could ever say to me. You accused me of wanting to adopt this child to replace our son.

Nick: I said I was sorry.

Sage: I know you did. But Christian is irreplaceable. I said that to Shawn the very first time we met her. You were sitting right next to me, Nick.

Nick: Sage --

Sage: I need you to stop questioning me and support me. Can you do that?

Ashley: So you think an MRI is really necessary?

Dr. Neville: Well, given your latest bloodwork and the severity of your symptoms, I think I need a little more information.

Ashley: Yeah, but, Neville, information has a way of getting out.

Dr. Neville: No, it won't. I promise you. The radiologist is a good friend of mine. I'll make sure he sends the results to me. What is it? What's wrong?

Ashley: I'm just wondering if it's worth it.

Dr. Neville: What? The test? I assure you, it --

Ashley: No, the treatment, the medication, the side effects. I'm feeling crappy all the time, I'm feeling exhausted, and I'm weak and... maybe it's time for you to stop treating me, because the life I'm living is not the life I want.

Abby: Guys, my stomach is in knots over this board meeting.

Victoria: Why?

Abby: The idea of kicking dad out of his own company? I don't know if I can do it.

Nikki: Honey, you were as outraged as the rest of us over what your father did to Jack and Phyllis.

Abby: I am. But the law will punish dad. Not to mention the hit that his reputation and his bank account will take? But taking control of his company, it's almost cruel. Have you thought about what losing the company will do to him or what the fallout will be for us?

Victor: Hi, sweetheart. Thank you for coming.

Summer: Grandpa, what were you thinking? I mean, you know that I love you, but going after mom and Jack like that, it only made things worse.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'll survive it, all right? I'll be okay. What is it?

Summer: It's just that there's... there's another reason why I wanted to come talk to you. It's... it's about the Newman board meeting.

Victor: Oh. I know all about it, okay? I know that both Nikki and Victoria want to vote me out of my own company. It's not gonna happen, though. I won't allow it to happen.

Adam: Babe, I realize I talked your face off last night, but I tell you what -- it was an amazing job interview.

Chelsea: Are you kidding? I love it. I love seeing you so excited.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Adam: I'd be going back to my roots, you know? One of the largest hedge funds in Manhattan. I'd be reporting to the top guy, whom I've always admired. He's a great guy.

Chelsea: It'll be great coming home from work feeling respected for all of your accomplishments instead of stressing about all the infighting and power struggles.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah. There is one thing, though. Um, I'm glad you're sitting down for this. You know, if I get this job, we're gonna have to move to Manhattan. What do you think about that?

Chelsea: A fashion designer moving to new York city? Twist my arm.

Adam: Yeah? It's gonna be a fresh start for us, babe. A whole new life. It's gonna be amazing. It's so close, I can taste it. And I am running a bit behind. We're gonna finish this conversation when I get back from Newman, okay?

Chelsea: Whoa. No, no. Wh-- wh-- Newman?

Adam: It's a formality, baby. It's a formality. Don't worry. I'm not gonna run into Victor. He's managed to get himself carted off to jail -- again. So we don't have to worry about that. I'm gonna run in there, I'm gonna vote to have him dethroned, I'm gonna come right back afterwards, okay? It'll be my last official business as a Newman employee.

Chelsea: Really?

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: That'll be all? Because with Victor gone, somebody's gonna have to replace him.

Adam: Yeah, no. Victoria, I would imagine.

Chelsea: And you'd be okay with that? I mean, there's no part of you still longing to be C.E.O. Of the company? Adam, you have to promise me you're committed to walking away from that company. Please tell me you are.

Ashley: [Voice breaking] This is still my life. Whatever time I have left, this is my life, and I'm gonna take control over it again. I'm sick and tired of feeling like I'm just a shadow of the person that I used to be. My daughter's pregnant, Neville. This is supposed to be a special time, and I'm not even there for her. Really I feel like I'm just sleepwalking through every aspect of my life.

Dr. Neville: Point taken. Is it my turn?

Ashley: No, 'cause I know what you're gonna say.

Dr. Neville: No, you don't. And even if you do, I will be brief. You cannot stop treatment. Even if we haven't cured you yet, we have prevented the illness from overwhelming the rest of your system.

Ashley: It sure doesn't feel that way, let me tell you.

Dr. Neville: I will not stop until I find a solution, and I know I will find it, but I need you to work with me. If you go off your medication, there is only one possible outcome.

Ashley: Don't you think there's some kind of inevitability about the whole thing?

Dr. Neville: Damn it. Listen. What's it gonna take? I am telling you, you are not quitting. And I'm telling you as your friend, as your doctor, as your not-so-secret admirer. It is not an option.

Ashley: So you're just gonna ignore the fact that this is actually my decision to make, Neville?

Dr. Neville: If that's what it takes, that's exactly what I'll do. And I promise you, miss Abbott, I will do it whether you like it or not.

Nick: Can you really not understand why I'd be concerned? Sage, look at the way you are around Shawn. I mean, sometimes it comes across as so desperate.

Sage: [Sighs] Wow. That really hurts my feelings. Nick, I have waited my whole life to be a mother, and now I have a second chance, so I'm sorry if I come across a little strong at times, okay? But at least I know what I want. Do you know what you want? Are you just looking for excuses because you're not sure that this is what you want?

Nick: I don't know how many more times I can say this to you. I want this baby just as much as you do.

Sage: Then prove it.

Nick: How?

Sage: Stop worrying about me and managing me and just do everything you can to make sure this adoption process goes through, Nick, because then everything will be fine. She's here.

Shawn: Sorry I'm late.

Nick: No, you're on time. We -- we were early.

Sage: Shawn, thank you so much for coming.

Shawn: It's real nice of you to invite me.

Sage: Are you kidding? We wanted to show you the club and -- and everything. And Nick has a meeting, so you're actually doing me a favor by keeping me company.

Shawn: You're not staying?

Nick: No, I can't. I'm sorry. But next time for sure. But it's always nice to see you, Shawn. I'll, uh, check in with you later.

Sage: Okay.

Nick: Bye.

Sage: Well, what do you think of the club? Are you hungry?

Shawn: Is everything all right with you guys?

Sage: Yeah. What -- what are you talking about?

Shawn: When I walked in, it looked like you were really going at it. Do you and Nick fight like that a lot?

Adam: You want to know what I'm longing for in my life, what I really, really want?

Chelsea: Hmm?

Adam: A life with you and Connor, all right? That big corner office with the big chair at the top of Newman tower -- I don't give a damn about that. That was yesterday.

Chelsea: Okay, I know that you think that you mean that, Adam, but something disturbing happens when you enter that building. It's like -- it's like a magnet, like, sucks you back in and then you get all involved with the fighting and the competition and wanting your father's approval, even though you insist you don't want your father's approval.

Adam: I don't need my father's approval.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Don't you think you should just avoid the temptation altogether?

Adam: Yeah, but, sweetheart, you know, this meeting's kind of important. I should be there.

Chelsea: Are you gonna make me get tough with you?

Adam: Please do.

Chelsea: Fine. I'm not allowing you to step foot in that building. I just won't allow it.

Adam: Won't allow it? Well, damn. Looks like we're gonna have to compromise.

Victor: This proxy will allow you to vote on my behalf at the meeting, okay?

Summer: I am happy to speak for you, grandpa, but I have tried to make them see your side. I'm just afraid that there may still be enough votes to push you out.

Victor: Sweetheart. You're the only one who has come to see me since they revoked bail, you know. No one else has shown up. They're all traitors, okay? They all live in the lap of luxury because of me, because of my hard work and all my struggle. They just... they -- they -- they... they... [Groaning] Something is wro-- oh.

Summer: Grandpa?

Victor: They -- they -- they --

Summer: Grandpa?

Victor: Something is --

Summer: Grandpa, are you okay?

Victor: [Groaning] [Sighs]

Summer: Grandpa. Grandpa, hold on.

[Knock on door]

Summer: Excuse me! We need help in here! We need help!

Victor: I don't know where... I am now.

[Pounding on door]

Abby: We all know what Newman means to Dad. Telling him he can't run it anymore would kill him.

Victoria: Look, I still love him, Abby, but he doesn't deserve our support. Think about how many times that we've defended him and it's blown up in our faces.

Nikki: Yeah, too many. And there was no excuse at all for what he did to Jack and Phyllis. And Ben? His sister? Horrible!

Victoria: I can't imagine how he's handling it.

Abby: Ben has a lot to deal with. Finding out how Kelly really died, it was almost more than he could bear.

Victoria: Yet another reason why he needs to be removed. We can't give him a pass for this. We can't let him think that nothing's changed.

Nikki: That's right. And as difficult as this is for all of us, we have to remain strong for your father. This is a much-needed wake-up call. Without Newman, he can't hide behind the company anymore. Sweetheart, I know that you're looking at this as another punishment, but it isn't. I see it as a chance for salvation for your father, and it might be the last one he gets. And this damn place has become toxic to him. So please, I hope that you will join Victoria and me in saving your father from it.

Abby: [Sighs]

Sage: Thank you. Uh, Nick and I weren't fighting, but it was an emotional conversation.

Shawn: Okay.

Sage: I told you that, uh, a doctor told me I wasn't able to have kids, and then I got pregnant. It was a miracle. And Nick and I got married and we started planning our future as a family, and he was very loving and very supportive.

Shawn: When I told my boyfriend I was pregnant, he took off and never looked back. It's nice to hear Nick's a stand-up guy.

Sage: He really is, Shawn. He was so excited to have this baby. And, uh... well, we -- we lost Christian. There is a big part of us that died with that. It was really hard for a long time, and we're still healing.

Shawn: So, this baby is to save your marriage?

Nick: Hey.

Nikki: Nicholas. I thought you were abstaining.

Nick: Well, on the vote to remove dad, yes, but I came to make sure Vick gets in as C.E.O. Just in case Adam tries anything.

Victoria: Which I'm sure he will.

Abby: Strength in numbers.

Nick: Yeah.

Summer: Grandpa's at the hospital.

Victoria: Oh, no.

Nikki: What?

Abby: What happened?

Summer: I went to see him at the jail, and, um, I told him about the board meeting, and he got really upset and he had this terrible pain in his head, and he couldn't talk, and the guard called him an ambulance.

Nick: Well, I guess it's not serious since you didn't go with him to the hospital?

Summer: Well, by the time the ambulance got there, he was able to talk again, and he said it was nothing, but I made sure that he went and got checked out. I just -- I wasn't gonna take any chances.

Abby: You did the right thing, summer.

Nikki: Let me guess. I'm gonna say he's going to be fine, just like last time.

Victoria: Oh, you don't think that...

Nikki: That he's faking it? Of course I do! I mean, what better way to get us to rush to his side and postpone the meeting?

Summer: Grandma, no, if you were there, you wouldn't be saying that. He was not faking it.

Nikki: I know you want to believe that your grandfather is being sincere, but I wouldn't put it past him to stage something like this just to manipulate us.

Stitch: Okay, I am so sorry I got called into work, but it shouldn't take too long, and then we're gonna get right back to our day, all right? Now, in the meantime, I'm gonna need you to sit tight, hang in the waiting area, and play some video games, 'cause I don't really have anybody to keep an eye on you.

Ashley: Well, I can do that. Hey, Max. How's it going?

Max: Fine.

Ashley: So, what do you think? Um, you want to hang out with Neville and me in the lab while your dad does whatever he has to do?

Max: I'd be good with that.

Stitch: Yeah, me, too. As long as you're sure. You know, I mean, you look a little pale. Why you guys back at the hospital?

Dr. Neville: Oh, it's just some research related to business.

Ashley: So, what interrupted your day?

Stitch: I guess you haven't heard. Victor's back.

Ashley: Well, yeah. Abby told me that he kind of freaked out when Paul arrested him, but it turns out he was just faking the whole thing. Is that true?

Stitch: Max and I just got here. I haven't had a chance to examine him, but from the EMT's preliminary report, it appears there is something going on with him. But you never really know with the great Victor Newman, do you?

Ashley: That's very true. Do you mind if I talk to the great Victor Newman for a second?

Stitch: Sure, just keep it short.

Ashley: Okay.

[Door closes]

Victor: Well, look who's here.

Ashley: It's good to know you can speak.

Victor: Not if you don't want to hear what I have to say.

Ashley: How are you?

Victor: I'm all right.

Ashley: Oh, that's good. I mean, that's really good, considering you've given me and everybody else a lot of reasons to be pretty pissed off at you.

Victor: Oh, please don't get --

Ashley: Actually, you're right. I'm not here to berate you.

Victor: Okay.

Ashley: I'm here about our daughter. Because she's heartbroken. She feels that the man that she has loved and admired her whole life doesn't even exist anymore.

Victor: What's done is done. What do you want me to do?

Ashley: I want you to be there for her. I want you to be the father that she deserves to have, Victor. Don't shut her out. She needs you more than you -- more than you know.

Victor: I'll keep that in mind.

Victoria: Okay, would anyone like to volunteer to take notes?

Abby: I'll do it.

Victoria: Thank you, Abby. Before we begin today's agenda, I believe that Adam has a comment. Adam?

Adam: No, I just wanted to thank everyone for coming in this difficult day. I wanted to apologize for not being able to attend in person, even though I'm sure most of you don't care.

Nick: Uh, yeah, we're all broken up on this end.

Adam: Thank you, Nick. Thank you very much. Should we just get on with it, then?

Victoria: Yes, by all means. I'd like to announce to those of you who may not have heard that our father was taken from his jail cell today and moved to memorial hospital. Earlier this morning, he complained of a severe headache, but I contacted the hospital before the vote and he's in stable condition, so there's no need for alarm. Dad gave summer his proxy before he was taken to the hospital. First item -- a vote to remove Victor Newman as chief executive officer. Voting members present today are Victor Newman by proxy, Nicole Newman, Nicholas Newman, Abby Newman Rayburn, Linda Helgesson, Curtis fielding, Adam Newman by phone, and myself, interim C.E.O. And chair. My mother, Nicole Newman, has requested to address the board before the vote. Mother, if you'd like to start.

Nikki: Thank you. I speak to you with great regret today, regret that we even had to call this meeting. But sadly, we really didn't have any other choice. Uh, the incredible man who created this extraordinary company, who worked tirelessly for its success, I'm afraid, has failed us. Victor Newman has committed unspeakable acts that have damaged not only his personal relationships but the reputation of Newman enterprises. Now, he would have you believe that he's perfectly capable of continuing on in the same capacity, but that is not true, not now, now that the public has learned of his heinous behavior and that he is facing trial, might be convicted, and spend many years behind prison bars. So, he currently is not really understanding the reality of his situation. If he were, he would graciously resign for the sake of the company, but, unfortunately, that is not the case, and we have had to step in and save the company... our legacy... our future.

Victoria: All those in favor of removing Victor Newman as C.E.O., Please raise your hand or indicate verbally, if that's your choice.

Adam: My hand's up. Way up there.

Victoria: And all opposed?

Summer: Victor Newman votes no. A very strong no.

Victoria: Noted. Nicholas?

Nick: I abstain.

Victoria: Six for dismissal, one opposed, and one abstention. Victor Newman's role in the day-to-day running of this company is hereby terminated.

Stitch: Blood pressure's a tad high, but nothing to worry about. According to preliminary test results, everything seems back to normal. In terms of symptoms, this incident appears to be similar to the last one.

Victor: Well, the last time, they all thought I was faking it.

Stitch: Yeah, well, I'm guessing it's probably stress-related. We'll just have to keep you here a little while, run some more tests.

Victor: But, you know, they'll probably expect me in jail pretty soon.

Stitch: Well, believe me. I'll get you back there as soon as possible.

Victor: Stitch, why do I have the feeling that you still hold me responsible for your sister Kelly's death, although Jack Abbott bears more the responsibility?

Stitch: I think you have some blood on your hands. Kelly was unstable. You used her, and she wound up dead. As far as I'm concerned, you're just as responsible as Jack.

Victor: But I think you're missing some pertinent facts.

Victoria: Next issue on the agenda -- dad's successor.

Adam: This ought to be good. You're gonna be able to hear Victoria drooling.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Nikki: I nominate Victoria Newman.

Nick: Second.

Victoria: Any other nominations? In that case --

Adam: Before we go on, I have something I'd like to say.

Adam: I assume nobody's gonna oppose Victoria's nomination.

Abby: Nope.

Nick: No chance.

Adam: Well, then there you have it. Congratulations. It looks like, uh, Victoria, you're running things. Good for you. Have fun. It's been, uh -- [Whispers] It's been fun?

Chelsea: [Whispers] It's been real.

Adam: It's been real. Adios.

Chelsea: [Chuckles]

Adam: Boom. Done.

Chelsea: Yes! Oh!

Abby: Wow.

Nick: Yeah. Didn't expect that. I mean, not even a challenge?

Victoria: Lucky us.

Nikki: Maybe he has truly accepted that this is not the right place for him and that Victoria's the best Newman for the job.

Nick: I don't know if I buy that, but okay.

Summer: I hate that grandpa was voted out of this own company, but I would much rather Victoria take over than Adam.

Abby: So, should I record this as a unanimous vote?

Nick: Yeah, sounds like it.

Nikki: Congratulations.

Victoria: Thank you.

Abby: Okay, does that mean the meeting's adjourned? 'Cause if so, I'm gonna go visit dad at the hospital.

Summer: I'll go with you.

Nikki: Me, too.

Victoria: Yes, meeting adjourned. Listen, if you want to give me your notes, I'll have my assistant type them up.

Abby: There you go.

Victoria: Thank you.

Nikki: Wish me luck. It's gonna be quite the challenge trying to convince your father that this was the right thing for all of us.

Victoria: I know. Thank you, mom.

Nikki: Thank you, baby.

Stitch: What facts about Kelly am I ignoring?

Victor: You know your sister Kelly was obsessed with Jack Abbott. You know that, don't you? She'd do anything to hold on to him. I think that is what eventually led to her demise.

Stitch: In other words, you're refusing to take any responsibility.

Victor: I know you're grieving over her death. But rather than pick a fight with me, I think you should put the energies of those feelings into your relationship with my daughter, Abby.

Stitch: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Victor: What that means is that Abby is having a rather tough time right now. First time married, first child on the way, now she inherited your son as her stepson, and apparently he tends to act out a lot. Things are tough for that girl. She may be strong, but only so much one can deal with.

Stitch: You can deflect all you want, but it won't work. We both know the truth about Kelly and how you took advantage of her emotionally fragile state. And as far as me and Abby, we're doing fine.

Victor: You sure about that?

Stitch: You know what? I'm not doing this. I'm out of here. I'll have another doctor assigned to your case.

Victor: All right, stitch.

[Door closes]

Dr. Neville: Ah. There. You see, Maximiliana? Just as I promised. A few simple ingredients, and voilà. Slime.

Max: Whoa! That is sick!

Ashley: Sick means good. You know that, right, Neville?

Dr. Neville: Ah, yes. As in awesome or, dare I say it, rad.

Max: [Chuckles]

Ashley: I'm gonna go to the office and finish up some work. I'll be right back.

Dr. Neville: I'll -- I think I'll assist you. Max, do me a favor. Stay out here and, uh, well, see if you can get it to talk.

Ashley: Thank you.

Dr. Neville: For what?

Ashley: Helping out with Max.

Dr. Neville: Oh! Not a bit of it. Quite like the boy. He's rather intelligent. I just can't help but being a bit mystified that you had volunteered to look after him while you're clearly not up to it.

Ashley: He's my family, right? I want to get to know him better.

Dr. Neville: Well, just remember, he may be the only grandchild you get to know if you don't continue with your regimen.

Ashley: Neville.

Dr. Neville: I understand that the side effects are frustrating, even depressing, but you've got to promise me you'll continue to work with me --

Ashley: Okay, you can stop talking now, because I decided you're right. No matter how challenging the treatment is, I'm gonna keep on fighting, because clearly I have a lot to fight for.

Dr. Neville: Well...

Sage: Shawn, honestly, my marriage is fine. Nick and I are not gonna break up, okay? We're just working through the loss that we suffered. And it's not always easy, you know? But that's what couples do. You -- you have to face your problems head on 'cause they're not gonna go away on their own, and you come out stronger because of it.

Shawn: I guess I had this picture of you in my head as this perfect couple who'd be the perfect parents to my little boy.

Sage: Nobody's perfect. [Chuckles] Listen to me. If you need to hear it, I'll say it again. There is not a person in the world who wants or will love your child more than Nick and me.

Shawn: [Sighs]

Nick: Not much time to celebrate, huh?

Victoria: You know, it'd be a lot less daunting taking all this on if I knew I had you by my side helping me.

Nick: You know why I can't, right?

Victoria: Yes, because of the adoption, which I think is great. It's just not the greatest timing, Nick.

Nick: You're gonna crush this, Vick. We're all behind you.

Victoria: I hope so.

Nick: Are you doubting it?

Victoria: You know, superwoman's just feeling a little burnt out right now. And I'm worried about the kids.

Nick: The kids? What's wrong?

Victoria: [Sighs] I kept the ring on because I really didn't want to get into it with anyone before the meeting, but I... I broke up with Billy, and I called the wedding off.

Nick: [Sighs] When did this happen?

Victoria: As soon as he admitted that he's been working with Phyllis to steal Natalie from Newman. He brought pass key over to Jabot.

Nick: You're kidding me.

Victoria: I wish I was, Nick. [Sighs] He sabotaged our company, and he's been lying to me for weeks and weeks at a time, and I never saw it coming. Which is why I could really use some backup here. Another pair of eyes at the top wouldn't hurt.

Nick: I'm so sorry that he screwed you over like that.

Victoria: It's not the first time.

Nick: Which makes it even more disgusting. But do not let this get in the way of you succeeding.

Victoria: I love him. I really wanted to give him another chance. I trusted him again, and I shouldn't have done that.

Nick: Look, I know you're hurting. And once you get over the shock, you're gonna come out swinging. Just make sure this company's run exactly the way it should be and you continue to be the amazing mother you always have been.

Victoria: Thank you, Nick. I think that is the nicest possible way of rejecting my offer.

Nick: [Chuckles] You are persistent. I'll give you that. And I'm still gonna pass. You know why?

Victoria: Why?

Nick: Because you don't need me. You don't need my help, or anyone else's, for that matter. You can do this on your own. Vick, it's your time to shine. And I, for one, can't wait to see you do it.

Summer: I was so relieved to hear that you were gonna be okay.

Victor: Okay, sweetheart. I'm thankful that you came to check on me, all right?

Abby: I'm sure you don't feel the same way about me and Nikki, but we wanted to tell you in person what happened at the board meeting.

Nikki: You were voted out. Victoria's the C.E.O.

Victor: So, except for summer's proxy, I guess the vote was unanimous.

Abby: It was a very hard decision for me.

Victor: And yet you voted against me. I don't blame you, though. I don't hold you responsible for what happened at Newman.

Abby: I appreciate that.

Victor: However, Nikki and Victoria led the charge against me. They proved their disloyalty. Their father and husband.

Nikki: Girls, do you mind if I have a minute alone with him?

Abby: Sure. Bye, dad.

Summer: Bye, grandpa.

Victor: Thank you for coming by.

[Door closes]

Nikki: I know you don't want to hear it from me. Just -- just let me talk for a second. If you only remember one thing I'm about to say, let it be this. I do love you.

Victor: Please.

Nikki: Very deeply, Victor. I've only done what I did as an effort to --

Victor: Spare me your speech and get out. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to be saved by someone like you. Now get out.

Nikki: You don't know -- you don't know.

Dr. Neville: Well, now that we solved the matter at hand, I-I do have a question for you. I'm afraid it is somewhat personal.

Ashley: Could it be more personal than what we've been discussing?

Dr. Neville: Touché. And thank you. Good girl.

Ashley: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Neville: It's about Max. I can't help but notice that you have a, uh, a rather organic affection for the boy.

Ashley: Well, he has been through an incredibly hard time, don't you think? And like you said, there's a sweetness about him. That wasn't actually a question, though, Neville.

Dr. Neville: No. This is. Are you sure that it's, uh, Max that has you charmed or --

Ashley: What is -- what?

Dr. Neville: [Sighs] Or is it that he is his father's son? Does this have something to do with Ben Rayburn?

Ashley: How many times have I told you?

Dr. Neville: Well, then just tell me again.

Ashley: Okay. What happened between Ben and me was in the past. He's married to my daughter now. I'm over him.

Abby: Telling my dad about the vote...

Stitch: Yeah. How bad was that?

Abby: Surprisingly less terrible than I was expecting.

Stitch: Yeah, well, I got called in to examine him. When I arrived, your dad proceeded to bait me until I wanted to strangle him.

Abby: But you didn't. Good for you.

Stitch: Yeah, I guess I managed to remember my Hippocratic oath. Barely. Suffice it to say, he's got a new doctor. It's hard for me to look at him, you know.

Abby: I don't blame you. He had no right to treat you that way. I'm sorry.

Stitch: Hey. You have nothing to apologize for. I know how insanely difficult this is for you, too.

Abby: I thought you were supposed to be spending the day with Max. Where is he?

Stitch: Your mom and Neville were here on business. She offered to watch him for a little while. They're probably at Jabot right now, which means, uh, I have some time if there's anything else you want to discuss.

Abby: Like what?

Stitch: Like how you're feeling about Max, the effect he's having on our marriage.

Sage: Nick and I are the right people to raise this child. I guarantee it.

Shawn: Guarantee? Can you do that? I mean, you said no one is perfect.

Nick: How's it going? Is everything okay?

Sage: Yeah, Shawn saw us having an intense discussion earlier. It raised some questions in her mind about our relationship, so I was just trying to reassure her.

Nick: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I can see how that might make you have some questions. I mean, you're studying us very carefully, trying to make the absolute best decision for you and your baby. Shawn, Sage was telling you the truth. We're in this together. We will be incredibly devoted to your baby, and I would like to think after spending time with us you've seen what kind of people we are and how much this baby means to us.

Shawn: You've both been super nice to me. And you seem really excited about the baby. It's just...kind of emotional for me, you know?

Nick: For us, too.

Sage: Yeah. So, are we good now?

Shawn: Yeah. We're all good.

Chelsea: Mmm! I am so, so proud of you.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: Yes!

Adam: Maybe a little bit nervous, too. I saw how tense you got during that phone call.

Chelsea: What?! No! Me?

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: I didn't get -- I mean, maybe a little, tiny bit when they were mentioning who should take over as C.E.O.

Adam: You thought that I was gonna cave and I was gonna throw my hat in the ring, and here we go again, right?

Chelsea: No, not entirely. No. Maybe there was a small percentage of me that was scared you were gonna run to Newman enterprises and, like, handcuff yourself to your father's desk.

Adam: [Laughs]

Chelsea: But you didn't.

Adam: No.

Chelsea: You didn't. You moved on and you stayed strong, and you're not gonna get sucked back in there.

Adam: No. That'll never happen again, okay? I promise.

Chelsea: Okay, good.

Victoria: Thank you.

Victor: You here to announce your coronation?

Victoria: I'm not here to gloat. I just want to have an open and honest conversation.

Victor: You want an honest conversation? I'll give you one. Don't get too comfortable behind my desk, because when I get out of here, I will retake my rightful position, and you will be out of Newman Enterprises and you will never come back.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Chelsea: Oh, my God!

Adam: I got the job. This is it. No more Newman, no more Victor. We don't have to worry about it.

Billy: What do you say? A little greenbeard to celebrate? Because green champagne is disgusting.

Michael: After what he did to you, I will get him convicted.

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