Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/9/16


Episode # 10876 ~ Victoria & Phyllis come to blows; Michael confides in Lauren; Nikki takes a stand.

Provided By Suzanne

Sage: I mean...

Chelsea: I know.

[Both laugh]

Sage: Oh, my gosh. Are you sure you want to give me all this stuff? What if you and Adam decide to have another baby?

Chelsea: Trust me. There is plenty more where that came from. I may or may not have a slight shopping addiction. [Laughs] Especially when it comes to Connor, so there's like three of everything for him.

Sage: Oh, God. Thank you so much. Really.

Chelsea: Yeah, of course. I know! It's my pleasure. Seriously. I'm sure, you know, it's been overwhelming with how fast everything's happened with the adoption.

Sage: Not for me. I've been ready to take this little boy home ever since I heard he could be ours.

Chelsea: Mm. I'm really thrilled for you and Nick. No one is more deserving of a happy ending than you guys. Sage. Sage.

Sage: Yes?

Chelsea: What's going on?

Sage: What do you mean?

Chelsea: I don't know. You just seem...off.

Sage: [Sighs] Yeah, it's just, um... you're right about all that overwhelming stuff. It's, um...it's a lot.

Chelsea: I feel like it's something more than that. Something's obviously bothering you. What is it?

Nikki: Have you given any more consideration to the upcoming board meeting? I know how reluctant you are to get back into Newman, and I can't blame you.

Nick: But you're gonna ask anyway?

Nikki: Your support would be so critical in getting your father out of that destructive company.

Nick: Mom, yes, I know the stakes. And I have thought about it -- a lot, actually.

Nikki: You have?

Nick: I know how I'm gonna vote.

Billy: I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not lying. Wait. Hold up. Did Johnny tell you that I was the one that put the waffle in the DVD player?

Victoria: Please do not make light of this.

Billy: I don't know what I'm making light of.

Victoria: Pass key.

Billy: Vick, listen.

Victoria: I want to know how Natalie ended up on your doorstep after conveniently leaving Newman. Was that your plan? Is that what you're sticking to?

Billy: She didn't leave. She was fired, and if I didn't hire her, someone would have.

Victoria: But someone wasn't planning this behind my back all along.

Paul: Not one tear? Is she telling me the truth?

Sharon: Hand to God. Sully didn't even make one peep when they gave him his shots.

Paul: Oh, that's amazing. That's my man. Give me a high five.

Sharon: I know. I didn't believe it either when the nurse told me she was done.

Paul: What, you mean you weren't with him?

Sharon: Yes, I was, but I just -- I had my eyes closed, okay? I was scared for him.

Paul: I get that. Are you hearing this?

Sharon: I don't think he's hearing anything.

Paul: I don't think so, either. Hello? Hey. Hi, there.

Dylan: I'm sorry about that.

Paul: Oh, yeah, I've been worried about Nikki, too. She's been through a whole hell of a lot thanks to Victor.

Sharon: Far be it from me to defend that man...

Dylan: But?

Sharon: But how many times has Nikki married him? She knew what she was getting herself into.

Jack: You tried to crush me. You failed, remember? You lost. Get used to the feeling. This is your new life.

Victor: You think I'm used to losing? When I lose, I come back stronger than ever. And next time, I'll show you no mercy. I will grind you into the dust.

Jack: You huff and puff all you want with me. You stay away from Phyllis.

Victor: Oh. Innocent, defenseless Phyllis? She's a barracuda.

Phyllis: Yeah, I will take that as a compliment from you.

Victor: Do you know what that backstabbing wife of yours has been up to?

Jack: One more word about my wife...

Victor: And you'll what?

Michael: That's enough of that.

Jack: Just try me.

Michael: Jack, Jack.

Victor: Oh! Be careful, boy.

Jack: Careful of what?

Michael: Jack.

Neil: Come on.

Michael: Jack.

Neil: Come on, come on.

Michael: It's not worth it.

Neil: Come on.

Michael: Victor, don't forget you're out on bail.

Neil: You honestly think that this is gonna help anything?

Michael: You've got to calm down.

Neil: We do not want to see you two hurt.

Victor: That's where you're wrong, Neil. I want people to get hurt. I expect people to get hurt. Starting with her. And don't you forget it.

Jack: You heard that, right?

Michael: Yes. It was not-so-veiled a threat.

Lauren: Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Phyllis: No, I'm not okay. I'm not okay. I am not okay until that man is locked up for good, and you may be the only one, Michael, who can do it.

Jack: Not necessarily. There is a move I can make against Victor now.

Phyllis: Well, then do it!

Jack: Believe me, I intend to.

Sage: Oh, thank you.

Chelsea: You're welcome. So... start talking. Sage. I can tell you obviously want to talk about something. Something's bothering you. Am I wrong?

Sage: No. I don't know, Chelsea. I just feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

Chelsea: With who? With, um...with the mother -- oh, what's her name?

Sage: Shawn.

Chelsea: Shawn.

Sage: Yeah, she's a teenager. And her emotions are all over the place in general. Add pregnancy hormones to that.

Chelsea: Yikes.

Sage: Yeah. I'm just worried that one wrong move with this already on-edge girl could make her change her mind, and, uh, in a way...

Chelsea: You feel like you could end up losing another baby.

Sage: Yeah.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Listen. Adoption is a huge gamble. I mean, you're putting all of your trust in this person who's usually a complete stranger, who at any moment could just rip the rug out from under you. I understand you're scared. But I also understand her side. I mean, I've -- I've been there.

Sage: It's not just her I'm worried about, though, you know? It's -- Nick. I just -- I don't know if he wants this kid as much as I do.

Chelsea: Why wouldn't he?

Sage: But why would he? I mean, why would he put his heart on the line again? He has kids of his own.

Chelsea: Oh, but Sage, that's --

Sage: But, you know, this is different for me. This is my only chance to have a child without waiting years possibly. I don't know. I just -- I can't wait around for that.

Chelsea: Okay. I think you're forgetting who you married. This is Nick Newman we're talking about. Not just tall, dark, handsome, great smile Nick Newman...

Sage: [Laughing] Stop.

Chelsea: ...We're talking about the person who was born to be a dad. I mean, whether he has two kids or 20. He takes such pride in raising them. You know that.

Sage: I know he does.

Chelsea: Plus, it doesn't seem like Nick to kind of keep that huge of a secret. Or else, he'd be living a lie. It's not his style. It's Adam's. [Laughing] Just kidding. You know you were thinking it, too. No, actually, no. I take that back. I should say it used to be Adam's style.

Sage: He's really trying to change, huh?

Chelsea: Yeah. Yeah, he is. He's in new York now interviewing with a really big company, so...

Sage: Wow.

Chelsea: Yeah. He's fully committed to distancing himself from Newman and from Victor.

Sage: Well, I'm glad.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sage: Although, it does open up a whole other can of worms.

Chelsea: What do you mean?

Sage: Well, with Adam gone, they have to replace him. And who do you think they're trying to recruit?

Chelsea: Nick.

Nikki: You're not voting for or against Victor. You're abstaining completely?

Nick: You got it. You disappointed?

Nikki: [Sighs] Maybe. For Victoria. I know how eager she is to run the company with you.

Nick: Oh, Vick doesn't need me.

Nikki: How can you say that?

Nick: Because she is Victoria. Trust me. It's not gonna do anyone any good for me to re-enter the Newman fray. I need to focus on me and my family right now, and this baby boy we're trying adopt.

Nikki: Oh, my God. It's a boy?

Nick: Yeah.

Nikki: Wow. Another boy!

Nick: Hold on, hold on. It is far from a done deal.

Nikki: I get it now. You're needed at home.

Nick: The minute I pick a side in the company, I'm gonna get sucked right back in. And I don't want that.

Dylan: Look, you can't blame Nikki for Victor's actions.

Paul: Thanks.

Sharon: No, but... I can blame her for keeping him in her life. I mean, how many stunts does Victor have to pull before enough is enough?

Paul: Oh, yeah, but this whole Marco Annicelli thing? I mean, that one takes the cake. Nobody could see that coming -- not even Nikki.

Sharon: I wouldn't put anything past Victor Newman.

[Cell phone rings]

Paul: Whoa. Oh, excuse me, will you?

Paul: Yeah, chief Williams.

Jack: Paul, it's Jack Abbott. I need to report a crime.

Paul: Fire away.

Jack: You need to lock Victor up again. He is out of control.

Billy: We have gone over this, okay? Your father dropped the ball. He took his eye off the prize and he got rid of Natalie.

Victoria: Right, and you just swooped in.

Billy: Oh, come on. You know me. I like to swoop. Come on. Hey. We have talked about this already.

Victoria: Yeah. And you convinced me that it was a business decision.

Billy: That's exactly what it was.

Victoria: After all these years, you'd think you'd be a better liar. Summer saw your texts to Natalie and she went to Phyllis about it and Phyllis admitted that she was a part of it. But not because it was the right thing to do but because she wanted to keep summer from telling my father. Mother of the year, right? She had her own daughter lie for her to protect her. And to protect you.

Billy: I had nothing to do with that.

Victoria: What about the rest?

Billy: I had every intention of walking away -- forgetting about the internet deal and focusing on you and the kids.

Victoria: But?

Billy: When I got out of the hospital, Phyllis already had the ball rolling. She was driven to get back what your father stole from me.

Victoria: Really? "Phyllis made me do it." Is that what you're saying?

Billy: No, she didn't make me do it, but I felt obligated, yes.

Victoria: Why?

Billy: Because she went out on a limb for me, Victoria.

Victoria: Okay, well, that's where as an actual adult you say, "thanks but no thanks," and then you just walk away.

Billy: You don't think I wanted to do that? But the more she talked about it, the more I got caught up in trying to...

Victoria: What? Get back at my father?

Billy: No. Try and get my life back after nearly dying.

Victoria: And this is the only way that you could do it?

Billy: It's not like I could let her go at Victor alone.

Victoria: Why not? Why do you have to pretend like you're some knight in shining armor? Phyllis can take care of herself.

Billy: Well, maybe under regular circumstances, but after what your father did to her, she wasn't thinking rationally. I could hear it in her voice and I could see it in her eyes.

Victoria: Even more reason to stay out of it.

Billy: What did you want me to do? Just throw her to the wolves, stand there and watch her get hurt?

Victoria: What about me, Billy? What about our kids? Since when did Phyllis become more important?

Billy: Don't say that. That's not true.

Victoria: Because, listen, Billy. Blowing apart our family hurts us.

Billy: You want to split the deal? We'll go 50-50? I'll have the lawyer draw up the paperwork right now. Vick.

Victoria: I can't believe you think this about money. This is not about money.

Billy: Listen. Come here.

Michael: We discussed this. I am not comfortable taking Victor's case only to secretly throw it. I swore, not that it matters to you, to act in the best interest of my clients.

Phyllis: Did you not just hear him? He tossed us a death threat. Victor is a rabid animal who needs to be put down.

Michael: Put down? As in prevented from causing any more harm?

Phyllis: As in stopped, killed -- either one! All right, I'm exaggerating. But not really.

Lauren: Okay, she's right.

Michael: Oh, what? Now you're condoning murder?

Lauren: No. Think about it. If Victor gets off, all he's gonna do is find new ways to harass them.

Phyllis: Thank you, Lauren.

Michael: Why are we assuming that Victor's gonna get off, especially now that judge Moxley is no longer in his pocket?

Phyllis: Is it beyond the realm of possibility that he does not bribe or blackmail another judge?

Lauren: He has never been held accountable and you know that.

Phyllis: Yeah. And you -- you are the one who can hold him accountable and stop this God-awful cycle.

Michael: By lying. By betraying my profession.

Phyllis: Yeah. For a worth cause.

Michael: Back me up here.

Jack: After what I witnessed today, I think Victor needs to be stopped by any means possible.

[Door opens]

Victor: Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it, all right?

Neil: Come on, Victor. How long have we been friends? You were even the best man at my wedding.

Victor: And how far have we come, Neil? You pretending to have an affair with my wife?

Neil: Yeah, yeah, I know. I did. I crossed the line.

Victor: You're damn right you did.

Neil: Look, I get it. You're strong, you're independent, but no one can go it alone -- not even you.

[Knocks on door]

Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Surprised it took you so long.

Paul: Yeah, well, Victor, we need to talk.

Victor: Oh. Look who's there. How many ways can you think of betraying me?

Phyllis: [Sighs] You missed some fireworks. Unbelievable. The way you look, you look like you weathered some of your own. Did you get the message I left you about summer?

Billy: Not in time. Victoria got to me first.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. That couldn't have been pretty. Look, I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I was so convinced that summer wasn't gonna say anything to Victor, but he got to her conscience. She confessed everything. How bad is it?

Billy: [Chuckles] It's not good. Pretty sure I'm gonna lose Victoria.

Phyllis: No. No, no, no, no, no. Not because of the mistake I made. I'm gonna fix this. I --

Billy: No. No, you don't have to do that. I appreciate it, but don't.

Phyllis: Yeah. You just handed me a challenge. I think you did. And I love those, so --

Billy: Phyllis.

Phyllis: So, I -- I'm gonna do it.

Jack: Where's Phyllis off to?

Billy: Save my life.

Michael: I wish I hadn't seen Victor like that. It makes it harder to do the right thing. [Scoffs] Throwing a case. As if I could do that.

Lauren: It's a tough call.

Michael: You were Phyllis' biggest cheerleader back there.

Lauren: I am always your biggest cheerleader. I got the pom-poms at home to prove it.

Michael: Yeah?

Lauren: Let's focus.

Michael: I hate what Victor did to Phyllis. I hate it. But what she's asking --

Lauren: So, Victor just walks?

Michael: Why can't it be something in between?

Lauren: Because it's Victor. Let me ask you a question. What if it were me? What if Victor had put another man into our bed?

Michael: I'd kill him.

Lauren: Then you have your answer.

Dylan: Don't take this out on Nikki. She did nothing wrong.

Nikki: Well, maybe not to you, but Victor has his own personal definition of the word "betrayal."

Paul: Your wife is not the reason we're here, by the way.

Victor: Then what are you here for? To watch the show?

Paul: Actually, she was here to get you to see reason. There was a complaint. Apparently, you threatened Phyllis.

Victor: I didn't make a threat. I made a promise.

Neil: Listen, I witnessed the whole thing. No one got hurt.

Paul: Well, you left us no choice. You violated the terms of your bail, so you have to come with me.

Victor: Let's go.

Paul: Let's go.

Victor: Amazing how quickly you've aligned yourself with your other family. Don't take any stock in that because as soon as things get difficult, she disappears.

Neil: Hey. I'm sorry you had to see that. You okay?

Nikki: No, actually, I'm not okay. Why the hell were you sticking up for my husband?

Nick: Oh, thank you.

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Did Sully get off okay?

Sage: The sitter took him to the park for a while -- a little sunshine, a little fresh air. It'll be good for him. Make his day.

Nick: Yeah, if only it could always be that simple, huh?

Sharon: Are you okay? How are you doing?

Nick: Oh, just great, you know? Stuck in the middle, as usual. Mom and Vick want my help in wrestling Newman away from dad.

Sharon: Hmm. Fun times.

Nick: Oh, yeah. It's good. It's good. And Sage, of course, doesn't want me anywhere near the company.

Sharon: [Sighs] I am so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.

Nick: That is super helpful.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Um, as a survivor, can I give you some advice?

Nick: A survivor? So, like, navigating our family is kind of like being in the trenches? All right. What do you got?

Sage: Just don't listen to them.

Nick: "Don't listen to them."

Sharon: Mnh-mnh.

Nick: So you think I should not listen to my wife, my mother, and sister? That's great advice.

Sharon: Hear them out, obviously. But then, you have to follow your own heart. It's a good heart, Nick Newman.

Nick: Thanks. After everything we've been through, your support always means a lot to me.

Victoria: Oh, thank goodness it's still here. If you're looking for your partner in crime, he just left.

Phyllis: I was looking for you, actually.

Victoria: Well, I'm busy.

Phyllis: Victoria, you really need to hear me out.

Victoria: What I need is for you to stop destroying everything that you touch.

Billy: I don't know, Jack. I thought that after Victoria had a chance to cool down, she would realize that I didn't mean to hurt her.

Jack: What did you mean to do?

Billy: What do you mean? To get Jabot back on solid ground, to be the one to save the family company and not tank it.

Jack: There is more to it than that, and you know it. And unfortunately, so does Victoria.

Jack: You're missing the big picture, Jack. We did it, okay? We beat Victor at his own game. We got the prototype back that was rightfully ours in the first place.

Jack: Listen to yourself. Beating Victor Newman is the big picture in this scenario -- not your family, not being with your kids and your wife.

Billy: I did not say that.

Jack: You did kind of say that.

Billy: Doesn't matter what I do, right? I could never win. It's just never good enough, is it?

Jack: The obsession with beating Victor -- no one understands that better than I do. We have lots of history. Here's the one thing I've learned -- he always gets up. He always fires back.

Billy: Well, not this time.

Jack: What is to stop him from suing us for corporate espionage?

Billy: Hard to win a case when you're in a jail cell.

Jack: And there it is -- the classic Billy Abbott grin.

Billy: What, I'm not allowed to smile anymore? Is that what it is?

Jack: As long as you're prepared for it to cost you what really matters. And I promise you, it will.

Phyllis: Your father is at the root of all of this. He ran roughshod over our lives.

Victoria: So, if I should be mad at anyone, it should be him?

Phyllis: Yes.

Victoria: Okay. I hate what he did to you, clearly. I turned him in to the police.

Phyllis: And I commend you for that --

Victoria: I'm not finished. I know you want revenge. I understand that. I wouldn't have gone about it this way, exactly.

Phyllis: No doubt.

Victoria: But what I don't understand is why you had to drag Billy down with you.

Phyllis: That is exactly right. It was me. It was all me. I pushed it. I wouldn't let up. I am asking you -- do not punish Billy for something he was out of control of.

Victoria: It's so funny. You make him sound like he's a pathetic lapdog.

Phyllis: All I mean is that --

Victoria: He went in on this plan with you. He's the one who lied to me week after week. Don't make it seem like he had no choice in this, okay?

Phyllis: Okay.

Victoria: Just stop.

Phyllis: Okay, okay. I'm gonna stop making excuses for him. That's fine.

Victoria: Thank you.

Phyllis: But I will tell you a truth. He lied, yes. But he also hated every second of it. He went on and on about how much he loved you and how much he just couldn't wait for this thing to be over with so he could devote his entire life to you.

Victoria: The reason that he wanted this over with is because it would mean that "the great Victor Newman" was dust.

That's what he's devoted to. Not me, not the kids, and I was an idiot to think that he would ever change.

Phyllis: No, you know what would make you an idiot? Is if you let go of a guy who loves you as much as he does.

Victor: Espionage. Thievery. I don't care what you call it. As long as the Abbotts go down.

Rosalie: Noted. Now, can we tackle the more important case first? I.E. Yours, I.E. The one you did not help today?

Victor: My actions were absolutely justified, considering the despicable behavior of the Abbotts.

Rosalie: I know a real-world perspective doesn't come easily to you, but let's try. We need to consider a deal for reduced sentence.

Victor: Mnh-mnh.

Rosalie: Victor.

Victor: Not happening.

Rosalie: The evidence against you is bordering on overwhelming. Now, I'm good, but I'm not a magician.

Victor: Leniency is for cowards, okay? No reason for it in my case. I simply protected my family and my company.

Rosalie: And now back to the real world. What if the courts don't agree with you? I.E., They probably won't. Then what?

Victor: I have a feeling that I don't like you. You're fired.

Sharon: Um, Nick was just filling me in on the Victor situation.

Chelsea: That man doesn't make anything easy, does he?

Sharon: No, he never does.

Chelsea: I'm gonna get a coffee. Do you want me to bring you something?

Sage: No, I'm good. Thanks.

Chelsea: Sharon, I heard you guys got a new Hawaiian blend in. How is it?

Sharon: Um, very Hawaiian?

Chelsea: Huh.

Sharon: Why did you pull me in here like that?

Chelsea: Well, I feel like they needed a minute to talk. I mean, things are really complicated right now.

Sharon: Well, they always are when Victor's involved.

Dylan: Uh, speaking of, his bail has been revoked.

Sharon: Really?

Dylan: Yeah, I think I should probably tell Nick.

Chelsea: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. He and Sage are in the middle of something. I mean, can it wait a minute?

Sharon: Yeah, Nick has a lot on his plate right now. And apparently, Sage isn't helping any.

Nick: So I thought the best thing to do was just to abstain, you know? So I stay uninvolved, or uninvolved as possible when you are part of the Newman family.

Sage: Yeah, it sounds like you made the right choice.

Nick: You okay?

Sage: No. Uh... I want to talk to you about something.

Nick: All right. What's up?

Sage: It's about the adoption.

Nick: What, did something happen? Did Shawn --

Sage: It's not about Shawn. It's about you. I feel like you're not as committed about this as I am.

Nick: What are you talking about? I thought this was settled.

Sage: Well, I did, too, but we were sitting here with her and you walked out abruptly.

Nick: Yeah, I had to.

Sage: Okay. But Shawn is an impressionable young woman, and she needs to know that she has our full attention and that she can count on us.

Nick: She can.

Sage: Do you think you relayed that when you ran off to do something more important?

Nick: What are you saying, Sage?

Sage: That I think you're looking for ways to sabotage this adoption.

Neil: Nikki, in no way do I condone what Victor did.

Nikki: Yeah, well, I'm glad to hear that. But why did you stand up for him just now? Especially when one of his victims is your friend? Jack's life has been turned upside-down because of Victor.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Nikki: Well, do explain.

Neil: Okay, you know my life, right? Last year, it was a very rough year for me. I did some horrible things that I deeply regret and I need to make up for that.

Nikki: By supporting a man who's done even worse things?

Neil: Okay. I haven't talked to you about this. Jack and I -- we're starting a foundation for recovering addicts.

Nikki: Really?

Neil: That's right. Now, we're gonna help addicts rebuild their lives because, what? We're in recovery. Good idea. And we're gonna have a big fundraiser. You're gonna be at the top of the guest list.

Nikki: Well, I think that's wonderful. But how does this pertain to the situation?

Neil: Well, our job is to help people that are in a downward spiral. I mean, I think some people may fight us some of the way, but I'm not gonna deem some worthy of aid and some not.

Nikki: Uh-huh. And you told Victor about that.

Neil: If I didn't try to help Victor, how am I gonna help anyone else? I mean, the man needs help.

Nikki: I think that's great.

Neil: So, how about you? I saw judge Moxley's press conference.

Nikki: [Groans] An affair from years ago? That's the least of my worries. Listen, I need to tell you something. We're gonna be having a board meeting to remove Victor from the company.

Neil: Why? Are you sure about this? 'Cause you know no matter how down and out that man gets, he always has a plan.

Nikki: I know that. And I'm sure he will fight with everything in him.

Neil: Yeah, and certainly facing some jail time... the man's got nothing left to lose.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Mr. Michael Baldwin. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?

Michael: I overheard your attorney talking about being fired.

Victor: Bit of difference of opinion as to how to deal with my case. But what business is that of yours?

Michael: I thought I could be of some help. As I happen to be a damn good defense attorney.

Chelsea: That was a little out of line, don't you think? Who are you to judge Sage?

Sage: I am Nick's ex-wife, for starters, and the mother of his two children, which I believe entitles me to have an opinion. I know him better than anybody else.

Chelsea: Okay, well, his current wife deserves to have an opinion, too, and no offense, but I think her opinion counts more than yours, Sharon. So why don't you just stay out of it?

Dylan: Okay. Why don't we just give Nick some space and agree that we should all stay out of his marriage?

Nick: I have been nothing but positive and supportive through this whole process.

Sage: So it was supportive when you abandoned me for some family problem?

Nick: "Some family problem"? Sage, my father is about to be carted off to jail while my mother and sister are trying to steal away his life's work. It's kind of a big deal.

Sage: So is this. What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Nick: You know, you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe I am unconsciously fighting this adoption.

Sage: Okay.

Nick: And I know why now. It's because I don't think you're ready for this.

Sage: What does that mean -- "I'm not ready for this"? I'm not ready to raise a child now or I'm too obsessive? Is that the problem?

Nick: No, I never said that.

Sage: No, you don't say anything to me. You dance around and handle me with kid gloves, and I just want you to be honest with me right now.

Nick: You want honesty?

Sage: Please.

Nick: I think this whole adoption thing is about you trying to replace Christian.

Sage: [Gasps]

Nick: [Sighing] Oh, no.

Billy: Will you just give me a minute, please?

Victoria: Why?

Billy: Because I'm an ass. I made a mistake. I got too caught up trying to fix a wrong that I lost sight of what's right. You. Us. I'll never make that mistake again. I promise you. I love you, Vick. Can you find a way to forgive me? build a solid case for you. But that's best accomplished with an attorney who knows you and your family intimately.

Victor: My family's useless.

Michael: At the moment. But I believe with a little persuasion that almost all of them will come around. They've forgiven you before, and I think we can both agree they are your best hope in that courtroom.

Victor: You're hired. Get me the hell out of here.

Michael: All right. I'll get to work right away. There's a lot of motions to be filed immediately -- change of venue, evidentiary dismissal. Okay. I'll be in touch, Victor, hmm? Thank you.

Nikki: Believe me, I am well aware of the battle I am taking on.

Neil: Hey, Nikki. You said it yourself. Victor will move mountains to hang on to this company -- even from prison.

Nikki: Well, be that as it may, I think that might be the only way to get him off the warpath. And then finally he can see the consequences to his actions. [Sighs] I know that I've lost him. And I know that he's always been ruthless. This is nothing new. But this time, I don't know. It -- it's like he's broken, Neil. And maybe he has to hit bottom before he can heal.

Jack: Thanks.

Phyllis: Hey. Did you hear the good news? Victor's behind bars. Bail revoked. How about on top?

Jack: I talked to Billy.

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, I-I tried to fix things. I even sought out Victoria, and she's very obstinate. No matter what I said in Billy's defense, she just wasn't buying it.

Jack: Are you really surprised? After you and my brother have done nothing but lie over and over again. Why should Victoria trust you? While we're at it, why should I?

Victoria: [Sighs] How many times have I heard that apology, Billy?

Billy: Well, I hope you were listening, 'cause that was the last one.

Victoria: It's always the last one. Until it isn't.

Billy: This is different.

Victoria: [Sighs] Really? Because it's sounding eerily familiar. I know you say you want this war with my dad to be over, and you mean it, but then all of the obsession creeps back in, and we end up right back where we started.

Billy: No, no. See, no. We started on a plane on our way to Jamaica. Drunken fools, not even realizing how much we were gonna end up meaning to each other.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: We're not in the same place. All you have to do is look at Johnny and Katie to prove that.

Victoria: Just because we have kids, it doesn't mean anything.

Billy: Yeah, it does. It means everything. We're a family, and I am so sorry that I lost sight of that.

Victoria: Again?

Billy: I'm here. For you. 100%. For you and the kids.

Victoria: [Laughs]

Billy: What?

Victoria: Yeah, I know. Of course you're here. Of course you are. My father's out of the picture, so you have everything that you want.

Billy: Not if I don't have you. From the bottom of my heart, Vick, I love you. We belong together.

Victoria: I used to believe that, too. But I can't forget all the lies, Billy.

Billy: I'm not asking you to forget.

Victoria: Why?

Billy: I'm just asking you to forgive me.

Victoria: You say this is the last time?

Billy: Last time.

Victoria: You were right. I'm done.

Billy: Don't say that. Don't say that. You don't mean that.

Victoria: The wedding is off.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ashley: Maybe it's time for you to stop treating me because the life I'm living is not the life I want.

Victoria: All those in favor of removing Victor Newman as CEO, please raise your hand or indicate verbally if that's your choice.

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