Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/8/16
Episode # 10875 ~ Neil warns Devon about Hilary; Summer exposes a dangerous secret; Jack wants the truth from Billy & Phyllis.
Provided By Suzanne
Summer: I can't believe that they want to vote you out. I mean, we are family. We need to act like it. You would never abandon one of us, so we shouldn't abandon you.
Victor: They have already made up their minds, my darling. You're the only one who showed up for me, and I'll never forget that, okay?
Summer: Maybe I can convince them to -- to change their minds. I mean, you are this company, grandpa. We need you.
Victor: Word has it that Jabot is projecting enormous revenues. How the hell is that possible?
Billy: "Yeah, I slept with Victor Newman." What? She'd say it, drop the mike, and leave the room?
Phyllis: Yeah, basically. But you know what? I think it's incredibly liberating. She's out from under the control of Victor. I mean, except for the part of her business being out there and being a walking freak show.
Billy: No, I don't see it that way. I see her as a strong woman. It's never easy coming forward. [Sighs]
Phyllis: You gave me the push I needed.
Billy: You ran with it.
Phyllis: So did Moxley. She ripped up her whole family just to get away from Victor's control.
Billy: Yeah. Chalk it up another casualty to the black knight.
Phyllis: Well, he will not be using her to get himself acquitted, that's for sure.
Billy: No, which means prison, which means we can move forward with pass key. It's perfect.
Jack: Did either of you see the new revenue projections for the rest of the year? They're through the roof.
Billy: That's good news, right?
Phyllis: Yeah. Why aren't you acting happier?
Jack: Because apparently a lot has been going on behind my back.
Ashley: So, how long is it gonna take to get the results of the blood work done?
Dr. Neville: As long as it takes.
Ashley: Now, what are we gonna do if they're worse?
Dr. Neville: What are we gonna do if they're better?
Ashley: Nothing could be worse than that tie.
Dr. Neville: Ah, there. You see? Humor. You're getting better in some kind of ways. That's progress.
Stitch: What are you guys doing here?
Ashley: Hey, uh, we're just following up on our research.
Stitch: How's it going?
Dr. Neville: Oh, we're making great progress.
Stitch: Glad to hear it.
Ashley: By the way, Abby told me. I can't believe it. I mean, I know Max has been going through a really difficult time, many transitions, but did he actually tell his teacher that you were abusing him?
Stitch: Well, that's not exactly what he said, but luckily he eventually went with the truth.
Ashley: So how's it going?
Stitch: Social services finally backed off. So I'm just -- I'm hoping things with my son will start to turn around.
Abby: The perk of having no school is, well, no school. [Chuckles] But we have the whole day to play hooky. We can do whatever you want. We can go, uh, ice skating. Remember how fun that was? Remember when your dad fell flat on his butt? [Chuckles] We could go sledding. Newman ranch has a ton of awesome hills.
Max: Too cold.
Abby: Okay. Um... mm. What about that video game I got you? You seem to love to play that.
Max: With you? Not much of a challenge, is it?
Abby: Come on, Max. Help me out. What would make you happy? [Sighs]
Devon: [Sighs] You were pretty amazing last night.
Hilary: I can be even more amazing right now.
Devon: Oh, really?
Hilary: I can't think of a better way to christen my new office. Can you?
Devon: Well, you are the boss, you know.
Hilary: Mm-hmm. And I am gonna work... 20...4... 7... to make this project... a success.
Devon: Well, mission accomplished, I'd say. [Sighs] earnings report was absolutely dismal. No new contracts, no new business. So how are these projections possible?
Summer: [Scoffs] Grandpa, you're probably gonna go to jail. You're about to be voted out of your own company. And yet you're worried about Jabot?
Victor: Wait a minute. This is very suspicious. I get arrested, and their revenue projections skyrocket. There's a connection.
Summer: It's probably just a coincidence.
Victor: No, there are no coincidences where the Abbotts and the Newmans are concerned.
Victoria: Dad, may I have a word?
Victor: This is no longer your office. And kindly knock next time.
Victoria: I know you see me as a traitor.
Victor: You may leave now.
Victoria: The vote is going forward.
Victor: Of course it is. See, summer? And you thought you could sway the rest of the family to remain loyal to their father, husband, the man who built all this from nothing.
Victoria: [Scoffs] Daddy, you put me in a terrible position. But no matter what you did, no matter what happens with the vote, I love you. I'll always love you.
Victor: Look at this. Whoa.
Victoria: I know you're gonna be angry with me for a while, but you have to forgive me.
Victor: You want me to forgive you? Then why don't you tell me what Billy boy has been up to?
Victoria: I have no idea what you're talking about right now.
Victor: Really?! You turned me into the cops, and meanwhile, Jabot is making a lot of noise and publicity with what very much looks like my product. And you don't know why that is?
Jack: It seems Jabot is preparing to unveil a breakthrough internet privacy project. Now, you would think I, as C.E.O., Would know something about that.
Phyllis: As rumors go, it's a good one.
Billy: Especially if it generates preorders and sales.
Jack: This project, as described by the press, sounds remarkably like Victor's project. Now, why would they think Jabot was developing it?
Billy: Well, because we are. Ah, perfect timing. Natalie, Jack. Jack, Natalie. Natalie works for us now.
Natalie: Nice to meet you --
Jack: And no one thought to tell me about this?
Phyllis: Honey, you've been very busy setting up the foundation with Neil. Getting addicts back on the -- on the road again and on their feet. I mean, that is a time-consuming, wonderful foundation.
Jack: Yes, it is, but let's focus on the fact that my company is developing a project that I didn't know about.
Billy: [Sighs] Jack, Victor fired Natalie, and we hired her.
Phyllis: We thought it would be a good idea to keep her under wraps until we were confident that the program was solid.
Jack: And then you announced it to the press without telling the C.E.O.?
Phyllis: I have no idea how the news got out. I really don't.
Natalie: Me? How would I even do that? How does one leak to the press?
Luca: You can all thank me later.
Ashley: The situation with Max has to be really stressful for you and Abby. That's not good for the baby.
Stitch: Well, I am right there with you. You know, Max came clean, apologized. I think we're in a better place.
Ashley: I hope so.
Stitch: Me, too.
[Pager beeps]
Stitch: Excuse me.
Ashley: Okay. Bye. So?
Dr. Neville: Well, any news is progress. [Sighs]
Ashley: Oh, my God. These numbers are worse. These are the worst ones we've had yet.
Dr. Neville: Remember, we're scientists, all right? Numbers are our friends. They're indicators, our guides.
Ashley: Well, I don't like where my friends are taking me.
Dr. Neville: All this does is aid us in eliminating some dead ends and focusing our research.
Ashley: I'm just so tired of this illness and all the power that it has over me. This is the part where you're supposed to say something ridiculous and then I laugh.
Dr. Neville: Well, how about I make you a promise instead? I will not stop until I perfect the protocol that saves your life.
Ashley: What if it's --
Dr. Neville: It's going to happen. After all, I am brilliant. And you have too much to live for. Primarily kicking Mrs. Hamilton to the curb.
Ashley: And I have a grandbaby on the way. I mean...
Dr. Neville: There is that.
Abby: Okay, Max, I get it. You're -- you're hurt --
Max: Can't you just leave me alone?!
Abby: Max, I want us to get along. I want to make this work. I want us to be the happy family that I know we can be.
Max: Stop lying!
Abby: I'm not lying. We love you. I love you. And if you would just give this a chance, give me a chance...
Max: My mom's dead because of you, and now you want me gone, too, so you have my dad all for yourself!
Abby: Max. Max, wait! Ow! Oh! [Breathing heavily] Max, please. I-I need you. [Groans]
Abby: Please, I need you to go inside and get my phone and call 911. Please. [Groans] Max! [Groans] [Breathing heavily]
Neil: This is Ashley's office, but you don't look like Ashley.
Hilary: Uh, she stepped down.
Neil: When did this happen? Why?
Hilary: Combination of things. Um, she's had some health issues. Abby is juggling a new stepson and baby on the way, and Ashley wanted to be there for her. So, um, she decided that this would be too much for her right now, and she asked me to step in, so I...
Neil: You jumped for it, right? Right onto the couch, I see. And you -- you're fine with this?
Hilary: We are all still on the same team. Ashley is just taking a more manageable role.
Devon: It's in the best interest of the company right now.
Hilary: Yes. I have to get to a development meeting, so if you'll excuse me...
Neil: Son. Are you really gonna let her get away with this?
Victor: You were overseeing the project. How is it possible that something that I shepherded, that I financed, is now in Jabot's hands?
Victoria: You fired Natalie.
Victor: Of course I fired her, because she delivered a shoddy product. It didn't deliver what she promised. Now Jabot is ready to launch it?
Victoria: I'm sorry, dad. I don't know anything about that.
Victor: Isn't this all rather convenient? I get arrested and Jabot now makes a lot of profit with a product that's essentially mine?!
Victoria: You were arrested because of what you did. I am not lying for you anymore, dad.
Victor: You're lying to me now.
Victoria: Do you think I'm secretly working with Billy?
Victor: Were you?
Summer: It wasn't Victoria. Natalie was in touch with Billy behind our backs.
Victor: I asked you to keep an eye on Natalie so this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
Summer: I know. And I really wanted to tell you, grandpa, but I-I couldn't.
Victor: Why not?
Summer: Because my mom told me not to.
Victor: Your mother? Phyllis Abbott interfered with you while you were doing a job for Newman enterprises?
Summer: She was involved, too, with Billy, and she didn't want you to know.
Victoria: So Billy was working with Natalie all along?
Victor: So Phyllis Abbott was involved with Billy boy Abbott. Well, I'll be damned.
Jack: You're part of this conspiracy?
Phyllis: Luca was working with Natalie.
Jack: Luca works with Victor.
Luca: Worked. Past tense.
Billy: This is not a conspiracy, Jack. An opportunity presented itself, and we took it.
Jack: Uh-huh. And Natalie here just fell in your lap.
Natalie: Hi. I'm Natalie. Nice to meet you. Okay, here's the thing. I was a free agent. Victor fired me.
Billy: And I hired her. It's actually genius.
Jack: Gee, why do I think it's not that simple?
Billy: Come on. Let's believe that we're about to rock the internet, at the same time reinvent Jabot.
Jack: Off a project that you hijacked from Victor.
Billy: No, no, no. This is not about Victor.
Jack: It is always about Victor where you're concerned.
Phyllis: Victor stole the project from Billy.
Billy: Jack, this is what I wanted for Jabot the whole time when I heard about Natalie and this project. And now it's happening.
Phyllis: The project is exactly where it should be -- in Billy's hands.
[Cell phone rings]
Jack: [Sighs] Is that your phone?
Phyllis: Hello? Hi, sweetheart.
Summer: Mom, we need to talk.
Phyllis: Uh, okay. Excuse me.
Billy: [Clears throat]
Jack: You came up with a plan to steal Natalie back. Has Phyllis been working with you since the beginning?
Billy: This is about Jabot.
Jack: Oh, so now you care about Jabot? This has the stink of paragon all over it. This is your idea -- to stick it to Victor? 'Cause we all know how well that worked out for you last time.
Devon: Hilary isn't "getting away" with anything.
Neil: Come on, Devon. She goes from being Dr. Neville's lab rat to running the whole damn company?
Devon: She's proved herself.
Neil: Yeah, yeah. I was watching her prove herself just now.
Devon: This was Ashley's decision to step down, and she obviously has a great deal of faith in Hilary as a replacement. Did you hear what she said?
Neil: Yeah, I did hear. Your wife can be very convincing.
Devon: You know, this isn't some random career move. Sure you remember that Dr. Neville's the one that saved her life, right? So she's very committed to supporting his research.
Neil: Hilary's, uh, deeply committed to Hilary. That's what it is.
Devon: Do you have a problem with her? 'Cause that's what it sounds like. Do you remember that she saved that disaster of a press conference that you set up while you were drunk? You remember that?
Neil: Yeah, I remember that.
Devon: Instead of, you know, us looking like fools, she stepped up, restored our credibility, launched us as a viable research entity.
Neil: And the icing on that cake was you fired me.
Devon: And what did you expect afterwards? You think I wanted to do that?
Neil: Yeah, now I see that you and Hilary are pushing Ashley out. And, see, this company only exists because of Ashley. Her passion has fueled this project. Now you're telling me that all of a sudden she's gonna hand the keys of the kingdom to someone else and Hilary of all people?
Devon: I want to know why you're here looking for trouble where there isn't any.
Neil: Come on, man. She's very ambitious, right? And you know she has no problem with collateral damage on the way up.
Devon: Well, I think you're wrong about this.
Neil: You know that I'm not. I have more than a little history with your wife. And it seems to me that she's got no issue with getting exactly what she wants from jumping on that couch over there.
Devon: You sure would know all about that, wouldn't you? I think you should leave now.
Neil: I am warning you, son. She's playing people. She's working angles. It sure seems like the old Hilary to me.
[Knock on door]
Phyllis: Hey. Hi, honey. What's going on? What couldn't you discuss over the phone?
Summer: Um... you always taught me to stand up for myself and do what I thought was right.
Phyllis: Yeah. I did. And I do. You always do.
Summer: Yeah, um... well, you may not be so proud of me anymore, because I told grandpa.
Phyllis: You told him...?
Summer: Everything. And I know -- I know I really wanted to protect you and Billy, but --
Phyllis: W-w-why would you do something like that?
Summer: Because grandpa trusted me to oversee his project, and I didn't really want to let him down.
Phyllis: So you fed Billy and me to him for lunch? Why wo-- summer. [Sighs] I'm sorry, but this is not good.
Summer: I know. I know. And I know that grandpa's done really bad things, and I really hate what he did to you, mom, but I-I don't know. I still love grandpa, and he trusted me, and... [Voice breaking] I know -- and I know that you probably hate me now.
Phyllis: Okay, no, no, I don't hate you. I don't hate you. I love you, okay? Just take it easy.
Summer: [Sobbing] No, I thought I was doing the right thing, and now I think that I made a mistake. It's just that grandpa was so mad, and Victoria -- [Sighs]
Phyllis: Victoria was there?
Summer: [Sighs] I really messed up, didn't I?
Phyllis: [Sighs] Billy. Billy, Billy, Billy.
Summer: Mom, what's gonna happen now?
Phyllis: This isn't your fault. It's mine. I put you in this position, and for that, I am very sorry.
Summer: Mom, just -- I love both of you so much. I just hate feeling like I have to choose sides.
Phyllis: I know, baby. I know you do. Come here. I know.
Jack: How long have you and Phyllis and Natalie here been working behind my back? And what makes you think this one isn't gonna double-cross you?
Natalie: Thanks.
Jack: Oh, sorry. As I remember it, you had a deal in place with Kevin fisher, then Kevin was out and Victor was in. You took his money and you never came up with a working product. Now you're at Jabot -- apparently -- and the product works. Gee, forgive me if I am questioning your ethics.
Natalie: What I do is art. Victor didn't understand that. He beat his chest and bellowed about what would happen if I didn't bow down and do as ordered. But I don't work that way.
Billy: And we all know what Victor's capable of.
Jack: You don't need to remind me of that. You seem to be asking for more of it.
Billy: Come on, Jack. I'm trying to right a wrong.
Jack: No, what you're doing here is preparing a declaration for war. Jabot is still on its knees. You've just put us in the line of fire right now.
Billy: Or I just made us a hell of a lot of money.
Luca: Lucky for us, Victor will be in prison soon. He'll be in no position to fight this. Which means we're free to launch pass key and corner the market.
Jack: "We"? Who is "we"?
Victoria: Billy wouldn't go behind my back.
Victor: That's exactly what he would do.
Victoria: He nearly died, dad. He knows what's important. He wouldn't do something like this.
Victor: Give me a break, will you? I warned you that he would hurt you again, that you should protect yourself and your children. Maybe you should listen to summer.
Victoria: [Scoffs] She's so desperate to be a good, little Newman, she's gonna tell you whatever you want to hear! I used to be like that, but trust me, I've learned my lesson.
Victor: I take no pleasure from this.
Victoria: Oh, please, dad. You are so happy right now, but don't get too excited, all right? Because we don't know what the truth is yet.
Victor: We don't know what the truth is yet? Are you still questioning Billy boy's culpability?
Victoria: Billy pulling something like this fits perfectly into your narrative, doesn't it? That every horrible thing that you've done to Billy is to protect me. I refuse to believe that it's as simple as summer said.
Victor: That's exactly the problem! You refuse to believe it after all the havoc he and Phyllis unleashed on our company with that paragon virus! Now they're plotting and scheming --
Victoria: Oh, just stop!
Victor: You don't like to hear it, do you?! Because I'm telling the truth! You know how he's gonna play it! He's gonna say, "oh, I'm just helping out poor Phyllis to make sure she gets justice."
Victoria: Oh, you know what? This conversation is over, dad.
Victor: How can you not see what this man is all about?! He's a drunk and he's a gambler! He betrays you, divorces you, remarries you, puts a ring on your finger, and you still fall for that crap! Again and again! How can you?
Victoria: I'm sure that's a question mom asks herself every night.
Victor: What?!
[Door slams]
Victor: [Sighs]
Billy: Luca's proven to be a hell of an asset.
Jack: Why? Because he's given you information that will get Victor arrested?
Billy: Need I say more?
Jack: I know what kind of business the Santori family is involved in. If Victor wants to partner up with them, he can knock himself out. I want no part of it.
Luca: I'm no longer tied to my family or Victor. I'm a free agent, and I'm completely committed to this project.
Jack: So you betrayed the man you work for and broken with your family, and you want me to trust you?
Luca: I understand I'll have to prove myself. But in my favor, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I can be a friend to you.
Jack: You know what? Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy. I'd like a moment with my brother, please.
Luca: Of course. I'll make sure our investment gets home safely.
Natalie: And where would that be, exactly? Summer gave me the boot, except all my stuff's still there.
Luca: I'll take care of it. We'll talk soon.
Jack: So it's not enough you stole that project from Victor. Now you're gonna invite a bottom feeder like Santori into our company? Why would you do that?
Billy: To get you justice.
Neil: Well, hi. Uh, this is perfect timing. I just left a note in your -- what was your office.
Ashley: Oh, Devon told you?
Neil: Yeah, that you let Hilary take over.
Ashley: That's right.
Neil: Okay, um, maybe this is my lucky day.
Ashley: Why do you say that?
Neil: Well, Jack and I are starting a foundation. Uh, it's to help recovering addicts get back up on their feet. They're sober, but their lives are just beginning, so we're gonna help them rebuild their lives and create a new future.
Ashley: That sounds incredible.
Neil: I'm glad you think so, because we need someone like you with passion and talent. And I'm gonna ask you right now -- are you interested?
Ashley: Oh, it sounds really exciting, but I think there's been a misunderstanding, because I-I still have a job here.
Dr. Neville: Yes, she's simply working in a different capacity.
Neil: Yeah, one beneath her abilities. Instead of taking orders from Hilary, you can be your own boss. You can help us guide this foundation in the direction of success. What do you say? Why don't you help us out?
Hilary: That sounds like a wonderful opportunity.
Stitch: You and the baby are doing great. You heard the doctor. Everything's fine. You just let yourself get dehydrated.
Abby: That's good. That's good. Um, I thought it might have been, uh...
Stitch: What? [Sighs] Was Max giving you a hard time? Hey, we're in this together, right? If Max did something to upset you, I need to know.
Abby: He wanted to be anywhere but with me. I tried to talk to him, explain to him that we wanted to be a family, how much I love him.
Stitch: What happened?
Abby: He said that I was trying to get rid of him so I could have you all to myself. [Sighs]
Stitch: I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry, abs. He -- he was just acting out. He didn't mean it.
Abby: He took off. And that's when I went after him. Ben, I was so worried. I thought that [Sniffles] There was something wrong with our baby. And I needed help. I-I-I asked him to call 911. Ben, Max just stood there and stared at me.
Stitch: What are you saying?
Abby: I was afraid he wasn't gonna help me.
Hilary: The foundation sounds amazing. And as much as I would hate to lose you, Ashley, I would totally understand if you wanted to join Neil and Jack. I'm sure your brother would be thrilled to have you. Family working together for a good cause and a common goal. Nothing better.
Dr. Neville: Yeah, but she's got a good cause and common goal right here -- two of the best -- saving lives. As Devon so astutely noted yesterday, this project wouldn't exist if it weren't for miss Abbott.
Hilary: And Devon's money. If anyone would care to remember, I'm the one who convinced him to invest in this project.
Dr. Neville: And your contribution is duly noted and appreciated, but not to put too fine a point on it. Ashley Abbott is the heart and soul of this venture. She quite possibly offers hope to millions. I'm afraid she's not going anywhere.
Hilary: Yes, and we are just happy to have her.
Neil: Okay. You want to let me down gently?
Ashley: [Laughs] I guess so. The project does sound extraordinary, Neil, but as Neville said, my heart is very much here.
Neil: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Ashley: Absolutely. What's going on?
Neil: Hey, listen, I know how much this company means to you. There is absolutely no way that you would step down, and there's no way that you would hand over this company to Hilary. I need to know what is going on.
Ashley: It's my choice. It's what I want. I promise you.
Neil: Okay. I'll see you later. Take care.
Ashley: Okay.
Hilary: Simon, can I speak with you in my office?
Dr. Neville: I'm wearing the tie.
Hilary: Now would be good.
Dr. Neville: Call the police.
Devon: Ash.
Ashley: Yeah?
Devon: There's something I don't understand.
Ashley: What's that?
Devon: Why you haven't fought harder.
Stitch: You really think Max would have refused to help you?
Abby: No. Of course not. Um... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have even thought it.
Stitch: I think we're all just stressed over everything that's happened the last few days. I'm sure it was just your imagination.
Abby: Yeah. You're right.
Stitch: Come here.
Abby: [Sighs] I was just so worried and scared about our baby.
Stitch: Hey.
Max: I was scared, too, Abby. But now I'm glad that you and the baby are okay.
Phyllis: Well, there are a lot of terrific things about being an Abbott. And a Newman. But this is not one of them -- being caught in the middle. But we discussed this. You are an adult, and it was your choice to work with Victor.
Summer: I'm caught in the middle because you and Billy tried to steal the project from grandpa.
Phyllis: I put you there, and I am very sorry for that. But I want you to understand something. As long as you continue to work for Victor, you are going to have to make a choice to not blindly side with him. Originally this was Billy's project.
Summer: I thought a lot about it before I told him.
Phyllis: I know you did, sweetie. You're a smart girl. And you are kind-hearted. But I don't want Victor taking advantage of you. You know what he's capable of. Look at what he did to Jack. Look at what he did to me.
Summer: I know, and it wrecks me every time I think about it. It's just... the secrets and the lies, keeping quiet made me a part of that, and I just -- I couldn't do it anymore.
Phyllis: I know. And sometimes a choice has to be made, and your choice is going to affect a lot of lives. And not in a good way. And this is gonna give Victor an excuse to lash out again and hurt people.
Summer: Billy and Victoria?
Phyllis: Yes. And I am afraid that Billy is at the top of that list. You may have helped your grandfather, but I don't know if Victoria and Billy's relationship is gonna survive this.
Summer: Mom, where are you going?
Phyllis: I am going to get ready for what happens next.
[Door opens]
Jack: Don't you dare say this is about me or about Phyllis. This is about you. As soon as you saw this project, you jumped at it. You saw an opportunity to be a hero, to bring Jabot back to its former glory after your last attack on Victor nearly sucked the lifeblood out of the company!
Billy: Well, I told you I was gonna get it right.
Jack: You partnered up behind Victor's back, and you thought you were so smart because he was financing the r&d so she could work the kinks out of her program for you! Now you're announcing a big internet program that's exactly like Victor's, and you think he isn't gonna notice that? You think he's gonna be all right with that?
Billy: Jack, Jack, Jack, it sounds like you're siding with Victor here. You refused to take on the idea with me, right? Why is that, Jack? You think I'm too dumb to save our father's legacy? Is that it?
Jack: Our father's legacy had nothing to do with cheating.
Billy: You talk to me like I'm an idiot. I made this happen.
Jack: There is a right way to do things!
Billy: No, no, no, Jack. There is your way to do it, and if we did it your way, Newman would still own this project, not us. I out-Victored Victor. Get over it.
Jack: Oh, who are you kidding? You stole it!
Billy: So what? It's the least he deserves for what he did to Phyllis instead of you sitting around acting pretty unless getting that son of a bitch what he deserves --
Jack: I don't need you to defend my wife.
Billy: Well, somebody has to. [Sighs]
Devon: Ashley, you're not the type to make this kind of commitment and put your heart and soul into something and then just hand it over to someone else, so help me out here.
Ashley: Okay, well, you're right about the level of my commitment to this project. I promise you that hasn't changed at all.
Devon: Okay, so why are you really letting Hilary take over?
Ashley: I told you my answer. And it's the only one I've got. Excuse me.
Hilary: I am worried about your progress. Or should I say lack of it.
Dr. Neville: Well, you'll have to forgive me. You can't exactly put a stopwatch on this kind of research.
Hilary: Make any excuse you want, but I've seen your fondness for Ashley, and I think it's a distraction.
Dr. Neville: Well, if by fondness you mean my commitment to keeping her alive, I'm guilty as charged.
Hilary: Ashley is your lab rat, just as I was. Risks are taken. Outcomes aren't guaranteed. Maybe there will be a happy ending. Maybe there won't. Either way, you can't let emotions impact your research.
Dr. Neville: Mrs. Hamilton, as I said outside, I'm well aware of and greatly respect all that you represent. I am thrilled that you are so committed to my research. In that respect, by all means, you should make sure that I'm allowed to continue with it. In the meantime, if you're so determined to have the corner office, power lunches, people at your beck and call, [Scoffs] Even if you want to dress me like some kind of organ grinder's monkey, by all means, have at it. But make no mistake, we both know that when it comes down to running this company, to making all of this real, it's going to take a great deal more than that.
Hilary: Maintain your objectivity, Dr. Neville. You're useless to me unless you produce results.
Don't be useless to me.
Stitch: Is there something you want to say to Abby?
Max: I'm sorry about the stuff I said. I hope it didn't make your stomach hurt.
Stitch: This isn't your fault, Max. Abby just got dehydrated. It happens. It's nothing serious. The good news is, she's fine. She got help because you called 911, and I'm proud of you, boy. Come here.
Summer: What are you doing here? I kicked you out.
Natalie: I just came to get my stuff.
Summer: You know, this is all your fault. When you gave Billy those files on my grandfather --
Luca: It was the truth.
Summer: It destroyed my family. I had to bust my mom to my grandfather, and now he knows that she's working with Billy.
Luca: You want to blame someone? Blame Victor.
Victoria: You've been lying to me.
Jack: So now summer's in the middle of this?
Phyllis: It's the last thing I wanted.
Jack: Your choices are what put summer where she is. Now she's part of the damage that just keeps coming. Did you and Billy learn nothing from paragon about how to go up against Victor?
Neil: Hey, there you are. Jack, listen, I wanted to let you know -- hi -- that I asked Ashley to come on board the foundation. She turned me down.
Jack: She's pretty consumed by her work right now.
Neil: Well, she stepped down and named Hilary in her place.
Jack: What? Why would Ashley do that?
Neil: My guess is she got freight-trained by my ex-wife's ambition, man. I don't like that one bit, let me tell you.
Victor: You plotted to come after me once in the past. Now you're doing the same thing again?
Jack: Okay, back the hell off.
Victor: You're a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them.
Jack: I said back off.
Victor: You're plotting to steal my deal right out from under me with his useless brother Billy boy Abbott! And now you're playing the victim?
Phyllis: No, I am the victim!
Neil: Everyone just calm down.
Jack: Don't engage him, okay? Don't engage him.
Victor: I should have crushed you last time that you were on the ground. Do you understand? And left you with nothing.
Jack: You tried to crush me, didn't you? And you failed. You lost. Get used to the feeling. This is your new life.
Neil: Guys.
Victor: I got news for you. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth! When I lose, I come back stronger than ever! And next time, I will grind you into the dust!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: What are you saying?
Sage: That I think you're looking for ways to sabotage this adoption.
Jack: You need to lock Victor up again. He is out of control.
Billy: I had nothing to do with that.
Victoria: After all these years, you think you'd be a better liar.
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