Y&R Transcript Monday 3/7/16
Episode # 10874 ~ Victor makes a risky deal; Max causes problems for Stitch & Abby; Sage's relationship with Shawn troubles Nick.
Provided By Suzanne
Victoria: With dad in jail, it's been so chaotic here. The media won't let up. The business pages are nailing Newman. And the department heads are bombarding me with questions. I'm sorry, but I don't have the answers.
Nikki: Listen to me. I know you can handle this, okay? You just stay strong, keep your focus, let the world know that even though Victor has fallen, the company will not.
Victoria: Yeah, well, we both know it won't be that easy. And I keep expecting Adam to show up and stake his claim.
Victor: Getting ahead of yourself?
Nikki: Victor.
Victoria: You made bail.
Victor: You probably wish I hadn't. Steal this company right out from under me, right? Get out of the chair. I have work to do.
Phyllis: I want you to convince Victor to trust you and then brilliantly, masterfully blow the case. I want you to use every legal skill you got to make sure Victor Newman never sees another blue sky again the rest of his loathsome life.
Michael: You know what you're asking me to do, right? Basically give up my career. You're asking me to betray everything I believe in.
Phyllis: Just settle down. You have been his lawyer before. I am asking you to do that again, but this time, he gets what he deserves.
Jack: That is not the way to handle the situation with Victor.
Phyllis: On the contrary, Jack. It's the only way.
Sarah: So, Dr. Whistler needs to examine you. It won't take long. You're safe, Max. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Max: Okay.
Sarah: Okay.
Dylan: Uh, excuse me, ma'am. Detective McAvoy, GCPD. I got the call about Max Rayburn.
Sarah: Sarah fox, child protective services.
Dylan: Nice to meet you. So, what's, uh -- what's the situation?
Sarah: Well, Max told his homeroom teacher his dad's been mistreating him. That triggered the call to my office.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Sarah: The doctor will examine the boy for any signs of physical abuse or injury, and based on what he finds, we'll determine our next steps.
Dylan: Okay. Um, I understand that this is proper procedure. But I know max's father, Dr. Ben Rayburn. I mean, we're friends. We go way back. And I know -- I know that he would never hurt his son. So this whole thing has to be a big misunderstanding.
Sarah: I hope you're right, detective. But you can never really know what's going on inside another person's home.
Abby: Maybe max's teacher misunderstood whatever it was he said.
Stitch: It doesn't matter. Her takeaway was that I'm a danger to my kid. And so she's obligated to report it. So, now the social workers have him, and I don't know when or if I'm gonna get him back.
Nick: Sage, come on.
Sage: Nick, answer me. Do you want this baby? I mean, you keep telling me that we shouldn't get our hopes up and that this adoption process could fall through at the last moment. Is that because that's what you hope will happen?
Nick: Of course not.
Sage: Then why did you want her to look at the ultrasound? And why did you ask her if she was sure she didn't want it when she gave you this photo?
Nick: Sage, giving up her baby has to be the hardest thing she's ever had to do in her life. I mean, she's giving us this amazing gift. And I want her to know that we -- we appreciate it and that we're sensitive to what she's going through.
Sage: Okay, but being sensitive to that is different than encouraging her to connect with the child. If you keep doing that, if she keeps looking at this baby, then she might become attached to it and she might want it. And...I want this baby.
[Voice breaking] I want it. I want it, too.
Healthy choice believes
Nick: I did not mean to upset you. I know how much you want this baby. I want it, too.
Sage: You sure?
Nick: Yes. We're in this together, 100%.
Sage: I'm sorry that I doubted you.
Nick: I guess I accept your apology.
Sage: [Laughs] Now, you know, I told you I'd be strong enough to handle this process, and I am. Okay? I really am. It's just -- [Sighs] It was an emotional day, you know?
Nick: Yeah.
Sage: I mean, we saw this little one.
Nick: He's pretty cute.
Sage: [Chuckles] And we heard his heart beating. We're just so close to having our little boy again.
Nick: Let's go home.
[Door opens] Oh. Hey, Shawn. What are you still doing here?
Shawn: I forgot my purse. I -- there it is.
Nick: Oh. Here we go.
Shawn: Thanks.
Nick: Sure.
Shawn: So, why are you still here? Everything okay?
Sage: Oh, yeah, yeah. We were just talking. You know, we're just really excited about the baby, and we're so appreciative of what you're doing for us. Hey. Can we show you? You want to have a bite with us?
Shawn: You might be shocked by this, but I am a little hungry.
Sage: [Chuckles]
Nick: Uh, let's -- let's go.
Sage: After you.
Abby: Okay, babe. Don't panic. You did nothing wrong. We will get this all straightened out soon enough. Just stay calm. Can you do that for me?
[Cell phone rings]
Stitch: Mac, thank God. W-what's going with Max?
Dylan: Hey, I'm at memorial right now. The social worker assigned to his case brought him by here to get him checked out.
Stitch: Okay. Any idea who?
Dylan: From what I heard, a Dr. Whistler. Does that sound right?
Stitch: Pediatrics. He's good. That's something, at least.
Dylan: Okay, well, I-I'm sticking close. I'm doing everything I can to help, buddy.
Stitch: But this may be out of your hands, out of my hands, too.
Dylan: Well, you know how the system works. Once a kid's in, they have to act as if the claim is true until proven otherwise. It's just to protect the kid.
Stitch: Right, right. I understand, but it doesn't make this any less of nightmare.
Dylan: I get it. Did you hire the attorney yet?
Stitch: No, I-I barely had time to tell Abby.
Dylan: Okay, stitch, I'm telling you right now, you need to hire an attorney.
Phyllis: Michael is the only one we can trust. He's the only person who's gonna make sure Victor pays for what he's done.
Jack: Red, Christine --
Phyllis: I know what you're gonna say. That we need to trust Christine. We need to put our faith in her. And you know what? I have about zero confidence in her ability to make these charges stick. She plays everything by the book, and that ain't gonna work this time. We have to have somebody who's as down and dirty as Victor is.
Michael: Oh. Oh, and naturally, I'm the first person to come to mind because I have no problem acting in bad faith, you know, oh, possibly causing a mistrial, jeopardizing my legal license, and all the while leaving myself open to a massive lawsuit. No, it's just another day at the mines for good old Michael.
Jack: Listen to your friend.
Phyllis: Victor, if we do not stand up to him, will use his money and power and connections to get this case against him dropped. Even if Christine were competent enough, she would never stand a chance.
[Cell phone vibrates]
Jack: Victor made bail. A million bucks.
Phyllis: What am -- what am I saying here? I-I mean, it's already happening, Michael. Get in there. Stop him.
Michael: No, no, no. Not doing it.
Victoria: Well, someone needed to be in charge while you were in jail -- dealing with the press and the day-to-day operations.
Victor: This is the closest you will ever get to running this company. I'm not in the habit of rewarding traitors.
Nikki: Victor, this is your fault, not Victoria's, so don't go turning it around on her.
Victor: She fed me to the wolves.
Nikki: When Paul showed up, what was she supposed to do?
Victor: What do you think she was supposed to have done? Been loyal to her father.
Victoria: Oh, sure. Yeah. I was just supposed to ignore your immoral behavior. I was just supposed to bury evidence and become a part of your conspiracy. Perfect idea, dad. I love you, but I hate what you've done. And I don't want to cover for your lies anymore. You hurt people -- Jack, Phyllis, Ben.
Victor: Will you stop it! I hurt Jack and Phyllis?! Those two obnoxious people? Are you serious?! You knifed me in the back. That's what you did. You're every bit as traitorous and deceitful as your brother Adam, God help you.
Nikki: How dare you compare our daughter to him?
Victor: There's the door. Get out. I got work to do.
Nikki: Not for long.
Victor: What are you talking about? You don't even know what you're talking about.
Victoria: Actually, she does know what she's talking about.
Victor: What?
Victoria: I'm gathering the board of directors. We're gonna hold a vote to have you thrown out of Newman.
Sage: I'm surprised you wanted to come here instead of the athletic club.
Shawn: I've never been there. I like this place.
Nick: Oh, yeah. Best hot chocolate in town.
Sage: [Laughs] Well, next time, we'll go there, and you'll like it. It's got this great restaurant and spa and all these fun children activities like swimming and peewee basketball and arts and crafts.
Shawn: I bet the baby will really enjoy that when he's old enough.
Sage: Yeah. Definitely. But the favorite place will definitely be the ranch.
Shawn: Ranch?
Sage: Mm-hmm. Oh, um, Nick's family lives on a ranch, and they have, um, horses and ducks and ponds and trees and...
Shawn: Man, that sounds fantastic. Nothing like where I grew up.
Nick: Uh, you know what? Why don't we order?
Sage: Yeah.
Shawn: I need to make a pit stop first. Excuse me.
Sage: Hey, why didn't you chime in, talk up the ranch a little bit?
Nick: I just feel like we should ease off a little. I mean, we don't need to give her the hard sell. Shawn already picked us.
Sage: Oh, hard sell? Really? I'm just giving her the highlights of the things we can give this child that she can't, you know, so if she ever changes her mind, she'll remember this conversation and realize what a mistake it would be to walk away.
Victor: After we almost collapse, I restructure the company, I put more family members on the board of directors, and this is the thanks I get?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Victor: You two are turning my own flesh and blood against me?
Victoria: I'm doing what's best for Newman enterprises. I'm looking out for the interests of this company. If there's a unanimous vote --
Victor: I will not and cannot be removed as the head of this company! You got it?!
Nikki: Victor, listen to me. The company is already suffering because of your arrest.
Victor: You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Get out!
Nikki: You have to accept what everybody else knows. You're not in any condition to be running this company now or the future because you will be in prison.
Victor: You are traitors. That's all you are!
Phyllis: I thought you were my friend. I thought I could count on you.
Michael: Not like this.
Phyllis: So, you're okay with Victor being acquitted?
Jack: Michael did not say that, and you know that.
Michael: I am thoroughly disgusted with Victor. I believe he should be punished as severely as the judicial system and current social mores will allow.
Phyllis: Oh, really? Then what's the hang-up? Because this is about justice. Isn't that what you were sworn to do?
Jack: There are limits.
Michael: I have to operate within the statutes, you know.
Phyllis: Victor won't. He will use the law however he wants unless we stand up to him, unless we have somebody as smart and cagey as he is.
Jack: You are setting up Michael to be disbarred. You say he's your friend? How can you ask him to do something like this?
Phyllis: Victor used our lives as a plaything. He did not care about us. And I'm pretty sure he felt justified with what he did, and he's do it again in a heartbeat. If you don't believe me, ask him. Ask him if he even had a shred of remorse for what he put us through. Now, Michael, you are in a position to punish him for it. And you're talking about ethics?
Jack: There are a lot of people here, a lot of ears. Now, take a deep breath.
Phyllis: I am breathing.
Michael: Look. I love you, Phyllis. I support you and Jack. I wish I could help you, but you are asking too much of me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see what Dr. Rayburn and Abby want. Hey.
Abby: Hi. I hope you don't mind that we tracked you down, but we needed to see you right away.
Michael: I assume you need a lawyer.
Stitch: I-I'm scared, Michael. I could lose my son. Will you please help me?
Michael: Okay, okay. Let's -- let's grab a seat and start from the beginning.
Jack: I know you are desperate to see that Victor is punished. You got no business pressuring Michael to do that.
Phyllis: Well, he obviously is not gonna cooperate, so we need to think of plan "b," okay? Whatever works.
Jack: No. You need to stop thinking this way.
Phyllis: Don't tell me to back off. It makes me feel like you don't give a damn what happens to Victor.
Jack: I am insulted that you would even suggest that. Furthermore, I have had it with your reckless attitude.
Phyllis: Well, you're not the only one who's had it.
Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. We're not going anywhere until we talk this through.
Stitch: Hi, there. Hi. I'm -- I'm Ben Rayburn. This is my wife, Abby. I understand my son, Max, is here. I'd like to see him.
Sarah: I'm afraid that won't be possible.
Michael: Uh, Michael Baldwin, Dr. Rayburn's attorney.
Sarah: Sarah fox. I believe we've met, though it's been a while.
Michael: Parker vs. Parker.
Sarah: Good memory.
Michael: Mm-hmm.
[Both chuckle]
Stitch: Okay, look, I understand that I can't see Max at the moment, but I am greatly concerned about his welfare. Surely you can give me some information. His physical exam -- the results from it, assuming it's been completed.
Sarah: The exam is over.
Stitch: And whistler didn't find anything, did he? Because I've never, would never lay a hand on my son. You -- you -- you've got to believe me.
Sarah: You might want to explain to your client how this works.
Michael: Oh, I think Dr. Rayburn just wants you to hear his side of the story.
Dylan: Hey, Max. I'm not sure you remember me. I'm a friend of you dad's. My name is Dylan. I'm a detective, and I-I came to see how you're doing.
Max: I didn't know this was all gonna happen.
Dylan: Uh, I'm sure you didn't. I'm glad to hear your exam went okay. No bruises or anything too scary.
Max: When can I get out of here?
Dylan: Well, that I'm not really sure about because there's a lot of questions that still need to be answered.
Max: Am I in trouble?
Dylan: You're not. But your dad might be.
Max: Maybe he deserves it.
Dylan: [Sighs] I know that you've had a few, uh, rough months, right? With your mom passing, coming to a different country with your dad, his new wife, and now a baby's on the way. I mean, that's a lot of change in a short amount of time. And, yeah, your dad -- your dad -- he may not be perfect, but he's doing everything he can to make things work. And I know he's doing that because I know that he loves you. But there are some people who are questioning that. And they're wondering if you aren't safe with him.
Max: What are they gonna do?
Dylan: Well, if, uh -- if they think you can't go home with him, they're gonna have to find a new place for you to live. It's called foster care.
Max: You mean I'd have to go live with strangers.
Dylan: The social worker, uh, the people at your school, the doctors, the police -- we're all worried about you on account of what you told your teacher. I mean, this is a very serious situation. Is there something you want to tell me?
Phyllis: I don't want to hear anything you have to say.
Jack: Listen to me. I am trying to keep you out of trouble. Look at yourself. You are consumed with revenge. You are only gonna hurt yourself and all of the people you care about. I love you too much to let that happen.
Phyllis: If Victor weasels out of this, it'll kill me, Jack.
Jack: Our testimony and the mile-high stack of evidence is all the ammunition we need. Your story, my story, the story of everyone else that Victor's deceit affected -- he's not going to skate this time. This whole town is sick with what he's done. His own family's turned on him. If he's alone, he is not going to escape justice.
Phyllis: You make me want to believe that.
Jack: Do believe that. Things have changed for us. We're going to get justice. He can't control us anymore. And he certainly can't hurt us.
Phyllis: Okay. We'll try it your way.
Jack: Good.
Phyllis: Okay.
Victor: Thank you for coming by so promptly. Can I get you some coffee or something stronger, maybe?
Elise: What I'd like is for you to get to the point. You summoned me here. I think we both know why.
Victor: I was happy to hear that you were...assigned to be the judge in my case. I think we both understand what that means.
Elise: I think you're blackmailing me. Again.
Victor: Mm.
Elise: I think you're going to keep holding our indiscretion from many years ago over my head.
Victor: Now, don't you think it is best if indiscretions remain discreet?
Elise: And whenever your family needs to get out of some kind of trouble, you're just going to...threaten me with something that happened decades ago. And I just fall into line.
Victor: Now, you realize, of course, that your family has benefited from my silence. So, I think you understand what I'm expecting of you.
Elise: Yes, Victor. I know exactly what I have to do.
Victor: Good. All right. Thank you for coming by.
[Door opens]
Victoria: Even if we vote to oust him, it's only gonna be symbolic. Because you know he's just gonna defy us and keep running things anyway.
Nikki: Temporarily, perhaps. But he's going to stand trial, and even though he thinks he's gonna get off scot-free, I don't see that happening, not this time.
Victoria: Oh, really? Then what is Judge Moxley doing here? I bet he's meeting with her downstairs.
Nikki: [Sighs]
Victoria: He's working an angle, mom. I know it.
Nikki: Look, whether he's convicted or not, he is finally going to suffer the consequences of his actions, which means stepping down from C.E.O. And that also means you stick to your plan to step up and run things.
Victoria: [Sighs] I know that. I don't know how I'm gonna run the company while battling dad and possibly Adam, not to mention planning a wedding and getting married... not without some backup, anyway.
Nick: We're walking a fine line with Shawn. I think you should just chill out a little bit so you don't come across as manipulative.
Sage: Re--
[Cell phone rings]
Nick: Sorry. Look, this is Vick. I got to take this. Hey, what's going on?
Victoria: Hi. I'm with mom at the top of the tower. Can you join us?
Nick: Uh, now?
Victoria: Yes, now, Nick. Please. It's really important.
Nick: Uh...okay. Yeah. I'm on my way. Look, I am so sorry. Something's come up with mom and my sister, so I got to take off.
Sage: That's all right. Shawn and I will be just fine.
Nick: Good. I'll see you at home?
Sage: Yeah.
Nick: It was great to see you, Shawn.
Shawn: You, too, Nick.
Nikki: You see? You pick up the phone, call your brother, he drops whatever he's doing, and he's on his way to meet us.
Victoria: Yeah, well --
Nikki: Everything is going to be fine.
Victoria: Nick doesn't know what I'm about to ask him. Once he finds out, then we'll see how helpful he's gonna be.
Stitch: Max's mother kept us out of touch for a long time. We've only recently reconnected.
Sarah: I am aware of the family history.
Stitch: Then you're aware of how traumatic this has been for my son. Look, we've been doing everything we can to help Max adjust, but he's really been struggling, acting out.
Sarah: Trouble at school, poor grades, getting into fights -- all classic indications that there's trouble at home.
Michael: Well, what are the specific claims against my client?
Sarah: Max's teacher reported that he was extremely emotional, yelling, in tears, said his dad hates him, thinks he's, quote, "nothing but a problem," has a really bad temper that he's always taking out on Max.
Stitch: Max had gotten into another fight at the playground today, which led to an argument. I'd also just found out that my sister's death wasn't a suicide, that she had been killed, murdered. I was reeling from that, and I raised my voice, said some things I wish I hadn't trying to make him understand.
Abby: It's true. I was there. I saw the whole thing.
Michael: It doesn't appear the child was ever in any real danger.
Sarah: I'm afraid I'm gonna need more than that to close my investigation.
Dylan: Hey. Can you all come in here for a minute?
Sarah: Detective, this is not a good idea. Dr. Rayburn shouldn't --
Dylan: Max wants to clear everything up. Come on in.
Stitch: Max, buddy.
Dylan: Go ahead, Max.
Max: When I talked to my teacher, I exaggerated. I made things sound worse than they really were.
Sage: [Clears throat] I think I'm gonna have the Reuben with an extra pickle. What about you?
Shawn: I'm dying for another one of those doughnuts I got earlier.
Sage: [Laughs] Oh, I remember those cravings. When I was pregnant, I wanted jelly doughnuts all the time.
Shawn: Really? Same thing?
Sage: Yes! All the time.
Shawn: They're the best, right?
Sage: Yes. But, of course, you know, I realized I couldn't have them all the time. I mean, when you're pregnant, you have to make healthy choices because you're eating for two.
Shawn: I know it's important to eat right. I'm not living on doughnuts. I'm eating plenty of good things, and I'm exercising and taking my vitamins. So, you don't need to come down on me, 'cause I'm not gonna do anything to hurt the baby.
Nick: I'm okay. I'm assuming this has something to do with dad.
Nikki: Yeah, well, he made bail, went straight to his office, and proceeded to say some very obnoxious things to your sister before he kicked both of us out.
Nick: And is any of this supposed to surprise me?
Victoria: Nick, dad is living in some bizarre alternative reality. He thinks he's gonna be running Newman indefinitely, despite the fact that he's probably going to be going to prison, which means I have the battle on my hands of keeping the company afloat.
Nick: Okay. I think I know where this is going, and as much as I sympathize with what you're up against --
Victoria: Oh, my goodness. I can't believe you're turning me down.
Nick: Vick, I need to focus on my own family right now, okay? With everything that's been going on with dad and -- and Noah, I just haven't had time to tell either one of you this, but Sage and I are adopting a baby. In fact, we've already met the birth mother.
Nikki: What? I had no idea you were considering that.
Victoria: I didn't realize that, either.
Nick: Yeah, well, we've tried to keep it quiet. And in all honesty, I did not know it was gonna be moving this fast.
Nikki: Well, honey, I-I think it's wonderful that you want to adopt.
Nick: I think I hear a "but" coming.
Nikki: Do you think that Sage is ready?
Nick: Sage needs this. So do I.
Victoria: Okay. I understand that. But I need you, too.
Nick: Vick --
Victoria: Look, I know the timing is lousy, but Newman is in crisis. Please just consider coming back to help.
Victor: That board can vote all day long. They are not gonna remove me, all right? You better not walk into that meeting hoping to get rid of me. It's not gonna happen.
Phyllis: What's it feel like to lose control of everything you care about?
Victor: An arrest will not affect me a lot. It's not gonna bring me to my knees, as I'm sure you were hoping. If I were you, I'd worry about your husband. Wait until the details of his sordid actions come out.
Jack: Oh. That's right. That's why we're here -- to tell you the good news.
Victor: What are you talking about?
Jack: I went to Christine. I made a full confession -- told her all about Kelly, all about what happened on the boat. Amazing thing -- turns out not one member of that crew died. They all escaped. But then, you knew all that, because you paid them all to disappear -- your effort to keep me in line, your effort to make me think that all their blood was on my hands. Well, you know what? The truth is out now. There will be no charges against me.
Phyllis: Unlike yourself.
Jack: No, you will be rotting in a cell, paying for your sins for the next 30 or so years.
Victor: Don't count on it, Jack.
Max: When dad got mad, I was upset. So I said that stuff to my teacher because I was angry, not because it was true. Dad's never hurt me. I'm really sorry.
Stitch: Hey, I'm -- I'm sorry, too, son. I really wish I could start this whole day over again.
Michael: In light of everything we've heard, along with the total lack of physical evidence of abuse, I don't see why the child shouldn't be released to his father.
Sarah: You know I can't do that without a judge's approval. For now, Dr. Rayburn's son needs to remain with me. Let's go, Max.
Max: Dad --
Stitch: Everything's gonna be fine, buddy. Okay? Hey.
Sarah: Dr. Rayburn...
Stitch: Just give me a second, please? Hey. Hey, you, uh, need to go with Sarah here. And she's gonna ask you a couple more questions. That's it. And I'm gonna come and pick you up, all right? It's all gonna work out, all right, champ? If I thought something bad was gonna happen to you, there's no way I'd let you go with her. 'Cause I'm never gonna let anybody hurt you. I'm always gonna protect you. You know that, right? Come here.
Sarah: I can't allow that.
Stitch: Hey. I love you.
Max: I love you, too.
Stitch: [Crying]
Victoria: Look, if everyone is united against him, then he won't hold all of the power the way that he used to. I'm just trying to think ahead and get together a good team for when he goes to prison.
Nick: If he goes to prison.
Nikki: Look, one way or another, he needs to be forced to step down. He's -- he's lost all perspective. In his mind, preserving his legacy at Newman is -- is more important than paying for what he's done.
Victoria: Which is why he was trying to get rid of Jack by unleashing Marco on everyone.
Nick: You know, there's another solution. What if we all just step back and let the company consume dad?
Victoria: No, Nick.
Nick: Just hear me out. If you ask dad right now what the most important thing to him in the world is, of course he's gonna say his family. But if none of us are around and he's truly alone at the top, maybe he'll realize what he's thrown away, like an addict finally hitting rock bottom.
Victor: I don't intend to see the inside of a cell for very long.
Phyllis: I know that you're working very, very hard to get these charges dropped against you, and even if you succeed at that, you are still a loser. Because your entire family -- they are through with you...
Victor: Let me ask you something.
Phyllis: ...They know what you're capable of, and they want nothing to do with you, ever.
Victor: Who are you two to judge me? You have more skeletons in your closet than you can shake a fist at. I can hear them rattle.
Phyllis: Oh.
Victor: You have dirt on your hands. Yet you're free to roam around, as I will be.
Jack: You keep telling yourself that. We'll see you in court.
Victor: Good. Don't come back!
Victoria: That is an interesting theory, Nick.
Nick: So, you don't agree?
Nikki: Well, hello, Elise.
Elise: Nikki. I hope I'm not interrupting.
Nikki: Oh, not at all. We were just, um --
Elise: Discussing your family's legal problems. First Adam, then Noah, and now Victor.
Nikki: Well, it is a difficult time, but I have faith that everything will turn out the way it should.
Elise: Well, sometimes, at times like this, the best we can do is just have faith. Right now, I have tremendous faith that everything will turn out exactly the way it's supposed to. Excuse me.
Phyllis: Victor seems quite adamant that he's not gonna be doing any time.
Jack: That is the great man's ego talking. Let's focus on what we decided -- trusting the system to give us justice.
Phyllis: Was that Judge Moxley?
Jack: Yeah. Walking away from the Newman table.
Phyllis: What were you saying about faith in the judicial system?
Sage: You didn't have to order that salad for my benefit. It's okay to overindulge once in a while. I didn't mean to lecture you.
Shawn: You didn't say anything wrong. I guess I'm just kind of touchy.
Sage: You should be. I didn't mean to overstep. I just -- I just want what's best for you and the baby. 'Cause that little boy inside you right now -- he means so much to me. You have no idea.
Dylan: You'll have Max back in no time.
Stitch: [Sighs] Yeah, I know, but...
Dylan: But...what? What are you worried about?
Stitch: This is what I've wanted for a long time -- Max in my life. Now he's in my life, and it's -- it's a mess. It's a total mess.
Dylan: Yeah. It's gonna take some time.
Stitch: [Chuckles] It's not like it's gonna get any easier with a baby on the way. It's times like these I start thinking of my dad. I mean, I'm -- I'm sure he started out wanting to be a good father, too, but -- what? Did he just -- did he just get overwhelmed by it all?
Dylan: Just stop. Stop, okay? Don't ever compare yourself to your old man. You're a hundred times the father he ever was. I mean, look -- look how you handled the situation today. You didn't lose your temper. You let ms. Fox do her job. And Max knows that he's loved and he's protected. That's what being a dad is right there. Max made a mistake today, but he -- he knows he's lucky to have you.
Stitch: It's gonna take a lot of work to make things right with my kid.
Dylan: Yeah, it is. But you're gonna do it. And you're gonna succeed at it. Because that's who you are.
Michael: With any luck, Max will be home for dinner.
Abby: It won't really be over.
Michael: What do you mean?
Abby: Child protective services has a file on Ben now. Does that mean that we're gonna have a social worker coming after us every time Max doesn't get his way? Is this what our life looks like now? Michael, [Sighs] Ben and I are having a baby.
Michael: I know.
Abby: No. I don't think you do. I realize that Max is just a kid. But if he keeps up like this, I'm afraid he's gonna ruin things for our family.
Phyllis: No wonder Victor was so smug in his office. Judge Moxley probably left just before we got there, working on the details of the agreement to set him free.
Jack: Victor's obviously got something on Judge Moxley or her husband.
Phyllis: Still got that faith in the system?
[Cell phone chimes]
Nick: What is that?
Elise: Good afternoon. I'd like to thank you all for coming to this hastily arranged press conference. I'm going to make an announcement regarding the upcoming Victor Newman trial. Many years ago, I had a brief affair. And I regret my actions. And I deeply regret the pain that I've caused not only my husband but my children, having just broken the news to them a short while ago. And you may wonder why I'm coming forward after all this time. You see, I have an ethical obligation to do so because the man I was having an affair with is Victor Newman. Therefore, I must recuse myself from his case.
[Camera shutters clicking]
Victor: [Slams laptop]
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Neil: I am warning you, son. Sure seems like the old Hilary to me.
Jack: Apparently a lot has been going on behind my back.
Summer: Natalie was in touch with Billy behind our backs.
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