Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/3/16


Episode # 10872 ~ Ashley covers her tracks; Kevin stands up to Luca; Billy's in hot water with Victoria.

Provided By Suzanne

Abby: How could we not know? How could we all be fooled into thinking that Marco was uncle Jack?

Victoria: What about Kelly? How is Ben handling that part?

Abby: He doesn't know yet. Or at least he hasn't heard from me. He's been at the hospital all night, and Kelly's role in this hasn't hit the news yet.

Victoria: It's gonna kill him.

Abby: Or it'll make him kill someone else. Um... hey, I have to go. Ben's here.

Victoria: Tell him, uh... I don't know. Tell him we're all so sorry.

Abby: Thank you. Hey.

Stitch: Hi, baby. How you doing?

Abby: Hi.

Stitch: [Sighs] Made it home in time to take max to school. Now I'm all yours. How you holding up with all the press?

Abby: Uh, I'm not worried about them at the moment.

Phyllis: Okay, leave me alone. I do not have a comment.

Mrs. Abbott, care to explain how you could not know the man in your bed wasn't your husband?

Jack: Kelly had told me that Phyllis was dead. I knew it was a lie. I don't know how I knew, but I knew, and I had to get back. Listen, the -- the ship, the explosion, that was self-defense. Kelly -- [Sighs] It's hazy. I told you. I was heavily drugged and starving. When I say I don't remember, I don't. I swear.

Christine: Okay.

Michael: "Okay"? That's it?

Christine: There are a lot of moving parts. I just -- I need a second to try and --

Jack: I'm not sure I have a second. I -- I need to know now, Christine. Am I going to prison for this?

Hilary: Oh, good. You're here.

Dr. Neville: It's my lab. I'm always here. It's kind of a thing.

Hilary: Okay, well, take a break. Um, I have a few looks I want you to try out.

Dr. Neville: I'm kind of stuck with this one. I mean, my eyebrows grow this way. If your objective is variety, I'm gonna have to cook up some more gin.

Hilary: Uh, I meant these looks. Uh, they're for the photo shoot. I just -- I felt like your wardrobe needed a little punch.

Dr. Neville: Ah, yes, I see. Exactly what all patients look for in their specialist -- punch. Uh, d-don't take this the wrong way, Mrs. Hamilton. I'm sure I appreciate your suggestions, but I'd rather just, uh, continue with my work.

Hilary: Well, this is part of your job, too. So come on. Just, you know, try them on. We'll do a little fashion show, and then I'll make my selections. Quick.

Dr. Neville: A little fashion show?

Ashley: I spoke to our vendors.

Dr. Neville: It's a laboratory.

Ashley: I think I finally got it straight.

Devon: Fantastic.

Ashley: Yeah. Hi.

Devon: Hey, guys.

Ashley: Hello.

Devon: What's happening?

Dr. Neville: Well, apparently, my aspect requires punch or something.

Hilary: I just wanted Simon to look as distinguished and professional as possible for the photo shoot.

Ashley: Please. Dr. Neville's a scientist. He's not a show pony. We have a lot of work to do. Uh, maybe you should... maybe you should go.

Mariah: So, you're fired.

Natalie: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: That's awesome?

Natalie: It's the best thing that's happened to me lately, and to you.

Kevin: So it's true -- you have a new, legit partner, someone with serious cash flow who's gonna let Mariah and me back into the inner circle?

Mariah: Oh, is that what's happening? I can't keep track. I have whiplash. We're in. We're out. We're in.

Kevin: Okay. Is it really happening? Are we officially in?

Natalie: I told you we're in this together. I mean what I say.

Mariah: No. Technically, you don't, ever. You lie all the time.

Natalie: I haven't been lying to you. It's just been a fluid situation. But I told you, you believed in me first. You're in, you and miss happy pants.

Kevin: Cool. Let's hope your new mystery partner doesn't have a problem with that.

Mariah: And since we're being all open and honest... who is it, already? Who's the new partner?

Luca: There's our genius.

Natalie: [Sighs]

Kevin: Oh, hell no.

Billy: Newman security deserves hazard pay for dealing with those reporters down there.

Victoria: Please tell me you didn't say anything to any of them, Billy.

Billy: You mean stand on the stairs and gloat that Victor is in prison? No, didn't even think about it, barely.

Victoria: Swear to me that you didn't.

Billy: I won't. I don't think I will, anyway.

Victoria: [Sighs] I did this. I did this to my father, and I did this to the company.

Billy: Hey. Victor did this, to my brother, to his wife. There's only one person responsible for this, Victoria, and that is one Victor Newman.

Victoria: I gave the police evidence to have him arrested.

Billy: Morally, ethically, legally, the right thing to do.

Victoria: Yeah. But what if he beats the charges, and he makes his way back here? There's gonna be hell to pay.

Hilary: Well, this will just take a few minutes, and it's for the good of the company.

Ashley: Well, as the head of the company, I'd like to make that decision, actually. And we have to get back to work, without any distractions, so...

Hilary: This isn't a distraction. This is part of our mission -- to make sure the medical community is as invested in Neville as we are.

Ashley: Maybe you could figure out a way to do that without slowing down our research. How about that? Why don't you go and come back to me when you've actually got a plan?

Devon: All right. Maybe this isn't the time to do this.

Hilary: Then when is a good time?

Dr. Neville: If it comes down to my sense of fashion, "never" works for me.

Hilary: Is that because you're that busy, or you just -- you don't like dressing up?

Dr. Neville: I -- [Sighs] I clean up as nicely as the next person. I just -- for now, I'm sorry. I truly am that busy.

Hilary: So, all you do is research, 24/7. No eating, sleeping, living? I mean, God -- I hope she lets you take a bathroom break.

Ashley: What is this photo shoot for, anyway? Who authorized it?

Hilary: I'm in charge of P.R., Thank you.

Devon: Maybe we should discuss what you have planned.

Hilary: Why do I have to bother you with all these small details? You have more important things to handle.

Ashley: And so do we.

Hilary: Why is this suddenly an issue? This is still a business, right? We have to look after research and development and possible marketing.

Ashley: Yes, eventually, but not now.

Hilary: Why not now? You know, Ashley, I understand if you're a little preoccupied with your ex-husband and that whole situation --

Ashley: My personal life has nothing to do with your overstepping.

Dr. Neville: If you'll excuse me, I-I would like to -- [Chuckles] I think I should discuss this with my colleague, uh, in private.

Devon: Sure.

Dr. Neville: Please?

Hilary: [Sighs] That woman is impossible.

Ashley: That woman is impossible.

Dr. Neville: Listen to me. Mrs. Hamilton is not our problem at the moment.

Ashley: This is so depressing. When did I come to this? A man is more interested in taking my pulse than holding my hand.

Dr. Neville: Your heart rate's elevated. If you can't calm down, you'll pass out. We can't afford that. If Mrs. Hamilton is so determined to turn me into the world's first centerfold for the journal of medicine and machismo, I'll gladly take one for the team.

Ashley: You're so ridiculous. You do know that, don't you?

Dr. Neville: Yeah, I know. I got the memo. But you are smiling. And that's something.

Phyllis: You want a sound bite? How about go to hell?

Stitch: Okay, beat it, all of you, all right? This is a private club. You're not welcome. Come on. Get out of here. Beat it. Scram.

Abby: Come on. Sit down. Forget about them. Forget about everyone.

Stitch: Hey. Hey. You need some water?

Phyllis: How about some meds? That'd be real good right about now. Thank you for dealing with them.

Stitch: They are predators, okay? They have no right going after you and Jack like that. I mean, you two are the innocent parties in all this.

Phyllis: Thank you. I didn't know what to expect from you, considering --

Abby: Oh, Phyllis, um, you know what? There's a security guard right over there. You might want to tell him what just happened. They can take care of the reporters.

Phyllis: Okay. Yes. I will do that.

Abby: [Sighs] This is horrible. I feel for Phyllis and everyone who suffered through this horrible nightmare.

Stitch: Then why'd you send her off? What was Phyllis about to say that you don't want me to know?

Christine: Jack, I can't make you any promises. I'm waiting to hear if there are any charges in place in those locations, but the reality is, you could be facing extradition.

Michael: We're aware of that.

Jack: But it's a waiting game. Look, I-I'd like to spend some time with my wife. Clearly, we have to savor the time we have.

Christine: Yeah, of course.

Jack: Thank you for agreeing to meet me here and not at the station. This media frenzy's kind of overwhelming.

Michael: I appreciate it, too, Christine. Clearly, my client is emotionally drained from his ordeal.

Jack: But the truth is, talking about it is... Chris, I never meant to hurt anyone, much less kill anyone. You have to believe me. I swear. It's been eating me up. And -- [Sighs] Maybe now I can find some way to make amends.

Michael: Obviously, his remorse is substantial. It is something to consider when communicating with foreign authorities.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Christine: Hold on. It's about the boat explosion. Hello?

Michael: No more statements, okay? You leave the talking to me.

Jack: I cannot leave my wife again. She will not go through this alone.

Michael: Then keep quiet.

Christine: Okay. Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much. You are not gonna believe this.

Luca: So, you heard the good news about me and Natalie teaming up.

Kevin: Somehow, your name didn't come up, at all.

Natalie: I was getting there.

Mariah: Building to the big finish. Very nice.

Kevin: This is some move, bringing on the guy that Victor didn't want at Newman.

Mariah: I mean, that's one way to stick it to Victor.

Natalie: It was Billy's idea. He brought Luca into the loop.

Luca: He's a clever businessman, very shrewd, with a lot of passion. I can relate.

Kevin: Okay. There it is. Makes sense. You're a walking "screw you" to Victor. [Inhales deeply] All right. We don't have a problem with that.

Luca: Wait. You have an agreement with Natalie, as well?

Kevin: Yes, a long-standing, pre-existing agreement.

Mariah: It's ironclad, written in blood, so don't even think of trying to get out of it.

Kevin: You don't have a problem with that, do you, partner?

Natalie: Ah, well, talking's great and all, but I got somewhere to be.

Mariah: That girl -- mad people skills.

Luca: What's it gonna take to buy you two out?

Kevin: [Laughs]

Billy: Victor may think he's a God, but right this second, he's just a guy in a cell. He's not gonna be able to bribe or blackmail his way out of this. You're safe.

Victoria: This is not what safety feels like.

Billy: Come on. Honey, he's not gonna come back here and tear you apart.

Victoria: I'm really not worried about him tearing me apart, because I'm tearing myself apart. I know what I did. I gave Paul that evidence.

Billy: Right. You gave evidence of a serious crime to the head cop in charge. You did the right thing.

Victoria: It was a betrayal.

Billy: Come on. Don't do that. That's just Victor crawling into your head.

Victoria: I hurt him. I hurt my father.

Billy: Well, he can take it.

Victoria: Can he really?

Billy: You go from being scared that daddy's mad to wanting to protect him. Don't forget that he did this. He put you and everybody in your family into this position, all right? There is one positive that's gonna come out of this, though.

Victoria: What?

Billy: [Sighs] Newman enterprises is all yours. It's your time to shine. You can take Newman to a fierce, profitable, decent company. Yours for the taking, kid.

Christine: The ship you blew up?

Jack: Did they tell you how many casualties there were?

Christine: As a matter of fact, they did. Zero.

Jack: Zero? H-how is that possible? There were a lot of people on that ship.

Michael: Paul himself was told the captain was dead.

Christine: I understand that, but the most recent death count is zero.

Michael: How is that possible?

Jack: W-wait. Somebody may have swum to safety. I read the reports myself, though.

Michael: How can they all suddenly be alive and accounted for?

Christine: Listen, a crewman came forward, and he said that a rich American paid everyone to stay in hiding. So, Jack, whatever you read, whatever the authorities believed, it was all a lie. The deaths never happened.

Jack: That son of a -- Victor arranged all of this to keep me quiet. He held these deaths over my head to keep me quiet.

Michael: Jack, Jack, the crew is alive. There were no deaths. I assume there are no extradition orders regarding the explosion.

Christine: No, the boat was filled with drugs. They're not gonna come after Jack for blowing it up.

Jack: And what about Kelly? She's still a victim, my victim.

Christine: So, are you suddenly remembering her death?

Jack: No.

Christine: But you say that she held you captive.

Jack: Yes, absolutely.

Christine: Well, then it sounds like you're the victim. Uh, Jack, I need to go over this some more, but at this point, I would say self-defense.

Michael: Absolutely.

Jack: So no charges on the explosion, and no charges regarding Kelly.

Michael: Looks like you remain free and clear, Jack.

Abby: The things that you've heard about my family, about my dad and about uncle Jack... there's more, and it's gonna be hard for you to hear.

Stitch: I'm sure, and I'm so sorry. I -- listen. I hate that your family is so torn.

Abby: No, it's -- it's about your family, too.

Stitch: My family?

Abby: Kelly.

Stitch: My sister? What about her?

Abby: Ben, um... Kelly kidnapped Jack while he was on his honeymoon with Phyllis. She was still in love with him. She wanted them to be together. She kidnapped Jack so -- so Marco could come here and take his place.

Stitch: Okay, no, no, no, no. That -- that makes no sense.

Abby: I know it's awful, but it happened, and...I'm sorry.

Stitch: She died. You know that. We -- we went to get her ashes.

Abby: I know. That's what she wanted you to think. But she was alive. She was waiting to be with Jack. She thought that they could be together.

Stitch: So she's alive. Okay. So then we -- we -- we -- we -- we get her some help. She needs help, okay? We'll get her some counseling, you know, some support.

Abby: No, she held Jack captive for weeks. He tried to escape, but the local police, they wouldn't listen to him.

Stitch: A lawyer. She needs a lawyer. We'll get her a lawyer.

Abby: Kelly drugged Jack. He just wanted to get home. He wanted to get home to Phyllis. He did things that he -- he never wanted to do.

Stitch: What are you saying?

Abby: Ben, Kelly, um... she doesn't need a-a counselor or a lawyer. Not anymore.

Stitch: Jack killed my sister?

Victoria: Well, it's true. Newman will be in free fall. And this scandal coming so soon after paragon -- someone will have to take the reins.

Billy: And that someone is you. There's nobody else to do the job.

Victoria: Adam could do it. I know he walked away from the company. He walked away from everything. But once he hears that dad's in trouble, he'll swoop back in.

Billy: You can take Adam with one hand tied behind your back.

Victoria: [Chuckles] I think you're a little biased, but I do appreciate you being in my corner.

Billy: This is not being biased. I know what you're capable of. Newman enterprises deserves you. And think about it this way. With you heading Newman, there'll be no more battle with Jabot. We can work together to create a peaceful Genoa City.

Victoria: Since when did you become so optimistic?

Billy: When I woke up in that hospital bed after my nap. When you said that I could come home to you and the kids. Since then, it's been sunshine and puppy dogs.

Natalie: So, are we working, or what? What's our next move?

Victoria: Natalie. We can discuss this in the office. Now is not a good time.

Natalie: What? Oh. You thought I meant you. I was talking to my new boss, him.

Hilary: We need to be strategic, Devon. This is about keeping momentum.

Devon: [Sighs]

Dr. Neville: Oh, I, um -- I'm going to step out to grab a little food. You know, if you have something that would camouflage mustard, I think I -- just forego the hot dog.

Hilary: Wonderful. Now I'm the company joke. Ha, ha, ha.

Devon: You know that's not true, babe. But you can't just expect Ashley to start taking orders from you.

Hilary: Well, maybe not, but she would take them from you if you backed me up every once in a while.

Devon: Honey... come on. We're -- we're all on the same team here. We really are. You just -- you have to figure out a way to finesse things.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Devon: Meet Ashley halfway and just smooth this all out. That's all you got to do.

Hilary: You're right. Yeah. Plus, finesse -- that's my thing.

[Both chuckle]

Hilary: Thank you. Catch you later, okay?

Devon: Of course, honey. See you soon.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Ashley: You don't have the right to be making these kind of decisions. Do you understand that? And, Devon, you should've called me, and then we could've talked about this instead of just handing my job over to her. I --

Devon: Nobody's handing your job over to anyone, Ashley. In fact, I thought that you would appreciate having the extra help.

Ashley: [Scoffs] Doesn't feel like help. It feels like an ambush.

Hilary: Seriously? [Chuckles]

Phyllis: This is unbelievable. He did it. He even found a way to make it even worse, to let you think that those men died. Did Jack tell you that he wanted to come forward for months? But he stayed silent because of me. It is now time to make Victor pay. We add this to the list of charges. Now, are we talking fraud? Are we talking witness tampering?

Christine: We will charge Victor with whatever we can, but it is Victor. He's covered his tracks. He's made contingency plans.

Phyllis: Oh, for the love of God, do your job, Christine, and nail Victor to the wall.

Michael: Phyllis, the ship's crew is not under the DA's jurisdiction. Local charges are -- what Victor did to you, what Victor did to Jack.

Phyllis: Okay, I hope that my part in this is not a priority to you in any way.

Christine: Justice is my priority, and I already said it. I will get Victor to answer to his crime.

Phyllis: Is this not where the state comes in and brings in special prosecution? We do need that.

Jack: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Christine is up to the job. She will not let Victor go free. It isn't gonna happen overnight, though.

Michael: Jack's right. It's a complicated case. It's gonna take time.

Phyllis: Well, I hope it doesn't take too long.

Jack: Did you have to run the gauntlet downstairs just to get up here?

Phyllis: Look, it's not just the reporters. Stitch is down there. And by the way Abby is acting, I'm not so sure what he knows.

Michael: No, no. As your attorney, I beg of you. You do not talk to Dr. Rayburn.

Jack: Stitch deserves to hear what happened to his sister. He needs to hear it from me and say what he wants to my face. I owe Kelly that much.

Stitch: My sister was murdered. So, those -- those ashes, those pictures from the morgue, she faked all that?

Abby: Apparently. Ben, I am so sorry that you went through that, and that you're going through this.

Stitch: Where's she even buried? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Because that's -- that's what Kelly needed. She needed care, help, and attention, not a death sentence.

Abby: It's not what anyone wanted. Jack would never --

Stitch: Okay, but he did. He killed her. He broke her heart, broke her spirit, and then he killed her. This is all on Jack, from start to finish. He pushed her over the edge, and then he punished her.

Kevin: Maybe you don't know the history behind this internet security project. And I hate to brag, but I'm the one who discovered Natalie. I'm the reason she's in Genoa City.

Mariah: That's a terrible brag, by the way.

Kevin: My point is, we're not gonna take a buyout on a deal that I helped create.

Mariah: We aren't?

Kevin: Of course not.

Mariah: But -- exactly how much money are we talking about here? Because at this point, hand to God, real money sounds a lot better than pretend money that we keep not getting.

Luca: Yeah, you should listen to Mariah. She's a smart woman. Let's talk numbers.

Kevin: No. Don't.

Mariah: Why? What can it hurt?

Kevin: Better to not know, because regardless, our answer is a firm no, thanks.

Mariah: Kevin --

Kevin: No, thanks.

Luca: Sure about that? Does Billy even know about you two being in on this? Because as Mariah noted, Natalie's not so great at communicating.

Kevin: I'm the one who tried to bring Billy in in the first place.

Luca: And then you went to Victor and handed him the deal.

Kevin: Okay, yeah. That happened. But why exactly did Billy go to you? I don't know what you bring to the table, other than a flip-off to Victor -- which is fun and all, but I don't see how it helps the bottom line.

Luca: Billy brought me in because we understand each other. He appreciates my... contributions.

Kevin: [Scoffs] What is that -- code for blackmail?

Luca: Not at all. Billy and I are just two colleagues who work well together, all above-board and on the record, whereas you two -- you have some sort of secret, back-room deal in the shadows. Maybe you like it that way, but if you want to talk numbers and a buy-out --

Kevin: No. No numbers.

Luca: Then I'll have to find another way to, uh, limit those on the inner circle.

Kevin: Oh, you gonna try and push us out?

Mariah: Please don't say "bring it."

Kevin: I'm not gonna say that, but if you want a fight, you've got one. Do your worst.

Michael: The press is going berserk over this case. They're gonna be in Jack's face, in Phyllis', and in yours.

Christine: Okay, yeah. The scrutiny will be intense. But I have gone up against Victor before.

Michael: No. No. You have never been involved in anything as sordid or salacious as this case is gonna be. And you know Victor's tricks, the outsiders he's going to try to involve -- judges, politicians.

Christine: I won't let him. I will take him down.

Michael: You weren't that straight with Phyllis.

Christine: [Sighs] I don't have to defend myself to her.

Michael: No. No, you don't. But Phyllis is important to me. And think about it. Think about what she went through. Victor has to pay for this.

Christine: Are you doubting me?

Michael: No. You're a fighter. And you're gonna need to fight. This crime changed lives. This case will change others. Just... be prepared for anything.

Stitch: Wasn't it enough that you broke my sister's heart? You killed her.

Jack: An apology will not bring your sister back, but I am very sorry. I never meant to hurt Kelly. The world had already hurt her too much.

Stitch: Yeah, that's right. She lost her son, and then she met you. And you -- you made her think that life would get better. But instead, she's dead because of you. So, how did it happen? What'd you do to her, Jack?

Jack: I can't tell you that.

Stitch: You damn well better.

Phyllis: You stop it right now.

Stitch: [Breathing heavily]

Phyllis: Listen to me. He doesn't know. Kelly had him tied up and drugged most of the time. She withheld water from him. And she told him that I was dead. He did not know what was real and what wasn't.

Stitch: My sister was real. She was real until you killed her.

Abby: Ben, come on. This isn't helping anyone.

Phyllis: Did Abby tell you how Kelly managed all of this? Or did she conveniently leave that part out? Did you think about who put this all into motion? Victor handed Jack to Kelly and put Marco in his place. Your father-in-law gave Kelly the man of her dreams and a cabin to torture him in. Abby, did you leave that part out?

Jack: Leave Abby out of this. This is not Abby's fault.

Phyllis: He doesn't remember how Kelly died because she drugged him, even though she knew how hard it was for him to get clean. He woke up and found Kelly dead. I mean, for all we know, Victor killed her...

Jack: Whoa, wait.

Phyllis: ...Just to set him up. You don't know that.

Jack: It doesn't make sense. Look. I escaped because Kelly couldn't stop me. Victor wouldn't have wanted that. His plan was that I never come back to this town, that Marco stay in my place as long as he wanted. The important thing right now is that I tell you how sorry I am. Your sister deserved love. She deserved understanding. She deserved a lot more than she got. I am terribly sorry.

Abby: Ben, come on. Come on. Let me drive you home.

Stitch: I'm due back at the hospital, okay?

Abby: Call in. Let someone cover for you.

Stitch: I have a damn job, and I'm gonna go do it.

Abby: Ben. Ben! [Sighs]

Hilary: Hey.

Ashley: [Gasps]

Hilary: Hey!

Ashley: [Sighs] What -- what?

Hilary: What is wrong with you? Why are you sleeping?

Ashley: [Sighs] I had a late night. I got to get to the lab.

Hilary: You're in the lab. Dr. Neville just went to get some food.

Ashley: I meant that I have to get to work. Could you please leave my office?

Hilary: Why? You afraid I'll find these?

Ashley: Why would I be afraid of you finding those? I've been...having some headaches. I'm just taking some medication.

Hilary: Oh. Headaches. [Chuckles] Please. You're not just the boss here, are you? You're a patient.

Ashley: Look, Hilary. Um... I really don't want my family to know what's going on with me, so it would be lovely if we could keep this just between us, please?

Hilary: Yeah, of course. This -- it's your personal business. I won't tell a soul.

Ashley: Thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you.

Hilary: Yes. You do. That's why you'll agree to step down and let me take over the company.

Hilary: How sick are you? Sick enough that you're too scared to tell anyone. You're taking experimental drugs that the FDA hasn't even approved. How much longer before someone else find you passed out at your desk? Truth is, you should've stepped down a long time ago. Your ego clouded your judgment.

Ashley: Oh, my ego? What about your ego, Hilary? You were my brother's assistant a year ago. You really think that you've got what it takes to run a multimillion-dollar startup? You don't.

Hilary: I am just trying to help you and this company through a difficult time.

Ashley: You're trying to blackmail me into stepping down, and you know it. And you're disgusting. Dr. Neville saved your life, Hilary.

Hilary: Yes, he did. And after being helpless for months, I'm not gonna waste another minute. I am smart, I am strong, and I am healthy. And I am ready and capable of doing the job that you can't. Accept it.

Ashley: Oh, the hell I will.

Hilary: Well, then, I guess your privacy doesn't mean as much to you as your pride.

Dr. Neville: Okay, so, chocolate and nuts, otherwise known as brain...food.

Devon: [Sighs]

Dr. Neville: Yes, u-um... I-I suppose you should excuse us so we can get back to work.

Devon: Yeah. Is everything okay? Did you guys get a chance to cool off?

Hilary: Yeah, everything's great. Me and Ashley, we came to a new understanding.

Victoria: Billy is your boss. Exactly how do you figure that?

Natalie: Victor fired me. Jabot hired me. Luca made it sound like it was public knowledge.

Victoria: Luca?

Billy: This is a conversation that I was planning to have with you at home.

Victoria: How did this happen, Billy?

Natalie: Billy was supposed to be the original investor, right? Now he's back in the game.

Billy: You know what?

Victoria: Yeah, sure. That's Billy -- always back in the game.

Billy: [Clears throat] Natalie, this isn't Jabot, so why don't you run along, and I'll get in contact with you later?

Natalie: Why? You're here. I'm here. Got my gear.

Billy: This isn't a good time.

Natalie: Oh. This is an awkward situation, isn't it?

Billy: It could be.

Natalie: It's hard to tell. It doesn't feel any more or less awkward than 85% to 90% of my daily interactions, but --

Billy: It's not getting any less awkward the more you talk about it.

Natalie: Maybe I should go.

Billy: That's what I'm saying. I'll talk to you later. Thank you for everything. [Chuckles] I mean, lucky she's a computer whiz, because she'd be hopeless if not.

Victoria: You stole a Newman project.

Billy: No.

Victoria: She's working for you.

Billy: It's not a Newman project. Victor fired her.

Victoria: So you just swooped in, and you brought it to Jabot.

Billy: If I saw Victor throw a billion dollars in a trash can, I'm not gonna just walk away.

Victoria: Something's wrong with this. Why would my father throw away a billion dollars?

Billy: Well, maybe he's distracted because he's gonna spend the next 10 years in prison. [Sighs] Look, am I supposed to be more sympathetic to his plight? Yeah, maybe. But he snaked this deal while I wasn't exactly in fighting shape. So to use a phrase that he likes to throw around, it's just business.

Stitch: The vitals on this chart haven't been updated. Is anyone doing their job today? Take care of this.

Abby: Hey.

Stitch: Abby. Max, what are you -- what are you doing here?

Abby: We got a call to pick up max from school. Um, there was another fight.

Stitch: Another fight? Oh, come on. What is wrong with you?

Jack: Hey, I'm sorry. I should've been with you when you talked to the police, when you told them everything.

Phyllis: Billy was with me. I-I got through it.

Jack: You should not have had to go through what you went through. Nobody should. Just gives me one more reason to loathe Victor.

Phyllis: This is only gonna get worse, Jack. I mean, the press isn't gonna stop. The strangers on the street --

Jack: I'll be with you the whole way. Now that I'm not facing charges, I'll be with you every second.

How can you get a conviction against Victor Newman when you couldn't get time for his son?

Christine: I have no comment on the case at this time. Thank you.

Phyllis: Come on, Christine. You can do better than that. Why don't you tell them how you're gonna bring Victor down?

Luca: I don't want a fight. There's no need for that. We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

Mariah: He means us. He means we could get hurt. I hate that guy and his hair.

Michael: What guy? What hair? Oh. Luca.

Kevin: Hey, so, about Victor. Is he doing time -- like, actual, real time for once?

Mariah: Or is he gonna bribe his way out, come back breathing fire, and destroy anyone and everyone who's ever thought about betraying him?

Michael: Huh. Okay. If you have done anything to Victor and are worried that it and him will come back to bite you in the butt, I cannot soothe your fears.

Kevin: That's great. Thanks. Just what we wanted to hear.

Michael: He's Victor. It appears he's lost the people he can usually count on. He's alone, feeling misunderstood -- Victor against the world. That could break him, or... it could rouse him to whole new levels of megalomania.

Billy: Hey, you know that I've wanted this internet security project from the beginning.

Victoria: You said you got over it.

Billy: Well, then it went back on the market. Jabot needs a product that can generate substantial return, especially after just handing Newman $500 million.

Victoria: I'm not engaged to Jabot. I'm engaged to you, and you didn't mention a word of this to me.

Billy: [Sighs] Victor fired Natalie, okay? The opportunity was there, so we took it. Did it come at an interesting time or a crazy time with your dad being arrested? Yes, but this is not an act of vengeance.

Victoria: No, you're right. It's a very smart business move. It's rational, and it's productive.

Billy: And I'm the epitome of rational.

Victoria: [Sighs]

Billy: Everybody says so.

Victoria: No. Besides, I don't think I could've lured Natalie back. I haven't exactly been easy on her.

Billy: Look, Jabot has no plans to exploit Newman, all right? I mean it. I want our companies to be okay. I want us to be okay.

Victoria: Okay. Maybe with your strength and with our connections, we can finally bring the Newmans and the Abbotts together.

Christine: Actually, I do have a comment. Victor Newman stands accused of heinous crimes. He has corrupted personal and business relationships in the most despicable way possible, and the state will not back down. No amount of money or pull will save Victor from his conviction, and I will get justice for all his victims, including ms. Abbott. Satisfied?

Phyllis: All right, take it outside. I'm not gonna add one more word to that. Go.

Jack: You heard her. Let's go. Go. Is that what you wanted -- to take on the D.A. In front of the press?

Phyllis: Well, they went after her for good reason. When was the last time Christine did her job properly? She says that she wants justice, but she is gonna sigh and whine and flounce, and Victor is gonna get off.

Jack: That is not going to happen.

Phyllis: I just -- I need to think of a way to make sure he does not walk. I want him to suffer.

Jack: And how do you gauge that -- his suffering, I mean? When is it enough?

Phyllis: I will know it when I feel it.

Jack: You got to stop this, honey. It's gonna take you under.

Phyllis: I have been under before. I am the woman who had sex with a man who was not her husband. I know that. You know that. Everybody knows that. And if you don't think Victor should suffer for that, then once again, I don't know you at all.

Stitch: Is this who you are, the kid who gets sent home for fighting?

Max: But, dad --

Stitch: "But, dad" nothing. Do you know how much I have on my plate right now? Do you think I have any time to deal with this?

Abby: Ben, the other kid was just as much to blame --

Stitch: The other kid isn't my son. You are. You're a part of this family, so get it together. Stop making my life harder than it already is! [Sighs] Max.

Devon: Would you care to explain to me this new understanding?

Hilary: Well, yeah. It's -- it's really good. Ashley, would you like to do the honors?

Ashley: Of course. I'm stepping down. And I would like Hilary to take over for me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Stitch: Why are the cops involved?

Dylan: The teacher is obligated to report it if she suspects a child is being mistreated at home.

Nick: It's okay if you want to look.

Marisa: How can you keep me out of jail?

Noah: We'll just have to get married.

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