Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/2/16
Episode # 10871 ~ Victor stands on his own.
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: You're just another traitor! All of you are traitors! You think your lives will be better without me?! Think again! You'll be nothing without me! Nothing!
Nick: Well, I guess that's that.
Victor: Get out! You stand here, you condemn me?! You should spend that time thinking about life without me! Get out! You are traitors, all of you! I said get out! I mean you! You turned against me! Go ahead, Paul. Arrest me. See what their lives will be without me. They'll find out.
Victor: Sweetheart. I thought for a minute it was my attorney. But I'm glad it's you.
Summer: How are you, grandpa?
Victor: Well... I've been better.
Summer: Mom told me what you did. I don't believe it. I mean, it can't be possible, right? You're the one that we look up to. You're my hero. Just tell me it's not true. Tell me that you didn't do it. Grandpa.
Victor: Hmm? It's a long story, sweetheart. When I was your age, I was rather successful already, and I could have lived a life, you know. Not a friend, no responsibility. But then I met your grandmother, met Nikki, and fell in love with her. And we had children, and we had lots of times where things were difficult. I could have walked away.
Summer: Are you saying you wish you had?
Victor: [Sighs]
Victor: Have you ever read that wonderful poem by Robert frost, "the road not taken"?
Summer: Yeah, um, in school, I guess. It's the one about the guy in the woods and the two roads, right?
Victor: "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. And I took the one less traveled by." I don't think it's about the man being brave, who took the road less traveled by. I think it's about a man looking back in his life and trying to justify his choices, trying to not blame himself for the mistakes he made by convincing himself he took the road less traveled by.
Summer: Does that mean that you blame yourself for what's happened?
Victor: When I married your grandmother and raised a family, I was determined to do everything to protect them. Maybe I should have taken the other road, walked away from your grandmother, walked away from my family. Do you think all of you would have been better off without me?
Nikki: Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry. Do you mind? Can I have a little -- little spare change, something to warm up, you know? It -- it doesn't have to be a lot. Just -- just -- just what you have.
Dylan: Mom.
Nikki: What?
Dylan: You -- you can't do this.
Nikki: What? I'm not bothering anybody.
Dylan: Well, go "not bother anyone" somewhere else, someplace that I'm not.
Nikki: I like it here.
Sharon: Will this make you go away?
Nikki: I don't want your money.
Sharon: Yes, you do. And if you just take it and leave, then the rest of us can enjoy our coffee. It's win/win.
Nikki: Look, if you don't like it, you can just go home to your big house and your rich husband and have your coffee there.
Sharon: Begging is not a good look on you. Maybe you should get a job. Maybe you could get your old job back. Although I think people might pay you to keep your clothes on now.
Nikki: You are such a little gold digger!
Dylan: Mom, mom, stop, stop. I'm sorry. I'll take -- I'll take -- I'll take care of this.
Sharon: I will have Jack make an extra donation to the first responders fund. It's a shame you never got over Victor leaving you. A bath would help.
Nikki: She is such a bitch. What -- what do you mean, you'll take care of this, like I'm a problem?
Dylan: Mom. You need to go.
Nikki: It would be nice if my boy in uniform could lend me a few dollars.
Dylan: What? So you can spend it on booze? No. I told you. No cash, not until you pull yourself together.
Nikki: You're my son. Honey, we're -- we're family. Please.
Dylan: Mom, please. You got to get sober and clean yourself up. I'm sorry. No -- no cash.
Nikki: Thanks. Thanks for nothing, son.
Nick: You got two choices, pal. You can either accept my offer or you can continue to be stupid. And if that's the case, I'm gonna enjoy every second as I tear your company apart.
Lily: Oh, good, you're free. I need you.
Nick: Shouldn't you be getting a massage or shopping or something?
Lily: I am chairing the family food bank fund, and I need you to donate.
Nick: Of course. Every time I turn around, there's another loser with his hand out.
Lily: You know, it wouldn't kill you to show a little generosity.
Nick: I got three ex-wives on the payroll paying alimony. I think I'm good.
Lily: Really? You call that charity?
Nick: Just saying. I don't want there to be a fourth.
Lily: Well, the Abbotts pledged $1 million.
Nick: You think you can walk in here, wave your hand, throw the Abbotts in my face, and I'll cut you a check?
Lily: Absolutely. Can I put you down for two?
Nick: I tell you what. I'll give you five if you make it worth my while right now. [Sighs] What? How did you get past my secretary?
Nikki: She wasn't at her desk.
Nick: Yeah, she's fired, and you're gone.
Nikki: Nicholas, I-I'm so sorry to bother you, but -- but you could help me out just a little bit, till I get on my feet?
Nick: You haven't been on your feet in 20 years. Now get out before I call security.
Lily: Nick, she's your mother.
Nick: She also drank every bottle in sight and slept with every man in town.
Nikki: You know how sorry I am for that.
Nick: Were you sorry to Victoria? 'Cause every loser that you brought home after you passed out tried to take a turn with my sister, and I had to stop them. I was a kid, and so was Victoria.
Nikki: You know I never meant for that to happen.
Nick: You know what? Actually... I should be thanking you. You know why? Because without you, I wouldn't have all this. Every time I looked at you, you were everything I didn't want to be. You were a drunk, embarrassing, a loser...
Lily: Nick, please.
Nick: ...Laughed at.
Nikki: It's okay. I-I know my son is not gonna forgive me.
Lily: It wouldn't hurt you to help her out.
Nick: This woman is gonna get exactly what she gave her children. And that's nothing. Nothing. And if you give her one cent, you can forget about that donation to your little charity. Now get the hell out.
[Indistinct conversations]
Billy: Think you could pace yourself this evening?
Victoria: Probably not.
Billy: Please, Victoria.
Esther: Hello, William. It's so good to see you. And Victoria.
Billy: Good evening, Esther. Have you heard from my mother lately?
Esther: No. Isn't that wonderful? [Chuckles]
Paul: May I say congratulations to the new president and C.E.O. Of Jabot?
Billy: Thank you very much for that. I'm not gonna lie to you. I deserve it.
Victoria: Excuse me, gentlemen. I think I need to find a more interesting conversation.
Billy: How are you?
Paul: Fine.
Billy: That's good.
Paul: So, everything well?
Billy: Yeah, everything is good. I'm not gonna lie.
Nikki: Oh, Victoria.
Victoria: Mom. You must have heard it was open bar.
Nikki: I'm so glad you're here. Oh, you look so pretty. Listen, can -- can you help me out for just -- just a couple of bucks?
Victoria: I can't give you any cash, mom. I'm sorry. But what I can give you is a two-minute head start before I call security and have you thrown out on your butt.
Nikki: Oh!
Victoria: You're welcome, mom.
Nikki: Honey, I --
Paul: You shouldn't be here.
Nikki: Oh, Paul. You know, I just saw Dylan, and he wouldn't give me enough money for a cup of coffee.
Paul: That's because he knows you're not gonna spend it on coffee.
Nikki: I can't live like this anymore. I need help, Paul. I need you to help me, please. Please help me find Victor. Just bring him to me.
Paul: Victor's long gone, and he doesn't want to be found. You need to go.
Nikki: I should have realized what I had. I should have loved him better. I-I should have been more the woman that he wanted. I just want to talk to him.
Paul: Hmm.
Nikki: [Voice breaking] I-I just want to tell him that I'm sorry and that I love him.
Paul: Well, you should realize it's over and Victor is not coming back. And he's not gonna save you.
Nikki: No. [Sobs]
Summer: Grandma has struggled with her drinking, but she is a strong woman. I don't know. I never thought about what her life would be like without you.
Victor: But, sweetheart, the point is I kept her safe. I kept my family safe. I'd do anything to protect them. It's what I promised myself. And I have.
Summer: Like what you did to my mom? She wasn't a threat to you, grandpa. She was violated and humiliated. You did that for your family? Grandpa, I am your family. And what you did to my mom, you did to me. How is it that the grandpa that's always only shown me love could do something like that to my mother?
Victor: You know, when Jack was on that island, I was hoping your mother realized that she was with an impostor, but she didn't. And everything just sort of started unraveling.
Summer: Are you saying that what happened to my mom was her fault?
Summer: You cannot sit here and tell me that my mom is responsible for what happened with Marco.
Victor: Sweetheart. I'm not trying to do that, okay? I'm just trying to tell you that unforeseen events sometimes have problematic consequences.
Summer: But you're not sorry, are you? You're not gonna say it, at least. I mean, what if Jack had done this to you? Replaced you with some psychopath, sleeping in grandma's bed? How would you feel? You know, maybe we would have been better off without you.
Stitch: [Sighs deeply] Hey, man.
Abby: Rough night?
Stitch: Well, not anymore. You know, I know this is for a great cause, but shaking hands with rich men with fat wallets and unhappy trophy wives isn't my idea of fun.
Abby: [Chuckles] Well, those poor, underserviced ladies are probably very jealous.
Stitch: Of me?
Abby: Yeah. That you're pressing the flesh with their husbands.
Stitch: Is that seat taken?
Abby: It's all yours. If you want it.
Stitch: [Clears throat] Ben Rayburn. I'm a doctor at memorial.
Abby: Abby. Just Abby.
Stitch: [Chuckles] Well, "just Abby," you're one beautiful woman.
Abby: And worth every penny.
Stitch: Oh, wait, you're A...
Abby: We all can't be doctors.
Stitch: May I ask...
Abby: Why?
Stitch: Yeah.
Abby: Let's just say that I like a certain lifestyle and I missed out on the whole rich-daddy part. Actually, the whole package.
Stitch: No family, huh?
Abby: Not that it's any of your business, but no. My father, may he rest in hell... thank you. ...Um, he walked out on me and my mom a long time ago. And then she decided that every time she looked at me, it reminded her of the guy who trashed her life. So she bailed to L.A. No forwarding address, no phone number. Poof. Just like that... I was an orphan.
Stitch: Wow. I'm sorry to hear that.
Abby: I'm not. It's better that way. Mm. So, um, Dr. Doctor... you can either buy me another glass of champagne or we could go upstairs and... press some flesh.
Summer: I know you're gonna get better. I can feel it. I don't care what the doctors say. I don't care what dad says. Miracles can happen. You know, I've been reading a lot about this experimental protocol, and it could totally work. All we have to do is contact the doctors and convince dad. There's a lot of red tape, and it's really expensive, but... I'm gonna get the money somehow. I promise I'm gonna make it happen. I promise. I love you, mom. I love you so much. And I know that you can hear me. I know you want to wake up and come back to me.
[Flat line]
Summer: Mom? Mom? Mom? No, no, no. No, mom. Mom? No, no, no. [Voice breaking] Mom, can you hear me? Mom, can you -- can you hear me? Mom, you cannot -- you can't leave me. Do you hear me? You cannot leave me! Please, mom! No, I need you! Please!
Victor: Where would she be without me?
Summer: [Voice breaking] It's true. You never gave up on my mom.
Victor: That's right.
Summer: You're the reason why she's here.
Victor: I'm glad you realize that, okay? Your mother wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be able to condemn me as she is now if it hadn't been for the risks I took to save her life.
Summer: Yes, you saved my mom. But then you had no problem putting her life at risk. She could have died. Marco could have killed her. And people did die. My husband died. Noah's fiancée. What about what you did to Jack? I mean, do you feel any remorse at all, grandpa?
Victor: Do you know how many people in the world want to see me and my company destroyed and my family hurt? You know that I get threats all the time? I deal with quietly. I don't tell any of you. I handle it.
Summer: Okay, so you're saying that everything you do is to protect your family.
Victor: Yes.
Summer: But yet you have hurt so many people.
Victor: [Sighs]
Summer: Including your own kids. But if you weren't here, do you really think that their lives would be better or do you think they'd be worse?
Victor: [Chuckles]
Victoria: [Laughs] Oh, my gosh. That's funny.
Stitch: Yeah, well, it's a long story. I don't want to bore you with the details.
Victoria: It's not boring.
Billy: I apologize. Please excuse my wife.
Victoria: God. Please, I was just trying to have a little fun, okay?
Billy: You are out of control. I have tried to understand. I have listened to you. I have been patient with you.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. You're a saint. You're a real missionary, aren't you?
Billy: Would you stop? You are practically making out with the doctor right in front of everybody.
Victoria: Oh, I think he liked it, actually.
Billy: Grow up. Your daddy abandoned you. Deal with it.
Victoria: I wasn't good enough for my father. I'm not good enough for you. Is that what it is?
Billy: Oh, my God. Please. Find more hobby than drinking and feeling bad for yourself. Get some help, Victoria.
Victoria: Maybe I should find a man that's hotter for me than his portfolio. That's what I should find.
Billy: Where are you going?
Victoria: I'm -- let me go, Billy. Why don't you just go back to your party, huh? Go have fun. I'm going somewhere where I won't embarrass you.
Billy: Victoria.
Victoria: Mnh!
Billy: Victoria, listen.
[Piano playing]
Victoria: It's beautiful.
Luca: You're beautiful.
Victoria: You have nice hands. You know, they say you can tell a lot about a man by his hands.
[Music stops]
Luca: I didn't catch your name.
Victoria: No names. I think it's much more interesting, don't you?
Billy: Hey! Get away from my wife.
Victoria: Go away, Billy. Unless you want to watch.
Luca: Hey, hey, man. I didn't know you were married. I was just minding my own business.
Billy: Yeah, and that's all I'm doing. Just minding my business.
Summer: You had it in for Billy since the day that you met.
Victor: Yeah.
Summer: You've done everything you can to get in between him and aunt Victoria all because you are so convinced that he is not good enough for her.
Victor: He is not, sweetheart. He is not.
Summer: But you say that him and Victoria would blow up, that they would be miserable without you, without your meddling. So, yeah, I guess technically you really are what's holding them together.
Victor: [Laughs]
Summer: [Chuckles]
Victor: That's -- that's a funny way to put it. I don't have it in for Billy boy Abbott. I can't stand the guy. He's no good. He's a gambler. He's an alcoholic. Victoria deserves better.
Summer: I know, but is it really your call, grandpa? It's aunt Vicki's life.
Victor: Sweetheart, I don't want her to be hurt by Billy boy Abbott anymore.
Victor: I protect my family. Do you understand that? No one does that to my family.
Summer: You hurt Noah.
Victor: And you know something? [Sighs] I feel terrible about that. I really do. But hopefully one day he will understand what my intention was. I did not want him to be with this Marisa girl.
Summer: Right now I think the only thing he understands is that he wants nothing to do with you or with being a Newman.
Victor: What does being a Newman mean to you?
Summer: [Sighs] Um... I think it means that we're -- we're strong. We're loyal. We've been given a lot, so we give back.
Victor: That's right.
Summer: And we may not always get along, but if someone attacks us, we always stick together.
Victor: That's right! That's right, baby. That's it. Don't you understand? I come from nothing. I grew up alone. Family means everything to me. That has been the guiding principle of my life from the moment I married your grandmother, from the moment I held my first baby in my arms. I'm gonna protect my family. I'd do everything to protect my family! Do you understand where that comes from? It comes from a deep hurt from within me. [Sighs] I grew up without a family. I had no family. Do you understand now?
Adam: [Whistles]
Nick: Hey!
Adam: Hey.
Nick: Look at this! Meeting my brother Adam for the first time after all these years. How are you?
Adam: I'm good. How are you?
Nick: Good.
Adam: All right.
Nick: This must be your lovely wife, Chelsea. You... are stunning.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Nick: Please, sit down. Man, if dad could see us now. Although didn't really give a damn about anybody but himself.
Adam: Oh, is that true? Yeah, you -- you know, you see him a lot or...
Nick: [Laughs] No.
Adam: No?
Nick: No, no. He's been out of my life for a long time, just the way I want it. You?
Adam: No, uh, you know, we've never -- we've never even met him, so...
Nick: Well, trust me. You're better off. But I'd say we have both done pretty well without Victor Newman in our lives.
Chelsea: Well, I guess that depends on what your definition of success is.
Nick: Well, every man's different. Now... let's talk about your land in Nebraska.
Adam: Kansas.
Nick: Right.
Adam: Uh, yeah, well, uh, so it's a family farm. It's been in my mother's family for generations, you know. We'd like to keep it that way for our son, Connor --
Nick: You know, I'm gonna stop you right there. I've done some research on it. And, uh, I'm gonna write down a number here. That's what I'm willing to pay you. It's what the land's worth, the, uh, the equipment. It's actually well above market value, so, uh, think you're gonna like this.
Chelsea: [Gasps] Oh.
Adam: See, the -- the, um, the thing is, we're, um -- I think you misunderstood. It's not actually for sale. Um... but pretty exciting. I was actually coming here, uh, you know, to sort of maybe forge a partnership with you. You know, we're thinking about expanding --
Nick: Yeah, you know, I actually don't do partners. That's what I'm willing to pay you, all right? I've done the research. I know what it's worth. I mean, a family farm -- there's not much upside there. But you called. You're family. And I want to help. So that solution is on that piece of paper.
Adam: You -- you want to take advantage.
Chelsea: Okay, Adam, don't --
Adam: No, no, really, really, right? I mean, that's what you want to do. You want to -- you want to buy the farm out from under me, knowing that just with a few minor improvements, it'll be worth 10 times that much.
Nick: Well, you came to me.
Adam: I came to you because you're family, Nick. Apparently that means something different to you than it does me.
Nick: Around here, that means watch your back.
Adam: Oh. I feel sorry for you, because my family is the reason I wake up in the morning. My family's the reason I do everything that I do. It's the reason I work so hard. I mean, it's also the reason I can't accept your offer. You look at us, you -- you don't see kin at all, do you? You see marks on a balance sheet. Talk about success, your big corner office, the top of Newman tower? That's success to you. That's not to me, sir.
Chelsea: Will you excuse us for one minute? I'm just gonna, um, just gonna talk to my husband for a second.
Nick: Sure.
Adam: This is a joke, right? I mean, you're not serious about accepting that guy's offer.
Chelsea: We are being given an incredible opportunity.
Adam: What? An opportunity? An opportunity to do what? To -- to sell out, to be like him?
Chelsea: I-I mean, what's -- what's -- what's so bad about that?
Adam: Are you kidding me right now?
Chelsea: Okay, let's be real. You are not turning this down because of family. You are turning this down because you are being stubborn and thinking about your ego, you know. I mean, I... why is it that you're so scared of real success?
Adam: I thought you loved our life, babe.
Chelsea: I love you. You know, but I don't love struggling and constantly worrying about bills and money. I mean, think about Connor. I mean, what this money could do for him. I mean, he could go to any college he wants to!
Adam: That's all I do is think about Connor, and I can take care of my son without my brother's damn money.
Chelsea: I know. I know. But you're so smart and you're so capable. I mean, just think about it. You could be sitting behind that desk one day. I mean, you -- you could be running a place like this!
Adam: Slow down a second. Is that what you want from me? To be a guy sitting behind that desk willing to screw over his own brother? Really?
Victoria: Would you stop acting like a fool and put down the gun? We all know that you don't have the guts to use it, so why don't you just put it down?
Billy: That's exactly it, isn't it? I've been a fool for too long, putting up with your -- your issues, your moods, the whole time trying to keep our family together.
Victoria: Oh, yeah, while you were a little busy betting on the ponies or losing in an all-night poker game, 'cause that's all you ever do is lose anyway.
Billy: Well, it's better than staying home, watching you drink yourself to sleep.
Victoria: Well, if you were any kind of a man, maybe I wouldn't have to get drunk in order for you to touch me.
Billy: I have done everything for you, for our kids, trying to keep our family together. This is how you repay me? Sleeping with some -- some lounge slime behind my back?
Luca: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Billy: Shut up!
Adam: Hold on a second. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Billy: Who are you?
Adam: Uh... no one. I'm just a guy.
Billy: Okay, well...
[Gun cocks]
Billy: ...Walk away, guy.
Adam: Okay. I'm a father. How about you? You a father? You got kids?
Victoria: Billy, Billy, think about Delia.
Adam: Is that your daughter's name -- Delia? Light of your life, right? Little girl? She's probably waiting at home for you right now, waiting for her daddy to come home, tuck her in. I don't know about you. That's one of my favorite parts of the day -- tucking my son in. Why don't you lower the gun, go home, and kiss your daughter good night? Because this isn't right. Nothing good's gonna come of this, okay? So... put the gun away. Just think about what Delia's life would be like without her daddy in it. [Groans]
Summer: I know that you love us, but sometimes you go so extreme, grandpa.
Victor: [Sighs] I know. That's who I am, you know.
Summer: Yet I don't think that your family's thanking you right now for taking the road less traveled.
Victor: Huh. And that breaks my heart. But, you know... [Sighs] That's the ambivalence of being a parent. I mean, sometimes you do things that your children and grandchildren love you for and sometimes... they get angry with you, you know, for certain choices that you have made. But I know in the end my children are better off for the choices I have made for them.
Chelsea: How could this happen?! [Sobbing] Adam! God! No! How could this happen?! No! No! Adam! No!
Paul: Come with me.
Chelsea: You bastard! You killed him! Why did you do this?! Why did you do this?!
Dylan: Do you understand your rights?
Billy: I didn't mean to kill him. I don't even know the guy. I didn't mean to shoot him. This is your fault, you slut!
Dylan: Come on.
Billy: I was never enough for you, was I?! I did everything for you and I was never enough!
[Sign clatters]
Victor: Of all my children, I never, never expected Victoria to turn against me. She's the most like me, you know. She knows why I do what I do. She's been the most loyal to me. I adore that girl. And yet she didn't hesitate to betray me.
Summer: And it broke her heart because she loves you. We all do. And I know that you love us.
Victor: I do.
Summer: And I know that those aren't just words to you. You're like this warrior king who slays dragons for us. It's just this time you went a little bit too far.
Victor: [Sighs]
Summer: People that we loved are dead because of the choices that you made. My mom and Jack -- you know, lives are changed because of the things that you did. The whole time I've been here, never once have you admitted to it, though. Never once have you said that you were sorry. You never will, will you?
Victor: Sweetheart.
[Door closes]
Abby: What now? What do we do?
Victoria: I can call the lawyers.
Nikki: No, he can do that from jail. He's on his own now.
Adam: Hey. What happened? I went to the hospital, no one's there. Is he all right?
Nick: He's fine. He was faking it.
Adam: Are you serious? He was faking it? The man's wanted for 1,000 counts of fraud, and he faked a -- [Chuckling] He faked a medical emergency? This is awesome. Where the hell is he?
Abby: He's in jail. Paul arrested him.
Adam: Really? Wow, I, um... Victoria, I'm impressed. I wasn't sure what you'd do with all the information after I left you. I was positive he'd convince you to lie for him.
Nick: Wouldn't be the first time you protected dad.
Victoria: What exactly is that supposed to mean? That I'm not capable of making my own decisions and I need dad's approval to make any moves?
Nick: No, no, I was gonna say I'm proud of you. It must not have been easy for you to do.
Victoria: You know what, Nick? Actually, it was easy. It was really easy, because what dad did was terrible. And he just tried to laugh it off like it was nothing. He accused Billy and me of sabotaging him. He accused the Abbotts of smearing him. He tried to paint himself as the victim. And when Paul asked him to tell the truth, he looked at me like I should cover for him, cover for his lies, the ever-loyal, idiot daughter. And do you know what the worst part is? He thinks that he's actually gonna get off, just like he got you off.
Abby: No, what Adam did was an accident. Dad planned, calculated, manipulated every step of this. It's unforgivable.
Victoria: Well, I couldn't let him get away with it. And when I handed Paul the evidence, I just couldn't take the way that dad looked at me.
Nikki: Sweetheart, you told the truth. And that was very courageous. You did the right thing.
Victoria: Thanks, mom.
Summer: Well, you all got what you wanted. I just visited grandpa.
Nick: Why would you do that?
Summer: Because I wanted answers.
Abby: Did you get any?
Adam: Did he at least admit to doing anything wrong?
Summer: No, I did not get answers or an apology.
Nick: Classic dad.
Summer: No, but I came away realizing something. How much he's done for us and how much he's helped make our lives better.
Nick: How can you defend him, summer, after what he did to your mother?
Summer: I am not defending him, okay? I hate what he did. But I just -- I listened to him, and that is all I'm asking you guys to do. Just listen to him and realize that he needs us just as much as we need him.
Victor: "I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence, two roads diverged in a wood. And I... I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference."
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mariah: Who's the new partner?
Luca: There's our genius.
Kevin: Oh, hell no.
Hilary: You're a little preoccupied with your ex-husband and that whole situation --
Ashley: My personal life has nothing to do with your overstepping.
Jack: I need to know now, Christine. Am I going to prison for this? Is this gonna take?
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