Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/1/16
Episode # 10870 ~ Victor's luck runs out; Sharon & Dylan clash over Noah; Nikki makes a tough decision.
Provided By Suzanne
Victor: What's this?
Victoria: It's just proof that you're not the man that I thought you were. Marco Annicelli, Dad. Go ahead -- try to explain your way out of this.
Victor: Sweetheart, people tell all kinds of stories about me. Haven't you learned that yet?
Adam: Probably want to check and see what's on that disc before you dismiss it.
Victor: Don't listen to your brother. He's bitter because I just relieved him of his duties at Newman enterprises.
Adam: Oh, I see. Okay. Nice spin. Is that how it went? Except I left on my own accord. It was my choice.
Victoria: I guess you're rewriting history again. Doesn't surprise me.
Victor: What fabrications have got you so upset?
Victoria: Dad, these are not fabrications. You hired a criminal to impersonate Jack -- to take over his company and his home and his wife. What can you possibly say to justify this?
Billy: Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Where you off to in such a hurry?
Phyllis: You were right.
Billy: About?
Phyllis: Victor's never gonna pay for what he's done unless I make it happen. I'm going to the police. Today is Victor Newman's last stand. Oro,
Sage: Hmm. I shouldn't have worn this dress.
Nick: What are you talking about? What you have on is perfect.
Sage: I look like I'm trying too hard or something.
Nick: No, you look beautiful.
Sage: What if it doesn't work, you know? What if she doesn't even like us?
Nick: Sage, come on. Hey. You're gonna do fine.
Sage: [Sighs]
Nick: Trust me.
Sage: Okay.
Abby: How much time do we have before you're back on duty?
Stitch: Another 20 minutes.
Abby: I'll take it. How'd things go with max's teacher?
Stitch: Oh. Not good. Apparently, my kid started the fight, although she's not sure why.
Abby: You know, my mom and I, we lived all over the world. Starting over -- it's rough. You're the new kid in school. You don't know any of the cliques. You're pretty low in the pecking order. Sometimes, you do things to try and prove yourself so that other kids will accept you. Or least not pick on you.
Stitch: Yeah.
Abby: You know what they say. "This, too, shall pass."
Stitch: Eh, it'll pass, but I don't know when. My son's a wreck. He's not getting any better. I have no idea how to help him.
Sharon: I'm really glad that we decided to do this, have this family dinner.
Paul: Yeah, me, too.
Sharon: It's a relief to me to know that my son's future is in your hands and not some stranger's. You all know what a great person he is.
Paul: Yeah. Uh, I -- I think I got to hand it to Noah for finally coming forward and admitting the truth.
Sharon: Thank you, Paul. I agree. That was really brave of him.
Christine: Yeah, he only confessed after he fled the country.
Paul: Right.
Sharon: But running was Adam's idea.
Christine: And that's very much beside the point.
Dylan: Sharon, you're not helping Noah's cause right now.
Sharon: I just want to make sure that the DA has all the facts.
Christine: All right, you know what? I -- I have one for you. Every time a Newman breaks the law, they either buy or blackmail their way out of trouble. Adam served zero time for running over Delia because Victor had some back-room deal with judge Moxley, and now, oh, my gosh, she's being assigned to Noah's case. That's not a coincidence. It's been happening for years, and I am so sick and tired of it.
Sharon: So, now you're trying to make an example out of my son?
Marisa: Uh, uh, uh. You just got out of surgery, mister. Get back --
Noah: [Groans]
Marisa: You want something, I am here.
Noah: [Sighs]
Marisa: I will get it for you.
Noah: You know, this nurse thing has, uh, definite possibilities.
Marisa: Yeah? Well, you tell me where it hurts, and I will make it... all better.
Noah: Really? That's interesting.
Marisa: Uh-huh.
Noah: Well, 'cause I was thinking I could really go for a sponge bath right now.
Nikki: I was surprised to hear from you. Is everything all right? It is Connor?
Chelsea: Uh, no. Connor's fine. I need to ask you a favor. Do you remember that talk we had about what it's like to be married to our husbands?
Nikki: Both obsessed by Newman enterprises. They may as well have mistresses.
Chelsea: Right. Well, lately, for Adam and me, it's only gotten worse.
Nikki: Oh, no. What's happened?
Chelsea: [Sighs] Your joint plan to push Adam to the top of the company? I need it to fail.
Victor: Where did you get that?
Victoria: Does it really matter?
Victor: You're damn right it matters.
Adam: Actually, what matters is that your sins are finally coming back to haunt you --
Victoria: What about your sins, Adam?
Adam: Mine?
Victoria: You knew about this, didn't you, and you just tried to help him cover it up. You belong in a jail cell right next to our father.
Nikki: Well, actually, I've decided not to use what I had on Victor to oust him from the company. It'll just hurt too many people.
Chelsea: Well, I'm relieved to hear that, Nikki. Still, I feel like you're looking for other ways to help Adam take over Newman.
Nikki: Well, I'll leave that up to your husband if he still wants to play with that monster, but he's gonna have to find his own way to do it.
Chelsea: Well, I'm afraid he's gonna do just that. And it will be the end of our marriage.
Adam: Oh, hold on a second. You don't even know the whole story. There's nothing on that disc that's gonna incriminate me.
Victor: Kindly get out of here.
Adam: You want me to leave?
Victor: Yes, I want you to leave.
Adam: Okay, great. No, that's perfect. I will gladly leave, but it's starting to look like you're gonna run out of people to leave your legacy to when you're gone.
Victor: I said get out!
Adam: I'm on my way.
Victor: It pains me... to know that you think I belong in prison.
Victoria: Well, at least you're not denying it. I guess I should be grateful for that. I just don't understand how you could do something like this -- you could hold Jack captive while this criminal -- you this criminal around people that we care about.
Victor: [Sighs] It's a far more complex story than you --
Victoria: It's really not that complex. Dad, did you look at this?
Victor: I don't need to look at it!
Victoria: There's hundreds of documents and photos and video surveillance and cash payments to Annicelli's warden. Security shots of you at the lima airport, escorting him to your jet. What else were you doing in Peru with a drug lord that looks exactly like Jack, Dad?
Victor: Who gave this to you? Luca Santori? He is after my company, baby.
Victoria: My God, Billy is so right about you! You're so obsessed with this company. You don't care if you trash people's lives. You don't -- you don't even care!
Victor: I was trying to protect this company, trying to protect our family. And I believe Jack Abbott was behind paragon --
Victoria: But guess what? He wasn't.
Victor: But he was only too happy to protect the man who was. He kept his identity a secret. He's the one who unleashed "Gabriel Bingham" on us. To cause havoc with this family and with this company. Do you understand? And now, there's another Abbott who's out for blood -- Billy boy. He gave this to you, didn't he? I beg of you to not let these people tear us apart.
Billy: Hold on a second here. Hold on, okay? I just -- I want to make sure that you have thought this through.
Phyllis: I am not making an impetuous move, okay? Jack and I had a very long discussion. We both agreed that Victor cannot get away with his crime for one more day.
Billy: And where is Jack? Why aren't you guys doing this together?
Phyllis: He's meeting with Michael. They're updating the statement that they're gonna bring to the press. Also, they're working on his defense.
Billy: Okay. Listen, I am proud of both of you for taking this head-on, but the truth is, you might not have to. Somebody else might be taking Victor down as we speak.
Phyllis: Who?
Billy: I had to tell Victoria. She needed to understand what her father was capable of.
Phyllis: You told Victoria?
Billy: I had to, Phyllis. We've had so many conversations about honesty and trust between us.
Phyllis: Okay, now that she knows, I'm assuming she's standing behind her father.
Billy: No, actually, she couldn't deny the evidence, either.
Phyllis: So where does this leave things?
Billy: I told her that I wasn't going to be the one to bring the evidence to the police, that it had to be her.
Phyllis: I think that's a little naive, don't you?
Billy: Not this time.
Phyllis: Blood is thicker than evidence. She's gonna protect her daddy like a good Newman.
Billy: She was sickened by what her father did to both of you.
Phyllis: Is she sickened enough to send him to jail? I don't see it. If anything, she's probably helping him leave town right now.
Paul: Okay, um... I don't know that we need to talk about this right now.
Christine: If you're accusing me of having some kind of vendetta...
Sharon: Well, you just said that you're angry with the Newmans, but Noah is young, and I believe he was manipulated. He didn't mean to run over Billy. That was an accident.
Christine: Okay, and that much I believe, but covering it up was not an accident. Neither was fleeing jurisdiction.
Sharon: You know, the law is just so black and white -- guilty, not guilty. But people are not that way. There are shades of gray. And Dylan used to know that. He used to make an effort to give people the benefit of the doubt, and that was before Paul gave him that badge.
Dylan: Whoa, hold on. I have not changed. I'm striving to be fair, and Noah is family, but if he came forward earlier, we might have been able to do something about that.
Paul: Right. Not to change the subject, but, uh, maybe somebody would like to have dessert?
Christine: Yes. Great idea.
Paul: What do you say? They have a great pear tart --
Sharon: No, thank you. I can't eat another bite. I'm just too angry. I'm gonna go. I'll see you at home.
Dylan: I'm sorry.
Paul: Good night, son.
Christine: It's not your fault. I'm sorry.
Dylan: Good night.
Dylan: [Sighs]
Phyllis: Dylan, Dylan. I need to speak to you for a moment.
Dylan: Phyllis, please. Not now.
Phyllis: Yes now. Look, I have a serious crime I need to report.
Paul: These are very serious allegations, Phyllis. Where's your proof?
Phyllis: I hope you're not suggestion I'm making this up, Paul.
Paul: That was not my suggestion.
Phyllis: For months, I slept with a stranger who was not my husband. Why would I put it out there for everyone to chew on? Why would I sign up for that humiliation?
Dylan: Phyllis, we weren't saying anything --
Phyllis: If you don't believe me, ask Jack. He will back up every one of my words. Or you can ask Marisa sierras.
Christine: Okay, can you just answer Paul's question? What proof do you have that links Victor to the crime?
Billy: There's evidence. I've seen it, and I have reason to believe it's about to come to light.
Phyllis: In the meantime, I want Victor arrested immediately. He finds out that I am the one who brought this to you, he's gonna hop on his jet and he's gonna get out of here.
Paul: I agree. If he feels as though the walls are closing in --
Christine: I'm gonna head to the office. You question Victor.
Paul: All right. Why don't you see if you can track down Marisa Sierras? Last I heard, she had a suite upstairs.
Dylan: Got it.
Phyllis: I want to be there when you arrest him.
Paul: Absolutely not. If you want this to stick, you need to stay clear. We need to follow the proper protocol. Excuse me.
Phyllis: It's done.
Shawn: Since I saw your profile at the adoption agency, I liked it. You seemed nice. I figured we should meet in person, but now I don't know what to ask without getting too nosy.
[Sage and Nick chuckles]
Sage: Shawn, you may be giving us the greatest gift of our lives, so you can ask us anything you want.
Nick: Uh, yeah. Be nosy.
Shawn: Um...
Nick: Uh, you may know, I'm a father already. I have three children. I have Noah and Summer, who are pretty much adults, and uh... and I have faith. She's 8. And she's still at home. My ex and I share custody of her, and everybody gets along great.
Sage: Faith is really smart. She's just the best -- lovely, charming, personable. She loves babies. She'd made a really wonderful big sister.
Shawn: Why don't you just have your own kid?
Sage: That's a good question. A couple years ago, a doctor told me I couldn't have children, and by some miracle, I got pregnant, and I had the baby, and um...
Nick: We, uh... we lost a boy in the fall.
Shawn: I'm sorry.
Sage: Thank you.
Shawn: So, my child would replace that baby?
Sage: Oh, no, Shawn. Absolutely not. You could never replace a baby with another. Christian will always have a place in our hearts. But we just really want to raise a child together.
Shawn: Christian. That's a nice name. How'd he die, if you don't mind?
Nick: Uh, he was premature. Just too tiny.
Sage: Sharon, hi. Do you have a minute?
Sharon: Uh, hi.
Sage: This is Shawn. She's interviewing us for possibly adopting her child. Shawn, this is Sharon. This is faith's mom.
Sharon: Um, you're adopting?
Shawn: Not yet.
Sage: We were just chatting, getting to know each other. Talking about family. So, I was thinking maybe you could tell her why you'd think we'd be good parents.
Noah: Well, that was definitely the best sponge bath I've ever had.
Marisa: [Laughs] Well, I'm glad you liked it.
Noah: Thank you.
Marisa: Mmm.
[Knocks on door]
Noah: Mm, come on.
Marisa: [Groans] I'll get it.
Dylan: Oh. Uh, sorry to come knocking so late.
Noah: Hey, Dyl, I'm sorry, but we were told not to speak to the police unless we have a lawyer present.
Dylan: This isn't about Billy's accident. It's about your grandfather and Jack Abbott.
Noah: Really? Well, I don't know anything about that.
Dylan: Well, Noah, I'm not here to talk to you.
Nikki: I wish I could tell you that this is a phase, that it would pass as Adam got older and mellowed out.
Chelsea: Obviously that hasn't happened with Victor.
Nikki: No. No. All the years we've been together, I never figured out that magic formula that would make our marriage work.
Chelsea: I'm sorry.
Nikki: You know, when I was young, like you, I really thought I would get used to it. But unfortunately, um, maybe the better word is thankfully, I never did.
[Door opens]
Chelsea: Hey.
Adam: Nikki. Hey.
Nikki: Hi, Adam. Um, I'm just leaving. But before I go, I -- I think I should tell you that our deal is officially off.
Adam: I see.
Nikki: I know we had an agreement. I -- I just can't do it now. I'm very sorry about that. And if you know what's best for you, you'll walk away from Newman, too.
Adam: Fair enough. Let me help you with that.
Nikki: Oh, thank you.
Adam: Stuff's about ready to hit the fan. Just so you know, Victoria knows, all right? She's with Victor right now.
Nikki: Oh. Well, thanks for the warning.
Adam: Yeah.
Nikki: That poor thing. She's always known what kind of man her father is, but it's one thing knowing. It's another thing accepting. Okay. Take care, Chelsea.
Chelsea: You, too. Bye, Nikki.
Adam: You have a good night.
Nikki: Thank you. You, too.
Adam: I'm glad you're here.
Chelsea: Yeah?
Adam: Mm-hmm. I have some -- some pretty good news I think you're gonna be pretty happy about.
Chelsea: Oh?
Adam: Mm-hmm. I've done it. I have finally turned my back on Victor and Newman enterprises once and for all, and I am so sorry, sweetheart, that I ever made you think that that job was more important than you, because it's not. I don't give a damn about it anymore. True. The only thing I care about is you and Connor, all right? And the life that we're gonna share.
Victor: If this were cut-and-dry, don't you think Jack Abbott would have gone to the police already? I mean, I'm not the villain they make me out to be.
[Paul knocks on door]
Victor: Please, not now, Paul, okay?
Paul: It has to be now, Victor.
Victor: What do you mean, it has to be now?
Paul: I'm investigating some claims against you.
Victor: By whom?
Paul: Do you have any knowledge of Marco Annicelli posing as Jack Abbott? Or Kelly Andrews kidnapping Jack Abbott and holding him hostage on a Caribbean island?
Victor: You're a cop. You give this nonsense any credence?
Paul: Do you deny it?
Victor: Sweetheart, tell him what nonsense this is. I mean, there's no truth to any of this.
Victoria: I'm sorry, I can't. Dad, I can't stand up for you this time. The accusations are true, and the evidence is in here.
Abby: It's true. I have never been a parent or a stepparent. But I've had a lot of great ones along the way. And let me tell you something. You are a wonderful father. You've done nothing wrong. And the fact that you care so much proves it. And I know, in time, max will see that, and he will love you even more. Just like I do.
Stitch: Well, maybe you can help me figure out what to do
Abby: I'd be happy to. Come here.
Sharon: Nick is just one of those guys who's a dad through and through, you know the kind?
Shawn: Not really.
Sharon: Well, he's one of those guys who always has a picture of his kids, wants to talk about them, never misses a game or a recital. He's a dad. You won't find a better, more loving father on the face of the earth. Trust me on that.
Sage: Thank you, Sharon.
Shawn: I did the same thing as you guys -- fell in love with my high school boyfriend. I thought it was forever. Which you must have too, right? Since you and Nick were together for so long? I really want a solid couple for my baby's parents.
Noah: Well, that's -- that's one of hell of a story.
Dylan: I know. Phyllis swears that it's true. And she told me that you helped Jack escape from the got him home safely, so that puts you in a position to confirm the allegations.
Marisa: Confirm -- I don't know what she's talking about.
Dylan: Come on. If you're gonna lie to me, at least try to look shocked.
Marisa: I'm sorry, Dylan. I can't help you. Jack's not in any trouble with the police. As far as I can tell, anything he did while being held hostage could be considered self-defense.
Dylan: Oh. Jack isn't the one you're protecting. Marisa, I know it's a tough call because Victor Newman is your boyfriend's grandfather.
Noah: Look, if you're protecting him for my sake, don't bother. It sounds like everything that my grandfather has done is finally coming out. So... I say we know.
Chelsea: Are you for real?
Adam: Last time I can understand why you'd be a little skeptical.
Chelsea: You are telling me that you are finally, after all this time, finally ready to walk away from Newman and your father. Are you ready to jump on a plane to Paris, too?
Adam: See, the thing about the plane to Paris, I feel like that would be, sort of, you know, like letting him win. I see no reason why we can't just live here. We'll just be separate from Newman enterprises. And Victor. The whole family.
Chelsea: That would be tricky.
Adam: Not necessarily. Things are already starting to unravel a bit. Trust me when I tell you he's gonna be in no position to interfere in our lives.
Chelsea: Okay, can you stop speaking in cryptic code, please, and just tell me what the hell you're talking about?
Adam: It's all gonna be very clear very soon, but it doesn't matter. None of that matters. The important thing is -- I could have stayed at that office, right? Staked my claim to that chair? That damn job? But I didn't. I came home to you.
Love of my life. And all I care about is you and th gonna share together. I love you. We can finally be happy together.
Chelsea: I like that.
Adam: Yeah?
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Did you and Billy boy Abbott arrange this ambush together?
Victoria: You know, dad, you can't really blame Billy or anyone else.
Victor: What do you mean, I can't blame him?!
Victoria: This is your doing!
Paul: All right, I've seen enough.
Victoria: Mom.
Paul: Victor, you're under arrest.
Victor: There's no need for this! This is nonsense!
Nikki: Adam told me what was happening.
Victor: I don't give a damn!
Nikki: Including how you found out about the despicable things your father did.
Victoria: Dad.
Paul: Are you all right?
Victoria: Dad, are you okay? What's wrong?
Paul: Victor?
Victoria: Dad.
Nikki: Maybe he's faking it.
Victor: Maybe I should go to the hospital.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? Never in your life have you asked to go to the hospital. Now that he's arrested, he wants to go to the hospital. Are you trying to buy time?
Victoria: Okay, let's loosen your tie.
Paul: Yeah.
Victoria: Maybe we should get him to the hospital, make sure he's okay.
Paul: All right, I'm gonna call for an ambulance.
Victor: I can -- I can walk. I can walk.
Dylan: Marco and Jack --
Marisa: They're identical. I couldn't even tell the difference.
Dylan: Okay, and then Victor paid Annicelli to come to the states to take Jack's place?
Noah: That's also true. I confronted him myself about it.
Marisa: And Victor told Jack not to go to the authorities. He said it would open up Jack up to prosecution. That's the only reason Jack stayed quiet for so long.
Dylan: Look, I'm -- I'm just worried about Nikki. Noah, how is she gonna take this, let alone Nick and Victoria?
Noah: Oh, this is gonna hurt the whole family. Not that Victor took anyone else into consideration. Yeah, grandma? Hi. He's in the hospital? Yeah, yeah. I'll -- I'll be right there.
Sharon: Nick and I are as strong as can be. You know, we've experienced the worst thing any couple could face, and we came out of it stronger. I think adopting a child will only bring us closer.
Nick: Uh, maybe you want to take a break. You could think of any other questions you might want to ask us.
Sage: Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Do you want to step outside with me and get some air?
Shawn: Okay.
Sage: Okay. Oh, I'll get that. See you in a bit?
Nick: Uh, yeah. Yeah.
Sharon: This is happening so fast. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but, Nick, are you sure? Adopting a baby?
Nick: Yeah, I know. It -- it does seem quick, but -- Sage really needs this.
Sharon: I get that, but what if it doesn't work out? What will happen to Sage if another baby's taken from her?
Nick: I'm sorry. Hey, Vick. What's up? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, slow down. What's going on with dad?
Phyllis: I'd love to know what's going on. I'd give anything to see Victor brought in.
Billy: I'm sure they're doing it by the book, which is a good thing. You don't want him being released on a technicality.
Phyllis: I can't even believe this is happening. That it's finally happening. I'm getting some justice.
Billy: You deserve it for what he did to you.
Phyllis: Hey. Noah, Marisa. Did Dylan speak to you at all?
Noah: Hey, Phyllis. Uh, yeah, he did. Yeah. We told him everything we know.
Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you. Come on. Let's celebrate. I'm buying.
Noah: Uh, you know what? Some other time, all right?
Marisa: Victor's in the hospital.
Abby: What's wrong with dad?
Victoria: We're not sure. He was dizzy and not making any sense, so...
Stitch: All right, I'll see what I can find out.
Abby: Where was he? Paul, I'm so happy that you were there. I'm sure being brought in by the chief of police cut through some red tape.
Paul: Right, well, I'm gonna let Nikki and your sister explain. I got some calls to make.
Abby: Explain what?
Victoria: Paul was arresting dad. He's here to make sure that he doesn't escape police custody.
Abby: What? Why?
Victoria: It's complicated.
Abby: Well, I have time.
Victoria: All right. Look, I'll explain everything as long as you promise not to share it with Ben. At least not yet.
Abby: Why?
Nikki: Look, it has to do with Ben's sister, Kelly.
Victoria: And if Ben finds out how dad was using her, he might not want to save our father's life.
Sharon: Well, I hope I was helpful with Shawn.
Sage: Yeah, sure. You gave Nick a glowing review. You didn't say much about me, but that's okay.
Sharon: Oh, it's -- I -- you know, I just wasn't prepared. I was put on the spot like that, and --
Sage: I know. And that's my fault. I just got nervous and she was asking questions, and I'm sorry. You really did help, so thank you. Uh, I got to go to the hospital, be with Nick and his family.
Sharon: Good luck.
Sage: What do you mean?
Sharon: Um, well, I didn't mean that to sound flip. I just meant -- having been a Newman wife myself, I know what it's like when they circle the wagons.
Sage: Oh. All right. Well, I just want to go be with my husband to support him. So.
Dylan: Yeah, uh, Nick's gonna need that.
Sage: What do you mean?
Dylan: Victor may be facing some prison time.
Sage: For what?
Dylan: I'll let the family explain.
Sage: Excuse me.
Sharon: Well, if Victor goes to prison, that'll make a liar out of Christine, since according to her, the Newmans always skirt the law.
Dylan: Well, this time they may not be able to because the family is lining up against Victor. And Noah is a part of the charge to bring him down.
Abby: This is a nightmare.
Victoria: Yeah, well, if you feel that way, imagine how it's been for Jack and Phyllis.
Abby: Everyone thought Kelly was dead. Meanwhile, she's on some island holding Jack hostage, drugging him, playing mind games, making him think that Phyllis was dead? Is this real?
Victoria: I'm afraid so.
Abby: So, he killed her so he could escape?
Victoria: I don't know, Abby. Jack just woke up and Kelly was dead. I don't know.
Abby: Oh, my God.
Victoria: Do you understand why you can't tell Ben now? You can't tell him. At least until we know that dad's okay.
Abby: He thought that Kelly killed herself. When he finds out that was a lie --
Victoria: Please, Abby. You have to keep this to yourself. Promise me.
Abby: How? How could dad do something like this? I feel sick.
Victoria: I know. I understand. I've done nothing but defend him, and this time, he's gone too far.
Billy: Doing okay?
Victoria: What do you think?
Billy: Phyllis couldn't keep this in any longer, Vick. She had to say it.
Victoria: When I handed Paul the disc that you gave me, I saw the look in my father's eyes. I'm the reason he's in this hospital right now.
Billy: No, hey, you can't do that.
Victoria: I wish you had never given me that evidence, Billy.
Billy: Vick. You can't blame yourself for this, all right? I'm sorry to say this, but Victor is there because of what he did.
Nick: How's dad?
Nikki: Son, just calm down.
Nick: Just tell me. Is he gonna be okay?
Noah: We don't know yet.
Nick: What happened? What's going on?
[Door opens]
Abby: Ben.
Victoria: How's our dad? Is he okay?
Adam: From here on out, things are gonna be different. Believe me now?
Chelsea: I want to. Mmm! No!
Adam: Just let it go.
Chelsea: I'm getting it, and I swear, if it is Victor, I am telling him to go -- oh. It's Sage. You should take it.
Adam: All right. Hey, Sage, listen, can you make this quick? 'Cause Chelsea and I are in the middle of -- when? Uh...thanks. Thanks.
Chelsea: What's wrong?
Adam: That was about my dad. He's uh... he's at the hospital. Should -- should I --
Chelsea: Go. Yeah, of course. Go.
Sharon: I never thought I'd say this, but... I actually feel sympathy for Phyllis.
Dylan: Well, to tell you the truth, I think she's the only one feeling good at the moment.
Sharon: I worry about you and Nick and Noah going after Victor this relentlessly. Anybody who's ever tried that before has lived to regret it.
Dylan: I mean, as long as justice is done, I'm willing to take that risk. Victor's got no one left on his side to retaliate.
Paul: No, I'm still at memorial. Yeah, the Newmans are gathering. Yeah, well, I don't think the media's gotten word of it yet. I mean, if they're not here and if they're not knocking on your door... we just might have a decent window to do an investigation before the mayhem begins. Right. Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: How many years do you think he's gonna get?
Billy: Not nearly enough.
Phyllis: I just -- I want him behind bars. I -- I want him around men who don't care about how much money he's got, how much power he's got. And I want him to have plenty of time to think about what he did to Jack and me.
Billy: So you've thought about this.
Phyllis: A little bit.
Billy: Well, something tells me that whatever Victor's going through right now is worse than rotting in prison.
Victor: How bad is it?
Nikki: Ben says you're fine.
Stitch: I can't confirm that one way or the other, but based on the tests I've run -- circulation, respiratory -- everything seems normal. We can run more tests in the morning. It's very possible Mr. Newman's dizzy spell was caused by stress.
Noah: Getting arrested will do that to you.
Victoria: I'm just glad it was a false alarm.
Abby: Daddy's lucky that way.
Nick: Hell, yeah, he's lucky.
Victor: You can all go now, okay? I need the rest.
Nikki: Well, Paul is still out there.
Abby: Waiting for word that you're healthy enough to bring you to jail.
Victor: The Abbotts will do anything to bring me down.
Victoria: Billy didn't do this to you, dad.
Nick: You let a criminal get close to Summer pretending to be her stepfather. How could you do something like that?
Victor: Summer was never in danger.
Noah: Summer's husband is dead. Courtney, my fiancée, is dead because of Marco and his accomplice.
Victor: What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with any of that.
Noah: I -- I can't. I can't listen to any more of this.
Victor: What are you -- Noah? Why don't you all get out of here, okay? You think you'd all do without me? My grandson is leaving me now? You can do without me?!
Nikki: Victor.
Victor: Get out! I don't need any of you! You think you can do without me?! You'd be nothing without me! Nothing!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: "I shall be telling this with a sigh. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference."
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