Y&R Transcript Monday 2/29/16
Episode # 10869 ~ Jack tells Billy the truth about Marco; Phyllis asks Summer to keep a secret; Chelsea worries about losing Adam.
Provided By Suzanne
Well, the options are endless, really. Local, destination, somewhere in between. Of course, the time of year will play a huge factor. Oh, which reminds me, uh, are you absolutely wedded -- excuse the pun -- to peonies as your flower of choice? Because their season is relatively short in comparison -- Victoria?
Victoria: Oh. I'm sorry. My fiancé wanted to be a part of this meeting. And I'm just wondering what's keeping him.
Billy: There's only one way to make this nightmare go away, Jack. You go to the police.
Jack: I can't do that.
Billy: You have to. You take the evidence that Luca compiled. That's it. Victor goes down for bringing Marco into your life, into all our lives.
Jack: It's not as simple as you think.
Billy: It doesn't get any simpler than this. Because of Victor, you were held captive while another man took your place in your life, in your home, Jack, in your bed!
Jack: I get it! But Victor is not the only one with blood on his hands.
Phyllis: Why don't you tell me why you think Natalie and Billy are working together?
Summer: Because they have been texting a lot.
Phyllis: Did Natalie tell you this?
Summer: No, I found it on her computer.
Phyllis: Honey, if Billy is trying to outmaneuver Victor, I'm sure he is smart enough to cover his tracks.
Summer: Billy?
Phyllis: Yes. Billy. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this.
Summer: Okay, well, either way, I need to tell grandpa everything I know.
Phyllis: That's the last thing you should do.
Victor: No, señor Santori. I had no idea Luca had not returned to Madrid.
Natalie: Luca, get out here! Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize you were...
Luca: What? What is it?
Natalie: Victor's talking to your father.
Victor: I don't know where the hell your son is. Well, he violated company policy, so I let him go. He is your problem now. Now, as far as your investment in Newman is concerned, I am wiring it back as we speak. You'll be fully repaid with interest. Keep him as far away from Genoa City as possible.
Luca: There's no going back to my father now.
Natalie: There's no staying here, either, not now that you're on Victor's most-wanted list.
Victor: Thank you. [Sighs]
Luca: I can't leave.
Natalie: You absolutely can. You should.
Luca: And abandon my partnership with Billy Abbott? Look, thanks to your idea, we're on the cusp of something revolutionary. I will not let Victor stop us.
Natalie: That's weird. Where'd he go?
Chelsea: Adam, it was our plan, wasn't it? To move to Paris, to create a whole new life for you, me, and Connor.
Adam: Yeah. Yes.
Chelsea: Yeah. But something was always -- correction -- someone was always in the way. Your father. But for the first time in forever, he's not an obstacle anymore. I mean, for the first time in years, there are no secrets. There are no lies. I mean, everything is -- is free. It's -- it's all out in the open, and yet you -- you still -- you refuse to walk away?
Adam: It's that... I can't.
Chelsea: You won't. That's the difference. You won't. You say we're free. We're not free, Adam. We're never gonna be free.
Adam: Don't say that, babe. We can have that dream life that we wanted. We can have all those things. I just -- I can't leave now, not when I'm so close --
Chelsea: Close to what? What does this miraculous endgame look like?
Adam: Nikki and I have a plan, all right? We're gonna push Victor out of the --
Chelsea: No! No! No more plans. They are just excuses. They are just reasons you "have to" stay in town. When really you just want to. What about what's best for me and your son? Or do you just not even care anymore?
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Phyllis: You came to get my advice. Is that correct?
Summer: Yeah, true.
Phyllis: Okay, would you like to hear it?
Summer: Yes.
Phyllis: Ignore these text messages.
Summer: Okay, what if they're not --
Phyllis: It could mean anything.
Summer: Examples?
Phyllis: [Sighs] Billy could be trying to get Natalie to work with him on a project. He could be taking lessons from her or something.
Summer: You really think that Billy is trying to learn how to hack?
Phyllis: It's possible! What the hell difference does it make, anyway?
Summer: Well, to grandpa, probably a big one. He hired me to look after Natalie and report anything suspicious.
Phyllis: Honey, I know all of this, but there are more important things than trying to please your grandfather, okay? Like Billy and Victoria's wedding.
Summer: What does that have to do with anything?
Phyllis: Well, they are together again, and things are fragile, and you start accusing Billy of taking over and trying to hurt Victor, I mean, that could blow up into a big pile of smoke, and that's gonna be on your conscience. You want that?
Summer: No, obviously not. But what if I am right and Natalie is planning an end run? I don't want that on my conscience, either. I need to give grandpa a heads up about this.
Phyllis: Really? Really? Do you need to do that? The way Victor did for Billy when he took advantage of the car accident and bought Natalie's internet scheme right out from under him? Like that?
Summer: Subtle, mom.
Phyllis: Well, I'm not trying to be subtle.
Summer: Look, I know that grandpa is not your favorite person.
Phyllis: [Sighs] Honey.
Summer: But he is still my grandfather, and he is giving me a chance to prove myself to him, and this is really important to me.
Phyllis: Honey, I know all of this.
Summer: Okay, so why are you asking me to ignore it and to put Billy first? Especially when he could be out for my family?
Phyllis: Because. [Slams cell phone]
Summer: "Because" is not a good enough answer, Mom! Mom, what the hell is going on?!
Phyllis: Because Billy is not working on this on his own. I am helping him.
Billy: You serious? I mean, we all know that Kelly died, but, Jack --
Jack: Kelly became delusional. She convinced herself she could take me away from Phyllis.
Billy: So that's why she kept working with Victor?
Jack: The longer I was her prisoner, the longer she had me to herself.
Billy: How did you kill her? Don't answer that. I'm sorry.
Jack: No, I would answer you if I could. I don't remember. I saw her dead body, and when I escaped, I was the only one there. It had to be me.
Billy: Come on. That's what you're talking about? That's -- that's the blood on your hands? Jack, you were being held captive.
Jack: It's not just that. I told you. A whole ship went down.
Billy: Because of Victor, not because of you. So you go to the police. You tell them every secret. Victor pays for what he did.
Jack: You think I don't want that? You think I don't want Victor to pay for everything?
Billy: Do it, Jack. It's right here.
Jack: I can't. Phyllis has already been through too much. She can't take anymore. To put a media circus on top of that -- she doesn't deserve that.
Billy: She doesn't deserve this. In my opinion, you're underestimating your wife, Jack.
Jack: Oh, am I?
Billy: Yeah. Not only her strength and her resilience, but her desire to make Victor suffer.
Jack: To a point.
Billy: It doesn't matter to a point. Victor needs to pay for what he did.
Jack: This is not your fight, Billy.
Billy: No, you're right about that. It's not. But if you don't get Phyllis the payback she deserves, then I will.
Jack: Billy. Bill-- [Sighs]
Adam: Baby, I have messed up more times than I can count in this life, but one thing I am not guilty of is not caring. You and Connor are the reason I breathe.
Chelsea: If that were true, why are you hesitating? Why aren't we on the next flight to Paris?
Adam: Just please understand me. Working with Nikki to oust Victor, it's not about me.
Chelsea: Because you don't want to be in charge?
Adam: Yeah, no, I do want to be in charge, but not just to be top dog. I want Newman to be a family business.
Chelsea: It already is a family business.
Adam: I want it to be a family business that you and I can be proud of. I want you to think for a second the legacy that I would be leaving our son. Connor, right? He could walk around with the last name Newman. It can mean something good, strong, right.
Chelsea: You're not changing the damn world, Adam.
Adam: No, I'm gonna start here in my living room!
Chelsea: And what if Connor doesn't want any part of it, hmm?
Adam: What are you talking about?
Chelsea: Seriously. What if Connor wants to be a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, an artist, anything but --
Adam: Anything but what? What were you gonna say? Anything but me?
Chelsea: Anything but what you are on the verge of becoming. A newer, shinier version of your father.
Natalie: Call me crazy, but shouldn't you be more afraid of crossing Victor Newman?
Luca: Victor doesn't scare me.
Natalie: So you're a robot?
Luca: Look, after dealing with my own father, he's just one more bully, all right?
Natalie: [Sighs]
Luca: And the only way to get respect from people like that is to fight back, even better when you throw the first punch, like you did. Joining forces with Billy Abbott to put one over on Victor, that was gutsy.
Natalie: [Sighs] Unlike you, I have no family to speak of, no safety net. I've had to survive on brains and skill alone.
Luca: Yeah, well, obviously they've served you well.
Natalie: Sometimes. And then there are other times, like when I actually thought Victor wanted you dead and I was about to become his next victim. God, I can't believe I showed him a working prototype of pass key.
Luca: Not your finest moment.
Natalie: Billy said he'd take care of it, but I honestly don't see how I can get out of this deal.
[Knock on door] Who is it?
Victor: Victor Newman.
Adam: Honey, I'm not turning into Victor Newman. And she gives me that look. Babe, I'm doing everything in my power to avoid becoming him.
Chelsea: Okay. And you do that by pulling another power play?
Adam: By working with Nikki, who loves the man more than he deserves, by the way, and forcing him to give up his crown.
Chelsea: Oh. Sounds simple enough.
Adam: Well, you joke about it, but it just might be, actually. Victor's nearest and dearest are already turning their backs on him.
Chelsea: Because of what happened to Noah?
Adam: And for Nick, that was the last straw. And now Nikki's become aware of even worse things that he's done. It's only a matter of time before Victoria finds out.
Chelsea: So Nick, Nikki, Victoria, even Abby -- they're all ready to say enough is enough?
Adam: Yeah. Think so.
Chelsea: Okay, maybe I believe that. But there's one person you didn't mention. You.
Adam: What? You -- you don't think I've had enough of that old man? Are you serious?
Chelsea: Yeah, I'm serious. I think you are desperate for that man's approval.
Adam: No, sweetheart, the only approval I need is yours.
Chelsea: Well, Adam, you're not gonna get it. Not as long as Victor's crown is more important than me and our son.
Victor: I'll ask you just one more time to open the door.
Natalie: Sorry. I was just getting dressed.
Victor: There you are.
Natalie: [Sighs] We just got this door fixed, too, so it's a good thing you didn't bash it in. Uh, Summer's not here, if you're looking for her.
Victor: No, I came looking for you. Just curious to see what kind of progress you have made on pass key.
Natalie: [Sighs] Man, I'd love to give you a demonstration.
Victor: But what?
Natalie: I've hit a few snags.
Victor: Really? I'll be damned. Last time I was here, it worked so beautifully. What happened?
Natalie: Still not the fortress I need it to be. Still too vulnerable to hackers.
Victor: So the security program is lacking security. Is that it?
Natalie: Well, once I develop the third level of firewalls, reinforce the redundancies... sorry. I'm sure you're not interested in all that technical stuff.
Victor: Oh, I'm very interested. So, how does it work?
Natalie: The program?
Victor: [Laughs] No, not the program. The camera you put in my office.
Victoria: I really haven't had that much luck in the wedding department. The first time that Billy and I were married, I was arrested and hauled off to jail. [Chuckles] Now that's a honeymoon to remember.
Victoria: I would like it if this wedding was, um, a lot less memorable, at least from a disaster angle.
Victoria: In fact, I'd really like for it to be perfect. Because we're not getting another shot. When Billy and I say "I do," it's gonna be forever.
Billy: Summer. What's wrong?
Summer: As if you don't know.
Billy: I take it something went down.
Phyllis: Summer knows that we have teamed up together to take Victor down. I had to tell her. She was getting ready to run off and tell her grandfather everything and blow it sky high. Obviously this is not news to you.
Billy: I know that she figured out that I was working with Natalie. So now what do you think our next step is?
Phyllis: I don't know. I wish I could tell you. I would like to think she won't expose me.
Billy: Well, she's angry.
Phyllis: [Sighs] She's furious. I don't blame her. What?
Billy: Just makes sense now why you're so hell-bent on trying to make Victor suffer.
Phyllis: Because he's the worst human being in the world?
Billy: No, because of Marco Annicelli.
Phyllis: Jack told you?
Billy: Luca.
Phyllis: Luca?
Billy: He used it as leverage in order to worm his way into our deal with Natalie.
Phyllis: What?
Billy: We'll talk about that later, Phyllis. I need to know if you are all right.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. [Sighs] It was a long time ago, Billy.
Billy: Phyllis. Look at me. Are you all right?
Phyllis: What do you think?! What do you think?
Billy: I wish you would have trusted me enough to come to me.
Phyllis: It's not about trust!
Billy: Jack told me why you want to -- want to stay quiet about this.
Phyllis: Good.
Billy: That's over now. We have the power and the means to take Victor down. We got to go to the police with everything.
Phyllis: So that's it? I just waltz into the GCPD, tell them, "hey, guys, my handsome husband was stolen from me on our wedding night, and he was replaced by a homicidal doppelganger." You know what their first question to me is gonna be? "How did you not know, Phyllis? How did you not know? How did you live with the man for months and eat with him and laugh with him and sleep with him and not know that he wasn't your husband?" And you know what I'll tell them? Because I didn't want to know. Because I ignored every God-given instinct, and I chose to keep going to be a good wife. And that look on your face right now and the fact that you have no words is exactly why I'm not going public.
Billy: You have to.
Phyllis: For who? You?
Billy: No. For you. The Phyllis I know doesn't stand in the shadows. Doesn't let guilt or shame or anything else eat her alive. She stands up with courage.
Phyllis: [Scoffs] That's so easy for you to say.
Billy: No, Phyllis, none of this -- none of this is easy. I am so sorry that you went through this. But you know who's not sorry? Victor. He's sitting pretty in his office, business as usual, like nothing happened, and you're just letting him.
Phyllis: I did not ask for any of this.
Billy: But you're perpetuating it. It's not gonna go away. It's not. It doesn't matter how many years you get under your belt. It's not gonna go away. It's gonna keep gnawing at you until there's nothing left, and it's gonna ruin everything that you have with Jack.
Phyllis: Jack and I are fine.
Billy: Really? Then why are you here? Why are you not at home? The silence is broken. Nikki knows, Luca knows. Who's next? You need to take control of this while you still can. You need to put Victor where he belongs -- behind bars.
Phyllis: I have no proof.
Billy: Yes, you do. Luca has a whole disk of evidence on Victor and Marco.
Phyllis: Okay. What about you? You're finally back with Victoria. Things are right in your world. What do you think she's gonna do? How do you think she's gonna react when she finds out you were behind bringing Victor down? I'll give you a hint. Not well. Are you prepared to lose Victoria over this?
Victor: Show me how you have been spying on me all this time. Don't try to deny it, okay? It would be an insult to your intelligence and to mine.
Natalie: How did you find it?
Victor: I kept on wondering why people knew what the hell was going on inside my office. What was said, what was done. Suddenly occurred to me -- that happened ever since you'd installed a computer in my office.
Natalie: [Sighs]
Victor: It has a webcam in it, doesn't it?
Natalie: Not for the purpose of --
Victor: Don't make it worse for yourself.
Natalie: [Sighs]
[Computer keys clacking]
Victor: Well, I'll be damned. You're a clever, little girl, aren't you?
Natalie: [Sighs]
Victor: All right. We're ready.
Natalie: Wait. What are you doing? No, you can't do this. [Sighs]
Victor: Sweetheart, that is property of Newman enterprises. Be careful what you do. And by the way... you're fired.
[Door closes]
Jack: Hey, Chelsea.
Chelsea: Hi, Jack.
Jack: Hey. Everything all right?
Chelsea: Uh, y-yeah. Sorry. Sorry. I'm a little distracted. I have a lot going on at work. But I guess that's not a bad thing, right? I mean, busy equals business.
Jack: Would it help to talk about it?
Chelsea: About business?
Jack: Whatever it is that's bothering you.
Chelsea: Um, no, that's okay. You've -- you've -- you've got enough on your plate, so...
Jack: It's Adam, isn't it?
Chelsea: I'm losing him, Jack. [Voice breaking] We're finally able to be together, I mean, really together, and I'm still losing him.
Jack: Hey.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Jack: So, what has Adam done now?
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Sorry. I shouldn't laugh. Well, no, actually, I should laugh, because it's ironic. He's done nothing. He's been completely honest with me. We literally have no secrets.
Jack: Sounds good.
Chelsea: I know, right? He's finally free to just be his own man. He is out from under his father's thumb. He's just free to live his own life -- our life -- however and wherever we choose.
Jack: You waited a long time for that.
Chelsea: I know. But it doesn't matter, Jack. Adam refuses to walk away.
Jack: To walk away from what? His father or Newman?
Chelsea: Both. [Chuckles] It's like a sickness, Jack. I mean, it's like the symptoms change but the disease stays the same. His constant desire to prove himself to his father. Although this time he says it's for a good cause -- to replace Victor, to, you know, make Newman great again, to make the Newman name respectable and admirable again, to give Connor something to grow into when he's an adult. I mean...
Jack: And you don't believe that?
Chelsea: No, I do. I believe, in his heart, Adam wants to do right by his son and this company. But let's be real. Victor's not gonna go down without a fight, and if history's any indication, he's gonna take Adam down with him. I just -- I don't know what to do, Jack. I want to help him, but my husband is turning into the very thing he insists that he hates.
Jack: That's the problem with taking on Victor Newman. Even when you win, you lose.
Chelsea: Why do I feel like we're talking about somebody other than Adam now?
Jack: When you love someone, when you're truly committed to them, you're committing to the best and the worst of them. I guess all you can do is hope that the love you have for them is great enough to bring out the best.
[Knock on door]
Victor: Yeah?
Adam: Problem?
Victor: Yeah. I'm not -- not sure, but I have a feeling that Luca Santori never got on that flight to Spain.
Adam: Huh. Really? Well, I don't know. You know, I mean, I did my part. I told him it was in his best interest to leave town. I drove him to the airport. I don't know what you wanted me to do -- wait till he gets on the plane like he's an unaccompanied minor?
Victor: Well, wait a minute. If he's not on the way to Spain, then where is he?
Adam: How the hell would I know where he's at? I-I don't know. But I'm sure you have the means to figure it out. So if that's all...
Victor: That is not all. Have you forgotten what's at stake? If you don't help me find Luca Santori and solve the conflict, then I'm gonna have to talk to Chelsea --
Adam: Chelsea about the fact that I'm the father of Sage's baby, right?
Victor: Yeah.
Adam: Yeah. The thing is, you're gonna have to come up with some new material, because she already knows. And the best part about that is, I'm the one that told her.
Luca: How are you so calm? Victor just took your laptop and the rest of your things!
Natalie: Hmm, yeah, I am gonna miss that dancing cat screensaver. [Laughs]
Luca: You think this is amusing?
Natalie: Yeah. I think it's hilarious. When Victor said "you're fired," it was all I could do not to laugh in his face.
[Chuckles] I'm free to develop my program for Billy and Phyllis. And now you, I guess.
Luca: What program? It just walked out the door with Victor Newman!
Natalie: Keep up. That was the flawed program. The one that works and will only work better the more I develop it is on a flash drive I gave to Billy. Go on. Say it.
Luca: You're a genius.
Natalie: Damn right I am.
Luca: [Chuckles]
Natalie: I just pulled one over on the great Victor Newman and lived to tell about it. Hurray for me.
Luca: Cheers. Wait. There is one problem.
Natalie: What is it?
[Door opens]
Summer: You traitor. You are not gonna get away with this.
Billy: Hi. Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?
Victoria: Uh, well, let me think. Just everything, so...
I'll leave the menu and the table linen swatches for you to go over while I just go check on the venue for availability.
Victoria: Thank you, Evelyn. I appreciate it.
Billy: Thank you.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: Vick, I said I'm sorry.
Victoria: You know, this is your wedding, too.
Billy: Yeah, I know that.
Victoria: Where were you?
Billy: Something came up, something big I need to talk to you about. It involves Jack and Phyllis.
Victoria: If you say this is about Jabot, I'm gonna kill you.
Billy: It has nothing to do with the company.
Victoria: Is everyone okay?
Billy: They are now, but they weren't for a long time. It has to do with your father.
Victoria: Oh, stop.
Billy: No. Vick, you need to hear this.
Victoria: No, stop. I am not gonna listen to another unfounded attack on my father. I'm sorry. I'm not going to.
Billy: This isn't unfounded.
Victoria: What is this?
Billy: Proof. [Sighs]
Victoria: Billy. Does my father make mistakes? Of course he does. But it's always motivated by love.
Billy: Really?
Victoria: Really.
Billy: So it was love that made him kidnap my brother and replace him with a lookalike?
Billy: As you can see, it's all there on the disk.
Victoria: Marco Annicelli. And Jack looked exactly like him? How is that even possible?
Billy: I have no idea. But Victor used Marco to replace Jack.
Victoria: [Sighs] The night of his wedding? And they kept this up for months?
Billy: While Jack was held prisoner.
Victoria: I don't understand. All of this was to destroy Jabot because my father thought that Jack was behind paragon?
Billy: But he was wrong, Vick.
Victoria: [Sighs] Documents can be forged and photos.
Billy: Not like this.
Victoria: No, they can be made. They can be altered.
Billy: Listen, this is true, all right? Jack and Phyllis both swear that this happened.
Victoria: [Sighs] Oh, my God. What now? What are you gonna do with all this?
Billy: Nothing.
Victoria: You have enough evidence here to put my father in prison, and you're gonna do nothing?
Billy: Every piece of evidence on that disk, every atrocity that Jack and Phyllis faced screams for your father to be punished. But I'm not gonna be the one to bring him in.
Victoria: Why not?
Billy: Because I love you. There's nothing in this world that means more to me. Not even justice.
Victor: You would be a fool to tell Chelsea that Christian was your son.
Adam: Well, I don't know what to tell you, then. I guess I'm a fool, because I confessed the whole thing and told her everything. And here's a foreign concept for you, something you might not be able to comprehend. She actually...forgave me.
Victor: Really?
Adam: Really. Yeah.
Victor: Well, that's something.
Adam: And she said she, uh, she felt bad for me, that I had to grieve the loss of my son on my own, so... you know, I guess that's it. You're out of ammunition. If you want to fix this problem named Luca, you're gonna have to do it yourself.
Victor: While you ride off into the sunset with Chelsea and Connor?
Adam: Sunset, sunrise, frozen tundra, pond, lake -- it really doesn't matter. My point is, my life is mine again.
Victor: There's only one problem. I know what you want. You want the chair I'm sitting in. You want this desk. You want this company, don't you? You're never gonna get it! And you will not pass it on to your son without my blessing! So you listen to this. You better do exactly as I want.
Luca: Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey. Let's all take a breath, shall we?
Summer: Whose side are you on? She is working with Billy to screw over my grandfather!
Natalie: Yeah, and that'll be so awesome if it happens. I thought we were in this together.
Summer: What?
Luca: No, please. Let me explain, all right?
Summer: What? That you are playing every angle possible?
Luca: All I want is for Natalie's project to succeed. If that happens, we all come out ahead.
Summer: Oh, and if that happens, Billy will steal pass key from Newman and my mom is working right with him!
Natalie: If you're so enraged, why aren't you out there narcing on me right now? I'm sure grandpa Vic would be all ears.
Summer: [Scoffs] Please, I would love to, but then I'd be ratting out my own mom. [Scoffs] God, this sucks.
Natalie: Relax. It's all moot anyway. Your grandfather confiscated my equipment and fired me from his precious company.
Luca: It's true. I was here.
Summer: Well, go, grandpa.
Natalie: Yeah. He's a real peach.
Summer: So, if you're not on the Newman payroll anymore, then what are you still doing in my apartment?
Natalie: [Chuckles]
Summer: Get out.
Natalie: [Scoffs]
Phyllis: No flowers?
Jack: No pleas to come back home, no -- no flowers. I just want to say I love you, I need you, and I'm very sorry that I broke your confidence and told anyone your story. And if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, it would mean the world to me if we could start over. And that's all there is to say.
Phyllis: If you think that's all there is to say, then you don't know me, Jack. This isn't easy for me to say. And even though it's only three words, you deserve to hear them. So... here it goes. I was wrong.
Jack: I-I'm sorry. Maybe I didn't hear you right. Did you just say you were --
Phyllis: I was wrong. I'm not gonna say it again. I took a good, long look in the mirror this morning.
[Door closes]
Phyllis: And I didn't really like the woman staring back at me.
Jack: With that face? It's hard to imagine.
Phyllis: I was ashamed at what someone else did to me, and I refused to face it head on. It's the very definition of being a victim.
Jack: No, you are anything but a victim.
Phyllis: And what's even worse is I made you a victim. I demanded that you stay quiet, and I should not have done that.
Jack: Do not blame yourself.
Phyllis: You were right to tell our story. It feels...
Jack: Terrifying.
Phyllis: ...Liberating. Victor can do whatever he wants to us. Let him do his worst.
Jack: Wow. I would never ask you to just let it go. It's not my place. But that you have decided that on your own, I couldn't be more proud of you.
Phyllis: Okay. I-I didn't say anything about letting it go.
Jack: No, wait, you just did.
Phyllis: No. No. I didn't. Together, you and I are gonna bring Victor down, and we're gonna make him pay...dearly.
Natalie: No, wait, I forgot my bag! Summer!
Summer: [Sighs]
Luca: I suppose I'm next?
Summer: I don't know! Should you be? I don't even know who I can trust anymore, let alone my own mom! God. All I wanted was to prove that I could do this, just be a part of the family business. That's it.
Luca: You are, Summer.
Summer: Yeah, okay. For how long? I had one job -- one job -- and I completely botched it.
Luca: Look, Victor would be an idiot to fire you. You've shown yourself to be loyal and then some, all right? Look, you're probably the only family member that he can count on.
Summer: [Chuckles] You're good. You know that? Always saying what I need to hear.
Luca: Not always. But when I run out of words, I can usually manage a hug.
Summer: Right now I just -- I want to be alone. But I, uh... I wouldn't say no to the hug first.
I have good news. The venue your fiancée wanted is available. So all I need is a check to cover the deposit.
Billy: We might have to hold off on this for -- for a minute.
Why? The wedding is still on, isn't it?
Billy: Yeah, I hope so.
Good. Since you're here, I'd like your input on a few things. Victoria did give me a little history, so I am aware this isn't your first trip down the aisle.
Billy: Hardly.
That doesn't mean you can't have a traditional ceremony. If you want one, of course. For instance, will you be having a wedding party?
Billy: Yeah, I assume so. There's, uh, there's people that both Victoria and I would like standing up for us, yeah.
Excellent. And vows -- will you write your own or do the "repeat after me" thing?
Billy: I'm assuming our own.
See? We're getting somewhere. Now, what about the bride's father? Will he be giving her away?
Billy: I'm not gonna speak for Victoria, but that's one tradition that we may have to skip.
Adam: Thank you for that slap right across the face. I appreciate that. I think I needed that. It just confirms what Chelsea's been telling me this whole time.
Victor: Really? Which is?
Adam: Which is that I've been putting things like that chair, this office, my job, this company above things that really matter, like my wife, my son, my family. I'm not doing that anymore, all right? So I tell you what. You can have it -- your precious chair, you can have your office, you can have the company, the power that you cuddle up to at night. You have all that. I don't want anything to do with it, and I don't want anything to do with you.
Victor: What's this?
Victoria: How many times have I defended you and stood up for you against Billy, against the rest of the world? Marco Annicelli, dad. Go ahead. Try to explain your way out of this.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: I have a serious crime I need to report.
Christine: It's been happening for years, and I am so sick and tired of it.
Sharon: You're trying to make an example out of my son?
Victoria: You just tried to help him cover it up. You belong in a jail cell right next to our father.
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