Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/24/16


Episode # 10866 ~ Phyllis bonds with Billy; Chelsea confides in Dylan; Sage turns to Adam for help.

Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: Oh, come on. You're not scared of a little thunder, are you?

Summer: No, I'm -- I'm just scared about Luca, that what I warned him about came true.

[Door opens]

Adam: [Sighs] It is not fun out there. And that little bit of snow that we got's already turned into ice.

Chelsea: I'm glad you made it home in one piece.

Adam: Me, too. And what are you doing here? You taking refuge?

Summer: No, not exactly.

Adam: Well, you can tell me about it over a drink. How's that sound?

Summer: Uh, why -- why are your hands shaking?

Adam: Huh?

Chelsea: Summer said that your father ordered you to kill someone. I -- I told her that's insane. Tell me that isn't true.

Natalie: Really, universe? Tonight?

[Knocks on door]

Natalie: Who is it?

Phyllis: I'll give you one guess.

Natalie: [Sighs]

Billy: This better be good. This storm is no joke.

Natalie: I'm so sorry it's winter, but we're in crisis.

Phyllis: With your security program?

Natalie: Stupid piece of -- I wish I had never even thought of it, let alone created it, now that my life is in danger.

Phyllis: Okay, just slow down.

Natalie: That's why I had to...

Billy: You had to what?

Natalie: There was no other option.

Billy: Hey, Natalie, we're working together here, so what's going on?

Sage: Hey. Psst! You're not worried about that storm, are you? It's gonna be over soon.

Faith: It's not that. I'm worried about Noah.

Sage: Oh, no, honey. Your mom and dad are at the hospital with him. So is Dylan. He's gonna be fine.

Faith: Even if he goes to jail?

Sage: Oh. How do you know about that?

Faith: I heard mommy and Dylan fighting about it last night. They didn't know I was listening.

Sage: Well, I'm sure your mom will be happy to explain everything when she gets home, okay?

Faith: Noah's not a bad person. He's good. Why would he have to go to jail?

Sage: Come here. Come on. Let's talk.

Sharon: We've got good news. Dr. Shelby's going to release you.

Nick: And the judge granted bail, so it's a good night.

Noah: Uh, what about Marisa? Are the police still holding her?

Dylan: Marisa's being released as we speak.

Noah: That's great. How?

Nick: I was happy to help. And like I told Dylan earlier, Marisa didn't do anything wrong.

Noah: Thanks, dad.

Sharon: Is there any news on Noah's trial date?

Nikki: Well, with any luck, it may not even go to trial.

Noah: Why do you say that, grandma?

Nikki: Because I have faith.

Sharon: As should you.

Nikki: Oh, things have a way of working out.

Nick: She's right, you know.

Nikki: Finally he gets it. I've been telling him that for years.

Dylan: Things always seem to work out when your last name is Newman.

Sharon: I'm starting to wonder if maybe you want Noah to go to prison.

Dylan: No, of course I don't want Noah to go to prison.

Sharon: Okay, well, what's wrong with hoping for an alternative? I mean, we're all just trying to be optimistic.

Nick: My son was scared and he made a mistake. You never made a mistake before?

Dylan: Uh, yeah, of course I have, but we're not talking about me.

Nick: Yeah, well, maybe we should.

Nikki: All right, boys. Come on, that's enough.

Marisa: Hi.

Noah: Hey.

Marisa: Hey.

Noah: You okay?

Marisa: Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine. How are you?

Noah: Good. Yeah, getting sprung soon.

Marisa: What? Really?

Nikki: Well, why don't we give those two some time alone, huh?

Marisa: Oh, wait. I don't -- I don't know who to thank for posting my bail.

Noah: Uh, that would be my dad.

Marisa: Thank you. I -- I owe you a huge debt.

Nick: No, I was happy to help. My son loves you, Marisa. Don't make him regret it, and we'll call it even.

Dylan: Okay, tell me what's going on.

Nikki: What do you mean?

Dylan: I mean, what strings did you pull?

Nikki: I don't know what you're talking about.

Dylan: [Scoffs] Okay. Okay. It seems like you have learned a few moves from Victor.

Nikki: Look, my husband is a very complicated man.

Dylan: Uh, putting it mildly, yes.

Nikki: And there are many things I would change about him, but not his devotion to our family.

Dylan: [Sighs] Does devotion means breaking the law?

Nikki: I am so glad that you found your passion -- police work. You really do have a gift for it. But please, don't keep looking for crime where there is none. You stay safe out there, okay?

Dylan: Thanks.

Faith: Noah hit someone with his car but didn't realize it?

Sage: Not at the time, no.

Faith: [Gasps]

Sage: Oh. [Chuckles] It's okay.

Faith: Like what happened to Delia.

Sage: Yeah. Yeah. Both of them were accidents. So smart. But the good news is that the man who got him is gonna be fine, just like Noah. So no more worrying about Noah going to jail, okay?

Faith: But Dylan said...

Sage: I know what he said, but you have to remember that Dylan, aside from being a wonderful man who loves you very much, is also a police officer, and that's his job is to consider all the possibilities. And your mom and dad -- their one job is to make sure that Noah's okay. And that's what they're doing. You know what I think? I think that Noah's gonna be home really soon. It's okay. It's okay.

Faith: I'm really glad you're here with me and Sully.

Sage: Me, too.

Natalie: This is a nightmare.

Billy: Okay, hey. Come on. You need to get a grip, all right? Tell us what happened.

Phyllis: All right, let's not all just jump on one another, okay? I know we're on a little edge because of the storm...

Natalie: It's not the storm. It's what he said to me.

Phyllis: Who? Luca?

Natalie: Victor. He was scary mad.

Billy: Well, that's good. That's what we want, isn't it? We want that. We want him to give you the boot.

Natalie: Yeah, the kind where my feet are set in cement before I'm tossed off the side of a boat.

Phyllis: Okay, Natalie. We cannot help you unless you tell us what happened from the beginning.

Natalie: I can do better than that. I'll show you. Sit down. This is from yesterday.

Billy: Whoa. Is that...

Phyllis: That's Victor's office.

Billy: And he's talking to Luca?

Phyllis: Pause it. You planted a camera in Victor's office?

Billy: You got guts, kid.

Natalie: Had to live up to my reputation, didn't I? Although, now I'm wishing I'd been a little less brazen and a little more smart.

Billy: Yeah, well, it's a little too late for that. Go ahead. Let's see what happens.

Phyllis: You heard him. Let's see it.

Adam: Summer, good lord. My father, your grandfather, is a lot of things. A mafia don isn't one of them, all right? He didn't -- he didn't order me to kill anyone.

Summer: Yeah, I didn't want to believe it, but after what I saw...

Adam: Whoa, whoa. Hold -- hold on a minute. What -- what do you mean, what you saw?

Chelsea: Summer says that Victor pointed a gun at Luca and later told you to get rid of him.

Adam: You were in the office?

Summer: I do work there.

Adam: Why didn't you say anything?

Summer: I mean, I was freaked out. Are you kidding me?

Adam: All right, all right. Look, here's the thing. My father might have been a little overdramatic, okay? But he certainly didn't ask me to kill anyone. He wanted Luca out of the company. He wanted him out of the city. That's all.

Summer: Okay, so, then why can't I reach him?

Adam: I -- I don't know why you can't reach him. I don't really care, honestly. The important thing is that he's gone.

Chelsea: Makes sense.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Summer: Yeah, no. Not to me.

Chelsea: Summer.

Adam: What are you doing?

Chelsea: It's terrible outside. I don't think you should be driving. You're welcome to just -- okay. That went well.

Adam: She's a good listener. Honey, let me ask you a question. Do you really think that my father would ask me to murder somebody, and then, if he did, do you think I would go -- go through with it? Seriously?

Chelsea: No. I don't believe the murder thing, but clearly I'm not the only one who's noticed.

Adam: Noticed what?

Chelsea: That lately Victor says "jump" and you say "how high?" I mean, what is he gonna ask you to do next?

Adam: Sweetheart, the truth is, I wanted Luca gone probably more than my father did.

Chelsea: It's something, though, Adam. It's in your eyes, in your body language. There's just -- there's been this heaviness about --

Adam: Heaviness? What -- what are you trying to say? I need to lose some weight or something? What's going on?

Chelsea: Stop. It's not funny. [Sighs] You say you love me more than anything.

Adam: I do.

Chelsea: If that's true, then be honest with me and just -- just tell me what Victor's holding over you.

Sage: [Gasps] Oh, my gosh. Look at all the colors in this skirt!

Faith: [Giggles]

Sage: Can you make one in my size?

Faith: You can't wear a paper skirt.

Sage: Why not?

Faith: What if it's raining?

Sage: Oh, that's a good point.

Faith: [Gasps] Oh, no.

Sage: It's okay, honey. Everything's gonna be fine, all right?

Faith: It's so dark.

Sage: Well, lucky for us, we got plenty of candles. I don't think we're gonna need them, though. 'Cause the power's gonna come on in just a second, okay?

Faith: I want Mommy and Daddy.

Sage: Well, they're gonna be here any minute, okay?

Faith: I want them now.

Sage: All right. You want me to call them? Tell them to a get a move-on?

Faith: [Gasps]

Sage: Oh. Whoops. Phone lines are down. Not a problem. [Sighs] Hmm.

Faith: What's wrong?

Sage: I don't have a signal. Don't worry, okay, honey? Like I said, your parents are gonna be home really soon, okay?

Faith: You don't know that, Sage. I don't like this at all. Make the light come back on.

Sage: Okay. Oh, great. Just what we need.

Dylan: Storm knocked out power in most of the area.

Nick: The hospital's got generators, though, right?

Dylan: Yeah, I think they just kicked on.

Sharon: We should get home to the kids.

Nick: Yeah, it's a good call. Faith has never been a big fan of thunder and lightning.

Sharon: Nor power outages.

Dylan: Yeah. Well, there's no place I'd rather be, but if this storm gets any worse...

Sharon: The P.D. Will need you?

Nick: You know, why don't I give you a ride home? Then I can pick up Sage and faith and then I can just make sure everything's good at the house for you and the baby.

Dylan: Oh, really? Thanks, man. I'd appreciate that.

Nick: Yeah.

Dylan: And listen, about Noah...

Nick: Yeah, man, you're just doing your job.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: Okay, well, be safe.

Dylan: Okay.

Sharon: Hurry home.

Dylan: As soon I can, I'll be there.

Sharon: Okay.

Dylan: Okay. [Sighs]

Marisa: Hey, have you seen Noah's nurse?

Dylan: Why, is he okay?

Marisa: Yeah. Yeah, he's fine. He's just wondering if there are any forms he needs to sign.

Dylan: Well, I --

Summer: Hey. Um, have you guys seen Luca?

Marisa: Thankfully, no.

Summer: I-I think that something's happened to him.

Marisa: [Scoffs] Please. Luca's like a cockroach. Always turns up when you think you've gotten rid of him. I -- I need to find a nurse. Excuse me.

Dylan: What, uh -- what makes you think something happened to Luca? Come on, summer, if your fears are valid, the sooner you involve the police, the better.

Summer: I cannot tell you how I know.

Dylan: Okay. That's fair enough.

Summer: My grandfather -- he threatened to get rid of Luca.

Dylan: [Chuckles] Oh, okay. That's not exactly breaking news. Victor fires people all the time.

Summer: No, I don't think you understand. He wants to get rid of him as in get rid of permanently.

Dylan: You think Victor killed Luca?

Summer: No, I think that he had Adam do it for him.

Adam: I don't know if you remember or not, but I came back from the dead for you. If that doesn't say "I love you", I don't know what does.

Chelsea: It doesn't make sense, Adam. After everything you've been through, after all of that hell, you're finally a free man. I mean, you're not facing a prison sentence. There's no reason for you to be doing Victor's bidding. Yet, it seems like he still has this power over you. Don't say it's because you just want to prove yourself, or you want to gain Victor's love. It's something different. It's something -- something darker. So why don't you just tell me what it is, okay? And you just have to let me in, and then we can face it together.

Adam: Just --

Chelsea: No, Adam, we are in the middle of a conversation.

Adam: I understand that. Just give me one -- it's Nikki, all right? I want to make sure she's all right. Hello? Nikki?

Nikki: Hi, I -- I know it's terrible out, but could you stop by the club? It's very important that --

Adam: Nikki? Hello?

Chelsea: What's wrong?

Adam: Uh, I-I don't know. The call dropped out.

Chelsea: Probably because of the storm.

Adam: Yeah, probably.

Chelsea: Wait. You're not leaving. Adam.

Adam: I'm gonna run -- I'm gonna make sure she's okay, baby. I'll be back before you know it, all right? I love you. Be right back.

Billy: That's what got you so worried?

Natalie: Um, yeah.

Billy: That doesn't mean a damn thing.

Natalie: Victor pointed a gun at Luca. You saw that. Then he told Adam to --

Billy: Yeah. To get rid of Santori. He was probably just trying to scare him so he wouldn't come back.

Natalie: From where?

Billy: No, no. Not hell, the great beyond. Don't worry about that.

Phyllis: Billy's right. Victor would not hire his son to kill Luca.

Billy: And Adam wouldn't do it.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Well. That's great. And very easy for you to say when Victor didn't just walk through that door and threaten you.

Billy: Hold on a second. Victor was here?

Natalie: Right after I heard that conversation with Adam, Victor showed up here. Demanded to see results.

Phyllis: You didn't --

Natalie: He said that if I didn't prove I was making progress, he'd do more than fire me. And after what I just witnessed, what was I supposed to think? I was scared for my life. I showed Victor the latest version of pass key, the one that works.

Billy: Natalie, Natalie, come on. That is ours. That is not Victor's. You just gave it to him?

Natalie: I thought he was gonna kill me if I didn't.

Billy: God!

Phyllis: All right, all right, just calm down. Both of you.

Billy: What do we do now?

Phyllis: Well --

Billy: We just walk away? Huh? We just let Victor win?

Phyllis: He hasn't won yet.

Phyllis: Is anybody even here?

Billy: Hello? Anybody here?

Phyllis: Huh, I guess it's self-serve night.

Billy: Apparently. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let the pro get it.

Phyllis: [Laughs] Oh, by all means.

Billy: What do you want -- red or white?

Phyllis: Oh, surprise me.

Billy: All right. Red's open.

Phyllis: Good.

Billy: Look at that, huh? Still got it.

Phyllis: I tell you, that is a talent. Thank you.

Billy: And didn't miss a drop.

Phyllis: No. Let's put it on Victor's tab.

Billy: Duh.

Phyllis: Cheers.

Billy: Cheers.

Billy: What is it about this place that just invites disaster? The fire, new year's eve.

Phyllis: Are you saying tonight's gonna end in disaster?

Billy: Let's hope not.

Phyllis: Yeah, let's.

Billy: It's got to be Victor.

Phyllis: [Sighs] That man is walking disaster. You ask anybody, especially if their last name's Abbott.

Billy: Or Newman. You see the ungodly hold he has on his kids.

Phyllis: Yeah, but that hold he has on Victoria, that's love. Adam? There's something -- the way he spoke to him on that recording.

Billy: It's different, isn't it?

Phyllis: Yeah, it was like fear.

Billy: Maybe we need to figure out what Adam's biggest fear is.

Adam: Hey.

Nikki: Hi. How are the roads?

Adam: You know, they're, uh, well, they're not amazing.

Nikki: Thank you for braving them.

Adam: Of course. Yeah. What -- what's this all about? My father catch wind of what we're trying to do here?

Nikki: Oh, God no. Victor has no idea that we intend to push him out of the company.

Adam: Good. It's more important than ever that we get that done.

Nikki: Why? What's happened?

Adam: Well, you know the guy. It's more of the same. He's -- he's putting me in impossible situations. He's jeopardizing my future with Chelsea. He's about ready to cross a line.

Nikki: Like he did with Marco Annicelli. Jack told me everything. All the terrible things that Victor did to preserve his legacy, protect the family. I really don't know how Phyllis is dealing with this, living with all of the pain and humiliation.

Adam: Mm. It's been tough on her -- her and Jack, actually.

Nikki: My heart goes out to them. And to think Victor used that same twisted rationale to justify turning Noah into the police.

Adam: Yeah, well, you know, he really scraped bottom with that one, didn't he?

Nikki: Well, no more. And God knows I love the man, but because of that, I have decided he cannot continue to go down this road. I have to save Victor from himself before it's too late.

Dylan: So Adam denied hurting Luca?

Summer: Yes, and Chelsea believed him.

Dylan: But you don't.

Summer: I don't know. No.

Dylan: Look, I know what kind of guy Victor is, but he's not a killer, and I just don't see that Adam would go along with something like this.

Summer: Look, no one wants to believe you more than I do, but the only way to prove that is if we find Luca.

Summer: What?

Dylan: What? I just didn't realize you cared about this guy that much.

Summer: The person that I care about is my grandfather. I don't want to do anything that he can't come back from.

[Door opens]

Noah: Don't waste your time, summer.

Summer: Are you sure you're supposed to be out of bed right now?

Marisa: Good question.

Noah: You can't win, all right? Look, I've tried. I tried cooperating with him, I tried fighting with him, and all it did was make my life hell. But I know what's important now. You're not gonna find it in Victor's world.

Summer: Well, Noah, I am happy that you're doing okay, but I don't think you're in the position to be giving me advice right now.

Noah: So, what's the verdict? Can I get out of here?

Marisa: Well, you've got some papers to sign at the nurse's station, and then you are free.

Noah: All right.

Dylan: Noah. Don't leave town, okay?

Noah: The only place I'm going is home to be with the woman I love. If you're smart, you'll do the same thing.

Nick: Oh, man. [Shivers]

Sharon: Oh!

Nick: Guess there's no power here, huh? Well, it's not a surprise. That wind is insane.

Sharon: Gosh. No candles? That's weird. Where is everybody?

Nick: You know what? Maybe Sage put faith and the baby to bed and then fell asleep herself upstairs?

Sharon: Okay, well, I'll go check.

Nick: Okay. [Shivers]

Sharon: They're not here.

Nick: What?

Sharon: Sage and Sully and faith -- they're gone. How could she take the kids out in this weather? What if something happened? Like some kind of an emergency? Why wouldn't she contact us?

Nick: Because she couldn't. "Sorry, I couldn't reach you. Lost power and phone. Didn't want the kids to be scared. Taking them to our place."

Sharon: Oh. Okay. Well, that's --

Nick: Smart? Responsible? Trustworthy?

Sharon: Stop. Stop. I trust Sage, okay? I do. It's just I --

Nick: You were freaking out a little bit. Yeah, I get it. I get it.

Sharon: Okay. Well, should we head over to your place?

Nick: What? Were you not in the car with me just now? The weather is crazy. The wind is out of control. There's black ice everywhere.

Sharon: So what do you suggest?

Nick: We got to stay here, wait it out.

Sharon: What about the kids?

Nick: They're safe and warm, which is more than I can say for us. Uh... how about a fire?

Sharon: That sounds nice.

Adam: Monique. Hey, it's Adam. No. No, no, no. Connor's fine. He's still asleep. Um, listen. I was wondering if Chelsea told you where she was going or what she was doing before she -- she didn't. Okay. All right. Well, thanks anyway, and uh... and get home safe, okay? All right. [Sighs]

Sage: Hi.

Adam: It's pretty late. What are you --

Sage: Yeah, the power went out at Sharon's. I took the kids to my place, but there's no heat.

Adam: The heater broke again?

Sage: Again, yeah.

Adam: Okay. Well, come on in here. Get warm.

Sage: Thank you.

Adam: Don't stand out there in the cold. Let's go. Look at you. Nice jacket.

Faith: Thanks.

Adam: That's my favorite color.

Faith: [Giggles]

Dylan: Hey.

Chelsea: Hi.

Dylan: What are you doing out in this weather? Is everything okay?

Chelsea: No. [Laughs]

Dylan: Adam? Yeah, summer, uh, told me a story about how Victor wanted Adam to get rid of Luca.

Chelsea: Seriously, summer? She went to the police?

Dylan: Oh, right now, I'm your friend. So anything you say will not be held against you in a court of law.

Chelsea: Okay, summer -- she told me the same story. But Adam insists that she just misunderstood. He says all he did was tell Luca he has to get out of town.

Dylan: Do you believe him?

Chelsea: Yeah. Of course. I mean, think about it. Victor -- he's not really gonna put a hit out on somebody. Even if he did, Adam wouldn't go through with it.

Dylan: No, I agree. Something's still bothering you.

Chelsea: I'm just so over it. You know? Watching Victor push Adam's buttons, and I really thought my husband was over it, too. Adam used to fight. Victor would push, Adam would push back. And lately, it's just -- it's like he's forgotten how to say no.

Natalie: So if Luca's still alive, why hasn't he responded to your messages?

Summer: I don't know.

Natalie: Summer, people don't just vanish into thin air. Not unless...

Summer: Don't say it. Just get on your computer and find him the way that you do with max. Look at the Genoa City airport, look at New York. Look all over, okay? Just do whatever it takes.

Natalie: It'll take a lot, and even then, there might not be a Luca to find.

Summer: Look, okay, I can't afford to think that way, and neither can you. This is the only option we have, Natalie. Please.

Natalie: Who am I to say no to a challenge?

Phyllis: I'm not Adam.

Billy: Well, that's true.

Phyllis: But my worst nightmare would be to wake up in the morning, look in that mirror, and see Victor staring right back at me.

Billy: You wouldn't look good with a moustache.

Phyllis: I'm serious.

Billy: So am I.

Phyllis: No, I'm serious. Think about it.

Billy: Yeah. I'm sure Adam's scared to become his father.

Phyllis: But, what if it's already happening? I mean, forget about the blackmailing, forget about the threatening. What if what Adam is doing --

Billy: Victor's already in Adam and he's just rearing his ugly head?

Phyllis: Exactly.

Billy: It'd be Chelsea's worst nightmare. Even with all her warnings and all of Adam's promises, there's still this feeling that he has to prove something to his father, even if it means compromising everything and everybody he loves.

Phyllis: You know... I find it ironic. Here we are working so hard to bring Newman enterprises down to its knees, attack it from the outside. What if this thing is crumbling from within?

Billy: You really want to see Victor lying in ruins, don't you?

Phyllis: Yeah, I do. Don't you?

Billy: I just want to get back what's mine. I want to do right by my family. I want to help my brother save Jabot.

Phyllis: Well, if Victor destroys himself before we get a chance, that will break my heart.

Billy: Get ahold of Jack?

Phyllis: [Sighs] No. My service is all wonky from the storm. But he is spending the evening with Neil, so I'm not terribly worried.

Billy: That's good.

Phyllis: What about Victoria?

Billy: Yeah. A text came through just a little bit ago. She's home safe and sound with the kids.

Phyllis: Good. Good.

Billy: You think they'd hate us?

Phyllis: Who?

Billy: Victoria and Jack. You think they'd hate us for what we're doing?

Phyllis: Well, I think it's best they don't know.

Billy: What if they did?

Phyllis: I don't think Jack would understand. He's done such a great job at getting past his pain and his frustration. He's focused on something bigger and more fulfilling.

Billy: Like saving Jabot and helping Neil.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: He's a good man. I don't think Victoria would understand. She's her father's daughter, that's for sure.

Phyllis: Well, God help her. God help you.

[Both laugh]

Billy: I love her so much.

Phyllis: I know you do.

Billy: But I think I'm starting to realize that... I don't think she's gonna change. I don't know if I'm gonna ever change.

Phyllis: That's not true. You already have.

Adam: Hot cocoa, hot tea coming down.

Faith: Thanks.

Adam: You're welcome.

Sage: I hope we're not imposing.

Adam: No, no. Are you kidding? Not at all. I was actually kind of bored. And if the heat goes off, we'll build a fire, all right? We'll figure out a way to stay warm.

Sage: How's that sound, faith?

Faith: Good. [Giggles] Thanks, Adam, and thanks for the cocoa, too.

Adam: Of course. You're so polite. So polite. What a good kid. Um... so, what's going on? Why you babysitting your little brother?

Faith: Mommy and daddy are keeping Noah out of jail.

Sage: [Scoffs]

Adam: It's your typical Wednesday, huh?

Sage: They're at the hospital and, we're just --

Adam: You don't -- you don't have to explain at all. I hope it works out.

Sage: Me, too.

Adam: Yeah. Making a ruckus, huh? What is with you? You're up past your bedtime, no?

Sage: Sully's a real party animal tonight.

Adam: I can see that.

Sage: We cannot get him to go to sleep, can we?

Faith: Nope.

Adam: Well, you mind if I give it a whirl?

Sage: Please, go for it.

Adam: Yeah?

Sage: Yeah.

Adam: All right.

[Sage and faith chuckle]

Adam: Operation night-night in full effect. Here we go. Come here, baby. Come on, my baby. Yes, look at you. Yeah. All right. All right, all right. There we go. See? He's close. He's close, right? Yeah. There we go.

Marisa: Baby, get in to bed. You need to rest.

Noah: All I've been doing is resting. It feels good to be on my own two feet. God, it's beautiful, isn't it? You never realize how much you take for granted till you face losing it.

Marisa: Well, I wish you'd listen to your grandmother.

Noah: Yeah. Have a little more faith?

Marisa: Well, you may never have to spend one night in prison. Not if Nikki has anything to say about it.

Noah: Well, if I get off that easy, then so will you. I mean, how could you not? All you did was stand by me.

Marisa: Mm. That's all, huh?

Noah: That's everything.

John: Can I get you anything?

Nikki: Oh, um, actually, I think I'd just like to sit here and wait out the storm, if that's okay.

John: Of course. I'm sure Mr. Newman would want you to be safe.

Nikki: Well, lord knows we wouldn't want Mr. Newman to worry, now, would we? John? On second thought, um... I think I'm gonna have a coffee.

John: Tired, huh?

Nikki: Actually, I'm wide awake. And I need to stay that way.

Natalie: According to public surveillance cameras, this is the last image I can find of Luca.

Summer: The athletic club parking garage. Okay.

Natalie: Well, he gets into Adam's car and they drive off together.

Summer: Well, at least Adam's not holding Luca at gunpoint.

Natalie: There is that.

Summer: Okay, well, where does Adam take him? Does he take to the airport? Does he take him to a bus stop, the train station? Where do they go?

Natalie: Hold on. I'm getting something. This is Adam's car pulling into an alley.

Summer: Okay, uh, where -- where is this?

Natalie: Uh... I don't know. The camera doesn't have a location.

Summer: Is Luca with him?

Natalie: I don't --

Summer: Great. Okay.

Natalie: [Sighs] Well, thank goodness for a fully charged battery, right?

Natalie: If you want to play solitaire, yeah.

Summer: Why? What do you mean? Where'd the footage go?

Natalie: No power, no internet. No internet, no footage.

Summer: Are you serious?

Natalie: All we can do is wait.

Summer: Okay, well, we might as well make the most it, right? How about flashlights and ghost stories?

Natalie: Mmm, yes to the first one and no way to the second.

Summer: Why? Afraid of a little ghost stories? Come on.

[Door handling jiggling]

Natalie: Whoa, what was that?

Summer: I don't know. Who's there?

Chelsea: And why would someone who is as headstrong as Adam just go along with whatever Victor says? He wouldn't.

Dylan: Unless he didn't have a choice.

Chelsea: I know. That's what I'm thinking. And we all know that Victor Newman is a pro at emotional blackmail.

Dylan: I'm not talking about emotional blackmail. I'm talking about the straight-up blackmail. Does Adam have a skeleton that Victor found out about?

Chelsea: If he does, I don't know what it is. I mean, Adam's deepest, darkest secret was everything that happened with Delia, and that's all out in the open now, so...

Dylan: Okay, but don't make the mistake of underestimating Victor. If he found out something about his son... he won't hesitate to use it.

Chelsea: Yep. And that's why, for the sake of my family, I have to figure out what it is.

Adam: He's out like a light. See? I didn't even have to get my shush on.

Sage: You're a real miracle worker.

Adam: Well, I would say I told you so, but -- actually, you know what? I told you so.

[Faith and Sage chuckle]

Faith: Those are serious baby skills.

Sharon: Remember that time when we got trapped in that cabin? [Laughs]

Nick: How could I forget that? I don't think I've ever been that cold in my life.

Sharon: Even with the fire and a stack of blankets, we couldn't warm up until we...

Nick: [Laughs] Yeah. Yeah, and along came Faith Cassidy Newman.

Sharon: Well, at least it's not that cold this time.

Nick: Yeah, and we're not miles from home.

Sharon: And the good news is that Noah may be able to avoid jail time, and faith and Sully are warm and safe in the city.

Nick: That just leaves summer, who's always reminding me that's she's no longer a kid anymore, so I don't have to worry about her.

Sharon: Much.

[Rapid knocking on door]

[Summer and Natalie gasp]

Billy: You really think I've changed?

Phyllis: For the first time since I have known you, Billy Abbott, you are not just talking a good game. You are truly attempting to make something of yourself. And even more than that, you are righting a wrong. This pass key program -- that was yours. That was yours, and Victor stole it. I mean, he deserves to answer for that.

Billy: I don't think the black knight would see it the same way.

Phyllis: Oh, I really don't care what he sees. 'Cause you're in this for all the right reasons. Me on the other hand, I'm not about the justice or the redemption. I'm in it for the vengeance. Pure and simple. Yeah. And I know that is probably gonna leave me pretty empty on the inside, but if I don't do anything, if I just let Victor get away with everything, that will leave an even bigger hole. Guess you didn't figure yourself to be hooked up with such a soulless woman like me.

Billy: You don't scare me. And I'm not nearly as noble as you think I am.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: Are you upset that I was here alone with Nick?

Dylan: Yeah, I am.

Jack: Nikki knows about Marco.

Nikki: Why? What could possibly be worth what you did?

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