Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/23/16


Episode # 10865 ~ Nikki reaches out to Elise Moxley; Hilary pushes Ashley's buttons; Jack & Neil join forces.

Provided By Suzanne

Nikki: Elise. You're looking well. How is your husband's reelection campaign coming along?

Elise: Nikki, you made it very clear in the phone call that this conversation wasn't requested, but mandated, so why don't you just cut to the chase and please tell me why I'm here?

Nikki: Quite frankly, judge Moxley, you can be of use to me.

Natalie: [Gasps]

Summer: Jumpy much?

Natalie: I'm overtired.

Summer: Hmm. Yeah, you do look like one from the walking dead.

Natalie: And you look like a walking cupcake, but do I hold that against you?

Summer: So, did you work all night again?

Natalie: Yeah. Still no closer to figuring out what's wrong with my program.

Summer: Well, maybe you need a break or something. It'd be good for you.

Natalie: Yeah. Call your grandpa. Ask him to give me a few days off.

Summer: Yeah, that'll never happen. But maybe a mental break could be good for you. I don't know -- why don't you take the money that the paid you and put it to good use? Go online or something and buy yourself a new... everything.

Natalie: Shopping won't get my program debugged.

Summer: Okay, don't underestimate the power of retail therapy. I'll go with you.

Natalie: Oh, this is sounding better and better.

Summer: Just think about it while I'm in the shower, okay? I promise it'll clear your head.

[Water turns on]

Adam: What the hell happened there?

Victor: I had a meeting with Luca last night.

Adam: And what'd you do to him?

Victor: Things got a little out of hand.

Neil: You really didn't have to do this, Jack.

Jack: I didn't do anything. I rented this suite.

Neil: You babysat me all night while I was detoxing. Okay. I don't know if I can take this. Uh, Jack, don't you -- don't you have something to do? Don't you have a business to run?

Jack: All taken care of. My phone's turned off. I'm off the grid for now.

Neil: Yeah, come on, man.

Jack: I'm not gonna let you go through this alone, Neil.

Neil: So, what it is, is you really don't trust me. You think I'm gonna drink again and get drunk.

Jack: How you feeling?

Neil: How you think I'm feeling? I got a hangover, Jack. I feel like hell. I'm physically ill. I don't understand why I keep doing this.

Jack: So focus on what's important. You realized you needed help. You took the appropriate step to fix it.

Neil: You forced me to take the appropriate steps, Jack!

Jack: When I was in your shoes, I couldn't do it alone, either. Neil, come on. Sit down.

Neil: I don't want to sit down! You may be a recovering addict, but it's not the same. We're not the same.

Jack: Addiction is addiction, Neil.

Neil: I'm talking about what it takes to stay sober. You got a good life, man. And you know why? Because you got a good wife. She's strong, she's loving. What the hell do I have? I used to have a good woman in my life, and now my son Devon has got that good woman! How do you think that makes me feel?!

Hilary: Hundreds of favorable comments about our press conference.

Devon: Yeah, a press conference where my drunken father nearly ruined this entire project. Till you saved it.

Hilary: Okay, listen to this one. "Mrs. Hilary Hamilton made a more compelling case for the FDA to approve work in this promising field than any scientist could. She put a face to this intractable problem, a face of hope." Were you even listening to me?

Devon: There's just something about that gorgeous face of yours.

Hilary: Ah, don't distract me.

Devon: Oh, well, don't be so beautiful, why don't you?

Hilary: [Groans] Okay, okay, so, um, what I was thinking was that we should capitalize on this buzz.

Devon: Capitalize on it. Have you, uh, have you run it by Ashley?

Hilary: Not yet.

Devon: Well, it's her call.

Hilary: You know, I've just been reluctant to pitch ideas to Ashley since she's been laid up.

Devon: Yeah, that has made things a little more inconvenient.

Hilary: You know, why don't I step in? You know, just take a little bit of the pressure off of Ashley just for the good of the project?

Ashley: Honey, why'd you get me a present?

Abby: [Chuckles]

Ashley: That was so sweet of you. Abby, a onesie?

Dr. Neville: I don't understand.

Ashley: I'm not pregnant! I told you I am not pregnant.

Abby: But I am. [Chuckles]

Ashley: [Gasps] Are you sure?

Stitch: Yeah, lab ran her twice. It's the real deal. Your daughter and I are having a baby.

Abby: [Laughs] And you are gonna have a million new pictures on your phone in about eight months or so, give or take.

Dr. Neville: Congratulations.

Abby: Thank you. [Chuckles] Mom?

Stitch: Ash, you okay?

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Ashley: I'm just so happy for both of you.

Dr. Neville: And, of course, shocked.

Ashley: And shocked, yes, that you're making me a grandmother so soon. [Chuckles]

Abby: A really hot, young grandma.

Ashley: Thanks. I'm happy for both of you.

Abby: Thank you.

Stitch: Hey, we, uh -- max has a half day at school. We got to pick him up.

Ashley: Okay.

Abby: I love you.

Ashley: Love you.

Abby: The hottest grandma ever.

Ashley: [Laughs] Congratulations.

Abby: Thank you.

Ashley: I'm so excited.

Abby: Yay.

Ashley: So excited for you.

Abby: See you later, doc.

Dr. Neville: At the lab. I can't help but wonder if you're actually as excited as you claim. After all, I mean, your feelings for stitch...

Ashley: That's ancient history. I'm very happy that Abby has a family to lean on in case something happens to me.

Dr. Neville: Nothing is going to happen to you. Ms. Abbott, I haven't given up on you. You cannot give up on yourself.

Nikki: My grandson was arrested last night. And I would like you assigned to his case.

Elise: Would you?

Nikki: Yes, I think that you, as the judge, would see no reason to send a young man of Noah's ethics and background to jail and you would be satisfied with assigning him to community service.

Elise: Oh, I sense an "or else" coming.

Nikki: Or else... I will let the world know about the affair you had with my husband.

Elise: [Sighs] I suddenly understand what you and Victor see in each other. You both resort so easily to blackmail.

Nikki: I assume you won't fight me on this out of consideration to the senator?

Elise: I have children, and you know they would be affected, as well.

Nikki: And I would so hate to see them suffer.

Elise: Then why would you do this?

Nikki: For my grandson.

Elise: I will see to it that Noah gets community service, all right? He will see no jail time.

Nikki: I'm very glad we could come to an agreement, Elise.

Elise: There's really no level you people won't stoop to.

Nikki: You don't want me as an enemy, Elise, or any other member of my family, for that matter.

Adam: Dad, what did you do to Luca?

Victor: Put a gun to his face.

Adam: I'm sorry -- you did what?

Victor: I told him to leave town or he'd die.

Adam: You wouldn't kill him, right, dad? 'Cause you're too smart for that, aren't you?

Victor: Am I?

[Footsteps approach]

Natalie: Your shower!

Summer: Yeah, I faked it!

Victor: You're right. I didn't kill him.

Adam: [Sighs]

Victor: That punk is under kind of house arrest at the hotel waiting for you to escort him out of town.

Adam: Me? Why me?

Victor: Want to make sure he leaves.

Adam: Okay, why can't you have one of your associates do it?

Victor: I only trust you with it, Adam.

Adam: Oh, man, it's...

Victor: And, uh, make sure he doesn't become a problem again, okay?

Summer: Oh, my God. My grandpa, he -- he wants Adam to kill Luca.

Victor: That peacock Luca Santori has become too much of a liability, one that must be managed, and I think you're the one to do it.

Summer: [Gasps] My grandfather, he wants Adam to murder Luca.

Natalie: These guys are nuts, okay? I thought Victor just fired people, but this is...

Summer: When I faked the shower, I thought I was gonna come down here to find you playing video games. I didn't think I was gonna find this! My God, I-I can't let this happen.

Natalie: Wait! Summer! What are you gonna do?!

Summer: I don't know.

Adam: I am so sick of dealing with these menial tasks, like handling the Luca problem. Really?

Victor: Well... I'm not talking about killing the boy. It's not only my problem. It's your problem, as well.

Adam: Not talking about killing the boy? What are you talking about, then?

Victor: I am talking about him not coming back here and causing trouble.

Adam: Okay, well, there's a limit to what I'm willing to do.

Victor: How about people learning about little Christian's paternity?

Adam: Paternity. Here we go. Let me tell you something about that. I really feel like you're over-evaluating that piece of information.

Victor: Really? Am I?

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I really think you are.

Victor: You think that Nicholas would be blasé about finding that out or Sage or... how about Chelsea learning that?

Adam: [Sighs]

Natalie: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Mr. Newman says you're supposed to wait here.

Luca: All right. How much... to look the other way?

Hilary: With my business experience and as the one person who is living proof that Dr. Neville's experimental treatments work, I would be the perfect person to step in for Ashley.

Devon: Right, but you know I was just forced to fire Neil. And I really don't want Ashley to think that I'm pushing her out now, too.

Hilary: Devon. You made the right choice, okay? Sometimes I wonder if maybe I had been stronger with my mom, enabled her less, maybe she'd still be alive.

Devon: Hilary.

Hilary: Just believe me when I say that you did your father a huge favor.

Devon: Well, I hope that you're right about that.

Hilary: You know, and by saving your dad, you also saved this -- this amazing research. You protected it from being dismissed and ignored. [Sighs]

Devon: You're really excited about this project, aren't you?

Hilary: Well, aren't you? I mean, come on. Think about it. We are gonna save millions of lives, lives like mine. We just -- we have to promote this properly.

Devon: Yeah, and use the ground swell as leverage with the FDA, right?

Hilary: I can do this.

Devon: What about Ashley? I don't want her to think, you know...

Hilary: Listen, this is important for Ashley, too. She's been working with Neville around the clock. I just -- I-I can't see her questioning anything that you would do that would push this project forward.

Devon: Yeah, I would feel better if we talked to her about it first. That's all I'm saying.

Hilary: We are gonna look back on this moment forever. The instant that we became more than husband and wife, more than lovers, more than friends.

Devon: And what's more than all of that?

Hilary: Power.

Devon: Power?

Hilary: Times two.

Devon: [Chuckles]

Hilary: See, you can make things happen, but so can I. And together, we can be unstoppable.

Devon: I do like the sound of that. I do. I think Ashley will appreciate having the extra help while she's recovering, so...

Hilary: Yeah?

Devon: Yeah.

Hilary: Thank you.

Devon: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Hilary: And I-I do love working with you. And listen, don't worry about Ashley, okay?

Devon: I'm not. I really do think she'll appreciate you taking a bigger role in the company, 'cause, I mean, at the end of the day, we all want the same thing, right? [Chuckles]

Jack: Where are you going?

Neil: I'm getting out of here, Jack.

Jack: To go where? To an empty house and a few more reasons to keep drinking?

Neil: You don't know.

Jack: Oh, I don't know because I have a loving, supportive wife at home. Is that what you think?

Neil: Yes, that's what I think.

Jack: And that's the reason it's so much easier for me to stay sober?

Neil: I don't believe this. You can't understand.

Jack: The hell I can't! You have no idea what I have been through, Neil.

Neil: Oh, what have you been through? Is business bad? Something like that? No, you have a good life.

Jack: You have no idea what Phyllis and I have been through in the last year, what nearly drove me to the bottom of that pill bottle!

Neil: Okay, why don't you tell me what happened, then?

Jack: I can't get into it.

Neil: Okay. Goodbye.

Jack: Neil, Neil, Neil, Neil. Wait. Wait!

Neil: For what?! You want to serve me some more coffee and read me some platitudes from the big book? Why can't for once you just be my friend?

Jack: I am your friend.

Neil: Then why is this so one-sided, Jack? I can't take this anymore! I failed at my marriage. I'm failing forgiving Devon and Hilary. I'm failing my entire family because I can't stop drinking. Jack, why don't you just for once let me be the other guy, somebody that you can count on? Come on. You can count on me. What the hell happened? What went wrong with you and Phyllis?

Jack: His name is Marco Annicelli.

Neil: What? Some guy? She would never cheat on you.

Jack: Phyllis didn't even know.

Neil: How could she not know?

Jack: Because of Victor! Victor found some guy in a Peruvian prison, a drug dealer who had my face, my body, my voice, and he came here and he took over my life!

Neil: This guy, uh, he pretended to be you? When did this happen?

Jack: This happened during my honeymoon. He's the one that came back here with Phyllis. To my home, to my bed. And I was being held hostage on some island! I tried to get back to Genoa City!

Neil: And Annicelli was able to do this because --

Jack: Because Victor was coaching him!

Neil: So all that time, Phyllis was sleeping with, living with, a stranger, a criminal, and Victor knew about that?

Jack: He not only knew about it.

[Door opens]

Jack: He set it up.

Nikki: Hold it! That is a lie. That can't be true!

Jack: Nikki --

Nikki: He would never do anything that unspeakable.

Jack: He did.

Nikki: No, he didn't! You're mistaken!

Jack: He nearly cost me my life. He did more damage to my marriage than I care to talk about. Believe me. I know. He did.

Neil: Hey. Why don't you sit down? Want to sit down?

Nikki: He wouldn't do that. Victor wouldn't do that. You -- you would have called the police. You would have called Paul!

Jack: I didn't.

Nikki: If Victor had done something that heinous to you or to your wife, you wouldn't keep it to yourself. My God, you wouldn't protect him! No matter what you would tell the world what he did!

Neil: Unless, you know...

Nikki: Oh, my God. Blackmail. With what?

Jack: I kept my mouth shut for Phyllis' sake. She'd been through hell for months -- months! She'd been trying to reconcile inconsistencies in my behavior, in my character. She'd led herself to believe that I had suffered some kind of brain damage when the building collapsed. This man had his hands all over my wife!

Nikki: Oh, my God. She didn't know?

Jack: What? You judge her?

Nikki: No, no!

Jack: 'Cause that's exactly what the press would do! They would judge her for not knowing she was sleeping with a stranger! I'm not gonna let that happen.

Nikki: No matter how much you want to hurt Victor?

Jack: Nothing is more important than my wife.

Neil: Nikki, I see it. Are you all right? You okay?

Nikki: No, no, I'm not all right. I-I have to go find Victor.

Jack: No, no, no, Nikki, Nikki, listen to me! You can't go to Victor with this.

Nikki: Well, I can't ignore it!

Jack: Listen to me, both of you! For Phyllis' sake, you can't say a word of this to anyone!

Nikki: All right. You can trust me. I... I will not break your confidence. You know... Victor is never going to apologize for this. So I'll do it. I am deeply sorry for what Victor did to you and your wife.

[Door closes]

Max: Can I get a hot chocolate?

Abby: Sure. Oh, um...

Max: A present! Who's it for?

Abby: Actually, um...

Stitch: It's for the new baby, son.

Max: Oh. Can I see?

Abby: Sure. [Chuckles]

Max: It's so tiny.

Stitch: You used to be that tiny once, max.

Max: How would you know? You weren't even there.

Natalie: Phyllis, we need to talk. Please, please call me. Things are getting a little out of control. Mr. Newman.

[Door closes]

Natalie: [Clears throat] I wasn't expecting you.

Victor: I'm tying up some loose ends today.

Adam: My father meeting you here?

Nikki: No.

Adam: Good. Good. You thinking about breaking the rules, Nikki?

Nikki: Oh, yeah. I am.

Adam: What are you drinking?

Nikki: Club soda.

Adam: Good for you. You heard the lady. Good for you. You know, let me tell you, your husband is a real piece of work. You know that?

Nikki: Well aware of that, dear.

Adam: Yeah.

Nikki: Learning more every day. People often wonder why I put up with him.

Adam: Yeah, I'm actually one of those people.

Nikki: I'm not really sure anymore. Why do you put up with your father? Do I even have to ask? Obviously he has something on you. Blackmail. That's the only reason you went back to work with him.

Adam: Actually, I went back to work with him because I'm a bigger fool than you are. I, um... I actually thought I could have a relationship with him, you know. I wanted his approval. Like I needed his acceptance. That kind of thing.

Nikki: You don't need any of that.

Adam: No? All right. Thank you. [Chuckling] Thank you.

Nikki: Actually, what you need is to be running things.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that. That -- that -- that would be good. [Laughs]

Nikki: I will help you. I will help you take control.

Adam: You're pitching that we work together to rip Victor's company away from him?

Nikki: You heard right.

Adam: Uh, excuse me. Another one of these, please. Gee, you know, you don't strike me as the power-hungry type.

Nikki: That's not what's in it for me.

Adam: What's in it for you?

Nikki: Love. This is a last-ditch effort to save my marriage. I need to save Victor from himself. I need to save --

Adam: Save his soul. My God, what's he done now?

Nikki: I don't want to think about it.

Adam: Thank you. You should leave him.

Nikki: I have. More than once.

Adam: Which sort of begs the question...

Nikki: I keep going back because I love him too much to walk away forever. And I love him too much to allow him to continue living the life he's living.

Adam: Yeah. But to rip his company away from him and give it to me, his most hated son...

Nikki: I really didn't think there was anything else. I didn't think he could surprise me with one more thing or that there would be a line that he wouldn't cross.

Adam: You're upset that he turned Noah in to the police. And I understand that. But, I mean, I got to ask you a question. Are you really that shocked that he would do something like that? He said he was teaching him a lesson. He says it's for Noah's own good.

Nikki: Well, I think this would be for Victor's own good. Freeing him of the company would allow him to focus solely on the family that he claims is the most important thing in the world to him.

Adam: It would teach him a little humility, right?

Nikki: Among other things. So, what do you say, Adam? Are you in?

Natalie: Oh, that call, the one you walked in on?

Victor: Yeah, that one.

Natalie: Yeah, that was nothing.

Victor: [Sighs] You know, I had such high hopes for you and your highfalutin security program you thought you'd create for me. But so far, it's been a disappointment.

Natalie: I'm sorry.

Victor: So either you are incompetent... or you are a con artist.

Natalie: I'm not.

Victor: In either case, you're leaving me in a very awkward position.

Natalie: You're gonna fire me, aren't you?

Victor: And let me tell you something. If you're playing me... it would be far worse for you than being fired.

You're supposed to wait until Mr. Newman sends instructions.

Luca: Look, if you'll just --

Do not offer me money again.

Luca: Okay, no money. Got it. Look, just do me a favor, all right? I know I'm being sent away. Just if I can have my phone back. Victor can't begrudge me a few goodbyes, right? [Sighs]

Summer: Hi. Summer Newman. Um, I'm Victor Newman's granddaughter. You remember me. I know you do. Anyways, I'm here to talk to Luca.

Luca: Uh, yeah, she came to say goodbye. This -- this is who I was gonna call.

Summer: So, if you could please give us a few minutes. Okay, you know what? My grandfather's not gonna like hearing that you're giving me a hard time about this, so... I could get you fired.

All right, five minutes. That's it.

Luca: Hi.

Summer: Hi.

Luca: I guess you've heard by now Victor's having me shipped off.

Summer: No, what I heard is that my grandfather wants you murdered, that he's gonna have Adam kill you!

Luca: Okay, you got to help me.

Summer: I am helping you! I'm here to warn you, okay? You just -- you got to leave town. You got to promise that you're gonna ditch Newman, you're gonna just go to Europe and never come back, something!

Luca: Just as I was getting to know you? I mean, come on. But I guess leaving is my best and only option at this moment.

Summer: Okay, well, I-I don't know. I don't know. How are you gonna do it? There's a pretty big guy out there waiting.

Luca: I'm not gonna do anything. You are.

Stitch: The day you were born was the happiest day of my life.

Max: But you weren't even there.

Stitch: I was deployed. You know that, max. I got there as fast as I could.

Max: Then you left again.

Stitch: And I plan on making up for that.

Max: That's fine. I'm over it.

Stitch: No, but you need to understand --

Max: I got homework.

Stitch: What's this? You got into a fight today?

Hilary: Yes, I look forward to it. See? I was able to set up a meeting with the FDA rep and arrange another interview with the press.

Ashley: Why are you calling government agencies and setting up interviews with the press... behind my desk?

Hilary: I am glad that you feel better to come into work today. I was just picking up a little bit of the slack.

Ashley: I didn't ask you to do that. And I certainly didn't sign off on any of those things.

Hilary: Well, I was just trying to help.

Ashley: Yeah, who gave you the authority?

Hilary: Devon signed off on it.

Ashley: So first you fire your father, now you're edging me out, too?

Ashley: Just for the record, it's too soon for media.

Hilary: We can't lose momentum. And plus I had no idea how long you'd be laid up for.

Ashley: Do I look laid up to you?

Hilary: Well, not today.

Ashley: You don't have the right to be making these kind of decisions. Do you understand that? And, Devon, you should have called me and then we could have talked about this instead of just handing my job over to her. I --

Devon: No one's handing your job over to anyone, Ashley. In fact, I thought that you would appreciate having the extra help.

Ashley: [Scoffs] It doesn't feel like help. It feels like an ambush.

Dr. Neville: We are on the same side.

Hilary: That's what I'm trying to say. Dr. Neville even said in the wake of the press conference that I could be a face for this project.

Dr. Neville: Well, no one listens to me.

Ashley: Okay, you could be a face for the project, but it doesn't mean you can take over the project.

Devon: If you'll excuse me, I want to speak to Hilary alone for a second, okay?

Dr. Neville: Of course.

Devon: Thanks.

Hilary: [Sighs]

Devon: I think that you may have overstepped.

Hilary: We just stood here and talked about doing what's best for the project, what's best for the project that I breathe new life into. What about me, huh? What about our future?

Neil: How can you not want to go after Victor after what he did to you? Man, just thinking about it makes, you know, makes me want to --

Jack: Makes you want to have a drink, pop a pill, right?

Neil: Yeah, actually, it does. Did you?

Jack: Oh, I wanted to, more times than I can tell you. I wanted to kill that man. I wanted to take from him everything that was dear to him.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah, I know that feeling. What stopped you?

Jack: My wife. Phyllis needed me. So... I put all that energy into rebuilding my damaged marriage.

Neil: Yeah. Yeah, but you still got to want to go after Victor.

Jack: No, no. A waste of precious time. I guess I realized that my love for my wife was bigger than my hatred for Victor.

Neil: So, you're saying that I should find something like that, something bigger than my resentment for Hilary and Devon?

Jack: Yeah, something bigger. Anything come to mind?

Neil: Yeah, actually. It does. I've got something that's pretty big, important, with purpose.

Jack: Your purpose.

Neil: Yeah.

Natalie: Wait. I don't know who told you that I'm conning you or --

Victor: You presented yourself as someone with a particular skill for all this technical mumbo jumbo, all right? You promised to create a genius-like security program. I don't have one yet. Where is it?

Natalie: It's not like I've been living it up on your money.

Victor: I said I don't have a finished program yet, do I?

Natalie: That's not true. Let me show you?

Victor: Don't you waste my time.

Summer: You know, um, there was this really weird guy following me when I came up the stairs earlier, so I think I'm gonna need you to walk me to my car. Thanks.

My orders are to not leave this post.

Summer: Okay, well, my grandfather's gonna be really upset when he hears that you let me get stalked by some sicko, so I suggest that you come with me.

Adam: You ready to go?

Stitch: Why'd you hit this kid?

Max: He started it.

Stitch: How? What did he do?

Max: I'm getting my hot chocolate.

Stitch: Well, I guess I was overly optimistic about him making a transition.

Abby: All the more reason for us to make your son feel like he's loved and accepted. Part of a family.

Neil: Giving back, man. That's what fulfills me. Guiding -- guiding people back to a sense of normality like I'd definitely done before. Like you're doing right now.

Jack: Let me make sure I get this right. You want to establish a formal relationship with a clinic, with the A.A.?

Neil: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something like that. You know, I've noticed that Genoa City doesn't have anything like that, like a place, a center, a foundation maybe, a place where alcoholics and addicts can go to get help. And, see, I think I'm qualified to give them that help. I have to get sober first, of course.

Jack: Step 12. "Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps" --

Neil: "We try to carry this message to other alcoholics and to practice these principles in all of our affairs." Jack, I'm talking about something that goes a little bit further, right? Maybe more hands-on. Of course, we'd have the standard A.A. Meetings, but the main thrust of this place would be to help alcoholics after they get clean. We would give them the tools, the necessary support to stay clean, to live clean one day at a time. What do you think about that?

Jack: I think it's not only an inspired idea. I would be proud to be your partner. If you want one.

Ashley: So, Hilary, are you clear now on what your job is and isn't, I hope?

Devon: Ashley, I think that Hilary has some very good ideas that you should consider.

Ashley: Fantastic. You can present them to me any time you like.

Hilary: Why should I sit back and wait and ask for permission?

Dr. Neville: Well, maybe --

Ashley: Because there's a certain way of doing things, Hilary. That's why.

Hilary: Well, I'm the one that took action at the press conference and saved it.

Ashley: Okay, so you saved the press conference. How did you get from "a" to "z"? 'Cause there's a lot of letters in between.

Devon: You guys, you guys, you both are very smart, talented women, right?

Hilary: Right.

Devon: And you both have a lot to offer this project, correct?

Ashley: Okay.

Devon: Work this out. Okay?

Natalie: Pass key works. I did it.

Victor: So, you've cleared out all the bugs?

Natalie: Not yet, but I'm close.

Victor: When will you be finished?

Natalie: I don't know. A week?

Victor: I'll give you 48 hours.

[Door closes]

Natalie: Phyllis, it's me again. You know what I said about us having a problem? Well, it just got bigger.

Adam: Come on, man. There's a car waiting.

Luca: A car?

Adam: Yeah. Take you to the airport.

Luca: Look, I know damn well you have no intention of putting me on that plane. Victor wants me dead, and you're here to finish this.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Dylan: You think Victor killed Luca?

Summer: No, I think that he had Adam do it for him.

Billy: That is ours! That is not Victor! You just gave it to him?!

Natalie: I thought he was gonna kill me if I didn't!

Sharon: They're not here.

Nick: What?

Sharon: Sage and Sully and faith. They're gone!

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