Y&R Transcript Friday 2/5/16


Episode # 10853 ~ Nick opens up to Sharon; Luca plans to take Victor down; a familiar face shows up in town.

Provided By Suzanne

Sharon: Nick. This is a surprise. Come on in.

Nick: Thanks.

Sharon: Um, you know, the way you left before, is everything okay?

Nick: Uh, yeah. Just a minor incident with Sage. She's doing better now.

Sharon: Oh, okay. Well, I can see how stressed you are about this, and I know that for Sage, it's gonna be a transition. You just have to remember that Sage is gonna get the best treatment from Dr. Anderson.

Nick: Well, that's why I came back, you know, so I could be prepared.

Sharon: For what?

Nick: Uh, Sage's treatment. I was hoping you can give me some insight on how Anderson works, you know, things she likes to talk about, advice she likes to give.

Sharon: I know you're nervous about all this, but I-I really don't think that you can compare the two situations, because I checked myself into Fairview voluntarily, and Sage... I just don't know how my experience would be useful.

Nick: Look, you know the doctor a lot better than I do, Sharon. Uh, you know, Sage's treatment is in this woman's hands, so any information you can give me would be helpful. I just want to know everything I can about her.

Dr. Anderson: Now that you've had a nap, how are you feeling?

Sage: A nap? Is that what we're calling it? That's cute. Your orderly drugged me.

Dr. Anderson: You needed sedation.

Sage: I needed a phone.

Dr. Anderson: Well, you didn't give him much of a choice. In his incident report, he said that you were combative.

Sage: [Chuckles] Combative? I told him I needed to speak with my husband, and he wouldn't listen to me.

Dr. Anderson: He isn't required to listen to you. I'm your therapist.

Sage: Okay, so is this what I should expect any time I make a reasonable request?

Dr. Anderson: That's the problem, Sage. It wasn't reasonable. You grabbed the man's arm and yelled at him, demanded to use the phone after you'd been caught using mine without permission. Now, Fairview has a very strict policy when it comes to patient aggression. He responded according to the procedures of this hospital. [Sighs] Now, do you want to explain to me why this happened?

Sage: It was very important that I spoke with Nick.

Dr. Anderson: Again, why?

Sage: Because... because I don't want to lose him while I'm away here. You satisfied?

Dr. Anderson: You know, you told me that you want us to trust one another. But I sense that you are not being honest with me.

Sage: Oh, is that what you sense? So any time I'm not saying what you want to hear, you gonna lock me in here, stick a needle in my arm?

Dr. Anderson: This process can be as easy or as difficult as you want to make it. All I ask of you is that you tell me the truth so I can help you. Now, it's time for you to explain to me why were you so desperate to talk to Nick?

Paul: And, uh, who brought her by?

Racine pd. She's waiting in your office.

Paul: Wow. She was that close and I had no idea. Eating out of dumpsters and, uh, living in the streets. What the heck.

What'll happen to her now, chief?

Paul: Well, she's got to go back to Fairview, but I want to question her first and find out how and why she escaped from Fairview. And, uh, ask her about those murder allegations.

Need me to do anything?

Paul: Uh, yeah. Hold off the press. I'll make a statement later. [Sighs] Hey, Pattycakes.

Patty: Hey, Paulie. Long time, no see.

Marisa: You can't go after Luca.

Noah: Oh, is this you trying to protect me again?

Marisa: Yes! Luca and his family will destroy you.

Noah: Big shock. You think I can't handle the Santoris.

Marisa: Noah, you -- you don't even --

Noah: Don't worry. I'm not gonna go after your husband, okay? I'm gonna go confess to the police.

Marisa: You can't do that!

Noah: Yes, I can. It's the only way to end this nightmare -- admit that I'm the driver who hit Billy. I never should have listened to you and my grandfather in the first place. Now Luca is using this to blackmail us.

Marisa: Please, Noah. Listen to me. Forget about Victor and Luca. Okay? Don't go -- for me.

[Cell phone rings]

Chelsea: Chelsea Newman. Yeah. That payment was supposed to be sent by the end of business yesterday. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I will fix it right away. Okay, thank you. [Sighs] Adam, please be there. Please be there.

[Telephone rings]

Luca: Oh, hey. Maybe that's your father. Don't you want to pick it up and share the news about how I bested you?

Adam: You can leave now.

Luca: Oh, come on. Cheer up, Adam. Things will go much more smoothly now that we have a mutual understanding. Still, I'll keep my eyes on you in case you try to do something foolish.

Adam: Please, dear lord. Tell me you're finished.

Luca: No. Just remember that I have all the cards now, okay? As well as Noah's fate in my hands. You know, I can't wait to see the look on Victor's face when he learns how the balance of power has shifted.

Adam: Yeah, I can't wait to see it, either, because when he finds out what you're doing to his grandson, you're gonna wish you never came to this town.

Sharon: I have never seen a psychiatrist as devoted to her patients as Dr. Anderson. She's one of the best, Nick. You and Sage have nothing to fear with her.

Nick: This devotion -- I mean, do you think that's why she's so interested in Sage and her interactions with Sully?

Sharon: Well, I know that Sage feels Dr. Anderson crossed the line, but, you know, as far as my family history goes and my current family dynamics, that all plays into my recovery as long as I'm still her patient.

Nick: Have you always been this positive towards her?

Sharon: I guess there were a few times I questioned her decisions.

Nick: Like when she kept you away from your family and the outside world for weeks on end? Did you think that's what was best for you?

Sharon: That's a little hostile.

Nick: Sharon, honestly, I don't mean it to be. I'm just trying to understand how this woman operates.

Sharon: You told me you think Dr. Anderson is the best one to treat Sage, but now it's starting to sound like you don't trust her.

Sage: You want the truth? I needed to talk about Sharon.

Dr. Anderson: What about Sharon? What was so urgent?

Sage: I needed Nick to tell Sharon that I can spend time around her baby. There's no harm there. But I didn't want you to know because I knew you'd be against it.

Dr. Anderson: Well, I'm sorry that you felt the need to hide this from me. But I'm glad we can address it now. Sage, for you to go to such lengths because you were afraid of not seeing Sully, it -- it just proves how fixated you are on someone else's little boy. Sharon has every right to be concerned about you posing a danger.

Sage: I would never harm that child or any child.

Dr. Anderson: Well, maybe not intentionally.

Sage: How dare you accuse me of that!

Dr. Anderson: Sage, you're here because you need to learn how to contain your emotions. You have never fully dealt with losing your son. Until you do, it'll be impossible for you to lead a happy and fulfilling life. So let's talk about Christian.

Noah: How can you ask anything from me, huh? When you lied to me again, when I know that you're gonna walk out of here and you're gonna go back to your husband?

Marisa: No, I'm done with Luca.

Noah: Even if I believe that, Luca is not done with you. He's never gonna let you go. But you know what? I'm fine with it. I'm done with your games. Meeting you was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

Marisa: [Voice breaking] You don't mean that. You're -- you're in pain, and you're angry. But I know you love me.

Noah: You're wrong.

Marisa: Noah, please don't say that.

Noah: I'm done wasting more time with you. Excuse me. I have a confession to make.

Marisa: [Sighs]

Luca: Victor will be relieved that Noah is safe. No police, no publicity. I'm sure he'll appreciate my discretion, perhaps even consider me a worthy adversary.

Adam: Hmm. Yeah. He's known for his appreciation for worthy adversaries.

Luca: Okay, you have a nice evening, Adam. I know I will.

Adam: You have committed the ultimate sin, my friend. You have messed with Victor Newman's corporation and his family. If I were in your shoes, I'd want a running start.

Luca: Well, the old man is just that. His hands are tied. What -- what can he do to me?

Adam: I don't know. Maybe you should ask Marco. Of course, he's not doing much talking anymore, so...

[Cell phone rings]

Adam: Yeah?

Marisa: Adam, you have to stop him.

Adam: Who?

Marisa: Noah. He's going to the police to confess. You have to get there first, bring him to Newman, and maybe we can both talk some sense into him.

Adam: I'm on it. Your grand plan just backfired. Noah's about ready to spill his guts to the cops.

Luca: He can't do that.

Adam: Can't do that? He's on his way to the police station right now. Looks like your leverage just went up in smoke.

Luca: You'd love that, wouldn't you?

Adam: Not like this. I'm not gonna let him throw his life away. I got to get to him before he confesses.

Chelsea: Where's Adam? I need him to handle a business matter. Have you seen him?

Marisa: Uh, no. I was actually just dropping off a report. Maybe he left for the night. You should probably just wait for him at home.

Chelsea: Why are you trying to get me out of here?

Marisa: I'm not.

Chelsea: Last time we spoke, you were trying to stop Adam from springing his trap on Luca. Then I come to find that he's allowing him to stay at the company.

Marisa: Not because of me.

Chelsea: Adam refuses to tell me why he's changed his mind. But I have a feeling you know. Don't you?

Noah: I need to see Paul.

Uh, not right now, because he's in with his sister, patty.

Noah: Okay. I'll wait.

Adam: Hey. I need to talk to you.

Paul: There you go. Much better.

Patty: Thank you, Paulie.

Paul: I'm just so glad you're safe. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna call Steve and Todd and let them know that you're okay. They're gonna be thrilled, too. We were so worried about you.

Patty: I didn't mean to worry anyone.

Paul: Well, we were worried sick, patty. We thought you died in the fire at Halloween. And then when I discovered that you were okay, I had no idea where you were, what you were doing, or who you were with. I even thought you might have run off with Ian ward.

Patty: Ian. He is such a lovely man. I don't think he would have escaped if I didn't help him.

Paul: So, you two were together?

Patty: Not for long. He gave me some money and said au revoir and told me to start a new life.

Paul: By yourself?

Patty: He said I needed to find my own path.

Paul: Right.

Patty: I tried looking for him, but I couldn't find him. Maybe you know where he is?

Paul: Yeah, I know where he is. He's in prison. Ian ward has done some very bad things, patty.

Patty: I'm sorry to hear about that. He was really sweet to me.

Paul: I'm glad.

Patty: Now that I'm back... can I stay with you?

Paul: Oh.

Patty: [Chuckles]

Paul: No, you can't. That's not possible. You know, you've done some very bad things, too, patty.

Patty: [Voice breaking] What? What? You mean the stuff with Phyllis?

Paul: No, no. Not just Phyllis. But you remember what happened in the -- in the Newman tower? I mean, she told me that you strangled her and you tried to kill her.

Patty: No, I didn't -- no, I didn't try to kill her! I was just trying to shut her up! She said terrible things about me, Paulie. She hit me! Did she tell you that?! She hit me!

Paul: No, she --

Patty: And then she was gonna leave me in the fire to burn alive! I don't like her. [Sniffles] But Jack -- you know what? He was really, really sweet. I'd like to see him again.

Paul: All right, well, um, you know, what I'd really like to talk about -- I'd like to ask you more about why you -- you broke out of Fairview and what you were trying to do. You wanted to see Dylan and -- and tell him that he couldn't trust Sharon, right?

Patty: Sharon? Why would he not trust Sharon? He loves her.

Paul: Because that's what you said, that he couldn't trust her.

Patty: No. No, no, no, no, no. Not Sharon. Is that what everybody thinks?

Paul: Well, who did you mean? Who -- who was it that Dylan couldn't trust?

Patty: Dr. Anderson.

Sage: I don't want to talk about Christian.

Dr. Anderson: I realize it's painful. But if you want to participate in therapy and get better, not just for your own sake but for Nick's, you're gonna have to get your feelings out in the open.

Sage: Okay. Every morning when I wake up, I open my eyes, and then it's just like any other day, you know? And then a second later, it all comes crashing down. My son is gone. He's dead, and he's never coming back.

Dr. Anderson: And you weren't with him when it happened. You weren't with your son when he died because you were at the benefit with Nick.

Sage: I blamed Nick for a very long time for that.

Dr. Anderson: And you still do. Even though you've tried to move forward, you still resent him, don't you? You wonder how could he have chosen to leave your son that night when he always seems to be there for faith? I've witnessed that devotion myself. I was meeting with Nick earlier, and Sharon called to talk about their daughter. He dropped everything and went running.

Sage: Well, Nick would have been just as devoted to our child, doctor.

Nick: No, Sharon. You've misread things.

Sharon: Have I? Really?

Nick: Sage has never been in this situation before, so it doesn't matter who her doctor is. I'm gonna be anxious.

Sharon: When you told me that Dr. Anderson was gonna be treating Sage, I couldn't believe it because Sage hates that woman. It just seemed like something was off, but then you gave me your explanation and I didn't question it. Now I have a lot of questions, Nick.

Nick: Sharon --

Sharon: Why are you really digging for information? Has Sage questioned Anderson's methods? Has she put doubt in your mind?

Nick: No, this isn't Sage's fault, so please don't blame her.

Sharon: Okay, well, am I the one who's at fault because I wouldn't let her see Sully?

Nick: No, it has nothing to do with Sully. This isn't what you think it is.

Sharon: Well, then please help me understand, Nick, okay? We're still family. We still have to look out for faith together, so just tell me what's going on.

Nick: [Sighs] You're right. I can't keep you in the dark any longer.

Adam: Listen to me. I understand that you're frustrated, but you cannot confess.

Noah: Why not? Then this punk can't use what I did against us.

Luca: Don't be a martyr.

Noah: Shut up, Luca!

Adam: Okay, calm down. Hey. Don't worry about him, all right? It's like he's not even here. Just worry about yourself.

Noah: What do you think I'm doing? I don't have to hide anymore if this comes out. I should have done this weeks ago.

Adam: Okay, what the hell happened? Because when we spoke earlier, I thought we had an understanding. Was I wrong? I know that you're consumed by guilt. I get that, man, okay? But you're gonna feel differently when you're rotting away in a prison cell. And by the way, I don't think Victor would want you to confess, either.

Noah: I don't care what grandpa wants me to do.

Adam: Damn it, man, we are trying to protect you. Do you understand that? All right? You don't want to think about yourself? Think about your family, huh? What about your parents? Sharon? What about your mom? She's doing well, right? She's better. You do this, it's gonna devastate her.

Noah: Oh, come on.

Adam: This spells setback, Noah. You want that?

Noah: That's a low blow.

Adam: Well, you know, it's the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes it hurts some more than others. You want that on your conscience?

Sharon: What are you telling me? That Sage is faking it? She isn't --

Nick: She isn't insane. Not in the least. Sage isn't a threat to anyone, especially not Sully. Look, we maneuvered Sage into Fairview so she could get on the inside and learn as much as she could about Dr. Anderson. Meanwhile, I'm on the outside getting closer to sandy, making it seem like I'm vulnerable, trying to get her to open up.

Sharon: This is just so extreme.

Nick: We don't know enough about this woman's history to understand why she has targeted our family. There's something in her past she's determined to keep hidden, and that is the key to understanding why she insinuated herself in all our lives.

Sharon: And you think that she wants you for herself?

Nick: I know she does.

Sharon: How?

Nick: She kissed me.

Sharon: What?

Nick: While Sage was in Fairview, she kissed me. Now, does that sound like a professional therapist who's trying to help me save my marriage?

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Nick: Sharon, this woman is not who you think she is. Every bit of advice she ever gave me was meant to undermine Sage and break us apart. Look, I'm taking a big risk telling you this. But I need you to believe me and believe that everything I have told you is the truth.

Paul: Why don't you trust Dr. Anderson?

Patty: 'Cause she's a monster with two faces and a black heart.

Paul: Okay, I get the idea.

Patty: And she probably has horns but you just can't see them!

Paul: I understand.

Patty: No, you don't understand, Paulie!

Paul: I know, baby.

Patty: No, she's evil! She's pure evil!

[Knock on door]

Paul: Okay. All right. Come in!

[Door opens]

The van's out front.

Paul: Uh, all right. All right, patty, it's time to go.

Patty: No. Where?

Paul: You're gonna go back to Fairview.

Patty: [Voice breaking] Paulie, no.

Paul: No, I know.

Patty: No, Paulie.

Paul: I know you don't want to.

Patty: I don't want to go.

Paul: It's the best place for you right now, okay?

Patty: You get your hands off me!

Paul: Patty, no!

Patty: Get them off!

Paul: Patty, stop!

Patty: I won't! Can't make me go back there!

Paul: Stop!

Patty: No, don't make me go back there, Paulie! Don't!

Paul: Give me that!

Patty: No, I don't want to go!

Paul: I know you don't! Listen to me!

Patty: Please!

Paul: You're gonna be fine.

Patty: No, this isn't right, Paulie.

Paul: Listen.

Patty: It's not right! It's not fair! You can't do this!

Paul: Look at me!

Patty: No!

Paul: I want you to go out and get in that van. And officer Millburn is gonna stay with you and make sure you're safe until I'm able to join you at Fairview. Please. Do this for me. I will meet you there. You're gonna be fine. Say "yes, it's gonna be fine."

Patty: It's gonna be fine.

Paul: You're gonna try for me?

Patty: I'm gonna try.

Paul: Okay. All right.

Patty: [Sobs]

Paul: [Sighs]

Adam: Uh, um... where'd they capture her?

Paul: Look, Adam, if you're wondering if Ian was working with patty, they weren't.

Adam: Oh.

Paul: Apparently they -- they left the Newman building the night of the fire at the same time. They spent some time together that was purely a coincidence. And then they went their separate ways. I talked to patty. She didn't seem to have any animosity to any of the Newmans or your corporation. So, I have a very busy night ahead, so if you gentlemen will excuse me...

Adam: Yeah, no, have a -- have a good night.

Marisa: Chelsea, I don't know what was going on through Adam's mind. I can't speak for him.

Chelsea: I'm not asking you to speak for him. I'm asking you to tell me what you know. I walked in on both of our husbands earlier. Things seemed very contentious. Luca seemed very pleased with himself, like he had put one over on Adam. For that to happen, he must have had some pretty strong leverage. So I want you to tell me what it is.

Marisa: You're asking me. I don't know. We didn't discuss it. We were too busy arguing.

Chelsea: About Noah? You can say that you've chosen Luca, but I'm sure it's pretty obvious to your husband that you're still in love with Victor's grandson.

Marisa: I don't see the point in talking about this.

Chelsea: What are you hiding, Marisa?

Marisa: There's nothing to hide! You're letting your imagination get the best of you.

Chelsea: I thought that you would be happy that Adam, he's trying to get rid of Luca. But what is it that you said? You said things would never be that simple. This whole thing is about Noah, isn't it?

Marisa: I can't get into this with you.

Chelsea: Your reaction is making me even more concerned. So why don't you just tell me what's going on?

Marisa: Everything is falling apart! Even though Adam did drop his plan, Luca might be out of the company anyway!

Chelsea: No. This is not just about business. I can tell.

Marisa: I-I... I may have lost Noah forever.

Chelsea: Why? Will you just tell me? Is Adam involved? You need to tell me what's happening!

Marisa: [Voice breaking] I can't! I can't! You should go home.

Chelsea: No. No, not until I get some answers. I need answers.

Marisa: Ask your husband.

Chelsea: He won't give me any answers, Marisa, so that leaves you!

Marisa: I'm sorry. I have to go.

Kevin: Hey, Noah. What's wrong?

Noah: Everything. Everything's wrong. How about you?

Kevin: Same here. Everything's wrong. I can't think of a single thing that's going right. In fact, I can't even imagine a time when something might possibly eventually go right. I'm exaggerating. Things aren't that bad. What's up? Are you all right?

Noah: [Sighs] How do you do it, Kevin?

Kevin: How do I stay so fit and trim even though I eat here every day?

Noah: How do you live with yourself knowing that you'd done something terrible?

Kevin: Why? What have you heard?

Noah: Nothing lately. I mean, you've done some pretty bad things, right? I mean, you robbed a bank.

Kevin: That does not count. In fact, I don't even put that in the top 10 worst things I've ever done.

Noah: Really? I don't understand that. I know you, Kevin. You're not a bad guy. You look out for people. You try to help out when you can.

Kevin: Well, sometimes good people do bad things. What is this about? What did you do? [Sighs] Okay. Any time I've done something that I've regretted, I then try to commit a selfless act, balance out the universe, you know? If I had taken something that didn't belong to me, right, I then would commit a selfless act towards somebody else. I think it's a natural inclination trying to find that balance. In fact, I bet even your grandfather does it. Any time he stabs somebody in the back or shatters somebody's dream, he probably writes a big, old check to charity. It's all about balance.

Noah: Yeah, that's my grandfather.

Kevin: Well, I wouldn't worry about it, Noah. Whatever you've done, it can't be that bad. It's not like I'm gonna see you down at the station.

Noah: I was just there. I went to see Paul. But he was too busy. They just found his sister.

Kevin: They found patty?

Noah: Yeah. He had his hands full.

Kevin: Well, it looks like you do, too. Catch you later.

Noah: I didn't go through with it, okay, so I don't need to be babysat, especially by you two.

Luca: Yeah, I'm not so sure about that.

Adam: Oh, man. You are not helping. Why don't you go get a cup of coffee? All right? That guy. God. [Clears throat] So... Noah, I need to know if you're gonna stand by your decision or if I have to keep worrying about you, you're gonna confess.

Noah: I'm not gonna say anything. What about Victor?

Adam: You think I should tell him?

Noah: I don't understand how you do it, Adam. You work with a man who claims to love and to trust you, and then the next minute he turns around and he uses you like a pawn in a game.

Adam: Here's the thing, Noah. My father, your grandfather, he's never gonna change. And there's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. So I've just gotten used to it. I've adapted. And if you want to be a part of Newman enterprises or this family, I suggest you do the same.

Paul: You know your way around, right? You know all the rules. It's not like you have to get to know a brand-new place. And when you got here the first time, you -- you liked all the activities. You told me about -- what was it? -- Crochet class. You were gonna make a kitty out of yarn. Patty? Pattycakes? Come on.

Dr. Anderson: [Sighs] Hi, patty. I'm glad to see you. I was so relieved to hear that you were found. I've, um, been very concerned about you ever since you left Fairview.

Patty: Liar, liar, your pants are on fire.

Paul: Patty.

Patty: You don't care about me. You don't care about anyone.

Paul: Sweetheart, come on. Okay?

Patty: Don't leave me here. Please. I swear. I swear I'll be good, Paulie. I promise.

Paul: I don't have a choice. This is where the judge ordered you to be. But I'm happy about that. You know why? Because it's right here in Genoa City. That means I can -- I can visit you all the time. That makes you happy, doesn't it?

Patty: You got to come every day, okay? You promise that?

Paul: Okay. Chris and I will come as often as we can. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to let officer Millburn escort you back to your room. Will you do that for me?

Patty: Do I have a choice?

Paul: I want to talk to Dr. Anderson, okay? Give me a hug. I love you.

Patty: I love you, too, Paulie.

Paul: So, go to your room, have a great night's sleep, and I'm gonna try and get here first thing in the morning so my face will be the first thing you see when you wake up. How's that? Okay?

Dr. Anderson: The, uh, office here was apprised of patty's situation. Now that you've spent some time with her, is there anything else you'd like to add?

Paul: Patty had some very interesting things to say about you, Dr. Anderson. You should know that she's had a really rough go of it. She's been homeless. She's off her meds. Her mood has been all over the place. In fact, when I told her that she had to come back here, she had a physical outburst.

Dr. Anderson: It'll -- it'll take some time, but we will be able to get her stabilized. Is there anything else I should know?

Paul: Isn't that enough?

Dr. Anderson: Is there a problem here, chief Williams?

Paul: Yes, there is a problem here, doctor. Patty escaped Fairview under your watch! And I expect you to take better care of my sister than the last time she was here! Is that understood?

Dr. Anderson: I understand.

Paul: I really don't think you do!

Dr. Anderson: I can assure you that what happened before will not happen again. Nothing is more important to me than my patients' welfare. Nothing.

Marisa: [Sighs] I got your text. What happened?

Luca: Well, you did the right thing calling Adam. We were able to stop Noah from baring his soul to the police.

Marisa: How'd you do that?

Noah: They didn't. But I guess they can go ahead and try and take credit for it.

Marisa: So, did you tell chief Williams or not?

Noah: No, I didn't. But it was a matter of luck. Adam and Luca didn't stop me from doing anything. Adam did, however, remind me that my actions sometimes have unintended consequences, which is a good thing because I realized another excellent reason to stay quiet. I'm gonna go along with your little blackmail scheme so that you can stay at the company.

Luca: Why would you do that?

Noah: So we can take down my grandfather together.

Adam: [Sighs] Hey. Where we going?

Chelsea: I'm taking Connor and I'm moving out.

Adam: You're taking Connor and you're moving out? Why? Because we got in a fight? Doesn't that seem a little extreme? Come on, honey. You don't mean this.

Chelsea: This is not an empty threat. Not this time.

Adam: Okay, all right. L-let's just slow down a bit here, okay? You tell me what I need to do to fix this and I'll fix it.

Chelsea: You know how they say three strikes and you're out? You're out, Adam.

Sage: [Sighs] I'm so glad that you're here.

Nick: Is everything okay?

Sage: Yeah, she tried to get into my head earlier. It was really unnerving.

Nick: I'm so sorry you're going through this.

Sage: It's okay. I'm feeling so much better now that you're here. I didn't think I was gonna see you again tonight.

Nick: Well, there was something I needed to know, so I went and talked to Sharon, you know, just to try and get any information I could out of her about Dr. Anderson.

Sage: What kind of information?

Nick: Honestly, anything that can help us. But Sharon's radar's pretty good, so I ended up telling her everything.

Sage: Everything? As in --

Nick: As in, yes, the whole plan.

Sage: Nick, why would you do that? She thinks the woman walks on water.

Nick: Sharon needs me to be straight with her. She needs to understand who the real enemy is here. Plus I'm getting tired of her thinking you're this emotionally unstable person who's obsessed with Sully.

Sage: Did she believe you?

Nick: I think over time she'll accept it. But, see, here's the thing. I think if I can convince Sharon, then we can convince anyone.

Sage: Yeah. I hope you're right.

Nick: Listen to me. There's something else we need to talk about. I want you to listen to me very carefully.

Dr. Anderson: I know you felt very frustrated the last time you were here. You didn't feel you got the support you needed.

Patty: That's one way of putting it.

Dr. Anderson: I think we can both do better. You know, I'd like to consider this a fresh start, get you back on your way to feeling better with regular medication, individual therapy sessions, group when you're ready. Patty, this could be a very positive experience but only if you do your part. Follow the rules, focus on your own regimen. I don't want you making friends or disrupting anyone else's treatment.

Patty: La, la, la, la, la. It's the same, old song. Last time you didn't want me to see Sharon.

Dr. Anderson: Well, that's right. You didn't listen to me. You got yourself all worked up over nothing. Now Sharon's home with her husband.

Patty: My nephew.

Dr. Anderson: And her healthy baby boy. Patty, I can help you if you let me. You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Patty: Liar, liar.

[Cell phone rings]

Dr. Anderson: Hey, Sharon. What's up?

Sharon: I'm sorry to call so late, but I need you to come to my place. It's important.

Paul: All right. Love you, brother. I guess that's it. [Sighs]

Kevin: [Clears throat] You okay, chief?

Paul: Oh, yeah. Just, uh... you know, Kevin, my brother grew up always wanting to help people, and I ended up wanting to do the same thing. I don't know. It must have been something we got from my parents. We took different paths, but that's what we ended up doing. I guess... the irony of the whole thing is that the one person that we couldn't help... was our own sister.

Kevin: If it means anything, Paul, I'm sure you're a good brother. You're a good boss. You're a good man.

Paul: Thanks, Kevin.

Nick: Patty's a very disturbed person. She caused some trouble for Sharon when she was in here.

Sage: And now she's back at Fairview.

Nick: Just do your best to stay away from her. She's dangerous.

Patty: Dangerous? I'm the keeper of all secrets.

Sharon: Thanks for getting here so quickly.

Dr. Anderson: What's wrong, Sharon?

Sharon: Nick was here.

Dr. Anderson: Okay. I imagine he's here often. What's going on?

Sharon: He said some things that have me worried.

Noah: Victor thinks he can control all of our lives, make us do whatever he wants. Well, he's about to learn that I'm one member of the family that he can't control.

Marisa: Let me talk to him. Noah, wait. After everything Luca has done and you want to form some -- some twisted alliance with him?

Noah: You must think that I'm some naive kid -- trusting, gullible, right?

Marisa: Just answer the question.

Noah: I don't see what's so shocking, Marisa. You've had your own twisted alliance going with Luca for months now. He found out that I was the driver of the car. You knew it. You knew it could hurt me. You didn't tell me. You kept it to yourself. You made your choice.

Marisa: I don't give a damn about Luca! I was only trying to protect you! [Sighs] How can you not see that?

Luca: You still want her, despite what you say.

Noah: [Scoffs] Do we have a deal or not?

Adam: Okay, I knew that you were upset with me before.

Chelsea: Yeah, I had every right to be, Adam. You keep shutting me out. I mean, "go home to Connor, Chelsea. I'm too busy with my big, bad schemes"? Do you know how insulting that is to me?

Adam: Yeah, I didn't mean it that way. And look, I shouldn't have spoken to you that way, okay? I apologize. I'm sorry. I was overwhelmed by the situation.

Chelsea: Because of what Luca did. Some information that you don't think that I deserve to be privy to.

Adam: Which was a mistake. It's not something you pack your bags and leave over, sweetheart.

Chelsea: I refuse to be in a marriage where my husband is keeping secrets from me. I won't do it anymore, Adam.

Adam: Baby, if there are any secrets at all, they don't affect you.

Chelsea: "If there are any secrets"? Do you hear yourself?

Adam: It's business related.

Chelsea: No, it's never -- it's never just business with you, Adam. You are too invested in that company. It's all personal to you. So anything that comes in business-wise, it affects you personally.

Adam: Chelsea --

Chelsea: And then it affects me and our whole family.

Adam: Chelsea.

Chelsea: I just need to -- I need to go away with Connor. I can't breathe here. I just need to be away for a while. I'm gonna get the rest of his things.

Adam: No. Don't do that. Come on, baby. I need you here, okay?

Chelsea: I want the truth, Adam. You, Victor, Noah, Luca. What is going on? I am not bluffing. No more lies.

Adam: Yeah, okay. You want the truth, I'll tell you everything.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Sharon: Nick suspects...

Dr. Anderson: Nick suspects what?

Nick: No, no. All this does is put you more in danger, and I do not like you being in here.

Adam: Unless you can find a burning building to pull some people out of, man, you're going to prison! Do you understand that?!

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