Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/4/16
Episode # 10852 ~ Billy conceals a secret; Noah is afraid of getting caught; Chelsea forces Adam to make a decision.
Provided By Suzanne
What you do to me etched in my memory touch me and it comes lighting fast and chasing after skin on skin pulling in we forget this is everything moving closer, taking over lose control and all I want to know is skin on skin pulling in we forget that this is everything your lips on me whisper softly just let go and all I want to know is you ooh and all I want to know is you
Mariah: What are you so worried about? Your hacker dream babe said that we're back in.
Kevin: We've been in before. Somehow, we always end up back out.
Mariah: And yet, no matter what, we have coffee.
Kevin: Hey, what happened to you?
Mariah: Was it the investor? Did she try to grab you?
Kevin: How did you get away?
Natalie: What? I've been working.
Mariah: [Chuckles] Wait. This is your natural look?
Natalie: Sorry I didn't get a blow out for my cup of coffee. I've been cranking code 24/7 to squash the bug in my prototype, but the little jerk won't die.
Mariah: Hey. Keep it quiet. Victor has ears everywhere. Instead, say that it's, uh -- it's going very well and you're making progress.
Natalie: Big Vick is out of the country. He left mini Vick in charge.
Kevin: Adam?
Natalie: No, the one in a dress.
Mariah: Victor left Victoria in charge of your project?
Kevin: Our project.
Natalie: Which as far as the world knows is my project with Newman enterprises, so keep it down.
Kevin: Something's not right. Victor fought like hell for this. Why the "oh, I'm just gonna hop on my jet and get back to you when I can" routine? Something big must be going down for him to take off like this.
Adam: So, let's move on, shall we? Now, the way I see it, you got one way out of here. The door. Can I assume you're gonna use it?
Luca: No.
Adam: No. The man says, "no." Well, I didn't think so. But that works for me. That's okay. Your father goes to prison. The real FBI gets the dossier and the recording. And you get a world of hurt raining down on you. So...
Luca: And Victor's precious grandson Noah goes to jail for a hit and run. Oh, you didn't know? [Chuckles] Now, that's hilarious. Yeah, no. It's true. You know, the irony -- it's -- it's fantastic, don't you think? Yeah, it looks to me like Victor still isn't sharing everything with you.
Adam: I don't think I believe you, Luca.
Chelsea: What is it you don't believe?
Noah: I didn't confess to Billy, okay? I -- while we were sitting over there, just talking, Billy keeps on having these flashbacks, these memories of the accident, that night. How long until he just puts the pieces together? Or maybe he already knows, deep down, and it's just a matter of time before it all comes out.
Marisa: Then don't give him a reason to think about you. Stay busy. Stay away.
Victoria: These flashes of memories -- what do you see? A driver? The license plate?
Billy: It's not -- it's not like that. It's not... look, I don't know. I was already, uh, pretty beat up by the time the car hit me. My brain was already working at half-speed, but I feel like if I could just grab on to one of the visuals, if I can...try and grab a memory somehow, then maybe...
Victoria: It'll come. It will. And if it doesn't --
Billy: No, it has to.
Victoria: The police could still find some evidence.
Billy: If I push them in the right direction, yeah, maybe.
Victoria: I really want you to give yourself a break.
Billy: Or I need to work harder. I need to find out who did this, Vicki. I need to remember.
Adam: Um... babe, sweetheart, you mind giving us a second here to finish up?
Chelsea: No more secrets, Adam. You've said it a hundred times.
Adam: Yeah, no, I-I-I did say that a hundred times. And about the truth, sure. No more secrets. But what this guy is spewing -- these -- these are lies or potential lies. All right? This could be dangerous to spread something like this.
Chelsea: I think I've proven I can be discreet.
Luca: It looks like you two need a moment, yeah? Hey, go on, Adam. Uh, get some verification on what I've just told you. It's all true. And maybe once you've done that, you won't mind telling your wife all about it, since you believe in full disclosure. And, uh, let me know when you've made your decision. I'll take it from there.
Chelsea: What is he talking about? What have you done?
Adam: I didn't do anything, all right? I did nothing this time. He -- he lost. He's upset. He's lashing out. That's all.
Chelsea: Your big plan just blew up, didn't it?
Victoria: Of course we need to find out who did this. And whoever it is needs to be held accountable. But, Billy, after Delia died, you were completely obsessed with vengeance. And it practically tore us apart, and I just... that can't happen to us again.
Billy: It's not the same. Back then, what I felt was rage. I was filled with grief and... guilt that I couldn't do more to protect my little girl. I missed her so much that I couldn't breathe, Vick. And finding the driver was the only thing that I could do for her. But this is different. Look, in some way, this hit and run actually knocked some sense into me.
Victoria: [Sighs]
Billy: I realize now what I have to focus on. I'm not gonna send the person flowers and a "thank you" card, but still... this isn't the same as Delia.
Victoria: Okay. [Sighs] Would you please go easy on yourself? Just go home and rest. Let the kids climb all over you. Gently, though.
Billy: [Chuckles]
Victoria: And focus on your new job at Jabot. In the meantime, I'll focus on my fun new project. You know, sometimes I think this girl Natalie is running the most expensive scheme in the whole world.
Billy: [Clears throat] Okay. Go to work. We'll come back here. We'll meet here, and we'll go home and I'll be the tree for those little kids to climb all over, okay?
Victoria: Yeah, but you'll be gentle.
Billy: Yes, I'll be gentle.
Victoria: What will you do in the meantime?
Billy: [Chuckles] You mean what am I gonna do so I don't obsess?
Victoria: Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
Billy: I'll find something.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Hey. Don't worry about me, okay?
Kevin: World-shaking computer program in development, the thing that could put Newman back on track -- why would Victor leave town now?
Mariah: And leave Victoria in charge of a project that she knows nothing about?
Kevin: It's not like she's Natalie's biggest fan.
Mariah: No, that would be me.
Kevin: Yeah, it feels like he's taunting us. "Here, I took your big, shiny, new thing, and I don't even want it."
Mariah: Well, Victoria's a good businesswoman, right? I mean, she certainly dresses like it.
Kevin: What does she know about programming and code and beta testing and algorithms? This is not brash & sassy!
Natalie: [Chuckles] Brash & sassy! That's gonna be my new handle on the hacker boards.
Mariah: Oh, look! Somebody's finally participating in the conversation.
Natalie: I promised to get you back in on this deal. Now you want me to talk, too?
Mariah: You're right. I don't. Shut up.
Kevin: Uh, this plan to get us back in on the deal -- it's not exactly a plan, is it? It's more of a bubble over your head. Explain it to us. How does it work? What percentages are we talking about? And what's the plan to work around Victor? And do you need my help debugging?
Natalie: You're both ruining my coffee. No more talking.
Mariah: She totally just stole that mug.
Kevin: Mm-hmm.
Cane: [Sighs] [Sighs] Now what?
Lily: So, should I just thank you for the best make-up sex ever? Unless this wasn't make-up sex and it was just ex sex.
Cane: Well, I don't know what you'd call it, but it was pretty incredible. [Chuckles]
Lily: But outside of this room, nothing has changed.
Cane: What about inside this room?
Lily: It was amazing.
Cane: You know, when I said I missed you earlier, I meant that. This felt right.
Lily: Yeah, being in this bed feels right. But what about outside? At home with the kids in the real world?
Cane: That'd be a huge step.
Lily: This was a huge step.
Cane: I know.
Lily: It took a lot for you to even look me in the eye or even be in the same room as me.
Cane: [Chuckles] I would say this was a little more than being the same room.
Lily: [Sighs] I'm serious. If things are gonna work for us in the future, then you're gonna have to forgive me. You're gonna have to trust me again. Can you do that?
Cane: I don't know.
Lily: [Sighs] Okay. Um... well, if we don't have a chance, then we can't get the kids' hopes up. Or ours.
Cane: So, this can stay here in this room.
Lily: And it ends here. It would just complicate things, and things are complicated enough already.
Noah: I said I was sorry. Not for causing the accident, just that it happened. For not visiting him in the hospital earlier. I just -- I had to say the words, even if Billy doesn't understand why, because I just have this throbbing in the back of my head, especially when I'm trying to sleep. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry."
Marisa: Don't be. That's what makes you a good man. Noah, that's what I love about you -- that -- that kindness, that decency. Don't let this ruin your life.
Noah: Billy almost died. You're worried about me losing my life.
Marisa: Because the more time you spend with Billy, the more of a chance he has to connect you with the accident.
Noah: Billy and Victoria are getting back together. I can't avoid them. Somebody's gonna notice that.
Marisa: I know. I know. Just please be careful. Okay? For me.
Noah: Okay.
Luca: Hey. There you are. Hey.
Marisa: How'd, uh -- how'd the meeting go?
Luca: Um...oh, she means with your uncle Adam. It was, uh, productive.
Noah: So, this meeting with Adam -- it's about your plan to take down your father and Victor?
Luca: Uh, yeah. The deal you said you wanted in on. And, you know, in your own way, you were in on it. Remind me to thank you when this is all over. Sweetheart, let's go.
Marisa: Um...
Chelsea: Luca just walked out of here like he owns the place. Why?
Adam: Yeah, look, you know, I can't do this right now, okay? I just need a little time to think.
Chelsea: That's all you're gonna say to me? I-I want to know. What was he so smug about?
Adam: Babe, I'm telling you there's no reason to talk about it, all right? 'Cause all of his accusations -- they're not true. They're potentially not true.
Chelsea: Well, his face would say otherwise.
Adam: We don't know what he's doing. I have no idea. This could be a stall tactic. It could be a distraction. I don't know.
Chelsea: A distraction from what?
Adam: Babe...
Chelsea: Hey, why are you shutting me out?
Adam: I'm not shutting you out, okay? I'm trying to protect you.
Chelsea: Like Victor?
Adam: Please don't say that to me.
Chelsea: Lies equal protection. You don't even know what he has dragged you into. [Sighs] Marisa warned me that this --
Adam: Marisa? You've been talking to Marisa?
Chelsea: Yeah, I have.
Adam: All right.
Chelsea: Considering she's the only person who tells me anything anymore. If it wasn't for Marisa, I wouldn't even know you've been working with Luca.
Adam: And what did I tell you? I told you that Marisa had it wrong, right? I'm not out to get Victor. I'm working with Victor. I told you that. But that wasn't good enough for you. I don't know what the hell you want from me, Chelsea, sometimes, I swear to God.
Chelsea: I want the truth, Adam. A concept you can't seem to grasp.
Adam: Look, here's the truth, all right? What Luca was talking about in here -- it has nothing to do with my plan, all right? It's a completely different issue entirely. In fact, I decided not to go through with my plan. I decided you were right -- it was too dangerous. I'm not trapping his family right now, okay?
Chelsea: So, it's too dangerous. Does that mean just for now or -- or forever or until Victor gets back in town?
Adam: Look, I mean, really, just let it go, all right?
Chelsea: I'm not gonna let it go, Adam.
Adam: I can see that. All right, look, I-I got work to do. I got to figure this out on my own, so just, you know, go back to Connor, all right, and I'll -- I'll be home shortly.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] You're dismissing me now? Okay, well, congratulations, Adam. Your transformation into Victor is complete.
Adam: All right, babe. Just, you know...
Natalie: What are you doing here?
Billy: Hi.
Anita: Back home already?
Chelsea: How's Connor?
Anita: Oh, he put up such a fuss brushing his teeth. I mean, that kid has got a double dose of stubborn in his genes. But he's asleep now.
Chelsea: Well, do not compare my level of stubborn to Adam's. No, Adam is closed off and resistant, and it's like, you know -- it's like he just can't help being himself. He just can't help it.
Anita: Kind of hard not to be yourself, isn't it?
Chelsea: He's lying to me again, mom. Keeping secrets. And even when he admits to me he has a secret, then he lies to me about it.
Anita: Well, then he must not be as good a liar as he thinks he is if you caught on.
Chelsea: [Sighs] Something's going on with him and Victor, something they don't want anyone to know about, something that is -- that is risky and is dangerous. Meanwhile, Victor's away. So Adam is doing all of his dirty work and covering for him, even to me.
Anita: Okay, so, Adam and Victor have something going on.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Anita: But Victor is gone. He's out of here.
Chelsea: Uh-huh.
Anita: And Adam is acting squirrelly and dodging your questions?
Chelsea: Yes.
Anita: He's cheating on you.
Noah: What's going on?
Adam: Shut up. Don't talk. Come in. Don't say a word. The only thing I want to hear out of your mouth, Noah, is that you were not driving the car that sent Billy to the hospital, okay?
Noah: [Chuckles] Well, I can't tell you that, Adam. Because it was me.
Adam: Son of a bitch.
Noah: It was Luca, right? Luca found out. He told you?
Adam: I was this close, man. I was this close to getting that man out of our -- our company and out of our lives. And then he pulls this trump card, right? And you -- you've been holding on to this information? You didn't tell anyone? How do you think Victor's gonna react when he finds out?
Noah: Grandpa knows, Adam. He's the one who helped cover it up.
Luca: The Newmans were setting up a trap. And I fell right into it, even though you warned me.
Marisa: But you're smiling.
Luca: Yeah, that's because I climbed right back out of it. Noah Newman threw me a rope.
Marisa: You -- you didn't. Luca, I know you couldn't have --
Luca: Adam was so shocked to learn that his own nephew left Billy Abbott for dead.
Marisa: I can't believe that you... you look so pleased with yourself.
Luca: Why shouldn't I be? I'm not leaving Newman enterprises. Look, they tried to force us out, Marisa. It didn't work. And now -- listen. Now I have more power than ever.
Marisa: You sold out Noah so you could stay at someone else's company?
Noah: No. I sold out Noah to keep us at Newman enterprises.
Kevin: So, the question is, are we in this deal or not? That's why I can't enjoy my coffee -- because it's so uncertain and half-baked.
Mariah: She said it like it was a matter of fact. "I cut you back in." So, maybe it's not entirely baked, but she's working on it. I don't know. Maybe the freak found a loophole in her contract with Newman.
Kevin: Don't call her a freak. She's very gifted.
Mariah: Gifted?
Kevin: And Victor eats loopholes for breakfast.
Mariah: So, maybe she has somebody on the inside, a spy.
Kevin: He eats spies for lunch. And we know Natalie doesn't respect sales agreements.
Mariah: Okay, well, maybe she's going to snake the project from Victor and sell it to somebody else entirely.
Kevin: And make an enemy of mogul Victor Newman? That would be brash. And sassy.
Mariah: You know, Kevin, it's a little gross the way that you talk about her -- all moony-eyed and hero-worship-Y.
Kevin: I'll wear sunglasses next time so you don't have to see my eyeballs.
Mariah: Even if she was gonna do something so profoundly stupid, we would have to know who she was selling it to.
Kevin: Well, it would have to be someone who wouldn't mind two more partners in the deal.
Mariah: Or maybe she's lying to them, too. That is one of her gifts.
Kevin: You're right. We need to find out who our potential new partners are. And knowledge is power. You ready to do some digging?
Billy: It's okay.
Natalie: It's okay? You break in to my room, you scare me senseless? This is okay behavior to you?
Billy: Did you steal that mug? Okay. [Chuckles] Relax. Okay. You're right. Maybe it wasn't all right for me to break in to your room, but I'm trying to be discreet.
Natalie: Phyllis told me to stay away from you. And from her. So get out.
Billy: Yes, stay away from each other in public, which is exactly why I'm here. Look, I didn't mean to scare you, all right? Can we just talk like normal people? Hmm? Put the bottle down?
Natalie: Everyone wants to talk in this place. Okay. Here's what I have to say. I do my job. You stay away. Boom. We talked.
Billy: I need to know if the project is on track.
Natalie: It is. Except I don't work in front of an audience, and especially not you.
Billy: Why especially not me? You don't even know me.
Natalie: You've done nothing other than talk about how you might be able to get the money, which you didn't. Phyllis did. So, you're all talk as far as I'm concerned.
Billy: Oh, Natalie, see, I didn't just promise you money. I believed. Maybe you haven't been around long enough to understand what that means, but that is very valuable. This isn't about money. This is about redemption. This deal means a hell of a lot more to me than a stack of cash. This deal is my life right now.
[Knock on door]
Natalie: Who is it?
Victoria: It's Victoria Newman.
Billy: I'm not here.
Natalie: I didn't want you here to begin with.
[Door opens]
Natalie: What is it?
Victoria: You should be working. I came by for a status report.
Natalie: How do you people not get that I need alone time to do my job?
Victoria: "You people?"
Natalie: I told Victor. I'll tell you. I can't work with someone looking over my shoulder.
Victoria: A professional can do their job anytime, any place. I need confirmation on your progress.
Natalie: Is it done? No. Am I getting there? Yes. Would you understand even if I told you? Not a chance.
Victoria: Did you use the wolf fence algorithm to debug? Delta debugging? Saff squeeze?
Natalie: Do you have any idea what you're saying? Or did you just yank some words off the web?
Victoria: This is my project now, so I'm educating myself.
Natalie: Great. Want to take over while I hit the sauna?
Victoria: It's my job to make sure that you do your job. So, show me what you've got.
Marisa: You are just like your family -- no difference, no decency. You think exposing Noah keeps you near me? Is that what you think? I was an idiot to ever give you a second chance, and I will never make that mistake again.
Luca: So wrong. So ungrateful. The incredible thing about what Noah did -- it has so many uses. I'll see you later, my love.
Marisa: [Exhales sharply]
Noah: I didn't even know I did it. I had no idea. Marisa saw me drive off. And I wanted to go to the police, but grandpa said that that would be a selfish instinct, that it wouldn't help Billy recover. It wouldn't help ease Victoria's pain. It would only help soothe my own conscience.
Adam: Mm-hmm. That's classic Victor, right? I can hear him saying that right now. Just keep quiet. Let him handle all the details. What I don't understand is why he didn't come to me with the information. I'm the one person that understands the situation, and this information would have helped me out tonight, you know?
Noah: Nobody was supposed to know.
Adam: Nobody was supposed to know. Well, somebody does. When did Luca find out?
Noah: He made some snarky comment that made me wonder... Marisa swore that he had no idea. Probably a lie.
Adam: Definitely a lie. That's all that woman does is lie. It's her default position.
Noah: So, what are you gonna do?
Adam: What am I gonna do? I... I don't know what I'm gonna do, Noah. I need time to think.
Noah: You don't need time. Adam, just throw me under the bus. Why don't you just throw me under the bus? Luca loses his leverage, okay? What, are you afraid of what Victor's gonna say? Just do it.
Adam: Noah, I'm not afraid of anybody. Throw you under the bus? I've been in your position before. I made mistakes, wrecked everything for myself. I'm not gonna watch you do that.
Chelsea: I tell you my husband is lying about something ugly going on at Newman enterprises, and somehow -- somehow you turn that into him cheating on me?
Anita: It's a reasonable assumption with you acting so crazy. I mean, who gets so worked up over business secrets?
Chelsea: It's not the business part, mom. It's the lying part. He's doing again -- holding back, keeping me in the dark. Adam hasn't changed.
Anita: He hasn't? A year ago, you didn't even know he was Adam and now you do. That's a change.
Chelsea: That's where you set the bar? Really?
Anita: Okay, okay. Is he a good husband? Does he love you? Is he attentive?
Chelsea: Of course.
Anita: Is he a good provider?
Chelsea: Yes.
Anita: All right. A father? Is he a good father?
Chelsea: Amazing.
Anita: Why don't you just stop right there? I mean, listen to me. Adam and you don't do vanilla, either of you. So, he's not Mr. Outstanding citizen of the year. Since when did that float your boat?
Chelsea: That's a valid point. But still, I-I don't need him turning into Victor Newman, either.
Anita: Things could be worse. I'd give big Vick and his bank account a tumble any day.
Chelsea: Mom... [Chuckles] The point is Victor's holding something over Adam's head, something bad enough that Adam won't tell me.
Anita: Quit imagining things, Chelsea. You know, you imagine something too hard and too much, it just might come true.
Cane: You know, I was, uh -- I was wondering if you remembered.
Lily: [Chuckles] Yeah, I was wondering if you did, too. Today's the anniversary of when you proposed to me.
Cane: Well, one of them. But they're all -- they're all pretty clear in my head, so...
Lily: A lot has changed since that snowy day in the park. [Chuckles]
Cane: Yeah, it has, huh?
Lily: Um, we should get going. Hopefully the party is still going and, uh, no one noticed that we're missing.
Cane: This was all a setup.
Natalie: What exactly do you want me to show you? How every time the program crashes, I have to try not to throw my computer against the wall? 'Cause it's not as exciting as it sounds.
Victoria: Do you ever work? Or do you just complain?
[Cell phone chimes]
Natalie: Someone else you need to hover over?
Victoria: I'll be back tomorrow morning to check on things. I'm sure you'll have something for me by then.
Natalie: Can't wait. Why ever would you hide from that? She's so sweet.
Billy: Yeah, she is. And she's smart and warm and strong.
Natalie: Is that why you're secretly plotting against her?
Billy: Oh, no, no. I'm working with you and Phyllis. That's not the same thing.
Natalie: If you say so.
Billy: Yeah, I do. I can get my revenge on Victor without ruining things with Victoria.
Mariah: You might want to be the one to do the talking, because whenever I see her, I want to duct tape her mouth shut.
Victoria: I know the feeling.
Mariah: Oh. Hi. You want to duct tape somebody's mouth? Who?
Victoria: You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm really happy to see both of you.
Kevin: That's flattering. What's up?
Victoria: I know this might be awkward, but I wanted to consult with you on the internet security project that you brought to Newman.
Kevin: The one that Victor booted both of us from? Yeah. A consultation about that would be awkward.
Victoria: What I need to know is can Natalie do what she claims?
Kevin: Still in awkward territory since she went behind our backs and sold the project out from underneath us.
Victoria: Okay. So, she doesn't play by the rules.
Kevin: This may be one of the few times you'd want to let Adam take over the project. You know, backstabbing, double dealing? It's right up his alley.
Noah: Why do you want to help me?
Adam: Because I've been in your position before. It's awful. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially you.
Noah: Thank you.
Adam: Well, don't thank me yet. Because Luca is a wild card. Victor's not gonna be happy that he's involved. He's gonna want you to keep quiet about the whole thing.
Noah: [Laughs]
Adam: What's so funny?
Noah: So, your advice to me is, uh, to keep quiet?
Adam: Keep quiet. Hell, yeah. That's my advice.
Noah: And what about Luca?
Adam: I don't know. I don't know about Luca. I haven't thought that far in advance. Um... just... give me time to think about it, okay?
Noah: Adam?
Adam: Yeah?
Noah: How do you live with it?
Adam: I-I don't. I didn't...live with it. I had to die and come back as someone else. [Sighs] And the truth is there are days that I can't live with it. But I'm gonna say something to you, and I want you to hear every word I'm saying. There's a huge difference, all right? You didn't take a life.
Noah: Billy almost died. What Victoria had to go through --
Adam: It was absolute hell. I'm sure of it. But Delia's not coming back. That's not changing. That's something that I have to live with. That's a big difference.
Noah: Everybody knows you did it now. That's a big difference, too.
Adam: Hey. Noah, listen to me, okay? If you're thinking about coming clean... don't. Hey, I know it's hard for you, all right, keeping secrets, but for most of us, secrets -- it's an unfortunate part of life, my friend.
Chelsea: I don't want secrets to be something I just have to accept, you know? I don't want Connor growing up like that, either.
Anita: Well, I've got news for you, missy. It's not all up to you. Adam's got a say in how that kid's gonna be raised, and him and his daddy are going to make sure that Connor is a Newman all the way.
Chelsea: I just need him to grow up to do something safer, like -- like be fighter pilot or a racecar driver.
Anita: [Laughs]
Chelsea: Or who knows? Maybe he could be a farmer like his grandma hope. I mean, that's in his blood, too, right?
Anita: You know, if wishes were horses, you'd have a truck-load of manure right now.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] The point is I don't care what kind of career Connor has when he's older. I just need him to stay far away from Newman enterprises and everything it stands for.
Luca: Oh, good. So, your wife finally left. I sent mine home, as well. Now we can speak freely.
Adam: Never mention my wife again.
Luca: This evening really didn't go your way, did it? You and your father -- you think you're smarted than everyone else, that no one could ever possibly get anything past you. And yet my family still has a stake in your company, so clearly, I'm not going anywhere. And you wouldn't want me to. I suspect you've realized how valuable I am to this company and that I should have more power and control, starting now. Am I right?
Lily: Cane, look, this -- this was great. I mean, it was more than great. It was amazing. But I didn't go to the party thinking, "I need to lure Cane into bed."
Cane: No, it was a setup, and I know it wasn't you. It was Jill. It was Jill and her little impromptu party downstairs. That's who it was. Yeah.
Lily: Which ended up being a fight between Jill and Colin.
Cane: Right. Then everybody telling them they had to kiss and make up.
Lily: Which was mostly you saying that, actually.
Cane: Well, that's 'cause the two of them know how to play me. So... [Chuckles]
Lily: How did we not see that?
Cane: Because we just didn't want to.
Lily: No, we didn't.
Cane: No, we didn't.
Lily: But nothing's changed. Um, I'm gonna go out first, actually, so that way no one sees us together and misunderstands anything.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: Thanks.
Cane: [Chuckles] Um, it seems kind of weird just to say, "see you later." Right?
Kevin: Natalie says she's cutting us back in, but she's not giving us any details.
Mariah: What? Billy Abbott?
Kevin: Coming downstairs. From upstairs, where Natalie has a room. Maybe we're not the only ex-partners she's trying to cut back into the deal.
Victoria: What are you doing here? I was, uh, just returning your text.
Billy: I was just gonna try and see if I could get a massage, but more importantly, what took you so long to get back to me?
Victoria: Oh. I had to see the programmer. I'm telling you, that girl is more trouble than she's worth.
Billy: Yeah. [Chuckles]
Victoria: I'm sorry. I know you lost out on a big business deal because of her. I shouldn't go on about the program and --
Billy: Oh, no, no. Thank you very much for watching out for my feelings, but...I'm okay.
Victoria: Are you really?
Billy: Mm-hmm. I figured out a way to make peace with all this.
Victoria: Hmm.
Noah: [Scoffs]
Marisa: Noah.
Noah: You sold me out to Luca.
Marisa: Never! Luca suspected. He -- he tricked me into confirming. I didn't know.
Noah: I asked you if he knew, and you -- you covered for him.
Marisa: Not for him. To protect you.
Noah: I don't need your protection. I don't want it, Marisa. I can end all this before my grandfather comes back into town.
Marisa: Noah, you can't go after Luca.
Noah: Don't worry. Marisa, I'm not gonna go after your precious husband, okay? I am going to go to the police and confess.
Luca: This is everything? The recording to the fake feds and the, uh, dossier of my family that I was kind enough to assemble. Thank you. Now I can go work on a new Santori/Newman contract. Our companies will achieve great things working so closely together.
Adam: Get out of here.
Luca: Yeah, of course. You should make that call in private -- the one to Daddy where you explain how badly you screwed up.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chelsea: Will you just tell me? Is Adam involved? You need to tell me what's happening!
Marisa: I can't!
Nick: You're right. I can't keep you in the dark any longer.
Patty: Hey, Paulie. Long time, no see.
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