Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/26/16


Episode # 10845 ~ Jack confides in Billy; Natalie wants to make a deal with Kevin & Mariah; Sage fights back.

Provided By Suzanne

Victoria: There. That's better. [Chuckles]

Billy: I'm sorry. It must be the meds.

Victoria: They reduced your painkillers yesterday.

Billy: Did I say meds? I meant beds. Come on. Get up in here. It's cold and lonely in here.

Victoria: I think we'll have plenty of time for that when we get home.

Billy: Which should've been yesterday. Let's go.

Victoria: Dr. Shelby's not gonna let that happen.

Billy: Dr. Shelby doesn't know what he's talking about. Come on. Let's get out of here.

Victoria: This is our second chance, okay? I don't want to rush it. So forget about internet deals and bookies and loans. All that matters is us, so you're staying put. So just deal with it.

Billy: Okay. Fine. I need to be here, but it doesn't mean you have to be here. So why don't you go check out Chelsea's fashion show?

Victoria: [Sighs] It's probably over by now anyway. I'm fine here.

Billy: I see what you're doing. Gonna stay here to block the door so I don't bolt.

Victoria: Is that your plan, Mr. Abbott?

Chelsea: Where are the EMTs? I mean, we need EMTs.

Adam: I'm fine. I'm not injured, okay?

Chelsea: You're not okay. Nothing about this is okay. You were kidnapped and held hostage. If anything had happened to you...

Victor: Sweetheart, he's fine. The exchange was made. The kidnapper's in custody.

Adam: Well, the hired muscle is in custody. The woman behind the man is still out there somewhere.

Jack: Uh, how do you know it was a woman? Did you hear her voice, see her face?

Adam: No, I just heard him say "yes, ma'am" on the phone.

Jack: Then she could be anywhere. She could be in Europe.

Adam: Europe? Where -- where you getting that?

Chelsea: It's all this stupid deal, Adam. It's all about internet software and a hacker Kevin found in Switzerland. This maniac woman kidnapped you so she could force Victor's hand, so she could force him out of the deal.

Adam: Is that true?

Paul: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy, huh?

Dylan: [Sighs] You enjoy that, slick -- taking a swing at me? Assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, oh, and -- and kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment? Man, you are just racking up the charges. You want some more? You better start talking right now.

Paul: You know, I'm thinking you might want to help yourself out here. We know you're not the mastermind of the kidnapping. You know, people do things for money. It happens. We want to know who hired you.

Acted on my own.

Dylan: Oh, come on. Chief, this guy is lying. Let me take him in.

Paul: You -- you -- you're not taking it easy on yourself. Just give us something, you know, something at all, like a face, a name.

It was all by phone. Paid in cash. Didn't get a name.

Dylan: Nothing. Then you're going down for this on your own.

Phyllis: Put your bag down. We're staying.

Natalie: Who are you? What do you want?

Phyllis: Well, I am hurt, quite honestly, 'cause I thought we had a connection. Think back. We needed funding for the program. Kevin was stalling. And then like an angel out of heaven, a new investor came calling. Well, maybe not heaven, but they fixed your project.

Natalie: That was you, the other investor?

Phyllis: That was me. I'm Phyllis. And I have been wanting to talk to you about the bugs in your system. Not exactly what I paid for.

Natalie: Well, it's not like it was on purpose.

Phyllis: Well, you did, on purpose, make a deal with Kevin and Victor. And, now, I know you're a genius with code. But you're little iffy on business ethics.

Natalie: I didn't double-cross you, exactly. I only went to Victor for protection after you had someone freaking kidnapped.

Phyllis: That's right. Freaking Adam Newman. And if you ask Victor himself, he will say it was nothing personal. Just business.

Nick: You cannot be serious. You want me to have Sage committed?

Dr. Anderson: For Sage's sake and your own. It would be an act of caring on your part.

Nick: S-sandy, I've done this before with Sharon, in and out, and to go through it again with Sage?

Dr. Anderson: Nick, it's time. Sage is paranoid, irrational. She -- she even sees me as a threat. And now she has Sharon worried about her spending time with Sully. If you -- if you care about her, get her the help she needs.

Sage: You're having dinner with her? What the hell's going on? Stay away from my husband, you evil, twisted bitch.

Mariah: You have checked that thing about a thousand times. Is the baby all right?

Sharon: Yeah, he's fine. He's perfect. I'm just nervous about Dylan.

Mariah: Dylan knows what he's doing. He's gonna get Adam back, protect Natalie even though she doesn't deserve it, and keep himself safe in the meantime.

Sharon: I know, I know, I know, I know.

Mariah: [Chuckles] Okay, then, what? Is there something else?

Sharon: Yes. It's Sage, actually. She was here earlier. She was dropping off faith.

Mariah: Okay...?

Sharon: And I wouldn't let her see Sullivan.

Mariah: Why not? She's always been great with him.

Sharon: Has she? Because I wonder now. Maybe it was too much too soon. Sage was tense. She was angry, and she was accusing Dr. Anderson of attacking her.

Mariah: Well, was Dr. Anderson attacking her?

Sharon: No. Dr. Anderson was merely... pointing out that Sage is kind of spinning out of control. And, you know, I'm sorry. I feel for her. I really do. But I cannot leave her near Sullivan until she gets help.

Nick: Okay, we don't need to do this here. Let's go home.

Sage: He was supposed to tell you to back off. That's why he wanted to meet you, not have this cozy, little dinner date.

Nick: It's not a date.

Sage: Well, it looks like an ambush to me, Nick. I thought you were believing in me. This woman has been going around town, badmouthing me to everyone -- to you and to Sharon. Sharon won't let me see her baby now because of you. Are you proud of yourself?

Dr. Anderson: My advice was out of concern for you and for the baby.

Sage: Are you hearing this, Nick?

Dr. Anderson: Sage, do you see that this is not normal behavior? Your fixation on Sharon's baby is --

Sage: Am I fixated on Sully? Do I hold him too close? Do I call him Christian?

Nick: No. Of course not.

Sage: Then I'm fine. I'm fine to be around Sully. You've said so yourself.

Dr. Anderson: Sage, do you see what you're doing? You're attacking your own husband.

Sage: You have weaseled your way into our lives. Nick and I both know that.

Nick: Look, I respect your feelings, but this is not you.

Sage: She did it. She got to you. You were on my side, and now you're suddenly on her side.

Nick: No, this is not about sides, okay? I just think we should get out of here so we can --

Sage: No, I don't want to get out of here, Nick, because you're a traitor!

Sharon: Sage was so worked up and angry about Dr. Anderson, and I know that kind of behavior. That's paranoia. That's certainty that the whole world is against you. I couldn't just let Sage be around Sully like that, could I?

Mariah: I hear you, but what if Sage isn't paranoid? What if Dr. Anderson is wrong?

Sharon: Dr. Anderson is a professional.

Mariah: Who acted more like a warden than a doctor when you were at Fairview.

Sharon: Okay, but maybe that was what I needed. You know, the baby turned out healthy. So did I.

Mariah: True. True. Then why is she still involved in your life? Even showing up the night that you and Dylan got married. She is always around, and it's not just you. It's Nick and Sage, as well. It's bizarre.

Sharon: I think when Dr. Anderson sees someone who's in pain or unwell, she just feels compelled to help. And right now, Sage is in trouble. And I'm sympathetic. I really am. But I have to protect my baby.

[Cell phone chimes]

Mariah: [Chuckles] Dork.

Sharon: Excuse me?

Mariah: Oh. No, it -- it's, uh -- Kevin put an alert on my phone. It's kind of like my own personal police scanner, 'cause he's a dork.

Sharon: Well, is everything okay?

Mariah: No. I think something's going down at Newman towers. It might be about Adam and Natalie.

Sharon: Or Dylan. Okay, I'm gonna ask bonnie to watch the kids. And I am going to find my husband.

Dylan: What's the maximum sentence here for, uh, our friend's charges? We've got kidnapping, assault...

Paul: Uh, well, it's not just assault, you know? It's, uh, assault of a police officer. So I guess, uh, you know... 30 years, minimum?

Dylan: 30 years. Great. Let's go.

Okay. Okay. Okay! It was a woman.

Paul: That's something.

She told me not to hurt him.

Dylan: That's fine. But the chief asked for a face, a name, or a number.

She called me on a burner phone, okay? It's in my motel room -- the el dorado by the airport, room 6, by the ice machine.

Phyllis: All right. So, this is how it's all gonna work. You're gonna show yourself in public. You're gonna show yourself to Victor, the police, whoever. And you're gonna tell everybody that you panicked and had to stay low because you were nervous that the investor was gonna be still after you. There are two things that Victor loves -- family and money, and not in that order. He is gonna be grateful that Adam is back. He's gonna be grateful that you are back. He's gonna be grateful that the princess code-master is safe and sound. And then he's gonna give you a lot of money for research and development so you can process your -- what are you doing?

Natalie: You want me to fix the program and give it to Victor?

Phyllis: No. I want you to give him a dummy program which -- oopsie -- doesn't work.

Natalie: He'll kill me.

Phyllis: Not if you play it right.

Natalie: He already thinks I double-crossed him once.

Phyllis: That's because you did, 'cause you sold the program to me, which I still intend to collect on, thank you.

Natalie: So you just show up with miraculous new internet security software? He will know I gave it to you.

Phyllis: We'll tell him my own team developed it.

Natalie: Victor will know it's a lie. He'll know. He'll come after me.

Phyllis: Okay. I am trying to help you with all of your partners so you can make a name for yourself. That is what you want. You don't want to be an anonymous code cranker. You want to light the world on fire is what you want to do, and this is your chance to do it.

Natalie: You want a war with Victor Newman. Is it just because he snaked your deal? What else do you have against the guy?

Adam: Wait a second. I was only grabbed so that the kidnapper could get who they really wanted -- some über-geek who wrote some code?

Jack: Billion-dollar software that could change the internet and how we use it.

Adam: And you responded. You made the trade... that could've cut you out of the deal. Could've lost your investment.

Victor: I wasn't about to lose a member of my family.

Chelsea: Victor went to the police, though, and it was all very carefully thought out under Paul's supervision.

Jack: Y-you're safe, and we're grateful to the GCPD. But the fact remains, it was Kevin and Mariah who were first involved in this deal. And Kevin intended to be in business with Billy.

Victor: I bought that woman's idea. It is now part of Newman enterprises. The most important thing is, then, Adam is back and safe.

Jack: Yes. Adam's safe. Lucky Adam. Same as it ever was. Be safe...if you can.

Chelsea: Okay. We're done here. Come on. Come on.

Nikki: You know, Chelsea's right. You should go home.

Adam: One thing is bothering me, though. Why me? The kidnapper, they're trying to dangle a carrot over your head, so why me? Why not kidnap Nick o-or Abby or Victoria? With one of them, you're bound to play ball, right? With me, one would assume it's quite the opposite.

Victor: Has it occurred to you that whoever's behind this realized that you and my relationship has changed... and that whoever it is, if it is a woman, is not necessarily in Europe? She could be right here.

Jack: They're still atoria: What? A dream dress, and a

Billy: I'm not gonna take off again. It's doctor's orders. I would never do such a thing like that. So go. Go catch the rest of the fashion show. Come on. So far, you've been married in a bikini, a dream dress, and a bridesmaid's gown. It might be nice to find a proper wedding dress.

[Door opens]

Jack: Well, you'll have to contact Chelsea directly about the clothing. The show ended sooner than expected.

Billy: Did something happen?

Jack: It appears Adam had been kidnapped.

Victoria: What?

Billy: What?

Victoria: Is he okay?

Jack: Yeah, he's safe and sound. But it was one of Victor's business rivals that abducted him. Chelsea is quite rattled.

Victoria: Obviously. She would be. Um, do you mind if I --

Billy: No, no, no. Go. Go. Go be with your family.

Victoria: Where are they?

Jack: They're still at Newman tower.

Victoria: Okay. Um, I love you. I'll be right back.

Billy: I'll probably be here. Just kidding. I love you, too. So? Who did it?

Jack: Well, the critical part of the story is this. I think you may have dodged a bullet, being cut out of Kevin's software deal.

Billy: It's a good thing that I'm not a billionaire? Tell me more about this business rival. Seems like my kind of guy.

Paul: Right -- the El Dorado. Yeah, I need that phone. And have forensics work over the room.

Dylan: What do you make of that -- the boss lady not wanting to hurt Adam?

Adam: Maybe it's because I'm so beloved.

Paul: Or you're not worth much dead.

Dylan: Or maybe she had some other reasons to protect you.

Victor: Find out any more about the identity of the kidnapper?

Dylan: Well, the only information we have is, uh, the person calling the shots was a female. Is there anything that you could maybe help us with to I.D. Her?

Chelsea: There's no way you're still grilling my husband.

Nikki: Is this really necessary? These two have been through enough for one evening.

Paul: No. That's -- that's fine. Uh, you can go home. Get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow.

Adam: I'd really like to find this woman, so if there's anything I can do to help, you just let me know. Dad? Thank you.

Victor: I assume you put out an APB bulletin?

Paul: Yeah, on the girl. It's all taken care of.

Nikki: Oh, honey, your face.

Dylan: I know, I know. Don't say it. It's -- it's fine.

Nikki: Oh, I'm not happy about that. I know Sharon won't be, either.

Sharon: We heard they called in police at Newman tower. Is Dylan still there?

Kevin: Dylan is in one piece. Adam is safe, and the good guys did their thing.

Sharon: Well, why isn't he answering my texts?

Mariah: Dylan. Adam. Where's your friend, the walking laptop?

Kevin: The answer to that is I have no idea. I put a tracker on her, and, um...

Mariah: Did it break?

Kevin: She took it off.

Mariah: She took it off. She took it off. She took it --

Kevin: She took it off. We just covered that.

Mariah: She's making a break from Victor.

Kevin: It would appear that way, or...

Mariah: Or what?

Kevin: Or she's been kidnapped for real.

Nick: Sage --

Sage: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Dr. Anderson: Sage, you must be experiencing tremendous anger and confusion for you to --

Sage: Don't talk to me like you're my shrink. Dr. Anderson, you did this to us. You want us to fight so he cries on your shoulder. Baby, I'm so sorry. She's doing this to us. This isn't us.

Dr. Anderson: Sage, your agitation is spiraling. Do you see now that you can't fix this?

Sage: Oh, but you can? Well, then, fix me, doctor.

Nick: Sage, she thinks you should go in for an observation.

Sage: Go where? Fairview? I'm sorry. Do you want to have me committed?

Dr. Anderson: Oh!

Nick: Sage.

Nick: Sage, you have to stop. Please calm down.

Sage: Why are you looking at me like that? She's making me think that I'm crazy.

Nick: You need help.

Sage: Why are you on her side, Nick?

Dr. Anderson: Sage, we're all on your side. We just want you to be healthy and well.

Sage: Don't pretend that you care about me.

Dr. Anderson: Nick, I'm not gonna watch her do this to herself or to you. The police have been called. Put her on a 72-hour hold and get her the help she needs, or I will press charges, Nick. If you won't help her, then I will.

Sage: No. No, no, no, no, no. This isn't happening.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Sharon: Oh, my God.

Paul: What do we got?

Dylan: Mm.

Sharon: I don't know if I'm cut out for this -- to be a detective's wife.

Dylan: You're doing great.

Sharon: Dylan...

Dylan: It's nothing. I just, uh, ran into a fist with my face.

Paul: Okay, you two in my office. All right. What do we have on Natalie? Anything on the surveillance footage?

Kevin: Nothing. What about the kidnapper?

Paul: He's in holding. He claims it was for hire. Some woman gave him instructions over the phone. We have the burner phone. Uniforms got it. And forensics is testing for prints in his, uh, motel room.

Kevin: Okay. Well, good luck getting prints there. So there's a woman out there who kidnapped Adam and may have Natalie now. Or she's too scared to come out. Or --

Mariah: Or she's in a hut in Fiji, spending everybody's money.

Paul: Okay. This Natalie, she agreed to sell you the -- the software and then agreed to sell it to another investor and then to Victor? Did she collect the funds each time?

Kevin: I don't know.

Mariah: Maybe the program was never even supposed to work. Maybe it's just a ruse to get people to fork over their money.

Kevin: Not true.

Mariah: Very true. She played us once, and now she's playing us again. She ran because she knows that she has nothing to deliver.

Kevin: The program can work. I know it, and whoever kidnapped Adam knows it, too.

Phyllis: Know Billy Abbott?

Natalie: Kevin's first investor, the guy in the hospital.

Phyllis: He's also my brother-in-law. He's a dear friend. That's key. Don't forget that detail. This deal was very important to him. It's practically the first thing he talked about when he woke up in the hospital. But it was too late. Kevin already brought it to Victor.

Natalie: But you tried to cut him out, too, when you came to me for the program yourself.

Phyllis: That was on Billy's behalf. You did not need to know that before. Now you do. This deal is incredibly important to me. It's incredibly important to Billy. I expect you to follow through with our agreement.

Natalie: You want me to work for you.

Phyllis: With me.

Natalie: [Chuckles] On the sly, but play it like I'm Victor Newman's newest employee.

Phyllis: You got it.

Natalie: [Sighs] Take back your money. I won't tell big boss Newman about you or Adam or whatever, but I'm not about to poke that bear.

Phyllis: Let me ask you something. How's it working with Victor? Is it understanding? Is it supportive? Is it nice?

Natalie: All of that. For sure.

Phyllis: He's using you as a pawn. He uses everyone as a pawn. He's not gonna hesitate to humiliate you and ruin your life. And is he gonna feel bad about it? Absolutely not. Do you doubt that?

Natalie: I've experienced some of that already.

Phyllis: Yeah, you want to work for a guy like that? How about owning your own ideas, making your own decisions? You can have everything you have ever wanted without selling your soul. Billy and I can do that for you. So when you take your internet idea to the world, you want to do that with me, or do you want to do that with Victor?

Nick: Look, this is just a misunderstanding. If I could explain --

Sage: You are so transparent. How long have you been after my husband, huh -- since our child died?

Dr. Anderson: Get help or go to jail. If you won't do it for yourself, then do it for Nick.

Sage: Go to Fairview and have people like you treat me? [Scoffs] Come on. Let's do this. Arrest me already.

Jack: So, this person, Natalie, who originated the idea, sold a version of this software with bugs in it. The buyer had Adam kidnapped and pressured Victor to pony up the girl in exchange for Adam's freedom.

Billy: Where's Natalie now?

Jack: She's gone, on the run. Maybe left town by now.

Billy: Probably a good move, with Victor after her.

Jack: We don't really know that this thing is feasible, do we? I mean, all we have at this point is Kevin's word.

Billy: Yeah, well, Kevin likes a get-rich scheme, but... his whole ego is tied up in his hacker cred. If he saw value in an idea that wasn't his, it's legit. Plus, Victor would never buy in to something that he wasn't expecting a big payday from.

Jack: Victor Newman would happily burn $2 million to rub our faces in the ashes.

Billy: What about Phyllis, Jack?

Jack: What about Phyllis?

Billy: When she was here, she told me not to lose hope. She doesn't blow smoke.

Jack: Not to lose hope -- she said that?

Billy: Yeah. She seemed pretty confident that I wasn't out of the game yet.

Victoria: This entire fashion show was a cover story for a kidnapping exchange?

Nikki: It's amazing what goes on around here that nobody tells us about.

Victor: Well, the fewer the people who knew, the better, you know? Made it safer.

Nikki: What if this kidnapper had been armed? What if he was violent? I mean, that's the last thing we need is another potentially fatal event.

Victor: Everything is fine, right?

Victoria: Well, you know, I was just hoping to see some nice dresses and support the brand.

Victor: Well, I'm happy you were able to tear yourself away from the hospital.

Victoria: Oh, dad, please don't make me feel guilty about taking care of a man who almost died.

Victor: Well, he didn't die, now, did he?

Victoria: No. Billy was lucky. And I feel very blessed. And as upset as he is about losing out on this deal, I'm just glad that he didn't get in any deeper with this...

Nikki: Uh, Natalie, apparently, is her name. And I hope she is far away and has taken her drama with her.

Victor: For your information, my investment isn't worth a dime. She has all my money.

Nikki: Oh, you mean the same money that you didn't mind losing to save Adam?

Adam: You know, when I was locked up in that room and I couldn't get out, I couldn't stop worrying about you and Connor. It was just this horrible, familiar feeling. It felt like I was, uh, back at Constance's place again, you know? It wasn't good.

Chelsea: You're home now. You're safe. You're back with me.

Adam: Yeah. And there were at least a million things that went through my head when I was in that room. I was thinking, you know, after everything I went through to get back to you -- I got my life back. I got my freedom. I've got Connor. I got you. I got... I got everything, and I-I'm looking around that room, and I'm thinking, "my God. Is this really how it ends for me?"

Chelsea: No. No. Listen to me. That is not how it ends for us, not after everything. Mnh-mnh. We are going to grow old together, and we are going to have a million inside jokes...

Adam: [Chuckles]

Chelsea: ...And code words and memories. We are going to have gray hair and knee replacements and so much love that even the young kids are jealous of us.

Adam: I'd like that. You're it, you know that? You're what gets me through the tough times. You're... it's always been you. It's always gonna be you.

Chelsea: [Sighs] Swear we'll always be together. Always.

Adam: I promise you that.

Chelsea: Say that again.

Adam: I promise you we will always be together. Okay?

Mariah: I mean, she didn't, did she? There's no way that she would actually come back here.

Kevin: She wouldn't leave her laptop behind. This is how we know if she's been taken. [Sighs]

Natalie: Took you long enough.

Kevin: Uh, yeah. Are you okay? How long have you been here?

Mariah: Thank you, by the way, for letting us know that you were fine. Some people were worried about you.

Natalie: Like you?

Mariah: No, actually. But he seems to care about you for some reason, even though you cut him out of the deal.

Natalie: We're still partners, okay? Even though I'm working with Victor, you're not out. No matter what he thinks or what that one says, our deal stands. Everyone's cut will be smaller, but everyone still gets a cut.

Mariah: Like he has any reason to trust you.

Natalie: But he does trust me. Don't you, Kevin?

Kevin: We have nothing to lose.

Mariah: Because she handed it to Victor. That's why we have nothing.

Natalie: But he isn't gonna know. That's the only way it'll work. So leave me alone and forget we're partners. Let me fix the program and light the world on fire. I'm not gonna let Victor Newman jerk me around and take what he wants. I'm in control of my idea. This is ours.

Kevin: [Inhales deeply] Okay, then. We're in. Keep us posted.

Mariah: Unbelievable.

Natalie: Thank you for worrying, but I'm not going anywhere.

Mariah: [Sighs] I can't believe that you're actually going along with this. She is double, triple, quadruple playing us and probably making an enemy out of Victor Newman in the process.

Kevin: Okay, you can string together as many words as you want to. It doesn't change the fact that we have nothing to lose. This is worth a shot, and I'm taking it.

Phyllis: [Whistles] That was cold, stringing Kevin along like that. Should've cut him loose.

Natalie: I meant it. He's a partner.

Phyllis: I didn't agree to that.

Natalie: Well, it's still my idea... my brain. Unless you can fix the bugs, I still have a say in all this. You said you wanted to do this for Billy. Fine. I want to do it for Kevin.

Phyllis: Well, okay, then. We're doing this?

Natalie: Yes. We are.

Phyllis: Shake my hand a little firmer. That a girl.

Paul: Sage. So, it looks like you have a pretty good left hook, here.

Sage: [Sighs]

Paul: Why don't you, um, tell me what happened at the club.

Sage: Well, there's nothing to say, Paul. But I'll tell you what. I'd rather sit in a cell for the rest of my life than let that witch stick me in Fairview.

Paul: What -- you're talking about Dr. Anderson?

Sage: The very one.

Dylan: What's going on?

Sage: Why don't you ask your wife? She's Dr. Anderson's number-one fan.

Paul: Okay. Uh, listen. Why don't you guys take off? Sage, why don't you join me in my office?

Dylan: What's going on with Sage?

Nick: Sage is unraveling. I should've seen it, but I didn't.

Sharon: Nick, I'm sorry. Sage was at the house earlier today, and --

Nick: Yeah, I know. You didn't let her see Sully. I know.

Sharon: Dr. Anderson saw this coming. I'm the last person to blame her for what she's going through, but Dr. Anderson was right. You need to get Sage help.

Nick: Yeah, well, she may not have a choice now.

Dylan: What are the charges?

Nick: Assault. She went after Dr. Anderson. Dylan, I need your help.

Dylan: Okay, you -- you got to talk Dr. Anderson down, see if she'll just back off.

Nick: I already did. She won't. Look. Sage can't stay here. They won't even let me talk to her. This is my wife, Dylan, and that makes her your family, too. And family trumps any law.

Dylan: Well, you know who you sound like.

Nick: Well, in this case, my dad would be right. Please help me get her out of here.

Paul: Dr. Anderson won't back down about bringing charges. So after the arraignment tomorrow, Sage will be released. I-I don't know what to say. I feel for both of you.

Dr. Anderson: Nick... how are you doing?

Nick: I just didn't want to see it. It was there the whole time, wasn't it? Sage just finally couldn't keep it in.

Dr. Anderson: You will get her through this. We both will. Your support, my treatment -- we can make her well again... if we work together as a team.

Chelsea: See? If we never left this room, nothing bad could ever happen.

Adam: Well, I mean, we could starve...

Chelsea: [Laughs]

Adam: ...For one. Plus, Connor would have to learn how to feed himself, how to drive...

Chelsea: Oh, right.

Adam: ...Have to get a job.

Chelsea: Thank you for being the voice of reason.

Adam: I want to find out who this woman is, this person who kidnapped me.

Chelsea: No. No, no, no. No, I don't want to talk about her.

Adam: No?

Chelsea: Or anything else. You're home. That's all that matters. I love you. And nothing outside this room or this home matters.

Adam: You're perfect. You're perfect.

Victor: Adam is safe, and we can talk about the rest in the morning, okay?

Nikki: Now I see. Your father wants his son, his deal, and the programmer back under his control.

Victor: Can you blame me, for heaven's sake? My son was kidnapped. I was crossed as a businessman and a father.

Victoria: And so did the programmer, dad. Any deal that causes this much trouble is not a good deal.

Natalie: The boss and I know better. Don't we, partner?

Nikki: Oh, little girl, do you have a lot of explaining to do.

Victor: Uh, Victoria, my darling, would you kindly escort your mother home?

Nikki: Are you kidding me? And leave you here with her? Not until she's explained where she's been and what she's been up to. What kind of lunatics do you deal with, anyway?

Victor: I'll be home in a little while.

Nikki: Oh, yes, I know. I've read that book before. You know what? You were almost a part of our family there for a minute. Thank God you realized your priorities.

Victoria: [Sighs] I'll talk to her, dad.

Victor: I would really appreciate that, okay?

Nikki: [Sighs]

Billy: You know what? It's good to see you, and I don't mean to kick you out --

Jack: But you need some rest.

Billy: Please. I plan on having sweet, sweet dreams about finally crushing Victor.

Jack: Hey, listen to me. Let it go.

Billy: Jack, Phyllis is the smartest person in the room. If she says we got a chance to take out Victor, I think we got to take it.

Jack: Could you just focus on getting better?

Billy: I'm trying. If you'd stop talking...

Jack: No, no, I'm gone. I'm gone. Sweet dreams.

[Door opens]

Billy: Oh, come on, man. Take a hint.

Phyllis: I'm stubborn that way. Jack didn't see me. He wouldn't approve.

Billy: And why is that? What are you up to, Phyllis?

Phyllis: I am assuming that you have heard about this mysterious hacker with the billion-dollar idea. She works for me. Correction -- she works for us. We are back in the game, Billy. And this time, we are going to win.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: What the hell were you thinking last night?

Stitch: This is my son. I need to be kept in the loop when it comes to him. Understand?

Ashley: If your treatment doesn't work, will you please end my life before my family has to?

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