Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/20/16


Episode # 10841 ~ Jack blames himself for Billy's setback; Victoria prays for a miracle; Victor demands the truth from Natalie.

Provided By Suzanne

Dr. Anderson: You think I have some sort of hidden agenda? That -- that's absurd.

Nick: Okay, maybe Sage is wrong. Maybe you are just an incredibly dedicated therapist. But, sandy, if there is something happening here, I want to know about it now so I can deal with it so this doesn't affect my life any more than it already has.

Dr. Anderson: An agenda that somehow revolves around you? I've worked with your ex-wife professionally, and I've only tried to help your current wife struggle through the tremendous loss that she can't even begin to handle on her own.

Nick: Okay, right there. You see that? Right there. You make it sound like Sage is unstable.

Dr. Anderson: She verbally attacked me in public, unprovoked.

Nick: My wife is the one who's feeling provoked.

Dr. Anderson: Loss and regret can do terrible things to a person. They impact their judgment. See, right now, Sage has you badgering me over friendly advice. Can you admit that that's not rational?

Nick: That is not an answer. Do you have an agenda or not?

Dr. Anderson: Nick, see this from my perspective. I see a mother and a father who have lost their child. I see two people who are convincing themselves they're getting by.

Nick: See, I actually think we're doing pretty well under the circumstances.

Dr. Anderson: Are you?

Nick: Yeah. We live together again. It's working.

Dr. Anderson: I advised you to give her space. Sage moved out so she could find out how much she needed you like I mapped out. I mean, that's exactly what you wanted. But instead of thanking me, you're making accusations. You don't want my help? Fine. I won't offer it anymore. Honestly, I don't need the hassle.

Nick: Sandy. Sandy, wait. Please. Sandy.

Are you a patient of Dr. Anderson's?

Sage: Prospective, actually. Um, my husband and I suffered a loss recently. Our -- our baby passed away, and Dr. Anderson was recommended to us for counseling. But it's kind of hard to talk to a stranger. I feel like the more I know about her, the easier it'll be for that connection to happen when we meet. And I know there's information on the memorial website. I saw that. But personal stuff -- that's the key, don't you think? I mean, is she married? Does she have children? Will she understand what we're going through?

I think I heard the doctor was married.

Sage: Oh, okay. Well, that's -- that's good. Maybe Anderson's her married name? [Sighs] I wouldn't know.

Sage: Okay, thank you so much. That's a really good place to start, nurse.

Jack: Is -- is he unconscious? Is he asleep? Your text said he was awake.

Victoria: He was awake, Jack. He said my name. I wouldn't let him talk after that, but... [Sighs] He smiled at me.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Jack: What did the doctor say?

Victoria: They're hopeful. Very.

Jack: Then why are you sounding like that?

Victoria: Well... there could be some residual trauma. And until Billy wakes up and they do some testing...

Jack: They need to assess if there are any damages. [Sighs] If Billy isn't Billy, it will be my fault.

Luca: Whoa, whoa. You're going to the police station now?

Noah: Yeah, I am.

Luca: You're gonna tell them that Victor abducted Marisa? That could be blowing his chances of getting Adam back.

Noah: Adam's a big boy. He can take care of himself. So is my grandfather. But Marisa is God knows where with God knows who.

Luca: You'd turn on your family for Marisa's sake?

Noah: You sound surprised, Luca. But, you see, that's the reason you lost Marisa in the first place, because when you love somebody, you actually love them, you risk anything --

anything -- to keep them safe.

Marisa: Somebody! Somebody help me! [Breathing heavily] Help! Ah!

Dylan: Okay, where is she right now?

Kevin: She's in a hotel where nobody can get to her.

Mariah: Kevin?

Kevin: Hey, what are you doing here?

Mariah: Hi. I need to talk to you in private.

Kevin: Oh, if this is about our friend, you can talk in front of Dylan. I've brought him up to speed.

Mariah: Okay, well, I wish your hacker buddy was willing to wait and see how things played out.

Kevin: What are you talking about?

Mariah: She's gone. Natalie ran out on me.

Kevin: Gone where? Gone how?

Mariah: How is kind of pointless, and where -- I have no idea.

Dylan: Okay, if Victor finds her before we do...

Kevin: Then he can dangle her to the bad guys in exchange for Adam.

Dylan: Okay, do you have a picture of Natalie? I want to send some officers to the airport and make sure she doesn't take off.

Mariah: No, she's not hopping on a plane. She left all of her stuff and her computer at the GCAC.

Kevin: She left her computer behind? She's -- she's a hacker. She wouldn't leave a device. I mean, she was probably taken.

Mariah: No, she was not taken.

Kevin: You don't know that.

Mariah: I do know because she ran off when my back was turned! And please don't yell at me. It's a waste of time.

Dylan: Okay. So if Natalie left on her own will, where'd she go?

Victor: Get the girl ready to move, all right?

Natalie: You have the wrong girl. [Sighs]

Victor: Who are you?

Natalie: The right girl. My name is Natalie. I'm the one everyone wants.

Victor: Really? I'll have security escort you out.

Natalie: So you're saying you don't want to see your son alive again. Good to know.

Victor: Who are you? And what do you know?

Victor: That's quite a story. Very creative. But not very convincing. Please have a seat.

Natalie: So, I just waltzed in here knowing all about the internet security project?

Victor: Well, there's several ways someone could have found out about that project.

Natalie: I found out about the project because I made it. It's mine. I let Kevin in, and he let you in, so now we're all partners.

Victor: But you told me you sold it to someone else, so you betrayed both Kevin and me.

Natalie: Kevin said the money would come and it didn't, so I moved on. It's called business.

Victor: Tell me about business.

Natalie: Clearly things didn't go as planned. There was a problem with my program, a glitch, a tiny one.

Victor: Oh. Just a tiny one? Or was it maybe a scam for you to attract as many investors as possible so that'd give you money?

Natalie: I just need time to work the bugs out. But I can and I will.

Victor: You still haven't explained to me why you're here.

Natalie: Because the bozos I made a deal with kidnapped your son. [Sighs] I'm the girl they're after. They want me to come fix the program for them and not for you.

Victor: Have they paid you the same $2 million that I paid you?

Natalie: Two? The price was one.

Victor: Oh. I see. So Kevin fisher -- I see -- kept the $1 million as a finder's fee. Is that it?

Natalie: We can kick his ass later. Let's deal with the issue on the table.

Victor: And the issue on the table is my son. So you're here so that we can give you in exchange for my son? Is that it? We can make that happen.

Natalie: [Chuckling] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I came here to offer you help. Let's talk about this before you make a big mistake.

Victor: I think you're the one who made a mistake.

Phyllis: You did not make a mistake, Jack. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

Victoria: Phyllis is right. You did a very brave and loving thing honoring Billy's wishes. This was a family decision. Traci was right.

Jack: I made the wrong call. Whatever happens to Billy from here on out is on me.

Victoria: Jack, stop. He came back to us. He might have stayed in that awful limbo if you hadn't decided to take him off the machines.

Jack: We don't know that.

Phyllis: What we know is that Billy was awake, he was talking, even after the doctor said there was no hope.

Victoria: It's a miracle.

Jack: What if there was damage? I told them to turn the ventilator off. What if he was oxygen deprived or God knows what? How do I explain that to him? What do I tell him when he wakes up?

Billy: How about "welcome back"?

Nick: All right, look. What you have done for Sharon, I really respect it. But this sudden cutback on her meds?

Dr. Anderson: Wait, that's between my patient and me. I treat her according to her needs, no one else's.

Nick: Understood. And Sharon's happy obviously. She and Dylan are making a nice life for themselves. But Sage is not your patient. You're always evaluating her and giving her advice and me. That's not your job.

Dr. Anderson: No, it's not. You didn't hire me. I don't bill you. But, Nick, how many times have we talked about your feelings, your grief, your marriage? You seemed grateful at the time.

Nick: I'm not Sage.

Dr. Anderson: No. Until this evening, you were rational. But Sage is in turmoil. She's pushing you away while lashing out at me. I mean, does this seem normal to you? Does her fixation on Sharon's baby seem healthy?

Nick: There's no fixation.

Dr. Anderson: Well, only because you choose to ignore the obvious. You and Sage are -- you're playing this like nothing has happened.

Nick: Hardly. We're working very hard to get through this together the way a normal married couple would.

Dr. Anderson: Meanwhile, your wife is accusing me of improper attention towards you. Why? Because she's had a great loss, and now she thinks she's gonna lose you, too. You guys were married because of the pregnancy. Now the child is gone, so she thinks you're gonna go, too. And that fear is making her attack a professional who is just trying to help her. Why does my help threaten her so much? And why do you trust her paranoia over your own instincts? And you keep saying that I'm not Sage's doctor. Go get her one. Now. Before things get worse.

[Cell phone vibrates]

Mariah: See? Her gear is all here. Natalie wasn't fleeing from Genoa City -- just this room.

Kevin: Or she was going somewhere she couldn't risk having her computer with her.

Dylan: Kevin, what are you doing?

Kevin: Oh, like you've never seen me do this before? I'm gonna help Natalie by finding clues as to where she is. Is that permissible?

Mariah: Don't ask. Just hack.

Kevin: Well, she's a pro. It's gonna take hours to get through her password.

Dylan: Okay, then we should find a person to deal with instead of a machine. We have three missing people. We got Adam, Marisa, Natalie. And what do they all have in common?

Mariah: Victor.

Dylan: Exactly.

Kevin: W-w-w-w-wait, wait! We can't just knock on Victor's door and say, "hey, where's this girl you don't actually know exists?"

Dylan: Hold on. If this was just about your hacker friend going AWOL, I could go straight to Victor, but he probably has Marisa, so I got to go to Paul.

Kevin: But either way Victor's gonna know I talked to you.

Dylan: And then what? Kevin, we got three people's lives at stake right here. That's the priority. If there's a fallout with your agreement with Victor, I'm sorry. That's tough.

Victor: My mistake was to invest my money in an idea that both Kevin fisher and Billy boy Abbott deemed worthy.

Natalie: But it's not just worthy. It's genius. It'll change the landscape of the internet, the world. And you love making huge changes. You live for it.

Victor: What do you know about me?

Natalie: You're a legend. I plan to be one, too.

Victor: Hmm.

Natalie: You know where I was raised?

Victor: No.

Natalie: An orphanage in Zurich. But I got out, changed my name, changed my life. Sound familiar? You went the business route. Me, I learned to code, hack. On the web, they can't see your face. They don't hear your voice or know your real name. They either respect your talent or they don't. I have talent, so I have respect. And I have a program that could make us billions.

Victor: You're charming, you know. But you must remember that my son Adam is still a hostage, and I think you're wasting my time.

Natalie: I'm offering you a plan. We work the investors, make them think they're getting what they want -- me and the program -- but meanwhile you keep me safe while I work out the bugs.

Victor: And you don't think they'll realize that they're being double-crossed and, uh, they won't take it out on my son?

Natalie: [Sighs] I know this type. If Victor Newman calls their bluff, they'll slink off to their chalets and invest in drones or some new technology. If we do it my way, we can have your son and my program and a brand-new beginning.

Victor: Yeah, well... sounds good. What if you're wrong?

Natalie: I'm not. I know it.

Victor: You're sure of yourself, aren't you? I can relate to that.

Natalie: So you'll help me?

Victor: [Chuckles] So you're one of those computer nerds, aren't you? You're one of those whiz kids. All right, I'll help you.

Marisa: You think I'm scared of you? You know you're expendable. Whoever hired you will get rid of you just like they're trying to do me unless we help each other. No, no, no. No, what are you doing?

Coming with me.

Jack: How you feel, Billy?

Billy: Like hell, Jack. But I think it's better than how you look.

Jack: It wasn't an easy time. We didn't... there were choices.

Billy: I'm sure there were. Big ones by the looks of it. Probably should have told you about that document I had Michael draw up.

Jack: Yeah, the healthcare power of attorney. Would have been nice to know about that beforehand.

Billy: So it got that far, did it?

Jack: Yeah, it did. And I'm so sorry.

Billy: Stop. I already told you to stop feeling bad about that.

Phyllis: When did you tell Jack that?

Billy: Uh... yesterday.

Victoria: Yesterday? You were only awake a little while before.

Billy: Crazy dreams. Still, will you tell him it's okay?

Phyllis: Listen to your brother. Your lucid and coherent brother.

Victoria: We should get a doctor.

Billy: No, no, please. Just stay here for a second. I have no idea what they're gonna try and stick in me next. So, tell me. How bad did it get?

Phyllis: We said goodbye. Everybody.

Billy: Ooh. Sounds like a good time. So, were you nice or honest?

Jack: We love you, Billy.

Phyllis: A little bit of both.

Billy: It's probably good I didn't hear it. The dreams, they were, uh... they felt... I was floating around, and I could see what you all were going through. Delia was there. She... she told me to go back and fix things. It's what I'm gonna do, Vick. I swear to you, I'm gonna fix things.

Victoria: I believe you.

Nick: Sage? What are you doing here? Are you not feeling well?

Sage: No, I'm -- I'm fine. I just came to see if there was news about Billy.

Nick: I just got the text from Vick. I guess he's awake now.

Sage: Oh, that's great. Well, we should go see him. Let's go.

Nick: Hold on. Let's -- let's give Vick some time alone with Billy. I want to talk to you anyway about what happened at the coffeehouse with Dr. Anderson.

Sage: I don't want to talk about that right now. Let's go see him. Come on. Let's go be grateful.

Billy: [Groans] What? Did I gargle glass while I was under?

Victoria: You were intubated, so your throat's gonna hurt.

Billy: [Sighs] I don't remember a thing.

Victoria: What's the last thing that you remember?

Billy: There was a wedding.

Phyllis: Abby and Stitch tied the knot new year's eve. But you left before the wedding even started. Then we got the call.

Billy: Gil. Gil and his buddy [Sighs] In the parking garage. I'm sorry.

Victoria: No, no, no. We don't need to talk about that right now.

Billy: Yeah, we do, Vick. I screwed up.

Jack: You're not the only one. If I'd given you that money to invest --

Billy: Jack, you are just a bundle of guilt. How much time have you spent trying to talk him down?

Phyllis: Oh, not much.

Billy: Well, if he really wants to invest, you can tell him he can do it now. Maybe it'll soothe your conscience.

Jack: The thing is, Billy, something's happened, something... well, let's just say I just finished throwing things myself.

Billy: You're that mad at me, are you?

Jack: Not at you. On your behalf.

Victoria: It's just about the situation. But we don't really need to talk about that right now.

Billy: It's probably better that we do. For me, for you, for Jabot. For all of us.

Jack: Okay, Billy. Here's the situation.

[Door opens] I went --

Nick: Aww. He's awake. Some things people do to get some attention.

Sage: [Chuckles]

Billy: I am shameless.

Luca: If we go to the police now with no proof, there's no telling what Victor will do to Marisa.

Noah: If we don't stop the trade before it happens, anything could go wrong. Look, come with me or not, I'm not wasting anymore time -- Marisa. Oh, my God. Thank God.

Luca: What happened? Where were you?

Marisa: Um, it was --

Dylan: I'm glad you're back. Just, uh, take some time, get your breath. Can we get her a water? And then you can, uh, tell me everything about where you were and who did this to you.

Kevin: Anything in there give you a hint about code or where she is? Notes, messages?

Mariah: This is pointless!

Kevin: Hey, hey, hey. What is with you?

Mariah: It's all going away. Our chance, your idea, the deal. Money and freedom and a new life -- it's over!

Kevin: No, no, no. It is not over. I am gonna hack into Natalie's computer. We'll find out where she is, bring her back, boot these other investors, let Victor deal with Adam, who could disappear forever for all I care. We just have to get Natalie back here and we have to keep her safe. This is not over.

Mariah: Keep her safe? Little miss geekster ran out on us! She doesn't give a damn about us, Kevin! She sold the project twice! Victor is going to find out, he's gonna take her down, and then he's gonna come after us!

Victor: I would very much like to hear about how you developed the program. Okay? Would you like one of these?

Natalie: Is that how you got the other girl, the wrong one, to go peacefully? Slip a little something extra in her drink?

Victor: This is straight. Very strong. That's how I like it. Sure you don't want one?

Natalie: I have work to do. But I do like a little wine.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Natalie: So once you stash me, send in a bottle of red and leave me alone.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Okay. That's what we'll do. Put you in a safe place, a bottle of red wine, and you can work out the bugs in your program, okay?

Natalie: What about your son?

Victor: I'll worry about my son. You worry about working on your program.

[Knock on door] Come in! Kindly escort this lady to a safe place, all right?

Natalie: I need to check in with Kevin so he doesn't freak. And I need to get my computer and my hard drives, my other gear.

Victor: Make sure that she gets everything she needs. Thank you.

[Door closes]

Billy: Thank you for coming, even though you couldn't be bothered to shave.

Sage: [Chuckles]

Nick: Looking pretty rough yourself, dude.

Billy: Hey, man. I have an excuse. I've been unconscious. But you, on the other hand, what? You grow that overnight?

Nick: Okay, anyone have a pillow? I think we should put him out of his misery.

Billy: Thank you, though. You guys look good. You look good together.

Nick: We are.

Billy: That's good. I feel like I missed a lot. [Sighs] I'm sure it was a hell of a new year's party. Only thing I remember is Gil and his buddies with a couple of fists flying and then... that was it. It's funny. I thought I could take a punch, but I guess not.

Phyllis: It wasn't an ordinary beating. I'll tell you that.

Victoria: Well, that's all in the past. We're focusing on the future.

Billy: Cops got the guys, right? Because I can I.D. Them if -- if I need to.

Nick: Paul handled it.

Victoria: That's for another day, okay?

Phyllis: She's right. Enough holding court. You need some sleep. Plus you look awful.

Billy: Thank you for sugarcoating it. It's very sweet of you.

Victoria: But you do need your rest, so thank you guys for coming.

Jack: Hey. We'll be back. So will you.

Billy: Thank you. Seriously. All of you, thank you.

[Door closes]

Victoria: You know, selfishly, I want to keep you awake and I want to make you keep talking to me so you don't slip away from me again. But I know you need your rest, so I should go.

Billy: I don't deserve this, Vick.

Victoria: Being in this bed right now? No, you don't deserve that.

Billy: No. I don't deserve you here beside me. We both know that.

Luca: Excuse us. This is a private conversation.

Dylan: Uh, okay, yeah. Sure. Not anymore. I had heard Marisa was missing, and I'd like to help.

Noah: So it's -- it's official now? You're part of the GCPD?

Dylan: Yeah. Yeah, it is.

Noah: Does mom know?

Dylan: Yeah, yeah, she does, Noah. You feel more comfortable talking here, or do you want to go to the station?

Marisa: I... I was at the top of the tower talking to Noah. Some man came up, said he wanted me to meet with Victor Newman. Instead we drove around for what felt like hours, and then I woke up tied to a bed in some room.

Noah: Did anybody hurt you?

Luca: Are you okay? What can I do to make this better?

Marisa: I'm fine. I was alone in the room. I yelled, but no one answered. There was no explanation. I don't even know if Victor was to blame.

Dylan: [Sighs]

Noah: Uh, my grandfather got a ransom note.

Marisa: Me or Adam.

Luca: Victor didn't even deny it.

Dylan: How'd you get away?

Marisa: He cut me loose, said it was a misunderstanding. Drove me here like it never happened.

Noah: I don't know. Maybe my grandfather came to his senses.

Luca: While his son is still captive? No, he just found another strategy. Look, I didn't want the cops involved, but now that my wife is safe with me, use that badge and arrest Victor Newman.

Dylan: You want me to arrest Victor Newman?

Luca: Yes. If not you, then someone with actual experience, you know, someone who's been a cop for more than 10 minutes. Come on. Arrest Victor.

Dylan: Based on what? We're gonna have to find the guy who took Marisa. We're gonna have to prove his connection to Victor. If the guy doesn't flip, then we're gonna have to track bank records and phone records. Look, even if we get proof and we arrest Victor Newman, his lawyers are gonna have him out in a heartbeat. Meanwhile, Adam's still being held hostage. The guys who have him might panic. They might not panic. Maybe Adam makes it. Maybe he doesn't. Does that work for you?

Luca: Okay, so then we do nothing? Just let that egomaniac get away with kidnapping my wife?

Dylan: First of all, I'm sorry that you went through this. It must have been terrifying.

Marisa: I've been through worse.

Dylan: Okay, then please just let me pursue this with Victor, okay? Let's see if we can get Adam home safely. And if I can't resolve it, I'll go to the GCPD, I'll go to the chief. And if it has to get big and ugly, then it's gonna get big and ugly. But right now, let's just try to contain it so nobody else gets hurt.

[Knock on door]

Victor: Come in!

[Door opens]

Victor: Dylan! My goodness. What brings you by? Come in.

Dylan: I'm here on police business.

Victor: Oh, you are?

Dylan: Mm-hmm.

Victor: My goodness. Still playing amateur detective? You know it's illegal to impersonate an officer.

Dylan: Great news. Not an amateur anymore.

Victor: Look at that. Daddy gave you a job. That's nice. Sit down.

Dylan: So, uh, when were you planning on notifying the police about Adam's kidnapping? And that the people holding Adam, they don't want money but they want a girl in return?

Victor: Well, you know, Adam is away on business.

Dylan: Yeah, it must have been pretty awkward when you realized it wasn't the Santori family that grabbed Adam and Marisa wasn't who they wanted after all.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Dylan: You know, she's pretty rattled, if you care to know.

Victor: Well, that was simply a misunderstanding, you know. I'll have one of my assistants send her some flowers and apologies.

Dylan: Did you put Natalie in the same place you kept Marisa? You have her, right? Stashed away until you need her to get Adam back?

Luca: Dylan is so proud of his badge. Why doesn't he use it to do something useful? Him going to talk to Victor alone does nothing.

Noah: If Dylan thinks that this is the best way to approach my grandfather, I say we let him try. He can always bring in reinforcements later. This way maybe nobody does anything rash and nothing worse happens.

[Cell phone rings]

Luca: That's my father. He'll want an update.

Noah: Are you okay? If something would have happened to you, I swear to God...

Marisa: I've learned a long time ago how to handle these things.

Noah: You shouldn't have to, Marisa. Not then. Especially not now.

Marisa: It's over. I just shove it to the back of my mind, and it doesn't matter. And you, Noah, you need to do the same. I saw you when Dylan pulled out his badge, the panic in your eyes. It's like you think that every time this happens that somebody's gonna magically know that you were the one driving the car. The way to keep a secret is to forget. You lie to everyone, including yourself, and that is the only way to survive.

Noah: And what about the other people that know? You, my grandfather? What about Luca?

Marisa: What about him?

Noah: He said something about how the cameras are never on when Victor and his family don't want them to be. Does he know, Marisa? Does Luca know that I hit Billy?

Jack: He looked good, huh?

Nick: Well, it's a stretch, but it does look like Billy.

Phyllis: It's incredible. He's back.

Sage: It was love. There's no other explanation for it. His love for Victoria, his love for you. Seeing his gratitude and the connection that you have -- it's new to me. I don't have any siblings, and seeing that, it's so beautiful.

Jack: I know you're all trying to make me feel better about turning my back on my brother.

Phyllis: Jack, honey, you didn't. That's in no one's head but yours.

Jack: The deal, the deal Billy almost lost --

Phyllis: He's here with us. He is awake. He's talking. Victoria is in there. And he is getting maybe everything that he has ever, ever wanted without having to invest a dime.

Nick: Ah. Dad closed that deal with Kevin. I heard about that.

Jack: If Victor could just step aside. Any money he's already spent, I can pay him back.

Nick: Jack, just let it go. You don't need to get into another war with my dad. Billy certainly doesn't need the drama.

Phyllis: That's right. He has the brother he has always wanted and always will have. And you keep doing that, you're gonna be golden, mister.

Jack: Yeah, I don't know about that.

Nick: We do.

Phyllis: Thank you. And good night. We got to go home.

Jack: Good night.

Sage: Good night.

Phyllis: Bye.

Sage: You ready to go home, too?

Nick: Uh, I really think we should talk about this.

Sage: Talk about what?

Nick: This issue that keeps coming up. Dr. Anderson.

Dr. Anderson: Hi. Do you have those patient charts I asked for?

And another patient stopped by.

Dr. Anderson: Who was that?

A potential patient, actually. She was curious about your background.

Dr. Anderson: My background?

She wanted some biographical information is all. Poor thing. She and her husband lost a child recently. Does that sound familiar?

Dr. Anderson: Yes. I know exactly the woman you're talking about.

Billy: I made you so many promises that I -- that I blew one way or the other. I swore that I was gonna be worthy of you, and I haven't been. [Sighs] This here is -- this is my second chance to not screw up my life. But no matter what happens, I am done screwing up yours. Here's the thing, Vick. I hurt you. I don't mean to. I don't want to. But I do. And I don't ever want to see you cry over me ever again. So you're gonna take the kids. You're gonna love them. You're gonna have joy, and you're gonna laugh. If you find somebody that makes you smile --

Victoria: Shh. No. Stop talking.

Billy: Please listen. I need to say this. You need to be free. I cannot hold you back anymore.

Victoria: Free is being with you, Billy. Free is drinking rum in Jamaica and me burning cookies in our house, watching you roll around on the floor with the kids. You're my second chance just as much as I am yours. So the second that the doctors say that you can get out of here, I want you to come home to me. I want you to come home to us so we can make this work. So please stop talking.

Sage: More about Dr. Anderson? I think she has issues. You think I'm overreacting. Baby, there's nothing else to say.

Nick: Look, I'm saying I-I think I was wrong. I shouldn't have defended her. I shouldn't have gone against your instincts.

Sage: Okay, are you just humoring your wife per doctor's instructions?

Nick: For all the good that Dr. Anderson has done Sharon, there's something not right about her at all.

Mariah: Really? She flees Europe with a laptop and not much else except these.

Kevin: Unless her password is "unmentionables," you're not helping right now.

Mariah: No, see, I am helping because this is a clue. Clearly Natalie planned on impressing somebody while she was here.

Kevin: Who? Me? Me? Are you seriously doing this right now?

Mariah: I'm helping. For the password, you should try "hot geek sex" or maybe "code dirty to me." Try. You're not trying.

Kevin: Because you're deranged.

Mariah: Try "Kevin hashtag nice butt."

Kevin: You're insane.

Mariah: Try it!

Kevin: Oh, my God, you're such a freak right --

Mariah: Did that actually work? I hate her. I hate her. I hate her.

Natalie: If you're listening to this, then Victor has me. Okay. This will work. But I can't do much without my computer.

You'll have everything you need.

Natalie: Good. Because I have a lot of work to do.

Victor: [Yawning] If you don't mind, it's late, okay? I've answered questions from your father, now from you. I think that's enough, all right? We're done.

Dylan: Victor.

Victor: Yeah?

Dylan: I know that you want your son back. Chelsea and Connor want him back home.

Victor: Hmm.

Dylan: We all want Adam safe. We want him back here, but we don't want anybody else to get hurt, including this girl that you picked up.

Victor: What girl?

Dylan: Come on. I'm not here to arrest you. I'm not here to make any threats. I'm here for one purpose -- to help you bring your son back. Can we talk?

Victor: All right. Let's talk.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Kevin: I am the reason she's in trouble, so I'm going to help her, with or without you.

Victor: Wait a minute. You talked to Paul?

Noah: Billy remembers getting beat up. Paul is certain it's only a matter of time before he remembers what car hit him, my car. You know what that means? I'm going to jail.

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