Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/19/16


Episode # 10840 ~ Sharon clashes with Dylan; Nick & Sage question Dr. Anderson's motives; Victor enlists Kevin's help.

Provided By Suzanne

Chelsea: I knew it was irrational. Adam travels on business all the time. [Sighs] But we'd just gotten home from the hospital and seeing Billy and Victoria and the Abbotts, and there were so many tears, so many goodbyes. [Sighs] So something just felt off about the timing. It just felt like it wasn't a good time for Adam to leave town. And I had this really bad feeling driving home from the hospital. So I told him. I told him to stay, and he told me that I was worrying for nothing. And he kissed -- kissed me goodbye, and he left.

Sage: And that's the last time you heard from him?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Sage: Huh.

Chelsea: It's really unlike Adam. He always reaches out to me when he's traveling, always. He'll -- he'll, you know, text me sweet messages. For him to leave when he knew I was really uneasy about it and then go radio silent... no. It's -- it's -- something's wrong.

Sage: Yeah, I-I can really understand why you'd think that.

Chelsea: I should've held my ground, you know? I should've forced him to stay. Adam thinks he can take care of himself, but he can't. He never should've gotten involved in this stupid war between Victor and the Santoris in the first place.

Sage: Honey, we don't know all the facts, all right? Listen, for all of Victor's faults, I don't believe for one second that he'd put his son in harm's way.

Chelsea: When Victor feels like something's threatening his precious company, he becomes vicious. Someone has to suffer. It's just never Victor.

Natalie: That looks like --

Mariah: A ransom note. In exchange for Adam, they want --

Natalie: "The girl." Who is that? Who's valuable enough to trade for Adam Newman?

Mariah: It's you. Natalie, the girl is you.

Natalie: [Scoffs] Me?

Mariah: Yes. You're the reason why Adam is missing. In exchange for Adam, they want you and your billion-dollar project.

Natalie: Oh, my God. I told you they're after me.

Mariah: The people you stole money from.

Natalie: The people who bought my security program.

Mariah: Which you didn't deliver because it's "still in beta," which basically means it doesn't work -- not that that stopped you from keeping their money.

Natalie: They must have decided to get to me through Victor by kidnapping his son.

Mariah: Yeah, people tend to react badly when they feel that they've been double crossed.

Natalie: Stop talking. I need to think. [Sighs] Oh, this is bad. This is so bad. I have to get out of here.

Mariah: Hey, no, no. No, you don't. You're not going anywhere.

Nick: What girl are you talking about?

Victor: It's a young lady just out of college. She was interviewing for a job.

Nick: Okay. Why is that something you and Kevin would be discussing?

Kevin: She's in IT. Her résumé was out on the desk, so...

Victor: Son, I'm surprised to see you. Is everything all right?

Nick: Well, you tell me. Chelsea came to me. She's worried sick that Adam's mixed up into something dangerous.

Victor: Kevin, would you kindly give us a moment?

Kevin: Sure thing.

Victor: Uh, don't stay away too long, all right?

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

[Door shuts]

Nick: Dad, Chelsea is convinced you know more than you're saying. So I'm asking you, as your son. Do you know what happened to Adam?

Victor: What do you think, son?

Noah: Hey. Come here. Hey. What are you doing?

Luca: Finding out where Marisa is.

Noah: My grandfather's not gonna tell you anything.

Luca: I'm not afraid of Victor, all right? I'm not afraid of him. And I'm sure as hell not gonna let him use my wife as collateral to get Adam back.

Noah: You're going about this the wrong way, okay?

Luca: Hey, what are you doing here?

Kevin: I'm handling something for Victor, not that it's any of your concern.

Luca: If you know where he's holding her, you better tell me.

Kevin: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Noah: Marisa's gone, Kevin. She disappeared.

Kevin: And you think that Victor --

Noah: I don't know. It's a long story, one that cannot go public. But maybe if you could quietly tap in to the company's surveillance system, we could find out what happened, maybe find out where they took her?

Kevin: I'm sorry. I can't.

Luca: Can't or won't?

Kevin: Look, after the whole paragon mess, Victor had extra firewalls installed into the system that are tough to get through, even for me. Besides, the new cameras hadn't been installed the night of Billy's accident. I still don't think they're up.

Noah: Okay, but there's got to be --

Kevin: I'm sorry. I can't.

Luca: Convenient, how the cameras are never on when Victor and his family don't want them to be.

Dylan: Okay, I'm, uh -- I'm a little confused.

Sharon: Becoming a cop -- that's the last thing that I would want for you, Dylan. That's a dangerous line of work.

Dylan: Right. Okay. When I -- when I first told you I wanted to do this, you were very supportive.

Sharon: And then Harding got shot. And then you told me that you'd reconsidered. You'd said you were becoming a father, and you didn't want to put your family's futures at risk.

Dylan: I did. I did say that at the time, yes.

Sharon: And that was a huge relief to me. So why would you change your mind now, especially now that Sully's here?

Dylan: I know all the reasons that I need to be safe, and everything that I have to come home to, you know? But I realize that it's just something that I have to do. I need to do this. And I thought you would understand.

Sharon: No, I don't. I don't understand. I don't like it.

Stitch: We're gonna be working together, so let's table all the discussion of love and just stick to business, okay?

Abby: And why is that?

Stitch: 'Cause I don't think you know anything about love, Abby.

Abby: I've been in love before, Stitch.

Stitch: You say that, but, come on. How can that be true?

Devon: Abby.

Abby: Devon, hey.

Devon: Hey.

Abby: Hey. [Chuckles] Standing there, I thought you were gonna tell me the specials. Did you really cut back on the staff that much?

Devon: That's funny. No, I'm not your waiter.

Abby: Well, thank God, because I wouldn't know what to tip a billionaire.

Devon: Ah, well, I just wanted to come over and say hi, but it looks like you're busy.

Abby: This? No, no. Please, sit down.

Devon: You sure?

Abby: Yes.

Devon: These high-level operations you got going on here -- it's intense.

Abby: No, it's just some logistics reports. It's nothing.

Devon: Yeah?

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: Look at you. This stuff's, like, easy for you now, right? Miss COO. Of the year over here.

Abby: Oh, yeah, yeah. You know, lots of hard work and effort and, um... no, I am not even thinking about this right now. This is just so boring.

Devon: Well, that's not good. You should, uh -- you should come work for us.

Abby: Here, at the club? Yeah, I don't know if you're aware, but, um, customer service -- not really my thing.

Devon: You're not exactly a "the customer's always right" type of woman.

Abby: No, because usually, the customer is an idiot.

Devon: Okay. Okay.

[Both laugh]

Devon: Nah, I wasn't talking about the club. I was talking about, uh, our new venture with Dr. Neville and your mom.

Abby: Oh. Medical research. Um...yeah, I'm not really qualified for that, but, uh, I guess that hasn't stopped me before.

Devon: Exactly, so you should at least think about it.

Abby: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it would be fun to work with my mom, but, um... I'm kind of committed to Newman right now.

Devon: You just said that stuff's boring.

Abby: Sometimes, yes. [Chuckles] But I like working with Victoria and my dad.

Devon: Well, all I know is when I walked over here, whatever you were working on looked like it was giving you a headache, so, I mean, if that's what you want out of a job...

Abby: No. Um... actually, I-I wasn't thinking about this. I was, um... I was looking at that table over there. I was thinking about something.

Devon: Why? What about the table?

Abby: About a year and a half ago, um, at that table right there, someone told me that I didn't know anything about love.

Devon: Who told you that you didn't know anything about love? Was it a guy?

Abby: Yes, it was a guy.

[Both laugh]

Devon: And what did you do to this guy? How'd you respond?

Abby: Um... I married him.

Mariah: You can't bail now. Kevin and I stuck our necks out trying to keep you safe to help get your project off the ground.

Natalie: I know you're not doing it out of the goodness of your heart. You're in it for the money. That's all anyone's in it for.

Mariah: Not Kevin. He believes in the idea. He believes in you, Natalie. He promised Victor Newman a fully functional program. If you disappear now, you're gonna be putting him in a terrible, terrible position, not to mention you are gonna make Victor Newman furious. And take it from somebody who used to be one of his minions. That is not a guy you want to see furious.

Natalie: I had no intention of doing that. I'm sure I could find a way to handle things with Victor.

Mariah: [Sighs] Trust me, sweetheart. You are way out of your league.

Noah: What's that supposed to mean, the comment about the cameras?

Luca: Of course Victor would cover his tracks. That's why I need to speak to the man, see what I can get out of him.

Noah: Listen, Luca. I know my grandfather. He's not gonna tell you a damn thing, okay? And he's certainly not going to admit he had anything to do with Marisa's disappearance. It'd be the only leverage he would have for getting Adam back.

Luca: Okay, so, then, what do you suggest?

Noah: I suggest we go somewhere else. My grandfather sees you right now, it's just gonna antagonize him. It'd be bad for you, bad for Marisa. Go somewhere private and call your father. You find out when the exchange is taking place.

Luca: No, I already told you. My father isn't responsible for any of this.

Noah: That's your opinion.

Luca: No, no, no. It's the truth, Noah.

Noah: Only one way to find out, Luca. You coming or not?

Victor: I assure you, Chelsea is overreacting.

Nick: That's not like her.

Victor: Son, she's letting her emotions run away with her, all right? Adam hasn't answered her texts or her phone calls or whatever, so now she thinks the worst, probably because of Billy Abbott.

Nick: Well, it seems to me Chelsea has reason to question what's going on. It's not like Adam to stay so out of touch. He hasn't called. He hasn't texted -- nothing.

Victor: That doesn't mean that Adam is missing.

Nick: Have you talked to him?

Victor: I've talked to the people that he is meeting with, all right?

Nick: The Santoris.

Victor: Why the hell did Chelsea bring you into this? I asked her not to over-dramatize things. Why is she doing this?

Nick: You make it sound like we're trying to create problems. That's not the case. Look, dad. If you and Adam are in some trouble, then tell me. Let me help.

Victor: Son, I told you. There's nothing to worry about, but thank you for your concern. Now please kindly convey that to Chelsea.

Nick: So, in other words, just stay out of it.

Victor: Nicholas, didn't you and I talk about the fact that you should devote your time now to your marriage and heal that? I mean, you and Sage have gone through a lot. Don't concern yourself with Adam's situation. It will be resolved. Then he'll come back. I guarantee it.

Sage: Did you hear from your father?

Nick: Yeah, it was kind of the usual -- kind of like talking to a wall. I'm sorry, Chelsea. I tried, but I couldn't get anything out of him.

Chelsea: Victor wouldn't tell you anything? Any little detail might help, Nick.

Nick: When I walked in, he and Kevin were talking, and they mentioned "the girl," uh, whatever that means.

Chelsea: Who were they talking about?

Nick: I don't know. Dad quickly changed the subject and tried to explain it. And honestly, I couldn't even tell if it was important or not. Then I asked dad about Adam and the Santoris, and he just said that Adam was away on business, he was very busy, and that we should definitely try and stay out of it.

Chelsea: Like hell I will.

Nick: I'm sorry -- [Sighs]

Sage: [Sighs] I'm really worried about Adam, too. I mean, I know she's got the police on it. Somebody's bound to figure out where he is. She's certainly not gonna give up until she finds him. But maybe he'll call her and have a good explanation for why she hasn't heard from him.

Nick: I hope you're right. You know, in the beginning, when dad kind of froze me out of Newman enterprises, I was, uh... I resented it.

Sage: Mm-hmm. Yeah. How you feel about that now?

Nick: Now I'm just glad I'm out of there.

Sage: [Laughs] Yeah.

Nick: Got a lot of free time. I can focus on you. In fact...

Sage: Stop.

Nick: ...What are you doing later? You want to go on a date with me?

Sage: Ooh, a date? Well, then, uh, what do you have in mind? You've got to be kidding me.

Natalie: How did this happen, all these ruthless people coming after me?

Mariah: Will you relax? This doesn't have to be a disaster.

Natalie: I have people who are willing to kidnap a billionaire's son to get their hands on me so that I'll honor our deal. Then there's Victor Newman on the other side, who you've basically said is the prince of darkness. And he thinks it's his deal. How is that not a disaster?

Mariah: We will figure a way out of this. Victor Newman can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. And you have something that he wants. So the best way to get on his good side is to give the man a return on his investment.

Natalie: How the hell am I supposed to do that when my program's all glitched up?

Mariah: Get back to work and un-glitch it.

Natalie: [Sighs]

Mariah: [Sighs]

Victor: I need you to trace the origin of that e-mail, all right? I know the Santoris are holding Adam, but I need to know where before I make the trade.

Kevin: You mean trade "the girl." Who is she, by the way?

Victor: Marisa. Luca's parents do not like her. They want her out of their son's life.

Kevin: So you're just gonna hand her over just like that?

Victor: I want my son back. Got a problem with that?

Kevin: No, of course not. But what if it's not Luca's family? What if it's somebody else? Uh, with all due respect, you -- you have other enemies.

Victor: Would you kindly trace the e-mail?

Kevin: Yeah. This e-mail is encrypted. This could take some time.

Victor: Kevin!

Kevin: Okay. You know what? I will make a copy of it so I can keep working on it.

Victor: Please make it happen, all right? I can't stall these people for much longer.

Kevin: Okay. I've got it.

Dylan: After working with Paul unofficially, I just -- I just realized that I have to do something that I feel passionate about, you know? I have so many skills that never come into play running a coffee shop.

Sharon: At least you know you're gonna come home every night in one piece. Doesn't that mean something?

Dylan: Of course, yeah. But... you know, working with my dad, just, uh, making Paul proud, earning his respect -- you know, that means a lot to me, too. I know he was nervous, letting me work some cases at first. But now he finally trusts me to work alongside him. And I just want to do everything in my power to prove to Paul that I am worthy of that trust.

Sharon: I understand that. I do. It's just... after everything we've been through, everything that it's taken to get to where we are now, and -- and I don't want to become one of those women who are home every night with their baby, wondering if her husband's gonna make it home alive.

[Knock on door]

[Sighs] Hold that thought. Chelsea, this is a surprise. What's going on?

Chelsea: Adam's missing, possibly kidnapped. So I need your husband.

Chelsea: I have some information I need to share with you.

Sharon: This is the case you're helping Paul with?

Dylan: Yeah, I was gonna tell you about it, but we -- we kind of got sidetracked.

Chelsea: Nick, he -- he tried to get Victor to reveal what he knows about Adam's kidnapping.

Sharon: Wait. I don't understand. If Adam's been kidnapped, why wouldn't Victor just come forward with anything he knew?

Chelsea: Well, because Victor -- it's mostly his fault that Adam's in danger in the first place.

Dylan: What -- what did Nick find out?

Chelsea: Well, Victor kept up the charade that Adam's fine. I shouldn't be worried. But Nick -- he overheard something.

Dylan: Which was what?

Chelsea: When he walked in, Victor was talking about, uh, some girl, "the girl." But then they -- they clammed up when Nick walked in, so --

Sharon: Who's this girl? W-what does she have to do with Adam?

Chelsea: Well, Victor made up some nonsense story, and Nick didn't believe him. That's why I'm here. I need some answers.

Dylan: Yeah, okay. You said "they" clammed up. Who was Victor discussing it with?

Chelsea: Kevin. He was in the office when Nick walked in.

Natalie: Mariah said I'm the girl in the ransom note?

Kevin: Mariah's right.

Mariah: She's been freaking out ever since. I keep telling her to chill.

Kevin: You're safe, I promise...for now.

Natalie: For now? That doesn't sound safe at all.

Kevin: We just have to be smart about this.

Natalie: And I'm supposed to just take your word for that after what I saw on Victor's computer?

Kevin: He thinks the Santoris are behind this, and they want Marisa.

Natalie: Who?

Mariah: Seriously?

Kevin: He had her detained by some of his men, and he's planning on handing her over in exchange for Adam. And he thinks it's Santori's men he's gonna give her to.

Natalie: Which it's not.

Mariah: W-what happens when these guys realize that Marisa isn't the girl they're after?

Kevin: Nothing good.

Mariah: So what are we gonna do?

Kevin: Well, I found a way to buy us some time with Victor --

Mariah: Buying time isn't the answer here, Kevin. You've got to stop him from going through with this. If you don't say something quick, there's no telling what could happen to Adam and Marisa. You have got to tell Victor that he's got it wrong before he puts her on a plane.

Natalie: What -- so now you want to just hand me over? Don't I get a vote?

Kevin: Okay, calm down. No one's handing you over. We're gonna keep you stashed here, okay? You're gonna keep working on your program. You're gonna get the glitches worked out, and --

[Cell phone ringing]

Kevin: Hang on. Hello?

Dylan: Hey, meet me at the station as soon as you can.

Kevin: I'm on my way. I have to get to work. I'm counting on you to look after Natalie. Keep her safe. Keep her calm until we get this all worked out, okay?

[Both sigh]

[Door shuts]

Dylan: I'm anxious to hear what Kevin has to say about the situation with Adam.

Sharon: What makes you think Kevin will know anything?

Dylan: Well, I asked him to do some digging to see if he could figure out what Victor's involvement is. I mean, he might not know who the girl is, but he'll know if it's important.

Chelsea: Oh, God. I hope he finds something.

Dylan: Yeah. Me, too.

Chelsea: Do you need a ride to the station?

Dylan: No, I'm good. I'm gonna take my car.

Sharon: Uh, stop. I'm not letting you leave here so you can confront Victor.

Mariah: Would you like me to order some more wine? Would that get your creative juices flowing? Because I'm not opposed to day-drinking, especially on a day like this.


Natalie: What was that?

Mariah: Oh, I don't know. Maybe it was a zombie hit man with a submachine gun.

Natalie: Are you still trying to be nice, or are you being intentionally cruel now?

Mariah: Relax. It was probably a room service cart just hitting the wall, okay?

Natalie: Or it was the people who are after me.

Mariah: Would you like me to go check?

Natalie: Yes. Check. I'll stay here.

Mariah: Fine. I will go check, but keep working. When I get back, I want to hear keys clacking. [Chuckles] All right. There's nothing to worry about. It was just a kid bouncing -- Natalie? Natalie?! Damn it!

Devon: So Stitch is the guy that told you you don't know anything about love?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: That's kind of funny, actually. Wasn't I here that day?

Abby: Yes, you were. And, um, I talked to you after.

Devon: That's right. You asked me what love feels like.

Abby: Mm-hmm. And do you remember what you said?

Devon: Uh, yeah. I do. I said something about it has the ability to toss you around like a rag doll.

Abby: Yes, and you said that if you could find someone to catch you after you've been tossed around, that that's what love was. And I remember it meant something to me.

Devon: Well...

Abby: But I thought that you were talking about Roxy. But you weren't, were you?

Devon: No, I wasn't. I sure wasn't. I was talking about Hilary.

Abby: You were having an affair with your father's wife.

Devon: Hey, now.

Abby: Wow. Scandalous!

[Both laugh]

Devon: You -- you did something -- you slept with your niece's husband, didn't you?

Abby: Me? No. Yes. But we have all made mistakes.

Devon: A few, yeah.

Abby: But tell me. What do you think love feels like?

Devon: Again?

Abby: Yes, I am serious.

Devon: Um...

Abby: Look, I know we're in different spots in our life now. You've been married. I'm married. But...I mean, is love the same? Is love different?

Devon: No. No. Love is -- love is the same. Um...we're different. The situation is different. You know? I, uh -- I don't have anybody to catch me now.

Abby: She'll come back to you... once she remembers what you had.

Devon: Maybe she will. But what about Stitch? I mean, he seems like the kind of guy who would be there to catch you.

Abby: He is. But... can't catch everybody.

Sage: Okay, she hasn't seen us, so let's just get out of here and get a jump on this romantic evening thing, please?

Dr. Anderson: Hi. [Chuckles]

Nick: Hey.

Dr. Anderson: Wow. What a coincidence, running into each other.

Sage: Is it?

Nick: Uh, you know, not really. I mean, it's not the biggest town in the world, and this place does have the best coffee.

Dr. Anderson: That's true. Hey, didn't you and Sharon used to own this place?

Sage: [Chuckles]

Nick: We did.

Dr. Anderson: Ah. It's, uh -- it's nice to see you two out and about. How are things going?

Sage: We're great. We're real great. We're gonna continue to be great if you just stay the hell out of our lives.

Dr. Anderson: I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... please, forgive me.

Sage: Yeah. [Scoffs]

Nick: What was that?

Sage: What are you looking at me like that for? You know how I feel about that woman. Nick, look. You haven't wanted to see the situation for what it really is. But, honey, you got to open up your eyes.

Nick: Can you just try and relax?

Sage: Don't. Don't tell me to relax, honey. I have every right to be upset, okay? This isn't me being unstable or hypersensitive or all those other things that she tells you about me. [Sighs] Okay, Sharon thinks that she walks on water, but Sharon is her patient. And that's fine. Apparently, she's getting better under her care. But you and I are not her patients. And yet she's nosing around in our business, giving us all this good advice, and none of it ever does any good.

Nick: Okay, so, do you think Dr. Anderson is conspiring against us?

Sage: You can't tell me that you don't feel that a little bit. I mean, "you and Sharon, uh, used to own this place together"? What the heck was that? [Chuckles] I mean, everywhere we go, we see her.

Nick: All right, that's definitely a bit of an exaggeration.

Sage: Okay, I never even saw this woman before she started treating Sharon, and now I see her everywhere. That's not a coincidence, is it?

Nick: Maybe it's because we didn't know her then. And now you do, it just seems like she's everywhere.

Sage: Okay, that is crazy, by the way. And you're making excuses.

Nick: No. No, I'm trying to come up with an explanation that will satisfy you.

Sage: [Chuckling] Ohh. I love you, but the woman is always around us, Nick. She's always around you, and she's badmouthing me to you. I mean, it's like she wants to come in between our relationship or something, which is totally strange.

Nick: Why would Dr. Anderson want to do that?

Sage: How would I know? You're asking the wrong person, here, honey. I'm your wife, okay? And there's something up with that. And if you're not interested in finding out what that is, then I'm gonna do it, okay?

Nick: Uh...

Dylan: Victor doesn't intimidate me.

Sharon: Well, he should.

Dylan: Okay. But Paul entrusted me with this case. I can't worry about how Victor or anybody else is gonna react to the investigation.

Sharon: I can tell you exactly how Victor's going to react.

Chelsea: Sharon, please. Adam is in trouble. I thought you of all people would want to make sure he gets home safe.

Sharon: Yeah. Of course.

Chelsea: Dylan can help get to the bottom of all this. He may be the only person who can.

Dylan: I got to do this, okay? I'll be in touch as soon as I can, okay?

Chelsea: [Sighs]

Sharon: Chelsea! You don't give a damn about anyone else. All you care about is getting what you want.

Chelsea: Excuse me?

Sharon: Oh, what does it matter if Dylan walks straight into Victor's buzzsaw?

Chelsea: My husband is missing, Sharon. I just want him home safe. Victor refused to be straight with me, so Dylan was my only other option.

Sharon: And you knew because he's such a good man that he couldn't refuse you. You played into his sympathies. You said all the right words, even with me -- reminding me of my feelings for Adam.

Chelsea: Where is all this coming from?

Sharon: I remember the kind of person you used to be. I didn't forget. Maybe everyone else did. But I remember when you manipulated Dylan into getting what you wanted, and that was a father for Connor. And now you're being the same selfish person you used to be then.

Chelsea: Okay. Dylan insisted on helping me. I asked him for help. He jumped right in. This isn't about me, Sharon. This is about you and Dylan.

Noah: Good to see you finally listening to reason, Luca.

Luca: I'm not interested in your opinion of me. All I care about is Marisa. Go up and check the suite. See if she's back. While you're doing that, I'll call my father.

Mariah: [Sighs]

Noah: Whoa, hey.

Mariah: Oh.

Noah: What's the rush?

Mariah: I'm just trying to get down the stairs. Hi. Bye.

Noah: Whoa, whoa. Wait. Hold up.

Mariah: Noah, please.

Noah: W-what's wrong? And don't say nothing, okay? I know you don't like to run. You were just sprinting down these steps.

Mariah: I'm just really in a hurry. That's all.

Noah: Okay. Why?

Mariah: Please!

Noah: Look. I'm sorry I haven't been the world's greatest brother lately, but that doesn't mean I don't care, okay? Tell me what's going on. Come on. Talk to me.

Marisa: [Grunts softly] [Gasps] Hello? Who's there? [Grunts] Who are you? [Breathing heavily] Where am I?

Mariah: Everything's fine. I'm just spazzing because I had to cancel an appointment at the spa.

Noah: Spa? Really? Okay. You in that big of a hurry to go get a facial?

Mariah: Uh, Sharon gave me a gift card for my birthday. But I remembered that I had to be at the underground for a delivery, so I'm headed there now. It's stupid. Anyway, I've, uh -- I've really got to go. I'm sorry.

Devon: What exactly do you mean by, uh, Stitch can't be there to catch everyone?

Abby: I just mean that, uh, there are other people who need him that need him more than I do... like his son. He's here from another country, and his mom just passed away, which means that --

Devon: Geez.

Abby: Yeah, I have to take a back seat. And you know me. I don't like to take a back seat to anyone.

Devon: Yeah. I think you will, though, this time.

Abby: Mm. You can't be too sure about that.

Devon: No, I can. I think that you're at a place in your life where you realize you've found something real. And, you know, you'll -- you'll do anything you have to to keep it, even if that means taking a back seat from time to time.

Abby: Is that true for you, too?

Devon: You talking about Hilary? Um, I-I don't know. I don't -- I'm not -- I'm not sure. It's kind of complicated.

Abby: Well, I bet you regret sitting down to talk to me right about now.

[Both laugh]

Devon: No, I don't. I don't. I mean, I thought I was gonna come over here and just say hi. I didn't think it would turn into such an intense conversation, but --

Abby: Yeah. We were a mess a year and a half ago, and we're still a mess right now.

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: So I think it's about time we figure this out.

Devon: Yeah.

Abby: But, please, don't be a stranger. Don't wait so long to catch up.

Devon: It's more than a deal. And, uh, make sure you think about what I said about the job.

Abby: I will.

Devon: Yeah?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Okay. I'll see you later.

Abby: All right. Bye.

Devon: Bye.

Abby: [Sighs]

Dylan: I know you were with Victor. Tell me about this girl that you were discussing. Chelsea has a feeling that it might be tied to what's going on with Adam. Did Victor tell you more than he told Nick?

Kevin: It's not what Victor knows. It's what I know.

Dylan: All right. Go on.

Kevin: Victor's missing a huge piece of information. He thinks he understands who the girl is, but he's wrong.

Chelsea: Look. I obviously stepped in the middle of something going on between you and Dylan, okay? I apologize. You think you'd know by now you can't change people.

Sharon: Oh, well, that's ironic, coming from you. You -- you never tried to change Adam? You never asked him to leave Victor or leave Newman? Or didn't you once ask him to run off to Paris with you and Connor? Because I seem to remember that was your idea.

Chelsea: That's fair. I guess it's easier to dish out advice than it is to take it.

Sharon: Glad you recognize that.

Chelsea: [Sighs] All I care about right now, Sharon, is getting Adam home. I just wish he had stayed put and listened to me, but... I guess he had to do what he had to do... although I'm certainly gonna let him have it when he gets back.

Sharon: Well, I'd say he deserves it.

Chelsea: My point is I'm sorry I interrupted what was going on with you and Dylan. But no matter what, he's going to be fine. Victor would never let him get hurt. [Chuckling] He'd have -- he'd have Nikki to deal with.

Sharon: Nikki. Yeah. Now, there's a woman who has spent her whole life trying to change her husband.

Chelsea: Good luck.

Sharon: And it's not that I want to change Dylan. It's just...

[Baby crying]

Sharon: [Sighs] Looks like my son's trying to speak for me.

Chelsea: They sometimes have a way of knowing when things aren't right in the world.

Sharon: Everything's been so perfect since Sully and I came home. We've all been so good and happy and safe, and I-I don't want that to change.

Chelsea: And you think it's going to change with Dylan joining the force?

Dr. Anderson: Nick.

Nick: Oh. I didn't, uh, expect you to come back here.

Dr. Anderson: I came in to buy coffee beans. Never got the chance to buy them, so here I am. Where's Sage?

Nick: Uh, she left. We had a disagreement.

Dr. Anderson: I hope it wasn't about me.

Nick: Actually, it was.

Dr. Anderson: I'm sorry to hear that. I know, um, Sage hasn't welcomed my advice or concern. She doesn't want to acknowledge she's still struggling with the loss of her child, so I'm the bad guy for bringing it up. The transference is not unexpected.

Nick: Uh, sorry about that.

Dr. Anderson: I can handle it. Believe me, in my career, I've had worse. [Chuckles]

Nick: Yeah, I think Sage is just having a hard time understanding how our personal life is any of your business.

Dr. Anderson: Well, at first, I was just looking out for Sharon. But along the way, I've come to care for Sage -- about both of you.

Nick: Sage seems to think you only care about me.

Dr. Anderson: Anytime I've reached out to you, it's because I've been concerned about Sharon or Sage... and [Sighs] And -- and yes, about you, as well. You've had to endure so much. I just wanted to help you, Nick.

Nick: That's all there is to it?

Dr. Anderson: Yes! Absolutely.

Nick: See, sandy, I want to believe you. And maybe it's just because you've gone so far above and beyond in your duties as Sharon's therapist. But you're always so quick to offer me a sympathetic ear when I need one, or offer me some advice whenever you just happen to run into me. Like right now -- I mean, you didn't just come back here for coffee, right? Please admit it. You came back here because you were hoping to run into me alone.

Dr. Anderson: [Scoffs] T-t-that's preposterous.

Nick: Is it? See, I'm starting to think Sage is right. You do have an agenda. And I want to know what it is.

Sage: Hi, Nurse. I'm hoping you can help me.

Nurse: I'll try. What does this concern?

Sage: Dr. Sandy Anderson. I would love to see her credentials, maybe learn a little bit more about her background. You know, any information you can give me would be really helpful.

Chelsea: They are so precious when they're this age. [Chuckling] Hi.

Sharon: [Laughs]

Chelsea: Hi.

Sharon: Sounds like maybe you want another one.

Chelsea: Uh... well, Adam and I, we've -- we've been talking about it.

Sharon: You know, I'm sorry about before. Um, I should've been more sensitive to what you're going through.

Chelsea: It's okay, Sharon.

Sharon: Adam's a survivor, more than anyone else I know, Chelsea.

Chelsea: I just need Dylan to find him and bring him home.

Luca: Marisa's not in our room?

Noah: How'd it go with your father?

Luca: As expected. The Santoris are not the ones holding Adam, asking for Marisa in exchange.

Noah: Well, would he admit it, even if they were?

Luca: Look, my father is ruthless, but he's no fool. He wants to be in business with Victor Newman. Why risk that by kidnapping Victor's son? What purpose would that serve?

Noah: Well, if that is true, we need to figure out a way to make my grandfather let Marisa go, even if that means going to the police.

Marisa: Help. Help! Somebody help me! [Breathing heavily] Please!

Kevin: "The girl" is Natalie, not Marisa. Victor's about to make a bad mistake.

Dylan: [Sighs] Okay. So, uh, Natalie, computer whiz from Switzerland these people want to ransom Adam for -- I mean, what is she worth?

Kevin: Her idea is worth billions.

Dylan: Well, is it on her computer? Is it a hard drive? What?

Kevin: It's in her head.

Dylan: In her head. Okay. Where is she right now?

Kevin: She's in a hotel where nobody can get to her. Hey, what are you doing here?

Mariah: Hi. I need to talk to you in private.

Kevin: Oh, if this is about our friend, you can talk in front of Dylan. I've brought him up to speed.

Mariah: Okay, well, I wish our hacker buddy was willing to wait and see how things played out.

Kevin: What are you talking about?

Mariah: She's gone. Natalie ran out on me.

Victor: Get the girl ready to move.

Natalie: You have the wrong girl.

Victor: Who are you?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: We should talk about this.

Sage: Talk about what?

Nick: Dr. Anderson.

Dylan: When were you planning on notifying the police about Adam's kidnapping?

Mariah: She sold the project twice! Victor is going to find out, and then he's gonna come after us. 

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