Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/13/16
Episode # 10836 ~ Adam is a target for revenge, while Victoria prepares for an uncertain future. Jason Thompson debuts as Billy Abbott.
Provided By Suzanne
Mariah: So Victor had you imagine what it would be like if you became filthy rich, and the best thing you could come up with is a foosball table in your office?
Kevin: It was rushed. I just came up with something off the top of my head.
Mariah: A billion dollars on the top of your head is a foosball table?
Kevin: I was under pressure.
Mariah: Okay, well, now that you've had time to think, what's your rich-guy fantasy?
Kevin: A foosball table in my office.
Mariah: I knew it.
Kevin: Doesn't matter anyway. I turned down Victor flat, said no to Jack, too. I stayed loyal to Billy. Because a deal is a deal, right?
Mariah: Are you asking me or telling me?
Kevin: I don't know.
Mariah: So, where do you and your hacker babe go from here?
Kevin: [Sighs] I have no clue.
Mariah: Well, what about going back to Jack? He's the lesser of two evils.
Kevin: I think he has more important things on his mind today.
Jack: If I thought there was a chance, any chance at all, that Billy could recover...
Victor: The doctor says there isn't. Jack, for you to make the decision to take your brother off life support takes an unimaginable amount of courage, and I admire you for it.
Jack: It's not about courage. It's about love. I owe it to Billy to let him leave this life with dignity, on his own terms.
Victoria: It's the way he would have wanted it.
Jack: I'm gonna go tell Dr. Dellafield, okay?
Jill: No. No, you're not gonna do this.
Jack: Jill...
Phyllis: We are upset. Everybody is upset, Jill.
Jill: Shut up. I don't care about a damn piece of paper. I will take you to court. I will fight you with everything I have. You will not kill my son!
Nikki: What if I were to tell you, yes, I want to keep Victor guessing?
Neil: Then I would tell you that it's dangerous. Doesn't it bother you that what we're doing could create a firestorm?
Nikki: Hey, it's better than being ignored. I-I feel like life is passing me by. Victor keeps promising, oh, he's gonna find more time for me and the family. But what if that time never happens? Things happen, bad things, things that we least expect.
Neil: You talking about Victoria?
Nikki: Billy is slipping away as we speak, Neil. And I just worry that they're never gonna have the chance to share birthdays or holidays or graduations, weddings, or even those small, little moments that nobody else gets to see. I want to cherish those moments with Victor before it's too late. Is that so wrong?
Chelsea: I love your marketing ideas for the new wedding line.
Abby: Oh, thanks. It felt good to point my mind in a different direction.
Chelsea: Yeah. How's, uh, how's Billy doing? Any changes?
Abby: None. We all just feel so powerless, and I can't even talk to my husband about it, so it makes it that much harder.
Chelsea: Why? What's going on with Stitch?
Abby: He needs some time alone with max, so they're staying at the club.
Marisa: Who is max?
Abby: Max is Ben's son. Um, his mother just passed away in Australia, so he's come to live with us.
Marisa: Oh. What an amazing gift, raising a child.
Abby: Yeah, um... [Chuckles] That's -- that's one way to look at it.
Chelsea: Some honeymoon, eh?
Abby: Yeah. But what I'm dealing with is nothing compared to Victoria, all because some heartless person mowed down Billy and just kept going.
Adam: Please tell me all the jobs have been scheduled for the next production run in our Pasadena plant. Because sales increased the forecasted demand, which is great for us. But I need to make sure we can, uh... make sure we can meet the numbers. Where you at?
Noah: I'm sorry. I just spaced out for a minute. Uh, what was the question?
Adam: That's okay. Um, Pasadena. Scheduling.
Noah: Right. Yeah. Uh, I-I don't have these done yet.
Adam: Well, that's not good, is it? I sort of needed those numbers tonight.
Noah: I don't have 'em. Uh, but, you know, maybe tomorrow, all right? We'll see how it goes.
Adam: Maybe tomorrow? You're just gonna see how it goes? Listen, I hope you're not blowing this off because it's Luca's project. I see the way the guy looks at you every chance he gets, reminding you that he's back together with Marisa.
Noah: That isn't it, okay?
Adam: You can't let the guy get to you. You understand that, right? You got to focus on the plan here. That's you, me, and Victor working together to oust the Santoris from Newman.
Noah: I got it, Adam. You don't have to remind me. I got it.
Adam: I understand. Deception -- it's not your second nature, okay, unlike some people in your life -- Marisa, for instance. Your grandfather would be another one.
Noah: You.
Adam: There you go. Practically had to put that one on the tee for you. Way to knock it down the fairway, though. I appreciate that. Listen, I don't know what this mopey, you know, sad, "woe is me" thing you got going on right now is. But it's not working for you, okay? Put it to bed. Man up. Deal with whatever it is that you're dealing with. Channel some of that Newman talent for treachery, for deceit, you know? Trust me. It's for a good cause. Get it together.
Noah: How did you do it, Adam?
Adam: How did I do what, Noah?
Noah: How did you live with the lie after you realized that you ran down Delia? How did you look yourself in the mirror after you decided to not turn yourself in?
Adam: Okay. Um... I told myself that no good would come of it. That Delia was gone and... me coming forward wasn't gonna bring her back. And selfishly, I had too much to lose at the time. So did Connor. So I tried to make peace with it. It didn't work. Why are you asking me this? What's going on?
[Door opens]
Luca: There you are. The, uh, production schedule finalized yet?
Adam: Uh, he's tweaking away on the projections.
Luca: Well, they were supposed to be done by now.
Noah: I'm on it.
[Door closes]
Luca: Hey, now that we're alone, tell me you have the information we need to proceed.
Adam: Yeah, no, I went directly to, uh, Victor for that information. I'm surprised you're not aware of that, considering you were eavesdropping on the entire conversation.
Luca: Yeah, but did he give you Marco Annicelli's exact location?
Adam: Victor's keeping him on ice in a less than luxurious facility, I can guarantee you that.
Luca: Well, how do we make contact?
Adam: That'll help. It's the prison warden's direct phone number. He'll put Marco on the phone. For a price, of course.
Chelsea: I heard the police were questioning some bookie that Billy owed money to, and they just let him go.
Abby: There was no evidence that he was the driver, so...
Chelsea: And that's it? There's no more leads?
Abby: I think the police have hit a wall.
Chelsea: Well, they can't just let this go. I mean, they -- they need to keep looking for suspects.
Neil: So, instead of goading Victor with this make-believe romance, I mean, I suggest that you sit down with him, be honest, explain things to him.
Nikki: Oh, my God, Neil. I've done it a million times. The man needs something to shock him back into reality, something that will make him realize that if he doesn't step up, he might lose the woman that he loves. That's why I want us to continue this masquerade of ours. It may be the only way I can get through to him.
Phyllis: Jack is not the one who's killing Billy. The person who ran him down without calling for help is the person who did this!
Victor: Phyllis, to be fair, whoever that person was, he or she that hit Billy, might not have known that they hit anyone.
Jill: Fair? Victor, what's fair about my son being in there on life support? [Sobs] What's fair about letting one person decide his fate, the same person who would not support him when he was so desperate to turn his life around?
Phyllis: Please stop. Stop attacking Jack, will you? Please.
Victoria: Jill, you want to take a walk? Will you walk with me, please?
Victor: Want me to go along?
Victoria: No, I want to be with Jill.
Victor: Okay, sweetheart.
Jill: Oh.
Victoria: Oh!
Jill: You. You don't make any decisions without me here, without my consent, document or no document.
Victor: Jack. Knowing Billy, I don't think he would want to be a burden on the family.
Jack: Billy would never be a burden to this family. If he wanted to stay on life support for the rest of his life, I-I -- I'd go along with it. I'd know in my heart I made the right decision.
Traci: Amen to that.
Jack: Traci.
Traci: Oh, Jack. How could this be happening? I can't believe it. [Sobs]
Jack: I'm glad you're here, sis.
Traci: Jack, listen to me. You do not have to go through this alone. This was Billy's decision. So this is how we're gonna get through it. As a family.
Luca: Gracias por la información. Marco's dead. Killed a few nights ago by another inmate.
Adam: That can't be right.
Luca: What? Are you saying I'm a liar?
Adam: Calm down. I'm not calling you a liar. I'm just saying your timing is kind of perfect, isn't it? Maybe your father got to him.
Luca: Or was it your father? Perhaps Victor decided Marco was a liability, arranged to cut his losses.
Adam: No, Victor's a lot of things. He's not a killer.
Abby: You're friends with Kevin. What's he saying about the investigation?
Noah: Um, actually, we --
[Cell phone rings]
Abby: I'm sorry. Hang on a second. Hi, uncle Jack. How's Billy? Has there been a change?
Jack: Abby, honey, I need you to get to memorial. The doctors have done all they can. We're going... we're gonna honor Billy's wishes. We're gonna turn off the machines.
Abby: Um... I'm on my way.
Phyllis: Let's wait in the chapel, okay?
Jack: Yeah.
Marisa: Bad news?
Abby: Um, I have to get to the hospital. They're letting Billy go.
Chelsea: Uh, uh, excuse -- excuse me for -- for one minute. Hey, sorry to barge in. Can I talk to you?
Adam: Yeah. Yeah, we were just finishing up here. Just keep me posted.
Luca: Yeah, of course.
Adam: Thank you.
Chelsea: Um, Abby just got a phone call. They're taking Billy off life support.
Adam: What?
Chelsea: It was Jack's decision to make, and -- and... I guess he made it.
Mariah: Hey. Noah. Is there any news about Billy?
Marisa: Abby got a call from Jack. She said they're letting Billy go, which I gather means --
Mariah: We know what it means.
Mariah: Well, the Abbotts are at the hospital saying goodbye to him.
Kevin: Oh, my God.
Mariah: He's so young. This is so terrible.
Noah: Um, could I get a tequila, please? And just keep them coming. I'll let you know when I don't feel anything, all right?
Jill: I don't care. I don't care if I have to fight Jack up to the state supreme court. I will do it, Victoria.
Victoria: The law is on his side. You know that going to court is not gonna change that.
Jill: It'll keep Billy with us a little longer! Don't you care? What are you gonna tell your children, huh? That you didn't give their father every chance?
Victoria: Do you think I want this? [Voice breaking] Do you really think that I want this? I would be fighting with you, right by you, if I thought there was one shred of hope, but you heard what the doctor said. There's no brain activity. He's gone. The Billy that we know and love is gone!
Jill: [Sighs]
Victoria: He wouldn't want a life like this. He told me that. [Sighs] I love him, too. But I have to prove that to him. I have to let him go. And I can't face this alone. I really can't. I need you to help me. Please help me.
Jill: Darling, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. [Voice breaking] I can't, because I don't think I can bear this!
Victoria: [Sobbing]
Marisa: Noah, what happened to Billy was not your fault. It was an accident.
Noah: You know, and that's exactly what Adam told himself when he killed Billy's daughter. But it doesn't change the fact that that man is going to die because of something that I did!
Marisa: Lower your voice. Okay, no one is gonna find out as long as you keep it together. Remember what Victor said? Coming forward now is not gonna help Billy, and you know that. And it's only gonna cause Victoria and her family more pain.
Noah: Well, at least I have something to dull it.
Victor: Where's your husband, sweetheart? He should be with you now.
Abby: Ben's son needs him, too. Max is just a boy, so...
Victor: That's very mature of you.
Abby: If you knew how bad I wanted my mom right now, you wouldn't be saying that. And I've tried calling her, and she hasn't returned any of my cal--
Victor: Really?
Abby: Mom.
Ashley: Hi, I'm here. I'm here. Hi. Hi.
Traci: Ashley, you -- you look really pale. Are you all right?
Abby: Where have you been?
Ashley: I've just been at the lab working. I'm so sorry. Please tell me there's hope.
Traci: God, I wish I could. Why don't we get a little bit of air? Can you excuse us?
Victor: Yes, of course.
Neil: Hey, Victor.
Victor: What are you doing here? This is just for family.
Neil: I don't want to argue with you today. Jack's my friend. I'm here to support him. That's what I'm gonna do. So I'm gonna go find him, okay?
Nikki: All right. I'll be here.
[Cell phone rings]
Chelsea: Oh, God. Victoria, hi. Um, I just heard the news. I'm -- I'm so sorry.
Victoria: Would you do me a favor and would you pick up Johnny and Katherine and bring them to the hospital? I'll, uh, I'll call the sitter and tell her it's okay.
Chelsea: Yeah, uh, of course. Of course. What -- what should I tell them?
Victoria: Just make up a story. Whatever works.
Chelsea: Okay. I'll bring them. They need to be with their mom and their dad. [Sighs]
Jack: In case I've forgotten to say it, thanks for being here.
Neil: Hey, Jack. I know you're surrounded by family, but we've been great friends for many years, and I'm here to support you.
Jack: Everybody expects me to be strong. And I don't mind telling you I've never felt this alone in my life.
Ashley: You're not alone, Jackie.
Jack: Hey.
Ashley: I'm so sorry it took me so long to get here.
Neil: Ashley, I'm sorry.
Ashley: Thank you.
Jack: It doesn't matter. You're here.
Neil: I'm gonna give you two some time.
Ashley: Abby left me a message that you wanted to honor Billy's wishes. I just want you to know that we're all behind you.
Jack: Well, not all.
Jill: Ashley.
Ashley: Hi, Jill.
Jack: Jill, if you're here to give me a hard time again, I...
Jill: No. What good would it do? Jack, I know that you're doing what you think Billy would have wanted.
Jack: Thank you for saying that.
Jill: What do we do now?
Jack: Well, we all gather together, the people who love Billy...
Ashley: Oh, God.
Jack: ...And we say goodbye.
Victor: Well, look who's there. Oh, my goodness. Look who's there. Hi, sweet baby.
Chelsea: Their mother wanted to see them.
Victor: Hi, sweet baby. Uh, Victoria's down the hall. I'm sure she would love to see them. Would you mind giving Adam and me some time alone?
Chelsea: Of course. All right, let's go.
Adam: Here you go.
Chelsea: Let's go find mom, okay?
Victor: There, my boy.
Chelsea: Okay.
Victor: How did it go with Luca?
Adam: Now is really not the time to discuss that.
Victor: Son, life goes on even in the face of death.
Adam: Yeah. I, uh, followed our -- our plan to the letter. Luca can no longer use the Marco connection to screw us over, so you can rest easy.
Victor: We can never let down our guard with these people. Never.
Adam: I agree.
Victor: Okay.
Adam: What's the next step?
Victor: I want you to go to Spain tonight. You meet with a contact who has all kinds of information about the Santoris that we can use against them.
Adam: You got to be kidding. You want me to go tonight? I got to stay here. Chelsea needs me.
Victor: I will take care of Chelsea. Don't you worry about it, okay? And Chelsea and your future depends on you doing what I ask you to do.
Adam: Are you threatening me now?
Victor: I'm not threatening you, son. I will take care of your wife and your son. You got that? You do what I ask you to do. You need to go to Spain tonight.
Victoria: So good to see you guys. I'm so happy to see you. Daddy's hurt. So when we go in that room, you're gonna see him hooked up to some machines and some gadgets and everything like that, but I don't want you to worry about that. That's just -- the doctors are just trying to help him. [Sighs] But you know what's really gonna help him? [Sniffles] Is seeing you guys. He'll know you're here even though he's sleeping.
Ashley: Billy. We wasted so much time arguing about stupid, stupid things. I would do anything to get that time back with you.
Abby: I always depended on you to mess up, to make me look good. Because let's face it, I am kind of a mess. But I, um, I need to grow up now. I need to be a wife and a stepmom. [Chuckles] Can you believe it? I am gonna be someone else's mom.
Traci: Oh, I'm so... sorry. [Sniffles] [Sighs] I have been so out of touch. I-I should have been more present. I should have realized what you were going through. [Sighs] I wish [Sniffles] That I could have been the kind of person that you felt you could go to, talk to, when things were spiraling out of control. This is something that I am going to regret for the rest of my life, sweetie. [Sniffles] That I wasn't the sister you needed.
Kevin: I wish you'd never come to me wanting in on this project. I can't help but feel somewhat responsible. I'd hoped that this would be an opportunity for both of us to do something positive with our lives.
Phyllis: I don't know what to say. That's a first for me, right? Who's gonna help me irritate the hell out of Victor now? [Sighs] You were fierce. You were brave. You were passionate. [Voice breaking] And you were my friend. And I don't have too many of those now. You get who I am because you call me out on my crap. You accept me despite all my flaws. You made me laugh even when you're not trying to.
Jill: Oh, God, Billy, this is so wrong. You know I'm not a part of this. You know how hard I've fought to stop it. God. This isn't supposed to be happening. I fought so hard to bring you into this world. And you shouldn't be going out before me. But you are. You are.
Ashley: Where you're going, I may be joining you. You're the only person I've told. I'm determined to fight, though, bill. I'm gonna try my hardest to stick around. [Sniffles] So I can be with all the people that we love.
Abby: [Voice breaking] How could you leave me now, Billy? How could you leave me when I need you so damn bad? I mean, who is gonna peel me off the ceiling? [Sighs] And there I go again. Making this all about me. But just know I am gonna talk to you...a lot. So be ready, okay? [Sighs]
Kevin: I promise you, Billy, when this thing becomes a huge success, I will not forget that you believed in me.
Phyllis: The world is gonna be a very dull place without you, Billy Abbott. That is a fact.
Traci: Billy, this isn't goodbye. You're gonna be with Daddy and Colleen and Katherine. [Sobbing] And that beautiful little girl of yours. [Sobs] Godspeed. I love you, Billy. I love you.
Ashley: [Voice breaking] All the people that love you so much. I love you, Billy. [Sobs]
Jill: Goodbye, my baby. My angel. Goodbye, my sweet, sweet Billy. [Sobbing]
Chelsea: [Sighs] After I thought Adam was gone forever, you -- you made me feel alive again. And I'd like to believe that I did the same for you... after you lost Delia and your whole world fell apart. [Sighs] I will forever be grateful, Billy. And every time I look into Connor's eyes, I'll -- I'll think of you. I'll think of you, and I -- and I... I'll never forget. [Sighs] [Sighs]
Adam: You know, men like Billy...
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
Adam: ...They never really die, do they? They live on with us in our hearts.
Chelsea: [Sniffles]
Adam: Our minds. You're a good man, Billy. Good man.
Chelsea: Thank you for that.
Adam: Ready?
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Adam: You know, you may not be thanking me after I tell you my news. I got to leave town tonight on business, honey.
Chelsea: Adam, you can't be serious. I need you right now. You can't leave during -- during all of this.
Adam: I understand. It's important, though. And maybe my father was right. Life goes on. Come on.
Luca: Marisa. Hey. Can I have a minute, please?
Noah: She's all yours.
Luca: Come on. What's with him?
Marisa: Billy's dying. They're taking him off life support.
Luca: That's unfortunate, but I have troubles of my own. Marco's dead.
Marisa: That's impossible. The man has more lives than a cat. Where'd you hear this?
Luca: From a reliable source.
Marisa: My God. Are you sure?
Luca: Why? Do you want to send flowers?
Marisa: Hardly. If anything, it's a relief.
Luca: No, not for me, it isn't. With Marco gone, I have no way of tying my father to his criminal activities, which defeats my plan of taking over the Santori empire.
Marisa: Well, you have a good job at Newman. You have a bright future ahead of you.
Luca: Bright future taking orders from Noah's grandfather, the man I'm pretty sure who ordered the hit on Marco? Guess I'll have to find my leverage in other places.
Marisa: Luca, you promised. You promised you wouldn't use what you know about Noah against him.
Luca: And I'll keep my promise, for your sake. It kills me that the Newmans have all the power. What do I have?
Marisa: You have me.
Luca: Do I?
Mariah: No, no, no, no, no! Hey, hey, hey.
Noah: It's fine. It's fine.
Mariah: No, no, no. Go, please. Thank you. Bye. What are you doing? You're acting like an idiot. I have never seen you pound drinks like this before. What's with arriving with Marisa all cozy? I thought she went back to her husband. What changed?
Noah: Everything.
Victor: I think we should give the family some privacy.
Nikki: Well, I suppose that means you'll be going back to the office. Don't let me stop you. My place is here with Victoria and the grandchildren. They're in the waiting room if you want to say goodbye.
Neil: Victor, I'll see to it that Nikki gets home. Don't worry.
Victor: All right. See that you do.
Nikki: Sorry. I'm sure that wasn't comfortable for you.
Neil: Could have been worse.
Nikki: You know, you don't have to wait for me. I can -- I can get a ride home.
Neil: Really? You sure?
Nikki: Absolutely.
Neil: All right. Well, uh, then I'm gonna take off. Are you sure that you know what you're doing where Victor's concerned?
Nikki: Hey. Our plan is working beautifully. Thank you.
Neil: You're welcome. Come here.
Nikki: Thank you, my friend.
Neil: Of course. Any time.
Victoria: Remember I told you that daddy's sleeping?
Johnny: Yeah.
Victoria: Yeah. He's gonna be asleep for a long time.
Johnny: I know.
Victoria: I know. So we need to say "Night night" to him and "sweet dreams." Okay? Did you bring this for Daddy? [Sighs] That's so sweet. Let me just put it right there. You know, you're the most thoughtful little boy in the whole world. You really are. You're such a sweetheart. Daddy's always gonna keep that with him, to keep him company. Just like he's always gonna keep you in his heart. [Gasping] [Sobs]
[Footsteps approach]
[Katie cries]
[Switch clicks]
Jack: Be at peace, Billy.
[Door opens]
Victor: Hey.
Kevin: I honored my commitment to Billy, but my involvement in this breakthrough dies along with him if I don't come up with another investor. I'm against a deadline, and Jack is no position.
Victor: [Sighs] [Chuckles] You ready to make a deal?
Kevin: I'm ready to make a deal.
Victor: Good. You're a smart boy, Kevin. Let's do it.
Adam: Do me a favor? Give Connor a kiss for me when he wakes up?
Chelsea: Yeah. I know this sounds crazy, but I just -- I have a bad feeling about you leaving. I feel like there have been way too many goodbyes tonight.
Adam: It'll be all right, sweetheart. It's gonna be fine. It's a couple days. I'll be back before you know it. I love you.
Chelsea: I love you, too.
Adam: See you in a bit. [Sighs]
Chelsea: Adam?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: I went right from Billy's bedside to Victor's office.
Mariah: You closed the deal with Victor?
Noah: I have to. Billy's gonna die.
Victor: How will that help Victoria, Noah?
Jack: He won't be with us much longer, will he?
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