Y&R Transcript Monday 12/29/14
Episode # 10565 ~ Nick puts the pieces together about Gabriel; Neil confides in Phyllis; Jack is backed into a corner.
Provided By Suzanne
Billy: So, remind me again why we left the penthouse.
Chelsea: To be out in the world like normal people.
Billy: Well, that was dumb. We can be normal at home.
Chelsea: But could we get chocolate-chip muffins at home? No. We came for the muffins.
Billy: Yes. Yes, we did.
Chelsea: Mm.
[Both laugh]
Chelsea: Oh! [Giggles] Somebody could walk in.
Billy: I don't care.
Chelsea: Mm.
Jack: If you go to prison, Billy goes with you?
Adam: That's what I said.
Jack: What the hell does that mean? He didn't kill Delia. That was you, no one else.
Adam: You ever wonder what happened that night, hmm? Why Billy made it home safe and I didn't? This is why, Jack. Billy shot me.
Sage: Uh, thank you so much. You really didn't have to take me.
Nick: No, listen -- you don't have a car, your friend's grandmother took a turn, and you need to track him down. The least I could do is bring you here.
Sage: Thank you.
Nick: Sure.
Victoria: Hi.
Nick: Hey, Vick.
Victoria: Hey.
Nick: Getting in a little post-Christmas Mommy and me yoga?
Victoria: Yeah, well, you know, Katie's a leader in child's pose.
[Both laugh]
Victoria: Hi. I'm Victoria Newman.
Sage: Hi.
Nick: Vick, this is her, yeah -- Sage. She's the one who saved me in the woods.
Victoria: Wow. You do exist. I think my brother was almost convinced you were just a dream.
Devon: Hey, we need to load the bar up with rare and exotic vintages for New Year's because people like to have something special.
Lily: No, I know. We have it all. The waiting list for New Year's is insane. I have to keep things really tight. Are you bringing Gwen?
Devon: It's that tight? You need to know if the owner's bringing a plus-one?
Lily: Well, I just think it would be a good idea for you to start the new year that way. You know, it'd make Dad really happy to see everyone happy and content. Remember how bad last year was for him? It was bad enough when he thought about drinking. So, wait -- are you bringing Gwen or not?
Devon: I-I don't know for sure yet.
Lily: Well, why wouldn't you bring her? I mean, you're in love, and it's New Year's, right?
Neil: Hilary?
Hilary: [Sighs]
Neil: Hilary?
Hilary: Uh, yeah, I'm right here.
Neil: Yes, yeah, yeah, you sure are. Hi.
Hilary: Hey.
Neil: You smell good.
[Doorbell rings]
Neil: The doorbell.
Hilary: Yeah, I'll get it.
Neil: Okay.
Hilary: Phyllis. Hello.
Phyllis: You and I have some business to deal with.
Stitch: Hey.
Kelly: Hey! How are you?
Stitch: Merry post-Christmas. Happy pre-new year.
Kelly: Hi! Oh, so good to see you. How are things?
Stitch: Good. I was just checking in, since we didn't get to talk long on Christmas.
Kelly: Oh, but it was so sweet of you to call. How did it go with Victoria?
Stitch: Ooh. Uh...crazy.
Kelly: Oh, you mean with that power outage. That was so strange.
Stitch: Yeah, it was, but, I mean, crazy good. Victoria called Jenna. Yeah, she told her everything about me not being responsible for what happened. Victoria got through to Jenna when I couldn't.
Kelly: So she was able to undo the damage that I caused. That's so great. What a gift.
Stitch: I was the one keeping the secret, Kelly. I just have to make sure everyone knows the truth.
Kelly: Well, that's not easy with Mom having taken off, thinking only of herself.
Stitch: Yeah. You know, I didn't get to the best part of Christmas. I got to speak with max.
Kelly: Oh, that's so great. You got to hear your son's voice on such a special day.
Stitch: I know how lucky I am, Kelly.
Kelly: I'm not gonna make this about me.
Stitch: You can talk about you. Look, how was your Christmas?
Kelly: Oh. I haven't really done that sort of thing since Sam died. I had drinks with some friends here. You know, other single people, dinner. It was quiet.
Stitch: Wasn't the Christmas you expected, was it?
Kelly: No. This was supposed to be the year that I stopped dreading Christmas. And it wasn't. But it's over, and now I just have to get through New Year's.
Victoria: Seriously, I thought he was making you up.
Sage: I'm very real. Same as the bear trap.
Victoria: Right. Well, I know that he wanted to thank you for calling the EMTs, and I wanted to thank you for helping my brother.
Sage: Oh, no, it was just right place, right time. That's it.
Victoria: Well, you saved him. I have no idea what he was doing walking around in the dark or who on earth would set an illegal bear trap.
Nick: As opposed to the legal bear traps?
Sage: [Chuckles] I'm just happy to help. Uh, I really should be going. I have to find my friend, so --
[Ringtone plays]
Victoria: The lord of the universe sure does love to text.
Nick: Vick is our father's right hand at Newman-chancellor now and no doubt training my niece to join the corporate minions.
Victoria: Yes, just two more wheels in the cog machine -- that's Katie and me. It was nice meeting you.
Sage: Nice to meet you, too.
Victoria: Nice almost spending time with you.
Nick: Don't let him brainwash you, Katie! All right. Sorry for the delay. Why don't you go up and check on your friend. I'll wait down here for you.
Sage: Oh, no, no. I'm good. I can take care of myself, but thank you so much.
Nick: Wait. I know what's going on here.
Chelsea: You gonna try to get fresh with me again out here, hmm?
Billy: I am just going to count the many ways that we can spend New Year's Eve together. Chase the chill away, steam up the windows.
Chelsea: Uh, yeah, it's, uh, still there. Tends to happen with tattoos.
Billy: I have got to do something about this thing.
Chelsea: But that look on your face -- I mean, it's not like it's new.
Billy: It's today. Wedding anniversary.
Chelsea: Oh. So, is that what the whole public make-out session was for? You're trying to prove something?
Billy: No, no, no. Well, I don't think so.
Chelsea: I mean, it's not like I'm complaining. I -- I like it, always. I just -- I remember now that it was New Year's Eve when Victor sent me to you -- to break up you and Victoria with the news that I was pregnant.
Billy: Hey. He's a hell of a kid, that Johnny Abbott.
Chelsea: See, that's just it. When you see Johnny, all you see is your son. You don't -- you don't think about how it happened.
Billy: I told you, I have forgiven you for all of that. I mean, that was -- that was a different time. And if we spent our lives living in the mistakes that we made --
Chelsea: What kind of mistakes are we talking about?
Billy: Doesn't matter. It's almost New Year's. It's slate-wiping time. And you brought that sketchbook for a reason, so get to work. Quit trying to make out with me.
Chelsea: Ha ha! Oh, that was on me?
Billy: Yeah.
Chelsea: Sure. Nice try.
Billy: I'll see you soon.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: You tell anyone I'm alive and Billy's going to prison for attempted murder.
Jack: You son of a -- that was your plan -- to blackmail me?
Adam: There was no plan. You were the only one I could come to, and I hate doing this! What was I supposed to do? Go to Victor? Go to Chelsea? Tell the whole world that I'm back? You were the only one. I trusted you. I trusted you with my son's life, and I trusted you with my life in coming here. But apparently, I overestimated our friendship. So if I can't count on you to protect me, then I have to count on you to protect Billy.
Jack: If things happened as you say.
Adam: I got a scar to prove it!
Jack: Any judge would understand the circumstances -- an aggrieved father, temporary insanity.
Adam: Is that what you're gonna say? He showed up to my house with a gun. He dragged me to the woods. He waved that gun in my face, Jack, forced me to confess, and then when he got all the information that he wanted, he told me to drive to a location, he shot me in the car on the way there. It was premeditated. He wanted to make me pay.
Jack: I'm not gonna just take your word for it.
Adam: Well, why don't you ask him, then, huh? Why don't you ask your brother what went down that night? Why did he make it home safe and sound and I didn't? What happened?
Jack: You took his daughter, Adam, and now you're threatening to put him in prison? This is the kind of man you are now?
Adam: Desperate man. That's what I am now. I was trapped in a hospital bed, Jack, covered in bandages. I was wrapped up like a mummy in a life that wasn't even mine. I just want to come back. I want a piece of my life back. This way, I can live my life as something other than Victor Newman's son. Do you have any idea what a chance like that means to me? And I would think that, of all people, you would want that for me. Jack...
Jack: Adam, you're dead. Chelsea's moved on. She's with Billy. She loves him. Do you realize what you're asking me? You don't just want your freedom. You want the woman Billy cares about! How am I supposed to do that to my brother?
Adam: Billy has his freedom, which is more than he'll have in prison. He doesn't need Chelsea.
Jack: How dare you decide what my brother does and doesn't need.
Adam: Oh, Billy wants Victoria. I've been gone for a year, Jack, and even I know that. And Chelsea wants me.
Jack: You're dead. She has moved on. And how do you know how they are together? How long have you been lurking in the shadows?
Adam: Long enough to know that Billy's trying to replace his son and his wife with my son and my wife.
Jack: After what you put him through, you have no right to be jealous.
Adam: Chelsea loves me, Jack. And that's not going anywhere. And, sure, maybe she's okay with Billy right now. He keeps her from being lonely, right? But I'm not out of her mind, not for one second. And Victoria's not out of Billy's addled brain, either. We both know that. Let him go back to his wife and fix it, the relationship he's supposed to be in.
Jack: You have no choice. You're dead, Adam. You don't exist. You don't even have a vote.
Adam: I do have the vote! I am the vote, and I just told you!
Jack: Oh, you're gonna blackmail me.
Adam: Jack, I need Chelsea like I can't even explain to you, and, yeah, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get her back -- whatever it takes. The same thing you'd do for Phyllis.
Jack: Phyllis is innocent. You're not.
Adam: Neither is Billy. Give me my freedom. Let Billy keep his. Let me be with Chelsea. My one chance.
Nick: Yeah, I can see that look in your eye.
Sage: What're you talking about?
Nick: It was all that Newman-chancellor talk. You figured it out, who my dad is. He's Victor Newman. It can be a curse and a blessing.
Sage: I wasn't thinking that.
Nick: But you've heard of him.
Sage: Yeah. Of course. I don't live under a rock.
Nick: [Chuckles]
Sage: I mean, I did save you in the woods, so...
Nick: Well, I just want you to know, I am nothing like him, so saving me was not a bad idea.
Sage: Yeah, I don't think that, either. And just so you know, if your dad was stuck in the bear trap, I probably would've saved him, too. I mean, I know he gets bad press, but he seems like a decent guy.
Nick: Mm. I guess you could assume that.
Sage: Thanks again. I got to go up, check the room.
Nick: Well, maybe your buddy already went to see his grandmother.
Sage: No, he would never go without me.
Nick: But he didn't want to go with you, so it seems to me this means a lot more to you than it does to him.
Devon: Gwen has her own life. She has friends and family. I'm not even sure if she's gonna be in town, so...
Lily: Well, why don't you just say that?
Devon: Why couldn't you just let it go to begin with?
Lily: You know, for somebody who's so blissfully happy with this new girlfriend, you sure are crabby all the time.
Devon: I'm not crabby.
Lily: Yes, you are.
Devon: You're in love with cane. Is it sunshine and roses every day for you?
Lily: All I'm saying is that I'm worried about Dad. That's it.
Devon: Yes, I'm worried about him, too. I know what I'm doing. I know that I'm being selfish. I get it.
Lily: Being happy isn't being selfish.
Devon: You have no idea.
Neil: What exactly is it that you want with my wife?
Phyllis: I need some powers of creative thinking and deception.
Hilary: Deception?
Phyllis: I want to surprise Jack with something big and romantic, and you are just the person -- keeper of the gate, in charge of his schedule.
Hilary: Yes, of course. I would love to help.
Phyllis: Good. Maybe I can get a printout so I can know how and when I can make this happen. Unless this is like a really bad time.
Neil: You're asking if it's a bad time?
Phyllis: Only to be polite, Neil. You know I really don't mean it.
Neil: That's funny. I thought you were going soft on me.
Hilary: I could access Jack's schedule remotely. I'll pull it up for you.
Phyllis: Oh, good. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a lifesaver, and that is sincere.
Hilary: I will be right back.
Neil: Thanks, honey.
Phyllis: I like her. She's really great, Neil. But I need more help than she can give. And I need it from you.
Adam: I know I've wasted a lot of time in my life. I was laying in that hospital bed, and I was thinking of the hours that I wasted thinking about plots and schemes and just... stupid things that didn't matter, mostly about Victor. And I'd give anything to have that time back with Chelsea. But as bad as that sounds, you know Billy is worse, Jack. He's wasting precious seconds right now...with Chelsea, and the sooner you can get him away from her --
Jack: Billy and Victoria are apart for a reason. Their marriage didn't work any longer. Victoria's with someone else. He can't just slip back into her life like nothing happened.
Adam: Yeah, well, he can try. And that's the beauty of it. He can try, and it'll work, Jack, because they're meant to be together, just like Chelsea and I are meant to be together.
Jack: What about Chelsea? Chelsea is happy now --
Adam: She's not happy! Jack, she -- she gets through the day! She's not happy!
Jack: You're wrong.
Adam: No, I know her. I know her like nobody else does. And she knows me like nobody else does.
Jack: Adam, you're dead. You're gone. She's wept for you, she's grieved for you, she's moved on. And if you think you can woo her as Gabriel, it's not gonna happen.
Adam: Of course it'll happen. It'll work, Jack. Do you think she was with me because of my name, because of my bank account? No. No, those things that brought us together and kept us together, everything that made us so wonderful together, they're still there, all of those things. We're the same people. It's gonna bring us back together. It will.
Jack: And you're willing to destroy all these lives for some delusion.
Adam: Delusion? What are you talking about, delusion? You loved Phyllis before she left, right? And when she left, did you stop loving her? No. You didn't, and now she's back, and what happened? You're back together, and you're still in love with her, right?
Jack: If Phyllis had not come back, I would be with someone else, and I would be happy. Not the same kind of happy, no, but I'd have moved on.
Adam: You can say that in theory.
Jack: No, I can say that in fact -- that's what happened. I moved on. There was someone else.
Adam: Where is she now? Oh, you -- you chose Phyllis, right? Except it wasn't really a choice at all, was it? Hmm? No, because you two were meant to be together. That's why. And the moment that woman walked through that door, it was over, right? Some loves are meant to last, Jack. And some...just aren't. Give Billy that chance. Keep him out of prison.
Jack: Oh, we're back to the blackmail.
Adam: You think this is what I wanted? I didn't want to blackmail you. I came here as a friend. I came here 'cause I needed a friend. I didn't have to tell you anything, did I? Right? I could've just introduced myself as Gabriel, done some business with you, built up your trust, but I didn't. I told you everything 'cause I wanted you to know the truth, Jack. And what else? Jack, I wanted you to be happy that I was back.
Jack: Okay. I'll help you -- for Billy's sake.
Adam: That's a good choice.
Jack: Under one condition. You look me in the eye and you swear to me the old Adam is dead -- all the old grudges, all the dissatisfaction, all the excuses, all the anger -- gone! If you really feel remorse about Delia's death --
Adam: Of course I do, Jack.
Jack: Then be better. Do better. Be the man Adam Newman never had a chance to be.
Adam: I swear... to you, Jack. I swear.
Billy: You okay?
Victoria: Yeah. Katie and Johnny are both napping. I should've called you so we could push back your visit, but I got wrapped up in all of this.
Billy: Well, that is something to get wrapped up in.
Victoria: Could you please sit down and help me here?
Billy: Me? The, uh, breaker of all things large and small?
Victoria: I know you're not a carpenter, but you know how to assemble, don't you?
Billy: Kind of.
Victoria: I lost the instructions. I can't find them anywhere.
Billy: It's probably better that way.
Victoria: Okay. So, I set out all the pieces, right? Everything's out.
Billy: Ah, yes. The nice and orderly approach. I prefer to use instinct and cunning.
Victoria: Yeah. And look at how far that's gotten you.
Billy: [Chuckles] You know, Christmas is always fun and wrapping paper, and then afterwards, it's, uh... "slide this slot 'a' into part 'b,' subset 'D.'" [Chuckles]
Victoria: It was a nice Christmas.
Billy: Yeah, it was. Reed had a blast. He's become, like, the old man of the family. He's got himself a passel of brothers and sisters between us, J.T. and Mac.
Victoria: Yeah, I know. I think he likes having a big family, you know? Especially around the holidays.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Turns out, I like it, too.
Victoria: Oh, good.
Billy: So, uh...what are you guys doing for New Year's? You and stitch gonna hit the club?
Victoria: Really haven't gotten that far yet. What about you and Chelsea?
Billy: I don't know. We were kicking around some ideas, but then, uh... we got distracted from the issue.
Victoria: Yeah? By what? Ah. Our wedding anniversary.
Phyllis: When I went down for my "nap," Chelsea Lawson was Adam's better half, so she was not the fashion-design star that she is today. So you know what? I'm a little behind the curve. But if you fill me in, you're gonna help me dazzle them all.
Neil: Okay. I'm hearing a lot of bells and whistles, I'm seeing this pitch in my head, but I'm thinking, really, that you can do this all on your own.
Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think I was being nice?
Neil: Wow. God forbid that Phyllis ever be nice.
Phyllis: Okay. You want me to beg a little harder. I can do that.
Neil: Wait a minute. Hold on, hold on. Phyllis, you -- you don't need me.
Phyllis: The hell I don't. Believe me. I would tell you if I didn't. Neil, I can't show weakness, or we're back in victim town.
Neil: Oh, yeah, I've driven by there once or twice.
Phyllis: Yes, it's awful. People acting like you need help. The only problem is, in this case, I actually do need help -- yours. So, if you're not coming back to Jabot, at least help make me look good.
Neil: [Laughs] Oh, lord. Not easy transitioning back to your old life, or what is it? Your new -- new old life?
Phyllis: Jack and I are putting the past in the past.
Neil: 'Cause it's that easy. Yeah, I hear you. Um, I'm hearing -- I'm hearing a load of bull here, though, too. But I hear you -- past is in the past. You've got to be a little angry.
Phyllis: I'm fine.
Neil: No, you're -- you're pissed.
Phyllis: Pissed is fine for me.
Neil: Okay, Phyllis, good. Be angry. Don't let it slow you down. Don't let it get in your way. Keep moving forward. Fight for what you belie-- hell, don't just fight -- get it.
Phyllis: You did it, didn't you? You went to that doctor who might help you see.
Lily: You don't have to feel guilty about Dad.
Devon: Well, I do.
Lily: Why? What do you think you've done?
Devon: I'm just -- I'm not the son that he needs me to be.
Lily: That is so not true. He loves you.
Lily: I know he loves me, but...what am I doing for him in return? I didn't even know he was tempted to drink. You figured that out, you saw it. I've been too caught up in my own mess.
Lily: Is that what this is about? You feel like you can't bring Gwen because every moment has to be about Dad?
Devon: No, it's not about Gwen.
Lily: Look, Dad is proud, and he's private, but his first instinct will always be to protect us.
Devon: And who's protecting Dad?
Lily: Hilary. He trusts her. She provides him with love and support, and I know for a fact that if he didn't have Hilary, he wouldn't have just thought about drinking.
Sage: My friend -- I really can't explain him. You know?
Nick: Okay. Well, good luck. I hope everything isn't as bad as it sounds.
Sage: Thank you.
Nick: Bingo.
Adam: Beg your pardon?
Nick: I know you.
Adam: I-I don't think so. I think you probably have me confused with some--
Nick: Dude, it's Nick Newman. I was your big brother at mount bell academy. You're Gabriel Bingham -- bingo, the binger. What's up?
Adam: Yeah, okay. You know what? It is. Those -- those years, just -- for me, they're A...
Nick: Yeah, yeah, it was a blur, I know.
Adam: ...A fog.
Nick: I was a couple years ahead of you. They assigned you to me. I had to kind of look out for you, show you the ropes.
Adam: Yet I survived anyway, huh?
Nick: [Laughing] Yeah. Do you live in Genoa City now? 'Cause I get the feeling maybe I've seen you around.
Adam: No, just visiting.
Sage: Well, he's not here. I don't...
Nick: Do you two know each other?
Billy: We had some good times. You have to give us that.
Victoria: Yeah. Fishing you out of the gutter on New Year's Eve.
Billy: Yeah. Getting married once on the beach in Jamaica.
Victoria: Getting arrested on one of our other wedding days.
[Both laugh]
Billy: It has made for some very interesting wedding pictures.
Victoria: And don't forget the tattoos.
Billy: Yeah, yeah, that was brilliant.
Victoria: Yeah. You know, I keep meaning to have mine removed.
Billy: Why haven't you?
Victoria: I don't know. My OB didn't approve it while I was pregnant, and now it's just one of those things I can't seem to find time for. Go figure.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: What about you?
Billy: I don't know. I just... haven't gotten around to it, I guess.
Victoria: What were we thinking, anyway?
Billy: I think what we were thinking is, that if we made the rings permanent... we would be, too.
[Baby crying]
Stitch: Hey, look, I'm sorry. I should've checked in on you on Christmas.
Kelly: No, no, no, no. You did the right thing. You know, you and Victoria should spend every moment that you can together. You've lost so much time, you deserve this.
Stitch: What about what you deserve? Like I told you before, you're tough, Kel. Just take some time. Do whatever you have to to come out on the other side.
Kelly: You're a good brother, Ben. Glad you're mine.
Stitch: Hey.
Chelsea: Progress. You didn't step on them.
Stitch: I owe you -- eh, for getting Jeffrey to drop his lawsuit against memorial.
Chelsea: Oh, pfft! My father is easily influenced.
Stitch: Yeah? How much did it cost you? Oh, no. It didn't cost me anything. Jeffrey's not like that. He just felt -- okay, fine. It cost me a lot. But it all worked out in the end.
Stitch: And, uh, I know you didn't do it just for me, but thanks.
Chelsea: If someone had told me back when you were helping Dylan paint his loft that we would end up here...
Stitch: What, you with Billy and me with Victoria?
Chelsea: No. I mean knowing we're both such cons.
Phyllis: You already told me that you were on the hunt for some vision help.
Neil: Yeah, I know. I already did tell you that. I enrolled in an experimental program, yes.
Phyllis: That's great!
Neil: Okay, shh, shh, shh! Please, please...
Phyllis: Oh. I'm sorry.
Neil: Something else might be on the horizon.
Phyllis: All right. Like what? Tell me.
Neil: On Christmas eve... my eyes -- I -- I saw light and shadow.
Phyllis: You saw?
Neil: Okay, Phyllis, I-I thought you had some self-control.
Phyllis: You know I don't have self-control!
Neil: Stop. Shh.
Phyllis: This is -- this is kind of big, Neil. This is kind of huge. You should not -- you have to tell your wife!
Neil: No, no, no, no, no. No, I don't have to tell her. I'm gonna let this whole thing play out for a bit, you know? I don't want to get her hopes up yet.
Phyllis: I can understand that. Sort of. Is this...the program, or is your vision coming back on its own?
Neil: Maybe it's because I don't want to get my own hopes up.
Phyllis: Maybe hope is exactly the thing that got things rolling. You ever think about that?
Neil: Yes, I have. I do have hope. I can't fight it. And I can't wait... for that moment... to see my wife's beautiful face again.
Phyllis: You're back.
Hilary: Uh, yeah, I printed out Jack's schedule for you. Did you two need some more time to talk?
Phyllis: I came to hit Neil up for some advice about running Jabot's fashion division, but you did not hear me say that.
Neil: Her exact words were -- what was it? -- "Make me look good." That's right.
Phyllis: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Neil: Of course not.
Hilary: Well, you don't have to worry. Neil is very discreet.
Phyllis: Well, I am counting on that. And thank you so much for this and also for your complete discretion. I would never get in the way of a big, romantic surprise. Those moments are just way too important.
Phyllis: Spoken like a woman in love. Thank you both very much.
Neil: All right, keep me posted.
Phyllis: Hey, you too.
Neil: Thanks. Hey, baby, she's right, you know? You do sound like a woman in love to these highly trained, perceptive ears.
Hilary: Well, if you say I am...
Neil: Yeah, I do say. And I have -- I have something else to say to you.
Hilary: What's that?
Neil: All right, listen to me. I have a promise for you that next year, it's not gonna be anything like this year.
Hilary: Um... but, Neil, you know... this life, it's a good life. Isn't it?
Neil: Of course it is. Of course. But we can make it better.
Hilary: How?
Neil: Okay. Remember, it was recently that you suggested that we, uh -- that we grow this family, right?
Hilary: A baby?
Neil: Our baby. I know it sounds crazy, but, you know, you got to dare to dream in life.
Hilary: Yeah.
Neil: So, why don't we just see where fate...goes with this?
Hilary: Uh...what do you mean?
Neil: Okay. Your birth-control pills. Why don't we get rid of those?
Hilary: Now?
Neil: Well, I mean, we can talk this all out. You go over the pros and the cons, the logistics...
Hilary: Yeah, yeah, okay.
Neil: Just tell me how you feel about this.
Hilary: I... I... there's no guarantee...
Neil: No, of course there's no guarantees, but, you know, we can always try. A baby... wouldn't that be an incredible bonus to our relationship? Start by...throwing away... throwing away those pills. I guess that's a yes.
Hilary: You're smiling.
Neil: Yes. Yes, I am.
Devon: Hey, so, Gwen, I was hoping that you would be free this New Year's Eve, 'cause we're having a party here at the club, and I'd really love if you'd be able to make it. Right. I'm looking forward to seeing you, too. All right. Let's talk later. All right, bye.
Sage: Yes, he and I, we know each other.
Nick: Oh, so Gabriel's the friend you've been looking for?
Sage: That's right.
Adam: Yeah. Sorry I'm late. Actually, I had some business to take care of with grandmother, so...
Nick: Oh, man, I'm so sorry. All this boarding-school talk, and you're worried about your grandmother.
Adam: So she told you about the, uh... anyway, it's, uh... we should probably -- we should probably get back.
Sage: Yeah.
Nick: Oh, hey, uh, here. Here's my card. Things ever settle down for you, give me a call, dude. I'd love to catch up.
Adam: Yeah?
Nick: Yeah.
Adam: Okay.
Nick: All right, see ya, bingo.
Adam: Yeah, haven't heard that in a while.
Nick: Bye, Sage.
Sage: [Chuckles] Nice of you to come back.
Phyllis: Hi. Friend or foe?
Jack: Sorry?
Phyllis: This Bingham guy -- friend or foe, or haven't you decided?
Jack: He's an old business associate.
Phyllis: Thinking about calling him?
Jack: No, he called me.
Phyllis: Uh-huh. To get back in business?
Jack: He wants to do a deal.
Phyllis: But what about you? Do you want the deal?
Jack: I already agreed, but...
Phyllis: But you're ambivalent.
Jack: Wary.
Phyllis: That's not like you. You go with your gut. If you're not sure about this guy, then...
Jack: I just don't know.
Phyllis: Something isn't right. Who is this guy? What kind of head games did he play to get a yes out of you?
Adam: Apparently your buddy Nick went to boarding school with Gabriel.
Sage: How was I supposed to know that? It's not like I could tag along with him in his private boys school.
Adam: But that's my point, Sage -- he's gonna know things about me that you can't possibly clue me in on.
Sage: Well, look through the yearbook. Right now, we have to get back to Constance. She's asking for you.
Adam: For me?
Sage: Yes.
Adam: No, I'm not doing that right now.
Sage: You want Nick to come back and see you? I didn't think so. Stop complaining. Let's go.
Nick: Ah, there you go. Bingo. Bingham changed a bit.
Sage: Come on! [Grunting]
Nick: [Groaning] You... it was you. Why'd you take off?
Chelsea: You told this lie at 16. It changed your whole life. I'm sure there were a million chances you could've told the truth. It would've made your life easier, but you never caved. That's the long con. It's exhausting, isn't it?
Stitch: [Chuckles] You have no idea.
Chelsea: Oh, yeah. Kind of do.
Stitch: To finally have let that go is just... the relief is huge.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm. To be with somebody who really knows you -- the real you -- changes everything. That's how I feel about Billy. I mean, he was on the receiving end of a lot of my lies -- some of my worst -- but now he loves me -- all of me. And now Victoria has a chance to love all of you.
Stitch: We both got lucky -- me with Victoria, you with Billy. And now we're gonna be in each other's lives, no matter what. So, I guess we'd better start getting along, huh?
Chelsea: Well, no reason not to. We both got what we wanted. So, I guess now my point is, let's not screw it up.
Stitch: No way in hell.
Billy: Katie can take a bottle in record time. She's gonna outgrow this thing before we can even get it built.
Victoria: Oh, really?
Victoria: Well, I happen to think you're making yourself sound inept so you don't have to help me. But it's too bad. I'm not buying it.
Billy: [Laughs] What's there to buy? Did you see the bookshelf that me and Dee built? It was a disaster.
Victoria: That was beautiful.
Billy: [Sighs] We made it so far, Vick. You know, Lucy, Johnny, your father... it was us against the world, and we conquered it. And then we lost Dee, and... why couldn't we survive that?
Lily: So these are the New Year's Eve reservations.
Kelly: Okay, great.
Lily: Yeah.
Kelly: Phyllis and Jack are coming? What is wrong with those people?
Lily: Well, it is kind of a local ritual.
Kelly: No, it's not. It is an insult. It is a slap in the face. It is "Kelly is so insignificant that we can just toast the new year in front of her."
Lily: You know what? I would completely understand if you want the night off?
Kelly: What? No. No, no, no. I didn't say that.
Lily: Jack hurt you, okay? It's understandable that you need time to heal. This is the benefit of working with somebody who actually cares about you.
Kelly: I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have overreacted like that. It was just... just shock, okay? Thank you for being a friend.
Lily: Of course.
Kelly: I can do my job and smile, and I'll just have a big drink when it's over.
Lily: That's a great plan.
Kelly: I promise you, this will be the most perfect evening of the year.
Jack: No. No more talk about deals or business. We're gonna focus on celebrating.
Phyllis: Okay. You know what? I like it. I was out cold for a year, so I say we celebrate for a year.
Jack: Good. Let's start... let's start with saying goodbye to the last day in 2014. I thought we could take the jet and chase New Year's from Nova Scotia to L.A.
Phyllis: Or... we can go old school and keep it local and go to the athletic club. I already made reservations.
Jack: Whatever happened to staying away from Kelly?
Phyllis: You know what? It is not about her. This is my home, Jack. It's my town, my friends, my family, and I want to bask in Genoa City and soak it up with my fiancé.
Jack: At the athletic club.
Phyllis: Yeah, where people we love and know will be celebrating and some people we don't love. So we deal with it like reasonable adults, and I assume you can trust me to do that, right?
Jack: Mm...
Phyllis: Oh, seriously? Come on!
Jack: Wait, wait. Come here.
Phyllis: What?
Jack: Of course, I can trust you. I love you. And, yes, it will be a wonderful night.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kelly: What's the matter, Jack? Does being alone with me make you uncomfortable?
Adam: You looking for someone?
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