Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/17/14
Episode # 10557 ~ Adam questions Sage's loyalty; Christine receives life-changing news; Neil makes a confession to Cane.
Provided By Suzanne
Lauren: Another man? I can't believe you're bringing up my affair with carmine now.
Michael: You -- you have to admit that you turned to him after you thought I'd let you down.
Lauren: I almost lost everything that I hold dear. Why on earth do you think that I would do that to you again?
Michael: You misunderstand me, the point being I wouldn't blame you if you did. This time, I would understand if you turned to someone else.
Anita: Say hello to Santa's number-one supersexy elf! Ho, ho, ho!
Chelsea: Hey, mom.
Anita: Hi! Where's my little nugget?
Chelsea: Oh, I just put him down for a nap.
Anita: Good! Then he won't see this stash until Christmas.
Chelsea: All of that is for Connor?
Anita: Well, of course. I want to make sure my grandson has a happy Christmas. [Gasps] I didn't know you were designing baby clothes.
Chelsea: Oh. Um, I'm not -- not officially.
Anita: Who are you sewing for unofficially?
Chelsea: Well, this particular gown is for Victoria's baby.
Anita: Victoria and Billy's?
Chelsea: Yes. Billy is Katie's father.
Anita: And you're making designer clothes for her? Oh, that's so generous of you.
Chelsea: Billy has gone out of his way to be very good to Connor. I just thought I would do something for his daughter in return.
Anita: Hey, I'm not judging. I'm just so glad you took my advice.
Chelsea: What advice?
Anita: To up your game before you lose another man.
Sage: Are you serious? What the hell were you thinking?!
Adam: That I wasn't gonna give up an opportunity to see my wife and my son.
Sage: Chelsea could have recognized you.
Adam: She didn't.
Sage: You're taking too many chances here.
Adam: You know what, sage? For months, all I could do was sit back and watch my wife and my son on a computer screen. I had to sit and watch as Billy Abbott moved in and took over my family. It was devastating for me to see. And I finally get a chance to see them in person, and what happens? He swoops in like he owns them so I can see it up close and personal.
Sage: I think we should stay away from Genoa City for a while. This is obviously too much for you to handle. Besides, somebody might recognize us.
Adam: Us? What do you mean, "us"? What happened?
Sage: I ran in to your brother Nick.
Adam: Answer the question. Are you trying to ruin everything?
Devon: Are you cold?
Hilary: I'm good. Uh, I love Christmas -- the lights, the snow, caroling.
Devon: Fruitcake.
Hilary: Eww! Fruitcake? Ugh! I heard that there is only one in the whole world, and it keeps getting regifted. I think I got it like 10 times. You're serious? You like it?
Devon: Yeah. I like fruitcake. I think it should be a year-round thing. I'm gonna tell the chef at the club about it, actually.
Hilary: Oh, it's official -- you're weird.
Devon: This coming from the girl that's afraid of cows.
Hilary: I am never gonna live that down, am I?
Devon: No, you're not.
Hilary: I spend a whole night with you, stranded, and the only thing you remember is my fear of cows?
Devon: That's not true. I remember a lot about that night. I wish I could hold you like that night again.
Hilary: You can't, Devon -- not in public like this. What if Colin or cane saw?
Devon: Why don't we go somewhere private?
Hilary: Where?
Devon: Well, I have a new suite at the club. It's on a private floor, private entry, and you have to have a key to access it.
Hilary: Uh, I don't know.
Devon: I promise you no one will know we're there. We'll have all the privacy we need.
[Telephone rings]
Lily: [Gasps] Oh, my God. Ohh. Hello? Hector, hi. Um, yeah. The Rogers party of 12, yes. 14? Uh...okay. Can you just put a table on the end? Thank you. Bye. [Sighs] I'm sorry.
Neil: That's okay. You were sleeping so peacefully.
Lily: It's your reading. It always did the trick when I was little.
Neil: Oh, man. I wish I could read Moses to sleep, you know?
Lily: Dad, you will -- and any children that you and Hilary have. And if you ever want to practice with me, just let me know. I will help you -- okay? -- And with anything else that you need.
Neil: Like resisting a drink?
Lily: I know how hard it's been.
Neil: No, the hard part is not knowing. One day I'm telling myself that I'm gonna be blind for the rest of my life, and the next, I'm believing that I'm gonna see again someday.
Lily: Dad, I get it. I'm sure it's really hard to not drink. But, please, just call me, okay? Call me anytime. I don't care when it is. Whatever you need, whether you want to -- might want me to go to a meeting or hold your hand or just talk, I don't care. Just let me know, okay? I just remember [Sighs] What happened before, and... you were in a really dark place. And I will do anything to stop that from happening again.
Paul: All right. The files are on their way. Look them over and we can discuss assignments. Sounds good. Bye.
Christine: Well, the bloodwork came back. It's conclusive.
Paul: Oh. What case are we talking about?
Christine: The one where the handsome police chief is trying to start a family with his wife.
Paul: [Chuckles]
Christine: Is that the result you were hoping for? [Chuckles]
Nikki: Paul, I wanted to -- [Laughing] Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Paul: Oh, no, not at all. We are, uh... we're just celebrating.
Christine: [Chuckles]
Paul: That's all. Um... Chris and I are gonna have a baby.
Nikki: What?!
Paul: Yes.
Nikki: Oh, my God! Congratulations, both of you! It's wonderful!
Paul: And I have you to thank for it.
Nikki: [Chuckles]
Lauren: After everything that we've been through, you really think that I'd want to be with someone else?!
Michael: Our sex life has always been a big part of our relationship.
Lauren: And you make it sound like it's all to me.
Michael: You deserve more than a roommate. And I might be reduced to that, or worse -- someone totally dependent on you after undergoing my so-called treatment.
Lauren: So, what -- you just want me to go out and have an affair? You're giving me a free pass?
Michael: I'm giving you an out.
Lauren: I don't want an out!
Michael: You didn't sign up for this.
Lauren: The hell I didn't! In sickness and in health -- those were the vows that I took, and they weren't just words. I meant every single one of them!
Michael: Neither of us expected this.
Lauren: But that doesn't mean that I walk out on you! I love you! Cancer does not change that!
Michael: No! No, no! Cancer changes everything!
Lauren: It doesn't have to!
Michael: It will! And all that love you feel for me will just change to pity, and I won't be that! I will not be that! I refuse to be that person!
Chelsea: The christening gown is my way of showing Billy that I fully support him being part of his daughter's life.
Anita: Admirable but not a bright move. Victoria is gonna use that baby to reel him back in, and it's up to you to keep Billy as far away from them as possible.
Chelsea: Absolutely not. I am watching my son grow up without his father. There is no way I'm keeping Billy from his daughter.
Anita: Well, it's a slippery slope, darlin' -- one that Victoria and Billy have slid down before.
Chelsea: Just because they share a child doesn't mean they're getting back together. Johnny didn't bring me and Billy together.
Anita: No! He brought Victoria and Billy together!
Chelsea: Billy has made it very clear that everything he shared with her -- it's in the past.
Anita: You just keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll actually start to believe it.
Chelsea: I'm not stupid, okay? I know that Victoria will never completely be out of his life any more than Adam will be out of mine.
Adam: I have gone through countless surgeries. I have undergone months of physical therapy. I've given up my home, my family, my life, all so I could have some chance at a meaningful existence, not so you could come in and cozy up next to my ass of a brother.
Sage: I wasn't looking for a hookup. I was looking for lunch. I walked into a club, and he recognized me.
Adam: Oh, great. Well, you know what? If you would have left him in the woods like I asked you to, that wouldn't have happened.
Sage: If I would have left him in the woods, he would have died. I can't live with that. Can you?
Adam: Hmm. You know, being locked up in this tomb and pretending to be some old woman's dead ne'er-do-well grandson -- that's not my idea of living.
Sage: The man that you love to mock gave his life saving yours.
Adam: Yeah, and just when I get a chance to take advantage of that and go out in public, you ruin it! Or was that your plan all along?
Sage: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Adam: That's why you were so adamant about coming back with me to Genoa City, wasn't it? You wanted to make sure I never got my old life back.
Nikki: I'm the reason you and Christine are having a baby?
Paul: If Dylan hadn't donated a part of his liver, I wouldn't be here.
Nikki: Oh. Well, that's very true, but it sounds like you should be thanking him, not me.
Christine: I agree.
Paul: Well, I know how difficult it was for you to go looking for a son you thought was Ian's.
Nikki: Thank God that turned out not to be true.
Paul: But you didn't know that -- not when you took the very first step.
Nikki: I wouldn't have even begun this journey if it hadn't have been for Katherine's letter. She made me more brave than I was.
Paul: Well, I'm so grateful for giving me a chance to get to know my son... and a chance to be a father to this baby.
Nikki: Well, I'm very grateful to you. You never gave up, even when it seemed like there was no hope at all.
Christine: I'm just glad everything worked out the way it did. Looks like we all got what we wanted.
Paul: Some things are just meant to be.
Devon: Hey. Here's the key.
Hilary: Devon...
Devon: It's gonna be okay, all right? I'll meet you in the suite in a few minutes. Just go up there when you think it's safe. Okay?
Lily: My suspicions were right.
Nikki: Okay. I should let you two get back to celebrating your good news.
Paul: Oh, oh, wait. You never said why you came by.
Christine: No, you didn't.
Nikki: Oh. Well, you have heard about our Dylan's news?
Paul: Oh, you mean his and Avery's engagement?
Nikki: Yes, and I'm thrilled, and I just thought we could have a little party for them -- you know, nothing big, just maybe dinner with family and a few friends.
Paul: Yeah, I think that's a great idea.
Christine: That's very thoughtful of you.
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Christine: Um, you know, I'm sure there's something on my desk that needs my attention, so I'm gonna go. If you need any help with the party, let us know, and I guess we will have our discussion later.
Nikki: Eek. Sorry.
Paul: No, it's all right. She's been, uh, really emotional lately. But her offer to help with the party was very sincere. If there is anything we can do...
Nikki: Actually, there is. I was hoping you would host it with me.
Sage: You ungrateful -- all I have done since Gabriel saved your miserable life is help you! I sat next to you after all your surgeries. I went to all your physical-therapy sessions. I helped you on my own for hours. I held your hand through all the sweat and all the pain, and this is how you thank me?! I don't even know why I bother with you.
Adam: Yeah, you do. We both do.
Sage: If anyone's gonna blow it here, it's gonna be you. You are putting yourself at risk by talking to Chelsea.
Adam: No. She didn't suspect a thing.
Sage: But Constance will if you keep calling out your wife's name in your sleep or she sees those photos.
Adam: I can handle grandma.
Sage: Okay, so fine -- you can explain your dreams, you can explain that, but you cannot hide from your nasty disposition.
Adam: Right, yeah, because St. Gabriel spread joy and sunshine everywhere he went.
Sage: Gabriel wasn't a saint, but he had a big heart, and he never took out his anger on the people that he loved.
Adam: Well, maybe if I led the charmed life he did, I wouldn't, either.
Sage: No, he had his fair share of heartache and disappointments. He was devastated when his father died. But it didn't turn him into an insufferable ass!
Adam: Well, maybe because he never knew what it was like not to be good enough in his father's eyes... or what it was like to stand there and watch your son go blind, knowing you couldn't do a damn thing about it.
Sage: Except run down a child with your car and take her eyes.
Adam: Damn it! That is not what happened!
Sage: That's the anger I'm talking about.
Adam: Yeah, I'm angry. I'm angry that I got to sit here and pretend to be somebody else while Billy Abbott takes over my life.
Hilary: Lily, I-I don't know what you think is going on --
Lily: I talked to you guys about this on thanksgiving, but I feel like dad is struggling, and I was right. There is a reason to be worried.
Devon: I just saw him not that long ago. He seemed fine.
Hilary: Yeah. I asked him straight out how he was doing, and he said he was okay.
Lily: Well, he's not.
Hilary: Listen, I know that he went through a rough patch when he first lost his sight, but after Malcolm's visit, he really did turn a corner.
Devon: Maybe you're overreacting.
Lily: You know, I don't think that you would be saying that if you saw him trying to read a children's book just now.
Devon: There's gonna be some bumps in the road, but I think he's coping as well as could be expected.
Lily: Devon, he said that he's one drink away from giving in. Is that coping to you?
Lauren: Okay, uh, look... you're just too -- you're overwhelmed, you know? How could you not be? You've just been told you have cancer.
Michael: Mm. You never think it's gonna happen to you.
Lauren: It does. Together, we'll fight this.
Michael: No. This is my fight.
Lauren: It's not, Michael. Come on.
Michael: You will not pay the price of my illness.
Lauren: I told you that I would be here in the good and the bad, and, yes, this is bad. This is really bad. But you know what's worse? Losing you. I am not gonna let that happen. I am gonna fight cancer and anything else, because losing you is not an option.
Michael: We have to face the realities of the situation.
Lauren: That's right. Let's face them head-on. I am ready to kick cancer's ass. But I can't. I can't do it alone. You have to do whatever you need to do to beat this.
Fenmore: Beat what?
Lauren: Aww. Look at that face. [Chuckles]
Michael: Welcome home. Welcome home!
Lauren: So, did I miss something? I thought you were flying in tonight.
Fenmore: I caught an earlier flight. What were you talking about when I walked in? It sounded pretty intense?
Michael: Oh, it's a -- it's a case I'm working on.
Fenmore: Hmm. The same one you were working on the last time I was here?
Michael: Actually, it is. Yes.
Fenmore: It is? Wow. That must be some case. I never heard mom speak so passionately about your work.
Michael: It is definitely something that I haven't faced before.
Fenmore: I thought you'd seen everything.
Michael: Me, too. Me, too. I'm, you know, just not really sure how to help this particular client. It's -- it's really tricky, and if I make the wrong move, it could be very devastating for him.
Fenmore: That's a lot of pressure.
Michael: More than you know.
Lauren: Honey, let's sit down. Let's sit down. So, you got through finals. That's a good thing.
Fenmore: Oh, yeah.
Lauren: Tell us about frat life, about your love life.
Fenmore: Oh, come on. I'm not gonna tell you about all that.
Lauren: Come on. Tell us...something.
Fenmore: I'm really just ready for a break.
Lauren: Is everything okay?
Fenmore: Yeah. You know, it's just a lot of studying, a lot of partying, lots of pressure.
Lauren: Not, uh...
Fenmore: Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm finally in a place where I don't feel like I need to take drugs to cope with all that stress, and there is plenty of it, which is why I'm looking forward to this ski trip -- you know, no books, no classes. I'm just gonna kick back.
Michael: All right. You know what? I tell you what. I think -- I think you should call your friends, you should head up to Canada tomorrow, and you should get an early start on your vacation.
Lauren: Oh, now that's a great idea. Why don't I call the airline?
Fenmore: Whoa. What's going on? Why are you rushing me out of here?
Sage: You need to control your anger. You're not the only person that has a lot riding on this plan.
Adam: I know what's at stake, sage, for both of us.
Sage: That's not just what I'm talking about. If the truth of your identity comes out, I could be charged with harboring a fugitive, and it's gonna kill Constance if she finds out that her grandson died saving you.
Adam: Well, you know, spare me the tears. I feel like that old woman's probably 10 years past her expiration date.
Sage: You are so heartless!
Adam: Yes, I know. I'm a horrible, horrible human being. I've heard it all before.
Sage: My God! If I go to prison because of you --
Adam: Look, will you relax, sage? No one's going to prison, okay? Our trip to Genoa City proves that. No one suspected a thing -- Sharon, Noah, Chelsea... not even my old man.
Sage: What?
Adam: Yeah. I had a little run-in with the great one himself. He was rude, abrupt, smug. He was actually the most pleasant he's ever been to me. I fooled him.
Chelsea: I'm not gonna give Billy a hard time about his past, especially when I know how hard it is for him to deal with mine.
Anita: Yours?
Chelsea: Every time I mention Adam's name, it brings him back to the night that Delia was killed. All of that pain, all of that anger -- it's still very fresh for him. But he knows how important it is for me to keep Adam's memory alive for Connor's sake, so he's trying not to let his feelings for Adam come between us. So, I'm not gonna let his connection to Victoria do that, either.
Anita: There's just one big difference here -- Adam's dead, and Victoria is very much alive.
Chelsea: Oh, my God. Mom, he's not going back to her, okay?
Anita: What has happened to you? You used to be so good at reading people and situations, and now you're ignoring what's right in front of your eyes.
Chelsea: I have a feeling you're gonna tell me what that is.
Anita: Reality. Billy is spending more and more time with Victoria and their kids at that storybook house with the picket fence and romping through their backyard with the swing set.
Chelsea: Yes, and then always coming home to me.
Anita: Until one day... he looks around at you and at Adam's son and your shiny penthouse and he says, "hmm. I guess the grass wasn't greener over here."
Lily: Dad has been putting on this act that he's fine. That's all it is -- an act. He's not that far from losing his sobriety.
Hilary: Did something happen to push Neil so close to the edge?
Lily: I think it's just the general stress of being blind. And I'm sure Phyllis taking over his job at Jabot wasn't easy for him.
Devon: Yeah, but don't forget, that was his decision to step down.
Lily: Yeah, 'cause he thought it was best for Jack and the company, and now we have to do what's best for him. He can't stay sober without our support.
Hilary: Is he still in your office?
Lily: He was when I left.
Hilary: I'm gonna go talk to him.
Devon: Um... is there anything that I can do?
Lily: You can answer me question. Why did you invite Hilary to come to your private suite?
Nikki: I will see if Dylan and Avery are free on that date, and then we can talk about a guest list.
Paul: Sounds good.
Christine: Hey. You're still here.
Nikki: Oh, I'm just leaving. I'm sorry. I'll let you know about their availability, Paul.
Paul: Okay.
Nikki: Congratulations again. It really is just such wonderful news.
Paul: It is. A lot of that going around -- for us, for Dylan and Avery, and you've got a new granddaughter.
Nikki: Hey, it must be in the water. [Chuckles] It really is nice, after the hell we went through with Ian this Summer.
Paul: I know how much strength and courage it took not to let him get to you.
Nikki: I could have handled things better.
Paul: No, I totally disagree. I mean, look at the three of us standing here. We are proof that Ian ward didn't get to any of us.
Fenmore: Wow. I'm barely in the door, and you're already trying to get rid of me.
Lauren: Oh, no. Of course not.
Michael: Of course we aren't.
Fenmore: Then why are you trying to rush me on the slopes?
Michael: Because you deserve a break. Your mother and I both know what a tough year you've had.
Fenmore: It's been interesting.
Lauren: Fen, you've worked so hard to get your life back on track.
Fenmore: I'm not gonna lie. It wasn't easy. I get a bad grade, a girl blows me off, I get thrown off a little. But thank God I have not been thrown any major curveballs lately.
Michael: And we want to keep it that way, so you go. You be with your friends. Have fun. Hit the slopes. It'll be a great holiday.
Fenmore: [Chuckles] Has to be better than last year, right? That murder charge over my head, being under house arrest -- I can't imagine a Christmas worse than that.
Devon: [Sighs]
Lily: So, are you gonna answer my question now?
Devon: Yeah. Of course I am. There's a simple explanation.
Lily: What is it?
Devon: I have no idea what to get Gwen for Christmas, and I asked Hilary if she would sit and brainstorm with me over some gift ideas.
Lily: Well, why didn't you ask me?
Devon: Because I figured you'd probably give me a hard time for not knowing her well enough to be able to pick out a gift on my own.
Lily: And would I be wrong?
Devon: Is this gonna be another lecture?
Lily: No. Look, I'm not trying to annoy you. I care about you. And I want to make sure that you're with someone who loves you for you and not your money.
Devon: I appreciate the vote of confidence.
Lily: You're a good person, Devon, and you always see the good in people. I just want to make sure that you don't get hurt.
Devon: I know that, and I appreciate you for it. I'm not gonna get hurt. I'm very happy. I'm as happy as I've ever been because of this amazing woman in my life.
Hilary: Hi.
Neil: Hi. I bet I can guess who told you I was here.
Hilary: Yeah. I ran in to lily downstairs.
Neil: Yeah? Did you? Did she tell you that I was tempted to drink?
Hilary: Why didn't you tell me?
Neil: Okay, Hilary. I know that we promised each other that we'd have an honest and open relationship, but, to be honest, I was totally ashamed that I would even think about taking a drink when alcohol has helped to destroy your family, honey.
Hilary: Neil, what happened to my mom --
Neil: Was partly my fault.
Hilary: No. She was the one who gave in to the disease.
Neil: You have every right to be angry with me.
Hilary: I'm angry at myself... for not being there for you.
Neil: It's okay. So, here you are right now. It's all right. Hey... there's something that I really want you to do for me.
Chelsea: He's still sleeping.
Anita: Well, let's go wake him up.
Chelsea: Mom.
Anita: Come on! I want to give him some of this loot!
Chelsea: Well, I thought you said, "no peeking."
Anita: Well, there's still plenty for Christmas. Come on. Let's go wake him up.
Chelsea: [Laughing] Mom, no. He needs to sleep.
Anita: Well, without him here to distract me, then I'm gonna have more time to focus on you and Billy and what's going on here.
Chelsea: You know, I don't think that's necessary.
Anita: I asked you a question, remember?
Chelsea: No.
Anita: You used to be a better liar than that.
Chelsea: What do you want me to say? What do you want me to say -- that I'm scared Billy's gonna go back to her?
Anita: You've always known where Billy's heart lies.
Chelsea: If he wants to be with Victoria, I can't stop him.
Anita: I agree, darling, but you don't have to build a bridge to get him there. Okay. I got to go.
[Door opens, closes]
Sage: You accuse me of trying to sabotage the plan and you let your father see you?
Adam: Yeah. We ended up in the same elevator.
Sage: Oh, my God. You were that close to him?
Adam: Yeah.
Sage: Did you have a conversation with him?
Adam: Yeah. I mean, we pretty much, you know, picked up where we left off. I spoke. He pretended I wasn't there.
Sage: Oh, cue the violins.
Adam: No, I'm -- I'm way past letting the old man affect me. It's hard to get hurt by somebody you barely knew.
Sage: Well, he's your father. You must have felt something when you saw him.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah. I felt a lot... none of it good.
Sage: Isn't the ultimate goal for you to get closer to your family again?
Adam: Yeah, my family... not Victor Newman.
Sage: You gonna be able to pull this off?
Adam: What?
Sage: Gabriel was very devoted to his father. When Mr. Bingham died --
Adam: Oh, I see. You don't think I can fake that kind of devotion.
Sage: Well, considering how you feel about your own father, no.
Adam: Well, you know, I really don't have a choice, do I? Pretending to be your old pal Gabe -- that's the only way I'm gonna be able to get my family back.
Sage: Did you ever think that Chelsea may have moved on so maybe you should, too?
Adam: Move on to what, sage?
Sage: A new life. You know, don't just pretend to be Gabriel. Be him. Forget about Adam Newman and all those people that he left behind.
Adam: That's never gonna happen.
Christine: So, now you and Nikki are co-hosting this engagement party together?
Paul: Well, Nikki thought it would be a nice gift from both of Dylan's parents, but if you don't want me to do it --
Christine: No. No. I would never keep you from being involved in your son's life.
Paul: Well, thank you.
Christine: You're welcome. I'm just glad you don't have to make up for lost time with this child.
Paul: You're not upset that I told Nikki about the baby, are you? I mean, I thought since we had confirmation from the doctor, it didn't matter.
Christine: I am glad you're excited.
Paul: I am excited. You know, it's not my first kid, but it, uh -- it feels like it. It does. I hope I'm good at it.
Christine: What are you talking about? Of course you're gonna be good at it.
Paul: And how do you know that? I've never done it before.
Christine: I know you, and I know you are kind and loving and patient.
Paul: Well, I wasn't around. I bailed on my first two.
Christine: Oh, come on. You are a good man, and you are going to be a wonderful father.
Paul: You really think so?
Christine: Yes, I do. I think this child is so lucky to have you as a dad.
Paul: Mm. I think I'm the lucky one.
Neil: Hilary, baby, thank you so much for bringing me.
Hilary: Oh, of course. Do you want me to come in with you?
Neil: Oh, I wish you could, but this meeting is for people on the program only, so...
Hilary: Okay. I'll see you after, then.
Neil: Okay. Is this it?
Hilary: Mm-hmm. It's right here.
Neil: All right. Thank you.
Who'd like to start?
Nikki: I'm sorry. I really can't.
It's okay. You'll talk when you're ready. Would anyone else like to speak?
Neil: Yeah. I'd like to share. [Clears throat] Um... my name is Neil, and I'm an alcoholic.
All: Hi, Neil.
Neil: Hi. So, it's, uh -- it's been too long since I've been to a meeting. You know, my, uh -- my life has been very heavy as of late. Um, recently... I became blind in an accident, and, you know, I am really good at wallowing in my misery and thinking, "pour me a drink -- just one drink," you know? "No one will know." But, uh, that's what we're good at, right? We hide our disease from the people we love because we don't want to disappoint them. I finally told my daughter the truth. I didn't hide. And I didn't pick up a drink, either. I came to a meeting. So, here I am. I'm still sober, and I, uh -- I'm grateful. I'm grateful for all of you, because I can't do this thing on my own. Nobody can.
Hilary: He's in the meeting now.
Devon: Well, that's good. Um, how are you doing?
Hilary: I should have seen he was struggling.
Devon: Hilary, don't do that to yourself.
Hilary: My husband needed me, and I wasn't there. I was --
Devon: You were with me.
Hilary: I should go. He's gonna be out any minute.
Devon: All right. Well, I'll, uh -- I'll talk to you later.
Hilary: Devon?
Devon: Yeah?
Hilary: About Christmas -- you should invite Gwen.
Fenmore: Are you sure you're okay with me going tomorrow?
Michael: Positive.
Fenmore: I just -- you know, I feel bad, bailing so close to Christmas.
Michael: We will be fine.
Fenmore: Okay. I'll see you later.
Lauren: Okay. Bye. Now, don't stay out too late. You have a very early flight in the morning.
Fenmore: Okay.
Lauren: Be safe, honey.
[Door opens, closes]
Lauren: Wow. I really hate lying to him.
Michael: You heard him. He can't handle any more stress right now.
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah, I know. All right. So, uh, now that he's gone, let's talk about these treatment options.
Michael: After the holidays.
Lauren: Michael, come on.
Michael: I want to enjoy Christmas with my family.
Lauren: Okay. And then we'll face this together, right?
Michael: I promise.
Lauren: [Chuckles]
Chelsea: I know you.
Adam: Oh, I-I don't think so.
Chelsea: I'm sure of it. I-I recognize you from somewhere. I just can't place it.
Adam: You're right. Um... you're right. The other day at the athletic club, I was there. What a handsome boy you got there. [Chuckles]
Chelsea: He takes after his father.
Adam: Lucky man.
Chelsea: Adam? It's you. It's really you.
Adam: Yes. Yes.
Chelsea: Oh, my God. [Crying] You came back! You came back to us! [Crying]
Adam: I'm never leaving you again.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Mariah: I know when someone is being a hypocrite, and right now, that's you.
Billy: This is getting to be a habit.
Jack: Who the hell are you?
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