Y&R Transcript Monday 12/8/14
Episode # 10550 ~ Ashley & Stitch turn up the heat; Devon & Hilary's rendezvous is interrupted; Adam sees Chelsea.
Provided By Suzanne
Ashley: Oh, my God! Are you okay? What are you --
Stitch: Whoa.
Ashley: Whoa. Whoa.
Stitch: Wait, whoa. What is it?
Ashley: You're drunk.
Stitch: Huh?
Ashley: Yeah.
Stitch: No, no, no. No. I'm just -- I'm just -- I'm just --
Ashley: Whoa! Hold on there. We have an incredibly important research meeting tomorrow, and this is how you prepare for it?
Stitch: Ashley, I swear --
Ashley: Don't even bother, okay? I know smashed when I see it. You're smashed.
Stitch: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. It's just --
Ashley: Okay. Let me guess. It finally just sunk in -- Victoria's baby isn't yours.
Stitch: Hey, Victoria. It's me. Listen, I'd like to see you and the baby. Once I finish up with work, I'll stop by. I'd really like to catch up.
Billy: Hey, little one, I'm your dad, don't freak out, it ain't all bad, the good news is you got your mom, trust me, kid, she's the bomb. [Chuckles] What's wrong?
Victoria: You used to sing that to Dee Dee.
[Cell phone rings]
Chelsea: [Sighs] Graham, what's up? Yeah. I thought we were supposed to look at fabrics tomorrow morning. Oh, yeah. No problem. We can move it to the afternoon. Mm-hmm. Did you send the sketches to Jack?
Gwen: You didn't.
Devon: Oh, I did. Yeah. I sang the entire song in my boxers. I was the hit at karaoke night, though. I was like a superstar -- rock star, actually.
Gwen: How much you have to drink to be a rock star?
Devon: A lot.
Gwen: Oh, yeah?
Devon: Hey, Hilary. This is a nice surprise.
Hilary: Yeah. The night's just full of surprises.
Phyllis: I appreciate your meeting me.
Neil: Well, of course, Phyllis. Jack thought it was gonna be a good idea for us to touch base, so...
Phyllis: It's a little awkward -- me taking your job.
Neil: Yeah, well, don't feel awkward about it. I can't think of anyone better to, you know, head up Jabot's fashion line.
Phyllis: Awfully big shoes to fill.
Neil: I think you'll do just fine in your new position.
Phyllis: Thank you. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna ask for your help.
Neil: Phyllis, you can count on it, just like I know that Billy can count on your advice and support in r&D.
Phyllis: Neil winters.
Neil: What?
Phyllis: You may not be able to see, but you have not lost a step, my friend.
Neil: [Laughs] Very funny. You know, Jack has rearranged a lot of things here just because he wants what's best for the company.
Phyllis: And I have high hopes that those changes he's made will work out. If they don't, I'm gonna have to do some rearranging of my own.
Neil: Wow, Phyllis! Look who hasn't lost a step at all. I mean, your yearlong nap hasn't changed you one bit, has it, huh?
Phyllis: Thank you, I think.
Neil: Phyllis... we've had a lot of differences in our time, haven't we? But can I tell you that I am very happy that you're healthy and you're back here?
Phyllis: Oh. I doubt everyone agrees with you.
Lily: Oh, hey, Kelly! I have to talk to you.
Kelly: Oh, yeah -- about the bears club banquet?
Lily: No, no, no. There's a couple that wants to plan their wedding here, and they insisted that you do it.
Kelly: It's not bad enough that Phyllis rubs her engagement ring in my face?! Now you expect me to plan her engagement party and her wedding, too?!
Lily: No, no, no! I just --
Kelly: I won't do it!
Lily: Okay. Calm down. It's not Jack and Phyllis. It's another couple.
Kelly: Sorry.
Lily: That's fine.
Kelly: No, it's not. I'm sorry I can't smile and be happy and friendly with clients and help them plan their birthday parties and their weddings and their celebrations.
Lily: Okay, relax. Listen, why don't you just take a few days off of work, okay?
Kelly: I think it would just be better for everybody if I quit.
Jack: If there are any trees left on Christmas eve, I want to cover the cost of donating them to local shelters or safe houses or anyone, actually, who needs them.
Amy: Oh, that's very nice of you, but somebody's already taken care of that.
Jack: I can only guess who. Never mind. I-I'll make a donation. In the meantime, take this. I want to help in any way I can, okay?
Amy: Well, have you picked out your tree yet?
Jack: As a matter of fact, I have. Come with me. I want to impress my fiancée this year, and I think I found the baby. This is my tree.
Victor: Well, too bad, Jack. That tree is already taken.
Jack: First you take over Phyllis' medical care, and now you're gonna co-opt her Christmas tree?
Victor: Do I need to remind you that I'm the one who gave Phyllis her life back -- something you obviously couldn't do? I'm here to make a charitable donation.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're the one who called my assistant, insisting I come here to buy a tree.
Victor: Are we paranoid now?
Jack: Amy, send this tree to my house.
Victor: Amy, I offer you double of what Mr. Abbott --
Jack: I will triple it!
Victor: And I will buy the whole damn lot.
Jack: Are you really gonna one-up me at a charity?
Victor: Do you honestly think I have to one-up you?
Jack: You live for it!
Victor: I live to make my family happy -- something you have a habit of interfering with, like right now.
Nikki: Victor, you're fighting at a Christmas-tree lot, where people are here to try to do something good and decent? Amy, I am sorry. We will get back to you about the trees.
Jack: Your husband's not here to do anything good and decent. He's up to something. I don't know what it is, but it's not charity. He's the one who tricked me to get here.
Nikki: Really? I believe I asked both of you to come here so you could contribute to a lovely charity, but, as usual, you've turned it into something ugly.
Jack: Maybe you're behind this, but he's still up to something.
Victor: I am here to buy a damn tree, Jack.
Jack: Or maybe you're here to get information on Ashley's new project at Jabot.
Victor: Why would I give a damn about something that is bound to fail?
Ashley: Drink it.
Stitch: [Sighs]
Ashley: Drink it -- all of it.
Stitch: Hey, look, you don't have to babysit me.
Ashley: I have to make sure that my brilliant chemist who solved the problem of my groundbreaking new fragrance is able to show up at the crucial in-house meeting tomorrow and not the hungover loser of the baby sweepstakes.
Stitch: Ohh! Wow. Your concern is so touching.
Ashley: You know what? I'm trying to speak plainly to you. Do you have any idea how much Jabot has invested in this project?
Stitch: You know, you should cut your losses 'cause your love potion -- you know, it's a waste of time.
Ashley: I know you don't really feel that way.
Stitch: Yeah, I do.
Ashley: No, you don't.
Stitch: It hit me like a ton of bricks tonight.
Ashley: No, it's just the booze talking.
Stitch: Listen, drunk, sober, there is no such thing as true love, okay? It doesn't exist! It's a crock!
Ashley: Ben... you had to have a good idea there was a chance this baby was Billy's.
Stitch: Yeah, I know. I-I took biology. I was ready for that.
Ashley: Then what weren't you ready for?
Stitch: Seeing Billy and Victoria and that little girl looking like the perfect family.
Billy: Yeah, I guess I have been singing that number for a while.
Victoria: Yeah. You sang it to Johnny, too.
Billy: Yeah, and to Dee Dee.
[Baby crying] Oh. Lost your pacifier. There you go. All better?
Victoria: You're so good with her. I don't know why that would surprise me. You've always had a way with the ladies.
Billy: [Chortles] Yeah -- a way of making them hate me. Look what I did to you.
Victoria: I survived.
Billy: I-I should go. But you... are in great hands, kiddo.
Victoria: Oh. Okay. Well, thanks for helping us. And thanks for the tree.
Billy: Yeah. It looks awesome.
Victoria: Yeah. We definitely do some things right.
Billy: You know, I just -- I wish that -- [Chuckles] Better save my wishes for Christmas, huh?
Victoria: Yeah. Oh, don't forget -- Delia's ornament.
Billy: Thanks.
Chelsea: [Sighs]
Sage: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no! You can't!
[Cell phone rings]
Victoria: You... better get that.
Billy: Yeah. [Sighs] Hey, Chels. What's up?
Chelsea: I was wondering if you found someone to give our extra Christmas tree to.
Billy: Yeah. I just dropped it off.
Chelsea: Huh. Well, I'm sure you found it a great home.
Billy: I did. So, um, how was your meeting?
Chelsea: Oh, I just finished, so I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at the club for a drink.
Billy: Sure. Sure. I'll -- I'll be -- I'll be there in a little bit.
Chelsea: Okay.
Billy: I... I'd better get going.
Victoria: Oh, yeah. Well, don't let us keep you.
Billy: Listen, thanks for this. It'll be front and center on our tree. I'll make sure it gets its own spotlight.
Victoria: Delia would like that.
Billy: Yeah, she would. And I will expect one of these from you one day, peach.
Victoria: [Chuckles]
Billy: Okay? Well, I'll see you later.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. Bye.
Adam: Get out of my way, sage.
Sage: You can't talk to her.
Adam: You can't stop me.
Sage: You're not ready for this. You're going to risk everything. You have to leave with me right now.
Adam: I'm not leaving yet.
Jack: You know what? Take the tree. Take the whole damn lot if it'll make you happy.
Victor: You have no idea what makes me happy, Jack, do you?
Jack: Oh, I'll bet a little inside information about Ashley's project at Jabot might do the trick.
Victor: Becoming delusional now?
Nikki: Do I have to remind you two why we are here? We're trying to raise money for families who have no hope -- give them something to look forward to. And also, the trees that we have in our own homes are very significant this year, so we have a lot to celebrate.
Victor: I am very much looking forward to seeing Summer open presents at the ranch with the rest of the family.
Jack: And I'm looking forward to her spending time at my house, enjoying Christmas with her mother.
Nikki: You're hopeless. You're hopeless -- both of you.
Jack: You know what? I'll share. That's what Christmas is about, right? Time of sharing -- sharing time with your family, not trying to own them.
Victor: You mean like staking a claim to Adam?
Jack: I was a friend to Adam.
Victor: I was his father.
Jack: Yeah, I know, and if you hadn't blackmailed him when you found out he was responsible for Delia's death, he might still be here.
Victor: You don't know a damn thing about my relationship with Adam, do you?
Jack: You didn't have one.
Nikki: All right. Will you two please stop this now? We have a new life to celebrate. We owe it to little Katie and our families to make this a time of peace. Now end this.
Neil: You make it sound like people are rooting against you.
Phyllis: Well, Neil, I've never really been the most popular person in this town, nor with you.
Neil: That's ancient history. It was all a long time ago. You know, a lot of things have changed since then.
Phyllis: Yep. Now I'm playing catch-up.
Neil: That can't be easy.
Phyllis: Well, it's really no different than what you're going through. I'm trying to find my way through familiar territory with blinders on.
Neil: I am not gonna let that stop me from reclaiming my life or a full-time position right here. This is my home -- Jabot -- you know?
Phyllis: Should I be worried?
Neil: You should be looking over your shoulder. I'll get there soon, you know, but I got a ways to go before I work in anything other than an advisory capacity, because right now all I'm working on is, you know, not bumping into things and bruising myself.
Phyllis: Darlin', you're not the only one.
Neil: Really? The great Phyllis Newman? I didn't know you weren't bulletproof or bruiseproof.
Phyllis: Well, you know what? Maybe I'm not as tough as I thought I was.
Neil: Oh, come on. That's a hell of an admission for you to make. You know what I think? Here's some advice. You should strengthen yourself a little bit -- toughen up, you know? You were in a coma for -- what was it, a year?
Phyllis: Yes, which means I cannot waste any more time. I got a second chance, Neil. I want to make the most of it.
Neil: Somebody just echoed those exact words to me recently, and you know this person. Actually, they're a good friend of yours.
Phyllis: Really? I don't have many of those. I bet it was Malcolm.
Neil: Yeah, Malcolm. Yeah, Malcolm. He heard about my accident, and he stopped in to see me as he was going from somewhere to somewhere. You know him.
Phyllis: Yeah. How is my old buddy doing?
Neil: Mr. Smooth and charming is doing great. A successful career -- he's having a good life. But, you know, the most important thing is we sat down and we discussed some of my issues. He helped me face my blindness.
Phyllis: That sounds like Malcolm. I'm glad he came by to see you. And, you know, Neil, facing your blindness doesn't mean letting it defeat you.
Hilary: I didn't realize you two were seeing each other -- I mean, for real.
Devon: Oh, we didn't plan this.
Gwen: We just both happened to show up here. It's like we're on the same wavelength.
Hilary: Oh, terrific!
Devon: Yeah.
Gwen: I'm not surprised, though. I could tell we clicked on our first date.
Hilary: Well, that wasn't really a first date.
Gwen: It seemed like it. Didn't it, Devon?
Devon: Well, yeah. I think everything worked out the way we hoped. I know that lily and Neil believe that you're my girlfriend, so...
Gwen: Ironic, isn't it -- how I pretended to be "the one" and now we're here on a real date? Who knows?
Hilary: Well, this isn't a real date, either. And besides, Devon is still not ready to settle down.
Gwen: I didn't realize how involved you were in your stepson's life.
Hilary: Well, I don't really see Devon as my stepson.
Devon: Hey, how 'bout I get another round for everyone? Be right back.
Hilary: Listen, Gwen, you know, Devon really appreciates you pretending to be his girlfriend, but you don't -- you don't have to keep up the charade. You know, you can stop now.
Gwen: This isn't pretending.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Ashley: Yeah, just shut up and drink it.
Stitch: All right.
Ashley: [Sighs] And you know what? The next time you decide you're gonna be a stalker, maybe you should ease up on the tequila just a little bit -- make sure that what you're looking at through the window is really the reunion of a happy family and not just two divorced people that are sharing custody of their child.
Stitch: You think I'm a real idiot, don't you?
Ashley: For getting drunk the night before a meeting that could make or break a product that I've staked my entire career on? Yeah, I do think you're an idiot, actually. Tobias.
Tobias: I...didn't expect anyone to, uh, be here this late.
Ashley: Yeah. I'm kind of surprised to see you.
Tobias: I forgot my tablet.
Ashley: Okay. This is dr. Russell. He's heading up the, uh -- the product, the fragrance product. He's my chemist.
Tobias: It's nice to meet you, dr. Russell.
Stitch: Boom. Call me "stitch," Toby.
Tobias: You can call me "Tobias."
Ashley: Tobias has been transferred over from research. He's helping us out in the lab for a while.
Stitch: Well, welcome aboard, matey.
Ashley: You'll have to excuse dr. Russell. We've been working overtime, prepping for an important meeting tomorrow.
Tobias: Well, I won't keep you. I just need to, uh, grab this.
Ashley: Hey, Tobias, stop. I know what's going on. I know the real reason why you're here tonight.
Victor: You're absolutely right, my darling. We owe it to our granddaughter to let bygones be bygones and embrace the Christmas spirit.
Jack: I agree.
Victor: In that case, just take the damn tree, Jack.
Jack: I don't want the tree. Besides, you've already probably bugged it.
Nikki: [Sighs] My God. I think you both missed your naps today. For heaven's sake!
Jack: I wish you and your family nothing but the best for the holiday season. Enjoy your tree. Amy, got anything bigger than this?
Amy: We have some 12-footers over there.
Jack: Perfect. Let's look at 'em.
Victor: Well, I tried.
Nikki: Yes, I suppose. Now I have to get back to Victoria's. I promised her I'd help her with the baby. I didn't think you would mind.
Victor: No, baby! Of course I don't mind. You go ahead. I have some business to take care of.
Nikki: No more fighting. No more fighting, Victor.
Victor: All right. All right.
Nikki: Promise me.
Victor: At least until after new year's.
Nikki: Make it thanksgiving -- you have a deal.
Victor: Okay. That's it. Right. All right. Um... Christmas trees are going fast around here. It's the, uh, lot in the park. Why don't you mosey on over here, okay?
Lily: Kelly, wait. Just wait.
Kelly: No, I've made up my mind, lily.
Lily: No, stop it. Stop. You are not a quitter. You always fight back, so fight back now and don't let Phyllis win.
Kelly: She already has!
Lily: No, she hasn't. Jack is just trying to recapture something that doesn't really exist. He always ends up seeing her for who she really is, and he will this time, too. And he's gonna realize that his future is with you.
Kelly: So, what -- I'm the anti-Phyllis?
[Both chuckle]
Lily: You know what? It's not a bad thing, okay?
Kelly: [Chuckles]
Lily: Please. Just tell me you'll stay, please.
Kelly: I'll stay.
Lily: Good. But still, take the night off. Just -- I don't know -- go get a Christmas tree or something, you know? It's the season of hope. Just don't give up on yours.
Kelly: I'll try.
Lily: Jack is gonna realize the past is just that.
Kelly: I hope so. Thanks.
Lily: Yeah.
Adam: What the hell are you doing here?
Sage: You made a deal with Constance. I am supposed to come to town with you.
Adam: Well, maybe I said that, but there's no way in hell I meant it. I don't need you chaperoning, watching my every move.
Sage: You think I want to be doing this right now?
Adam: Well, I've given up trying to figure out what it is that you want, other than to make my life miserable.
Sage: You shouldn't be here. You're not strong enough. You missed your medication today.
Adam: You're right. I did miss my medication. Let's remedy that. Bartender, can I get a scotch, please? You know what? Make it a double, actually. Thank you. Perfect. Just what the doctor ordered.
Sage: I am taking you home right now.
Billy: Hey, tony, can you send a scotch over to my table? Yeah. Uh, actually, make it a double, like that one.
Billy: Hey, you.
Chelsea: Hi.
Neil: You know, Phyllis, there's really no need to worry about me giving up. I'm actually in conference with a doctor right now -- this excellent doctor -- who's come up with this cutting-edge technique I'm excited about because it could help me maybe restore my eyesight. Nothing short of a miracle, huh?
Phyllis: Well, you know I'm the poster child for miracles.
Neil: Hey, um, any chance that you might share that poster with me?
Phyllis: I will happily step aside for you.
Neil: Thanks, Phyllis.
Jack: Hi, you two! How's it going?
Neil: Look who it is! It's Jack Abbott! Uh, I think we're finished here, right?
Phyllis: Yes. Neil has agreed to ease me into my new position as head of fashion in exchange that I'm nice to your brother.
Neil: Like that?
Jack: Wow. You drive a hard bargain! So, since you two are finished, how 'bout we go for a walk in the park? It is a gorgeous night. The sky is full of stars.
Neil: Oh, Jack, I didn't know you cared.
Jack: You're welcome to join us.
Neil: Oh, thanks, but stargazing isn't exactly at the top of my list, so...
Phyllis: Hey, I'll hold your hand, describe the constellations to you. I can do that.
Neil: Thank you, Phyllis. That's very sweet of you. Jack, you've got a good lady here. I-I'm hoping that one day soon I'll be able to look up in the night sky and see those stars for myself and all the beautiful people in my life.
Hilary: Like I said, Devon and I -- we are both grateful to you [Chuckles] For pretending to be his girlfriend, but, um, you really -- you don't have to anymore, okay?
Gwen: I'm trying to tell you I want to pursue something with Devon. I mean, why not? He doesn't have a girlfriend.
Hilary: Yeah, well, there's a reason for that.
Gwen: Oh?
Hilary: Devon -- he's -- he's very picky about the girls that he goes out with.
Gwen: Are you sure it's Devon who's picky and not you?
Hilary: Me? Why would you say that?
Gwen: I just get the feeling... that you don't think anyone's good enough for him.
Hilary: Yeah. I guess I can be a little protective. But it's no secret that Devon has more money than fort Knox, and it has brought him his fair share of gold diggers.
Gwen: And you think I'm one of them?
Hilary: No. No. I'm not -- I'm not saying that. I'm just -- [Sighs] I'm just saying that Devon -- he's so much more than his bank account. He's sweet and he's sensitive and he goes out of his way to help people that he cares about and -- [Sighs]
Gwen: Wow. The more you talk about him, the more interested I am in getting to know him.
Devon: Hey. Did I miss something?
Tobias: Ashley, I told you I came back to get my tablet.
Ashley: Your tablet. I know.
Tobias: Yes.
Ashley: That's why the reason why you're here concerns me.
Tobias: The reason?
Ashley: Yeah. You're trying to put in a lot of extra hours to impress me, and I think there's something you need to know about this job. It's not the time you put it. It's actually the result of the effort you put in. Does that make sense?
Tobias: Absolutely. I'll see you in the morning -- regular time.
Ashley: Okay. See you then.
Tobias: Okay.
Ashley: [Sighs] Okay. Now where were we? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
Stitch: Ahh.
Ashley: No, no. You're not asleep. No, no. You have to get completely sober or you're gonna be too hung over for this meeting, and this meeting is too important. Come on. Wake up. Drink some more coffee.
Stitch: Oh, please, please. No more coffee, please.
Ashley: Come on.
Stitch: Come on. No.
Ashley: No more coffee?
Stitch: No, please.
Ashley: Okay.
Stitch: [Sighs]
Ashley: Well, then you leave me no choice. Take your clothes off.
Stitch: Huh?
Billy: To us.
Sage: We should go right now.
Adam: I'm not going anywhere.
Chelsea: If we keep this up, you know, we might get arrested.
Billy: You've never shied away from breaking the law.
Chelsea: Well, neither have you, but maybe it's time we started acting like responsible adults.
Billy: Mm. Do we have to?
Chelsea: Just as least till we get home.
Billy: What about Connor?
Chelsea: Connor is with my mom tonight.
Billy: Well, then, what are we doing here?
[Both laugh]
Chelsea: All right. I never thought that I could be this happy.
Billy: Life is good.
Chelsea: It's better than it's ever been.
Billy: Let's go home.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Neil: I'm glad you called.
Lily: I needed a break from work. How are you doing?
Neil: I'm -- I'm great. I am. I just met with Phyllis. Um, she's taking my old job.
Lily: Dad, I'm -- I'm really sorry. That must have been hard for you.
Neil: No, no. It's okay. I mean, it wasn't easy -- that's for sure -- but it is what it is. Hey, why don't we, uh -- why don't we go take a table?
Lily: Yeah, sure. You want to sit at the bar or --
Neil: No, not the bar.
Lily: Oh, wait! Hey!
Neil: "Hey," what?
Lily: Look who's here!
Devon: Hey. What are you guys doing here?
Neil: Devon?
Lily: Yeah.
Hilary: Um, Neil. Hey. I thought you had a meeting with Phyllis.
Neil: No, I did have a meeting with Phyllis. We finished that meeting. Uh, and, Hilary, what -- come here.
Hilary: [Chuckles]
Neil: [Smooches] What are you doing here?
Hilary: Um, I just -- I came to relax and grab a drink, and I ran in to Devon and his new friend Gwen.
Neil: Oh. Hi, Gwen.
Gwen: Hi, Neil. Nice to see you again.
Hilary: Yeah. We were just getting to know each other better.
Neil: So, uh, do you have room for two at your table, or...?
Lily: Devon?
Devon: Yeah. Do you mind?
Gwen: Not at all. I like your family. They're just as nice as you.
Billy: Is it giving you any ideas?
Chelsea: The tree?
Billy: Yeah. It's naked.
Chelsea: [Chuckles] Is that all you ever think about?
Billy: What can I say? My appetite for you is insatiable.
Chelsea: Uh, speaking of food...
Billy: I wasn't.
Chelsea: Well, I am. Okay. Don't laugh, but I was thinking tomorrow while you and Connor are unpacking the decorations and the lights for the tree, I'm gonna be baking.
Billy: Really?
Chelsea: Yeah! You know what they say -- if you can read a recipe, you can cook.
Billy: Well, just because you can read a recipe doesn't mean you have to cook. It's not an obligation.
Chelsea: Maybe it is a little corny. But I don't know. I was thinking about homemade cookies and egg nog and decorating the tree, maybe singing Christmas carols.
Billy: It is definitely not too corny. In fact, it's just the kind of thing that's been missing from my life -- a family Christmas.
Chelsea: It's karma, you know. You're feeling happiness right now because you gave someone happiness, like that family you gave our other tree to.
Billy: Well, I was glad to brighten somebody else's Christmas.
Chelsea: Who'd you give it to, anyway? Anybody I know?
Billy: Yeah. Uh, I gave the tree to Victoria.
Nikki: Well, little Katie is asleep like the angel that she is, and Johnny has informed me that he is not tired and he wants to read books by himself.
Victoria: Hmm. Great. Thanks, mom.
Nikki: Oh, it is a beautiful tree. I'm surprised you found time to go out and get one.
Victoria: No, I didn't. Billy brought it.
Nikki: Oh. That was nice.
Victoria: Well, yeah. You know, it's Katherine's first Christmas, so he wanted to make sure that we had one for her. He even stayed to help me decorate it.
Nikki: Did he?
Victoria: Why are you saying it like that?
Nikki: Like what?
Victoria: I don't know -- like that it was more than Billy just thinking of his new daughter.
Nikki: Was it?
Victoria: Mom [Sighs] It's been a year since we split up, and there's been a lot of hurt and anger, so it's just nice for one minute to share a little joy with our daughter, like a family.
Nikki: So, is that all it was -- just a minute?
Victoria: I don't know. I can't ask for more.
Nikki: Why not?
Victoria: I just can't.
Nikki: Is Billy gonna spend Christmas with you and the kids?
Victoria: I don't know. I'm sure he'll come by and bring presents for the kids. But Billy's got his own tree, and I'm sure he has his own holiday plans with Chelsea and Connor.
Nikki: What about you, sweetheart? What are your plans?
Victoria: [Sighs]
Ashley: Pants, too.
Stitch: [Sighs] Come on. Will you just take it easy? Why can't I just sleep this off?
Ashley: No! And have you miss this meeting? It's too important to me to have you blow it over a broken heart.
Stitch: You are cold-blooded.
Ashley: No, I'm not. I'm just practical. Somebody has to be. Now, are you gonna give me your pants or not?
Stitch: Mmm...not.
Ashley: Okay. Fine.
Stitch: Ohh! Ohh! Okay. That is -- that is freezing.
Ashley: It's okay. It's gonna warm up. I promise.
Stitch: Yeah?
Ashley: Yeah.
Stitch: Yeah, you're right.
Ashley: Aah! Oh, no! No!
Stitch: It's getting warmer already.
Amy: It'll be delivered to your house tonight, Mr. Abbott.
Jack: Thank you, Amy. Oh, and I'm sorry about that little run-in with Mr. Newman earlier.
Amy: Don't worry.
Phyllis: You and Victor still going at it? Some things never change.
Jack: Victor will never change. So, I don't want to talk about Victor. What do you think?
Phyllis: Wow.
Jack: "Wow," too tall, too short, too green, too --
Phyllis: Too green?
Jack: I don't know. Maybe you want some of that white stuff on it.
Phyllis: It's perfect.
Jack: What?
Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, I'm sure I can find something wrong with it if I stare at it long enough.
Jack: No, no, no. I like "perfect." I like that -- just a little unexpected.
Phyllis: Don't you get too used to a kinder, gentler me. I'm sure it'll only last for the holidays. But you're right -- the whole world looks good to me today.
Jack: You're right. The whole world does look good.
Phyllis: You getting mushy?
Jack: No. I'm gonna do this. Ready to go home?
Phyllis: Yeah. I'm ready.
Amy: Oh, I'm so sorry. That one's taken.
Kelly: [Chuckles softly] I know.
Billy: Are you upset that I gave the tree to Victoria? It's Katie's first Christmas, and I just wanted to celebrate that.
Chelsea: You -- you should. She's a huge part of your life. I'm glad you gave her her first tree.
Billy: Victoria gave me something, too. Um... ...Dee Dee made it.
Chelsea: Mm. It's beautiful, Billy. I'm sure this must mean a lot to you.
Billy: It's like having a little piece of her with me. Victoria and I put that on our tree last year, and I was hoping that we could --
Chelsea: Yeah, of course. We'll put it on our tree, this year and -- and every year.
Billy: Thank you for understanding and for helping me pick up the pieces of my screwed-up life.
Chelsea: Funny. I thought they were the pieces of my screwed-up life. I guess we were both a mess.
Billy: Not anymore.
Sage: What's wrong now? Oh, come on. We got a big one back at our house, cut from our own property. It's nicer than any of these trees.
Adam: The size of the tree doesn't matter. To me, it's who you share it with that matters.
Sage: All right, look -- you're gonna get what you want. You just have to be patient, okay? Come on. Let's get out of here. I'm freezing.
Victor: You're late.
Tobias: Had an unexpected run-in with my boss.
Victor: Uh-huh. She didn't suspect anything, did she?
Tobias: No -- just the opposite. Ashley thinks I'm completely dedicated to my work. She has no clue I'm working for you.
Victor: All right. Keep it that way. Did you find out anything?
Tobias: Not yet -- just invoices from France.
Victor: You know the arrangement.
Tobias: You want details about the top-secret product that Ashley's working on by new year's eve.
Victor: Don't let me down, son.
Victoria: I am gonna spend Christmas with the kids, and reed is planning to come sometime during the holiday.
Nikki: Good! Then we'll expect to see all of you out at the ranch for a big Newman celebration.
Victoria: Mom, as long as we have you and dad, the kids and I are gonna be okay.
Nikki: You know that we are always there for all of you. But just try not to close yourself off finding love.
Victoria: [Chuckles] I won't.
Nikki: Okay. I'm just gonna tiptoe up and see the baby again. I just can't stop looking at her!
Victoria: Thanks, Mom. Okay.
Victoria: Hey. Ben, it's me. I got your message. Um, I guess we just keep missing each other, but I really want to talk to you. I have something to tell you.
Ashley: What are you doing?
Stitch: You said you wanted to help sober me up, didn't you?
Ashley: This isn't exactly what I had in mind.
Stitch: Me, neither, but it's working.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Summer: Mom, you know how much you mean to me.
Phyllis: Really? Then is that the reason you gave up on me?
Kevin: I am tired of watching you lie to Lauren, so you can tell her or I will.
Jack: I'm sorry, stitch. You're fired.
Both: No!
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